Reading Groups Collection Multiple-Copy Titles Available for Loan Master list revised August 2014

Susan ABULHAWA - Mornings in Jenin Palestine, 1948. A mother clutches her six-month-old son as Israeli soldiers march through the village of Ein Hod. In a split second, her son is snatched from her arms and the fate of the Abulheja family is changed forever. Forced into a refugee camp in Jenin , the family struggles to rebuild their world. Their stories unfold through the eyes of the youngest sibling, Amal, the daughter born in the camp who will eventually find herself alone in the United States; the eldest son who loses everything in the struggle for freedom; the stolen son who grows up as an Israeli, becoming an enemy soldier to his own brother. Mornings in Jenin is a devastating novel of love and loss, war and oppression, and heartbreak and hope, spanning five countries and four generations of one of the most intractable conflicts of our lifetime. (2011, 352 pages)

Chimamanda ADICHIE – Half a Yellow Sun This is a heartbreaking, literary masterpiece. set in Nigeria during the 1960s, at the time of a vicious civil war in which a million people died and thousands were massacred in cold blood. The three main characters in the novel are swept up in the violence during these turbulent years. As these people's lives intersect, they have to question their own responses to the unfolding political events. This extraordinary novel is about Africa in a wider sense: about moral responsibility, about the end of colonialism, about ethnic allegiances, about class and race; and about the ways in which love can complicate all of these things. (2007, 448 pages)

Chimamanda ADICHIE – Purple Hibiscus A haunting tale of an Africa and an adolescence undergoing tremendous changes. The limits of fifteen-year-old Kambili's world are defined by the high walls of her family estate and the dictates of her repressive and fanatically religious father. Her life is regulated by schedules: prayer, sleep, study, and more prayer. When Nigeria begins to fall apart during a military coup, Kambili's father, involved mysteriously in the political crisis, sends Kambili and her brother away to live with their aunt. In this house, full of energy and laughter, she discovers life and love – and a terrible, bruising secret deep within her family. (2003, 307 pages)

Aravind ADIGA – The White Tiger Balram Halwai, the 'White Tiger': servant, philosopher, entrepreneur and murderer, is born in a back- water village on the River Ganges, the son of a rickshaw-puller. He works in a teashop, crushing coal and wiping tables, but nurses a dream of escape. When he learns that a rich village landlord needs a chauffeur, he takes his opportunity, and is soon on his way to Delhi behind the wheel of a Honda. Amid the cockroaches and call-centres, the 36,000,004 gods, the slums, the shopping malls, and the crippling traffic jams, Balram learns of a new morality at the heart of a new India. (2008, 336 pages)

Jose Eduardo AGUALUSA – The Book of Chameleons Set in contemporary Angola, The Book of Chameleons is populated with characters whose stories never quite settle...It is some pages in before you realise that the narrator - rather charming, witty as he is - a lizard, living on Felix Ventura's living room wall. Felix trades in an usual commodity - he sells pasts. If you don't like yours, he can come up with an entirely new one for you, full of better memories and with a complete lineage. This is a book about the landscape of memory, its inconsistencies and its randomness. (2006, 256 pages)

Mitch ALBOM – Tuesdays with Morrie (Non-Fiction) Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher or a colleague; someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, and gave you sound advice. For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly 20 years ago. Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you? Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying

1 Morrie visited Mitch in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final "class": lessons in how to live. (2003, 212 pages)

Louisa May ALCOTT – Little Women Christmas won't be the same this year for Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, as their father is away fighting in the Civil War, and the family has fallen on hard times. But thought they may be poor, life for the four March sisters is rich with colour, as they play games, put on wild theatricals, make new friends, argue, grapple with their vices, learn from their mistakes, nurse each other through sickness and disappointments, and get into all sorts of trouble. (2012, [1868], 432 pages)

Kitty ALDRIDGE – Cryers Hill In July 1934, Walter Brown went alone to the woodland pond. He saw his girl swimming there. She turned over like an otter and dived down. She did not come up again. In July 1969, Sean Matthews finds himself in the very same woodland, where he witnesses an event he later cannot bear to remember. Both have each seen something they shouldn't… (2007, 352 pages)

Kitty ALDRIDGE – A trick I learned from dead men The narrator of the book is twenty-something Lee Hart. He's not the sharpest tool in the box, but his life has been tough; his father left when he was young and his mother has recently died of cancer leaving him, his step-father a sofa-bound television make-over show addict and his deaf and wayward younger brother, Ned, to fend for themselves. Lee lands a job as a trainee at the local funeral home helping Derek prepare the dead for burial or cremation. Far from being a dead end job though, it is here that he learns, ironically, about life, and love in the form of the delivery girl from the local florists. (2013, 224 pages)

Monica ALI – Brick Lane (2 sets) Still in her teenage years, Nazneen finds herself in an arranged marriage with a disappointed man who is twenty years older. Away from the mud and heat of her Bangladeshi village, home is now a cramped flat in a high-rise block in 's East End. Nazneen is forced to depend on her husband, but unlike him she is practical and wise. She keeps in touch with her sister Hasina back in the village, but the rebellious Hasina has kicked against cultural tradition and run off in a 'love marriage' with the man of her dreams. When he suddenly turns violent, she is forced into the degrading job of garment girl in a cloth factory. Confined in her flat by tradition and family duty, Nazneen also sews furiously for a living until the radical Karim steps unexpectedly into her life. On a background of racial conflict and tension, they embark on a love affair that forces Nazneen finally to take control of her fate. (2003, 491pages)

Clare ALLAN – Poppy Shakespeare The routine at the Dorothy Fish day hospital has been much the same for as long as anyone can remember. Contentedly institutionalised patients do whatever is necessary to avoid being discharged. Their strategies have proved successful, but change is in the air. One morning, obsessive-compulsive Brian the Butcher returns late for the break in his hand-washing sessions. He bursts through the door into the common room to announce that Manic Pollyanna has been discharged. Much consternation ensues as a) there’s no way she was ready to leave and b) her place is filled not, as expected, by Paolo, who’s been waiting on the next floor up for years, but by a new patient, the eponymous Poppy Shakespeare. But Poppy, as she keeps telling everyone, isn’t mad… (2006, 352 pages)

Isabel ALLENDE – House of the Spirits (2 sets) Spanning four generations, Isabel Allende's magnificent family saga is populated by a memorable, often eccentric cast of characters. Together, men and women, spirits, the forces of nature, and of history, converge in an unforgettable, wholly absorbing and brilliantly realised novel that is as richly entertaining as it is a masterpiece of modern literature. (1982, 490 pages)

2 Anita AMIRREZVANI – The Blood of Flowers (2 sets) The Blood of Flowers envelops you in 17th-century Iran. This is an unforgettable novel of love and friendship, dishonour and deceit. The sudden death of her beloved father forces our heroine and her mother to move to Isfahan. Taken in by relatives, they become caught up in a world of competing loyalties, uncertain friendships and the lure of wealth. The girl has a remarkable ability to weave magical carpets, a natural talent that gets her noticed by the city's finest carpet-maker. But her new life unravels after one disastrous decision leads to disgrace. The vivid descriptions of Isfahan make the city leap off the page. The heroine’s journey from country-girl innocent to streetwise carpet-maker is breathtakingly painful and uplifting in equal measure. (2007, 384 pages)

Tahmina ANAM – A Golden Age A Golden Age is the story of Rehana, a widow, and how she seeks to protect her children during the Bangladeshi War of Independence in 1971. Her student children want to become active in the war and Rehana reluctantly adds her support. But soon she is pulled more and more into supporting her adopted land of Bangladesh. The war is brutal and is graphically described and the narrative is gripping. The relationships between Rehana and her children, the Major and her neighbours are all very well drawn and perceptive. Rehana is forced to make some hard choices – but having once lost her children in a custody battle she is determined to do anything within her capability to keep her son and daughter safe. (2007, 288 pages)

Maya ANGELOU – I Know why the Caged Bird Sings (Biography) Maya Angelou's six volumes of autobiography are a testament to the talents and resilience of this extraordinary writer. Loving the world, she also knows its cruelty. As a Black woman she has known discrimination and extreme poverty, but also hope, joy, achievement and celebration. In this first volume, Maya Angelou beautifully evokes her childhood with her grandmother in the American south of the 1930s. She learns the power of the white folks at the other end of town and suffers the terrible trauma of rape by her mother's lover. 'I write about being a Black American woman, however, I am always talking about what it's like to be a human being. This is how we are, what makes us laugh, and this is how we fall and how we somehow, amazingly, stand up again'. (1969, 281 pages)

Gaynor ARNOLD – After such kindness When the writer, Oxford scholar and photographer John Jameson visits the home of his vicar friend, he is entranced by Daisy, his youngest daughter. Jameson charms her with his wit and child-like imagination, teasing her with riddles and inventing humorous stories as they enjoy afternoons alone by the river and in his rooms. The shocking impact of this unusual friendship is only brought to light when, years later, Daisy, unsettled in her marriage, rediscovers her childhood diaries hidden in an old toy chest. Inspired by the tender and troubling friendship between Lewis Carroll and Alice Liddell, After Such Kindness demonstrates Gaynor Arnold's extraordinary 'capacity to imagine the truth behind the facts'. (2013, 384 pages)

Gaynor, ARNOLD – Girl in a blue dress Beloved writer Alfred Gibson's funeral is taking place at Westminster Abbey, and Dorothea, his wife of twenty years has not been invited. Gibson's will favours his many children and secret mistress over Dorothea - who was sent away from the family home when their youngest was still an infant. Dorothea hasn't left her apartment for years, but when she receives a surprise invitation to a private audience with Queen Victoria, she is shocked to find she has much in common with Her Highness. With renewed confidence Dorothea is spurred to examine her past and confront not only her family but the pretty young actress Miss Ricketts. (2011, 448 pages)

3 Kate ATKINSON – Behind the Scenes at the Museum Ruby Lennox was conceived grudgingly by and born while her father, George, was in the Dog and Hare in Doncaster telling a woman in an emerald dress and a D-cup that he wasn't married. Bunty had never wanted to marry George, but here she was, stuck in a flat above the pet shop in an ancient street beneath York Minster, with sensible and sardonic Patrica aged five, greedy cross- patch Gillian who refused to be ignored, and Ruby...Ruby tells the story of The Family, from the day at the end of the nineteenth century when a travelling French photographer catches frail beautiful Alice and her children, like flowers in amber, to the startling, witty, and memorable events of Ruby's own life. (1998, 496 pages)

Kate ATKINSON – Case Histories (2 sets) Cambridge is sweltering, during an unusually hot summer. To Jackson Brodie, former police inspector turned private investigator, the world consists of one accounting sheet – Lost on the left, Found on the right – and the two never seem to balance. Jackson has never felt at home in Cambridge, and has a failed marriage to prove it. He is forty-five but feels much, much older. He is at that dangerous age when men suddenly notice that they're going to die eventually, inevitably, and there isn't a damn thing they can do about it. Surrounded by death, intrigue and misfortune, his own life is brought sharply into focus. Ingeniously plotted, full of suspense and heartbreak, Case Histories is a feat of bravura storytelling that conveys the mysteries of life, its inanities and its hilarities. It is a life-affirming work of profound insight and intelligence. (2004, 399 pages)

Kate ATKINSON – One good turn It is the Edinburgh Festival. People queuing for a lunchtime show witness a road-rage incident - an incident which changes the lives of everyone involved. Jackson Brodie, ex-army, ex-police, ex-private detective, is also an innocent bystander - until he becomes a suspect. (2006, 544 pages)

Kate ATKINSON – Started Early, Took My Dog A day like any other for security chief Tracy Waterhouse, until she makes a shocking impulse purchase. That one moment of madness is all it takes for Tracy's humdrum world to be turned upside down, the tedium of everyday life replaced by fear and danger at every turn. Witnesses to Tracy's outrageous exchange in the Merrion Centre in Leeds are Tilly, an elderly actress teetering on the brink of her own disaster, and Jackson Brodie who has returned to his home county in search of someone else's roots. All three characters learn that the past is never history and that no good deed goes unpunished. (2010, 350 pages)

Kate ATKINSON – When Will There Be Good News? (2 sets) In rural Devon, six-year-old Joanna Mason witnesses an appalling crime. Thirty years later the man convicted of the crime is released from prison. In Edinburgh, sixteen-year-old Reggie works as a nanny for a G.P. But Dr. Hunter has gone missing and Reggie seems to be the only person who is worried. Across town, Detective Chief Inspector Louise Monroe is also looking for a missing person, unaware that hurtling towards her is an old friend – Jackson Brodie – himself on a journey that becomes fatally interrupted. Characters, plots and storylines are cleverly intertwined and interdependent; it's funny; sweet; shocking and even brutal in places, but it is a definite must read! (2008, 399 pages)

Jami ATTENBERG – The Middlesteins Edie and Richard have been married for over thirty years, living in the Chicago suburbs. Everyone who knew them - even their own children Robin and Benny - agreed that Edie was a tough woman to love, but no one expected Richard to walk out on her, especially not in her condition. Edie is fifty-nine years old, she weighs 300 pounds, and her doctors have told her she'll die if she doesn't stop eating. As Richard is shut out by the family and seeks solace in the world of internet dating, Robin is dragged back from the city and forced to rebuild a relationship with her mother. Meanwhile Benny and his neurotic wife Rachelle try to take control of the situation. But have any of them stopped to think about whether Edie really wants to be saved? The Middlesteins explores the hopes and heartbreaks of new and old love, the yearnings of Midwestern America, and our devastating, fascinating preoccupation with food. (2013, 288 pages)

4 James ATTLEE – Isolarion: a different Oxford Journey (Non-Fiction) A thoughtful, streetwise, and personal account of his own pilgrimage to a place he thought he already knew - the Cowley Road in Oxford, right outside his door – Isolarion takes its title from a type of fifteenth-century map that isolates an area in order to present it in detail, and that's what Attlee, sharp-eyed and armed with tape recorder and notebook, provides for Cowley Road. The former site of a leper hospital, a workhouse, and a medieval well said to have miraculous healing powers, Cowley Road has little to do with the dreaming spires of the tourist's or student's Oxford. What Attlee presents instead is a thoroughly modern, impressively cosmopolitan, and utterly organic collection of shops, restaurants, pubs, and religious establishments teeming with life and reflecting the multicultural makeup of the surrounding neighbourhood. (2008, 400 pages)

Margaret ATWOOD – The Blind Assassin (2 sets) At the end of her life, Iris Griffen takes up her pen to record the secret history of her family, the romantic melodrama of its decline and fall between the two World Wars. Conjuring a world of prosperity and misery, marriage and loneliness, the central enigma of Iris's tale is the death of her sister, Laura Chase, who "drove a car off a bridge" at the end of the Second World War. Suicide or accident? The story gradually unfolds, interspersed with sketches of Iris's present-day life, confined by age and ill health. The different strands running through the book come together in an ingenious and shocking way, in inimitable Atwood style. (2000, 544 pages)

Margaret ATWOOD – The Handmaid’s Tale The Republic of Gilead offers Offred only one function: to breed. If she deviates, she will, like dissenters, be hanged at the wall or sent out to die slowly of radiation sickness. But even a repressive state cannot obliterate desire - neither Offred's nor that of the two men on which her future hangs... (1996, 324 pages)

Margaret ATWOOD – Oryx and Crake The question behind Oryx and Crake is ‘What if we continue down the road we are already on?’ The answer is plague, human extinction and the rise of a strange new genetically modified species of beautiful innocents. The story is told through the twisted psyche of survivor Snowman (formerly known as Jimmy). Crake was his best friend and Oryx the woman he adored but as far as Snowman knows, they are now dead like everyone else. What happened is told in flashbacks. A chilling and imaginative tale. (2003, 436 pages)

Margaret ATWOOD – The Penelopiad In Homer's Odyssey, Penelope – wife of Odysseus and cousin of the beautiful Helen of Troy – is portrayed as the quintessential faithful wife. Left alone for twenty years when Odysseus goes off to fight in the Trojan Wars, Penelope manages to maintain the kingdom of Ithaca, bring up her wayward son, and keep over a hundred suitors at bay. When Odysseus finally comes home after enduring hardships, overcoming monsters and sleeping with goddesses, he kills her suitors and – curiously – twelve of her maids. In a splendid contemporary twist to the ancient story, Margaret Atwood gives the story to Penelope and to her twelve hanged maids, asking: 'What led to the hanging of the maids, and what was Penelope really up to?' With wit and verve, she gives Penelope new life and reality – and sets out to provide an answer to an ancient mystery. (2005, 224 pages)

Margaret ATWOOD – The Robber Bride Zenia is beautiful, smart and greedy, by turns manipulative and vulnerable, needy and ruthless; a man's dream and a woman’s nightmare. She is also dead. Just to make sure Tony, Roz and Charis are there for the funeral. But five years on, as the three women share an indulgent, sisterly lunch, the unthinkable happens; 'with waves of ill will flowing out of her like cosmic radiation', Zenia is back... (1994, 576 pages)

5 Margaret ATWOOD – The Year of the Flood The times and species have been changing at a rapid rate, and the social compact is wearing as thin as environmental stability. Adam One, the kindly leader of the God's Gardeners--a religion devoted to the melding of science and religion, as well as the preservation of all plant and animal life--has long predicted a natural disaster that will alter Earth as we know it. Now it has occurred, obliterating most human life. Two women have survived: Ren, a young trapeze dancer locked inside the high-end sex club Scales and Tails, and Toby, a God's Gardener barricaded inside a luxurious spa where many of the treatments are edible. Meanwhile, gene-spliced life forms are proliferating: the lion/lamb blends, the Mo'hair sheep with human hair, and the pigs with human brain tissue. As Adam One and his intrepid hemp-clad band make their way through this strange new world, Ren and Toby will have to decide on their next move. They can't stay locked away . . . A follow-up to Oryx and Crake, this can also be read as a stand-alone novel. (2009, 528 pages)

Jane AUSTEN – Emma Beautiful, clever, rich – and single – Emma Woodhouse is perfectly content with her life and sees no need for either love or marriage. Nothing, however, delights her more than interfering in the romantic lives of others. But when she ignores the warnings of her good friend Mr Knightley and attempts to arrange a suitable match for her protégée Harriet Smith, her carefully laid plans soon unravel and have consequences that she never expected. With its imperfect but charming heroine and its witty and subtle exploration of relationships, Emma is often seen as Jane Austen's most flawless work. Jane Austen said of Emma that “I am going to take a heroine whom no one but myself will much like.” yet by the end of the book we have fallen under her charm. (1815, 464 pages)

Jane AUSTEN – Mansfield Park Taken from the poverty of her parents' home in Portsmouth, Fanny Price is brought up with her rich cousins at Mansfield Park, acutely aware of her humble rank and with her cousin Edmund as her sole ally. During her uncle's absence in Antigua, the Crawford's arrive in the neighbourhood bringing with them the glamour of London life and a reckless taste for flirtation. Mansfield Park is considered Jane Austen's first mature work and, with its quiet heroine and subtle examination of social position and moral integrity, one of her most profound. (1814, 480 pages)

Jane AUSTEN – Persuasion At twenty-seven, Anne Elliot is no longer young and has few romantic prospects. Eight years earlier, she had been persuaded by her friend Lady Russell to break off her engagement to Frederick Wentworth, a handsome naval captain with neither fortune nor rank. What happens when they encounter each other again is movingly told in Jane Austen's last completed novel. Set in the fashionable societies of Lyme Regis and Bath, Persuasion is a brilliant satire of vanity and pretension, but, above all, it is a love story tinged with the heartache of missed opportunities. (1816, 400 pages)

Jane AUSTEN – Pride & Prejudice When Elizabeth Bennet first meets eligible bachelor Fitzwilliam Darcy, she thinks him arrogant and conceited; he is indifferent to her good looks and lively mind. When she later discovers that Darcy has involved himself in the troubled relationship between his friend Bingley and her beloved sister Jane, she is determined to dislike him more than ever. In the sparkling comedy of manners that follows, Jane Austen shows the folly of judging by first impressions and superbly evokes the friendships, gossip and snobberies of provincial middle-class life. (1813, 480 pages)

Trezza AZZOPARDI – Remember Me Memory, suffering and loss are the themes of this book, an elegant and engaging study of one woman's anguish and torment. Narrated in the first person by the seventy-two-year old Winifred – homeless and abused time after time by those she's trusted – she is content to sit on park benches watching the world go by, or read the "free sheets" for furniture she can't afford to buy. She would rather not recall the past, but after a young girl robs her of her suitcase and wig – her only material possessions – she is propelled out of her exile, and forced on a journey to find the thief. As Winifred pieces together her life, she realizes that she is not only searching for a thief, but she is searching for a life that was lived, and irretrievably lost. (2004, 224 pages)


Catherine BAILEY – Black Diamonds (Non-Fiction) Wentworth is in Yorkshire and was surrounded by 70 collieries employing tens of thousands of men. It is the finest and largest Georgian house in Britain and belonged to the Fitzwilliam family. It is England's forgotten palace which belonged to Britain's richest aristocrats. "Black Diamonds" tells the story of its demise: family feuds, forbidden love, class war, and a tragic and violent death played their part. But coal, one of the most emotive issues in twentieth century British politics, lies at its heart. This is the extraordinary story of how the fabric of English society shifted beyond recognition in fifty turbulent years in the twentieth century. (2007, 568 pages)

Beryl BAINBRIDGE – An Awfully Big Adventure It is 1950 and the Liverpool repertory theatre company is rehearsing its Christmas production of Peter Pan, a story of childhood innocence and loss. Stella has been taken on as assistant stage manager and quickly becomes obsessed with Meredith, the dissolute director. But it is only when the celebrated O'Hara arrives to take the lead that a different drama unfolds. In it, he and Stella are bound together in a past that neither dares to interpret. (1996, 208 pages)

Beryl BAINBRIDGE – Birthday Boys This extraordinary account of Captain Scott's tragically ill-fated expedition to the Antarctic, achieves the apparently impossible: Beryl Bainbridge's powers of expression and ability to evoke an emotion or perception with almost tangible force are displayed to a hitherto unseen degree. Deploying her extraordinary imagination to the task of recreating the inner lives and outer trials of Scott and his team, Bainbridge gives us a study in the nature and of charisma and in the place of duty and aspiration in all our lives. (1991, 192 pages)

Beryl BAINBRIDGE – Bottle Factory Outing Freda and Brenda spend their days working in an Italian-run wine-bottling factory. A work outing offers promise for Freda and terror from Brenda; passions run high on that chilly day of freedom, and life after the outing never returns to normal. Beryl Bainbridge will dazzle readers in this offbeat, haunting yet hilarious novel. (1974, 208 pages)

Lisa BALLANTYNE – The guilty one Daniel Hunter has spent years defending lost causes as a solicitor in London, but his life changes when he is introduced to Sebastian, an eleven-year-old accused of murdering an innocent young boy. As he plunges into the muddy depths of Sebastian's troubled home life, Daniel thinks back to his own childhood in foster care - and to Minnie, the woman whose love saved him until she betrayed him so badly that he cut her out of his life. But what crime did Minnie commit that made Daniel disregard her for fifteen years? And will Daniel's identification with a child on trial for murder make him question everything he ever believed in? (2012, 456 pages)

Iain BANKS – The Wasp Factory Frank, no ordinary sixteen-year-old, lives with his father outside a remote Scottish village. Their life is, to say the least, unconventional. Frank's mother abandoned them years ago: his elder brother Eric is confined to a psychiatric hospital; and his father measures out his eccentricities on an imperial scale. Frank has turned to strange acts of violence to vent his frustrations. In the bizarre daily rituals there is some solace. But when news comes of Eric's escape from the hospital Frank has to prepare the ground for his brother's inevitable return – an event that explodes the mysteries of the past and changes Frank utterly. Iain Banks' celebrated first novel is a work of extraordinary originality, imagination and horrifying compulsion: horrifying, because it enters a mind whose realities are not our own, whose values of life and death are alien to our society; and compulsive, because the humour and compassion of that mind reach out to us all. (1984, 244 pages)

Iain M BANKS – The Player of Games The Culture - a human/machine symbiotic society - has thrown up many great Game Players, and one of the greatest is Gurgeh. Jernau Morat Gurgeh. The Player of Games. Master of every board, computer and strategy. Bored with success, Gurgeh travels to the Empire of Azad, cruel and incredibly wealthy, to try their fabulous game ...a game so complex, so like life itself, that the winner

7 becomes emperor. Mocked, blackmailed, almost murdered, Gurgeh accepts the game, and with it the challenge of his life - and very possibly his death. (2005, 320 pages)

John BANVILLE – The Sea When art historian, Max Morden returns to the seaside village where he once spent a childhood holiday, he is both escaping from a recent loss and confronting a distant trauma. The Grace family had appeared that long-ago summer as if from another world. Mr. and Mrs. Grace, with their worldly ease and candour, were unlike any adults he had met before. But it was his contemporaries, the Grace twins, Myles and Chloe, who most fascinated Max. He grew to know them intricately, even intimately, and what ensued would haunt him for the rest of his years and shape everything that was to follow. (2005, 263 pages)

Ros BARBER – The Marlowe papers On May 30th, 1593, a celebrated young playwright was killed in a tavern brawl in London. That, at least, was the official version. Now Christopher Marlowe reveals the truth: that his 'death' was an elaborate ruse to avoid being convicted of heresy; that he was spirited across the Channel to live on in lonely exile; that he continued to write plays and poetry, hiding behind the name of a colourless man from Stratford - one William Shakespeare. With the grip of a thriller and the emotional force of a sonnet, this remarkable novel in verse gives voice to a man who was brilliant, passionate and mercurial. A cobbler's son who counted nobles among his friends, a spy in the Queen's service, a fickle lover and a declared religious sceptic, he was always courting trouble. (2013, 464 pages)

Muriel BARBERY – The Elegance of the Hedgehog (2 sets) An enchanting "New York Times" and international bestseller about life, art, literature, philosophy, culture, class, privilege, and power, seen through the eyes of a 54-year old French concierge and a precocious but troubled 12-year-old girl; a moving, funny, triumphant novel that exalts the quiet victories of the inconspicuous among us. (2008, 320 pages)

Joan BARFOOT – Getting Over Edgar Seven weeks before his death, Edgar walks out on Gwen and their long-standing marriage. In his search for excitement, he has taken to driving a brand-new cherry red convertible. But it is not adventure that sweeps Edgar away when his beloved car becomes stuck on a level crossing: it’s the 8.20 eastbound train… So begins Gwen’s own transformation in this witty exploration of human relationships. (1999, 270 pages)

Pat BARKER – Border Crossing (2 sets) When Tom Seymour, a child psychologist, plunges into a river to save a young man from drowning, he unwittingly reopens a chapter from his past he'd hoped to forget. For Tom already knows Danny Miller. When Danny was ten Tom helped imprison him for the killing of an old woman. Now out of prison with a new identity, Danny has some questions. Reluctantly, Tom is drawn back into Danny's world – a place where the border between good and evil, innocence and guilt are often blurred. (2001, 288 pages)

Pat BARKER – Regeneration The book is set in Craiglockhart War Hospital, Scotland, 1917, and army psychiatrist William Rivers is treating shell-shocked soldiers. Under his care are the poets Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen, as well as mute Billy Prior, who is only able to communicate by means of pencil and paper. Rivers' job is to make the men in his charge healthy enough to fight yet the closer he gets to mending his patients' minds the harder becomes every decision to send them back to the horrors of the front. Pat Barker's Regeneration is the classic exploration of how the traumas of war brutalised a generation of young men. (2008, 256 pages)

Pat BARKER – Toby’s room Elinor and her brother, Toby, are part of a very conventional family who keep things hidden from one another and from whom secrets must be kept, and Elinor and Toby have a very particular secret that must remain hidden. When Elinor receives notification that Toby, who has gone off to war as a

8 Medical Officer, is 'Missing, Believed Killed' she finds it very difficult to accept that he is dead and she struggles to come to terms with the fact that she will never see him again. But Toby's death was not a straightforward ending on the battlefield, there is yet more mystery and secrecy surrounding his demise and Elinor needs to find the truth before she can accept his death and begin the grieving process. (2013, 272 pages)

Julian BARNES – Sense of an ending Tony Webster and his clique first met Adrian Finn at school. Sex-hungry and book-hungry, they would navigate the girl-less sixth form together, trading in affectations, in-jokes, rumour and wit. Maybe Adrian was a little more serious than the others, certainly more intelligent, but they all swore to stay friends for life. Now Tony is retired; he's had a career and a single marriage, a calm divorce, he's certainly never tried to hurt anybody. Memory, though, is imperfect. It can always throw up surprises, as a lawyer's letter is about to prove. (2012, 160 pages)

Andrea BARRETT – The Voyage of the Narwhal (11 copies) We meet the Narwhal's commander – obsessed with the search for an open polar sea – and encounter the far-north culture of the Esquimaux. The descriptions of the Arctic are chilling – it has everything, travel, personalities, multiple love themes and history. Descriptions of ice-bound life on board ship, Eskimo encounters & failed sea voyages are all there. (1998, 400 pages)

Sebastian BARRY – The Secret Scripture Nearing her one-hundredth birthday, Roseanne McNulty faces an uncertain future, as the Roscommon Regional Mental hospital where she's spent the best part of her adult life prepares for closure. Over the weeks leading up to this upheaval, she talks often with her psychiatrist Dr. Grene, and their relationship intensifies and complicates. Told through their respective journals, the story that emerges is at once shocking and deeply beautiful. Refracted through the haze of memory and retelling, Roseanne's story becomes an alternative, secret history of Ireland's changing character and the story of a life blighted by terrible mistreatment and ignorance, and yet marked still by love and passion and hope. (2006, 320 pages)

Halima BASHIR – Tears of the Desert (Biography) (2 sets) Halima Bashir was born into the remote western deserts of Sudan. She grew up in a wonderfully rich environment and later went on to study medicine. At the age of twenty-four she returned to her tribe and began practising as their first ever qualified doctor. But then a dark cloud descended upon her people...Janjaweed Arab militias began savagely assaulting her people. At first, Halima tried not to get involved. But in January 2004 they attacked people in her village. Halima treated the traumatised victims and was sickened by what she saw. She decided to speak out in a Sudanese newspaper and to the UN charities. Then the secret police came for her. For days Halima was interrogated and subjected to unspeakable torture. She finally escaped but the nightmare just seemed to follow her...This inspiring story tells of one woman's determination to survive and her passion to defend her people. (2009, 384 pages)

Priya BASIL – Strangers on the 16.02 (Quick Reads) It's a hot, crowded train. Helen Summers is on her way to see her sister Jill to tell her an awful secret. Another passenger, Kerm, is on his way back from his grandfather's funeral. They are strangers, jammed against each other in a crowded carriage. Noisy school kids fill the train - and three of them are about to cause a whole heap of trouble. In the chaos, Helen and Kerm are thrown together in a way they never expected. (2011, 112 pages)

Laura BEATTY – Pollard To fifteen-year-old Anne, the woods that lie beyond her house are a temporary refuge from her noisy, chaotic family, until one day she gathers her courage and steps into the woods, never to return. Slowly, she makes a new life for herself, learning to forage and to hunt, to build a house from the bounty of the woods and to listen to the voices of the trees. As she endures her first, terrible winter she develops the strength of character that will carry her through the dangers of her unconventional life and the bitter beauty of falling in love, but as the outside world encroaches on her secret existence Anne faces a terrible tragedy. (2008, 320 pages)


Aimee BENDER – The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake On the eve of her ninth birthday, Rose Edelstein bites into her mother's homemade lemon-chocolate cake and discovers she has a magical gift: she can taste her mother's emotions in the slice. All at once her cheerful, can-do mother tastes of despair and desperation. Suddenly, and for the rest of her life, food becomes perilous. Anything can be revealed at any meal. Rose's gift forces her to confront the truth behind her family's emotions - her mother's sadness, her father's detachment and her brother's clash with the world. But as Rose grows up, she learns that there are some secrets even her taste buds cannot discern. The Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake is about the pain of loving those whom you know too much about, and the secrets that exist within every family. At once profound, funny, wise and sad, this is a novel to savour. (2011, 336 pages)

David BENIOFF – City of Thieves Four months into the siege of Leningrad, the city is starving. Seventeen-year-old Lev fears for his life when he is arrested for looting the body of a dead German paratrooper, while his charismatic cellmate, Kolya, a handsome young soldier arrested for desertion, seems bizarrely unafraid. Dawn brings, instead of an execution squad, an impossible challenge. Lev and Kolya can find a dozen eggs for an NKVD colonel to use for his daughter's wedding cake, and live. Or fail, and die. In the depths of the coldest winter in history, through a city cut off from all supplies and suffering appalling deprivation, man and boy embark on an absurd hunt. Their search will take them through desolate, lawless Leningrad and the devastated countryside surrounding it, in the captivating journey of two men trying to survive against desperate odds. (2008, 400 pages)

Alan BENNETT – A Life Like Other People’s (Biography) (2 sets) A poignant family memoir offering a portrait of his parents' marriage and recalling his Leeds childhood, Christmases with Grandma Peel, and the lives, loves and deaths of his unforgettable aunties Kathleen and Myra. Bennett's powerful account of his mother's descent into depression and later dementia comes hand in hand with the uncovering of a long-held tragic secret. This is a heartrending and at times irresistibly funny work of autobiography by one of the best-loved English writers alive today. (2009, 256 pages)

Alan BENNETT – The Uncommon Reader (2 sets) Features none other than HM the Queen who drifts accidentally into reading when her corgis stray into a mobile library parked at Buckingham Palace. Her reading naturally changes her world view and her relationship with people like the oleaginous prime minister and his repellent advisers. The consequence is surprising, mildly shocking and funny. (2009, 128 pages)

John BERENDT – Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil (Non-Fiction) Genteel society ladies who compare notes on their husbands' suicides,a hilariously foul-mouthed black drag queen,a voodoo priestess who works her roots in the graveyard at midnight, a morose inventor who owns a bottle of poison powerful enough to kill everyone in town,a prominent antiques dealer who hangs a Nazi flag from his window to disrupt the shooting of a movie, and a redneck gigolo whose conquests describe him as a 'walking streak of sex'. These are some of the real residents of Savannah, Georgia, a city whose eccentric mores are unerringly observed – and whose dirty linen is gleefully aired in this utterly irresistible book. It is both a true-crime murder story and a hugely entertaining and deliciously perverse travelogue. (1994, 388 pages)

Suzanne BERNE – A Crime in the Neighborhood In the long hot summer of 1972, three events shattered the serenity of ten-year-old Marsha’s life: her father ran away with her mother’s sister Ada; Boyd Ellison, a young boy, was molested and murdered; and Watergate made the headlines; a gripping first novel which won the Orange Prize for Fiction in 2000. (1997, 256 pages)

10 Anne BERRY – The adoption (10 copies) Growing up as the only child of strict, God-fearing parents, Lucilla has always felt her difference. But it is not till adulthood that she discovers the real reasons behind her adopted mother's often violent indifference. As for Harriet, she would have readily sent her longed for baby back if she could, having discovered she falls all too short of her expectations. And then there is Bethan, a young girl in 1940s Wales, whose only mistake is falling in love with the wrong man... (2012, 390 pages)

Steve BERRY – The Charlemagne Pursuit Ex-agent Cotton Malone wants to know what really happened to his father, officially lost at sea when his submarine went down in the north Atlantic in 1971. But when he uses his government contacts to obtain the submarine's sealed file, he finds he is not the only person looking for answers. (2009, 544 pages)

Mark BILLINGHAM – Sleepyhead It's rare for a young woman to die from a stroke and when three such deaths occur in short order it starts to look like an epidemic. Then a sharp pathologist notices traces of benzodiazepine in one of the victim's blood samples and just traceable damage to the ligaments in her neck, and their cause of death is changed from 'natural' to murder. The police aren't making much progress in their hunt for the killer until he appears to make a mistake: Alison Willetts is found alive and D.I. Tom Thorne believes the murderer has made a mistake, which ought to allow them to get on his tracks. But it was the others who were his mistakes: he doesn't want to take life, he just wants to put people into a state where they cannot move, cannot talk, cannot do anything but think. When Thorne, starts to realise what he is up against he knows the case is not going to be solved by normal methods – before he can find out who did it he has to understand why. (2002, 416 pages)

Malorie BLACKMAN – Noughts and crosses Sephy is a Cross – a member of the dark-skinned ruling class. Callum is a nought – a ‘colourless’ member of the underclass who were once slaves to the Crosses. The two have been friends since early childhood. But that’s as far as it can go until the first steps are taken towards more social equality and a limited number of Noughts are allowed into Cross schools… Against a background of prejudice and distrust, intensely highlighted by violent terrorist activity by Noughts, a romance builds between Sephy and Callum – a romance that is to lead both of them into terrible danger… (2006, 512 pages)

Dave BOLING – Guernica; a novel In 1935, Miguel Navarro finds himself in conflict with the Spanish Civil Guard, so he flees the Basque fishing village of Lekeitio to make a new start in Guernica, the centre of Basque culture and tradition. In the midst of this isolated bastion of democratic values, Miguel finds more than a new life – he finds someone to live for. Miren Ansotegui is the charismatic and graceful dancer who he meets there, and the two discover a love they believe nothing can destroy ...History and fiction merge seamlessly in this beautiful novel about the resilience of family, love, and tradition in the face of hardship. (2008, 372 pages)

Katherine BOO – Behind the beautiful forevers Annawadi is a slum at the edge of Mumbai Airport, in the shadow of shining new luxury hotels. Its residents are garbage recyclers, construction workers and economic migrants, all of them living in the hope that a small part of India's booming future will eventually be theirs. But when a crime rocks the slum community and global recession and terrorism shocks the city, tensions over religion, caste, sex, power, and economic envy begin to turn brutal. In this book we get to know those who dwell at Mumbai's margins, the author evokes an extraordinarily vivid and vigorous group of individuals flourishing against the odds amid the complications, corruptions and gross inequalities of the new India. (2013, 288 pages)

James BOWEN – A street cat named Bob (Non-fiction) When James Bowen found an injured, street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet. Yet James couldn't resist

11 helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas. Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts. (2012, 288 pages)

William BOYD – Ordinary Thunderstorms (2 sets) What is the devastating effect on your life when, through no fault of your own, you lose everything - home, family, friends, job, reputation, passport, money, credit cards, mobile phone - and you can never get them back? This is what happens to a young man called Adam Kindred, one May evening in Chelsea, London, when a freakish series of malign accidents and a split-second decision turns his life upside down for ever. This is a heart-in-mouth conspiracy novel about the fragility of social identity, the scandal of big business, and the secrets that lie hidden in the filthy underbelly of every city. (2009, 234 pages)

William BOYD – Restless (2 sets) It is 1939. Eva Delectorskaya is a beautiful 28-year-old Russian emigree living in Paris. As war breaks out she is recruited for the British Secret Service by Lucas Romer, a mysterious Englishman, and under his tutelage she learns to become the perfect spy, to mask her emotions and trust no one, including those she loves most. Since the war, Eva has carefully rebuilt her life as a typically English wife and mother. But once a spy, always a spy. Now she must complete one final assignment, and this time Eva can't do it alone: she needs her daughter's help. Restless is full of suspense, emotion and history. Exploring the devastating consequences of duplicity and betrayal, William Boyd captures the drama of the Second World War and a remarkable portrait of a female spy., (2006, 336 pages)

William BOYD – Waiting for sunrise The story focuses around the character of Lysander Rief, a young English actor who is drawn by events into the world of wartime spies. Opening in 1913, in Vienna, shortly before the outbreak of war, the story is driven along by the chance meeting, and subsequent tempestuous relationship, of Lysander, and a young English sculptress. Arrested for a crime he did not commit, Lysander finds the consequences taking over his life, taking him deeper and deeper into a chain of events in which nothing is quite what it seems. (2013, 448 pages)

John BOYNE – The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas Nine year old Bruno knows nothing of the Final Solution and the Holocaust. He is oblivious to the appalling cruelties being inflicted on the people of Europe by his country. All he knows is that he has been moved from a comfortable home in Berlin to a house in a desolate area where there is nothing to do and no-one to play with. Until he meets Shmuel, a boy who lives a strange parallel existence on the other side of the adjoining wire fence and who, like the other people there, wears a uniform of striped pyjamas. Bruno's friendship with Shmuel will take him from innocence to revelation. (2006, 214 pages)

John BOYNE – The Thief of Time Matthew Zela's life is characterised by one amazing fact: his body stopped ageing before the end of the eighteenth century. Starting in 1758, a young Matthieu flees Paris after witnessing his mother's brutal murder. His only companions are his younger brother Tomas and one true love, Dominique Sauvet. The story of his life takes us from the French Revolution to 1920s Hollywood, from the Great Exhibition to the Wall Street Crash, and by the end of the twentieth century, Matthieu has been an engineer, a rogue, a movie mogul, a soldier, a financier, a lover to many, a cable TV executive and much more besides. Brilliantly weaving history and personal experience, this is a dazzling story of love, murder, missed chances, treachery - and redemption. (2000, 424 pages)

Ray BRADBURY – Fahrenheit 451 The hauntingly prophetic classic novel set in a not-too-distant future where books are burned by a special task force of firemen. Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to burn books, which are forbidden, being the source of all discord and unhappiness. Even so, Montag is unhappy; there is discord in his marriage. Are books hidden in his house? The Mechanical Hound of the Fire Department, armed with

12 a lethal hypodermic, escorted by helicopters, is ready to track down those dissidents who defy society to preserve and read books. Fahrenheit 451 stands alongside Orwell's '1984' and Huxley's 'Brave New World' as a prophetic account of Western civilization's enslavement by the media, drugs and conformity. (1951 192 pages)

Melvyn BRAGG – Grace and Mary In the nursing home a life is ebbing away - ninety-two year old Mary so often confused but in lucid intervals with vivid memories of the long past. Her son John, a biographer, realizes she represents living history and with research and photographs he will try to explore that past, his revelations leading to greater understanding and respect. We find an entire century covered in the tale of three mothers: Ruth who died giving birth to Grace, she whose ironic fall from grace meant Mary could never really be brought up as her daughter and all the while here is a study of changing times and attitudes to which some find it impossible to adapt, as with honest farmer Wilson, unable to forgive the transgression of one he held most dear. (2014. 256 pages)

Gene BREWER – K-Pax When a man who claims to be from outer space is brought into the Manhattan Institute, the mental ward seems to be just the place for him. However, this patient is unlike anyone psychiatrist Dr Gene Brewer has had under his care before. Calling himself Prot, he says he is from the planet K-PAX., Reminiscent of One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, this is a brilliant off-beat comedy, exploring the nature of truth, reality and our enduring need to believe. (1995, 240 pages)

Bill BROADY – Swimmer A girl hides from the confusions of childhood by becoming obsessed with water. She is subsequently coached to become a successful international athlete – but at a price. A passion for sport and exploitation are the key themes, but don’t be put off if you aren’t interested in swimming! This short book is beautifully written, compulsive and haunting. (2000, 144 pages)

Charlotte BRONTE – Jane EYRE Orphaned Jane Eyre grows up in the home of her heartless aunt and later attends a charity school with a harsh regime, enduring loneliness and cruelty. This troubled childhood strengthens Jane's natural independence and spirit - which prove necessary when she finds a position as governess at Thornfield Hall. However, when she finds love with her sardonic employer, Rochester, the discovery of his terrible secret forces her to make a choice. Should she stay with him and live with the consequences, or follow her convictions, even if it means leaving the man she loves? A novel of intense power and intrigue, Jane Eyre dazzled and shocked readers with its passionate depiction of a woman's search for equality and freedom. (1847, 448 pages)

Emily BRONTE – Wuthering Heights Lockwood, the new tenant of Thrushcross Grange on the bleak Yorkshire moors, is forced to seek shelter one night at Wuthering Heights, the home of his landlord. There he discovers the history of the tempestuous events that took place years before: of the intense passion between the foundling Heathcliff and Catherine Earnshaw, and her betrayal of him. As Heathcliff's bitterness and vengeance is visited upon the next generation, their innocent heirs must struggle to escape the legacy of the past. (1847, 416 pages)

Rhidian BROOK – The aftermath In the bitter winter of 1946, Rachael Morgan arrives in the ruins of Hamburg with her only remaining son Edmund. Here she is reunited with her husband Lewis, a British colonel charged with rebuilding the shattered city; but as they set off for their new home, Rachael is stunned to discover that Lewis has made an extraordinary decision: they will be sharing the grand house with its previous owners, a German widower and his troubled daughter. In this charged atmosphere, enmity and grief give way to passion and betrayal. (2014, 336 pages)

13 Geraldine BROOKS – Caleb’s crossing Caleb's Experience is inspired by the little known story of the first native American to graduate from Harvard College in 1665. Caleb, a Wampanoag from the island of Martha's Vineyard, grew up in the first generation of Indians to experience contact with English settlers. The story is told through the eyes of Bethia, daughter of the English minister who educates Caleb in the Latin and Greek he needs in order to enter the college. As Caleb makes the crossing into white culture, Bethia, 14 years old at the novel's opening, finds herself pulled in the opposite direction. Trapped by the narrow strictures of her faith and her gender, she seeks connections with Caleb's world that will challenge her beliefs and set her at odds with her community. (2011, 320 pages)

Carol Rifka BRUNT – Tell the wolves I’m home There's only one person who has ever truly understood fourteen-year-old June Elbus, and that's her uncle, the renowned painter, Finn Weiss. Shy at school and distant from her once inseparable older sister, June can only be herself in Finn's company; he is her godfather, confident, and best friend. So when he dies far too young of a mysterious illness that June’s mother can barely bring herself to discuss, June's world is turned upside down. At the funeral, she notices a strange man lingering just beyond the crowd, and a few days later, June receives a package in the mail. Inside is a beautiful teapot she recognizes from Finn's apartment, and a note from Toby, the stranger, asking for an opportunity to meet. A the two begin to spend time together, June realises she's not the only one who misses Finn, and if she can bring herself to trust this unexpected friend, he might just be the one she needs the most. Tell the Wolves I'm Home is a tender story of love lost and found, an unforgettable portrait of the way compassion can make us whole again. (2013, 400 pages)

Bill BRYSON – Notes From a Small Island (Non-Fiction) After nearly two decades in Britain, Bill Bryson took the decision to move back to the States for a few years, to let his kids experience life in another country, to give his wife the chance to shop until 10 p.m. seven nights a week, and, most of all, because he had read that 3.7 million Americans believed that they had been abducted by aliens at one time or another, and it was thus clear to him that his people needed him. But before leaving his much-loved home in North Yorkshire, Bryson insisted on taking one last trip around Britain, a sort of valedictory tour of the green and kindly island that had so long been his home. His aim was to take stock of the nation's public face and private parts (as it were), and to analyse what precisely it was he loved so much about a country that had produced Marmite, a military hero whose dying wish was to be kissed by a fellow named Hardy, place names like Farleigh Wallop, Titsey and Shellow Bowells, people who said 'Mustn't grumble', and Gardeners' Question Time. (1996, 259 pages)

Suzanne BUGLER – The child inside As a teenager, Rachel lived through the death of a friend, and discovered that even the most enchanted of lives can be easily shattered. When tragedy strikes her own life as an adult, and she loses her unborn child, Rachel ought to turn to her husband for support, but in trying to protect one another, she and Andrew end up further apart than ever and Rachel finds herself resentful and lonely. Haunted by the past, she contacts the brother of her old friend and the two of them are drawn into a dangerous and destructive affair. But betrayal comes at a high price, and having lost one child, how can she bear to face losing another? (2012, 350 pages)

NoViolet BULAWAYO – We Need New Names Darling is only ten years old, and yet she must navigate a fragile and violent world. In her unnamed African country, Darling and her friends steal guavas, try to get the baby out of young Chipo's belly, and grasp at memories of Before. Before their homes were destroyed by paramilitary policemen, before the school closed, before the fathers left for dangerous jobs abroad. But Darling has a chance to escape: she has an aunt in America. She travels to this new land in search of America's famous abundance only to find that her options as an immigrant are perilously few. Like the thousands of people all over the world trying to forge new lives far from home, Darling finds this new paradise brings its own set of challenges - for her and also for those she's left behind. (2013, 294 pages)

14 Anna BURNS – No Bones Set in Belfast during the Troubles, this first novel tells the story of Amelia Lovett as she grows up in a world dominated by violence. Sectarian killings are matched by family feuds, but the writing is not without humour, although the comedy is sometimes surreal. Well observed, compelling and haunting. (2001, 336 pages)

Andrea BUSFIELD – Born Under a Million Shadows The Taliban have disappeared from Kabul's streets, but the long shadows of their brutal regime remain. In his short life eleven-year-old Fawad has known more grief than most: his father and brother have been killed, his sister has been abducted, and Fawad and his mother, Mariya, must rely on the charity of family to eke out a hand-to-mouth existence until she finds a position as house- keeper for a charismatic western woman, Georgie. He soon discovers that his beloved Georgie is caught up in a dangerous love affair with the powerful Afghan warlord Haji Khan. At first resentful of Haji Khan's presence, Fawad learns that love can move a man to act in surprising ways, and an overwhelming act of generosity persuades him of the warlord's good intentions. But even a man as influential as Haji Khan can't protect Fawad from the next tragedy to blight his young life… (2009, 384 pages)

A. S. BYATT – The Children’s Book Famous author Olive Wellwood writes a special private book, bound in different colours, for each of her children. In their rambling house near Romney Marsh they play in a story-book world – but their lives, and those of their rich cousins and their friends, the son and daughter of a curator at the new Victoria and Albert Museum, are already surrounded by mystery. Each family carries its own secrets. They grow up in the golden summers of Edwardian times, but as the sons rebel against their parents and the girls dream of independent futures, they are unaware that in the darkness ahead they will be betrayed unintentionally by the adults who love them. (2009, 624 pages)

Alastair CAMPBELL – All in the Mind Martin Sturrock desperately needs a psychiatrist. The problem? He is one. Emily is a traumatised burns victim, Arta a Kosovan refugee recovering from a rape. David Temple is a long term depressive, while the Rt Hon Ralph Hall MP lives in terror of his drink problem being exposed. Very different Londoners, but they share one thing: every week they spend an hour revealing the secrets of their psyche to Professor Martin Sturrock. Little do they know that Sturrock's own mind is not the reassuring place they believe it to be and for years he has hidden in his work, ignoring his demons. But now his life is falling apart and the only person he can turn to is a patient. Alastair Campbell's astonishing first novel delves deep into the human mind to create a gripping portrait of the strange dependency between patient and doctor. Both a comedy and tragedy of ordinary lives, it is rich in compassion for those whose days are spent on the edge of the abyss. (2008, 368 pages)

Anthony CAPELLA – The Various Flavours of Coffee It is 1895. Robert Wallis, would-be poet, bohemian and impoverished dandy, accepts a commission from coffee merchant Samuel Pinker to categorise the different tastes of coffee - and encounters Pinker's free-thinking daughters, Philomenia, Ada and Emily. As romance blossoms with Emily, Robert realises that the Muse and marriage may not be incompatible after all. Sent to Abyssinia to make his fortune in the coffee trade, he becomes obsessed with a negro slave girl. He decides to use the money he has saved to buy her from her owner - a decision that will change not only his own life, but the lives of the three Pinker sisters ... (2008, 480 pages)

Peter CAREY – Theft: A Love story Told by the twin voices of the artist Butcher Bones and his 'damaged 220-pound brother' Hugh, it recounts their adventures and troubles after Butcher's plummeting prices and spiralling drink problem force them to retreat to northern New South Wales. Here the formerly famous artist is reduced to being a caretaker for his biggest collector, and the nurse for his erratic brother. Then the mysterious Marlene turns up one stormy night, clad in a pair of Manolo Blahniks. Claiming that the brothers' friend and neighbour owns an original Jacques Liebovitz, she soon sets in motion a chain of events that could be the making or ruin of them all. Ranging from the rural wilds of Australia to Manhattan via Tokyo – and exploring themes of art, fraud, responsibility and redemption – this is a great novel

15 which will also make you laugh out loud. (2006, 260 pages)

Peter CAREY – True History of the Kelly Gang Set in the desolate settler communities north of Melbourne, Australia in the late 19th century, the novel is told in the form of a journal, written by the famous outlaw and "bushranger" Ned Kelly. The journal is written for a daughter he will never see, but it is not without humour. I liked the way the book is laid out as if it is an accurate biography based on archival material, raising interesting questions about how legendary characters might have seen themselves. (2000, 432 pages)

J.L. CARR – A month in the country A damaged survivor of the First World War, Tom Birkin finds refuge in the quiet village church of Oxgodby where he is to spend the summer uncovering a huge medieval wall-painting. Immersed in the peace and beauty of the countryside and the unchanging rhythms of village life he experiences a sense of renewal and belief in the future. Now an old man, Birkin looks back on the idyllic summer of 1920, remembering a vanished place of blissful calm, untouched by change, a precious moment he has carried with him through the disappointments of the years. (1980 [2000], 112 pages)

Donato CARRISI – The whisperer Six buried arms, six missing girls. A team led by Captain Roche and internationally renowned criminologist Goran Gavila is on the trail of a serial killer whose ferocity seems to have no limits and he seems to be taunting them, leading them to discover each small corpse in turn; but the clues on the bodies point to several different killers. Roche and Gavila bring in Mila Vasquez, a specialist in cases involving children, and Mila discovers that the real killer is one who has never lifted a finger against the girls - but merely psychologically instructs others to do his work: a 'subliminal killer' - the hardest to catch… (2010, 416 pages)

Mary CAVANAGH – The Crowded Bed Joe Fortune, a Jewish GP, has been married to Anna, his Aryan beauty, for twenty years, in a relationship that is sustained with great passion and happiness. But in the shadows of their lives, dark secrets are hidden. Joe has long nurtured a desire to murder Gordon, Anna's father; a motive born of past events and involving revenge, mutual hatred, and Gordon's deep prejudice for Joe's Judaism. 'If you wrong us, shall we not seek revenge?' Anna too is hiding deep, painful secrets. In a highly charged expose, the reader is led back and forth over the changing face of the last half century to discover love, lies, passion, religion, cruelty and violence. While the powerful Joe is revealed as angry and resentful, Anna's quiet dignity discloses her own extraordinary and shocking revelations. (2007, 308 pages)

Mary CAVANAGH – A Man Like Any Other: The Priest’s Tale Father Ewan McEwan is the chaplain of Waldringhythe, a Cistercian Abbey on the Suffolk coast. Despite his binding vows as a Roman Catholic priest he has, for most of his adult life, secretly enjoyed a passionate and devoted affair with Marina Proudfoot. When Marina dies, his profound grief forces Father McEwan to tell his life story, from the mystery of his early childhood, his moral dilemmas as a young adult, his world fame as the subject of a controversial, iconic photograph, and his present as a sinning priest. Marina's own posthumous story is told, with great warmth, and humour, through her own scandalous revelations. (2008, 248 pages)

Margaret CEZAIR-THOMPSON – The Pirate’s Daughter Jamaica, 1946. Errol Flynn washes up on in the Zaca, his storm-wrecked yacht. Ida Joseph, the teenaged daughter of Port Antonio's Justice of the Peace, is intrigued to learn that the 'World's Handsomest Man' is on the island, and makes it her business to meet him. For the jaded swashbuckler, Jamaica is a tropical paradise that Ida, unfazed by his celebrity, seems to share. Soon Flynn has made a home for himself on Navy Island, where he entertains the cream of Hollywood at parties that become a byword for decadence - and Ida has set her heart on marrying this charismatic older man who has singled her out for his attention. Flynn and Ida do not marry, but Ida bears Flynn a daughter, May, who will meet her father but once. The Pirate's Daughter is a tale of passion and recklessness, of two generations of women and their battles for love and survivial, and of a nation struggling to rise to the challenge of hard-won independence. (2008, 528 pages)


Vikram CHANDRA – Red Earth and Pouring Rain A tale of nineteenth-century India - of Sanjay, a poet, and Sikander, a warrior; of hoofbeats thundering through the streets of Calcutta; of great wars and love affairs and a city gone mad with poetry. Woven into it are the adventures of a young Indian criss-crossing America in a car with his friends. (2000, 528 pages)

Jung CHANG – Wild Swans: Three Daughters of China (Non-fiction) Wild Swans is the story of three generations of women in Jung Chang’s family - her grandmother Yu- fang, who grew up in pre-communist China, a time when women had their feet bound as children and could be given to warlords as concubines; Chang’s mother, De-hong, who became a senior official in the Communist party following their victory over the Kuomintang; and Jung Chang herself, detailing her own experiences during Mao’s Cultural Revolution of the 1960s and 70s. (1992, 720 pages)

Tracy CHEVALIER – Girl with a Pearl Earring The mysterious portrait of the anonymous Girl with a Pearl Earring has fascinated art historians for centuries, and it is this magnetic painting that lies at the heart of Tracy Chevalier's novel of the same title which centres on Vermeer's prosperous household in Delft in the 1660s. The appointment of the quiet, perceptive heroine of the novel, the servant Griet, gradually throws the household into turmoil as Vermeer and Griet become increasingly intimate, an increasingly tense situation that culminates in her working for Vermeer as his assistant, and ultimately sitting for him as a model. The complex domestic tensions of the Vermeer household are vividly evoked, from the jealous, vain, young wife to the wise, taciturn mother in law. A wonderful novel, mysterious, steeped in atmosphere, deeply revealing about the process of painting! (1999, 248 pages)

Tracy CHEVALIER – The last runaway Honor Bright is a sheltered Quaker who has rarely ventured out of 1850s Dorset when she impulsively emigrates to America. Opposed to the slavery that defines and divides the country, she finds her principles tested to the limit when a runaway slave appears at the farm of her new family. In this tough, unsentimental place where whisky bottles sit alongside quilts, Honor befriends two spirited women who will teach her how to turn ideas into actions. (2013, 400 pages)

Tracy CHEVALIER – Remarkable Creatures (2 sets) In the early nineteenth century, a windswept beach along the English coast brims with fossils for those with the eye! From the moment she's struck by lightning as a baby, it is clear Mary Anning is marked for greatness. When she uncovers unknown dinosaur fossils in the cliffs near her home, she sets the scientific world alight, challenging ideas about the world's creation and stimulating debate over our origins. In an arena dominated by men, however, Mary is soon reduced to a serving role, facing prejudice from the academic community, vicious gossip from neighbours, and the heartbreak of forbidden love. Even nature is a threat, throwing bitter cold, storms, and landslips at her. Luckily Mary finds an unlikely champion in prickly, intelligent Elizabeth Philpot, a middle-class spinster who is also fossil-obsessed. Their relationship strikes a delicate balance between fierce loyalty and barely suppressed envy. Despite their differences in age and background, Mary and Elizabeth discover that, in struggling for recognition, friendship is their strongest weapon. Above all, it is a revealing portrait of the intricate and resilient nature of female friendship. (2009, 352 pages)

Lee CHILD – Killing Floor Margrave is a no-account little town in Georgia. Jack Reacher jumps off a bus and walks fourteen miles in the rain, just passing through; n arbitrary decision, a tribute to a guitar player who died there decades before. But Margrave has just had its first homicide in thirty years and Reacher is the only stranger in town. So the murder is pinned on him. As nasty secrets leak out and the body count mounts, only one thing is for sure: They picked the wrong guy to take the fall. Killing Floor introduces Jack Reacher, the tough ex-military cop of no fixed abode. Trained to think fast and act faster, with an eye for the women, he is truly every thinking reader's perfect action hero. (1998, 528 pages)

17 Kate CLANCHY – Antigona and Me One morning in London, two neighbours start to chat over the heads of their children. Kate Clanchy is a writer, privileged and sheltered; Antigona is a refugee from Kosovo. On instinct, Kate offers Antigona a job as a nanny, and Antigona, equally shrewdly, accepts. Over the next five years and a thousand cups of coffee Antigona's extraordinary story slowly emerges. She has escaped from a war, she has divorced a violent husband, but can she escape the harsh code she was brought up with? At the kitchen table where anything can be said, the women discover they have everything, as well as nothing, in common. (2009, 288 pages)

Chris CLEAVE – The Other Hand An ambitious and fearless gallop from the jungles of Africa via a shocking encounter on a Nigerian beach to the media offices of London and domesticity in leafy suburbia... This is the story of two women. Their lives collide one fateful day, and one of them has to make a terrible choice. Two years later, they meet again -- the story starts there...Once you have read it, you'll want to tell your friends about it. When you do, please don't tell them what happens either. The magic is in how it unfolds. (2008, 400 pages)

Marika COBBOLD – Drowning Rose It is winter in London. Eliza Cummings, a ceramics restorer at the V&A Museum, is leaving work when she receives an unexpected phone call. Standing in the haze of the Christmas lights she hears a voice which draws her back twenty-five years - to the tragic death of her best friend. But why does Rose's father want her to visit him? Why now? And why is he killing her with kindness when they both know that he blames her for what happened to his daughter? Grief and guilt cast terrible shadows, but as this story unfolds and the scene shifts from London to the fairy tale landscape of the Swedish countryside we learn that generosity, humour and friendship can smooth over and restore even the most broken lives, and that some secrets just can't be kept hidden. (2011, 352 pages)

Jonathan COE – The Rain Before it Falls (2 sets) 'What I want you to have, Imogen, above all, is a sense of your own history; a sense of where you come from, and of the forces that made you'. Rosamund lies dying in her remote Shropshire home. But before she does so, she has one last task: to put on tape not just her own story but the story of the young blind girl, her cousin's granddaughter, who turned up mysteriously at her party all those years ago. This is a story of generations, of the relationships within a family – and of what goes to make a child. (2007, 256 pages)

Jonathan COE – What a Carve Up! Michael, a struggling writer, is commissioned by mad Aunt Tabitha to write a family history of the Winshaws. As his research progresses, his life becomes increasingly influenced by the dreadful and unscrupulous members of the family. A black comedy bordering on farce and slapstick at times, but the book is a brilliant satire on eighties Britain. (1994, 500 pages)

Paulo COELHO – The Alchemist This magical fable is a beautiful parable about learning to listen to your heart, read the omens strewn along life's path and, above all, follow your dreams. Santiago, a young shepherd living in the hills of Andalucia, feels that there is more to life than his humble home and his flock. One day he finds the courage to follow his dreams into distant land. The people he meets along the way, the things he sees and the wisdom he learns are life-changing. With Paulo Coelho's visionary blend of spirituality, magical realism and folklore, The Alchemist is a story with the power to inspire nations and change people's lives. (1998, 224 pages)

Tamar COHEN – The mistress’s revenge For five years, Sally and Clive have been lost in a passionate affair. Now he has dumped her, to devote himself to his wife and family, and Sally is left in freefall. It starts with a casual stroll past his house, and popping into the brasserie where his son works. Then Sally befriends Clive's wife and daughter on Facebook. But that's alright isn't it? I mean they are perfectly normal things to do. Aren't they? Fatal Attraction updated for the era of Facebook: a sharp, funny, dark debut novel set in

18 contemporary London, written as a journal addressed by a former mistress to the married lover who dumped her. (2012, 352 pages)

Wilkie COLLINS – The Moonstone (2 sets) The Moonstone, a priceless yellow diamond, is looted from an Indian temple and maliciously bequeathed to Rachel Verinder. On her eighteenth birthday, her friend and suitor Franklin Blake brings the gift to her. That very night, it is stolen again. No one is above suspicion, as the idiosyncratic Sergeant Cuff and the Franklin piece together a puzzling series of events as mystifying as an opium dream and as deceptive as the nearby Shivering Sand. (1868, 384 pages)

Wilkie COLLINS – The woman in white The Woman in White (1859-60) is the first and greatest `Sensation Novel'. Walter Hartright's mysterious midnight, encounter with the woman in white draws him into a vortex of crime, poison, kidnapping, and international intrigue. The novel is dominated by two of the finest creations in all Victorian fiction - Marion Halcombe, dark, mannish, yet irresistibly fascinating, and Count Fosco, the sinister and flamboyant `Napoleon of Crime'. A masterwork of intricate construction, The Woman in White sets new standards of suspense and excitement. A hypochondriac uncle, two girls who look identical, a count with a penchant for mesmerism and vanilla bonbons, a lunatic asylum, an evil husband... What more could you want? (1860[2008], 752 pages)

CONTEMPORARY WOMEN WRITERS’ CLUB – Leap Year (Short Stories) The challenging and compassionate stories collected in this book show how unexpected moments change 12 women's lives: from blood and lust in Argentina, to secrets and grief in Montreal; a passionate reunion in New York, to a ghostly visitation in London. (2009, 196 pages)

Martha COOLEY – The Archivist As an Archivist, Matthias’ work has given him access to letters between T.S. Eliot and lifelong friend Emily Hale. The letters were bequeathed by Hale, but not to be read until 2019. Read by Matthias in order to catalogue, he sees parallels between his life and Eliot’s. This begins to haunt him when a young female poet arrives, determined to read the letters for her own research purposes. A multi- layered and ambitious first novel from this author. (1999, 328 pages)

Bernard CORNWELL – Harlequin Harlequins are lost souls, so loved by the devil that he would not take them to hell, but left them to roam the earth. In French, the word is hellequin -- the name given to the English archers who crossed the Channel to lay waste the towns and countryside. Thomas of Hookton was one of those archers. When his village is sacked by French raiders, he escapes from his father's ambition to become a wild youth who delights in the opportunities which war offers – for fighting, for revenge and for friendship. But Thomas is hounded by his conscience. He has made a promise to God to retrieve a relic stolen in the raid from Hookton's church. The search for the relic leads him into a world where lovers become enemies, enemies become friends and always, somewhere beyond the horizon that is smeared with the smoke of fires set by the rampaging English army, a terrible enemy awaits him. That enemy would harness the power of Christendom's greatest relic – the grail itself. (2009, 496 pages)

Douglas COUPLAND – Girlfriend in a Coma Karen goes into a coma one night in 1979. Whilst in it, she gives birth to a daughter; once out of it, 18 years later, she finds herself a middle-aged mother. Her friends have all gone through the normal marital, social and political traumas, so where does this leave Karen? (1997, 288 pages)

Michael COX – The Meaning of Night A cold October night, 1854. In a dark passageway, an innocent man is stabbed to death. So begins the extraordinary story of Edward Glyver, book lover, scholar and murderer. As a young boy, Glyver always believed he was destined for greatness. This seems the stuff of dreams, until a chance discovery convinces Glyver that he was right: Greatness does await him, along with immense wealth and influence, and he will stop at nothing to win back a prize that he now knows is rightfully his.

19 Glyver's path leads him from the depths of Victorian London, with its foggy streets, brothels and opium dens, to Evenwood, one of England's most enchanting country houses. His is a story of betrayal and treachery, of death and delusion, of ruthless obsession and ambition. And at every turn, driving Glyver irresistibly onwards is his deadly rival: the poet-criminal Phoebus Rainsford Daunt. (2006, 609 pages)

Jim CRACE – The Gift of Stones Set in the Bronze Age, this is the story of a dreamer, an apparently useless contributor to the tribe, in a village of stone-workers. It tells how the narrator’s father becomes the village storyteller, providing a compulsive read with an unusual setting. (1988, 169 pages)

Jim CRACE – Harvest As late summer steals in and the final pearls of barley are gleaned, a village comes under threat. A trio of outsiders – two men and a dangerously magnetic woman – arrives on the woodland borders triggering a series of events that will see Walter Thirsk’s village unmade in just seven days: the harvest blackened by smoke and fear, cruel punishment meted out to the innocent, and allegations of witchcraft, but something even darker is at the heart of Walter’s story, and he will be the only man left to tell it . . . (2014, 288 pages)

Neil CROSS – Always the Sun How do you react when your son is bullied? How far will you go to protect him from those who want to cause him harm? Thirteen year old Jamie is an only child. His mother has recently died and he and his father, Sam, have moved to Sam's home town for a fresh start. But one day Jamie comes home, bearing the scars of every parent's nightmare. Something must be done... A harrowing and gripping story. (2004, 320 pages)

Roald DAHL – Someone Like You (Short Stories) There's the gambler who collects little fingers from losers...there's the lady who murders her husband with a frozen leg of lamb...not to mention the man who has made a machine that can hear grass scream... Roald Dahl's particular brand of bizarre, alarming and disturbing story-telling has already attracted a huge following which can only be more disturbed, alarmed and - thankfully - amused by Someone Like You. (1973, 272 pages)

William DALRYMPLE – The Last Mughal (Non-Fiction) On a dark evening in November 1862, a cheap coffin is buried in eerie silence. There are no lamentations or panegyrics, for the British Commissioner in charge has insisted, 'No vesting will remain to distinguish where the last of the Great Mughals rests.' This Mughal is Bahadur Shah Zafar II, one of the most tolerant and likeable of his remarkable dynasty who found himself leader of a violent and doomed uprising. The Siege of Delhi was the Raj's Stalingrad, the end of both Mughal power and a remarkable culture. (2006, 608 pages)

Will DAVENPORT – The Painter In January, 1662, the artist Rembrandt, bankrupted in the great tulip crash, accidentally stows away on a boat for Hull. To pay for his passage, he must paint the Captain's portrait. For himself, he paints a portrait of the Captain's beautiful wife. Rembrandt has seduced many a sitter before, and sets about doing so again. But he has a rival – none other than the MP for Hull after the Civil War, the poet Andrew Marvell! And the Captain's wife is far from being a passive player in this triangular game of love, deceit and manipulation. All this is discovered in the present day by another painter, Amy, who has returned to her old family home as a restorer. As she paints a portrait of the man she is becoming involved with, so she uncovers the secrets of the past. (2003, 416 pages)

David DAVIDAR – House of Blue Mangoes Three generations of an ancient family come and go in Chevathar, the village by the sea. First there is Solomon, the patriarch, manoeuvring to keep the peace as caste struggles begin to encroach on the village. Then there is the story of Solomon's sons, their fortunes rising and falling as India begins its struggle for independence. Finally, there is the story of Solomon's grandson, making his own stand for independence. A host of characters enliven these pages – from Father Ashcroft, the English

20 priest washed up in a forgotten corner of the empire, to Mrs Wilkins the planter's wife who clings to the old ascendancy, and Helen, an Anglo-Indian beauty who brings about the final disintegration of the family. (2002, 496 pages)

Andrew DAVIDSON – The Gargoyle The nameless and beautiful narrator of The Gargoyle is driving along a dark road when he is distracted by what seems to be a flight of arrows. He crashes into a ravine and wakes up in a burns ward, undergoing the tortures of the damned. His life is over - he is now a monster. But in fact it is only just beginning. One day, Marianne Engel, a wild and compelling sculptress of gargoyles, enters his life and tells him that they were once lovers in medieval Germany. In her telling, he was a badly burned mercenary and she was a nun and a scribe who nursed him back to health. As she spins her tale, Scheherazade fashion, and relates equally mesmerising stories of deathless love in Japan, Greenland, Italy and England, he finds himself drawn back to life - and, finally, to love. (2008, 502 pages)

Peter Ho DAVIES – The Welsh Girl In 1944, a German Jewish refugee is sent to Wales to interview Rudolf Hess; in Snowdonia, a seventeen-year-old girl, the daughter of a fiercely nationalistic shepherd, dreams of the bright lights of an English city; and in a nearby POW camp, a German soldier struggles to reconcile his surrender with his sense of honour. As their lives intersect, all three will come to question where they belong and where their loyalties lie. Peter Ho Davies's thought-provoking and profoundly moving first novel traces a perilous wartime romance as it explores the bonds of love and duty that hold us to family, country, and ultimately our fellow man. (2007, 343 pages)

Michael DEAN – I, Hogarth Hogarth's epoch-defining paintings and engravings, such as Gin Lane and The Rake's Progress, are renowned. He was London's painter par excellence, and supplies the most enduring vision of the eighteenth century's ebullience, enjoyments and social iniquities. From a childhood spent in a debtor's prison to his death in the arms of his wife, I, Hogarth follows the life of painter William Hogarth as he makes a name for himself and as he fights for artists with his Copyright Act. Through his lifelong marriage to Jane Thornhill, his inability to have children, his time as one of England's best portrait painters, his old age and unfortunate dip into politics, and ultimately his death, I, Hogarth is the artist's life through the artist's eyes. Michael Dean blends Hogarth's life and his work into one rich narrative in such a way that Hogarth lives what he paints. (2012, 272 pages)

Seamus DEANE – Reading in the Dark Set against the background of Northern Ireland of the 1940’s and 1950’s, amidst the violence, poverty and despair of the Troubles. The life of the unnamed narrator is turned upside down when he is framed by a policeman. This moving story is also one of his search for the truth about his Uncle’s death. (1996, 224 pages)

Louis DE BERNIERES – Captain Corelli’s Mandolin It is 1941 and Captain Antonio Corelli, a young Italian officer, is posted to the Greek island of Cephallonia as part of the occupying forces. At first he is ostracised by the locals, but as a conscientious but far from fanatical soldier, whose main aim is to have a peaceful war, he proves in time to be civilised, humorous – and a consummate musician. When the local doctor's daughter's letters to her fiancé go unanswered, the working of the eternal triangle seems inevitable. But can this fragile love survive as a war of bestial savagery gets closer and the lines are drawn between invader and defender. A great story of love and loss set against a dramatic, sad and yet heroic back drop. (1994, 434 pages)

Don DELILLO – Falling Man Falling Man is a magnificent, essential novel about September 11, the event that defines turn-of-the- century America. It begins in the smoke and ash of the burning towers and tracks the aftermath of this global tremor in the intimate lives of a few people. First there is Keith, walking out of the rubble into a life that he'd always imagined belonged to everyone but him. Then Lianne, his estranged wife, memory-haunted, trying to reconcile two versions of the same shadowy man. And their small son

21 Justin, standing at the window, scanning the sky for more planes. These are lives shaped by loss, grief and the enormous force of history. Brave and brilliant, Falling Man traces the way the events of September 11 have reconfigured our emotional landscape, our memory and our perception of the world. It is cathartic, beautiful, and heartbreaking. (2007, 246 pages)

Kiran DESAI – Hullabaloo in the Guava Orchard Sampath Chawla was born in a time of drought that ended with a vengeance the night of his birth. All signs being auspicious, the villagers triumphantly assured Sampath's proud parents that their son was destined for greatness. But after years of failure at school, failure at work, spending his days dreaming in the tea stalls and singing to himself in the public gardens, it doesn't seem as if post-office clerk Sampath is going to amount to much. Then he climbs a guava tree and becomes unexpectedly famous as a guru… (1999, 224 pages)

Kiran DESAI – The Inheritance of Loss At the foot of Mount Kanchenjunga in the Himalayas, lives an embittered old judge who wants nothing more than to retire in peace. But with the arrival of his orphaned granddaughter, Sai, and his cook's son trying to stay a step ahead of US immigration services, this is far from easy. When a Nepalese insurgency threatens Sai's blossoming romance with her handsome tutor they are forced to consider their colliding interests. The judge must revisit his past, his own journey and his role in this grasping world of conflicting desires every moment holding out the possibility for hope or betrayal. Winner of the Man Booker Prize in 2006. (2006, 368 pages)

De WAAL – The Hare with Amber Eyes (Non-Fiction) (2 sets) 264 wood and ivory carvings, none of them larger than a matchbox: potter Edmund de Waal was entranced when he first encountered the collection in the Tokyo apartment of his great uncle. Later, when Edmund inherited the 'netsuke', they unlocked a story far larger than he could ever have imagined...The Ephrussis came from Odessa, and at one time were the largest grain exporters in the world; in the 1870s, Charles Ephrussi was part of a wealthy new generation settling in Paris. Charles's passion was collecting netsuke. The Anschluss and Second World War swept the Ephrussis to the brink of oblivion. Almost all that remained of their vast empire was the netsuke collection, dramatically saved by a loyal maid when their huge Viennese palace was occupied. In this stunningly original memoir, Edmund de Waal traces the network of a remarkable family against the backdrop of a tumultuous century and tells the story of a unique collection. (2010, 354 pages)

Janine Di GIOVANNI – Ghost by Daylight (Non-Fiction) Janine and Bruno first fell in love as young reporters in the besieged city of Sarajevo. Years later - after endless phone calls, secret trysts in foreign cities, numerous break-ups, three miscarriages, countless stories of rebel armies and a dozen wars that had passed between them - they arrive in Paris to begin a new life together; but having met in another lifetime - in another world - ordinary, civilian life doesn't come easily. War has become part of them and, though both are damaged by it, neither can quite leave it behind. And the difficult journey that follows, through their mix of joy and terror at becoming parents, Bruno's battle with post-traumatic stress and addiction, and Janine's determination to make France her home, leads to an understanding of the truth that people who deeply love each other cannot always live together. Ghosts by Daylight is a powerfully raw portrait of marriage and motherhood in the aftermath of war. (2011, 288 pages)

Anita DIAMANT – The Red Tent A fictional account of Dinah, a character whose life has only a passing mention in the Old Testament. Don’t be misled by the Biblical setting as this story has a wide appeal. Love, passion, tragedy, betrayal and forgiveness are the timeless themes explored in this well researched and fascinating picture of everyday life as an early Jewish woman. (1997, 347 pages)

Charles DICKENS – Great Expectations Pip doesn't expect much from life...His sister makes it clear that her orphaned little brother is nothing but a burden on her. But suddenly things begin to change. Pip's narrow existence is blown apart when he finds an escaped criminal, is summoned to visit a mysterious old woman and meets the icy beauty Estella. Most astoundingly of all, an anonymous person gives him money to begin a new life

22 in London. Are these events as random as they seem? Or does Pip's fate hang on a series of coincidences he could never have expected? (1860, 448 pages)

Charles DICKENS – A Tale of Two Cities Set against the backdrop of the French Revolution, this work is Charles Dickens' masterful portrait of Paris and London – the shadow of the guillotine's blade hangs over two reputable men, one French, one English, as they compete for the love of Lucie Manette. (1859, 368 pages)

Sophie DIVRY – The library of unrequited love One morning a librarian finds a reader who has been locked in overnight. She begins to talk to him, a one-way conversation full of sharp insight and quiet outrage. As she rails against snobbish senior colleagues, an ungrateful and ignorant public, the strictures of the Dewey Decimal System and the sinister expansionist conspiracies of the books themselves, two things shine through: her unrequited passion for a researcher named Martin, and an ardent and absolute love for the arts. (2014, 96 pages)

Emma DONOGHUE – Room (2 sets) It's Jack's birthday, and he's excited about turning five. Jack lives with his Ma in Room, which has a locked door and a skylight, and measures 11 feet by 11 feet. He loves watching TV, and the cartoon characters he calls friends, but he knows that nothing he sees on screen is truly real, only him, Ma and the things in Room. Until the day Ma admits that there's a world outside ...Told in Jack's voice, Room is the story of a mother and son whose love lets them survive the impossible. Unsentimental and sometimes funny, devastating yet uplifting, Room is a novel like no other. (2010, 400 pages)

Anne DONOVAN – Being Emily Things are never dull in the O'Connell family. Fiona, squeezed between her quiet brother and her mischievous twin sisters, thinks life in their tenement flat is far less interesting than Emily Bronte's. But tragedy is not confined to Victorian novels. And life for Fiona in this happy domestic setup is about to change forever. Following the devastating events of a single day, her family can never be the same. But perhaps, new relationships will develop – built on a solid foundation of love. Moving, funny and ultimately heart-warming, Being Emily is a wonderful novel about one young girl trying to find her place in the world amid the turmoil that only your own family can create. (2008, 320 pages)

Louise DOUGHTY – Apple Tree Yard There can't be a woman alive who hasn't once realised, in a moment of panic that she's in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong man; a stunning psychological thriller about a respected female scientist, and the single reckless decision that leads to her standing trial for murder. (2014, 448 pages)

Nicholas DRAYSON – A Guide to the Birds of East Africa You wouldn't notice Mr Malik in a Nairobi street, but beneath his unprepossessing exterior lie a warm heart and a secret passion. Not even his closest friends know it, but Mr Malik is head-over-heels in love with the leader of the local Tuesday-morning bird walk, Rose Mbikwa. Little can he imagine the hurdles that lie before him. Thieves, potential kidnappers and corrupt officials, not to mention one particularly determined love rival, seem destined to thwart Mr Malik's chances. Will an Indian gentleman in the heart of Africa be defeated by the many obstacles that stand between him and his heart's desire? Or will honour and decency prevail? (2008, 208 pages)

Jeremy DRONFIELD – The Locust Farm (11 copies) A stranger appears at the isolated farmhouse of a woman living alone. He has no memory. A relationship develops between them, but the stranger is not what he seems: an atmospheric, psychological thriller. (1998, 407 pages)

Daphne DU MAURIER – Jamaica Inn On a bitter November evening, young Mary Yellan journeys across the rain swept moors to Jamaica Inn in honour of her mother's dying request. When she arrives, the warning of the coachman begins to echo in her memory, for her aunt Patience cowers before hulking Uncle Joss Merlyn. Terrified of

23 the inn's brooding power, Mary gradually finds herself ensnared in the dark schemes being enacted behind its crumbling walls -- and tempted to love a man she dares not trust. (2003 [1936], 320 pages

Daphne DU MAURIER – Rebecca “Last night I dreamt I went to Manderley again...” Working as a lady's companion, the heroine of Rebecca learns her place. Life begins to look very bleak until, on a trip to the South of France, she meets Maxim de Winter, a handsome widower whose sudden proposal of marriage takes her by surprise. She accepts, but whisked from glamorous Monte Carlo to the ominous and brooding Manderley, the new Mrs de Winter finds Max a changed man. And the memory of his dead wife Rebecca is forever kept alive by the forbidding Mrs Danvers ... An international bestseller that has never gone out of print, Rebecca is the haunting story of a young girl consumed by love and the struggle to find her identity. (1938, 448 pages)

Maria DUENAS – The seamstress It is 1936 and Spain is on the brink of civil war. Aged twelve, Sira Quiroga was apprenticed to a Madrid dressmaker. As she masters the seamstress's art, her life seems to be clearly mapped out - until she falls passionately in love and flees with her seductive lover, but in Morocco she is betrayed and left penniless. As civil war engulfs Spain, Sira finds she cannot return and so turns to her one true skill - and sews beautiful clothes for the expat elite and their German friends. With Europe rumbling towards war, Sira is lured back to Franco's Nazis-friendly Spain. She is drawn into the shadowy world of espionage, rife with love, intrigue and betrayal and where the greatest danger lies. . . (2011, 615 pages)

Carol Ann DUFFY – Answering Back (Poetry) Carol Ann Duffy has invited fifty of her peers to choose and respond to a poem from the past. With up-and-coming poets alongside more established names, and original poems alongside the new works they have inspired – Paul Muldoon, Vicki Feaver and U. A. Fanthorpe, for example, engage with classic works by poets such as Philip Larkin, Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti – the result is a collection of voices that speak to one another across the centuries. Teasing, subverting, arguing, echoing and ultimately illuminating, Answering Back is a vibrant, fascinating and timeless anthology, compiled by one of the nation's favourite poets. (2007, 140 pages)

Carol Ann DUFFY – The World’s Wife (Poetry) Draws on some weighty emotional experiences: loneliness, jealousy, self-loathing, desire, the fierceness of a mother's love. This book reveals the foibles of the great, the ghastly and the ordinary bloke and the sufferings of those closest to them. (2007, 96 pages)

Sarah DUNANT – In the Company of the Courtesan While Rome burns - brutally sacked by an invading army - two of her most interesting and wily citizens slip away, their stomachs churning on the jewels they have swallowed as the enemy breaks down their doors. Fiammetta Bianchini and Bucino Teodoldi - a fabulous courtesan and her dwarf companion - are already planning their future. They head for Venice, a honey pot of wealth and trade where they start to rebuild their business. As a partnership they are invincible: Bucino, clever with a sharp eye and a wicked tongue and Fiammetta, beautiful and shrewd, trained from birth to charm, entertain and satisfy men who have the money to support her. Venice, however, is a city which holds its own temptations. From the admiring Turk in search of human novelties for his Sultan's court, to the searing passion of a young lover who wants more than his allotted nights. But the greatest challenge comes from a young blind woman who insinuates her way into their lives with devastating consequences for them all. (2006, 416 pages)

Patricia DUNCKER – James Miranda Barry At the turn of the nineteenth century, ten-year-old James Miranda Barry enrolled as a medical student in Edinburgh, the start of a glorious career as a military surgeon. Across the Empire, Barry achieved fame not only as a brilliant physician, but also a legendary duellist and a celebrated social figure. But James Miranda Barry was also a woman. Her greatest achievement of all had been to 'pass' for a man for more than fifty years. Patricia Duncker's novel tells Barry's story for the first time, in a richly inventive and entertaining tale of dark family secrets, adultery, questioned paternity and

24 colonial history. (1999, 384 pages)

Helen DUNMORE – The Betrayal It is Leningrad, 1952. Andrei, a young hospital doctor, and Anna, a nursery school teacher, are forging a life together in the post-war, post-siege wreckage. But their happiness is precarious, like that of millions of Russians who must avoid the claws of Stalin's merciless Ministry of State Security. So when Andrei is asked to treat the seriously ill child of a senior secret police officer, he and Anna are fearful. Trapped in an impossible, maybe unwinnable game, can they avoid the whispers and watchful eyes of those who will say or do anything to save themselves? The Betrayal is a powerful and touching novel of ordinary people in the grip of a terrible and sinister regime, and a moving portrait of a love that will not be extinguished. (2010, 328 pages)

Helen DUNMORE – Counting the Stars In the sticky summer heat unruly desires stir the blood ...For Catullus, the brilliantly witty and outrageous young poet, and Clodia, his older, married lover, a borrowed villa in Rome is a secret, illicit meeting-place. When they are apart, Catullus burns with desire for 'his girl', while Clodia goes her own way among his rivals. Other passions simmer in the heat: the streets threaten to erupt in political violence, hearts sour and contemplate murder, and love and hate are dangerously entwined. Catullus' jealousy grows as toxic as hellebore or hemlock. Poisoning is a Roman art, and there is poison everywhere ... (2008, 288 pages)

Helen DUNMORE – The Lie Set during and just after the First World War, The Lie is a novel of love, memory and devastating loss. A young man stands on a headland, looking out to sea. He is back from the war, homeless and without family. Behind him lie the mud, barbed-wire entanglements and terror of the trenches. Behind him is also the most intense relationship of his life. Daniel has survived, but the horror and passion of the past seem more real than the quiet fields around him. He is about to step into the unknown. But will he ever be able to escape the terrible, unforeseen consequences of a lie? (2014, 304 pages)

Helen DUNMORE – The Siege The Siege really brings to life the suffering of the people of Leningrad in 1941. You are drawn into the Levin family’s struggle to survive the terrible winter as they face starvation and bombs. Yet against the background of physical and emotional wounds is the story of two love affairs in two generations. A moving celebration of love life and survival. Short listed for the 2002 Orange Prize for Fiction. (2001, 304 pages)

Helen DUNMORE – The greatcoat In the winter of 1952, Isabel Carey moves to the East Riding of Yorkshire with her husband Philip, a GP. With Philip spending long hours on call, Isabel finds herself isolated and lonely as she strives to adjust to the realities of married life. Woken by intense cold one night, she discovers an old RAF greatcoat hidden in the back of a cupboard. Sleeping under it for warmth, she starts to dream. And not long afterwards, while her husband is out, she is startled by a knock at her window. Outside is a young RAF pilot, waiting to come in. His name is Alec, and his powerful presence both disturbs and excites her. Her initial alarm soon fades, and they begin an intense affair. But nothing has prepared her for the truth about Alec's life, nor the impact it will have on hers. (2012, 208 pages)

Esi EDUGYAN – Half blood blues Chip told us not to go out but it been one brawl of a night, I tell you. The aftermath of the fall of Paris in 1940. Hieronymous Falk, a rising star on the cabaret scene, was arrested in a cafe and never heard from again, he was twenty years old. He was a German citizen and he was black. Fifty years later, Sid, Hiero's bandmate and the only witness that day, is going back to Berlin. Persuaded by his old friend Chip, Sid discovers there's more to the journey than he thought when Chip shares a mysterious letter, bringing to the surface secrets buried since Hiero's fate was settled. In Half Blood Blues, Esi Edugyan weaves the horror of betrayal, the burden of loyalty and the possibility that, if you don't tell your story, someone else might tell it for you. And they just might tell it wrong . (2012, 352 pages)


Kim EDWARDS – The Memory Keeper’s Daughter Families have secrets they hide even from themselves...It should have been an ordinary birth, the start of an ordinary happy family. But the night Dr David Henry delivers his wife's twins is a night that will haunt five lives for ever. For though David's son is a healthy boy, his daughter has Down's syndrome. And, in a shocking act of betrayal whose consequences only time will reveal, he tells his wife their daughter died while secretly entrusting her care to a nurse. As grief quietly tears apart David's family, so a little girl must make her own way in the world as best she can. (2005, 408 pages)

Jennifer EGAN – A Visit from the Goon Squad Jennifer Egan's spellbinding novel circles the lives of Bennie Salazar, an aging former punk rocker and record executive, and Sasha, the passionate, troubled young woman he employs. Although Bennie and Sasha never discover each other's pasts, the reader does, in intimate detail, along with the secret lives of a host of other characters whose paths intersect with theirs, over many years, in locales as varied as New York, San Francisco, Naples, and Africa. A Visit from the Goon Squad is a book about the interplay of time and music, about survival, about the stirrings and transformations set inexorably in motion by even the most passing conjunction of our fates. (2010, 368 pages)

George ELIOT – Middlemarch Middlemarch is the quintessential Victorian novel, a concept of life and society free from the dogma of the past yet able to confront the scepticism that was taking over the age. In a panoramic sweep of English life, Eliot explores nearly every subject of concern to modern life: art, religion, science, politics, self, society, human relationships. Among her characters are some of the most remarkable portraits in English literature: Dorothea Brooke, the heroine, idealistic but naive; Rosamond Vincy, beautiful and egoistic: Edward Casaubon, the dry-as-dust scholar: Tertius Lydgate, the brilliant but morally-flawed physician: the passionate artist Will Ladislaw: and Fred Vincey and Mary Garth, childhood sweethearts whose charming courtship is one of the many humorous elements in the novel's rich comic vein. (1874, 582 pages)

George ELIOT – Silas Marner Gentle linen weaver Silas Marner is wrongly accused of a heinous theft, and he exiles himself from the world – until he finds redemption and spiritual rebirth through his unselfish love for an abandoned child who mysteriously appears one day at his isolated cottage. Sombre, yet hopeful, Eliot's realistic depiction of an irretrievable past, tempered with the magical elements of myth and fairy tale, remains timeless in its understanding of human nature and is beloved by every generation. (1861, 240 pages)

Roger Jon ELLORY – A Quiet Belief in Angels Joseph Vaughan's life has been dogged by tragedy. Growing up in the 1950s, he was at the centre of series of killings of young girls in his small rural community. The girls were taken, assaulted and left horribly mutilated. Barely a teenager himself, Joseph becomes determined to try to protect his community and classmates from the predations of the killer. Despite banding together with his friends as ' The Guardians', he was powerless to prevent more murders - and no one was ever caught. Only after a full ten years did the nightmare end when the one of his neighbours is found hanging from a rope, with articles from the dead girls around him. Thankfully, the killings finally ceased. But the past won't stay buried - for it seems that the real murderer still lives and is killing again. And the secret of his identity lies in Joseph's own history... (2007, 416 pages)

Ben ELTON – Inconceivable Sometimes it's possible to want something too much. That's when you risk losing what you have. Sam and Lucy seem like the perfect couple. Successful, happy and in love. But life isn't that simple. Lucy thinks thinks Sam is a sad, cold sensitivity-exclusion zone who would rather read a newspaper than have an emotion. Sam thinks Lucy is blaming him because she can't walk past Mothercare without getting all teary. The problem is that they might be infertile. Lucy wants a baby and Sam wants to write a hit movie – given that the average IVF cycle has about a one in five chance of going into full production, Lucy's chances of getting what she wants are considerably better than Sam's. What Sam and Lucy are about to go through is absolutely inconceivable. The question is, can their love survive? (1999, 272 pages)


Anne ENRIGHT – The Gathering The nine surviving children of the Hegarty clan gather in Dublin for the wake of their wayward brother Liam. It wasn't the drink that killed him – although that certainly helped – it was what happened to him as a boy in his grandmother's house, in the winter of 1968. The Gathering is a novel about love and disappointment, about thwarted lust and limitless desire. (2007, 260 pages)

Jeffrey EUGENIDES – The Virgin Suicides This is the story of five sisters who all commit suicide in the same year. Trying to understand the events two decades later, one of the boys who used to spy on them recreates the fateful year, from the youngest’s plunge into her own bloodbath to the final field day of the national press. (1993, 256 pages)

Janet EVANOVICH – One for the Money (2 sets) The first in what proved to be a popular series of novels featuring Stephanie Plum. Down on her luck, low-life Cousin Vinnie comes to the rescue and offers Stephanie a job with his bail-bond company. If she can bring in vice cop turned outlaw, Joe Morelli, she stands to pick up $10,000. Fast moving, funny, and full of eccentric characters. (1994, 290 pages)

Gavin EXTENCE – The universe versus Alex Woods This is the funny and touching story of an unlikely friendship and an improbable journey. Alex Woods knows that he hasn't had the most conventional start in life. He knows that growing up with a clairvoyant single mother won't endear him to the local bullies and he also knows that even the most improbable events can happen - he's got the scars to prove it. What he doesn't know yet is that when he meets ill-tempered, reclusive widower Mr Peterson, he'll make an unlikely friend; someone who tells him that you only get one shot at life and that you have to make the best possible choices. So when, aged seventeen, Alex is stopped at Dover customs with 113 grams of marijuana, an urn full of ashes on the passenger seat, and an entire nation in uproar, he's fairly sure he's done the right thing. (2013, 432 pages)

Michel FABER – Under the Skin Isserley cruises up and down the lonely roads of rural Scotland, searching for fit young male hitchhikers. Her motives, and Isserley herself, are not what you think in this original and compelling novel. This is a difficult book to categorise – a mixture of psychological thriller, science-fiction and horror – but don’t be put off! Whatever type of books you usually read this one will certainly get under your skin. (2000, 296 pages)

Josephine FALLA – Dear God What would happen if you decided to email God... and God emailed back? It was during one of his periodic bouts of smouldering resentment at the way his life had turned out that William Penfold first thought of emailing God. It seemed more modern than praying, somehow, more up-to-date. Anyway he didn’t want to pray he wanted to protest. He'd been on this earth about 70 years and he did not like the way he was living. He didn't want to be perpetually angry, he wanted serene comfort. He would tell The Lord about it and see if He could put it right... William Penfold is a wreck of a man, drinking too much and depressed at the way his life has turned out. He is one of life's eccentrics who is aware that his life was once very different but who refuses to try to remember the past. He decides to email God to protest about all this only to get an enigmatic reply! As they exchange emails, William‘s life changes for the better, in a most surprising way, and he finds himself becoming someone with social standing and friends in the community. (2012, 128 pages)

Nigel FARNDALE – Blasphemer He had always been scared of flying. Now, the fear is real as the plane crashes, with water rising over his mouth and in his nostrils and lungs. As Daniel gasps, he swallows and punches at his seat- belt. Nancy, the woman he loves, is trapped in her seat. He clambers over her, pushing her face into the headrest. It is a reflex, visceral action made without rational thought...But Daniel Kennedy did it. And already we have judged him from the comfort of our own lives. Almost a hundred years earlier, Daniel's great-grandfather goes over the top at Passchendaele. A shell explodes, and he wakes up

27 alone and lost in the hell of no-man's-land. Where are the others? Has he been left behind? And if he doesn't find his unit, is he a deserter? (2010, 492 pages)

J. G. FARRELL – Troubles Major Brendan Archer travels to Ireland - to the Majestic Hotel and to the fiancee he acquired on a rash afternoon's leave three years ago. Despite her many letters, the lady herself proves elusive, and the Major's engagement is short-lived. But he is unable to detach himself from the alluring discomforts of the crumbling hotel. Ensconced in the dim and shabby splendour of the Palm Court, surrounded by gently decaying old ladies and proliferating cats, the Major passes the summer. So hypnotic are the faded charms of the Majestic, the Major is almost unaware of the gathering storm. But this is Ireland in 1919 - and the struggle for independence is about to explode with brutal force. Winner of the 1970 Lost Booker Prize. (1970, 448 pages)

Sebastian FAULKS – Birdsong Readers who are entranced by sweeping historical sagas will devour Birdsong, Sebastian Faulks' drama set during the First World War. There's even a little high-toned erotica thrown into the mix to convince the doubtful. The book's hero, a 20-year-old Englishman named Stephen Wraysford, finds his true love on a trip to Amiens in 1910. Unfortunately, she's already married, the wife of a wealthy textile baron. Wraysford convinces her to leave a life of passionless comfort to be at his side, but things do not turn out according to plan. Wraysford is haunted by this doomed affair and carries it with him into the trenches of the war. Birdsong derives most of its power from its descriptions of mud and blood, and Wraysford's attempt to retain a scrap of humanity while surrounded by it. Birdsong is a rewarding read, an unflinching war story and a touching romance. (1993, 503 pages)

Sebastian FAULKS – Engleby A convincing portrayal of a loner, Mike Engleby, this is a gripping read that draws you in right up to the end. We hear about the school and college experiences that form this troubled character, and the period details of the time give a thorough and well written backdrop to events. The story is told through Engleby's eyes, and it is up to the reader to believe what they will. Faulks evokes some degree of sympathy in the reader for Engleby and the lonely world he inhabits, yet we are fearful and chilled by some of his actions and reactions to people and events. It is compelling, though at times painful, to be inside Engleby's head. The way in which Faulks creates empathy for a character who on the surface level is barely likeable is masterful. Seemingly simple and straightforward, Engleby the book, like its eponymous character, is rich with layers of imagery and epiphanies. (2007, 352 pages)

Sebastian FAULKS – Human Traces Jacques Rebiere and Thomas Midwinter, both sixteen when the story starts in 1876, come from different countries and contrasting families. They are united by an ambition to understand how the mind works and whether madness is the price we pay for being human. As psychiatrists, they travel on a quest from the squalor of the Victorian lunatic asylum to the crowded lecture halls of the renowned Professor Charcot in Paris; from the heights of the Sierra Madre in California to the plains of unexplored Africa. Their search is made urgent by the case of Jacques' brother Olivier, for whose severe illness no name has yet been found. Thomas' sister Sonia becomes the pivotal figure in the volatile relationship between the two men. It threatens to explode with the arrival in their Austrian sanatorium of an enigmatic patient whose illness epitomises all that divides them. As the concerns of the old century fade and the First World War divides Europe, the novel rises to a climax in which the value of being alive is called into question. (2005, 614 pages)

Sebastian FAULKS – A Week in December (3 sets) It is London, the week before Christmas, 2007. Over seven days we follow the lives of seven major characters: a hedge fund manager trying to bring off the biggest trade of his career; a professional footballer recently arrived from Poland; a young lawyer with little work and too much time to speculate; a student who has been led astray by Islamist theory; a hack book-reviewer; a schoolboy hooked on skunk and reality TV; and, a Tube train driver whose Circle Line train joins these and countless other lives together in a daily loop. With daring skill, the novel pieces together the complex patterns and crossings of modern urban life. As the novel moves to its gripping climax, they are forced, one by one, to confront the true nature of the world they inhabit. (2010, 400 pages)


Julian FELLOWES – Past Imperfect Damian Baxter is very, very rich - and he's dying. He lives alone in a big house in Surrey, looked after by a chauffeur, butler, cook and housemaid. He has but one concern: who should inherit his fortune. Past Imperfect is the story of a quest. Damian Barker wishes to know if he has a living heir. By the time he married in his late thirties he was sterile (the result of adult mumps), but what about before that unfortunate illness? He was not a virgin. Had he sired a child? A letter from a girlfriend from these times suggests he did. But the letter is anonymous. Damian contacts someone he knew from their days at university. He gives him a list of girls he slept with and sets him a task: find his heir... (2009, 528 pages)

Patrick Lee FERMOR – A Time of Gifts (Travel) In 1933, at the age of 18, Patrick Leigh Fermor set out on an extraordinary journey by foot – from the Hook of Holland to Constantinople. A Time of Gifts is the first volume in a trilogy recounting the trip, and takes the reader with him as far as Hungary. His powers of recollection have astonishing sweep and verve, and the scope is majestic. First published to enormous acclaim, it confirmed Fermor's reputation as the greatest living travel writer, and has, together with its sequel Between the Woods and the Water (the third volume is famously yet to be published), been a perennial seller for 25 years. (1077, 304 pages)

Jasper FFORDE – The Eyre Affair There is another 1985, somewhere in the could-have-been, where the Crimean war still rages, dodos are regenerated in home-cloning kits and everyone is deeply disappointed by the ending of Jane Eyre. In this world there are no jet-liners or computers, but there are policemen who can travel across time, a Welsh republic, a great interest in all things literary – and a woman called Thursday Next. In this utterly original and wonderfully funny first novel, Fforde has created a fiesty, loveable heroine and a plot of such richness and ingenuity that it will take your breath away. (2001, 384 pages)

William FIENNES – The Music Room (Non-Fiction) William Fiennes' childhood was one of imagination and curiosity, bounded only by the horizon he saw from the roof-tiles of his ancient family home. His older brother Richard, known for his towering presence, his inventiveness, his great passion for Leeds United, and his suffering due to severe epilepsy, was an adored and charismatic figure in his life. Years later, eager to understand his brother's mind as fully as the ancient trees and secret haunts of his own journey towards adulthood, William Fiennes has written a profoundly moving account of his home, his family's care, and above all, of Richard. (2009, 224 pages)

Nathan FILER – The shock of the fall ‘I’ll tell you what happened because it will be a good way to introduce my brother. His name’s Simon. I think you’re going to like him. I really do. But in a couple of pages he’ll be dead. And he was never the same after that.’ The Shock of the Fall is an extraordinary portrait of one man’s descent into mental illness. (2014, 320 pages)

F.S. Scott FITZGERALD – The beautiful and damned Fitzgerald’s rich and detailed novel of the decadent Jazz Era follows the beautiful and vibrant Anthony Patch and his wife Gloria as they navigate the heady lifestyle of the young and wealthy in 1920s New York. Patch is the presumptive heir to his grandfather’s fortune, and keeps his equally spoiled wife in comfort while biding time until his grandfather’s death. Patch is unable to hold down any kind of job and spends his days in luxury, indulging in whatever pleasures are available. But as the money begins to fail, so does their marriage. Patch’s gradual descent into alcoholism, depression and alienation from his marriage ultimately lead to his ruin. (2013 [1922], 464 pages)

F. Scott FITZGERALD – The Great Gatsby Jay Gatsby is the man who has everything. Everybody who is anybody is seen at his glittering parties. Day and night his Long Island mansion buzzes with bright young things drinking, dancing and

29 debating his mysterious character. For Gatsby always seems alone in the crowd, watching and waiting, though no one knows what for. Beneath the shimmering surface of his life he is hiding a secret: a silent longing that can never be fulfilled. And soon this destructive obsession will force his world to unravel. (1925, 176 pages)

F Scott FITZGERALD – Tender is the Night Between the First World War and the Wall Street Crash the French Riviera was the stylish place for wealthy Americans to visit. Among the most fashionable are the Divers, Dick and Nicole who hold court at their villa. Into their circle comes Rosemary Hoyt, a film star, who is instantly attracted to them, but understands little of the dark secrets and hidden corruption that hold them together. As Dick draws closer to Rosemary, he fractures the delicate structure of his marriage and sets both Nicole and himself on to a dangerous path where only the strongest can survive. (1934, 320 pages)

Patrick FLANERY - Absolution In her garden, ensconced in the lush vegetation of the Western Cape, Clare Wald, world-renowned author, mother, critic, takes up her pen and confronts her life. Sam Leroux has returned to South Africa to embark upon a project that will establish his reputation - he is to write Clare's biography. But how honest is she prepared to be? Was she complicit in crimes lurking in South Africa's past; is she an accomplice or a victim? Are her crimes against her family real or imagined? In the stories she weaves and the truth just below the surface of her shimmering prose, lie Sam's own ghosts. (2013, 396 pages)

Gustave FLAUBERT – Madame Bovary Emma Bovary is beautiful and bored, trapped in her marriage to a mediocre doctor and stifled by the banality of provincial life. An ardent reader of sentimental novels, she longs for passion and seeks escape in fantasies of high romance, in voracious spending and, eventually, in adultery. But even her affairs bring her disappointment and the consequences are devastating. (1857, 384 pages)

Gillian FLYNN – Gone girl Just how well can you ever know the person you love? This is the question that Nick Dunne must ask himself on the morning of his fifth wedding anniversary when his wife Amy suddenly disappears. The police immediately suspect Nick. Amy's friends reveal that she was afraid of him, that she kept secrets from him. He swears it isn't true. A police examination of his computer shows strange searches. He says they aren't his. And then there are the persistent calls on his mobile phone. So what really did happen to Nick's beautiful wife? And what was in that half-wrapped box left so casually on their marital bed? In this novel, marriage truly is the art of war... (2013, 496 pages)

Jonathan Safran FOER – Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close When his father is killed in the September 11th attacks, nine-year-old Oskar Schell sets out to solve the mystery of a key he discovers in his father's closet. It leads him into the lives of strangers, into history, to the bombings of Dresden and Hiroshima, and on an inward journey which brings him ever closer to some kind of peace. (2006, 368 pages)

Leslie FORBES – Waking Raphael It is 1933. In a country rocked by corruption trials involving government, big business and the Vatican, people in the small city of Urbino, Raphael's birthplace, appear more concerned with love affairs than politics. Then Count Malaspino returns after years away, and his support for the restoration of Raphael's La Muta ('the mute woman') drives a living mute to an act of violence. Does this woman know something terrible about Malaspino's past? Did she witness a literally 'unspeakable' crime that could shatter the peace of Urbino? Both a political thriller and an examination of our miraculous capacity for restoration, ‘Waking Raphael’ recreates an Italy where the comic and the tragic, the romantic and the violent are brilliantly evoked. (2003, 416 pages)

Jamie FORD – Songs of Willow Frost William Eng has lived at Seattle's Sacred Heart Orphanage for five long years, ever since his mother's listless body was carried from their Chinatown apartment. When, during a trip to the movie theatre, William glimpses an actress on the silver screen, he is immediately struck by her features.

30 Because Willow Frost is many things - a singer, a dancer, a movie star - but most of all, William is convinced, she is his mother. Determined to find her, William attempts to confront the mysteries of his past. But the story of Willow Frost is far more complicated than any Hollywood fantasy ... (2013, 413 pages)

Aminatta FORNA – The Memory of Love Freetown, Sierra Leone, 1969. On a hot January evening that he will remember for decades, Elias Cole first catches sight of Saffia Kamara, the wife of a charismatic colleague. He is transfixed. Thirty years later, lying in the capital's hospital, he recalls the desire that drove him to acts of betrayal he has tried to justify ever since. Elsewhere in the hospital, Kai, a gifted young surgeon, is desperately trying to forget the pain of a lost love that torments him as much as the mental scars he still bears from the civil war that has left an entire people with terrible secrets to keep. It falls to a British psychologist, Adrian Lockheart, to help the two survivors, but when he too falls in love, past and present collide with devastating consequences. (2011, 464 pages)

E.M. FORSTER – A passage to India When Adela Quested and her elderly companion Mrs Moore arrive in the Indian town of Chandrapore, they quickly feel trapped by its insular and prejudiced 'Anglo-Indian' community. Determined to escape the parochial English enclave and explore the 'real India', they seek the guidance of the charming and mercurial Dr Aziz, a cultivated Indian Muslim. But a mysterious incident occurs while they are exploring the Marabar caves with Aziz, and the well-respected doctor soon finds himself at the centre of a scandal that rouses violent passions among both the British and their Indian subjects. (2005 [1924], 416 pages)

E. M. FORSTER – Room with a View A brilliant social comedy about the English middle classes abroad and at home, "A Room with a View" is one of E.M. Forster's most popular novels. The medieval beauty of Florence is the setting for the emotional awakening of Lucy Honeychurch, a young woman travelling abroad for the first time with her cousin Charlotte. On her return to England, in her relationships with her cousin, the unconventional Emersons and her supercilious fiance Cecil, Lucy is torn between lingering Victorian proprieties and the spontaneous promptings of her heart. (1908, 168 pages)

Margaret FORSTER – Good Wives (2 sets) In 1848, Mary Moffatt became the devoted wife of the missionary and explorer, David Livingstone in Africa and it eventually killed her. A hundred and twelve years later, in 1960, Margaret Forster married her high school sweetheart, Hunter Davies in a London Register Office and forty years later, they are still married. Between those two marriages and their experience is a huge gulf during which time women's lives changed immeasurably but curiously, some aspects and attitudes remained fixed and immutable and found an echo in Forster's own life. Have these fixed points finally shifted? What was and is now a good wife? Why do many women still get married? Why do others not? Why do couples still marry in church in an age of unbelief? (2002, 352 pages)

Margaret FORSTER – Is There Anything You Want? (3 sets) What do Mrs H., Rachel, Edwina, Ida, Sarah, Dot, Chrissie have in common? They're all women, but they're fat, thin, old, young, professional, incompetent – and appear as diverse as human nature can be. But they are all survivors. This compelling novel follows the ripples that go out into ordinary lives, women's lives in particular, which have been scarred and changed by a shared experience, all connected by the same hospital clinic in a small Northern town. This is a novel about what it means to live in the shadow of disease and with its scars, whether mental and physical, looking back over one's shoulder while trying to go forward. At its heart is a strong, difficult but finally vulnerable, old woman. Mrs H. is generous and helpful to a (sometimes comical) fault and lives alone with a secret that she tells no one but that finally explains everything. (2005, 320 pages)

Margaret FORSTER – Keeping the World Away Lost, found, stolen, strayed, sold, fought over...This engrossing, beautifully crafted novel follows the fictional adventures, over a hundred years, of an early 20th-century painting and the women whose lives it touches. It opens with bold, passionate Gwen, struggling to be an artist, leaving for Paris

31 where she becomes Rodin's lover and paints a small, intimate picture of a quiet corner of her attic room...Then, there's Charlotte, a dreamy intellectual Edwardian girl, and Stella, Lucasta, Ailsa and finally young Gillian, who share an unspoken desire to have for themselves a tranquil golden place like that in the painting. Quintessential Forster, this is a novel about women's lives, about what it means and what it costs to be both a woman and an artist, and an unusual, compelling look at a beautiful painting and its imagined afterlife. (2006, 352 pages)

John FOWLES – The Magus On a remote Greek Island, Nicholas Urfe finds himself embroiled in the deceptions of a master trickster. As reality and illusion intertwine, Urfe is caught up in the darkest of psychological games. John Fowles expertly unfolds a tale that is lush with over-powering imagery in a spellbinding exploration of human complexities. By turns disturbing, thrilling and seductive, The Magus is a feast for the mind and the senses. (1966, 672 pages)

Anne FRANK – The Diary of a Young Girl (Biography) In Amsterdam, in the summer of 1942, the Nazis forced teenager Anne Frank and her family into hiding. For over two years, they, another family and a German dentist lived in a 'secret annexe', fearing discovery. All that time, Anne kept a diary. An intimate record of tension and struggle, adolescence and confinement, anger and heartbreak, Anne Frank's diary is one of those unique documents, famed throughout the world that portrays innocence and humanity, suffering and survival in the starkest and most moving terms. (This trans. 1995, 350 pages)

Jonathan FRANZEN – The Corrections The Lamberts – Enid and Alfred and their three grown-up children – are a troubled family living in a troubled age. Alfred is ill and as his condition worsens the whole family must face the failures, secrets and long-buried hurts that haunt them if they are to make the corrections that each desperately needs. Stretching from the Midwest in the mid-century to Wall Street and Eastern Europe in the age of globalised greed, The Corrections brings an old-time America of freight trains and civic duty into wild collision with the era of home surveillance, hands-off parenting, do-it-yourself mental healthcare, and New Economy millionaires. (2001, 672 pages)

Charles FRAZIER – Thirteen Moons At the age of twelve, Will is given a horse, a key, and a map, and sent alone into the Indian Nation to run a trading post as a bound boy. It is during this time that he grows into a man. As Will's destiny intertwines with the fate of the Cherokee Indians, he learns how to fight and survive in the face of both nature and men, and eventually Will begins the fight against Washington City to preserve the Cherokee's homeland and culture. Brilliantly imagined, written with great power and beauty, Thirteen Moons is a stunning novel about a man's passion for a woman, and how loss, longing and love can shape a man's destiny. (2006, 416 pages)

Michael FRAYN – Headlong Martin Clay, a would-be art historian, discovers what he believes to be a long-lost old master. He sees the chance to make his professional reputation and secure the painting for the nation. The rather philistine owner is unaware of the painting’s potential value, so how will Martin obtain the painting without arousing the owner’s suspicions? Setting up a classic sting could lead to the loss of everything he values. (1998, 400 pages)

Elizabeth FREMANTLE – Queen’s Gambit Katherine Parr, widowed for the second time aged thirty-one, is obliged to return to the court of Henry VIII but, suspicious of the ageing king and those who surround him, she does so with reluctance. Nevertheless, when she finds herself caught up in a passionate affair with the dashing and seductive Thomas Seymour, she believes she might finally be able to marry for love. But her presence at court has attracted the attentions of the King himself . . No one is in a position to refuse a proposal from the King, and so Katherine must accept the hand of the ailing egotistical monarch and become Henry's sixth wife - and yet she has still not quite given up on love. (2013, 464 pages)

32 Patrick GALE – Dangerous Pleasures A collection of Gale’s short fiction where the dangers of various forms of pleasure provide the linking theme. From curious childhood loyalties, long-hidden unsettling memories, and newly discovered joys, to dislocated relationships and overwhelming passions. (1996, 243 pages)

Patrick GALE – Notes from an Exhibition (11 copies) When troubled artist Rachel Kelly dies painting obsessively in her studio in Penzance, her saintly husband and adult children have more than the usual mess to clear up. She leaves behind an extraordinary and acclaimed body of work -- but she also leaves a legacy of secrets and emotional damage it will take months to unravel. To her children she is both curse and blessing, though they all in one way or another reap her whirlwind, inheriting her waywardness, her power of loving -- and her demons! Only their father's Quaker gifts of stillness and resilience give them any chance of withstanding her destructive influence. What emerges is a story of enduring love, and of a family which weathers tragedy, mental illness and the intolerable strain of living with genius. (2007, 304 pages)

Gabriel GARCIA MARQUEZ – Love in the Time of Cholera Fifty-one years nine months and four days have passed since Fermina Daza rebuffed hopeless romantic Florentino Arizo's impassioned advances and married Dr. Juvenal Urbino instead. During that half century, Florentino has fallen into the arms of many delighted women, but has loved none but Fermina. Having sworn his eternal love to her, he lives for the day when he can court her again. When Fermina's husband is killed trying to retrieve his pet parrot from a mango tree, Florentino seizes his chance to declare his enduring love. But can young love find new life in the twilight of their lives? (1985, 368 pages)

Gabriel GARCIA MARQUEZ – One hundred years of solitude 'Many years later, as he faced the firing squad, Colonel Aureliano Buendia was to remember that distant afternoon when his father took him to discover ice.' Pipes and kettledrums herald the arrival of gypsies on their annual visit to Macondo, the newly founded village where Jose Arcadio Buendia and his wife, Ursula, have started their new life. As the mysterious Melquiades excites Aureliano Buendia's father with new inventions and tales of adventure, neither can know the significance of the indecipherable manuscript that the old gypsy passes into their hands. Through plagues of insomnia, civil war, hauntings and vendettas, the many tribulations of the Buendia household push memories of the manuscript aside. Few remember its existence and only one will discover the hidden message that it holds... (1967, 432 pages)

Jane GARDAM – Old Filth (2 sets) Filth, in his heyday, was an international lawyer with a practice in the Far East. Now, only the oldest QCs and Silks can remember that his nickname stood for Failed In London Try Hong Kong. Long ago, Old Filth was a Raj orphan – one of the many young children sent 'Home' from the East to be fostered and educated in England. Brilliantly constructed – going backwards and forwards in time, yet constantly working towards the secret at its core – Old Filth is funny and heart-breaking, witty and peopled with characters who astonish, dismay and delight the reader. (2004, 272 pages)

Jane GARDAM – The man in the wooden hat Filth (Failed In London, Try Hong Kong) is a successful lawyer when he marries Elisabeth in Hong Kong soon after the War. Reserved, immaculate and courteous, Filth finds it hard to demonstrate his emotions, but Elisabeth is different - a free spirit. She was brought up in the Japanese Internment Camps, which killed both her parents, but left her with a lust for survival and an affinity with the Far East. No wonder she is attracted to Filth's hated rival at the Bar - the brash, forceful Veneering. Veneering has a Chinese wife and an adored son - and no difficulty whatsoever in demonstrating his emotions. (2009, 288 pages)

Jane GARDAM – Last friends Old Filth and The Man in the Wooden Hat told with bristling tenderness and black humour the stories of that Titan of the Hong Kong law courts, Old Filth QC, and his clever, misunderstood wife Betty. Last Friends, the final volume of this trilogy, picks up with Terence Veneering, Filth's great rival in

33 work and - though it was never spoken of - in love. Veneering's were not the usual beginnings of an establishment silk: the son of a Russian acrobat marooned in northeast England and a devoted local girl, he escapes the war to emerge in the Far East as a man of panache, success and fame. But, always, at the stuffy English Bar he is treated with suspicion: where did this blond, louche, brilliant Slav come from? Veneering, Filth and their friends tell a tale of love, friendship, grace, the bittersweet experiences of a now-forgotten Empire and the disappointments and consolations of age. (2014, 256 pages)

Elizabeth GASKELL – North and South North and South is a novel about rebellion. Moving from the industrial riots of discontented millworkers through to the unsought passions of a middle-class woman, and from religious crises of conscience to the ethics of naval mutiny, it poses fundamental questions about the nature of social authority and obedience. Through the story of Margaret Hale, the middle-class southerner who moves to the northern industrial town of Milton, Gaskell skilfully explores issues of class and gender in the conflict between Margaret's ready sympathy with the workers and her growing attraction to the charismatic mill owner, John Thornton. (1855, 496 pages)

Sue GEE – Reading in bed (2 sets) Sue Gee's novel is a lively, compassionate and comforting story of tangled relationships and the sustaining powers of good books, loyal friends and conversation. Friends since university, with busy working lives behind them, Dido and Georgia have long been looking forward to carefree days of books and conversation, when each finds herself caught up in unexpected domestic drama. Dido, for the first time, has cause to question her marriage; widowed Georgia feels certain her husband will return to her. Meanwhile, an eccentric country cousin goes wildly off the rails and children are unhappy in love. (2007, 352 pages)

Nicci GERRARD – The winter house When Marnie receives a phone call that summons her to the side of a once-beloved friend, she is wrenched from her orderly London life and sent back into a past from which she has fled but never escaped. Ralph, Marnie and Oliver once knew each other well and are still inextricably bound by ties of love and betrayal and now they meet again in Ralph's secluded cottage in the Scottish highlands, to spend the precious days that Ralph has left with each other. As they reminisce, Marnie is taken back to the summer years ago when everything changed between them and heartbreak and desire broke up their little group. Will Ralph have the chance to say what needs to be said before it's too late and can they put the devastating events of twenty years ago to rest and rekindle the intimacy they once shared? (2009, 400 pages)

Amitav GHOSH – The Calcutta Chromosome In the not-too-distant future, Antar, a computer-bound desk clerk in New York City unearths the abandoned ID card of an old colleague. Antar remembers him as the man who described himself as the world authority on Ronald Ross, A Nobel-winning scientist who solved the ‘malaria puzzle’ in Calcutta in 1898. This leads him to investigate the truth of what happened in a tropical laboratory in the 1890s, a truth in which the past, present and future all play a mysterious part. An ingenious story, which combines the suspense of a Victorian melodrama with the fascination of a scientific thriller. (1996, 312 pages)

Amitav GHOSH – The Glass Palace Rajkumar helps on a market stall in the dusty square outside the royal palace, when the British force the Burmese king, queen and all the court into exile. He is rescued by the far-seeing Chinese merchant, and with him builds up a logging business in upper Burma. But haunted by his vision of the royal family, he journeys to the obscure town in India where they have been exiled. Among the great range of characters are one of the court ladies, Miss Dolly and the redoubtable Jonakin, part of the British-educated Indian colony, who with her husband, has been put in charge of the Burmese exiled court. The story follows the fortunes – rubber estates in Malaya, businesses in Singapore, estates in Burma – which Rajkumar, with his Chinese, British and Burmese relations, friends and associates, builds up -- from 1870 through World War II to the scattering of the extended family to New York and Thailand, London and Hong Kong in the post-war years. (2001, 560 pages)


Stella GIBBONS – Cold Comfort Farm When sensible, sophisticated Flora Poste is orphaned at nineteen, she decides her only choice is to descend upon relatives in deepest Sussex. At the aptly named Cold Comfort Farm, she meets the doomed Starkadders: cousin Judith, heaving with remorse for unspoken wickedness; Amos, preaching fire and damnation; their sons, lustful Seth and despairing Reuben; child of nature Elfine; and crazed old Aunt Ada Doom, who has kept to her bedroom for the last twenty years. But Flora loves nothing better than to organize other people. Armed with common sense and a strong will, she resolves to take each of the family in hand. A hilarious and merciless parody of rural melodramas, "Cold Comfort Farm" (1932) is one of the best-loved comic novels of all time. (1932, 233 pages)

Elizabeth GILBERT – Eat, Pray, Love (Travel) It's 3 a.m. and Elizabeth Gilbert is sobbing on the bathroom floor. She's in her thirties, she has a husband, a house, they're trying for a baby – and she doesn't want any of it. A bitter divorce and a turbulent love affair later, she emerges battered and bewildered and realises it is time to pursue her own journey in search of three things she has been missing: pleasure, devotion and balance. So she travels to Rome, where she learns Italian from handsome, brown-eyed identical twins and gains twenty-five pounds, an ashram in India, where she finds that enlightenment entails getting up in the middle of the night to scrub the temple floor, and Bali where a toothless medicine man of indeterminate age offers her a new path to peace: simply sit still and smile. And slowly happiness begins to creep up on her. (2007, 384 pages)

Linda GILLARD – Star Gazing Blind since birth, widowed in her twenties, now lonely in her forties, Marianne Fraser lives in Edinburgh in elegant, angry anonymity with her sister, Louisa, a successful novelist. Marianne's passionate nature finds solace and expression in music, a love she finds she shares with Keir, a man she encounters on her doorstep one winter's night. Whilst Marianne has had her share of men attracted to her because they want to rescue her, Keir makes no concession to her condition. He is abrupt to the point of rudeness, and yet oddly kind. But can Marianne trust her feelings for this reclusive stranger who wants to take a blind woman to his island home on Skye, to show her the stars? (2008, 320 pages)

George GISSING – The odd women “There are half a million more women than men in this unhappy country of ours ...So many odd women - no making a pair with them.” Set in grimy, fog-ridden London, these 'odd' women range from the idealistic, financially self-sufficient Mary Barfoot and Rhoda Nunn, who run a school to train young women in office skills for work, to the Madden sisters struggling to subsist in low-paid jobs and experiencing little comfort or pleasure in their lives. Yet it is for the youngest Madden sister's marriage that the novel reserves its most sinister critique. With superb detachment Gissing captures contemporary society's ambivalence towards its own period of transition. (2000 [1893], 432 pages)

Lesley GLAISTER – Nina Todd has gone Nina Todd is not the sort of person you'd notice in the street – and that's the way she likes it. She keeps her head down and tries to live a quiet life: dull job, dependable boyfriend, no disruptions. When Nina meets the unnervingly handsome Rupert during a conference, it leads to the kind of empty adulterous encounter that she'd rather forget. But it soon becomes clear that Rupert doesn't feel the same way, and when he starts to turn up everywhere – gorgeous, worrying, distracting – her carefully constructed life begins to fall apart. He won't let her out of his sight – is it pure infatuation, or something more sinister? Who is Rupert, and what is the power he holds over her? And who is Nina Todd? (2007, 288 pages)

Arthur GOLDEN – Memoirs of a Geisha (2 sets) Welcome to the Floating World of the Geishas in its twilight. This is the true story of a real life geisha presented in the form of a novel. Japan in the years following WWI is a country in transition. The old ways are on their way out and the nation is caught in limbo, between progress and tradition. In this transitional world Sayuri is offered the chance to become a Geisha. The unique colour of her eyes,

35 her patience and artistic abilities soon propel her to the position of the most famous Geisha of them all.(1997, 434 pages)

William GOLDING – The lord of the flies A plane crashes on an uninhabited island and the only survivors, a group of schoolboys, assemble on the beach and wait to be rescued. By day they inhabit a land of bright fantastic birds and dark blue seas, but at night their dreams are haunted by the image of a terrifying beast. In this, his first novel, William Golding gave the traditional adventure story an ironic, devastating twist. The boys' delicate sense of order fades, and their childish fears are transformed into something deeper and more primitive. Their games take on a horrible significance, and before long the well-behaved party of schoolboys has turned into a tribe of faceless, murderous savages. (2000 [1954], 240 pages)

Ji-Young GONG – Our Happy Time Yujeong - beautiful, bright and wealthy - is in hospital recovering from her third suicide attempt; angry at the world, she reluctantly accepts her no-nonsense aunt's suggestion to accompany her on charitable visits to inmates on death row. At first, Yunsu - a convicted murderer - seems unrepenting and savage. Yujeong is repulsed by his crimes, but detects deep suffering behind his hard demeanour. Slowly and with growing passion, the two young misfits reveal to each other the dark secrets and traumas that have shaped their lives, yet every week Yunsu's hands are in cuffs, and it is impossible to forget that the time they have together is painfully short...This is a story that will make you rethink the way we can love others, and how we can ultimately redeem ourselves. (2014, 272 pages)

Eliza GRAHAM – The history room After her soldier husband is seriously injured and her marriage begins to fall apart, Meredith Cordingley returns to teach at Letchford, the grand Cotswold private school run by her father. The setting provides Meredith with a tranquil refuge from her own heartache until one September afternoon, when a shocking discovery is made in the history room. The police are called, but all is not what it seems. Meredith is determined to discover the culprit, but on her journey to untangle the truth she risks her father’s reputation, as well as her own. As the mystery unravels Meredith comes to discover that there is more than one person at Letchford School hiding a past filled with complicated secrets. What follows is a gripping mystery, a tale of war, grief, love and second chances. (2012, 304 pages)

Eliza GRAHAM – Playing with the Moon Shattered by a recent bereavement, Minna and husband Tom retreat to an isolated village on the Dorset coast, hoping to find the solitude that will allow them to cope with their loss and rebuild their foundering marriage. Walking on the beach one day, they unearth a human skeleton. It is a discovery which will plunge Minna into a mystery which will consume her for months to come. The remains are soon identified as those of Private Lew Campbell, a black American GI who, it seems, drowned during a wartime exercise half a century before. Increasingly preoccupied with the dead soldier's fate, Minna befriends a melancholy elderly woman, Felix, who lived in the village during the war. As Minna coaxes the story from her, it becomes clear that the old woman knows more about the dead GI than she initially let on. Felix's final shocking confession allows her to come to terms with an event that has cast a shadow over her life, and helps Minna to begin to accept her own loss. (2007, 276 pages)

Laurie GRAHAM – The Future Homemakers of America Filled with warmth, wit and wisdom, The Future Homemakers of America takes us to the heart of female friendship.Norfolk,1953 - the Fens have never seen anything quite like the girls from USAF Drampton, overpaid, overfed, and over here. While their men patrol the skies keeping the Soviets at bay, some are content to live the life of the Future Homemakers of America - clipping coupons, cooking chicken pot pie - but other start to stray, looking for a little native excitement beyond the perimeter fence. Out there in the freezing fens they meet Kath Pharaoh, a tough but warm Englishwoman. Bonds are forged, uniting the women in friendship that will survive distant postings, and the passage of forty years. (2001, 392 pages)

36 Laurie GRAHAM – The Ten O’clock Horses A gently humorous evocation of the early sixties, when sophistication is eating avocado pears and having the banisters boxed in! Ronnie Glover is vaguely discontented with his life. Out of the blue, sophisticated Jacqueline, his daughter’s well-to-do dancing teacher, bursts into his life and offers him everything he ever dreamed of, but is it all too good to be true? (1996, 255 pages)

Linda GRANT – When I Lived in Modern Times The year is 1946. Evelyn Sert, a Jewish hairdresser from Soho, is journeying to Tel Aviv where Jews are gathering from around the world. Against this background, Evelyn tells her story from her childhood in a blitzed London and her relationship with her mother, to her involvement in terrorism and the search for a national identity. (2000, 260 pages)

Graham GREENE – Brighton Rock A gang war is raging through the dark underworld of Brighton. Seventeen-year-old Pinkie, malign and ruthless, has killed a man. Believing he can escape retribution, he is unprepared for the courageous, life-embracing Ida Arnold. Greene's gripping thriller exposes a world of loneliness and fear, of life lived on the 'dangerous edge of things'. (1938, 304 pages)

Graham GREENE – The End of the Affair The love affair between Maurice Bendix and Sarah, flourishing in the turbulent times of the London Blitz, ends when she suddenly and without explanation breaks it off. After a chance meeting rekindles his love and jealousy two years later, Bendix hires a private detective to follow Sarah, and slowly his love for her turns into an obsession. (1951, 160 pages)

Philippa GREGORY – The Other Queen At the centre of this novel is Mary Queen of Scotland, forced to flee into England. Mary, a devout Catholic, is a living threat to the rule of her cousin Elisabeth, whose Protestant reign is uncertain. Elizabeth’s chief advisor, Cecil, formulates a plan in which the destabilising Mary will live under guard with his faithful friend, Bess of Hardwick. Bess is a remarkable woman herself; someone who has forged her own destiny, and is now in her fourth marriage, to the distinguished Earl of Shrewsbury. But soon Bess and Mary find themselves plunged into very different personal crises – with Bess’s marriage under considerable strain. With her characteristic combination of superb storytelling and authentic historical background, Philippa Gregory brings to life this period of great change in her final novel in the Tudor series. (2008, 375 pages)

Philippa GREGORY – The white queen Philippa Gregory brings the tumult and intrigue of The Wars of the Roses to vivid life through the women of the House of Lancaster and the House of York, beginning with the story of Elizabeth Woodville, the White Queen. A woman who won the love of a king and ascended to royalty by virtue of her beauty, Elizabeth fought tenaciously for the success of her family -- her daughter who would one day unite the warring dynasties, and her two sons whose eventual fate has confounded historians for centuries: the Princes in the Tower. (2009, 464 pages)

Kate GRENVILLE – The Idea of Perfection A funny and touching romance between two people who have given up on love. Douglas is a gawky engineer and Harley a woman larger than life. They each arrive in the eccentric backwater of Karakarook, New South Wales, with conflicting aims. Douglas is there to pull down the quaint old Bent Bridge, Harley to preserve heritage. They are on a collision course when something unexpected happens. Winner of the 2001 Orange Prize for Fiction. (1999, 410 pages)

Kate GRENVILLE – The Lieutenant As a boy, Daniel Rooke was always an outsider. At school, he learned to hide his clever thoughts from his cruel peers; at home, his parents were bemused by their bookish son. Daniel could only hope – against all the evidence – that he would one day find his place in life. By 1788, Daniel has become Lieutenant Rooke, astronomer with the First Fleet as it lands on the unknown shores of New South Wales. As the newcomers struggle to establish a settlement for themselves and their cargo of convicts, and attempts are made to communicate with those who already inhabit this land, Rooke

37 sets up his observatory to chart the stars. But the place where they have landed will prove far more revelatory than the night sky. Out on his isolated point, Rooke comes to know the local Aboriginal people, and forges a remarkable connection with one child, which will change his life in ways he never imagined. (2009, 302 pages)

Kate GRENVILLE – The Secret River London, 1807. William Thornhill, happily wedded to his childhood sweetheart Sal, is a waterman on the River Thames. Life is tough but bearable until William makes a mistake, a bad mistake for which he and his family are made to pay dearly. His sentence: to be transported to New South Wales for the term of his natural life. The Thornhills arrive in this harsh and alien land that they cannot understand and which feels like a death sentence. But, among the convicts there is a rumour that freedom can be bought, that 'unclaimed' land up the Hawkesbury offers an opportunity to start afresh, far away from the township of Sydney. When William takes a hundred acres for himself, he is shocked to find Aboriginal people already living on the river. And other recent arrivals are finding their own ways to respond to them. Soon Thornhill, a man neither better nor worse than most, has to make the most difficult decision of his life... (2006, 352 pages)

Heather GUDENKAUF – One breath away In rural Broken Branch, Iowa, a man has entered the only school in town and he has a gun. The story is told through multiple-narrators as the horrifying day of events unfolds. Holly is recovering in hospital after suffering terrible burns in a housefire; her thirteen-year-old daughter Augie is now living with her grandparents in Broken Branch and is fiercely protective of her little brother P.J.; Mrs. Oliver is nearing retirement and is P.J.'s third grade teacher, Will is Holly's father and Augie & P.J.'s grandfather, and Meg is a local policewoman, who also has a daughter in the third grade. As the stories are interwoven many questions arise: who is the mysterious gunman, what is his motive, and how far will he go? (2012, 400 pages)

Abdul Razak GURNAH – Desertion Early one morning in 1899, in a small town along the coast from Mombasa, Hassanali sets out for the mosque. But that morning he never gets there, for out of the desert stumbles an Englishman who collapses at his feet. When he later visits Hassanali to thank him for his rescue, he meets his sister Rehana and is immediately fascinated by her beautiful eyes and her air of tragedy. In this crumbling town on the edge of civilised life, with the empire on the brink of a new century, a passionate love affair begins that brings two cultures together and that will reverberate through three generations and across continents. It carries its consequences to Zanzibar in the early 1950s, a country struggling with its complicated legacy of slavery and foreign rule. Here another forbidden love affair begins as Zanzibar moves inexorably towards Independence – and revolution. Ambitious, moving and absorbing, it is an unforgettable portrait of a continent in upheaval. (2005, 272 pages)

David GUTERSON – Snow Falling on Cedars (2 sets) When Carl Heine is pulled out of his gill net with his skull cracked open just above his left ear, foul play is suspected. A casual remark by the coroner leads to the arrest of Kabu Miyamoto, a local fisherman of Japanese descent. The ensuing trial exposes the tensions between the Japanese community and other ethnic groups on a small island in the Puget Sound. Guterson re-creates the confusion created by different cultural interpretations of a single act, but also establishes a wonderful sense of place. The characters have strong physical and emotional relationships to the land and sea. The novel is suffused with the scent of cedars and strawberries, the softness of moss, mist and snow. (1994, 404 pages)

Mark HADDON – The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time This is a murder mystery novel like no other. The detective and narrator is Christopher Boone, aged 15, who has Asperger’s, a form of autism. He knows a very great deal about maths and very little about human beings. He loves lists, patterns and the truth. He hates the colours yellow and brown and being touched. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he finds a neighbour’s dog murdered he sets out on a terrifying journey which will turn his whole world upside down. Brilliant original and inventive. (2003, 224 pages)

38 Mark HADDON – A Spot of Bother At fifty-seven, George is settling down to a comfortable retirement. Then Katie, his tempestuous daughter, announces that she is getting remarried, to Ray. Her family is not pleased. Katie can't decide if she loves Ray, or loves the wonderful way he has with her son Jacob, and her mother Jean is a bit put out by all the planning and arguing the wedding has occasioned, which get in the way of her quite fulfilling late-life affair with one of her husband's former colleagues. Unnoticed in the uproar, George discovers a sinister lesion on his hip, and quietly begins to lose his mind. (2006, 512 pages)

Araminta HALL – Everything and nothing A family near breaking point hire a nanny with secrets of her own in this gripping novel. On the surface, Ruth and Christian seem like an ordinary working couple with two kids – and a home in chaos. As the cracks in their marriage widen, they decide to get their very own super-nanny, Aggie. Quietly efficient, she brings calm and order, and the children adore her but why is Aggie so eager to gain their trust? Is there something sinister about her efforts to create the perfect family and what is she really doing in their home? (2011, 336 pages)

Moshin HAMID – The Reluctant Fundamentalist At a cafe table in Lahore, a Pakistani man converses with a stranger. As dusk deepens to dark, he begins the tale that has brought him to this fateful meeting... Among the brightest and best of his graduating class at Princeton, Changez is snapped up by an elite firm and thrives on New York and the intensity of his work. For a time, it seems as though nothing will stand in the way of Changez's meteoric rise to personal and professional success: the fulfillment of the immigrant's dream. But in the wake of September 11, he finds his position in the city he loves suddenly overturned, and his budding relationship with Erica eclipsed by the reawakened ghosts of her past. Changez's own identity is in seismic shift as well, unearthing allegiances more fundamental than money, power, and perhaps even love. (2007, 224 pages)

Mohammed HANIF – A Case of Exploding Mangoes A novel that re-imagines the conspiracies and coincidences leading to the mysterious 1988 plane crash that killed Pakistan's dictator General Zia ul-Haq. At the centre is Ali Shigri: Pakistan Air Force pilot and Silent Drill Commander of Fury Squadron. His father, one of Zia's colonels, committed suicide under suspicious circumstances. Ali is determined to understand what or who pushed his father to such desperation – and to avenge his death. He mounts an elaborate plot for revenge with an ever-changing crew, including a mango-besotted crow. General Zia begins every day by asking his chief of security: "Who's trying to kill me?" The answer lies in a conspiracy trying its damnedest to happen. Intrigue and subterfuge combine with mishap and luck in this darkly comic book about love, betrayal, tyranny, and family. (2008, 288 pages)

Georgina HARDING – Painter of silence Iasi, Romania, the early 1950s. A nameless man is found on the steps of a hospital. Deaf and mute, he is unable to communicate until a young nurse called Safta brings paper and pencils with which he can draw. Slowly, painstakingly, memories appear on the page. The memories are Safta's also. for the man is Augustin, son of the cook at the manor house which was Safta's family home. Born six months apart, they grew up with a connection that bypassed words. But while Augustin's world remained the same size Safta's expanded to embrace languages, society - and a fleeting love, one long, hot summer. But then came war, and in its wake a brutal Stalinist regime, and nothing would remain the same. (2012, 320 pages)

Thomas HARDY – Far From the Madding Crowd Gabriel Oak is only one of three suitors for the hand of the beautiful and spirited Bathsheba Everdene. He must compete with the dashing young soldier Sergeant Troy and respectable, middle- aged Farmer Boldwood. And while their fates depend upon the choice Bathsheba makes, she discovers the terrible consequences of an inconstant heart. Set against the backdrop of the unchanging natural cycle of the year, the story both upholds and questions rural values with a startlingly modern sensibility. (1874, 330 pages)

39 Thomas HARDY – Tess of the D’Urbervilles When Tess Durbeyfield is driven by family poverty to claim kinship with the wealthy D'Urbervilles and seek a portion of their family fortune, meeting her 'cousin' Alec proves to be her downfall. A very different man, Angel Clare, seems to offer her love and salvation, but Tess must choose whether to reveal her past or remain silent in the hope of a peaceful future. With its sensitive depiction of the wronged Tess and powerful criticism of social convention, Tess of the D'Urbervilles is one of the most moving and poetic of Hardy's novels. (1981, 405 pages)

Joanne HARRIS – Chocolat A stranger arrives in a French village and opens a chocolate shop opposite the church. Her premises become a focal point for local outcasts whose problems she solves, much to the annoyance of the Priest. The temptation of chocolate during Lent, the traditional season for self denial, divides the community. (1999, 336 pages)

Joanne HARRIS – Gentlemen and Players The place is St Oswald's, an old and long-established boys' grammar school in the north of England. A new year has just begun, and for the staff and boys of the school, a wind of unwelcome change is blowing. Suits, paperwork and Information Technology rule the world and Roy Straitley, Latin master, eccentric, and veteran of St Oswald's, is finally – reluctantly – contemplating retirement. But beneath the little rivalries, petty disputes and everyday crises of the school, a darker undercurrent stirs. And a bitter grudge, hidden and carefully nurtured for thirteen years, is about to erupt. Who is Mole, the mysterious insider, whose cruel practical jokes are gradually escalating towards violence – and perhaps, murder? (2005, 359 pages)

Josephine HART – Damage 'Damage' is a gripping tale of a man and his family changed forever by his obsessive love for a young woman called Anna. A middle aged GP with a beautiful wife and two successful children, the main character should be at the stage in life where he settles back to enjoy the fruits of his life's work. Instead, the picture is shattered when he meets Anna - his son's new partner. (2011, 176 pages)

L. P. HARTLEY – The Go-Between When one long, hot summer, young Leo is staying with a school-friend at Brandham Hall, he begins to act as a messenger between Ted, the farmer, and Marian, the beautiful young woman up at the hall. He becomes drawn deeper and deeper into their dangerous game of deceit and desire, until his role brings him to a shocking and premature revelation. The haunting story of a young boy's awakening into the secrets of the adult world, The Go-Between is also an unforgettable evocation of the boundaries of Edwardian society. (1953, 336 pages)

Samantha HARVEY – The Wilderness It's Jake's birthday. He is sitting in a small plane, being flown over the landscape that has been the backdrop to his life – his childhood, his marriage, his work, his passions. Now he is in his early sixties, and he isn't quite the man he used to be. He has lost his wife, his son is in prison, and he is about to lose his past. Jake has Alzheimer's. As the disease takes hold of him, Jake struggles to hold on to his personal story, to his memories and identity, but they become increasingly elusive and unreliable. As Jake, assisted by 'poor Eleanor', fights the inevitable dying of the light, the key events of his life keep changing as he tries to grasp them, and what until recently seemed solid fact is melting into surreal dreams or nightmarish imaginings. Is there anything he'll be able to salvage from the wreckage? This is writing of extraordinary power and beauty. (2009, 336 pages)

Noah HAWLEY – The good father Dr Paul Allen is a well-respected man. He lives a happy, comfortable life with his second wife and their family until the night when a knock at the door blows his world apart: a hugely popular presidential candidate has been shot, and they say the young man who pulled the trigger is Paul's son. Daniel, the only child from his first, failed marriage, was always a good kid and Paul is convinced his quiet boy is not capable of murder. Overwhelmed by a vortex of feelings, Paul embarks on a mission to understand what happened and

40 why. Following the trail of his son's journey across America, he is forced to re-examine his life as a husband and a parent, and every decision he ever made. What follows is a powerfully emotional and suspense-filled quest that keeps you guessing to the very end. (2013, 400 pages)

Elizabeth HAYNES – Human Remains When Annabel, a police analyst, discovers her neighbour’s decomposing body in the house next door, she’s appalled to think that no one, including herself, noticed that anything was wrong. Back at work, she feels compelled to investigate, despite her colleagues' lack of interest, and finds data showing that such cases are common – too common – in her home town. As she’s drawn deeper into the mystery and becomes convinced she’s on the trail of a killer, she also must face her own demons and her own mortality. Would anyone notice if she just disappeared? This is a dark psychological thriller, using multiple character to tell the story.

Elizabeth HAYNES – Into the darkest corner Catherine has been enjoying single life for long enough to know a good catch when she sees one. Gorgeous, charismatic and spontaneous, Lee seems almost too perfect to be true. But there is a dark side to him and his erratic, controlling and sometimes frightening behaviour means that Catherine is increasingly isolated. Driven into the darkest corner of her world, she plans a meticulous escape. Four years later, struggling to overcome her demons, Catherine dares to believe she might be safe from harm. Until one phone call changes everything... (2011, 403 pages)

Seamus HEANEY – New Selected Poems 1966-1987 (Poetry) An updated selection of all Heaney's books, up to and including The Haw Lantern, which was published in 1987. The book also includes selections from Stations, prose poems of 1975 which have never appeared except as a pamphlet. (1990, 256 pages)

Joseph HELLER – Catch 22 Explosive, subversive, wild and funny, 50 years on the novel's strength is undiminished. Reading Joseph Heller's classic satire is nothing less than a rite of passage. Set in the closing months of World War II in an American bomber squadron off the coast of Italy, Catch-22 is the story of a bombardier named Yossarian who is frantic and furious because thousands of people he has never even met keep trying to kill him. Joseph Heller's bestselling novel is a hilarious and tragic satire on military madness, and the tale of one man's efforts to survive it. (1962, 559 pages)

Zoe HELLER – The Believers When Audrey makes a devastating discovery about her husband, New York radical lawyer Joel Litvinoff, she is forced to re-examine everything she thought she knew about their forty-year marriage. Joel's children will have to deal with this unsettling secret themselves, but meanwhile, they are trying to cope with their own dilemmas. Rosa, beautiful, disillusioned revolutionary, is grappling with a new-found attachment to Orthodox Judaism. Unhappily married Karla is falling in love with an unlikely suitor at the hospital where she works. Adopted brother Lenny is back on drugs again. In the course of battling their own demons and each other, every member of the family is called upon to decide what – if anything – they still believe in. (2008, 256 pages)

Ernest HEMINGWAY – A farewell to arms In 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war, to the 'war to end all wars'. He volunteered for ambulance service in Italy, was wounded and twice decorated. Out of his experiences came his early masterpiece, A Farewell to Arms. In an unforgettable depiction of war, Hemingway recreates the fear, the comradeship, the courage of his young American volunteers and the men and women he encounters along the way with conviction and brutal honesty. A love story of immense drama and uncompromising passion, A Farewell to Arms offers a unique and unflinching view of the world and people, by the winner of the 1954 Nobel Prize for Literature. (1999 [1929], 304 pages)

41 Emma HENDERSON – Grace Williams Says it Loud The doctors said no more could be done and advised Grace's parents to put her away. On her first day at the Briar Mental Institute, Grace, aged eleven, meets Daniel. Debonair Daniel, an epileptic who can type with his feet, sees a different Grace: someone to share secrets and canoodle with, someone to fight for. A deeply affecting, spirit-soaring story of love against the odds. (2010, 336 pages)

Patrick HENNESSEY – The Junior Officers’ Reading Club (Non-Fiction) Patrick Hennessey is a graduate in his 20s. He reads Graham Greene, listens to early-90s house on his iPod and watches Vietnam movies. He has also, as an officer in the Grenadier Guards, fought in some of the most violent combat the British army has seen in a generation. This is the story of how a modern soldier is made, from the testosterone-heavy breeding ground of Sandhurst to the nightmare of Iraq and Afghanistan. Showing war in all its terror, boredom and exhilaration, The Junior Officers' Reading Club is already being hailed as a modern classic. (2009, 335 pages)

Sarah HENSHAW – The bookshop that floated away In early 2009 a strange sort of business plan landed on the desk of a pinstriped bank manager. It had pictures of rats and moles in rowing boats and archaic quotes about Cleopatra's barge. It asked for a £30,000 loan to buy a black-and-cream narrowboat and a small hoard of books. The manager said no. Nevertheless The Book Barge opened six months later and enjoyed the happy patronage of local readers, a growing number of eccentrics and the odd moorhen. Business wasn't always easy, so one May morning owner Sarah Henshaw set off for six months chugging the length and breadth of the country. Books were bartered for food, accommodation, bathroom facilities and cake. During the journey, the barge suffered a flooded engine, went out to sea, got banned from Bristol and, on several occasions, floated away altogether. This account follows the ebbs and flows of Sarah's journey as she sought to make her vision of a floating bookshop a reality. (2014, 272 pages)

Philip HENSHER – Scenes from early life “I was a baby during the war. We stayed inside for months. All my aunts took turns in feeding me. I couldn't be heard to cry. You see, there were soldiers in the streets. They would have known what a crying baby meant. So I had to be kept silent. No, not everyone came out of the war alive. ”One family’s life, and a nation – Bangladesh – are uniquely created through conversation, sacrifice, songs, bonds, blood, bravery and jokes. Narrated by a young boy born into a savage civil war, ‘Scenes from Early Life’ is a heartbreaking, funny and gripping novel. (2013, 320 pages)

James HERRIOT – All Creatures Great and Small (Non-Fiction) Follow the true adventures of Yorkshire veterinarian James Herriott and his charming comrades as he traverses the Yorkshire dales in the 1930's attending to the ailing animals that he loves so dearly. You'll feel every mile as he bumps along over the fells and moors, you'll see all the wild beauty of the extraordinary Yorkshire territory of England, but most importantly, you'll feel all the emotions tugging at your heart from the hardened Yorkshire farmers to the humorous and warm hearted citizens of Darrowby. (1975 [2013]560 pages)

Susan HILL – The Beacon The Prime children Colin, May, Frank and Berenice grew up in a bleak country farm house called The Beacon. Colin and Berenice married locally and May went to university in London, but came home within a year and never left again. Only Frank, quiet, watchful Frank, got away. He left for Fleet Street and a career in journalism but it is the publication of a book about his childhood that brings the fame and money he craves - and tears his family apart. This is a story of betrayal and revenge, but also of a life left unfulfilled, the untold memories and secrets that could be present in any family's past, and the human capacity to corrupt and manipulate. (2009, 160 pages)

Susan HILL – The Small Hand Late one summers evening, antiquarian bookseller Adam Snow is returning from a client visit when he takes a wrong turn. He stumbles across a derelict Edwardian house, and compelled by curiosity,

42 approaches the door. Standing before the entrance, he feels the unmistakable sensation of a small cold hand creeping into his own, 'as if a child had taken hold of it'. At first he is merely puzzled by the odd incident but then begins to suffer attacks of fear and panic, and is visited by nightmares. He is determined to learn more about the house and its once-magnificent, now overgrown garden but when he does so, he receives further, increasingly sinister, visits from the small hand. (2010, 204 pages)

Tobias HILL – The Cryptographer John Law is a man full of secrets. People call him the Cryptographer, or the Codemaker. He is mysterious and charming, the world's first quadrillionaire, the inventor of an unbreakable code, of a new form of electronic money. As a man, he is admired and distrusted more than most. Tax inspector Anna Moore's talent is for getting clients to talk. She is good at what she does, one of the best. So when the Revenue assigns John Law as Anna's new client, her first task is to discover just what it is he's trying to hide... (2003, 264 pages)

Victoria HISLOP – The Island On the brink of a life-changing decision, Alexis Fielding longs to find out about her mother's past, but Sofia has never spoken of it. All she admits to is growing up in a small Cretan village before moving to London. When Alexis decides to visit Crete, however, Sofia gives her daughter a letter to take to an old friend, and promises that through her she will learn more. Arriving in Plaka, Alexis is astonished to see that it lies a stone's throw from the tiny, deserted island of Spinalonga – Greece's former leper colony. Then she finds Fortini, and at last hears the story that Sofia has buried all her life: the tale of her great-grandmother Eleni and her daughters and a family rent by tragedy, war and passion. She discovers how intimately she is connected with the island, and how secrecy holds them all in its powerful grip... (2005, 473 pages)

Victoria HISLOP – The Return Beneath the Alhambra, Granada's cobbled streets resonate with music and secrets. Sonia Cameron knows nothing of the city's shocking past; she is here to dance. But in a quiet cafe, a chance conversation and an intriguing collection of old photographs draw her into the extraordinary tale of Spain's devastating civil war. Seventy years earlier, the cafe is home to the close-knit Ramirez family. In 1936, an army coup led by Franco shatters the country's fragile peace, and in the heart of Granada the family witnesses the worst atrocities of conflict. Divided by politics and tragedy, everyone must take a side, fighting a personal battle as Spain rips itself apart. (2008, 480 pages)

Victoria HISLOP – The thread Thessaloniki, 1917. As Dimitri Komninos is born, a devastating fire sweeps through the thriving Greek city where Christians, Jews and Muslims live side by side. Five years later, Katerina Sarafoglou's home in Asia Minor is destroyed by the Turkish army. Losing her mother in the chaos, she flees across the sea to an unknown destination in Greece. Soon her life will become entwined with Dimitri's, and with the story of the city itself, as war, fear and persecution begin to divide its people. Thessaloniki, 2007. A young Anglo-Greek hears his grandparents' life story for the first time and realises he has a decision to make. For many decades, they have looked after the memories and treasures of the people who were forced to leave. Should he become their next custodian and make this city his home? (2012, 480 pages)

Alison HOBLYN – The Scent of Water History repeats itself, so they say. Perhaps it has to because no-one listens? Ellie, an artist in her middle age, needs to live her life in a new way after the death of her husband. Feeling fearful but doing it anyway, she enrols on a garden course in Tuscany one spring. Here she begins relationships with fellow students Nerine – an eccentric character in her seventies – and the much younger Max. Through the teaching of Salvatore – the owner of an ancient palazzo – Ellie comes to find that the universal truths, expressed in the Renaissance painting Primavera and the philosophy of Marsilio Ficino, still hold a potent relevance. (2005, 352 pages)

43 Amanda HODGKINSON – 22 Britannia Road It is 1946 and Silvana and eight-year-old Aurek board a ship that will take them from Poland to England. Silvana has not seen her husband Janusz in six years, but he has made them a home in Ipswich. However, after living wild in the forests for years, carrying a terrible secret, all Silvana knows is that she and Aurek are survivors. While Janusz, a Polish soldier who has criss-crossed Europe during the war, hopes his family will help put his own dark past behind him. But the war and the years apart will always haunt each of them unless they together confront what they were compelled to do to survive. (2011, 400 pages)

Corinne HOFMANN – The White Masai (Non-fiction) Corinne Hofmann falls in love with a Masai warrior while on holiday with her boyfriend in Kenya. After overcoming all sorts of obstacles, she moves into a tiny shack with him and his mother in his village, and spends four years in Kenya. Slowly but surely the dream starts to crumble until she flees back home with her baby daughter born out of the seemingly indestructible love between a white European woman and a Masai. (2005, 320 pages)

Tom HOLLAND – The Sleeper in the Sands The story begins with Howard Carter’s discovery of the tomb of Tutankhamun, but then goes back to one of his previous discoveries, a tattered medieval manuscript found in a Cairo mosque. The stories contained in this manuscript, link past and present to create a chilling tale. (1998, 448 pages)

Alan HOLLINGHURST – The Line of Beauty It is the summer of 1983, and young Nick Guest, an innocent in the matters of politics and money, has moved into an attic room in the Notting Hill home of the Feddens: Gerald, an ambitious new Tory MP, his wealthy wife Rachel, and their children Toby and Catherine. Nick had idolized Toby at Oxford, but in his London life it will be the troubled Catherine who becomes his friend and his uneasy responsibility. At the boom years of the mid-80s unfold, Nick becomes caught up in the Feddens' world. In an era of endless possibility, Nick finds himself able to pursue his own private obsession, with beauty – a prize as compelling to him as power and riches are to his friends. (2004, 300 pages)

A.M. HOMES – May we be forgiven? This is the story of two brothers: Harold, the narrator, and George, just eleven months younger. George is a thoroughly nasty piece of work and now he has lost his mind. A trail of devastating events leaves mild-mannered, college lecturer Harold to pick up the pieces. Will he be able to cope? Will he ever finish his book on Richard Milhous Nixon? And why, you may ask, is he writing a book about a discredited dead ex-President whom none of his students remember? Factor in a couple of disturbed children, internet dating with some fairly grubby sex and a legal system that seems unacquainted with the term `justice', and you have an unflinching indictment of middle-class America in the early years of the 21st century. (2013, 480 pages)

Nick HORNBY – A Long Way Down The book sees four very different people on top of a block of flats that also serves as a local suicide spot one New Years Eve. All four stop each other from jumping yet all feel that they have very real problems that they cannot solve, at least not on their own. From this point, Hornby moves through the development of the characters lives from this point onwards and explores the common bond that ties them all together. Hornby has drawn his characters expertly and it is difficult not to empathise with them. The book is also shot through with his normal humorous observations and this could be the funniest book about depression ever written. This is not to say that the book makes light of suicide – indeed, it is a beautiful exploration of what remains a real taboo within society. (2005, 288 pages)

Anthony HOROWITZ – The house of silk Brilliantly captures the spirit and tone of Conan Doyle’s original stories while devising a new mystery for modern readers. (2012, 416 pages)

Khaled HOSSEINI – And the Mountains Echoed Afghanistan, 1952. Abdullah and his sister Pari live with their father and stepmother in the small village of Shadbagh. Their father, Saboor, is constantly in search of work and they struggle together

44 through poverty and brutal winters. To Abdullah, Pari - as beautiful and sweet-natured as the fairy for which she was named - is everything. More like a parent than a brother, Abdullah will do anything for her, even trading his only pair of shoes for a feather for her treasured collection. One day the siblings journey across the desert to Kabul with their father; Pari and Abdullah have no sense of the fate that awaits them there, for the event which unfolds will tear their lives apart; sometimes a finger must be cut to save the hand.(2014, 480 pages)

Khaled HOSSEINI – The Kite Runner Twelve-year-old Amir is desperate to win the approval of his father and resolves to win the local kite- fighting toumament, to prove that he has the makings of a man. His loyal friend Hassan promises to help him – for he always helps Amir – but this is 1970s Afghanistan and Hassan is merely a low- caste servant who is jeered at in the street, although Amir still feels jealous of his natural courage and the place he holds in his father's heart. But neither of the boys could foresee what would happen to Hassan on the afternoon of the tournament, which was to shatter their lives. After the Russians invade and the family is forced to flee to America, Amir realises that one day he must return, to find the one thing that his new world cannot grant him: redemption. (2003, 336 pages)

Khaled HOSSEINI – A Thousand Splendid Suns (2 sets) Mariam is only fifteen when she is sent to Kabul to marry the troubled and bitter Rasheed, who is thirty years her senior. Nearly two decades later, in a climate of growing unrest, tragedy strikes fifteen-year-old Laila, who must leave her home and join Mariam's unhappy household. Laila and Mariam are to find consolation in each other, their friendship to grow as deep as the bond between sisters, as strong as the ties between mother and daughter. With the passing of time comes Taliban rule over Afghanistan, life a desperate struggle against starvation, brutality and fear, the women's endurance tested beyond their worst imaginings. Yet love can move a person to act in unexpected ways, lead them to overcome the most daunting obstacles with a startling heroism. A Thousand Splendid Suns is an unforgettable portrait of a wounded country and a deeply moving story of family and friendship. It is a beautiful, heart-wrenching story of an unforgiving time, an unlikely bond and an indestructible love. (2007, 432 pages)

Aldous HUXLEY – Brave New World Far in the future, the World Controllers have created the ideal society. Through clever use of genetic engineering, brainwashing and recreational sex and drugs all its members are happy consumers. Bernard Marx seems alone in feeling discontent. Harbouring an unnatural desire for solitude, and a perverse distaste for the pleasures of compulsory promiscuity, Bernard has an ill-defined longing to break free. A visit to one of the few remaining Savage Reservations where the old, imperfect life still continues may be the cure for his distress - Huxley's ingenious fantasy of the future sheds a blazing light on the present and is considered to be his most enduring masterpiece. (1931, 229 pages)

Catherine Ryan HYDE – When you were older Some might say Russell Ammiano is lucky. While rushing to get out of the door to work on September 11th 2011, the phone rings. The call saves his life. He was supposed to be in a meeting in the South Tower. However, the news also changes his life. His mother is dead and now Russell must leave his Manhattan life for Norville, Kansas to take care of his brain-damaged brother Ben. (2012, 416 pages)

Kazuo ISHIGURU – Never Let Me Go (2 sets) A moving story of love, loss and hidden truths. Kathy, Ruth and Tommy were pupils at Hailsham, an idyllic establishment situated deep in the English countryside. The children there were tenderly sheltered from the outside world, brought up to believe they were special, and that their personal welfare was crucial. But for what reason were they really there? It is only years later that Kathy, now aged thirty-one, finally allows herself to yield to the pull of memory. What unfolds is the haunting story of how Kathy, Ruth and Tommy slowly come to face the truth about their seemingly happy childhoods – and about their futures. (2005, 282 pages)

Kazuo ISHIGURU – Remains of the Day In the summer of 1956, Stevens, the ageing butler of Darlington Hall, embarks on a leisurely holiday

45 that will take him deep into the countryside and into his past ...A contemporary classic, "The Remains of the Day" is Kazuo Ishiguro's beautiful and haunting evocation of life between the wars in a Great English House, of lost causes and lost love. (1999, 272 pages)

Eowyn IVEY – The snow child Alaska in the 1920s. Jack and Mabel have staked everything on a fresh start in a remote homestead, but the wilderness is a stark place, and Mabel is haunted by the baby she lost many years before. When a little girl appears mysteriously on their land, each is filled with wonder, but also foreboding: is she what she seems, and can they find room in their hearts for her? (2012, 384 pages)

Howard JACOBSON – The Finkler question Julian Treslove, a professionally unspectacular former BBC radio producer, and Sam Finkler, a popular Jewish philosopher, writer and television personality, are old school friends. Despite very different lives, they've never quite lost touch with each other - or with their former teacher, Libor Sevcik. Both Libor and Finkler are recently widowed, and together with Treslove they share a sweetly painful evening revisiting a time before they had loved and lost. It is that very evening, when Treslove hesitates a moment as he walks home, that he is attacked - and his whole sense of who and what he is slowly and ineluctably changes. (2011, 384 pages)

Henry JAMES – The Portrait of a Lady (2 sets) When Isabel Archer, a beautiful, spirited American is brought to Europe by her wealthy aunt Touchett, it is expected that she will soon marry. But Isabel, resolved to enjoy the freedom that her fortune has opened up and to determine her own fate, does not hesitate to turn down two eligible suitors. It is only when she finds herself irresistibly drawn to the cultivated but worthless Gilbert Osmond that she discovers that wealth is a two-edged sword and that there is a price to be paid for independence. With its subtle delineation of American characters in a European setting, Portrait of a Lady is one of the most accomplished and popular of Henry James's early novels. (1881, 672 pages)

Henry JAMES – The turn of the screw This is a subtle and masterful ghost story, concerning a young governess and her horrifying realisation that the house she lives in is haunted, and worse, her young charges are not only secretly aware of the ghosts but welcome their presence. It's therefore a few steps ahead of the average ghost story, and is told in a subtle and gently unfolding way. (1898, 272 pages

P.D. JAMES – Death comes to Pemberley The year is 1803, and Darcy and Elizabeth have been married for six years. There are now two handsome and healthy sons in the nursery, Elizabeth's beloved sister Jane and her husband Bingley live nearby and the orderly world of Pemberley seems unassailable. But all this is threatened when, on the eve of the annual autumn ball, as the guests are preparing to retire for the night a chaise appears, rocking down the path from Pemberley's wild woodland. As it pulls up, Lydia Wickham - Elizabeth's younger, unreliable sister - stumbles out screaming that her husband has been murdered. (2012, 352 pages)

Jerome K JEROME – Three Men in a Boat (2 sets) Is this the funniest book in the English language? Many people, over 100 years after publication, would say so. The bravura comic scenes are still hilarious "I had the general symptoms, the chief among them being a disinclination to work of any kind." So begin the hilarious misadventures of a merry, but scandalously lazy band of well-to-do young men – and a plucky and rather world-weary fox terrier named Montmorency – on an idyllic cruise along the River Thames. Soggy weather, humiliating dunkings, the irritating behaviour of small boats and the "contrariness of teakettles" are just a few of the barbarisms our genteel heroes are forced to endure. First published in 1889, Three Men in a Boat was an instant success, and Jerome has been compared to comic master P.G. Wodehouse. (1889, 169 pages)

46 Jonas JONASSON – The hundred-year-old man who climbed out of the window and disappeared It all starts on the one-hundredth birthday of Allan Karlsson. Sitting quietly in his room in an old people's home, he is waiting for the party he-never-wanted-anyway to begin. The mayor is going to be there. The press is going to be there. But, as it turns out, Allan is not...Slowly but surely Allan climbs out of his bedroom window, into the flowerbed (in his slippers) and makes his getaway. And so begins his picaresque and unlikely journey involving criminals, several murders, a suitcase full of cash, and incompetent police. As his escapades unfold, we learn something of Allan's earlier life, in which he helped to make the atom bomb, became friends with American presidents, Russian tyrants, and Chinese leaders, and was a participant behind the scenes in many key events of the twentieth century. (2012, 120 pages)

Lloyd JONES – Mister Pip (2 sets) On a copper-rich tropical island shattered by war, where the teachers have fled with almost everyone else, only one white man chooses to stay behind: the eccentric Mr. Watts, object of much curiosity and scorn, who sweeps out the ruined schoolhouse and begins to read to the children each day from Charles Dickens's classic Great Expectations. But on an island at war, the power of fiction has dangerous consequences. Imagination and beliefs are challenged by guns. Mister Pip is an unforgettable tale of survival by story; a dazzling piece of writing that lives long in the mind after the last page is finished. (2006, 240 pages)

Sadie JONES – The Outcast 1957, and Lewis Aldridge is travelling back to his home in the South of England. He is straight out of jail and nineteen years old. A decade earlier, his father's homecoming casts a different shape. The war is over and Gilbert has recently been demobbed. He reverts easily to suburban life – cocktails at six thirty, church on Sundays – but his wife and young son resist the stuffy routine. Lewis and his mother escape to the woods for picnics, just as they did in wartime days. Nobody is surprised that Gilbert's wife counters convention, but they are all shocked when, after one of their jaunts, Lewis comes back without her. Not far away, Kit Carmichael keeps watch. She has always understood more than most, not least from what she has been dealt by her own father's hand. Lewis' grief and burgeoning rage are all too plain, and Kit makes a private vow to help. But in her attempts to set them both free, she fails to predict the painful and horrifying secrets that must first be forced into the open. As menacing as it is beautiful, The Outcast is a devastating portrait of small-town hypocrisy from an astonishing new voice. (2008, 368 pages)

Sadie JONES – The uninvited guests It is the eve of Emerald Torrington's twentieth birthday and the family has assembled at Sterne, the once grand, now crumbling, family seat. The cake is iced, the wine decanted, the house gleams invitingly, but before the first dish can be served, a mysterious group of strangers arrives at the door. Victims of a local train accident they are seeking shelter at the house. The Torringtons welcome them in but there is something unsettling about the group and, as night falls and a storm rages outside, the family begins to wonder if something more malevolent than stranded travellers is in their home... (2013, 368 pages)

Terry JONES – Trouble on the Heath (Quick Reads) Malcolm Thomas is not happy. The view he loves is about to be blocked by an ugly building. He decides to take action and forms a protest group. Then things go wrong and Malcolm finds himself running for his life. Along the way he gets mixed up with depressed town planners, violent gangsters and a kidnapped concert pianist. Malcolm starts to wonder if objecting to the building was such a good idea when he finds himself upside down with a gun in his mouth. This hilarious story from Monty Python star, Terry Jones, will make you laugh out loud. (2011, 96 pages)

Pamela JOOSTE – Dance with a Poor Man’s Daughter Through the sharp eyes of eleven-year-old Lily we see the culture of the Cape Coloured community at a time when apartheid threatens it with destruction, and discover how ordinary people respond to the brutal regime. Lily, living with her grandmother in Cape Town, is forced to move to England when the place in which she lives becomes a white suburb. (1997, 348 pages)


Rachel JOYCE – Perfect Summer, 1972: In the claustrophobic heat, eleven-year-old Byron and his friend begin 'Operation Perfect', a hapless mission to rescue Byron's mother from impending crisis. Winter, present day: As frost creeps across the moor, Jim cleans tables in the local café, a solitary figure struggling with OCD. His job is a relief from the rituals that govern his nights. Little would seem to connect them except that two seconds can change everything; and if your world can be shattered in an instant, can time also put it right? (2014, 448 pages)

Rachel JOYCE – The unlikely pilgrimage of Harold Fry When Harold Fry nips out one morning to post a letter, leaving his wife hoovering upstairs, he has no idea that he is about to walk from one end of the country to the other. He has no hiking boots or map, let alone a compass, waterproof or mobile phone. All he knows is that he must keep walking to save someone else's life. (2012, 368 pages)

William KAMKWAMBA – The Boy who Harnessed the Wind (Non-fiction) When William Kamkwamba was just 14 years old his parents told him that he must leave school and come and work on the family farm as they could no longer afford to $80 a year tuition fees. This is the story of his refusal to give up on learning and reading. Forced to leave school with no hope of raising the funds to go again, William resorted to borrowing books from the small local library to continue his education. One day he picked up a book about energy, with a picture of a wind turbine on the front cover. Fascinated by science and electricity, but knowing little more about the technology, William decided to build his own. Ridiculed by those around him, and exhausted from his work in the fields and using nothing more than bits of scrap metal, old bicycle parts and wood from the blue gum tree, he slowly built his very own windmill. This windmill has changed the world in which William and his family live. William's dream is that other African's will learn to help themselves – one windmill and one light bulb at a time – and that maybe one day they will be able to power their own computers, and use the internet, and see for themselves how his life has changed after picking up that book in the library. (2010, 288 pages)

Francesca KAY – An equal stillness Jennet Mallow is born in Yorkshire in the 1920s but her interest in art and creativity alienates her from her repressed family. Jennet moves to London in search of a more exciting life and finds it in her new environment and in the handsome and enigmatic figure of the painter David Heaton. When Jennet falls pregnant, her parents more or less force the two to marry. Unhappy in the postwar austerity of the 1940s, the young couple struggle to make ends meet. To escape their problems, Jennet suggests they move to Spain. There, the bright blue skies, warm air and sunlit beaches give the couple and their children a new lease of life. Jennet begins to paint again, but as Jennet's own career begins to take off, her relationship with David sours and the two enter a destructive spiral with (2009, 240 pages)

Francesca KAY – The translation of the bones In a church in Battersea, Mary-Margaret O'Reilly sees blood on her hands and believes she has witnessed a miracle. The consequences are both profound and devastating - not just for her but for others too. Father Diamond, the parish priest, struggling with his own faith, Stella, adrift in her marriage and aching for her ten-year old son, away at boarding school, Alice, counting the days until her soldier son comes home; and Mary-Margaret's mother, imprisoned in a tower block with nothing but her thoughts for company... (2012, 240 pages)

Jackie KAY – Trumpet The book starts with a stunning secret. After his death Joss Moody, the mixed-race jazz trumpet player, is found to have been a woman. The world is shocked and his adopted son devastated. Only his wife knew the truth. The novel follows the consequences of this discovery. A very moving story, painful to read at times, but absolutely compelling. (1998, 200 pages)


Kate KERRIGAN – Ellis Island Rural Irish girl Ellie loves living in New York, working as a lady's maid for a wealthy socialite. She tries to persuade her husband, John, to join her but he is embroiled in his affairs in Ireland, and caught up in the civil war. Nevertheless Ellie is extremely happy and fully embraces her sophisticated new life. When her father dies she must return home, but she intends to sort her affairs quickly and then return to her beloved America. But once home her sense of duty kicks in and she decides, painfully, that she must stay to look after her mother and resume her marriage. Ellie is suddenly thrown into the simple, rural life she believed she had grown out of... (2010, 400 pages)

Daniel KEYES – Flowers for Algernon Algernon is extra-clever thanks to an experimental brain operation so far tried only on animals; Charlie eagerly volunteers as the first human subject. After frustrating delays and agonies of concentration, the effects begin to show and the reports steadily improve but getting smarter brings cruel shocks, as Charlie realises that his merry "friends" at the bakery where he sweeps the floor have all along been laughing at him, never with him. The IQ rise continues, taking him steadily past the human average to genius level and beyond, until he's as intellectually alone as the old, foolish Charlie ever was--and now painfully aware of it. Then, ominously, the smart mouse Algernon begins to deteriorate ... (2000, 216 pages)

Sue Monk KIDD – The Secret Life of Bees (3 sets) Lily has grown up believing she accidentally killed her mother when she was four. She not only has her own memory of holding the gun, but her father's account of the event. Now fourteen, she yearns for her mother, and for forgiveness. Living on a peach farm in South Carolina with her father, she has only one friend: Rosaleen, a black servant whose sharp exterior hides a tender heart. When racial tension explodes one summer afternoon, and Rosaleen is arrested and beaten, Lily is compelled to act. Fugitives from justice and from Lily's harsh and unyielding father, they follow a trail left by the woman who died ten years before. Finding sanctuary in the home of three beekeeping sisters, Lily starts to understand of the world and the mystery surrounding her mother. (2002. 384 pages)

Stephen KIERNAN – The Curiosity Maverick scientific genius Erastus Carthage has developed a technique to bring frozen simple-celled animals back to life. But when his Arctic research vessel discovers a body encased in an iceberg, he seizes the chance to apply his pioneering process to a human being. The man Carthage's lad awakens from death is Jeremiah Rice, a Massachusetts judge, who was born in 1868 and fell overboard in 1906. Jeremiah is an instant celebrity - chased by paparazzi, vilified by the religious right, and overwhelmed by a society he sees as brilliant and diverse but also vulgar and violent. As his only ally biologist Kate Philo attempts to protect him from financial and political exploitation, the two fall in love. Meanwhile, Jeremiah's time on earth is slipping away.(2014, 480 pages)

Laurie KING – Touchstone (11 copies) Laurie R. King takes us to a remote cottage in Cornwall where a gripping tale of intrigue, terrorism, and explosive passions begins with a visit to a recluse upon whom the fate of an entire nation may rest – a man code-named Touchstone. Once studied by British intelligence for his unique abilities, Grey has withdrawn from a rapidly changing world – until an American Bureau of Investigation agent comes to investigate for himself Grey’s potential as a weapon in a vicious new kind of warfare. Building to an astounding climax on an ancient English estate, Touchstone is both a harrowing thriller by a master of the genre and a thought-provoking exploration of the forces that drive history and human destinies. (2008, 560 pages)

Stephen KING – Misery Misery Chastain was dead. Paul Sheldon had just killed her - with relief, with joy. Misery had made him rich; she was the heroine of a string of bestsellers. And now he wanted to get on to some real writing. That's when the car accident happened, and he woke up in pain in a strange bed. But it wasn't the hospital. Annie Wilkes had pulled him from the wreck, brought him to her remote mountain home, splinted and set his mangled legs. The good news was that Annie was a nurse and has pain- killing drugs. The bad news was that she was Paul's Number One Fan. And when she found out what

49 Paul had done to Misery, she didn't like it. She didn't like it at all. And now he had to bring Misery back to life. Or else ... (1988, 384 pages)

Judith KINGHORN – The memory of lost senses A lyrically written and wonderfully evocative, romantic historical novel that draws you into the intriguing and secret lives of the characters in the hot lazy summer of 1911. A Countess, her grandson, a famous author writing her memoir and a young village girl are brought together, and as the long buried family secrets are revealed all their lives will be changed forever. (2013, 400 pages)

Barbara KINGSOLVER – Flight behaviour Dellarobia Turnbow steps out from her back door intent on wrecking her marriage. For ten years she has lived a humdrum existence on her husband's family farm. She is heading for a secret tryst with a young telephone engineer, but in small town Tennessee can anything be kept secret? On her way she is stopped in her tracks by a natural wonder, a valley of fire. She returns to her home, glad of the wake up call, and her narrow escape from infidelity. (2013, 608 pages)

Barbara KINGSOLVER – The Lacuna The Lacuna is the heartbreaking story of a man's search for safety of a man torn between the warm heart of Mexico and the cold embrace of 1950s McCarthyite America. Born in the U.S. and reared in Mexico, Harrison Shepherd is a liability to his social-climbing flapper mother, Salome. Making himself useful in the household of the famed Mexican artists Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo, and exiled Bolshevik leader Lev Trotsky, young Shepherd inadvertently casts his lot with art and revolution. A violent upheaval sends him north to a nation newly caught up in World War II. In the mountain city of Asheville, North Carolina he remakes himself in America's hopeful image. But political winds continue to throw him between north and south, in a gripping story of identity, loyalty and the devastating power of accusations to destroy innocent people. (2009, 688 pages)

Barbara KINGSOLVER – The Poisonwood Bible (2 sets) The year is 1959 and the place is the Belgian Congo. Nathan, a Baptist preacher, has come to spread the Word in a remote village reachable only by airplane. He and his family are woefully unprepared: "We came from Bethlehem, Georgia, bearing Betty Crocker cake mixes into the jungle," says Leah, one of Nathan's four daughters. But of course it isn't long before they discover that the tremendous humidity has rendered the mixes unusable, their clothes are unsuitable and they've arrived in the middle of political upheaval as the Congolese seek to wrest independence from Belgium. In addition to poisonous snakes, dangerous animals, and the hostility of the villagers to Nathan's fiery take-no-prisoners brand of Christianity, there are also rebels in the jungle and the threat of war in the air. As political instability grows in the Congo, so does the local witch doctor's animus toward the Prices, and both seem to converge with tragic consequences. (1998, 616 pages)

Barbara KINGSOLVER – Prodigal Summer From an isolated mountain cabin, Deanna Wolfe, a reclusive wildlife biologist, is caught off-guard by a young hunter who changes utterly her self-assured, solitary life. Lusa Maluf Landowski finds herself unexpectedly marooned on her husband's farm where she must declare or lose her attachment to the land. Garnett Walker and Nannie Rawley, a pair of elderly, feuding neighbours, tend their respective farms and wrangle about God, pesticides, and the possibilities of a future neither of them expected. Over the course of one humid summer in the Appalachian mountains these characters discover their connections to one another and to the flora and fauna with which they share their place in the world. (2001, 320 pages)

Sophie KINSELLA – The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic Meet Rebecca Bloomwood. She's a journalist. She spends her working life telling others how to manage their money. She spends her leisure Retail therapy is the answer to all her problems. She knows she should stop, but she can't. She tries Cutting Back, she tries Making More Money. But neither seems to work. The stories she concocts become more and more fantastic as she tries to untangle her increasingly dire financial difficulties. Her only comfort is to buy herself something - just a little something...Can Becky ever escape from this dream world, find true love, and

50 regain the use of her Switch card? The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic is the perfect pick me up for when it's all hanging in the (bank) balance. (2000, 319 pages)

India KNIGHT – My Life on a Plate Clara Hutt (known to herself as "Jabba the ...") is a size 16 with a secret liking for kitten heels and organza tops. Life isn't what it should be: her 6-year-old thinks he has nits, of all the mothers at the school gate, only Clara is in pyjama trousers, and why is her husband so mysterious? Caught between her swinging single friends and perfect mothers, Clara ponders the question; “everyone wants to be married, don’t they?” (2000, 246 pages)

Herman KOCH – The dinner An evening in Amsterdam and two couples meet for dinner. They need to discuss their teenage sons. The boys have committed a horrifying act, caught on CCTV. They remain unidentified - except by their parents. How far will each couple go to protect their child? The reader does not rise from his table happy and replete so much as stand up suddenly, pale and reeling. (2013, 320 pages)

KOGAN Deborah – The red book Clover, Addison, Mia and Jane were college roommates until their graduation in 1989. Now, twenty years later, their lives are in free fall. Clover, once a securities broker with Lehman Brothers, living the Manhattan dream, is out of a job, newly married and fretting about her chances of having a baby. Addison's marriage to a novelist with writers' block is as stale as her artistic 'career'. Mia's acting ambitions never got off the ground, and she now stays home with her four children, renovating and acquiring faster than her Hollywood director husband can pay the bills. Jane, once the Paris bureau chief for a newspaper, now the victim of budget cuts, has been blindsided by different sorts of loss. The four friends have kept up with one another via the red book, a class report published every five years, in which alumni write brief updates about their lives. But there's the story we tell the world, and then there's the real story, as the classmates arriving at their twentieth reunion with their families, their histories, their dashed dreams and secret longings, will discover over the course of an epoch- ending, score-settling, unforgettable weekend. (2013, 480 pages)

Elizabeth KOSTOVA – The Historian (2 sets) Late one night, exploring her father's library, a young woman finds an ancient book and a cache of yellowing letters addressed ominously to 'My dear and unfortunate successor'. Her discovery plunges her into a world she never dreamed of – a labyrinth where the secrets of her father's past and her mother's mysterious fate connect to an evil hidden in the depths of history. In those few quiet moments, she unwittingly assumes a quest she will discover is her birthright – a hunt for the truth about Vlad the Impaler, the medieval ruler whose barbarous reign formed the basis of the Dracula myth. Deciphering obscure signs and hidden texts, reading codes worked into the fabric of medieval monastic traditions, and evading terrifying adversaries, one woman comes ever closer to the secret of her own past and a confrontation with the very definition of evil. (2005, 720 pages)

Hari KUNZRU – The Impressionist In India, at the birth of the last century, an infant is brought howling into the world, his remarkable paleness marking him out from his brown-skinned fellows. Revered at first, he is later cast out form his wealthy home when his true parentage is revealed. So begins Pran Nath's odyssey of self- discovery – a journey that will take him from the streets of Agra, via the red light district of Bombay, to the green lawns of England and beyond – as he struggles to understand who he really is. The Impressionist was shortlisted for the Whitbread Prize. (2002, 496 pages)

Hanif KUREISHI – Gabriel’s Gift The protagonist of this novel is a 15-year-old North London schoolboy called Gabriel. He is forced to come to terms with a new life, and use his gift for painting in order to make sense of his world, once the equilibrium of the family has been shattered by his father's departure. Portraying the seemingly perpetual adolescence of the sixties generation through the eyes of its children and capturing the spirit of the new generation as well, Gabriel's Gift becomes a multilayered meditation on fame, failure, other family legacies, the nature of talent, and the possibility of redemption. (2001, 178 pages)


William LANDAY – Defending Jacob Andy Barber's job is to put killers behind bars and when a boy from his son Jacob's school is found stabbed to death, Andy is doubly determined to find and prosecute the perpetrator, until a crucial piece of evidence turns up linking Jacob to the murder. Suddenly Andy and his wife find their son accused of being a cold-blooded killer. In the face of every parent's worst nightmare, they will do anything to defend their child because, deep down, they know him better than anyone - don't they? (2013, 512 pages)

Kay LANGDALE – Choose me Billy is only nine years old. But he's already learned that when your mum dies, you get your own social worker. He's also learned that once you are ten, the odds of finding a family to adopt you don't look so good. That's the part he wasn't supposed to overhear. Miriam Riley is up against a deadline to give Billy the 'forever family' that every child deserves. Determined to cut through red tape, she finds three very different couples who might fit the bill, though prospective parents come with issues of their own. Through Billy's watchful eyes, the summer unfolds. What does he really need? Will anyone choose him? (2013, 304 pages)

Linda LA PLANTE – Entwined The book, set in 1990, concerns the lives of twin sisters separated at the age of 4, following traumatic experiences in a Nazi concentration camp. Their tragic past is revealed slowly as the book uncovers the traumas that they are dealing with in their current lives, and their attempts to live 'normal' lives. The book is set in 1990 Berlin i.e. just after the fall of the wall and entwines a gripping novel and murder mystery with a very moving human story in which the sisters eventually meet again. (1992, 600 pages)

Linda LA PLANTE – The Talisman The Talisman follows the lives of two brothers, Edward and Alex, and the great ups and downs that cross their paths, with the gypsy curse inflicted on them because a talisman was not placed in the grave of their father. The brothers experience great wealth but have tragedy in their personal lives. The book takes you through different decades and is so well written you imagine you are there! A rags to riches story proving that money alone doesn't make you happy. (1987, 917 pages)

Peter LANDESMAN – The Raven On 29th June 1941, thirty-six members of a small community near Boston go out on a picnic off Bailey Island on the pleasure craft The Raven. Mysteriously, only the women and one man, naked and tied to a keg, come back, all dead, found by a lobsterman and his young son. Conflicting details about the incident abound, leading to rumours that the men had been captured and enslaved by the Germans, but what really happened? A fictional account based on a real-life disaster. (1995, 368 pages)

Stieg LARSSON – The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo Forty years ago, Harriet Vanger disappeared from a family gathering on the island owned and inhabited by the powerful Vanger clan. Her body was never found, yet her uncle is convinced it was murder - and that the killer is a member of his own tightly knit but dysfunctional family. He employs disgraced financial journalist Mikael Blomkvist and the tattooed, truculent computer hacker Lisbeth Salander to investigate. When the pair link Harriet's disappearance to a number of grotesque murders from forty years ago, they begin to unravel a dark and appalling family history. But the Vangers are a secretive clan, and Blomkvist and Salander are about to find out just how far they are prepared to go to protect themselves. (2008, 542 pages)

D H LAWRENCE – Lady Chatterley’s Lover Constance Chatterley is deeply unhappy; married to an invalid, she is almost as inwardly paralyzed as her husband Clifford is paralyzed below the waist. Oppressed by her dreary life, she finds refuge and regeneration in the arms of Mellors the game-keeper. Dealing with themes of love, passion, respect, honour, and the need for understanding, Lady Chatterley's Lover is a complex, character-

52 driven novel which, though dated, celebrates the driving passions which can make life worth living. Firmly rooted in the 1930's, the novel shows an insensitive Clifford adhering to the outdated values, based on outdated economic structures, while Connie and Mellors, freed from these conventions, explore their instincts and their humanity. (1928, 320 pages)

Laurie LEE – Cider with Rosie (Non-fiction) Cider with Rosie is a wonderfully vivid memoir of childhood in a remote Cotswold village, a village before electricity or cars, a timeless place on the verge of change. Growing up amongst the fields and woods and characters of the place, Laurie Lee depicts a world that is both immediate and real and belongs to a now-distant past. (2002[1959], 232 pages)

Harper LEE – To Kill a Mockingbird (2 sets) Lawyer Atticus Finch defends the real mockingbird of Harper Lee's classic, Pulitzer Prize-winning novel – a black man charged with the rape of a white woman. Through the eyes of Atticus's children, Scout and Jem Finch, Harper Lee explores with rich humour and unflinching honesty the irrationality of adult attitudes toward race and class in the Deep South of the 1930's. This is a wonderful unusual story which takes you into a different world. (1960, 309 pages)

Lois LEVEEN – The secrets of Mary Bowser Mary Bowser was born a slave. She was freed and educated, then she willingly went back into slavery. As the American Civil War looms, Mary gives up her independence and returns to her home state. There she poses as an illiterate slave in the Confederate White House and spies on President Jefferson Davis, but as the death and destruction of war take their toll, Mary discovers that everything comes at a cost--even freedom. Based on a true story, The Secrets of Mary Bowser is an extraordinary and inspiring tale of injustice and courage, friendship and conflict--and of one woman willing to sacrifice her own liberty to change the course of history. (2012, 496 pages)

Angela LEVY – The Long Song Told in the irresistibly willful and intimate voice of Miss July, with some editorial assistance from her son, Thomas, The Long Song is at once defiant, funny, and shocking. The child of a field slave on the Amity sugar plantation, July lives with her mother until Mrs. Caroline Mortimer, a recently transplanted English widow, decides to move her into the great house and rename her “Marguerite.” Resourceful and mischievous, July soon becomes indispensable to her mistress. Together they live through the bloody Baptist war, followed by the violent and chaotic end of slavery. Taught to read and write so that she can help her mistress run the business, July remains bound to the plantation despite her “freedom.” It is the arrival of a young English overseer, Robert Goodwin, that dramatically changes life in the great house for both July and her mistress. Prompted and provoked by her son’s persistent questioning, July’s resilience and heartbreak are gradually revealed in this extraordinarily powerful story of slavery, revolution, freedom, and love. (2010, 432 pages)

Andrea LEVY – Small Island It is 1948, and England is recovering from a war. But in Nevern Street, London, the conflict has only just begun. Queenie Bligh’s neighbours do not approve when she agrees to take in Jamaican lodgers, but Queenie doesn’t know when her husband will return, or if he will come back at all. What else can she do? Gilbert Joseph was one of the several thousand Jamaican men who joined the RAF to fight against Hitler. Returning to England as a civilian he finds himself treated very differently. It is desperation that makes him remember a wartime friendship with Queenie and knock at her door. Gilbert’s wife Hortense, too, had longed to leave Jamaica and start a better life in England. But when she joins him she is shocked to find London shabby, decrepit, and far from the golden city of her dreams. Even Gilbert is not the man she thought he was. (2004, 544 pages)

Paula LICHTAROWICZ – The first book of Calamity Leek Calamity Leek is a believer. Lying in her hospital bed, broken, burned and frightened, Calamity still believes that Aunty loved her; she still hopes to fight the Good Fight. For as long as she can remember, Calamity, along with her sixteen sisters, lived in a Garden behind the Wall of Safekeeping. Like it said in Aunty's Appendix on the first page of the Ps: 'Everything has a

53 purpose', and they were being trained for a very special one. In the Ns the Appendix said, 'Nosiness leads to nonsense'. As Calamity sees it, this is what led to their Garden's downfall. You see, one night Truly Polperro looked over the tall Wall of Safekeeping. And she couldn't see any injuns and she wanted to know why. Under I for Injuns, the sisters had clearly read that feather-skirted demonmale warriors prowled about outside the Wall, waiting to tear wandering females into pieces. But all Truly saw was trees. When the sisters started questioning what was outside the Wall, they started questioning what was happening inside it too. It was left to Calamity to shore up the truth of the most glorious story ever told - the truth of how the sisters came to be. (2014, 304 pages)

Katia LIEF – Five Days to Die Emily Parker is missing, kidnapped from a car park in broad daylight and the police are clueless as to her whereabouts. The only man her family can turn to for help is retired FBI profiler John Geary. But Geary suspects she's been taken by a serial killer who targets mothers. Every seven years he strikes, enacting a gruesome ritual. And Geary knows that there's much worse to come...Emily has five days left. Five days of waiting. Five days of hell. Five days before the killer returns for her son... (2011, 448 pages)

John Ajvide LINDQVIST – Let the Right One In Oskar and Eli were both victims which is why, against the odds, they became friends and came to depend on one another for life itself. Oskar is a 12 year old boy living with his mother on a dreary housing estate at the city's edge. He dreams about his absentee father, gets bullied at school, and wets himself when he's frightened. Eli is the young girl who moves in next door. She doesn't go to school and never leaves the flat by day. She is a 200 year old vampire, forever frozen in childhood, and condemned to live on a diet of fresh blood. John Ajvide Lindqvist's novel is a unique and brilliant fusion of social novel and vampire legend; and a deeply moving fable about rejection, friendship and loyalty. (2007, 528 pages)

Rosina LIPPI – Homestead It is 1909 and in a remote Alpine village a postcard from a lovesick sender arrives addressed to Anna Fink. The problem is, it could be any one of seven women. The story draws you in so you become absorbed by the daily life and routines of this close knit community, as it deals with the impact of the mystery. Shortlisted for the 2001 Orange Prize for Fiction. (1998, 224 pages)

Toby LITT – Corpsing When Conrad is called by his ex-girlfriend Lily, he jumps at the chance to have dinner with her. At the restaurant, a bicycle courier enters, shoots Lily dead and fires three shots at Conrad. Once recovered, Conrad decides to investigate, uncovering some unpleasant truths: a fast moving and witty thriller. (2000, 384 pages)

Hong LIU – Wives of the East Wind Two couples – Wenya and Zhiying, Zhenzhen and Lao Gao – meet, marry and become inseparable just as China is shaking off the memory of war, and the brightest of its youth are pledging themselves to building a vibrant new future. Yet for all that their lives embody the ideals of the young republic, they are spared none of the suffering and hardship that are to follow, through years of famine and the terror of the Cultural Revolution. It is the two women who form the most powerful bond, and Wenya's loyalty and Zhenzhen's spirit sustain them both through their darkest hours. (2007, 256 pages)

Penelope LIVELY – Family Album Allersmead is a big shabby Victorian suburban house. The perfect place to grow up for elegant Sandra, difficult Gina, destructive Paul, considerate Katie, clever Roger and flighty Clare. But was it? As adults, the children return to Allersmead one by one. To their home-making mother and aloof writer father, and a house that for years has played silent witness to a family's secrets. And one devastating secret of which no one speaks... (2009, 272 pages)

Penelope LIVELY – The Photograph (2 sets) Searching through a little-used cupboard at home, Glyn Peters chances upon a photograph he has never seen before. It shows his wife holding hands with another man. As Glyn begins to search for

54 answers, he, and those around him, finds the certainties of the past and present slip away. (2003, 240 pages)

Attica LOCKE – Black Water Rising Reminiscent of early John Grisham and Walter Mosley, this taut, fast-paced novel heralds an exciting and powerful new voice in fiction. Big oil and its twin, corporate corruption, meet their match with Jay Porter, a struggling personal injury attorney down on his luck, who suddenly finds himself in a situation spiralling out of control. Jay knows a boat ride on the Bayou won't measure up to his wife's expectations of a birthday celebration, but it's all he can afford. Once a man of virtuous ideals, he is now just waiting for a break; all that changes when midway through dinner, gun shots and sharp cries for help ring out. When he fishes a woman out of the Bayou, his sixth sense tells him this charitable act will lead to no good. Unravelling the woman's past, Jay finds himself enmeshed in a web that weaves together greed, politics, and corporate corruption. And the secrets of his own past come back to either haunt or save him. (2009, 448 pages)

David LODGE – Deaf Sentence (2 sets) Retired Professor of Linguistics Desmond Bates is going deaf. It's a bother for his wife who has an enviably successful new career and is too busy to be endlessly repeating herself. Roles are reversed with his aging father, who resents his son's attempts to help him. And then there's Alex, a student whom Desmond has agreed to help after a typical misunderstanding at a party. But her increasingly bizarre requests cannot all be blamed on his defective hearing. So much for growing old gracefully... (2008, 320 pages)

David LODGE – A man of parts Sequestered in his blitz-battered Regent's Park house in 1944, the ailing Herbert George Wells, 'H.G.' to his family and friends, looks back on a life crowded with incident, books, and women. Charting his unpromising start as a draper's assistant to his rapid rise to fame as a writer with a prophetic imagination, his immersion in socialist politics and his belief in and practice of free love, A Man of Parts is an astonishing novel of passion, ambition and controversy. (2012, 576 pages)

David LODGE – Nice Work Nice Work is a hilarious comedy of society and class misunderstandings. When Vic Wilcox, MD of Pringle's engineering works, meets English lecturer Dr Robyn Penrose, sparks fly as their lifestyles and ideologies collide head on. But, in time, both parties make some surprising discoveries about each other's worlds - and about themselves. (2010, 384 pages)

Eric LOMAX – The railway man (Non-fiction) During the Second World War Eric Lomax was forced to work on the notorious Burma-Siam Railway and was tortured by the Japanese for making a crude radio. Left emotionally scarred and unable to form normal relationships, Lomax suffered for years until, with the help of his wife, Patti, and The Medical Foundation for the Care of Victims of Torture, he came terms with what happened. Fifty years after the terrible events, he was able to meet one of his tormentors. The Railway Man is a story of innocence betrayed, and of survival and courage in the face of horror.(1995 [2014], 336 pages)

Kate LONG – Swallowing Grandma Katherine Millar is eighteen and desperate to be less fat, less swotty and to have cooler friends. But most of all, she wishes she had two parents, instead of one grandma, Poll. Poll is pushing seventy, half blind and utterly poisonous. She has looked after Katherine since she was a baby. Poll's ambition is for things to stay exactly the same for ever, and for Katherine never to leave their pit village of Bank Top. Katherine has other ideas, and she can feel change is coming; the omens are all around her. In the meantime, she cleans up after Poll, revises for her exams, watches daytime television and surfs the net at the library trying to find out how to be bulimic. What she doesn't quite realize yet is that life won't always wait for you to catch up with it. Swallowing Grandma is a perceptive, vivid and painfully funny novel about the ties of love and loathing, and the ways in which our versions of the past can thwart our visions for the future. (2005, 240 pages)

55 Rosamund LUPTON – Afterwards Black smoke stains a summer blue sky. A school is on fire. And one mother, Grace, sees the smoke and runs. She knows her teenage daughter Jenny is inside. She runs into the burning building to rescue her. Afterwards, Grace must find the identity of the arsonist and protect her family from the person who's still intent on destroying them. Afterwards, she must fight the limits of her physical strength and discover the limitlessness of love. (2011, 480 pages)

Rosamund LUPTON – Sister Nothing can break the bond between sisters ...When Beatrice gets a frantic call in the middle of Sunday lunch to say that her younger sister, Tess, is missing, she boards the first flight home to London. But as she learns about the circumstances surrounding her sister's disappearance, she is stunned to discover how little she actually knows of her sister's life - and unprepared for the terrifying truths she must now face. The police, Beatrice's fiancé and even their mother accept they have lost Tess but Beatrice refuses to give up on her. So she embarks on a dangerous journey to discover the truth, no matter the cost. (2010, 359 pages)

Cormac McCARTHY – All the Pretty Horses Cormac McCarthy demonstrates all the characteristics of a traditional Western: adventure, love, damsels, murder, horses, and a hero, while still maintaining the elegant language and style of writing he has created. Set along the Texas-Mexican border in the late 1940's, All the Pretty Horses relates young John Grady Cole's discoveries about religion, love, and life as he runs away from home and becomes a man. The idealistic Cole embodies the desires of all young adults, freedom and understanding, and sets out to satisfy them. He realizes that reality can be cruel but maintains his amazing determination to live his life without the burdens of society. McCarthy's magnificent wording and motifs demonstrate the many themes of hospitality, religion, freedom, and the quest for knowledge. (1992, 301 pages)

Cormac McCARTHY – The Road (2 sets) A father and his son walk alone through burned America, heading through the ravaged landscape to the coast. This is the profoundly moving story of their journey. "The Road" boldly imagines a future in which no hope remains, but in which two people, 'each the other's world entire', are sustained by love. Awesome in the totality of its vision, it is an unflinching meditation on the worst and the best that we are capable of: ultimate destructiveness, desperate tenacity, and the tenderness that keeps two people alive in the face of total devastation. (2006, 304 pages)

Pete McCARTHY – McCarthy’s Bar (Travel) Pete McCarthy's tale of his hilarious trip around Ireland has gained thousands of fans all over the world. Pete was born in Warrington to an Irish mother and an English father and spent happy summer holidays in Cork. Years later, reflecting on the many places he has visited as a travel broadcaster, Pete admits that he feels more at home in Ireland than anywhere. To find out whether this is due to rose-coloured spectacles or to a deeper tie with the country of his ancestors, Pete sets off on a trip around Ireland and discovers that it has changed in surprising ways. Firstly obeying the rule 'never pass a pub with your name on it', he encounters McCarthy's bars up and down the land, and meets English hippies, German musicians, married priests and many others. A funny, affectionate look at one of the most popular countries in the world. (2000, 384 pages)

Tom MACAULAY – The Warning Bell Iain Madoc has always had a fraught relationship with his father, a man whose coldness stems back to a disastrous WWII mission that almost took his life. When Iain's dying mother leaves him with a clue about what happened, he sets off for the tiny Breton village of St Cyriac, determined to discover the truth. (2010, 352 pages)

Ian McEWAN – Atonement There is a real feeling in this novel that something terrible will happen and you’re not disappointed. It is the hottest day of the summer of 1934. Cecilia strips off her clothes and plunges into the fountain of the family’s country house. She is watched by Robbie, a childhood friend. By the end of the day they will have become victims of her younger sister Briony’s imagination, and Briony will have

56 committed a crime for which she will spend the rest of her life trying to atone. (2001, 384 pages)

Ian McEWAN – On Chesil Beach It is June, 1962. In a hotel on the Dorset coast, overlooking Chesil Beach, Edward and Florence, who got married that morning, are sitting down to dinner in their room. Neither is entirely able to suppress their anxieties about the wedding night to come ... On Chesil Beach is another masterwork from Ian McEwan - a story about how the entire course of a life can be changed by a gesture not made or a word not spoken. (2007, 176 pages)

Ian McEWAN – Solar Michael Beard is a Nobel prize-winning physicist whose best work is behind him. Trading on his reputation, he speaks for enormous fees, lends his name to the letterheads of renowned scientific institutions and half-heartedly heads a government-backed initiative tackling global warming. A compulsive womaniser, Beard finds his fifth marriage floundering. But this time it is different: she is having the affair, and he is still in love with her. When Beard's professional and personal worlds collide in a freak accident, an opportunity presents itself for Beard to extricate himself from his marital mess, reinvigorate his career and save the world from environmental disaster. Ranging from the Arctic Circle to the deserts of New Mexico, Solar is a serious and darkly satirical novel, showing human frailty struggling with the most pressing and complex problem of our time. A profound and stylish story of one man's greed and self-deception. (2010, 304 pages)

Ian MCEWAN – Sweet tooth McEwan's latest novel charts the progress of Serena Frome from the seat of her father's bishopric, via a mathematics degree at Cambridge, to a junior role in MI5 during the 1970s. Much of the novel is taken up with her romantic engagements, professional disappointments and love of literature until all of them become bound together in a single operation, Sweet Tooth. (2013, 384 pages)

Elizabeth McGREGOR – The Ice Child Jo Harper, a successful young journalist, has only her adored two-year-old son, Sam, to remind her of her late partner. When Sam falls ill, there is only one slim hope – that his stepbrother John may hold the key to his survival. But John has disappeared. Seeking absolution for his part in the accidental death of his marine archaeologist father and tortured by their failed relationship, John has set out alone against impossible odds to fulfil his father's dream – to uncover the last traces of the Franklin expedition, which vanished in the Arctic in 1847 while searching for the North West Passage. As uncanny parallels begin to unfold between the last days of the Franklin crew and the crisis facing Sam, Jo is plunged into a desperate race against time to save both the life of her son and the soul of her stepson. Beautifully written and deeply moving, The Ice Child is storytelling at its very best. (2001, 432 pages)

Jon McGREGOR – Even the Dogs On a cold, quiet day between Christmas and the New Year, a man's body is found in an abandoned apartment. His friends look on, but they're dead, too. Their bodies found in squats and sheds and alleyways across the city. Victims of a bad batch of heroin, they're in the shadows, a chorus keeping vigil as the hours pass, paying their own particular homage as their friend's body is taken away, examined, investigated, and cremated. All of their stories are laid out piece by broken piece through a series of fractured narratives. Theirs are stories of lives fallen through the cracks, hopes flaring and dying, love overwhelmed by a stronger need, and the havoc wrought by drugs, distress, and the disregard of the wider world. These invisible people live in a parallel reality, out of reach of basic creature comforts, like food and shelter. In their sudden deaths, it becomes clear; they are treated with more respect than they ever were in their short lives. Intense, exhilarating, and shot through with hope and fury, Even the Dogs is an intimate exploration of life at the edges of society--littered with love, loss, despair, and a half-glimpse of redemption. (2010, 195 pages)

Jon McGREGOR – If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things In a multi-layered narrative, If Nobody Speaks of Remarkable Things charts a single day in the life of an ordinary suburban street that will be shaken by a dramatic event. Threaded through the stories of the anonymous inhabitants are the recollections of one of them three years after that event, now

57 faced with a crisis, which brings her life sharply into focus. Through the details of his characters’ day- to-day lives: a couple nervous in their new coupledom; a wife’s knowledge of the secret her husband lovingly attempts to conceal; the terrible scarring of a man’s hands, Jon McGregor explores the small dramas played out on our streets and in our houses that make the seemingly prosaic extraordinary. (2002, 288 pages)

Ben MACINTYRE – Agent Zigzag (Non- Fiction) One December night in 1942, a Nazi parachutist landed in a Cambridgeshire field. His mission: to sabotage the British war effort. His name was Eddie Chapman, but he would shortly become MI5's Agent Zigzag. Dashing and louche, courageous and unpredictable, the traitor was a patriot inside, and the villain a hero. The problem for Chapman, his many lovers and his spymasters was knowing who he was. Ben Macintyre weaves together diaries, letters, photographs, memories and top-secret MI5 files to create the exhilarating account of Britain's most sensational double agent. (2007, 384 pages)

Sinclair MCKAY – The secret life of Bletchley Park (Non-fiction) Though plenty has been written about the boffins, and the codebreaking, fictional and non-fiction – from Robert Harris and Ian McEwan to Andrew Hodges’ biography of Turing – what of the thousands of men and women who lived and worked at Bletchley Park during the war? What was life like for them – an odd, secret territory between the civilian and the military? This is the first history of life at Bletchley Park, and is an amazing compendium of memories from people now in their eighties – of skating on the frozen lake in the grounds (a depressed Angus Wilson, the novelist, once threw himself in) – of a youthful Roy Jenkins, useless at codebreaking, of the high jinks at nearby accommodation hostels – and of the implacable secrecy that meant girlfriend and boyfriend working in adjacent huts knew nothing about each other’s work. (2011, 368 pages)

Katharine McMAHON – The Crimson Rooms Living at home with her mother, aunt, and grandmother, Evelyn is haunted by the death of her younger brother James in the First World War. She is also determined to make a career for herself as one of the first female lawyers. So when the doorbell rings late one night and a woman appears, claiming to have mothered James's child, her world is turned upside down. Evelyn distrusts Meredith at first, but also finds that this new arrival challenges her work-obsessed lifestyle. So far her legal career has not set the world alight. But then two cases arise that make Evelyn realise perhaps she can make a difference. The first concerns a woman called Leah Marchant whose children have been taken away from her simply because she is poor. The second, Stephen Wheeler, has been charged with murdering his own wife. It is clear that Wheeler is innocent but he won't talk. In the meantime, Meredith makes an earth-shattering accusation about James and Evelyn falls in love with a man engaged to be married. (2009, 480 pages)

Katherine McMAHON – The Rose of Sebastopol Russia, 1854: the Crimean War grinds on, and as the bitter winter draws near, the battlefield hospitals fill with dying men. In defiance of Florence Nightingale, Rosa Barr – young, headstrong and beautiful – travels to Balaklava, determined to save as many of the wounded as she can. For Mariella Lingwood, Rosa's cousin, the war is contained within the pages of her scrapbook, in her London sewing circle, and in the letters she receives from Henry, her fiance, a celebrated surgeon who has also volunteered to work within the shadow of the guns. When Henry falls ill and is sent to recuperate in Italy, Mariella impulsively decides she must go to him. But upon their arrival at his lodgings, she and her maid make a heartbreaking discovery: Rosa has disappeared. Following the trail of her elusive and captivating cousin, Mariella's epic journey takes her from the domestic restraint of Victorian London to the ravaged landscape of the Crimea and the tragic city of Sebastopol. As she ventures deeper into the dark heart of the conflict, Mariella's ordered world begins to crumble and she learns much about secrecy, faithfulness and love. (2007, 416 pages)

Hilary MANTEL – Beyond Black (2 sets) Alison's ability to communicate with spirits is a torment rather than a gift. They infiltrate her house, her body and her soul; the more she tries to be rid of them, the stronger and nastier they become.

58 This is a tale of dark secrets and secret forces set in suburban England. Beyond Black is chilling, creepy and endlessly inventive. (2005, 480 pages)

Hilary MANTEL – Wolf Hall (2 sets) Henry VIII is on the throne, but has no heir. Cardinal Wolsey is his chief advisor, charged with securing the divorce the pope refuses to grant. Into this atmosphere of distrust and need comes Thomas Cromwell, first as Wolsey's clerk, and later his successor. Cromwell is a wholly original man: the son of a brutal blacksmith, a political genius, a briber, a charmer, a bully, a man with a delicate and deadly expertise in manipulating people and events. Ruthless in pursuit of his own interests, he is as ambitious in his wider politics as he is for himself. His reforming agenda is carried out in the grip of a self-interested parliament and a king who fluctuates between romantic passions and murderous rages. We see Tudor England as a half-made society, moulding itself with great passion, suffering and courage. Winner of the Man Booker Prize 2009. (2009, 400 pages)

Yann MARTEL – Life of Pi After the tragic sinking of a cargo ship, a solitary lifeboat remains bobbing on the wild, blue Pacific. The only survivors from the wreck are a sixteen year-old boy named Pi, a hyena, a zebra (with a broken leg), a female orang-utan - and a 450-pound Royal Bengal tiger. The scene is set for one of the most extraordinary and best-loved works of fiction in recent years. (2003, 348 pages)

Daniel MASON – The Piano Tuner On a misty London afternoon in 1886, piano tuner Edgar Drake receives a strange request from the War Office: he must leave his wife, and his quiet life in London, to travel to the jungles of Burma to tune a rare Erard grand piano. The piano belongs to Surgeon-Major Anthony Carroll, an enigmatic British officer, whose success at making peace in the war-torn Shan States is legendary, but whose unorthodox methods have begun to attract suspicion. En route he is entranced by the Doctor's letters but as his captivation grows, so do his questions: about the Doctor's true motives. Sensuous and lyrical, rich with passion and adventure, The Piano Tuner is a hypnotic tale of myth, romance and self-discovery. (2002, 384 pages)

Alexander MASTERS –Stuart: A Life Lived Backwards (Biography) Stuart, A Life Backwards, is the story of a remarkable friendship between a reclusive writer and illustrator and a chaotic, knife-wielding beggar whom he gets to know during a campaign to release two charity workers from prison. Interwoven into this is Stuart's confession: the story of his life, told backwards. With humour, compassion (and exasperation) Masters slowly works back through post- office heists, prison riots and the exact day Stuart discovered violence, to unfold the reasons why he changed from a happy-go-lucky little boy into a polydrug-addicted-alcoholic Jekyll and Hyde personality, with a fondness for what he called 'little strips of silver' (knives to you and me). Funny, despairing, brilliantly written and full of surprises: this is the most original and moving biography of recent years. (2006, 304 pages)

Simon MAWER – The Glass Room High on a Czechoslovak hill, the Landauer House shines as a wonder of steel and glass and onyx built specially for newlyweds Viktor and Liesel Landauer, a Jew married to a gentile. But the radiant honesty of 1930 that the house, with its unique Glass Room, seems to engender quickly tarnishes as the storm clouds of WW2 gather, and eventually the family must flee, accompanied by Viktor's lover and her child. But the house's story is far from over, and as it passes from hand to hand, from Czech to Russian, both the best and the worst of the history of Eastern Europe becomes somehow embodied and perhaps emboldened within the beautiful and austere surfaces and planes so carefully designed, until events become full-circle. (2009, 405 pages)

James MEEK – The People’s Act of Love Siberia 1919. In the outer reaches of a country recently torn apart by civil war live a small Christian sect and its enigmatic leader, Balashov. Stationed nearby is a regiment of Czech soldiers, desperate to get home but on the losing side if the recent conflict. Into this isolated community trudges Samarin, an escapee from Russia's northernmost gulag. Immediately apprehended, he is brought before Captain Matula, the regiment's megalomaniac commander. But the stranger's arrival has also caught

59 the attention of others, including Anna, a beautiful young war widow. And when the local Shaman lies dead, suspicion and terror engulf the little town... The People's Act of Love is a magnificent piece of storytelling, an unforgettable novel and a deeply satisfying read. (2005, 400 pages)

Charlotte MENDELSON – When We Were Bad Claudia Rubin is in her heyday. Wife, mother, rabbi and sometime moral voice of the nation, everyone wants to be with her at her older son's glorious February wedding. Until Leo becomes a bolter and the heyday of the Rubin family begins to unravel. This family may be a singular one but the delights and the difficulties its members have with sex and spirituality, food and domesticity, expectation and achievement, will have a universal appeal. . When We Were Bad is a warm, poignant and true portrayal of a London family in crisis, in love, in denial and – ultimately – in luck. (2007, 304 pages)

Jane MENDELSOHN – I was Amelia Earhart A fictitious account imagining the outcome of Amelia Earhart's infamous last flight, with flashbacks to her childhood and difficult marriage. Amelia and her raffish, drunken navigator, Noonan, crash-land on a desert island. They fight, touch madness and finally fall in love, before taking off again on only half a tank of petrol. (1996, 160 pages)

Anchee MIN – Empress Orchid To rescue her family from poverty and avoid marrying her cousin, seventeen-year-old Orchid competes to be one of the Emperor's wives. When she is chosen as a lower-ranking concubine, she enters the ritualised Forbidden City and is exposed to all the chaos, corruption and treachery of the final days of the Chinese empire - including the thousands of concubines who will stoop to any lengths to bear the Emperor's son. Orchid succeeds in bribing her way into the royal bed and seduces the monarch, drawing the attention of dangerous foes. She does not know, however, that China will collapse around her and that she will be its last Empress... (2004, 352 pages)

Rohinton MISTRY – A Fine Balance Set in mid-1970s India, a subtle and compelling narrative about four unlikely characters who come together in circumstances no one could have foreseen soon after the government declares a 'State of Internal Emergency'. It is a breathtaking achievement: panoramic yet humane, intensely political yet rich with local delight. (2006, 624 pages)

David MITCHELL – Cloud Atlas (2 sets) Six interlocking lives and one amazing adventure. A reluctant voyager crossing the Pacific in 1850; a disinherited composer blagging a precarious livelihood in between-the-wars Belgium; a high-minded journalist in Governor Reagan's California; a vanity publisher fleeing his gangland creditors; a genetically modified 'dinery server' on death-row; and Zachry, a young Pacific Islander witnessing the nightfall of science and civilisation. The narrators of Cloud Atlas hear each other's echoes down the corridor of history, and their destinies are changed in ways great and small. Shortlisted for the 2004 Man Booker Prize. (2004, 544 pages)

David MITCHELL – Ghostwritten An apocalyptic cult member carries out a gas attack on a rush-hour metro, but what connects him to a jazz buff in downtown Tokyo? A collection of interconnecting short stories cutting across all types of narrative and genre style, from spy thriller to science fiction. (1999, 436 pages)

Deborah MOGGACH – These Foolish Things When Ravi Kapoor, an over-worked London doctor, is driven beyond endurance by his disgusting and difficult father-in-law, he asks his wife: 'Can't we just send him away somewhere? Somewhere far, far away.' His prayer seems to have been answered when his entrepreneurial cousin, Sonny, sets up a retirement home, recreating a lost corner of England in a converted guesthouse in Bangalore. Travel and set-up are inexpensive, staff willing and plentiful – and the British pensioners can enjoy the hot weather and take mango juice with their gin. These Foolish Things is a brilliant comedy of manners, mixing acute observation with a deeper message about how different cultures cope in the modern world. (2004, 256 pages)


Santa MONTEFIORE – The Affair Bestselling children's book writer Angelica is amused and flattered at the attention of Jack, the owner of a vineyard in South Africa, whom she meets at a dinner party. With his easy charm and reputation as a ladies' man, Jack makes her feel good about herself -- surely it can't do any harm to indulge in a mild email flirtation? After all, she wouldn't risk her stable marriage and the happiness of her children. But things don't stop there, and when Angelica is sent to Cape Town for a book tour, the affair begins in earnest. On their last day together, Jack confesses that he has an incurable disease: being with Angelica has enabled him to forget his mortality. Shocked and heartbroken, she returns to London determined to save her marriage and put to good use all the emotional lessons she learnt during their brief time together. (2010, 352 pages)

Santa MONTEFIORE – The Gypsy Madonna Mischa knows what it is to be abandoned. His German father disappeared at the end of the war, leaving him and his mother to endure the hatred and contempt of all the French villagers, the two of them against the world. And his surrogate father vanishes too, with no word of explanation. He bears these scars into manhood. Only when his mother dies, revealing the existence of a priceless masterpiece, does he go on the trail of his own history. He makes a pilgrimage into the past, to that French village of his childhood, and there he uncovers the secret of the Gypsy Madonna. (2006, 260 pages)

Lorrie MOORE – A Gate at the Stairs With America quietly gearing up for war in the Middle East, twenty-year-old Tassie Keltjin, a 'half- Jewish' farmer's daughter from the plains of the Midwest, has come to university - escaping her provincial home to encounter the complex world of culture and politics. When she takes a job as a part-time nanny to a couple who seem at once mysterious and glamorous, Tassie is drawn into the life of their newly-adopted child and increasingly complicated household. As her family becomes increasingly alien to her Tassie finds herself becoming a stranger to herself. As the year unfolds, love leads her to new and formative experiences - but it is then that the past and the future burst forth in dramatic and shocking ways. Refracted through the eyes of this memorable narrator, A Gate at the Stairs is a lyrical, beguiling and wise novel of our times. (2009, 336 pages)

Wendy MOORE – Wedlock (Non-Fiction) When Mary Eleanor Bowes, the Countess of Strathmore, was abducted in Oxford Street in broad daylight in 1786, the whole country was riveted to news of the pursuit. The only daughter of a wealthy coal magnate, Mary Eleanor had led a charmed youth. Precocious and intelligent, she was the richest heiress in Britain, and she was soon beset by eager suitors. Her marriage, at eighteen, to the beautiful but aloof Earl of Strathmore, was one of the society weddings of the year. With the death of the earl some eight years later, Mary re-entered society with relish and her salons became magnets for leading Enlightenment thinkers - as well as a host of new suitors. Mary soon fell under the spell of a handsome Irish soldier, but scandalous rumours were quick to spread. Swearing to defend her honour, Mary's gallant hero was mortally wounded in a duel - his dying wish that he might marry Mary. Within hours, he seemed to be in the grip of a miraculous recovery. Wedlock tells the story of one eighteenth-century woman's experience of a brutal marriage, and her fight to regain her liberty and justice. Subjected to appalling violence, deception, kidnap and betrayal, the life of Mary Eleanor Bowes is a remarkable tale of triumph in the face of overwhelming odds. (2009, 350 pages)

Caitlin MORAN – How to be a Woman (Non-Fiction) 1913 - Suffragette throws herself under the King's horse. 1969 - Feminists storm Miss World. Now - Caitlin Moran rewrites "The Female Eunuch" from a bar stool and demands to know why pants are getting smaller. There's never been a better time to be a woman: we have the vote and the Pill, and we haven't been burnt as witches since 1727. However, a few nagging questions do remain... Should you get Botox? Do men secretly hate us? Why does your bra hurt? And why does everyone ask you when you're going to have a baby? Part memoir, part rant, Caitlin Moran answers these questions and more - following her from her terrible 13th birthday through adolescence, the workplace, strip- clubs, love, fat, abortion, Top Shop, motherhood and beyond. (2011, 320 pages)

61 Erin MORGENSTERN – The Night Circus In 1886, a mysterious travelling circus becomes an international sensation. Open only at night, constructed entirely in black and white, Le Cirque des Reves delights all who wander its circular paths and warm themselves at its bonfire. Although there are acrobats, fortune-tellers and contortionists, the Circus of Dreams is no conventional spectacle. Some tents contain clouds, some ice. The circus seems almost to cast a spell over its aficionados, who call themselves the reveurs - the dreamers. At the heart of the story is the tangled relationship between two young magicians, Celia, the enchanter's daughter, and Marco, the sorcerer's apprentice. At the behest of their shadowy masters, they find themselves locked in a deadly contest, forced to test the very limits of the imagination, and of their love...A fabulous, fin-de-siecle feast for the senses and a life-affirming love story, The Night Circus is a captivating novel that will make the real world seem fantastical and a fantasy world real. (2011, 400 pages)

Kate MORTON – The House at Riverton Summer 1924: On the eve of a glittering Society party, by the lake of a grand English country house, a young poet takes his life. The only witnesses, sisters Hannah and Emmeline Hartford, will never speak to each other again. Winter 1999: Grace Bradley, 98, one-time housemaid of Riverton Manor, is visited by a young director making a film about the poet's suicide. Ghosts awaken and memories, long-consigned to the dark reaches of Grace's mind, begin to sneak back through the cracks and a shocking secret threatens to emerge. A thrilling mystery and a compelling love story. (2007, 352 pages)

Michael MORPURGO – Private Peaceful (2 sets) Heroism or cowardice; a stunning story of the First World War from a master storyteller. Told in the voice of a young soldier, the story follows 24 hours in his life at the front during WW1, and captures his memories as he looks back over his life. Full of stunningly researched detail and engrossing atmosphere, the book leads to a dramatic and moving conclusion. Both a love story and a deeply moving account of the horrors of the First World War, this book will reach everyone from 9 to 90. (2003, 192 pages)

Blake MORRISON – And When Did You Last See Your Father? (Biography) And When Did You Last See Your Father? is an extraordinary portrait of family life, father-son relationships and bereavement. He says much about death and dying and more about life and living. Tender, honest, angry, loyal, this extraordinary book balances the life, illness and death of a forceful father with the feelings of his independent son. (1993, 231 pages)

Toni MORRISON – Beloved Terrible, unspeakable things happened to Sethe at Sweet Home, the farm where she lived as a slave for so many years until she escaped to Ohio. Her new life is full of hope but eighteen years later she is still not free. Sethe's new home is not only haunted by the memories of her past but also by the ghost of her baby, who died nameless and whose tombstone is engraved with a single word: Beloved; a profound exploration of slavery and its devastating effects upon both the enslaved and the slave owners. (1987, 352 pages)

Greg MORTENSON – Three Cups of Tea (Non-Fiction) 'Here we drink three cups of tea to do business; the first you are a stranger, the second you become a friend, and the third, you join our family, and for our family we are prepared to do anything – even die' – Haji Ali, Korphe Village Chief, Karakoram mountains, Pakistan. In 1993, after a terrifying and disastrous attempt to climb K2, Greg Mortenson drifted, cold and dehydrated, into an impoverished Pakistan village in the Karakoram Mountains. Moved by the inhabitants' kindness, he promised to return and build a school. Over the next decade Mortenson built not just one but fifty-five schools – especially for girls – in remote villages across the forbidding and breathtaking landscape of Pakistan and Afghanistan, just as the Taliban rose to power. (2006, 352 pages)

Kate MOSSE – Labyrinth When Dr Alice Tanner discovers two skeletons during an archaeological dig in southern France, she unearths a link with a horrific and brutal past. There's an overwhelming sense of evil in the tomb that

62 Alice finds hard to shake off, even in the bright French sunshine. Puzzled by the words carved inside the chamber, Alice has an uneasy feeling that she has disturbed something which was meant to remain hidden...Eight hundred years ago, on the night before a brutal civil war ripped apart Languedoc, a book was entrusted to Alais, a young herbalist and healer. Although she cannot understand the symbols and diagrams the book contains, Alais knows her destiny lies in protecting their secret, at all costs. Skilfully blending the lives of two women divided by centuries but united by a common destiny, Labyrinth is a powerful story steeped in the atmosphere and history of southern France. (2005, 720 pages)

Alice MUNRO – Selected stories Twenty-three bittersweet tales of Canadian life. (2010, 432 pages)

Iris MURDOCH – The Bell Dora Greenfield, erring wife, returns to live with her husband in a lay community encamped outside Imber Abbey, home to a mysterious enclosed order of nuns. Watched over by its devout director and the discreet authority of the wise old Abbess, Imber Court is a haven for lost souls seeking tranquillity. But then the lost Abbey bell, legendary symbol of religion and magic, is rediscovered, and hidden truths and desires are forced into the light. (1958, 315 pages)

Iris MURDOCH - The sea, the sea When Charles Arrowby retires from his glittering career in the London theatre, he buys a remote house on the rocks by the sea. He hopes to escape from his tumultuous love affairs but unexpectedly bumps into his childhood sweetheart and sets his heart on destroying her marriage. His equilibrium is further disturbed when his eccentric friends all decide to come and keep his company and Charles finds his seaside idyll severely threatened by his past. (1999) [1978], 560 pages)

Paul MURRAY – Skippy Dies 'Skippy and Ruprecht are having a doughnut-eating race one evening when Skippy turns purple and falls off his chair'. And so begins this epic, tragic, comic, brilliant novel set in and around Dublin's Seabrook College for Boys. Principally concerning the lives, loves, mistakes and triumphs of overweight maths-whiz Ruprecht Van Doren and his roommate Daniel 'Skippy' Juster, it features a frisbee-throwing siren called Lori, the joys (and horrors) of first love, the use and blatant misuse of prescription drugs, Carl (the official school psychopath), and various attempts to unravel string theory ...while at the same time exploring the very deepest mysteries of the human heart. (2010, 374 pages)

Tiffany MURRAY – Happy Accidents Coming of age in rural England in the eighties is far from straightforward for Kate Happy. Gran has been homesick for Coney Island for thirty-eight years, hating her husband but determinedly donning her best pink Chanel suit and high heels to step out into the muck-splattered farmyard. is bonkers, an ex-naval Captain who wanders round the house shouting sea-faring commands. Mum's gone AWOL since she ran over Kate's dad in her soft-top Triumph Spitfire. And are those really Dad's ashes in a Hellmann's mayonnaise jar in the attic?(2004, 362 pages)

Bonnie NADZAM – Lamb 'She was coming toward him in a crooked purple tube top, baggy shorts and brassy sandals studded with rhinestones. She carried a huge pink patent-leather purse and was possibly the worst thing he'd seen all day. 'Hi.' She had a little gap between her teeth, and her eyes were wide set, and she had one of those noses with perfectly round nostrils. She was a pale little freckled pig with eyelashes. 'I'm supposed to ask you for a cigarette.' This ugly kid before Lamb was obviously the brunt of a joke. Had they any idea who he was? Why he was standing alone in a black suit? What kind of heart, if any, hung inside him? And how was this not a joke on him? He took a pull on his own cigarette and put it out on the bottom of his beautifully polished shoe.' Tommie is eleven. Lamb is a middle-aged man; he is convinced that he can help her avoid a destiny of apathy and emptiness; he even comes to believe that his devotion is in her best interest. (2012, 288 pages)

63 Azar NAFIZI – Reading Lolita in Tehran (Non-Fiction) For two years before she left Iran in 1997, Azar Nafisi gathered seven young women at her house every Thursday morning to read and discuss forbidden works of Western literature. They were all former students whom she had taught at university. Some came from conservative and religious families, others were progressive and secular; several had spent time in jail. Shy and uncomfortable at first, they soon began to open up and speak more freely, not only about the novels they were reading but also about themselves, their dreams and disappointments. Nafisi's account flashes back to the early days of the revolution when she first started teaching at the University of Tehran amid the swirl of protests and demonstrations. offering a fascinating portrait of the Iran-Iraq war viewed from Tehran and a rare glimpse, from the inside, of women's lives in revolutionary Iran. It is a work of great passion and poetic beauty, written with a startlingly original voice. (2003, 386 pages)

Irene NEMIROVSKY – Suite Francaise In 1941, Irène Némirovsky sat down to write a work that would convey the magnitude of what she was living through by evoking the domestic lives and personal trials of the ordinary citizens of France. She did not live to see the day when, sixty-five years later, Suite Française would be hailed as a masterpiece. Set in June 1940, when the Nazis occupy France, it falls into two parts. The first is a brilliant depiction of a group of Parisians as they flee the Nazi invasion; the second follows the inhabitants of a small rural community under occupation. This is a novel that teems with wonderful characters, each more vivid than the next. Amidst the mess of defeat, and all the hypocrisy and compromise, there is hope. (1941, 416 pages)

David NICHOLLS – One Day (2 sets) 15th July 1988. Emma and Dexter meet for the first time on the night of their graduation. Tomorrow they must go their separate ways. So where will they be on this one day next year? And the year after that? And every year that follows? Twenty years, two people, one day. A wonderful, book: wise, funny, perceptive, compassionate and often unbearably sad. The best British social novel since Jonathan Coe's What a Carve Up. (2009, 448 pages)

David NICHOLLS – Starter for Ten It's 1985 and Brian Jackson has arrived at university with a burning ambition – to make it onto TV's foremost general knowledge quiz. But no sooner has he embarked on 'The Challenge' than he finds himself falling hopelessly in love with his team-mate, the beautiful and charismatic would-be actress, Alice Harbinson. When Alice fails to fall for his slightly over-eager charms, Brian comes up with a foolproof plan to capture her heart once and for all. He's going to win the game, at any cost, because – after all – everyone knows that what a woman really wants from a man is a comprehensive grasp of general knowledge...Starter for Ten is a comedy about love, class, growing-up and the all-important difference between knowledge and wisdom. (2003, 496 pages)

Audrey NIFFENEGGER – Her Fearful Symmetry Julia and Valentina Poole are normal American teenagers - normal, at least, for identical 'mirror' twins who have no interest in college or jobs or possibly anything outside their cosy suburban home. But everything changes when they receive notice that an aunt whom they didn't know existed has died and left them her flat in an apartment block overlooking Highgate Cemetery in London. They feel that at last their own lives can begin, but have no idea that they've been summoned into a tangle of fraying lives, from the obsessive-compulsive crossword setter who lives above them to their aunt's mysterious and elusive lover who lives below them, and even to their aunt herself, who never got over her estrangement from the twins' mother – and who can't even seem to quite leave her flat. (2009, 496 pages)

Audrey NIFFENEGGER – The Night Bookmobile (Graphic Novel) The Night Bookmobile tells the story of a young woman who encounters a mysterious disappearing mobile library one night, which happens to stock every book she has ever read. Seeing both her own history and her most intimate self in this library, she embarks on a search for the elusive bookmobile. Over time, her search turns into an obsession as she longs to be reunited with her own collection and her memories. (2010, 40 pages)

64 Audrey NIFFENEGGER – The Time Traveler’s Wife (2 sets) This extraordinary, magical novel is the story of Clare and Henry who have known each other since Clare was six and Henry was thirty-six, and were married when Clare was twenty-two and Henry thirty. Impossible but true, because Henry is one of the first people diagnosed with Chrono- Displacement Disorder: Periodically his genetic clock resets and he finds himself pulled suddenly into his past or future. His disappearances are spontaneous and his experiences are alternately harrowing and amusing. The Time Traveler's Wife depicts the effects of time travel on Henry and Clare's passionate love for each other with grace and humour. Their struggle to lead normal lives in the face of a force they can neither prevent nor control is intensely moving and entirely unforgettable. (2003, 518 pages)

Elizabeth NOBLE – The Reading Group A glass of wine, a gossip, and a good book; The Reading Group members are as different as the books they read, but each woman has secret hopes and fears, and finds laughter and support in the group's monthly meetings. Each chapter is built around the book the group is discussing. How does it compare with your reading group?! (2003, 480 pages)

Barack OBAMA – Dreams from my Father (Biography) The son of a black African father and a white American mother, Obama was only two years old when his father walked out on the family. Many years later, Obama receives a phone call from Nairobi: his father is dead. This sudden news inspires an emotional odyssey for Obama, determined to learn the truth of his father's life and reconcile his divided inheritance. Written at the age of thirty-three, "Dreams from my Father" is an unforgettable read. It illuminates not only Obama's journey, but also our universal desire to understand our history, and what makes us the people we are. (2004, 464 pages)

Tea OBREHT – The Tiger’s Wife A tiger escapes from the local zoo, padding through the ruined streets and onwards, to a ridge above the Balkan village of Galina. His nocturnal visits hold the villagers in a terrified thrall. But for one boy, the tiger is a thing of magic. Natalia is the granddaughter of that boy. Now a doctor, she is visiting orphanages after another war has devastated the Balkans. On this journey, she receives word of her beloved grandfather's death, far from their home, in circumstances shrouded in mystery. From fragments of stories her grandfather told her as a child, Natalia realises he may have died searching for 'the deathless man', a vagabond who was said to be immortal. Struggling to understand why a man of science would undertake such a quest, she stumbles upon a clue that will lead her to a tattered copy of The Jungle Book, and then to the extraordinary story of the tiger's wife. (2011, 335 pages)

Edna O’BRIEN – The country girls It is the early 1960s in a country village in Ireland. Caithleen Brady and her attractive friend Baba are on the verge of womanhood and dreaming of spreading their wings in a wider world; of discovering love and luxury and liquor and above all, fun. With bawdy innocence, shrewd for all their inexperience, the girls romp their way through convent school to the bright lights of Dublin - where Caithleen finds that suave, idealised lovers rarely survive the real world. (2007, 240 pages)

Joseph O’CONNOR – Star of the Sea In the bitter winter of 1847, from an Ireland torn by injustice and natural disaster, the Star of the Sea sets sail for New York. On board are hundreds of fleeing refugees. Among them are a maidservant with a devastating secret, bankrupt Lord Meredith and his family, an aspiring novelist, a maker of revolutionary ballads, all braving the Atlantic in search of a new home. Each is connected more deeply than they can possibly know. But a camouflaged killer is stalking the decks, hungry for the vengeance that will bring absolution. The twenty-six day journey will see many lives end, others begin afresh. In a spellbinding story of tragedy and mercy, love and healing, the further the ship sails towards the Promised Land, the more her passengers seem moored to a past which will never let them go. (2002, 432 pages)


John O’FARRELL – May Contain Nuts Alice never imagined that she would end up permanently panic-stricken at the terrors of the modern world – or is it normal to sit up in bed all night popping bubble wrap? She worries that too much gluten and dairy may be hindering her children's mental maths. She frets that there are too many cars on the road to let them out of the 4x4. Finally she resolves to take control and tackle her biggest worry of all: her daughter is definitely not going to fail that crucial secondary school entrance exam. Because Alice has decided to take the test in her child's place ... May Contain Nuts is a wonderful satire on the all-consuming madness of modern parenthood. (2005, 391 pages)

Maggie O’FARRELL – After You’d Gone In London, Alice steps off a curb in front of an oncoming car. As she lies comatose in a hospital bed, the story unfolds to gradually reveal the harrowing realization that prompted her suicide attempt. The plot twists and turns and moves back and forth in time, building up a picture of Alice’s life through the eyes of her family. (2000, 372 pages)

Maggie O’FARRELL – The Hand that First Held Mine When the sophisticated Innes Kent turns up on her doorstep, Lexie Sinclair realises she cannot wait any longer for her life to begin, and leaves for London. There, at the heart of the 1950s Soho art scene, she carves out a new life. In the present day, Elina and Ted are reeling from the difficult birth of their first child. Elina struggles to reconcile the demands of motherhood with sense of herself as an artist, and Ted is disturbed by memories of his own childhood that don't tally with his parents' version of events. As Ted begins to search for answers, an extraordinary portrait of two women is revealed, separated by fifty years, but connected in ways that neither could ever have expected. (2010, 374 pages)

Maggie O’FARRELL – The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox (2 sets) Esme was a woman edited out of her family's history, and when, sixty years later, she is released from care, a young woman, Iris, discovers the great aunt she never knew she had. The mystery that unfolds is the heartbreaking tale of two sisters in colonial India and 1930s Edinburg loneliness that binds them together and the rivalries that drive them apart, and lead one of them to a woman, and of the terrible price she is made to pay for her family's unhappiness... (2006, 224 pages)

Catherine O’FLYNN – Mr Lynch’s holiday 'I'm looking forward to seeing you and Laura and getting my first taste of "abroad".' Eamonn Lynch stares at the letter announcing his father's imminent arrival. His first thought: I'll make an excuse, I'll put him off. But it's too late. Laura has left, and Dermot is already here, a fresh arrival from Ireland to southern Spain. Now it's just the two of them, father and son, for two long, hot weeks. Neither knows quite what to make of the other. But as they are swept up in the British expats' ceaseless barbecuing and bickering, they begin to discover the truth about why each left home and about the family past. At the same time they uncover a shocking, unacknowledged secret at the heart of this defiant but beleaguered community. (2014, 272 pages)

Catherine O’FLYNN – What was Lost A lost little girl with her notebook and toy monkey appears on the CCTV screens of the Greek Oaks shopping centre, evoking memories of junior detective, Kate Meaney, missing for 20 years. Kurt, a security guard with a sleep disorder and Lisa, a disenchanted deputy manager at Your Music, follow colleagues, and the Green Oaks mystery shopper. But as this after-hours friendship grows in intensity, it brings new loss and new longing to light. (2007, 256 pages)

Heather O’NEILL – Lullabies for Little Criminals Baby is twelve years old. Her mother died not long after she was born and she lives in a string of seedy flats in Montreal's red light district with her father Jules, who takes better care of his heroin addiction than he does of his daughter. Jules is an intermittent presence and a constant source of chaos in Baby's life – the turmoil he brings with him and the wreckage he leaves in his wake. Baby

66 finds herself constantly re-adjusting to new situations, new foster homes, new places, new people, all the while longing for stability and a 'normal' life. But Baby has a gift – the ability to find the good in people, a genius for spinning stories and for cherishing the small crumbs of happiness that fall into her lap. She is bright, smart, funny and observant about life on the dirty streets of a city and wise enough to realise salvation rests in her own hands. (2006, 384 pages)

George ORWELL – Burmese Days Set in the days of the Empire, with the British ruling in Burma, Burmese Days describes both indigenous corruption and Imperial bigotry. Against the prevailing orthodoxy, Flory, a white timber merchant, befriends Dr Veraswami, a black enthusiast for Empire. The doctor needs help. U Po Kyin, Sub-divisional Magistrate of Kyauktada, is plotting his downfall. The only thing that can save him is European patronage: membership of the hitherto all-white Club. While Flory prevaricates, beautiful Elizabeth Lackersteen arrives in Upper Burma from Paris. At last, after years of 'solitary hell', romance and marriage appear to offer Flory an escape from the 'lie' of the 'pukka sahib pose'. (1934, 320 pages)

George ORWELL – Down and out in Paris and London Written when Orwell was a struggling writer in his twenties, this book documents his 'first contact with poverty'. Here, he painstakingly documents a world of unrelenting drudgery and squalor - sleeping in bug-infested hostels and doss houses of last resort, working as a dishwasher in Paris's vile 'Hôtel X', surviving on scraps and cigarette butts, living alongside tramps, a star-gazing pavement artist and a starving Russian ex-army captain. Exposing a shocking, previously-hidden world to his readers, Orwell gave a human face to the statistics of poverty for the first time. Despite its age, down and out still strikes a chord in the modern world and while much has changed in the intervening years, there are still telling parallels with today’s society. (2011 [1933], 256 pages)

George ORWELL – Nineteen Eighty-Four Winston Smith works for the Ministry of Truth in London, chief city of Airstrip One. Big Brother stares out from every poster, the Thought Police uncover every act of betrayal. When Winston finds love with Julia, he discovers that life does not have to be dull and deadening, and awakens to new possibilities. Winston and Julia begin to question the Party; they are drawn towards conspiracy. Yet Big Brother will not tolerate dissent - even in the mind. For those with original thoughts they invented Room 101. Nineteen Eighty-Four is George Orwell's terrifying vision of a totalitarian future in which everything and everyone is slave to a tyrannical regime. (1948, 336 pages)

George ORWELL – The road to Wigan Pier George Orwell, commissioned by the Left Book Club, tours the recession hit mining areas of Lancashire and Yorkshire in 1936 and his report on the harsh social conditions he found there pulls no punches; it serves as a reminder of just how harsh life was for many people, within living memory. The second part of the book charts Orwell's personal odyssey from public schoolboy and officer of the Indian Imperial Police in Burma to crusading Left-wing author and journalist. Along the way Orwell expounds his personal strategy for Socialism and although dated, his insights are fascinating, describing as they do the origins of the class struggle ideas that infested and inflamed British politics right up to the 1990s. (2001 [1937], 240 pages)

Helen OYEYEMI – Icarus Girl Jessamy Harrison is eight years old. Sensitive, whimsical, possessed of an extraordinary and powerful imagination, she spends hours writing haikus, reading Shakespeare, or simply hiding in the dark warmth of the airing cupboard. As the half-and-half child of an English father and a Nigerian mother, Jess just can't shake the feeling of being alone wherever she goes, and the other kids in her class are wary of her tendency to succumb to terrified fits of screaming. When she is taken to her mother's family compound in Nigeria for the first time, she encounters Titiola, a ragged little girl her own age. It seems that at last Jess has found another outsider who will understand her. TillyTilly knows secrets both big and small, and some she won't reveal. But as she shows Jess just how easy it is to hurt those around her, Jess begins to realise that she doesn't know who TillyTilly is at all. Lyrical, poetic and compelling. (2005, 336 pages)

67 Cynthia OZICK – Foreign bodies The collapse of her brief marriage has stalled Nightingale's life, leaving her middle-aged and alone, teaching in an impoverished borough of 1950s New York. A plea from her estranged brother gives Bea the excuse to leave for Paris to retrieve a nephew she barely knows; but the siren call of Europe threatens to deafen Bea to the dangers of entangling herself in the lives of her brother's family. (2012, 272 pages)

Gaile PARKIN – Baking Cakes in Kigali Meet Angel Tungaraza, professional cake-baker, amateur matchmaker, an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. A uniquely charming, funny and touching novel of life, love and food set in Rwanda, a country recovering from unimaginable terror and violence. Angel Tungazara has recently moved to Rwanda from her native Tanzania and with her husband, Pius, and the five orphaned children of their late son and daughter she is hardly short of things to do,but she still finds time to pursue her hobby and her passion, her small but increasingly successful business, baking individually-designed cakes for the parties and celebrations of her neighbours and their friends. Angel is entirely aware that many of the Rwandans around her have witnessed and survived horrors she can barely imagine, but she also knows that their lives go on and that they also have reasons to celebrate, to be joyous and to be happy. As she gets to know her neighbours and as they tell her their stories, she comes to realise how much each of them has to mourn as well as how much they have to celebrate. And, finally, she comes to accept how much that is true of her too. (2009, 361 pages)

Tim PARKS – Destiny Christopher Burton is a journalist who has spent most of his adult life in Rome. His son’s suicide awakens his own insecurities and forces him to question his identity and marriage. An acute observation of modern life; dramatic, dark, but not without humour. (1999, 248 pages)

Tony PARSONS – One for My Baby Alfie Budd found the perfect woman with whom to spend the rest of his life, and then lost her. He doesn't believe you get a second chance at love. Returning to the England he left behind during the brief, idyllic time of his marriage, Alfie finds the rest of his world collapsing around him. He takes comfort in a string of pointless, transient affairs with his students at Churchill's Language School, and he tries to learn Tai Chi from an old Chinese man, George Chang. Will Alfie ever find a family life as strong as the Changs'? Can he give up meaningless sex for a meaningful relationship? And how do you play it when the woman you like has a difficult child who is infatuated with a TV wrestler known as The Slab? Tony Parsons's novel is full of laughter and tears, biting social comment and overwhelming emotion. (2001, 336 pages)

Ann PATCHETT – State of wonder Among the tangled waterways and giant anacondas of the Brazilian Rio Negro, an enigmatic scientist is developing a drug that could alter the lives of women for ever. Dr Annick Swenson's work is shrouded in mystery; she refuses to report on her progress, especially to her investors. Anders Eckman, a mild-mannered lab researcher, is sent to investigate. A curt letter reporting his untimely death is all that returns. Now Marina Singh, Anders' colleague and once a student of Dr Swenson, is their last hope. She retraces her friend's steps into the heart of the South American darkness, determined to track down Dr. Swenson and uncover the secret. What Marina does not yet know is that, in this ancient corner of the jungle, she will face challenges beyond her wildest imagination. (2012, 400 pages)

Michael PATERNITI – The Telling Room (Non-fiction) In the medieval Castilian village of Guzmán villagers have gathered for centuries in the 'telling room' to share stories and drink the local wine. It was here, in the summer of 2000, that Michael Paterniti found himself listening to a compelling tale about a cheese made from an ancient family recipe that was reputed to be among the finest in the world until, Ambrosio said, things had gone horribly wrong. Hooked on the story, Paterniti relocated his young family to the tiny hilltop village to find out more, but like many Spanish villages, Guzmán was rife with gossip and old feuds, secret alliances and plotted vengeance and before long Paterniti was sucked into the heart of an unfolding mystery. When he

68 learned that the cheesemaker had apparently plotted to murder his closest friend, the village began to spill its long-held secrets, and Paterniti found himself implicated in ways he never expected . . .(2014, 368 pages)

Michelle PAVER – Dark Matter January 1937. Clouds of war are gathering over a fogbound London. Twenty-eight year old Jack is poor, lonely and desperate to change his life. So when he's offered the chance to join an Arctic expedition, he jumps at it. Spirits are high as the ship leaves Norway: five men and eight huskies, crossing the Barents Sea by the light of the midnight sun. At last they reach the remote, uninhabited bay where they will camp for the next year. Gruhuken. But the Arctic summer is brief. As night returns to claim the land, Jack feels a creeping unease. One by one, his companions are forced to leave. He faces a stark choice. Stay or go. Soon he will see the last of the sun, as the polar night engulfs the camp in months of darkness. Soon he will reach the point of no return - when the sea will freeze, making escape impossible. And Gruhuken is not uninhabited. Jack is not alone. Something walks there in the dark... (2011, 288)

David PEACE – The Damned United Overachieving and eccentric football manager Brian Clough was on his way to take over at the country's most successful, and most reviled, football club: Leeds United, home to a generation of fiercely competitive but ageing players. The battle he'd face there would make or break the club - or him. David Peace's extraordinarily inventive novel tells the story of a world characterised by fear of failure and hunger for success set in the bleak heart of the 1970s. (2007, 368 pages)

Iain PEARS – Stone’s Fall John Stone, a man so wealthy that in the years before World War One he was able to manipulate markets, industries and indeed whole countries and continents, has been found dead in mysterious circumstances. His beautiful young widow commissions a journalist to carry out an unusual bequest in his will but as he begins his research he soon discovers a story far more complex than he could have ever imagined...As the story moves backwards through time, from London in 1909 to Paris in 1809, before concluding in Venice in 1867, the mystery of John Stone's life and loves begins to unravel. The result is a spellbinding novel that is both a quest for the truth, a love story that spans decades and a compelling murder mystery. (2010, 608 pages)

Stef PENNEY – The invisible ones Rose Janko is missing. It has been seven years since she disappeared, and nobody said a word. When Rose married the attractive Ivo Janko, she became part of the travelling Gypsy family and rumour had it she ran off when her baby boy was born with the family's genetic disability but her father Leon is not so sure. He wants to know the truth and he hires a private investigator to discover it. Enter Ray Lovell, a small-time PI who has the added advantage of being of Gypsy descent. He agrees to take the case but after seven years he fears the trail has run cold, and his investigation is hampered by the very people who ought to be helping him. The Jankos are a close-knit clan, and the last thing they want is a stranger digging around in their private business. Ray cannot understand their reluctance to become involved. Why don't they want to find Rose Janko? (2012, 400 pages)

Stef PENNEY – The Tenderness of Wolves It is 1867, Canada: as winter tightens its grip on the isolated settlement of Dove River, a man is brutally murdered and a 17-year old boy disappears. Tracks leaving the dead man's cabin head north towards the forest and the tundra beyond. In the wake of such violence, people are drawn to the township - journalists, Hudson's Bay Company men, trappers, traders - but do they want to solve the crime or exploit it? One-by-one the assembled searchers set out from Dove River, pursuing the tracks across a desolate landscape home only to wild animals, madmen and fugitives, variously seeking a murderer, a son, two sisters missing for 17 years, a Native American culture, and a fortune in stolen furs before the snows settle and cover the tracks of the past for good. In an astonishingly assured debut, Stef Penney deftly waves adventure, suspense, revelation and humour into a panoramic historical romance, an exhilarating thriller and a keen murder mystery. (2006, 450 pages)

69 Emily PERKINS – The Forrests Dorothy Forrest is immersed in the sensory world around her; she lives in the flickering moment. From the age of seven, when her odd, disenfranchised family moves from New York City to the wide skies of Auckland, to the very end of her life, this is her great gift and possible misfortune. Through the wilderness of a commune, to falling in love, to early marriage and motherhood, from the glorious anguish of parenting to the loss of everything worked for and the unexpected return of love, Dorothy is swept along by time. Her family looms and recedes; revelations come to light; death changes everything, but somehow life remains as potent as it ever was, and the joy in just being won't let her go. (2013, 352 pages)

Marie PHILLIPS – Gods Behaving Badly Being immortal isn't all it's cracked up to be. Life's hard for a Greek god in the 21st century: nobody believes in you any more, even your own family doesn't respect you, and you're stuck in a dilapidated hovel in north London with too many siblings and not enough hot water. But for Artemis (goddess of hunting, professional dog walker), Aphrodite (goddess of beauty, telephone sex operator) and Apollo (god of the sun, TV psychic) there's no way out...Until a meek cleaner and her would-be boyfriend come into their lives, and turn the world literally upside down. Gods Behaving Badly is that rare thing, a charming, funny, utterly original first novel that satisfies the head and the heart. (2007, 208 pages)

Jodi PICOULT – My Sister’s Keeper "A major decision about me is being made, and no one's bothered to ask the one person who most deserves it to speak her opinion." The only reason Anna was born was to donate her cord blood cells to her older sister. And though Anna is not sick, she might as well be. By age thirteen, she has undergone countless surgeries, transfusions, and shots so that her sister, Kate, can somehow fight the leukaemia that has plagued her since she was a child. Anna was born for this purpose, her parents tell her, which is why they love her even more. But now that she has reached an age of physical awareness, she can't help but long for control over her own body and respite from the constant flow of her own blood seeping into her sister's veins. And so she makes a decision that for most would be too difficult to bear, at any time and at any age. She decides to sue her parents for the rights to her own body. (2004, 416 pages)

Jodie PICOULT – The storyteller For seventy years, Josef Weber has been hiding in plain sight, he is a pillar of his local community; he is also a murderer. When Josef decides to confess, it is to Sage Singer, a young woman who trusts him as her friend. What she hears shatters everything she thought she knew and believed. The first part of the novel centres on Sage, a reclusive young woman who hides herself away from the world due to a disfiguring facial scar. She works nights in a bakery and, apart from minimal contact with her co-workers, her only other interaction with the outside world is through the grief counselling group she attends to help her come to terms with the death of her mother three years earlier. It's through this group that she meets Josef Weber, an elderly man of German extraction who inveigles his way into her life and chooses her as his confidant when he decides to unburden himself of a shocking secret which he has kept buried for 60 years. Josef's revelation and the request he makes of her as a result cause Sage to examine her own conscience and look deep into her family history. What follows is the tale of one woman (her grandmother Minka) who was a survivor of the death camps at Auschwitz. (2014, 464 pages)

Jodi PICOULT – Vanishing Acts When is it right to steal a child from her mother? Jodi Picoult's explosive and emotive Sunday Times bestseller comes to paperback. Delia Hopkins has led a charmed life. Raised in rural New Hampshire by her widowed father Andrew, she now has a young daughter, a handsome fiancé, and her own Search and Rescue bloodhound – which she uses to find missing persons. But as she plans her wedding, she is plagued by flashbacks of a life she can't recall. Then a policeman shows up at her door, arresting her father for the kidnap of a little girl. And Delia's past and present fracture into little pieces. Vanishing Acts is a book about the very nature and power of memory. It explores what happens when the past we have been running from catches up to us, and questions who we trust to tell us the story of our lives before we are capable of remembering it ourselves. (2005, 480 pages)

70 Adrian PLASS – Father to the Man (Short Stories) This collection of short stories deals with a variety of subjects, some funny, some thought-provoking. It explores aspects of life which many Christians find difficult in a secular world. (1997, 192 pages)

Sylvia PLATH – The Bell Jar The Bell Jar is Sylvia Plath's only novel. Renowned for its intensity and outstandingly vivid prose, it broke existing boundaries between fiction and reality and helped to make Plath an enduring feminist icon. It was published a few weeks before the author's suicide. (1961, 234 pages)

Terry PRATCHETT and Neil GAIMAN – Good Omens 'Armageddon only happens once, you know. They don't let you go around again until you get it right'. People have been predicting the end of the world almost from its very beginning, so it's only natural to be skeptical when a new date is set for Judgement Day. But what if, for once, the predictions are right, and the apocalypse really is due to arrive next Saturday, just after tea? You could spend the time left drowning your sorrows, giving away all your possessions in preparation for the rapture, or laughing it off as (hopefully) just another hoax. Or you could just try to do something about it. (1991, 416 pages)

Annie PROULX – The Shipping News Quoyle is a hapless, hopeless hack journalist living and working in New York. When his no-good remotest corner of far-flung Newfoundland. With 'the aunt' and his delinquent daughters, Bunny and Sunshine, in tow, Quoyle finds himself part of an unfolding, exhilarating Atlantic drama. 'The Shipping News' is an irresistible comedy of human life and possibility. (1993, 368 pages)

Philip PULLMAN – Northern Lights 'Without this child, we shall all die'. Lyra Belacqua and her animal daemon live half-wild and carefree among scholars of Jordan College, Oxford. The destiny that awaits her will take her to the frozen lands of the Arctic, where witch-clans reign and ice-bears fight. Her extraordinary journey will have immeasurable consequences far beyond her own world... (1995, 448 pages)

Barbara PYM – Excellent Women Mildred Lathbury is one of those 'excellent women' who is often taken for granted. She is a godsend, 'capable of dealing with most of the stock situations of life: birth, marriage, death, the successful jumble sales, the garden fete spoilt by bad weather'. As such, she often gets herself embroiled in other people's lives such as those of her glamorous new neighbours, the Napiers, whose marriage seems to be on the rocks. One cannot take sides in these matters, though it is tricky, especially when Mildred, teetering on the edge of spinsterhood, has a soft spot for dashing young Rockingham Napier. This is Barbara Pym's world at its funniest and most touching. (1952, 304 pages)

Kathy REICHS – Spider Bones Dr Temperance Brennan spends her life working amongst the decomposed, the mutilated and the skeletal. So the two-days-dead body she is called to examine holds little to surprise her. Until she discovers that the man is John Lowery, an ex-soldier who was apparently killed in Vietnam in 1968. So who is buried in Lowery's grave? The case takes Tempe to the heart of the American military, where she must examine the remains of anyone who may have had a connection to the drowned man. It's a harrowing task, but it pays off when she finds Lowery's dog tags amongst the bones of a long-dead soldier. As Tempe unravels the tangled threads of the soldiers' lives and deaths, she realises there are some who would rather the past stayed dead and buried. And when she proves difficult to frighten, they turn their attention to the one person she would give her life to protect. (2010, 361 pages)

Erich Maria REMARQUE – All Quiet on the Western Front One by one the boys begin to fall...In 1914, a room full of German schoolboys, fresh-faced and idealistic, are goaded by their schoolmaster to troop off to the 'glorious war'. With the fire and patriotism of youth, they sign up. What follows is the moving story of a young 'unknown soldier' experiencing the horror and disillusionment of life in the trenches. (1929, 224 pages)


Jean RHYS – The wide Sargasso Sea Jean Rhys’s grand attempt to tell what she felt was the story of Jane Eyre's 'madwoman in the attic', Bertha Rochester. Born into the oppressive, colonialist society of 1930s Jamaica, white Creole heiress Antoinette Cosway meets a young Englishman who is drawn to her innocent beauty and sensuality. After their marriage, however, disturbing rumours begin to circulate which poison her husband against her. Caught between his demands and her own precarious sense of belonging, Antoinette is inexorably driven towards madness, and her husband into the arms of another novel's heroine. (1966 [2000], 192 pages

Hannah RICHELL – The shadow year On a hot summer's day in 1980 five friends stumble upon an abandoned cottage hidden deep in the English countryside. Isolated and run-down, it offers a retreat, somewhere they can escape from the world, but as the seasons change, tensions begin to rise... Three decades later, Lila arrives at the remote cottage. Bruised from a tragic accident and with her marriage in crisis, she finds renovating the tumbledown house gives her a renewed sense of purpose, but why did the cottage's previous inhabitants leave their belongings behind? And why can't she shake the feeling that someone is watching her? (2013, 480 pages)

Molly RINGWALD – When it happens to you Tales of love, loss, and betrayal are at the heart of When It Happens to You; a series of intertwined and linked stories about the particular challenges, joys and disappointments of adult relationships. The characters grapple with infertility and infidelity, fame and familial discord in a collection of stories that form a single coherent narrative. (2013, 416 pages)

Bethan ROBERTS – My policeman It is in 1950s' Brighton that Marion first catches sight of Tom. He teaches her to swim in the shadow of the pier and Marion is smitten - determined her love will be enough for them both. A few years later in a Brighton Museum Patrick meets Tom. Patrick is besotted with Tom and opens his eyes to a glamorous, sophisticated new world. Tom is their policeman, and in this age it is safer for him to marry Marion. The two lovers must share him, until one of them breaks and three lives are destroyed. (2012, 352 pages)

Michele ROBERTS – Ignorance Jeanne and Marie-Angèle grow up, side by side yet apart, in the Catholic village of Ste Madeleine. Marie-Angèle is the daughter of the grocer, inflated with ideas of her rightful place in society; Jeanne's mother washes clothes for a living and used to be a Jew. When war arrives, the village must play its part in a game for which no one knows the rules - not the dubious hero who embroils Marie-Angele in the black market, nor the artist living alone with his red canvases. In these uncertain times, the enemy may be hiding in your garden shed and the truth can be buried under a pyramid of recriminations. (2013, 240 pages)

Deborah RODRIGUEZ – The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul In a little coffee shop in one of the most dangerous places on earth, five very different women come together. SUNNY, the proud proprietor, who needs an ingenious plan - and fast - to keep her café and customers safe. YAZMINA, a young pregnant woman stolen from her remote village and now abandoned on Kabul's violent streets. CANDACE, a wealthy American who has finally left her husband for her Afghan lover, the enigmatic Wakil. ISABEL, a determined journalist with a secret that might keep her from the biggest story of her life. HALAJAN, the sixty-year-old den mother, whose long-hidden love affair breaks all the rules. As these five women discover there's more to one another than meets the eye, they form a unique bond that will for ever change their lives and the lives of many others.(2013, 416 pages)

72 Charlotte ROGAN – The lifeboat I was to stand trial for my life. I was twenty-two years old. I had been married for ten weeks and a widow for six. It is 1914 and Europe is on the brink of war. When a magnificent ocean liner suffers a mysterious explosion en route to New York City, Henry Winter manages to secure a place in a lifeboat for his new wife Grace, but the survivors quickly realize the boat is over capacity and could sink at any moment - for any to live, some must die. Over the course of three perilous weeks, the passengers on the lifeboat plot, scheme, gossip and console one another while sitting inches apart. Their deepest beliefs are tested to the limit as they begin to discover what they will do in order to survive. (2013, 352 pages)

Jennie ROONEY – Red Joan Jenny Rooney's third novel is loosely inspired by the story of Melita Norwood, unmasked in her eighties as a spy for the Russians. Rooney's heroine Joan Stanley is a respectable widow in her 80s, returned to the UK after decades in Australia. One morning her tranquil existence, painting watercolours, gardening and going to ballroom dancing classes, is interrupted by the arrival of intelligence officers, who have found out that in the 1940s Joan provided Russian intelligence officers with highly confidential information? Why? The story flits between Joan's present-day interrogation attended by her adopted son, a QC who had no idea about his mother's past, and Joan's own youth. (2014, 400 pages)

Meg ROSOFF – How I Live Now Daisy is sent from New York to England to spend a summer with cousins she has never met. They are Isaac, Edmond, Osbert and Piper, plus two dogs and a goat. She's never met anyone quite like them before and, as a dreamy English summer progresses, Daisy finds herself caught in a timeless bubble. It seems like the perfect summer. But their lives are about to explode. Falling in love is just the start of it. War breaks out – a war none of them understands, or really cares about, until it lands on their doorstep. The family is separated. The perfect summer is blown apart. Daisy's life is changed forever - and the world is too. (2005, 224 pages)

Salman RUSHDIE – The Enchantress of Florence A tall, yellow-haired young European traveller calling himself 'Mogor dell 'Amore', the Mughal of Love, arrives at the court of the real Grand Mughal, the Emperor Akbar, with a tale to tell that begins to obsess the whole imperial capital. The stranger claims to be the child of a lost Mughal princess, the youngest sister of Akbar's grandfather Babar: The Enchantress of Florence brings together two cities that barely know each other - the hedonistic Mughal capital, and the equally sensual Florentine world of powerful courtesans, humanist philosophy and inhuman torture, where Argalia's boyhood friend 'il Machia' (Niccolo Machiavelli) is learning, the hard way, about the true brutality of power. These two worlds, so far apart, turn out to be uncannily alike, and the enchantments of women hold sway over them both. But is Mogor's story true? And if so, then what happened to the lost princess? And if he's a liar, must he die? (2007, 464 pages)

Salman RUSHDIE – Midnight’s children Saleem Sinai was born at midnight, the midnight of India's independence, and found himself mysteriously 'handcuffed to history' by the coincidence. He is one of 1,001 children born at the midnight hour, each of them endowed with an extraordinary talent - and whose privilege and curse it is to be both master and victims of their times. Through Saleem's gifts - inner ear and wildly sensitive sense of smell - we are drawn into a fascinating family saga set against the vast, colourful background of the India of the 20th century. (2008 [1980], 464 pages

Willy RUSSELL – The Wrong Boy Raymond Marks is a normal boy, from a normal family, in a normal northern town. His Dad left home after falling in love with a five-string banjo; his fun-hating Gran believes she should have married Jean-Paul Sartre. Felonious Uncle Jason and Appalling Aunty Paula are lusting after the satellite dish; frogs are flattened on Failsworth Boulevard; and Sickening Sonia's being sick in the majestic cathedral of words. Raymond Marks is a normal boy, from a normal family, in a normal northern town. Until, on the banks of the Rochdale Canal, the fly trapping craze begins and, for Raymond and his Mam, nothing is ever quite so normal again. (2000, 506 pages)


Jessica RUSTON – The darker side of love Lies: we all tell them; to protect those we love, to disguise failure, to hide disappointment, to mask betrayal, or deceit. But what happens when those lies start to catch up with us? When our lives begin to be shaped by the lies of others? It is the late 'noughties'. - a global recession looms. A group of old friends, all leading outwardly successful, interesting lives, all in apparently loving, secure relationships, yet all, in some way, lying to those closest to them, concealing secret worries, jealousies, desires. This group of friends is about to discover that the truth won't stay buried for ever... (2012, 400 pages)

Donal RYAN – The spinning heart "The Spinning Heart" is set in a village in rural Ireland just after the "Celtic Tiger" boom years came to a crashing halt. An important construction employer has gone bust and fled the country leaving behind him a mess; unfinished houses, unemployed workers, penury and mental illness. A gripping plot unfolds as the book devotes a chapter each to a series of characters from the village who tell their own, often moving, stories . These fascinating accounts all combine to tell a tale of loneliness, violence, frustration and desperation and provide a brilliant snapshot of life in 21st Century Ireland. (2013, 160 pages)

Edward ST AUBYN – Mother’s Milk The once illustrious, once wealthy Melroses are in peril. Caught in the wreckage of broken promises, child-rearing, adultery and assisted suicide, Patrick finds his wife consumed by motherhood, his mother consumed by a New Age foundation, and his five-year-old son Robert understanding far more than he ought. Edward St Aubyn combines the most excruciating emotional pain with the driest comedy. Mother's Milk is a dazzling exploration of the troubled allegiances between parents and children, husbands and wives. Acerbically witty, disarmingly tender, it goes to the core of a family trapped in the remains of its ever-present past. (2005, 278 pages)

Clara SALAMAN – The Boat It was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime. Johnny and his new bride Clem have arrived in Turkey for a year's honeymoon. Young, blissfully happy but poor, they are surviving on love, luck and a spirit of adventure. So when a boat appears out of a raging storm, crewed by a bohemian couple who represent everything Johnny and Clem want to be, they do not think twice about stepping on board. But all is not as it seems. And when they finally open their eyes to the truth, the boat is in the middle of the vast open sea... (2014, 352 pages)

J. D. SALINGER – Catcher in the Rye The Catcher in Rye is the ultimate novel for disaffected youth of all ages. The story is told by Holden Caulfield, a seventeen-year-old dropout who has just been kicked out of his fourth school. Throughout, Holden dissects the 'phony' aspects of society, and the 'phonies' themselves: the headmaster whose affability depends on the wealth of the parents, his roommate who scores with girls using sickly-sweet affection. Salinger's style creates an effect of conversation, it is as though Holden is speaking to you personally, as though you too have seen through the pretences of the American Dream and are growing up unable to see the point of living in, or contributing to, the society around you. Written with the clarity of a boy leaving childhood, it deals with society, love, loss, and expectations. (1951, 208 pages)

Preeta SAMARASAN – Evening is the Whole Day Set in Malaysia, this spellbinding, exuberant first novel introduces us to a prosperous Indian immigrant family, as it slowly peels away its closely guarded secrets. When the family's servant girl, Chellam, is dismissed from the big house for unnamed crimes, it is only the latest in a series of losses that have shaken six-year-old Aasha's life. Her grandmother has passed away under mysterious circumstances and her older sister has disappeared for a new life abroad, with no plans to return. Her parents, meanwhile, seem to be hiding something away - from themselves, and from one another. As the novel tells us the story of the years leading up to these events, we learn what has happened to the hopes and dreams of a family caught up in Malaysia's troubled post-colonial history. (2008, 304 pages)


Sathnam SANGHERA – The Boy with the Topknot (Biography) For Sathnam Sanghera, growing up in Wolverhampton in the eighties was a confusing business. On the one hand, these were the heady days of George Michael mix-tapes, Dallas on TV and, if he was lucky, the occasional Bounty Bar. On the other, there was his wardrobe of tartan smocks, his 30p-an- hour job at the local sewing factory and the ongoing challenge of how to tie the perfect top-knot. And then there was his family, whose strange and often difficult behaviour he took for granted until, at the age of twenty-four, Sathnam made a discovery that changed everything he ever thought he knew about them. Equipped with breathtaking courage and a glorious sense of humour, he embarks on a journey into their extraordinary past from his father’s harsh life in rural Punjab to the steps of the Wolverhampton Tourist Office trying to make sense of a life lived among secrets. (2008, 226 pages)

C J SANSOM – Dissolution Henry VIII has ordered the dissolution of the monasteries and England is full of informers. At the monastery of Scarnsea, events have spiralled out of control with the murder of Commissioner Robin Singleton. Matthew Shardlake, a melancholic lawyer, and his assistant are sent to investigate. Shardlake evokes a mix of sympathy, admiration and attachment, as he and his assistant solve the mystery. Sansom constantly keeps the reader's attention fixed as his plot continually thickens and the finale produces an explosive series of events that even the most intellectual crime fighter can't see coming. (2003, 442 pages)

CJ SANSOM – A Winter in Madrid (2 sets) 1940: The Spanish Civil War is over, and Madrid lies ruined, its people starving, while the Germans continue their relentless march through Europe. Britain now stands alone while General Franco considers whether to abandon neutrality and enter the war. Into this uncertain world comes Harry Brett, a traumatised veteran of Dunkirk turned reluctant spy for the British Secret Service. Sent to gain the confidence of old schoolfriend Sandy Forsyth, now a shady Madrid businessman, Harry finds himself involved in a dangerous game – and surrounded by memories. Meanwhile Sandy's girlfriend, ex-Red Cross nurse Barbara Clare, is engaged on a secret mission of her own – to find her former lover, a passionate Communist in the International Brigades, who vanished on the bloody battlefields. In a vivid and haunting depiction of wartime Spain, A Winter in Madrid is an intimate and compelling tale which offers a remarkable sense of history unfolding, and the profound impact of impossible choices. (2006, 200 pages)

Danny SCHEINMANN – Random Acts of Heroic Love 1992: Leo Deakin wakes up in a hospital somewhere in South America, his girlfriend Eleni is dead and Leo doesn't know where he is or how Eleni died. He blames himself for the tragedy and is sucked into a spiral of despair. But Leo is about to discover something which will change his life forever. 1917: Moritz Daniecki is a fugitive from a Siberian POW camp. Seven thousand kilometres over the Russian Steppes separate him from his village and his sweetheart, whose memory has kept him alive through carnage and captivity. The Great War may be over, but Moritz now faces a perilous journey across a continent riven by civil war. When Moritz finally limps back into his village to claim the hand of the woman he left behind, will she still be waiting? Danny Scheinmann paints a dramatic portrait of two men sustaining their lives through the memory of love. (2008, 432 pages)

Bernhard SCHLINK – The Reader (2 sets) A powerful and emotional German novel about the Holocaust and its effects on the lives of people who lived through it, and after it. How does a country come to terms with its history? At the heart of the story is the relationship between a young boy and an older woman, and the discovery of her devastating secret; absorbing and moving. (1995, 224 pages)

Will SCHWALBE – The end of your life book club Mary Anne Schwalbe is waiting for her chemotherapy treatments when Will casually asks her what she's reading. The conversation they have grows into tradition: soon they are reading the same books so they can have something to talk about in the hospital waiting room. Their choices range from classic (Howards End) to popular (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), from fantastic (The Hobbit)

75 to spiritual (Jon Kabat-Zinn), with many in between. We hear their passion for reading and their love for each other in their intimate and searching discussions. (2013, 352 pages)

Alice SEBOLD – The Lovely Bones “My name was Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered on December 6, 1973. My murderer was a man from our neighborhood. My mother liked his border flowers, and my father talked to him once about fertilizer.” Watching from heaven, Susie sees her happy, suburban family devastated by her death, isolated even from one another as they each try to cope with their terrible loss alone. Over the years, her friends and siblings grow up, fall in love, do all the things she never had the chance to do herself. But life is not quite finished with Susie yet ...The Lovely Bones is a luminous and astonishing novel about life and death, forgiveness and vengeance, memory and forgetting – but, above all, about finding light in the darkest of places. (2002, 328 pages)

Francesca SEGAL - The innocents Adam and Rachel, childhood sweethearts, are getting married at last. Rachel is everything Adam has ever imagined in a wife and her parents adore him. A life of easy contentment awaits, at the heart of the community, but then Rachel's reckless American cousin returns to the family fold. Ellie represents everything that Adam has striven to avoid - and everything that is missing from his world. As the long- awaited wedding approaches, Adam is torn between duty and temptation, security and freedom, and must make a choice that will break either one heart, or many. (2013, 289 pages)

Asne SEIERSTAD – The Bookseller of Kabul (Non-Fiction) Two weeks after September 11th, award-winning journalist Asne Seierstad went to Afghanistan to report on the conflict. In the following spring she returned to live with a bookseller and his family for several months. The Bookseller of Kabul is the fascinating account of her time spent living with the family of thirteen in their four-roomed home. Bookseller Sultan Khan defied the authorities for twenty years to supply books to the people of Kabul. But while Khan is passionate in his love of books and hatred of censorship, he is also a committed Muslim with strict views on family life. As an outsider, and the more public lives of the men. The result is an intimate and fascinating portrait of a family which also offers a unique perspective on a troubled country. (2003, 288 pages)

Will SELF – The Book of Dave What if a demented London cabbie called Dave Rudman wrote a book to his estranged son to give him some fatherly advice? What if that book was buried in Hampstead and hundreds of years later, when rising sea levels have put London underwater, spawned a religion? What if one man decided to question life according to Dave? And, what if Dave had indeed made a mistake? Shuttling between the recent past and a far-off future where England is terribly altered, "The Book of Dave" is a strange and troubling mirror held up to our times: disturbing, satirizing and vilifying who and what we think we are. (2007, 512 pages)

Maria SEMPLE – Where’d you go Bernadette Bernadette Fox is notorious; to Elgie Branch, a Microsoft wunderkind, she's his hilarious, volatile, talented, troubled wife. To fellow mothers at the school gate, she's a menace; to design experts, she's a revolutionary architect and to 15-year-old Bee she is a best friend and, quite simply, mum. Then Bernadette disappears and Bee must take a trip to the end of the earth to find her. (2013, 336 pages)

Jan-Philipp SENDKER – The art of hearing heartbeats A poignant and inspirational love story set in Burma, 'The Art of Hearing Heartbeats' spans the decades between the 1950s and the present. When a successful New York lawyer suddenly disappears without a trace, neither his wife nor his daughter Julia has any idea where he might be - until they find a love letter he wrote many years ago, to a Burmese woman they have never heard of. Intent on solving the mystery and coming to terms with her father's past, Julia decides to travel to the village where the woman lived. There she uncovers a tale of unimaginable hardship, resilience, and passion that will change her life once more. (2013, 336 pages)

76 Vikram SETH – An Equal Music A chance sighting on a bus; a letter which should never have been read; a pianist with a secret that touches the heart of her music ... An Equal Music is a book about love, about the love of a woman lost and found and lost again; it is a book about music and how the love of music can run like a passionate fugue through a life. It is the story of Michael, of Julia, and of the love that binds them. (1999, 483 pages)

Diane SETTERFIELD – The Thirteenth Tale Angelfield House stands abandoned and forgotten. It was once home to the March family – fascinating, manipulative Isabelle, brutal, dangerous Charlie, and the wild, untamed twins, Emmeline and Adeline. But Angelfield House hides a chilling secret which strikes at the very heart of each of them, tearing their lives apart...Now Margaret Lea is investigating the past – and the mystery of the March family starts to unravel. What has Angelfield been hiding? What is its connection with the enigmatic writer Vida Winter? And what is the secret that strikes at the heart of Margaret's own, troubled life? As Margaret digs deeper, two parallel stories unfold, and the tale she uncovers sheds a disturbing light on her own life... (2006, 456 pages)

Elif SHAFAK - Honour Leaving her twin sister behind, Pembe leaves Turkey for love - following her husband Adem to London. There the Topraks hope to make new lives for themselves and their children, yet, no matter how far they travel, the traditions and beliefs the Topraks left behind stay with them - carried in the blood. Their eldest is the boy Iskender, who remembers Turkey and feels betrayal deeper than most. His sister is Esma, who is loyal and true despite the pain and heartache, and, lastly, Yunus, who was born in London, and is shy and different. Trapped by the mistakes of the past, the Toprak children find their lives shattered and transformed by a brutal act of murder . . . (2013, 352 pages)

Mary Ann SHAFFER – The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society (3 sets) It's 1946 and author Juliet Ashton can't think what to write next. Out of the blue, she receives a letter and, spurred on by their mutual love of reading, they begin a correspondence. When Dawsey reveals that he is a member of the Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, her curiosity is piqued and it's not long before she begins to hear from other members. As letters fly back and forth with stories of life in Guernsey under the German Occupation, Juliet soon realizes that the society is every bit as extraordinary as its name. (2008, 256 pages)

Fiona SHAW – Tell it to the Bees Lydia Weekes is distraught at the break-up of her marriage. When her young son, Charlie, makes friends with the local doctor, Jean Markham, her life is turned upside down. Charlie tells his secrets to no one but the bees, but even he can't keep his mother's friendship to himself. The locals don't like things done differently. As Lydia and the doctor become closer, the rumours start to fly and threaten to shatter Charlie's world. (2009, 304 pages)

Rebecca SHAW – Village Matters (2 sets) Times are changing in Turnham Malpas ...Brash Craddock Fitch up at the Big House seems determined to make his mark on the village - and the village is determined to put him in his place. Sir Ralph is having trouble adjusting to his more modest status and timid Muriel to her exalted one while a change of fortune surprises Jimmy Glover too. It's all Jimbo Charter-Plackett, fount of all gossip, can do to keep up. But these concerns are eclipsed by tragedy when Flick, Jimbo's daughter, is knocked down by the unpopular barman Alan. And before the shock of the accident has passed a bitter dispute springs up that could affect the entire village... (1996, 288 pages)

Mary SHELLEY – Frankenstein or The modern Prometheus Shelley's suspenseful and intellectually rich gothic tale confronts some of the most important and enduring themes in all of literature--the power of human imagination, the potential hubris of science, the gulf between appearance and essence, the effects of human cruelty, the desire for revenge and the need for forgiveness, and much more. (1818[2008], 264 pages)

77 Lionel SHRIVER – Big brother Pandora has looked up to her older brother Edison since they were children. Now she revels in the anonymity of her suburban Iowa life, while her brother basks in the limelight as a New York jazz musician. But when Edison arrives in Iowa, suddenly in need of a place to stay, Pandora literally doesn’t recognize him. The once slim, hip pianist has gained hundreds of pounds. What happened? Soon Edison’s appalling diet and know-it-all monologues are driving Pandora and her husband Fletcher insane, and it’s only a matter of time before Fletcher delivers his wife an ultimatum, it’s him or me. (2014, 416 pages)

Lionel SHRIVER – We Need To Talk About Kevin Two years ago, Eva Khatchadourian's son, Kevin, murdered seven of his fellow high-school students, a cafeteria worker, and a popular algebra teacher. Because he was only fifteen at the time of the killings, he received a lenient sentence and is now in a prison for young offenders in upstate New York. Telling the story of Kevin's upbringing, Eva addresses herself to her estranged husband through a series of letters. Fearing that her own shortcomings may have shaped what her son has become, she confesses to a deep, long-standing ambivalence about motherhood in general and Kevin in particular. How much is her fault? Lionel Shriver tells a compelling, absorbing, and resonant story. (2003, 512 pages)

Rachel SIMON – The story of a beautiful girl On a stormy night in small-town America, a couple, desperate and soaked to the skin, knock on a stranger's door. When Martha, a retired schoolteacher, answers their knock her world changes for ever. Her visitors are Lynnie and Homan, who have fled The School for the Incurable and Feebleminded with their newborn baby, but the police are closing in and their freedom is about to be snatched away. Moments before she is taken back to the School, bound and tied, Lynnie utters two words to Martha: 'Hide her.' And so begins the heart-rending story of Lynnie, Homan, Martha and baby Julia - lives divided by seemingly insurmountable obstacles, but drawn together by a secret pact and extraordinary love. (2012, 352 pages)

Helen SIMONSON – Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand Major Ernest Pettigrew (Ret'd) is not interested in the frivolity of the modern world. Since his wife's death, he has tried to avoid the constant bother of the village women, his ambitious son and the suburbanisation of the English countryside. He prefers to lead a quiet life, upholding the values that people have lived by for generations - respectability, duty and a properly brewed cup of tea. But when his brother's death, and a love of Kipling, sparks an unexpected friendship with the widowed village shopkeeper, Mrs Ali, the Major is forced to confront the realities of the twenty first century. Written with a delightfully dry sense of humour, Major Pettigrew's Last Stand is a charming, against- all-odds love story that introduces unforgettable characters and questions how much risk one should take for personal happiness in the face of family obligation and tradition. (2010, 338 pages)

Joe SIMPSON – Touching the Void (Non-Fiction) Joe Simpson, with just his partner Simon Yates, tackled the unclimbed West Face of the remote 21,000 foot Siula Grande in the Peruvian Andes in June 1995. But before they reached the summit, disaster struck. A few days later, Simon staggered into Base Camp, exhausted and frostbitten, to tell their non-climbing companion that Joe was dead. For three days he wrestled with guilt as they prepared to return home. Then a cry in the night took them out with torches, where they found Joe, badly injured, crawling through the snowstorm in a delirium. Far from causing Joe's death, Simon had paradoxically saved his friend's life. What happened, and how they dealt with the psychological traumas that resulted when Simon was forced into the appalling decision to cut the rope, makes not only an epic of survival but a compelling testament of friendship. (1988, 224 pages)

Graeme SIMSION – The Rosie project Don Tillman is not your average guy...he's a bit nerdy, he's a little socially awkward, he's totally, refreshingly honest! Sitting on the Asperger's spectrum, Don has decided to get married - now he just needs to find a wife. His search for a perfect partner is at the core of the book. It's a search that brings a smile to the

78 reader's face as Don faces situations in which his literal self struggles with social conventions. There are some wonderful set-pieces; the dancing scene at the start is hard to beat. (2014, 352 pages)

Rebecca SKLOOT – The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (Non-Fiction) Her name was Henrietta Lacks, but scientists know her as HeLa. Born a poor black tobacco farmer, her cancer cells - taken without her knowledge - became a multimillion-dollar industry and one of the most important tools in medicine. Yet Henrietta's family did not learn of her 'immortality' until more than twenty years after her death, with devastating consequences ...Balancing the beauty and drama of scientific discovery with dark questions about who owns the stuff our bodies are made of, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is an extraordinary journey in search of the soul and story of a real woman, whose cells live on today in all four corners of the world. (2010, 384 pages)

Nigel SLATER: Toast: The Story of a Boy’s Hunger (Biography) Whether relating his mother's ritual burning of the toast, his father's dreaded Boxing Day stew or such culinary highlights of the day as Arctic Roll and Grilled Grapefruit, this remarkable memoir vividly recreates daily life in sixties surburban England. When Nigel's widowed father takes on a housekeeper with social aspirations and a talent in the kitchen, the following years become a heartbreaking cooking contest for his father's affections. But as he slowly loses the battle, Nigel finds a new outlet for his culinary talents, and we witness the birth of what was to become a lifelong passion for food. An incredibly moving and deliciously evocative memoir of childhood, adolescence and sexual awakening. (2003, 247 pages)

Romain SLOCOMBE – Monsieur le Commandant French Academician and Nazi sympathiser Paul-Jean Husson writes a letter to his local SS officer in the autumn of 1942. Tormented by an illicit passion for Ilse, his German daughter-in-law, Husson has taken a decision that will devastate several lives, including his own. The letter is intended to explain his actions. It is a dramatic, sometimes harrowing, story that begins in the years leading up to the war, when following the accidental drowning of his daughter, Husson's previously gilded life begins to unravel and through Husson's confession, Romain Slocombe gives the reader a startling picture of a man's journey: from pillar of the French Establishment and World War One hero, to outspoken supporter of Nazi ideology and the Vichy government.(2013, 208 pages)

Gillian SLOVO – Black Orchids When the genteelly impoverished and rebellious Evelyn marries the charming Emil, scion of a privileged Sinhalese family, she thinks that her dream of a life in England can now at last come true. So the family travel, with their young son Milton, from Ceylon to Tilbury Docks. But this is England in the 1950s and, no matter how hard Evelyn wishes that it would, England does not take kindly to strangers, especially families who are half black and half white. A profound and moving novel, this is the story about the search to feel at home in your own skin. (2008, 384 pages)

Ali SMITH – The Accidental (2 sets) Arresting and wonderful, The Accidental is set in the Norfolk holiday home of the Smart family one hot summer. There, a beguiling stranger called Amber appears at the door bearing all sorts of unexpected gifts, trampling over family boundaries and sending each of the Smarts scurrying from the dark into the light. A novel about the ways that seemingly chance encounters irrevocably transform our understanding of ourselves, The Accidental explores the nature of truth, the role of fate, and the power of storytelling. (2008, 320 pages)

Ali SMITH – Hotel World Hotel World takes us through a night in the lives of five people. Three are strangers, two are sisters, one is dead, but all are connected in some way with the Global Hotel. Through the course of the evening we are drawn into their different worlds. A multi-layered, inventive read. (2001, 256 pages)

Dodie SMITH – I Capture the Castle 'I write this sitting in the kitchen sink' is the first line of this timeless, witty and enchanting novel about growing up. Cassandra Mortmain lives with her bohemian and impoverished family in a crumbling castle in the middle of nowhere. Her journal records her life with her beautiful, bored sister, Rose, her

79 fadingly glamorous stepmother, Topaz, her little brother Thomas and her eccentric novelist father who suffers from a financially crippling writer's block. However, all their lives are turned upside down when the American heirs to the castle arrive and Cassandra finds herself falling in love for the first time. (1948, 432 pages)

Michael Marshall SMITH – One of Us If you enjoy a cracking thriller, try this. It’s the year 2017, but don’t be put off if you think science fiction isn’t for you! Hap Thompson, works for a company called REMtemps, which offers a unique service. If a client has a bad dream or memory, they can be sucked into the heads of paid professionals to give the client some respite. Unfortunately, one of the bad dreams Hap is called on to swallow involves a real murder, and the search for the woman who dreamed it in the first place takes him – and us – on a nightmare journey. (1997, 318 pages)

Tom Rob SMITH – Child 44 KGB officer Leo is a man who never questions the Party Line. He arrests whomever he is told to arrest. He dismisses the horrific death of a young boy because he is told to, because he believes the Party stance that there can be no murder in Communist Russia. Leo is the perfect soldier of the regime. But suddenly his confidence that everything he does serves a great good is shaken. He is forced to watch a man he knows to be innocent be brutally tortured. And then he is told to arrest his own wife. Leo understands how the State works: Trust and check, but check particularly on those we trust. He faces a stark choice: his wife or his life. (2008, 480 pages)

Zadie SMITH – The Autograph Man Alex Li-Tandem is a Chinese-Jewish north Londoner who is first introduced as a child accompanying his father to a wrestling match between Big Daddy and Giant Haystacks. When Alex's father dies in the pandemonium surrounding the pursuit of Big Daddy's autograph, the twin themes of the novel are launched. One is the bereaved Alex's search for a replacement to fill the gulf, the other his obsession with tracking down, buying and selling autographs. Alex seeks one autograph in particular, that of Kitty Alexander, a fading film star. The route he follows in his search has much to say about the nature of celebrity and the privacy of souls, of fantasy and reality. (2002, 432 pages)

Zadie SMITH – NW Zadie Smith's brilliant tragi-comic NW follows four Londoners - Leah, Natalie, Felix and Nathan - after they've left their childhood council estate, grown up and moved on to different lives. From private houses to public parks, at work and at play, their city is brutal, beautiful and complicated. Yet after a chance encounter they each find that the choices they've made, the people they once were and are now, can suddenly, rapidly unravel. A portrait of modern urban life, NW is funny, sad and urgent - as brimming with vitality as the city itself. (2013, 352 pages)

Zadie SMITH – On Beauty Set in New England mainly and London partly, On Beauty concerns a pair of feuding families and a clutch of doomed affairs. It puts low morals among high ideals and asks some searching questions about what life does to love. For the two families, the confusions – both personal and political – of our uncertain age are about to be brought close to home: right to the heart of family. (2005, 432 pages)

Natasha SOLOMONS – Mr Rosenblum’s list List item 2: Never speak German on the upper decks of London buses. Jack Rosenblum is five foot three and a half inches of sheer tenacity. He's writing a list so he can become a Very English Gentleman. List item 41: An Englishman buys his marmalade from Fortnum and Mason. It's 1952, and despite his best efforts, his bid to blend in is fraught with unexpected hurdles - including his wife. Sadie doesn't want to forget where they came from or the family they've lost. And she shows no interest in getting a purple rinse. (2010, 320 pages)

Muriel SPARK – The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie When an unbridled schoolmistress with advanced ideas is in her prime the classroom can take on a new identity and no one can predict what will happen. Jean Brodie is a teacher whose

80 unconventional ideas put her at odds with the other members of staff at the Marcia Blaine School in Edinburgh, as she endeavours to shape the lives of the select group of girls who form her "set". (1961, 144 pages)

M.L. STEDMAN – The light between the oceans Tom Sherbourne is haunted by traumatic memories of his horrific experiences in World War I. Now, looking to his future, he becomes a lighthouse keeper and he takes a position on remote Janus Rock, off the coast of South-Western Australia, He meets local girl Isabel Graysmark whilst he is on the mainland, they correspond with each other when Tom returns to the lighthouse, and they fall in love and marry. Moving forward in time to the mid 1920s, we meet them living out on Janus Rock together, with a sadness hanging between them that they have no children. When a boat is washed up on the rock, they make a decision that day which will change the rest of their lives, as the couple is torn between love and desperate need, and the truth and reality of their situation. They break the rules and follow their hearts. (2013, 464 pages)

Kathryn STOCKETT – The Help (2 sets) Jackson, Mississippi, 1962 where black maids raise white children, but aren't trusted not to steal the silver...There's Aibileen, raising her seventeenth white child and nursing the hurt caused by her own son's tragic death; Minny, whose cooking is nearly as sassy as her tongue; and white Miss Skeeter, home from College, who wants to know why her beloved maid has disappeared. No one would believe they'd be friends; fewer still would tolerate it. But as each woman finds the courage to cross boundaries, they come to depend and rely upon one another and together they have an extraordinary story to tell... (2009, 464 pages)

Mari STRACHAN – The Earth Hums in B Flat Gwenni Morgan is not like any other girl in this small Welsh town. Inquisitive, bookish and full of spirit, she can fly in her sleep and loves playing detective. So when a neighbour mysteriously vanishes, and no one seems to be asking the right questions, Gwenni decides to conduct her own investigation. She records everything she sees and hears: but are her deductions correct? What is the real truth? And what will be the consequences of finding out, for Gwenni, her family and her community? (2009, 327 pages)

Darin STRAUSS – More Than it Hurts You This is the riveting story of a woman who will risk everything to feel something; a doctor whose diagnosis brings her entire life into question; and a man who suddenly realizes that he can no longer easily be both a good husband and a good father. Josh Goldin is savouring a Friday afternoon break in the office coffee room, harmlessly flirting with colleagues as he anticipates the weekend at home with his wife, Dori, and their eight-month-old son, Zack. Then his secretary joins them, saying, 'Uh, Mr Goldin...Your wife left a voice message. It's, um, it's Zack...' And Josh's life is suddenly changed. (2008, 416 pages)

Cheryl STRAYED – Wild (Biography) At twenty-six, Cheryl Strayed thought she had lost everything. In the wake of her mother's rapid death from cancer, her family disbanded and her marriage crumbled. With nothing to lose, she made the most impulsive decision of her life, to walk eleven-hundred miles of the west coast of America - from the Mojave Desert, through California and Oregon, and into Washington state - and to do it alone. She had no experience of long-distance hiking and the journey was nothing more than a line on a map. But it held a promise - a promise of piecing together a life that lay in ruins at her feet. (2013, 336 pages)

Patrick SUSKIND – Perfume: The Story of a Murderer Survivor, genius, perfumer, killer: this is Jean-Baptiste Grenouille. He is abandoned on the filthy streets of Paris as a child, but grows up to discover he has an extraordinary gift: a sense of smell more powerful than any other human's. Soon, he is creating the most sublime fragrances in all the city. Yet his compulsive desire for the perfect odour leads him into some very dark places… Disturbing and evocative, this is a powerful story of obsession. (1976, 272 pages)

81 Graham SWIFT – Tomorrow On a midsummer's night, Paula lies awake, Mike, her husband of twenty-five years, asleep beside her, her two teenage children, Nick and Kate, sleeping in nearby rooms. The next day, she knows, will define all their lives. As morning approaches, Paula recalls the years before and after her children were born. Her story is both a celebration of love possessed and a moving acknowledgement of the fear of loss, the fragilities, illusions and secrets on which even our most intimate sense of who we are can rest. Brilliantly distilling half a century into one suspenseful night, as tender in its tone as it is deep in its soundings, Tomorrow is a magical exploration of coupledom, parenthood and selfhood, and a unique meditation on the mystery of happiness. (2007, 247 pages)

Meera SYAL – Anita and Me Set in the 1960’s, this is the story of nine-year old Meena, who is growing up as the daughter of the only Punjabi family in the West Midlands village of Tollington. She is torn between the traditional world of her parents (with regular visits from the ‘Aunties and Uncles’), and wanting to eat fish fingers and be part of Anita’s gang. Anita is the village bad girl and not the sort of influence welcomed by Meena’s parents; a funny, touching and thought-provoking novel. (1996, 336 pages)

Amy TAN – The Joy Luck Club There are so many things that a mother wishes to teach her daughter; how to lose your innocence but not your hope; how to keep hoping, when hope is your only joy; how to laugh for ever. This is the story of four mothers and their daughters – Chinese-American women, the mothers born in China, and the daughters born in America. Through their eyes we see life in pre-Revolutionary China, and life in downtown San Francisco; women struggling to find a cultural identity that can include a past and a future half a world apart. (1989, 287 pages)

Amy TAN – Saving Fish from Drowning On an ill-fated art expedition of the Southern Shan State in Burma, eleven Americans leave their Floating Island Resort for a Christmas morning tour – and disappear. Through the twists of fate, curses, and just plain human error, they find themselves deep in the Burma jungle, where they encounter a tribe awaiting the return of the leader and the mythical book of wisdom that will protect them from the ravages and destruction of the Myanmar military regime. Saving Fish from Drowning seduces the reader with a facade of Buddhist illusions, magical tricks, and light comedy, even as the absurd and picaresque spiral into a gripping morality tale about the consequences of intentions – both good and bad – and of the shared responsibility that individuals must accept for the actions of others. (2005, 496 pages)

Romain SLOCOMBE – Monsieur le Commandant French Academician and Nazi sympathiser Paul-Jean Husson writes a letter to his local SS officer in the autumn of 1942. Tormented by an illicit passion for Ilse, his German daughter-in-law, Husson has taken a decision that will devastate several lives, including his own. The letter is intended to explain his actions. It is a dramatic, sometimes harrowing, story that begins in the years leading up to the war, when following the accidental drowning of his daughter, Husson's previously gilded life begins to unravel and through Husson's confession, Romain Slocombe gives the reader a startling picture of a man's journey: from pillar of the French Establishment and World War One hero, to outspoken supporter of Nazi ideology and the Vichy government.(2013, 208 pages)

D.J. TAYLOR – Kept: a Victorian Murder Mystery Kept is a Victorian mystery about the extreme and curious things men do to get what they want. It is August, 1863. Henry Ireland, a failed landowner, dies unexpectedly in a riding accident, leaving a highly-strung young widow. Not far away, lives Ireland's friend James Dixey, a celebrated naturalist who collects strange trophies, in his decaying house, on the edge of the fens. The poachers, Dewar and Dunbar, with their cargo of pilfered eggs; Esther the observant kitchen maid, pining to be re- united with her vanished admirer; the ancient lawyer Mr. Crabbe made careless by snobbery; John Carstairs, in search of his cousin, the elusive widow; an enigmatic debt-collector, busily plotting an audacious robbery; various low-life henchmen; and Captain McTurk of Scotland Yard, patiently investigating the circumstances of the Mr. Ireland's death and many other things besides– all are drawn into a net of intrigue with wide and sinister implications. (2006, 416 pages)


Roma TEARNE – Brixton Beach On a bright July morning a series of bombs bring London to a halt. Simon Swann, a medic from one of the large teaching hospitals, is searching frantically amongst the chaos and the rubble. All around police sirens and ambulances are screaming but Simon does not hear. He is out of breath because he has been running, and he is distraught. But who is he looking for? To find out we have first to go back thirty years to Sri Lanka on the brink of civil war, where a little girl named Alice Fonseka is learning to ride a bicycle on the beach. Alice's life is about to change forever. Soon she will have to leave for England, abandoning her beloved grandfather, and accompanied by her mother Sita, a woman broken by a series of terrible events. In London, Alice grows into womanhood. Trapped in a loveless marriage, she has a son. Slowly she fulfils her grandfather's prophecy and becomes an artist and finds true love. But London in the twenty first century is a mass of migration and suspicion. The war on terror has begun and everyone, even Simon Swann, middle class, rational, medic that he is, will be caught up in this war in the most unexpected and terrible way. (2009, 432 pages)

Roma TEARNE – The road to Urbino A story of obsession, love and art set in Tuscany, Sri Lanka and London. Ras, a Sri Lankan who fled his country as a child following the violent death of his mother, and his father's disappearance, has committed a crime. Dogged by his past and unable to come to terms with the killing of his mother, he struggles to make a new life for himself in the UK. Alex has loved Dee since he was 19 but failed to realise that it was a love he wouldn't find again; after Dee's marriage, he too struggles to build a meaningful life for himself. When Ras' and Alex's lives connect, each man takes a new path culminating for Ras in the theft of a della Franceso painting, while Alex comes ever closer to Dee through tragedy in her life. Beautifully written, with a strong narrative, The Road to Urbino is the story of two very different men and their love for the women in their lives, set against the backdrop of the heartbreaking horrors of the long-running conflict in Sri Lanka. (2013, 384 pages)

Kathleen TESSARO – Elegance Imagine an Audrey Hepburn film in the present day... When Louise discovers an old book called Elegance in a second-hand bookshop, it's a blessing from above. She has long been experiencing the rumblings of discontent; her marriage is in tatters, she's become a middle-aged frump and her self-esteem is at an all-time low. So the book, an A-Z of how to be elegant and stylish by a renowned Parisian socialite, is just the boost she'd been searching for. The quotations from the dusty bible of elegance are woven into the narrative with flair, giving the story direction without blatant interference. A perfect book to cosy up with on a chilly afternoon with a cup of tea and stack of biscuits! (2003, 390 pages)

William THACKER – Charm Offensive When retired politician Joe Street is named in a tabloid media slur, he carries out a last-ditch attempt to resurrect his marriage and undo the damage from the lie. With a cheap PR consultant in tow, Joe is reintroduced to a world of empty sound bites and media appearances - a world he would rather forget. His PR campaign takes a turn for the worse and Joe sets out to rebuild a relationship with his estranged daughter; together, they commit themselves to a challenge that will help right their wrongs. In spite of his regeneration, Joe discovers that nothing is ever easy. With his fragile reputation on the line, his past continues to chase him and Joe finds himself on a journey of self-discovery, of redemption, but most importantly, of finding hope once more. (2014, 256 pages)

Paul THEROUX – The Great Railway Bazaar (Travel) The Orient Express; The Khyber Pass Local; the Delhi Mail from Jaipur; the Golden Arrow of Kuala; the Trans-Siberian Express; these are just some of the trains steaming through Paul Theroux's epic rail journey from London across Europe through India and Asia. This was a trip of discovery made in the mid-seventies, a time before the West had embraced the places, peoples, food, faiths and cultures of the East. For us now, as much as for Theroux then, to visit the lands of The Great Railway Bazaar is an encounter with all that is truly foreign and exotic - and with what we have since lost. (1975, 384 pages)

83 Rosie THOMAS – The Kashmir shawl Newlywed Nerys Watkins leaves rural Wales for the first time to accompany her husband on a missionary posting to India. Deep in the exquisite heart of Kashmir lies the lakeside city of Srinagar, where the British live on carved wooden houseboats and dance, flirt and gossip as if there is no war; but the battles draw closer, and life in Srinagar becomes less frivolous when the men are sent away to fight. Nerys is caught up in a dangerous friendship, and by the time she is reunited with her husband, the innocent Welsh bride has become a different woman. Years later, when Mair Ellis clears out her father’s house, she finds an exquisite antique shawl, a lock of child’s hair wrapped within its folds. Tracing her grandparents’ roots back to Kashmir, Mair embarks on a quest that will change her life forever. (2012, 512 pages)

Adam THORPE – Ulverton Ulverton is a fictional village on the Wessex Downs. A dozen accounts tell the story of the village through its 300 year history. Each account is in a different voice and narrative style; from a soldier in Cromwell’s army to a 1980’s TV documentary producer: a really imaginative read. (1992, 384 pages)

Carrie TIFFANY – Everyman’s Rules for Scientific Living It is 1934, the Great War is long over and the next is yet to come. The government 'Better Farming Train' slides through the wheat fields and small towns of Australia, bringing expert advice to those living on the land. The train is on a crusade to persuade the country that science is the key to successful farming, and that productivity is patriotic. In the swaying cars an unlikely love affair occurs between Robert Pettergree, a man with an unusual taste for soil, and Jean Finnegan, a talented young seamstress with a hunger for knowledge. In an atmosphere of heady scientific idealism, they marry and settle in the impoverished Mallee with the ambition of proving that a scientific approach to cultivation can transform the land. But after seasons of failing crops, and with a new World War looming, Robert and Jean are forced to confront each other, the community they have inadvertently destroyed, and the impact of their actions on an ancient and fragile landscape. (2006, 255 pages)

Carrie TIFFANY – Mateship with birds It is 1953 and Harry lives a solitary life as a dairy farmer in the small town of Cohuna; his passions are his whippet Sip, birdwatching, and his neighbour Betty, a single mother with whom he shares a quiet friendship. Gradually we watch the year proceed for Harry, Betty, and her children in a narrative which lingers on small incidents - a new milking machine, a dead possum in the roof, a child's nature diary. This is a book which revels in the natural life of the farm and surrounding landscape without shying away from human and animal ugliness. There are also, however, frequent episodes of love and kindness, as well as lyrical descriptions of the natural world. Mateship with Birds is a tender, witty novel of young lust and mature love. A glorious tale of innocence lost, it celebrates life on one small farm in a vast, ancient landscape, and a collection of misfits who question what a family might be. (2013, 224 pages)

Gillian TINDALL – The House by the Thames (Non-Fiction) Just across the River Thames from St Paul's Cathedral stands an old house. It is the last genuine survivor of what was once a long ribbon of elegant houses overlooking the water. Built in the days of Queen Anne, it stands in the footprint of a far older habitation. Over the course of almost 450 years the dwelling on this site has seen changes on the river and in the city on the opposite bank. Rich with anecdote and colour, empathetic, scholarly and textured, "The House by the Thames" is social history at its most enjoyable. Gillian Tindall excels at description and at picking out the most fascinating details. She breathes life into the forgotten names of individuals who were as passionate in their time as we ourselves – and in so doing makes them stand for legions of others and for whole worlds that we have lost through hundreds of years of London's history. (2006, 258 pages)

Colm TOIBIN – The Blackwater Lightship Helen’s brother is dying of Aids, and with two of his friends she waits for the end in her grandmother’s house. Her mother and grandmother, after years of strife have come to an uneasy peace. The six of them, from different generations and beliefs, are forced to come to terms with each other. (1999, 273 pages)


Colm TOIBIN – Brooklyn It is Ireland in the early 1950s and for Eilis Lacey, as for so many young Irish girls, opportunities are scarce. So when her sister arranges for her to emigrate to New York, Eilis knows she must go, leaving behind her family and her home for the first time. Arriving in a crowded lodging house in Brooklyn, Eilis can only be reminded of what she has sacrificed. She is far from home - and homesick. And just as she takes tentative steps towards friendship, and perhaps something more, Eilis receives news which sends her back to Ireland. There she will be confronted by a terrible dilemma - a devastating choice between duty and one great love. (2010, 256 pages)

Colm TOIBIN – The Master It is January 1895 and Henry James's play, Guy Domville, from which he hoped to make his fortune, has failed on the London stage. Opening with this disaster, The Master spans the next five years of James's life, during which time he moves to Rye in Sussex where he writes his short masterpiece The Turn of the Screw, a tale in which he incorporates many details from his own life, including his experiences as a member of one of the great eccentric American families and, later, an exile in England. Impelled by the need to work and haunted by his past – including his failure to fight in the American Civil War, and the golden summer of 1865, and the death of his sister Alice – James is watchful and witty, relishing the England in which he has come to live and regretting the England he has left. (2004, 200 pages)

Colm TOIBIN – The testament of Mary The Testament of Mary tells the story of a cataclysmic event which led to an overpowering grief. For Mary, her son has been lost to the world, and now, living in exile and in fear, she tries to piece together the memories of the events that led to her son's brutal death. To her he was a vulnerable figure, surrounded by men who could not be trusted, living in a time of turmoil and change. As her life and her suffering begin to acquire the resonance of myth, Mary struggles to break the silence surrounding what she knows to have happened. In her effort to tell the truth in all its gnarled complexity, she slowly emerges as a figure of immense moral stature as well as a woman from history rendered now as fully human. (2013, 112 pages)

Sandy TOLAN – The Lemon Tree (Non-Fiction) In the summer of 1967, not long after the Six Day War, three young Palestinian men venture into the town of Ramla in Israel. They were cousins, on a pilgrimage to see their childhood homes, from which they and their families had been driven out nearly twenty years earlier. One of them, Bashir, is met at the door by a young woman named Dalia, who invites him in. This poignant encounter is the starting point for the story of two families – one Arab, one Jewish – which spans the fraught modern history of the region. In the lemon tree his father planted in the backyard of his childhood home, Bashir sees a symbol of occupation; Dalia, who arrived in 1948 as an infant with her family, as a fugitive from Bulgaria, sees hope for a people devastated by the Holocaust. Both are inevitably swept up in the fates of their people and the stories of their lives form a microcosm of more than half a century of Israeli-Palestinian history. (2007, 560 pages)

L. N. TOLSTOY – Anna Karenina Tolstoy charts the course of the doomed love affair between Anna, a beautiful married woman, and Count Vronsky, a wealthy army officer who pursues Anna after becoming infatuated with her at a ball. Although she initially resists his charms Anna eventually succumbs, falling passionately in love and setting in motion a chain of events that lead to her downfall. In this extraordinary novel, Tolstoy seamlessly weaves together the lives of dozens of characters, while evoking a love so strong that those who experience it are prepared to die for it. (1877, 864 pages)

Paul TORDAY – The Girl on The Landing Michael, a middle-aged man of means, is dressing for dinner at a friend's country house in Ireland. As he descends the grand staircase, he spots a small painting of a landing with an old linen press and the white marble statue of an angel, in the background is a woman clad in a dark green dress. He comments on the painting to his hosts but they say there is no woman in the picture. When Michael goes up to bed later, he sees that they are correct. This is only the first in a series of

85 incidents that lead him to question his grip on reality. His wife Elizabeth is unsettled by the changes she sees in a man she originally married because he was dependable and steady, not because she loved him. Suddenly she is aware that she has never really known Michael and as he changes, she sees glimpses of someone she could fall in love with. Michael, in the meantime, is disturbed by events up at his family's ancestral home in the wilds of Scotland and by a past that he is threatening to destroy everything, and everyone, he has ever loved. (2009, 216 pages)

Paul TORDAY – The light shining in the forest Norman Stokoe has just been appointed Children's Czar by the new government. He sells his flat and moves up north to take up the position, however before his first salary cheque has even hit his bank account, new priorities are set for the government department for which he works. The Children's Czar network is put on hold but it is too late to reverse the decision to employ Norman so he is given a P.A. and a spacious office in a new business park on the banks of the Tyne. He settles down in his new leather chair behind his new desk, to wait for the green light to begin his mission but the green light never comes. What does happen is that two children go missing. As Children's Czar, surely this case should fall within his remit, but Norman has built a career on doing nothing, on stamping pieces of paper with 'send to the relevant department'. Now, faced with a campaigning journalist and a distraught mother, he is forced to become involved. The search will take him to dark places and will make him ask questions about the system he is supposed to uphold. (2013, 320 pages)

Paul TORDAY – Salmon Fishing in the Yemen This is the story of Dr Alfred Jones, a fisheries scientist for whom notable events include the acquisition of a new electric toothbrush and getting his article on caddis fly larvae published in 'Trout and Salmon' - who finds himself reluctantly involved in a project to bring salmon fishing to the Highlands of the Yemen - a project that will change his life, and the course of British political history forever. With a wickedly wonderful cast of characters - including a visionary Sheikh, a weasly spin doctor, Fred's devilish wife and a few thousand transplanted salmon - Salmon Fishing in the Yemen is a novel about hypocrisy and bureaucracy, dreams and deniability, and the transforming power of faith and love. (2007, 329 pages)

Barbara TRAPIDO – Frankie and Stankie Dinah and Lisa are growing up in 1950's South Africa, where racial laws are tightening. They are two little girls from a liberal family – big sister Lisa is strong and sensible, while Dinah is weedy and arty. At school, the sadistic Mrs Vaughan-Jones provides instruction in mental arithmetic and racial prejudice. As the repressive shadow of apartheid closes in, Dinah journeys through childhood and adolescence and the minefields of boys and university in this vibrant and irresistible novel. (2003, 307 pages)

Barbara TRAPIDO – Sex and Stravinsky The time is 1995, but everybody has a past. Brilliant Australian Caroline can command everyone except her own ghoulish mother, which means that things aren't easy for Josh and Zoe, her husband with Stravinsky-glasses and twelve-year-old daughter. Zoe reads girls' ballet books and longs for lessons. Meanwhile, on the east coast of Africa, Hattie, Josh's first love, now writes girls' ballet books - that's when she can carve out the space between her husband and her crosspatch daughter. From far and wide, they are all drawn together: a masquerade in which things are not always what they seem. (2011, 320 pages)

Rose TREMAIN – The Colour A powerful historical drama of greed and aspiration set in the New Zealand Gold Rush of the mid- 19th Century. Harriet and Joseph Baxter, (along with Joseph's mother) leave England for the promise of the new world that New Zealand represents. Their struggle against the land continues apace until Joseph discovers gold in a nearby creek and ill-advisedly conceals the find from his mother and his wife. Gold fever takes an all-consuming grip upon him, and he leaves the family-owned farm to traverse the gold fields of the Southern Alps. There he will find a strange fate: one that affects those he has left behind as well as him. A study of human nature in extremis. (2003, 384 pages)

86 Rose TREMAIN – Music and Silence It is 1629, and a young English lute-player arrives at the court of Danish King Christian IV to play in the Royal Orchestra. The country is in ruins, with the King living in fear of his life and embarrassed by his wife’s not-so-secret adultery. Full of fascinating characters, intrigue and obsessions. (1999, 464 pages)

Rose TREMAIN – The road home The tale of Lev, a middle aged Polish migrant worker, who comes to London after losing both his job and his wife, is both moving and funny. It's a marvellous take on modern Britain where foreign workers on scant wages toil away in the kitchens of posh restaurants in London and asparagus fields in Norfolk, whilst at the other end of the scale celebrity culture rules. Lev is a good man and a heroic hard worker. As he struggles to earn enough money to send home to his mother who looks after his little girl, he is helped by unexpected acts of kindness from a cast of diverse and entirely uncliched characters. (2008, 384 pages)

Rose TREMAIN – Trespass In a silent valley stands an isolated stone farmhouse, the Mas Lunel. Its owner is Aramon Lunel, an alcoholic so haunted by his violent past that he's become incapable of all meaningful action. Meanwhile, his sister, Audrun, alone in her modern bungalow within sight of the Mas Lunel, dreams of exacting retribution for the unspoken betrayals that have blighted her life. Into this closed Cevenol world comes Anthony Verey, a wealthy but disillusioned antiques dealer from London. Now in his sixties, Anthony hopes to remake his life in France, and he begins looking at properties in the region. From the moment he arrives at the Mas Lunel, a frightening and unstoppable series of consequences is set in motion. Two worlds and two cultures collide. Ancient boundaries are crossed, taboos are broken, a violent crime is committed. And all the time the Cevennes hills remain, as cruel and seductive as ever, unforgettably captured in this powerful and unsettling novel. (2010, 384 pages)

William TREVOR – Death in Summer (10 copies only) A wealthy Irish landowner is widowed unexpectedly. When he is unable to find a suitable nanny for his baby daughter, his mother-in-law moves in, however, one of the rejected nannies has her own sinister agenda. (1998, 224 pages)

Jonathan TRIGELL – Boy A Jack has spent most of his life in juvenile institutions, to be released with a new name, new job, new life. At 24, he is utterly innocent of the world, yet guilty of a monstrous childhood crime. To his new friends, he is a good guy with occasional flashes of unexpected violence. To his new girlfriend, he is strangely inexperienced and unreachable. To his case worker, he's a victim of the system and of media-driven hysteria. And to himself, Jack is on permanent trial: can he really start from scratch, forget the past, become someone else? This searing and heartfelt novel is a devastating indictment of society's inability to reconcile childhood innocence with reality. (2004, 256 pages)

Anthony TROLLOPE – The Warden Trollope's witty, satirical story of a quiet cathedral town shaken by scandal - as the traditional values of Septimus Harding are attacked by zealous reformers and ruthless newspapers - is a drama of conscience that pits individual integrity against worldly ambition. In The Warden Anthony Trollope brought the fictional county of Barsetshire to life, peopled by a cast of brilliantly realised characters that have made him among the supreme chroniclers of the minutiae of Victorian England. (2012[1855], 256 pages)

Christos TSIOLKAS – The Slap At a suburban barbecue, a man slaps a child who is not his own. The reverberations call into question the relationships between all those who witness it. At a suburban barbecue one afternoon, a man slaps an unruly 3-year-old boy. The boy is not his son. It is a single act of violence, but this one slap reverberates through the lives of everyone who witnesses it happen. In his controversial, award- winning novel, Christos Tsiolkas presents an apparently harmless domestic incident as seen from eight very different perspectives. The result is an unflinching interrogation of our lives today; of the

87 modern family and domestic life in the twenty-first century, a deeply thought-provoking novel about boundaries and their limits. (2010, 496 pages)

Anne TYLER – The Accidental Tourist How does a man addicted to routine - a man who flosses his teeth before love-making - cope with the chaos of everyday life? With the loss of his son, the departure of his wife and the arrival of Muriel, a dog trainer from the Meow-Bow dog clinic, Macon's attempts at ordinary life are tragically and comically undone. (1998, 368 pages)

Anne TYLER – The beginner’s goodbye When Dorothy came back from the dead, it seemed to Aaron that some people simply didn't notice. The accident that killed Dorothy - involving an oak tree, a sun porch and some elusive biscuits - leaves Aaron bereft and the house a wreck. As those around him fuss and flap and bring him casserole after casserole, Aaron ploughs on. But then Dorothy starts to materialize in the oddest places. At first, she only comes for a short while, leaving Aaron longing for more. Gradually she stays for longer, and as they talk, they also bicker and the cracks that were present in their perfectly ordinary marriage start to reappear... (2013, 176 pages)

Abraham VERGHESE – Cutting for Stone Marion and Shiva Stone, born in a mission hospital in Ethiopia in the 1950s, are twin sons of an illicit union between an Indian nun and British doctor. Bound by birth but with widely different temperaments they grow up together, in a country on the brink of revolution, until a betrayal splits them apart. But fate has not finished with them - they will be brought together once more, in the sterile surroundings of a hospital theatre. From the 1940s to the present, from a convent in India to a cargo ship bound for the Yemen, from a tiny operating theatre in Ethiopia to a hospital in the Bronx, this is both a richly visceral epic and a riveting family story. (2009, 560 pages)

Sally VICKERS – Miss Garnett’s angel Julia Garnet and her long-standing companion and flatmate Harriet decide to retire from work together, on the same day, but when two days later Harriet unexpectedly dies, Miss Garnet decides it is time to take a trip abroad and settles upon six months in Venice. Cautious, dignified and unadventurous by nature, Julia is also a virgin and inexperienced in matters of the heart. Venice is quite a revelation. The ancient Jewish story of Tobias and the Angel is deftly interwoven amongst Julia's story of re-awakening and discovery. (2007, 342 pages)

Salley VICKERS – The cleaner of Chartres There is something special about the ancient cathedral of Chartres, with its mismatched spires, astonishing stained glass and strange labyrinth and there is something special too about Agnès Morel, the mysterious woman who is to be found cleaning it each morning. No one quite knows where she came from - not the diffident Abbé Paul, who discovered her one morning twenty years ago, sleeping in the north porch, nor lonely Professor Jones, whose chaotic existence she helps to organise, nor even the irreverent young restorer, Alain Fleury, who works alongside her each day and whose attention she catches with her tawny eyes, her colourful clothes and elusive manner. Yet everyone she encounters would surely agree that she is subtly transforming their lives, but with a chance meeting in the cathedral one day, the spectre of Agnès' past returns, provoking malicious rumours from the prejudiced Madame Beck and her gossipy companion Madame Picot. As the hearsay grows uglier, Agnès is forced to confront her history, and the mystery of her origins finally unfolds. (2013, 304 pages)

Salley VICKERS – The Other Side of You (2 sets) As a young child, Dr. David McBride witnessed the death of his six-year-old brother and this traumatic event has shaped his own personality and choice of profession. One day, a failed suicide, Elizabeth Cruikshank, is admitted to his hospital. She is unusually reticent and it is not until he recalls a painting by Caravaggio that she finally yields up her story. As her story unfolds, David finds his own life being touched by her account and a haunting sense that the 'other side' of his elusive patient has a strange resonance for him, too. Set partly in Rome, The Other Side of You explores the theme of

88 redemption through love and art. This is a many-layered and subtly audacious story, which traces the boundaries of life and death and the difficult possibilities of repentance. (2006, 262 pages)

Rebecca WAIT – The View on the Way Down Emma used to have two brothers, but five years ago Kit died and on the day of his funeral Jamie left home and never came back. Their parents never talk about what happened. But now Emma is older she is beginning to ask questions - and she's never given up hope that she will see Jamie again . . .(2014, 320 pages)

Alice WALKER – The Color Purple Set in the deep American South between the wars, THE COLOR PURPLE is the classic tale of Celie, a young black girl born into poverty and segregation. Raped repeatedly by the man she calls 'father', she has two children taken away from her, is separated from her beloved sister Nettie and is trapped into an ugly marriage. But then she meets the glamorous Shug Avery, singer and magic-maker - a woman who has taken charge of her own destiny. Gradually Celie discovers the power and joy of her own spirit, freeing her from her past and reuniting her with those she loves. (1982[2014], 272 pages)

Sarah WATERS – Fingersmith 'We were all more or less thieves at Lant Street. But we were that kind of thief that rather eased the dodgy deed along, than did it. We could pass anything, anything at all, at speeds which would astonish you. There was only one thing, in fact, that had come and got stuck - one thing that had somehow withstood the tremendous pull of that passage - one thing that never had a price put to it. I mean of course, Me.' Sue Trinder, orphaned at birth, is born among petty thieves – fingersmiths – in London's Borough. From the moment she draws breath, her fate is linked to another orphan, growing up in a gloomy mansion not too many miles away. (2003, 560 pages)

Sarah WATERS – The Little Stranger In a dusty post-war summer in rural Warwickshire, a doctor is called to a patient at lonely Hundreds Hall. Home to the Ayres family for over two centuries, the Georgian house, once grand and handsome, is now in decline, its masonry crumbling, its gardens choked with weeds, its owners struggling to keep pace. But is the family haunted by something more sinister than a dying way of life? Little does Dr Faraday know how closely, and how terrifyingly, their story is about to become entwined with his. (2009, 512 pages)

Sarah WATERS – The Night Watch (2 sets) Moving back through the 1940s, through air raids, blacked out streets, illicit liaisons, sexual adventure, to end with its beginning in 1941, The Night Watch is the work of a truly brilliant and compelling storyteller. This is the story of four Londoners – three women and a young man with a past, drawn with absolute truth and intimacy. Kay, who drove an ambulance during the war and lived life at full throttle, now dresses in mannish clothes and wanders the streets with a restless hunger, searching ...Helen, clever, sweet, much-loved, harbours a painful secret ...Viv, glamour girl, is stubbornly, even foolishly loyal, to her soldier lover Duncan, an apparent innocent, has had his own demons to fight during the war. Their lives and their secrets connect in sometimes startling ways. Tender, tragic and beautifully poignant, set against the backdrop of feats of heroism both epic and ordinary, here is a novel of relationships that offers up subtle surprises and twists. (2006, 512 pages)

S. J. WATSON – Before I Go to Sleep Memories define us; so what if you lost yours every time you went to sleep? Your name, your identity, your past, even the people you love, all forgotten overnight. And the one person you trust may only be telling you half the story. Welcome to Christine's life. (2011, 384 pages)

Evelyn WAUGH – Brideshead Revisited Brideshead Revisited is about a great many things – not the least of which is the decline of English aristocracy. But at its heart, Evelyn Waugh's greatest novel is about religious faith, and how that faith continues to operate in the lives of even those who seem to reject it. Narrator Charles Ryder, develops a close and possibly homoerotic relationship with aristocrat Sebastian Flyte while the two are students at Oxford. Seduced by the glamour of Flyte's way of life and the beauty of his ancestral

89 home at Brideshead, Ryder becomes deeply involved with Flyte's family as well. The characters involved in the story are often extremely charming, but they are not necessarily admirable; even the narrator, Charles Ryder, gradually emerges as a somewhat second-rate person of dubious integrity.. Poetically written with considerable beauty and a sense of lost innocence that haunts the reader, it is a too-often misinterpreted and misunderstood book that demands a thoughtful reading to get down into the marrow of its thematic bones. (1945, 336 pages)

Evelyn WAUGH – Scoop Lord Copper, newspaper magnate and proprietor of the Daily Beast, has always prided himself on his intuitive flair for spotting ace reporters. That is not to say he has not made the odd blunder, however, and may in a moment of weakness make another. Acting on a dinner-party tip from Mrs Algernon Smith, he feels convinced that he has hit on just the chap to cover a promising little war in the African Republic of Ishmaelia. One of Waugh's most exuberant comedies, Scoop is a brilliantly irreverent satire of Fleet Street and its hectic pursuit of hot news. (1938, 224 pages)

Katherine WEBB – The Legacy In the depths of a harsh winter, following the death of their grandmother, Erica Calcott and her sister Beth return to Storton Manor, a grand and imposing Wiltshire house where they spent their summer holidays as children. When Erica begins to sort through her grandmother's belongings, she is flooded with memories of her childhood - and of her cousin, Henry, whose disappearance from the manor tore the family apart. Erica sets out to discover what happened to Henry, so that the past can be laid to rest, and her sister, Beth, might finally find some peace. Gradually, as Erica begins to sift through remnants of the past, a secret family history emerges; one that stretches all the way back to turn-of- the-century America, to a beautiful society heiress and a haunting, savage land. As past and present converge, Erica and Beth must come to terms with two terrible acts of betrayal and the heart- breaking legacy left behind. (2010, 432 pages)

Alison WEIR – Innocent Traitor was born into times of extreme danger. Child of a scheming father and a ruthless mother, for whom she was merely a pawn in a dynastic power game with the highest stakes, she lived a live in thrall to political machinations and lethal religious fervour. As a great-niece of Henry VIII, and the cousin of Edward VI, Mary I and , she grew up realize that she could never throw off the chains of her destiny. Her honesty, intelligence and strength of character carry the reader through all the vicious twists of Tudor power politics, to her nine-day reign and its unbearably poignant conclusion. (2006, 320 pages)

H.G. WELLS – The time machine Chilling, prophetic and hugely influential, The Time Machine sees a Victorian scientist propel himself into the year 802,701 AD, where he is delighted to find that suffering has been replaced by beauty and contentment in the form of the Eloi, an elfin species descended from man. But he soon realizes that they are simply remnants of a once-great culture - now weak and living in terror of the sinister Morlocks lurking in the deep tunnels, who threaten his very return home. H. G. Wells defined much of modern science fiction with this 1895 tale of time travel, which questions humanity, society, and our place on Earth. (2012, [1895], 128 pages)

Edith WHARTON – The Age of Innocence Edith Wharton's most famous novel is a brilliantly realized anatomy of New York society in the 1870s, the world in which she grew up, and from which she spent her life escaping. Newland Archer, Wharton's protagonist, charming, tactful, enlightened, is a thorough product of this society; he accepts its standards and abides by its rules but he also recognizes its limitations. His engagement to the impeccable May Welland assures him of a safe and conventional future, until the arrival of May's cousin Ellen Olenska puts all his plans in jeopardy. Independent, free-thinking, scandalously separated from her husband, Ellen forces Archer to question the values and assumptions of his narrow world. As their love for each other grows, Archer has to decide where his ultimate loyalty lies. (1920, 308 pages)

90 Edith WHARTON – The House of Mirth First published in 1905, The House of Mirth shocked the New York society it so deftly chronicles, portraying the moral, social and economic restraints on a woman who dared to claim the privileges of marriage without assuming the responsibilities. Lily Bart, beautiful, witty and sophisticated, is accepted by 'old money' and courted by the growing tribe of nouveaux riches. But as she nears thirty, her foothold becomes precarious; a poor girl with expensive tastes, she needs a husband to preserve her social standing and to maintain her in the luxury she has come to expect. Whilst many have sought her, something prevents her from making a 'suitable' match. (1905, 320 pages)

John WILLIAMS – Stoner Stoner is the story of an inconsequential man, so the author tells us right at the start. He then proceeds to prove himself wrong; even the "smallest" existence can be so full of life and so full of meaning. John Stoner grows up dirt poor but discovers a passion for literature and becomes a teacher at Columbia University. The book chronicles university life and politics, love, marriage and parenthood and finally, the thoughts a man has as he prepares himself for departure from this world. The book is very quiet and elegantly written. It is also profoundly sad. At every turn, Stoner is denied happiness, and yet he faces every situation with integrity and stoicism, like his farmer parents. Life is endured, not enjoyed. (1965[2012], 320 pages)

G. Willow WILSON – Alif the unseen 'I will tell you a story, but it comes with a warning; when you hear it, you will become someone else.' He calls himself Alif - few people know his real name - a young man born in a Middle Eastern city that straddles the ancient and modern worlds. When Alif meets the aristocratic Intisar, he believes he has found love, but their relationship has no future - Intisar is promised to another man and her family's honour must be satisfied. As a remembrance, Intisar sends the heartbroken Alif a mysterious book. Entitled The Thousand and One Days, Alif discovers that this parting gift is a door to another world - a world from a very different time, when old magic was in the ascendant and the djinn walked amongst us. With the book in his hands, Alif finds himself drawing attention - far too much attention - from both men and djinn. Thus begins an adventure that takes him through the crumbling streets of a once- beautiful city, to uncover the long-forgotten mysteries of the Unseen. Alif is about to become a fugitive in both the corporeal and incorporeal worlds. And he is about to unleash a destructive power that will change everything and everyone - starting with Alif himself. (2013, 448 pages)

Robert WILSON – A Small Death in Lisbon Klaus Felsen, press-ganged into the SS, has come to Lisbon where Nazis and Allies, refugees and entrepreneurs, join in a whirlwind of opportunism and despair. Felsen’s war takes him to the northern mountains where fifty years later, Inspector Coelho is investigating the death of a young girl with a disturbing past. This is a fast-paced read with lots of twists and turns. (1999, 544 pages)

Sarah WINMAN – When God was a Rabbit Spanning four decades, from 1968 onwards, this is the story of a fabulous but flawed family and the slew of ordinary and extraordinary incidents that shape their everyday lives. It is a story about childhood and growing up, loss of innocence, eccentricity, familial ties and friendships, love and life. Stripped down to its bare bones, it's about the unbreakable bond between a brother and sister. (2011, 335 pages)

Tom WINTER – Lost and found It started with a letter ... It's hard for Carol to admit her failings. Unhappy in her marriage and with a teenage daughter who will barely converse with her, she feels trapped. So she puts pen to paper; well, it seems less daunting than airing her thoughts aloud. She isn't expecting anyone to read her letters, so she doesn't address them. Instead, she marks them with a smiley face and pops them in the post box. Albert's retirement day at Royal Mail looms and he's given one final task; organise the 'lost letters' that have been piling up in a room behind the sorting machine. Amongst the letters addressed to Santa, he arrives at one with a smiley face drawn in place of an address. Albert opens the letter, unaware that in doing so his world would never be the same again. (2013, 320 pages)

91 Jeanette WINTERSON – Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit The story of the struggles of a young girl against a domineering mother and the strictures of religion, growing up in a northern town in a community in which she never quite fits, despite her talent for preaching and her wildly imaginative ideas. Jeanette yearns to lead her own life and receives rejection and resentment from those closest to her. As well as being an accurate account of religious excess and the claustrophobia of growing up in a small town this is a touching love story which perfectly depicts the innocence of young love. (1985, 171 pages)

Jeannette WINTERSON – Why be happy when you could be normal (Non-fiction) In 1985 Jeanette Winterson's first novel, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit, was published. It was Jeanette's version of the story of a terraced house in Accrington, an adopted child, and the thwarted giantess Mrs Winterson. It was a cover story, a painful past written over and repainted. It was a story of survival. This book is that story's the silent twin. It is full of hurt and humour and a fierce love of life. It is about the pursuit of happiness, about lessons in love, the search for a mother and a journey into madness and out again. It is generous, honest and true. (2012, 240 pages)

Patricia WOOD – Lottery Perry's IQ is only 76, but he's not stupid. His grandmother taught him everything he needs to know to survive. She taught him to write things down so he won't forget them. She taught him to play the lottery every week. And most important, she taught him whom to trust. When Gram dies, Perry is left orphaned and bereft at the age of thirty-one. Then he wins twelve million dollars with his weekly Washington State Lottery ticket, and he finds he has more family than he knows what to do with. Peopled with characters both wicked and heroic who leap off the pages, Lottery is a deeply satisfying, gorgeously rendered novel about trust, loyalty, and what distinguishes us as capable. (2007, 320 pages)

Virginia WOOLF – Mrs Dalloway On a June morning in 1923, Clarissa Dalloway is preparing for a party and remembering her past. Elsewhere in London, Septimus Smith is suffering from shell-shock and on the brink of madness. Their days interweave and their lives converge as the party reaches its glittering climax. Here, Virginia Woolf perfected the interior monologue and the novel's lyricism and accessibility have made it one of her most popular works. (1925, 217 pages)

Jennifer WORTH – Call the midwife (Non-fiction) Jennifer Worth came from a sheltered background when she became a midwife in the Docklands in the 1950s. Jennifer witnessed brutality and tragedy but she also met with amazing kindness and understanding, tempered by a great deal of Cockney humour. She earned the confidences of some whose lives were truly stranger, more poignant and more terrifying than could ever be recounted in fiction, Jennifer tells the story not only of the women she treated, but also of the community of nuns and the camaraderie of the midwives with whom she trained. Funny, disturbing and incredibly moving, Jennifer's stories bring to life the colourful world of the East End in the 1950s. (2012[2002], 368 pages)

Jennifer WORTH – Shadows of the workhouse (Non-fiction) There's Jane, who cleaned and generally helped out at Nonnatus House - she was taken to the workhouse as a baby and was allegedly the illegitimate daughter of an aristocrat. Peggy and Frank's parents both died within 6 months of each other and the children were left destitute. At the time, there was no other option for them but the workhouse. The Reverend Thornton-Appleby-Thorton, a missionary in Africa, visits the Nonnatus nuns and Sister Julienne acts as matchmaker. And Sister Monica Joan, the eccentric ninety-year-old nun, is accused of shoplifting some small items from the local market. She is let off with a warning, but then Jennifer finds stolen jewels from Hatton Garden in the nun's room. These stories give a fascinating insight into the resilience and spirit that enabled ordinary people to overcome their difficulties. (2009, 304 pages)

Richard W. WRANGHAM – Catching Fire: How Cooking Made Us Human (Non-Fiction) Richard Wrangham argues that it was cooking that caused the extraordinary transformation of our ancestors from apelike beings to Homo erectus. that the habit of eating cooked rather than raw food

92 permitted the digestive tract to shrink and the human brain to grow, helped structure human society, and created the male-female division of labour. As our ancestors adapted to using fire, humans emerged as 'the cooking apes'. Covering everything from food-labelling and overweight pets to raw- food faddists, Catching Fire offers a startlingly original argument about how we came to be the social, intelligent, and sexual species we are today. (2009, 320 pages)

Evie WYLD – After the Fire a Still Small Voice .Frank is trying to escape his troubled past by running away to his family's beach shack. As he struggles to make friends with his neighbours and their precocious young daughter, Sal, he discovers the community has fresh wounds of its own. A girl is missing, and when Sal too disappears, suspicion falls on Frank. Decades earlier, Leon tries to hold together his family's cake shop as their suburban life crumbles in the aftermath of the Korean War. When war breaks out again, Leon must go from sculpting sugar figurines to killing young men as a conscript in the Vietnam War. (2009, 304 pages)

John WYNDHAM – The day of the Triffids When Bill Masen wakes up blindfolded in hospital there is a bitter irony in his situation. Carefully removing his bandages, he realizes that he is the only person who can see: everyone else, doctors and patients alike, have been blinded by a meteor shower. Now, with civilization in chaos, the Triffids - huge, venomous, large-rooted plants able to 'walk', feeding on human flesh - can have their day. (2008 [1951], 272 pages)

John WYNDHAM – The Midwich Cuckoos In the English village of Midwich, a silver object appears and all the inhabitants fall unconscious. A day later the object is gone and everyone awakens unharmed – except that all the women in the village are pregnant. This book offers a tale of aliens, exploring how we respond when confronted by those who are innately superior to us in every way. (1957, 224 pages)

Carlos Ruiz ZAFON – The angel’s game In an abandoned mansion at the heart of Barcelona, a young man - David Martin - makes his living by writing sensationalist novels under a pseudonym. The survivor of a troubled childhood, he has taken refuge in the world of books, and spends his nights spinning baroque tales about the city's underworld. But perhaps his dark imaginings are not as strange as they seem, for in a locked room deep within the house letters hinting at the mysterious death of the previous owner. Like a slow poison, the history of the place seeps into his bones as he struggles with an impossible love. Then David receives the offer of a lifetime: he is to write a book with the power to change hearts and minds. In return, he will receive a fortune, perhaps more. But as David begins the work, he realises that there is a connection between this haunting book and the shadows that surround his home... (2010, 544 pages)

Carlos Ruiz ZAFON – The Shadow of the Wind Hidden in the heart of the old city of Barcelona is the 'cemetery of lost books', a labyrinthine library of obscure and forgotten titles that have long gone out of print. To this library, a man brings his 10-year- old son Daniel one cold morning in 1945. Daniel is allowed to choose one book from the shelves and pulls out 'La Sombra del Viento' by Julian Carax. But as he grows up, several people seem inordinately interested in his find. Then, one night, as he is wandering the old streets once more, Daniel is approached by a mysterious figure… What begins as a case of literary curiosity turns into a race to find out the truth behind the life and death of Julian Carax and to save those he left behind. (2004, 544 pages)

Richard ZIMLER – The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon Set among the secret Jewish community in Sixteenth Century Lisbon, this is a gripping, fast moving murder mystery. It is also a fascinating evocation of a tragic period in Jewish history. (1997, 318 pages)

Emile ZOLA – Therese Raquin Therese Raquin is bored by her loveless marriage to her sickly cousin, and allows herself to be swept away by lust and excitement when she meets his earthy and sensual friend Laurent. But the animal

93 passion between them will result in a terrible crime - one that will haunt them for ever. (1967, 208 pages)

Markus ZUSAK – The Book Thief (2 sets) Nazi Germany. The country is holding its breath. Death has never been busier. Liesel, a nine-year- old girl, is living with a foster family on Himmel Street. Her parents have been taken away to a concentration camp. Liesel steals books. This is her story and the story of the inhabitants of her street when the bombs begin to fall. It's a story about: a girl, an accordionist, some fanatical Germans, a Jewish fist fighter, and quite a lot of thievery. (2006, 560 pages)