For the Low Achiever Student Inmathematics
DOCUMZNT RESUME ED 025 437 By-Zimmerman, Joseph Central Iowa Low Achiever MathematicsProject ESP. Central Iowa Low-Achiever MathematicsProject, Des Moines. Elementary and Secondary Education. Spons Agency-Office of Education(DHEW), Washington, D.C. Bureau of Pub Date (Nov 68] Grant- OEG- 3965 Note- 64p EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC-$3.30 *Instructional Materials, Descriptors-Curriculum, Curriculum Development,*Elementary School Mathematics, *Low Achievers, *Mathematics,*Problem Solving. SecondarySchool Mathematics Identifiers-Central Iowa Low AchieverMathematics Project The materials in this EnrichmentStudent Project (ESP) aredesigned especially for the low achiever student inmathematics. The booklet is aselfontained unit consisting of fourelements--a mathematicalpuzzle, a set of instructions,response sheets, and a suitable containerfor keeping the unittogether. ESP is amotivational the student's interest andpromoting hisinvolvement in a idea aimed at attracting been collected portion of mathematicsthat can be enjoyed. Thematerials which have for this ESP, complete with solutionof problems for the teacher'sconvenience involve prepared under ESEATitle peg, dissection,cube, and topologypuzzles. This work was III contract. (RP) Central Iowa LowAchiever Mathematics Project U.S. DEPARTMENT Of HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE Of EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE ED025437 PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING II.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. The work presented or rennrted herein was performed our, suant to a Grant, OE No. 3969, from the U.S. Office of Educe. tion, Deprirtment of Hei Ith. Ed,initi-n, and Welfare.However, the opinions exnrer,sed hrTiin do not necesssrily reflect the positionorpolicy of the U.S.
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