
Solving Mathematical : A Challenging Competition for AI

Federico Chesani, Paola Mello, Michela Milano

I Recently, a number of noteworthy ince its origin, the holy grail of results have been achieved in various has been to understand the nature of intelligence fields of artificial intelligence, and many Sand to engineer systems that exhibit such intelli- aspects of the problem-solving process gence through vision, language, emotion, motion, and have received significant attention by reasoning. In such context, AI researchers have always the scientific community. In this context, looked for challenges to push forward the limit of what the extraction of comprehensive knowl- edge suitable for and computers can do autonomously and to measure the lev- reasoning, from textual and pictorial el of “intelligence” achieved. Competitions have been problem descriptions, has been less and are currently run on conversational behavior (for investigated, but recognized as essential example, the Loebner prize1), automatic control (for for autonomous thinking in artificial example, the International Aerial Robotics Competition2 intelligence. In this work we present a or the DARPA Grand Challenge on driverless cars3), coop- challenge where methods and tools for eration and coordination in robotics (for example, the deep understanding are strongly needed RoboCup4), logic reasoning and knowledge (for example, for enabling problem solving: we propose the CADE ATP System competition for theorem to solve mathematical puzzles by means 5 of computers, starting from text and dia- provers ), and natural language (for example, the EVALI- 6 grams describing them, without any TA competition for the Italian language). Historically, human intervention. We are aware that also games have raised the interest of the AI community: the proposed challenge is hard and diffi- a number of competitions are still being held nowadays cult to solve nowadays (and in the fore- (for example, the World Computer Chess Champi- seeable future), but even studying and onship,7 Mario Championship8 [Togelius et al. 2013] and solving only single parts of the proposed its successor Platformer Competition,9 the General Game challenge would represent an important Playing competition10). For a high-level overview of the step forward for artificial intelligence. field of AI in games see the paper by Yannakakis and Togelius (2014). Some of these challenges have indeed brought many insights and advancements on various artificial intelli- gence fields. We mention in the following three of them, notable for the achieved results, as well as for their impact on the media and the consequent dissemination

Copyright © 2017, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. ISSN 0738-4602 FALL 2017 83 Articles

of the AI discipline to the general audience. In the last answering in an effective and efficient way. However, century, a famous challenge of AI concerned the how to integrate more complex problem-solving game of chess, considered a symbol of complexity, capabilities and reasoning techniques is still a matter problem solving, and strategic ability. As widely of research. known, the competition between humans and the The challenge we propose here goes in the direc- Deep Blue computer was definitely won by comput- tion of extracting specific knowledge from general ers in 1997 when the world chess champion Garry text and diagrams that is useful for reasoning and Kasparov was defeated. A key lesson learned from problem solving and can be stated as follows: Deep Blue’s strength is that efficient heuristic search By the middle of the 21st century, (a team of) fully can be much more effective than sophisticated rea- autonomous agent(s) shall win a mathematical soning guided search. In fact, heuristic search was so competition against primary school students, winners successful that it led Kasparov to exclaim, “I could of the most recent competitions. feel — I could smell — a new kind of intelligence Mathematical puzzles are recreational games where across the table” (Time Magazine).11 Despite a very a single human player is challenged with a problem, good result in terms of problem solving, the search- described by text and diagrams. To solve them, a intensive nature of the solution approach (in terms human player uses understanding and intuition, as of number of configurations explored, memory, and well as , simple logical and mathemat- processing power) was in fact the main criticism to ical or geometry knowledge, causal relations, and the experiment. Noam Chomsky commented that many other reasoning-related capabilities. The main Deep Blue defeating Kasparov in chess was “as inter- research question then can be formulated as “What esting as a bulldozer that can win the Olympic are the requirements, functionalities, and main soft- weight-lifting competition.”12 Very recently, comput- ware components needed for autonomously solving a ers won against humans at the game Go, famous for mathematical puzzle, with no human intervention?” being one of the last games where humans were still The focus is on deep reasoning featuring (1) the better players. In March 2016, the AlphaGO (Silver et extraction of comprehensive knowledge from multi- al. 2016) prototype by Google won13 against Lee modal descriptions (texts, diagrams, sound and Sedol, one of the world’s best players. The distinct fea- speech, gesture, and others); (2) the ability of deter- ture of AlphaGO is the adoption of mining both the proper model and the correspon- techniques. ding reasoning capability; and (3) the capability of A second challenge is the Robot Soccer World Cup effectively solving the problem (possibly with a feed- (RoboCup),14 the international robotics competition back to the two previous steps). All these steps require and challenge launched in 1997. The official goal of considerable integration of many artificial intelli- the RoboCup challenge is the following: gence techniques such as natural language and dia- “By the middle of the 21st century, a team of fully gram understanding, problem solving and search, autonomous humanoid robot soccer players shall win a modeling, and machine learning. In particular, recent soccer game, complying with the official rules of FIFA, advances in machine learning open new research 15 against the winner of the most recent World Cup.” avenues for deep reasoning, as they enable general- Even if we are still far from reaching such an ambi- ization over manually collected knowledge. tious goal, the RoboCup challenge has promoted AI Recently, a number of similar challenges have been techniques in robotics, planning, self-adaptive sys- proposed. We mention here the Aristo Project (Clark tems, and machine vision, showing that even 2015), a challenge with the goal of having the com- extremely ambitious and visionary challenges can puter pass elementary school math and science bring huge benefits to a research field by approaching exams. Natural language comprehension and dia- the goal step by step. gram understanding are required as fundamental The third challenge is about ,16 an AI sys- steps, together with some form of inference and alge- tem developed by the IBM research team. Watson was braic or mathematical solving techniques: for this originally developed to answer questions on a quiz reason, the Aristo challenge is quite related to our show called Jeopardy. In 2011, Watson competed proposal. We will discuss Aristo and other challenges against former human winners and won. Watson can extensively in the related works and challenges sec- be considered as a very advanced question-answering tion. While the large majority of existing systems that system that applies and integrates AI techniques such provide end-to-end problem solvers stick to one spe- as natural language processing (NLP), knowledge cific solution method (for example, mathematical extraction and representation, , equations, logic), our challenge is broader, as the and machine learning. The system is able to access choice of the appropriate model and solution method “millions of pages” of structured and unstructured is considered a fundamental capability. content in a very efficient way, thanks to the massive We are aware that the proposed challenge is hard use of parallel processing. A huge amount of knowl- and of difficult solution nowadays, but we strongly edge is learned, processed, and used together with a believe that even studying and solving only single number of inference tasks, to perform question parts of the problem would bring important steps for-

84 AI MAGAZINE Articles ward in artificial intelligence. In addition, on the road rial can be found on the web, where a large instance to agent autonomy, it would be interesting to study set of mathematical and logic puzzles is available. which level of human intervention and interaction with the machine is needed to effectively collaborate to solve the problem. Challenge Description In a computer-aided problem-solving process, there is Mathematical Puzzles always a substantial human intervention that enables the encoding of a problem described by text and dia- is a powerful source of grams in a model and a solution algorithm. Human inspiration. Michel Criton said: intervention is essential for identifying problem com- It is a tradition that comes to us with a history of ponents (decision variables, constraints, logical rela- almost four thousand years. We are talking about tions, objective functions), and the hidden knowl- mathematical and logical entertainment puzzles (that edge in the description of the problem: the human is, recreational mathematics). This tradition has been player enables the transition from the description of transmitted from generation to generation and civi- the problem to a model and a solution approach. lization in civilization, mainly thanks to great scientif- In figure 1, human intervention is depicted as a ic minds that, to relax, spent a bit of their time on number of (not necessarily) sequential steps: a these activities, even if someone considered them as domain expert reads the text and diagrams of the mere “trifles.” For example, in Albert Einstein’s library, problem, he/she decides the modeling and solving there was a whole section devoted to recreational approach based on his/her experience, and frames mathematics. (…) Lewis Carroll, Hamilton, Lagrange, Euler, Descartes, Pascal, Fermat, Cardano, Fibonacci, the model. At this point, an automatic problem-solv- Alcuin, Diophantus, Archimedes: for these great minds ing procedure completes the job, producing one or the “recreational mathematics” was not only for fun, many solutions if they exist.20 The challenge we pro- but also a powerful source of inspiration.17 pose is gradually to remove the human intervention Mathematical puzzles are an integral part of recre- and let the computer perform the whole task ational mathematics and in general are worked on by autonomously. humans, who must find a solution that satisfies the Possible steps for automatic problem solving are given problem description. Mathematical puzzles are those shown in figure 1: (1) Read and understand text very different in nature; they require mathematics to and diagrams (when available). (2) Identify a suitable solve them, but also logic, intuition, and imagination modeling and solving technique. (3) Identify prob- are essential ingredients. For example, taking into lem components and hidden knowledge. (4) Frame consideration the puzzles available in the Bocconi the problem model — represent the original problem website,18 roughly two-thirds of the proposed games and its components by means of an equivalent, can be mapped into logic and constraint-satisfaction machine-understandable model, suitable for reason- problems, or simple algebraic equations. Other puz- ing on top of it. (5) Solve the problem by running an zles instead comprise geometrical or recognition automated problem-solving procedure. problems, classification, planning and scheduling For the sake of understanding, these steps are intro- duced here as sequential and consecutive. However, it tasks, and others. is a matter of discussion whether they are in the cor- There are many competitions in this regard for the rect order, if there should be one or more iterations, students of primary and secondary schools organized and how much each step influences the other ones. by associations, research organizations, and universi- Indeed, many steps and many interactions between ties. For example, every year the Fédération Française these steps can be conceived for the problem-solving des Jeux Mathématiques organizes the international process. For example, iterations might be required if championship of mathematical puzzles,19 where the the result of one step is not satisfactory for the next competitors should solve a number of puzzles (of var- steps, or if the resulting model is not accurate or is ious difficulty levels) in the least possible time. For even incorrect. In turn, this opens up a number of Italian students the organization of the games is led research directions in solution understanding and by the center PRISTEM-ELEUSI, part of the Bocconi model evaluation. University. The competition on mathematical puzzles consists of a series of games that students must solve individually in a time of 90 minutes. The degree of Deep Reasoning in Practice: difficulty (level) of the “games” is determined accord- Examples on Mathematical Puzzles ing to the various categories of students who partici- pate. For our purposes a first, yet extremely ambi- To make our challenge more practical, we propose in tious, achievement could be for an autonomous the following a few examples. In particular, two prob- agent to win an official competition with students of lems (Three Friends and the 10-Digit Puzzle) illustrate the primary school (first level of difficulty). A large the need for a deep understanding of a problem amount of material (in the Italian language) is avail- described through natural language text: for the sake able at the Bocconi University website. Further mate- of clarity, we discuss them by showing a possible

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Figure 1. Human Intervention in a Problem-Solving Process.

mapping of the solving process with regard to the the expression “All together” should be related to the steps introduced in figure 1. The third problem is pre- concept of mathematical sum, while “age” and sented to show the need for symbolic reasoning capa- “years” should be linked with the natural numbers bilities, such as for example logical inference. concept. All the items in the list except the last one Finally, the fourth and fifth problems are just refer to the problem’s assertions. The last item instead sketched (with regard to the solution process), but we refers to the goal. introduce them to stress the needed interplay of mul- Step 2: Identify Modeling and Solving Techniques timodal comprehension in deep reasoning: both The specific problem of the three friends could be problems indeed come with text and diagrams. modeled as a system of linear equations. Notice that Example 1: Three Friends once a model has been identified, there is still an open choice about the best solving technique to be This first problem belongs to the easiest category, adopted: one solution might be to adopt some alge- aimed toward primary school students. braic method for linear equations. Another method Jacob, Lucy, and Frank are three friends. All together would be to exploit constraint-satisfaction problem they are 28 years old. In how many years they will be (CSP) techniques for problem solving. In both cases together 37 years old? some sort of metaknowledge for reasoning would be Step 1: Understanding Text (and Pictures) required, in order to select the specific solving tech- Natural language processing techniques allow the nique. extraction of lexical, syntactical, and semantics infor- Step 3: Identify Problem Components and Hidden mation contained in the text. Notice, however, that, Knowledge in the context of this challenge, understanding a text The problem components are the following. We have means also that a computer has to identify the prob- three variables AJ,AL, and AF that represent the ages lem components like assertions, goals, constraints, of the three friends. X is the number of years that we and others. In this specific puzzle, this would mean have to find. The three variables as well asX, are inte- discovering at least the explicit knowledge contained gers. Moreover the domain of X could be defined asX in the text, namely that: [0..28]. There are three friends. There is (at least) one other piece of hidden infor- All together here means the sum operator. mation that requires a commonsense All together refers to the age of each friend. about the time and the flowing of time. In particular, The sum of their ages now is 28. the time will flow with the same speed for all three friends. Summing up, the information that the three Ages and years are natural numbers. friends will together be 37 years old can be modeled How many refers to a quantity X of years. as the fact that after X years their ages will be respec- In X years the sum of their ages will be 37. tively AJ + X, AL + X, and AF + X. We have to find X. Step 4: Frame the Model We highlighted in italic a few words that should have Given the problem components, we can now state a semantic link with specific concepts. For example, the following model based on linear equations:

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AJ + AL + AF = 28 satisfaction problem, the main components that have to be identified are variables, domains, and con- (AJ + X) + (AL + X) + (AF + X) = 37 straints. Step 5: Solve the Problem There are 10 variables, each one representing a digit of Once the problem has been properly framed into a the number to be determined. (formal) model and a solving technique has been Each digit has a position (from 0 to 9). chosen for solving it, it is possible to run the algo- rithms and compute the solution. Each variable has an integer domain between 0 and 9. The solution to this problem is X = 3. As a constraint, the number of occurrences of i in the digits should be equal to the ith digit. Example 2: 10-Digit Puzzle Step 4: Model the Problem The following example, taken from ’s In a constraint model we have variables, domains, Mathematical Puzzle Tales (Gardner 1981), is more dif- and constraints (expressed in a constraint language of ficult for a human player, at least with regard to the choice). Using constraint , it is three friends example. Indeed, it is targeted to sec- possible to model the problem directly as a set of 10 ondary school students, and would require more variables, each with domain [0 … 9], and each vari- advanced problem-solving capabilities. able being subjected to a global constraint that cap- tures the number of occurrences of the th digit. Find a 10-digit number where the first digit is how i many zeros there are in the number, the second digit Step 5: Solve the Problem is how many 1s in the number, and so on, until the The problem-solving process in this case exploits a 10th digit, which is how many 9s in the number. constraint solver that uses propagation algorithms From a human viewpoint, the understanding of the and search. text and the problem modeling (steps 1–3) should be The solution of this problem is the number straightforward, while solving the problem (step 4) is 6210001000. more difficult. If a generate-and-test approach has to Notice that more information could be inferred. In be avoided, a number of different reasoning actions our case such information is not needed for deter- have to be implemented by a human, and a more cre- mining a solution, although this is not the case in ative process is called in. general. For example, we would infer that: However, from a computer viewpoint, steps 1–3 are The sum of all digits is 10. rather complex, while step 4 (solving the problem) might be definitely easier, for example by exploiting The weighted sum of all digits where the weight is constraint-satisfaction techniques aimed at exploring their position is again 10. large search spaces. In the following, we simply The first digit cannot be a zero, and hence there is at sketch how this problem can be faced by following least one or more zeros. the steps previously described. No digit can take the value 9. Step 1: Understanding Text (and Pictures) In the constraint-programming literature, these are Understanding text here would amount to discover- called redundant constraints, namely constraints that ing the following: are subsumed by other constraints of the problem. Find a number made of 10 digits (this is the goal). Depending on the technique used to solve the prob- lem, redundant constraints should either be identi- A digit is a number from 0 to 9. fied and removed from the model or should be left in “How many zeros” in the number means counting the the model. For example, in linear integer program- occurrences of zeros among the digits of the number ming solvers redundant constraints do not bring any itself. This information should be generalized for all advantage to the solving algorithm and are removed the other digits by correctly understanding the “and so on, until …” part of the sentence. in preprocessing. In constraint programming on finite domain solvers where propagation is not com- The occurrences of the i value in the list of digits plete, instead, they might help reducing the search should be equal to the ith digit. This step is again a consequence of a generalization from the “and so on, space and find a solution more quickly. until…” part of the sentence. Example 3: Knights and Knaves Step 2: Identify the Modeling and Solving Technique There are many mathematical puzzles that are indeed Given the structure of the problem, a constraint logic puzzles, and that are typically aimed at deter- model and a constraint-solving technique based on mining the truth value of a proposition, given some backtrack search (with possible propagation) can be assertions whose truth value is a priori known. The suitable. following problem is taken from Smullyan (1978). There is an island where every inhabitants is either a Step 3: Identify Problem Components knight or a knave (exclusive or). Knights always tell the and Hidden Knowledge truth, while knaves always lie. You are a tourist just Since the problem can be encoded into a constraint- arrived in the island, and you met two inhabitant A

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and B. A says “I am a knave, or B is a knight.” What are to understand: generally speaking, pictures can be A and B? much more complex, and could require a deeper Step 1: Understanding Text (and Diagrams) understanding, as well understanding of the textual In this case, identifying the problem’s parts or com- part. For example, understanding such an easy pic- ponents (for example, assertions, goals) amounts to ture would require spatial interpretation and reason- discovering at least that: ing, the ability to cope with spatial and textual knowledge in a correlated manner, and some form of There are two inhabitants A and B. abstraction toward simple concepts such as triangles Either A is a knight, or A is a knave (exclusive or oper- (Seo et al. 2014). ator). Either B is a knight, or B is a knave (exclusive or oper- Example 5: The Castle Puzzle ator). This problem21 is again defined partly through natu- If A is a knight, then A always says the truth. Other- ral language text, and partly by means of an accom- wise, he always lies. panying diagram: Given the picture in figure 3, which If B is a knight, then B always says the truth. Other- is bigger: the total area of blue or the total area of wise, he always lies. white? A says that A is a knave, or B is a knight (inclusive or Different ways for solving this puzzle exist. For operator). example, one way would be to understand that: Is A a knight or a knave? Is B a knight or a knave? The picture is a rectangle 8 units wide and 10 units Step 2: Identify Modeling and Solving Techniques height. Being a logical problem, a number of different In the picture there are two areas: a blue one and a approaches can be exploited for automatic theorem white one. proving. This problem can be represented through The blue part from the picture is composed by two tri- propositional logic: as a consequence, techniques angles and a rectangle; from the rectangle a small like, for example, truth tables or resolution might be square has been subtracted. suitable for solving the problem. The question addressed by the problem is to determine Step 3: Identify Problem Components which of the two areas is bigger. and Hidden Knowledge Given this knowledge, and a background knowl- Problem components are four propositional symbols edge about simple geometry concepts (that is, how to a_is_knight, a_is_knave compute areas of rectangles and triangles), it would b_is_knight, b_is_knave be possible to compare the two areas and solve the problem by planning a set of actions such as deter- with obvious meaning. We have not identified any mining the important data for each shape (number hidden knowledge useful to solve this problem. and type of different geometric shapes composing the Step 4: Frame the Model blue or white areas, size of the edges for each rectan- The problem model is made of the logical, proposi- gle, and edges of the triangles), compute the areas, tional sentences, together with the goals to be and compare them. Note that for the computation of proved, namely the truth value of a _is _knight and b - the blue area the machine should understand that it _is _knight. Given the exclusive or between knights can be derived by summing the area of the rectangle and knaves, we also have: and of the two triangles, and by subtracting from the a _is _knight ex-or a_is_knave total the area of the small white square. Solving the b _is _knight ex-or b_is_knave problem therefore means the ordered execution of Finally, from the sentence, A says “I am a knave, or B is the actions determined by such a plan. a knight.” we should be able to understand also that: Notice that we assume a background knowledge about the area of triangles and rectangles. Indeed, a a _is _knight → (a_is_knave ∨ b _is _knight) human player might observe that the two triangles → ∨ a_is_knave ¬ (a_is_knave b _is _knight) can be joined to form a rectangle (after a Step 5: Solve the Problem rotation/translation of one triangle). In such a case, To solve this problem we can, for example, use reso- to solve the puzzle it would suffice to count the num- lution (Robinson 1965): taking as the goal the propo- ber of square units: no knowledge about the compu- sitional fact that a_is_knight, it is possible to prove tation of areas would be needed. that A is a knight in two resolution steps. Similarly for Another approach instead, would be to exploit the the B inhabitant. low-level picture representation: a computer, for example, might solve the problem by simply count- Example 4: Triangles ing the number of pixels of one color. Such a solution This example has a very simple text: How many tri- would not require any understanding of what is in angles are in figure 2? the image, and we believe it is not a solution Notice that the accompanying picture is quite easy exploitable by a human player.

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Related Works and Challenges Addressing the automatic solution of mathematical, geometric, logic, and science problems is an AI A research area that dates back to 1960s. The first attempt to solve mathematical problems expressed in (a restricted) natural language is STUDENT (Bobrow 1964). Starting from that seminal work, a number of systems have been presented, focusing not only on the mathematical domain, but also in geometry, physics, mechanics, statistics, and other domains. For a review, the interested reader can refer to Mukherjee and Garain (2008). It is worth noticing that the initial difficulties encountered by the first attempts pushed the research toward the definition of systems special- B C ized on restricted domains and problems. The advancements in AI witnessed in recent years have provided new fuel for novel and more general solu- tions and approaches. The proposed challenge is grounded in a number of recent research works that address the automatic Figure 2. Triangles. solution of mathematical, geometric, logic, and sci- ence problems/puzzles. Starting from information, explicitly stated in text and diagrams, they exploit deep reasoning and problem-solving capability to solve the problems, thus going beyond pure question- answering systems. In the following, we cite just a few works, with no claim of being exhaustive with regard to the state of the art. The Allen Institute Aristo Challenge22 is aimed at enabling a computer to pass elementary school sci- ence and math tests. Aristo makes advances in the areas of knowledge representation, modeling, reason- ing, and language. With respect to science exams (Clark, Harrison, and Balasubramanian 2013), Aristo acquires and stores a vast amount of knowledge in computable form by using natural language parsing and processing. Starting from questions, diagrams, and answer options, it selects or generates the correct answer by combining , statistics, and inference methods. In addition, Aristo provides an extensive problem data set that can be used as a benchmark for further research. A deeper emphasis on problem solving with respect to query answering can be found in the Euclid proj- ect23 (Seo et al. 2014) of the Allen Institute. In Euclid, an end-to-end system that solves high school math and geometry problems is developed. In this context, specific systems providing modeling components Figure 3. The Castle. have been presented: GEOS (Seo et al. 2014, 2015) can be considered as the first automated system able to solve unaltered Scolastic Aptitude Test (SAT) problems related to information into equations that represent the prob- geometry questions by combining text understand- lem. ing and diagram interpretation. Kushman and colleagues (2014) consider algebraic ARIS (Hosseini et al. 2014) deals with arithmetic problems. A link between significant objects in the word problems that involve only sums or subtrac- text and components of an algebraic equation is tions. In particular, ARIS analyzes each of the sen- established by selecting and using suitable templates. tences in the problem statement to identify relevant The level of uncertainty in inferring this link is variables and values and then maps this semantic resolved by using probabilistic learning models. A

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similar approach is pursued by Zhou, Dai, and Chen In the paper by Lev et al. (2004) a method is proposed (2015), where quadratic programming is exploited to that uses an intermediate language called Semantic decide the best match between the text elements and Logic, a general-purpose language with events, the equation template components. Templates, in the groups of variables, modal operators such as “neces- form of equation tree structures, are exploited also by sary” and “possibly,” and generalized quantifiers. The Koncel-Kedziorski and colleagues (2015), where inte- representation in the semantic logic can be translat- ger linear programming is used for generating the ed in first-order logic and then solved by using a suit- space of trees and machine-learning techniques are able theorem prover. used to select the best matching tree. In a paper by Mitra and Baral (2015) the system Following a semantic approach, Morton and Qu LOGICIA is introduced. The authors claim it is the first (2013) use a framework based on fuzzy logic and system able to solve logical grid puzzles in a fully auto- ontologies to solve mathematical word problems mated manner. Puzzles are addressed by translating with the primary purpose of teaching users. To com- them to answer set programming (ASP; Gelfond and pute results, the search engine WolframAlpha and its Lifschitz [1991]), and then solved by an ASP solver. integration within Mathematica are used. A different, more general approach is presented by In the paper by Shi et al. (2015) a new representa- Forbus, Klenk, and Hinrichs (2009), where a central tion language (DOL) has been designed to bridge nat- role is given to the analogy reasoning capability typ- ural language text and math expressions. The parsing ical of human beings. Analogy is exploited in the of natural language into DOL is performed using a Companions cognitive architecture for matching, context-free grammar. Then, a reasoning step recog- memory retrieval, and generalization tasks. The nizes the text portions of interest in the resolution, approach has been applied in different domains, and such as mathematical sentences, and these are subse- in particular in the test-taking setting for physics quently turned into numerical expressions. problems. The interesting aspect is that the Compan- Inference (FOL) and statistical approaches for NLP, ions architecture does not have, initially, any specific are exploited by Liang et al. (2016) to transform the knowledge about physics, but exploits analogy to text description in a tag-based form, and then into a retrieve relevant solutions by looking into previously first-order logic program. Inference is then performed accumulated examples and extrapolating/adapting to determine the solution. existing solutions to solve the new problem. Solving mathematical puzzles requires also com- In table 1 we report some related works, classified prehension of the role played by quantities in natu- with regard to important dimensions of the proposed ral language. In the paper by Roy, Vieira, and Roth challenge: the domain they address; whether they (2015) a series of features are described to support rea- take as input only natural language descriptions or soning on quantities expressed in natural language. diagrams as well; whether they support problem Two different numerical reasoning tasks are investi- description using “everyday language” or rather gated and addressed: quantity entailment, and the restrict problem description to a specific, limited lan- problem of automatically understanding and solving guage; and the solver used to solve the problem mod- elementary school math word problems. el (once a model has been extracted). We do not The increasing interest in solving mathematical report the AI technique used by each system to iden- word problems is also witnessed by the creation of tify or extract a model from the natural and diagram several data sets. Recently, Koncel-Kedziorski and col- problem description: roughly speaking, the majority leagues (2016) proposed a framework for unifying all of the works exploit rule-based, with or without log- these sets into a single repository, with the possibili- ic inference, and statistical approaches. ty of extending it with new problem types and Our challenge differs from the mentioned works in instances. many aspects. In order to address our challenge, in The Todai Robot Project24 aims at creating an arti- contrast with some works focused on SAT, no specific ficially intelligent agent obtaining a high score in the deep knowledge on some disciplines is required (for Japan National Center Test for University Admissions example, math, physics, geometry). Instead, com- (McGoogan 2015, Strickland 2013), and passing the monssense reasoning capabilities are needed. Indeed, entrance exam of the University of Tokyo in 2021. mathematical puzzles often require the ability to rea- Natural language comprehension is particularly son about space, time (qualitative and quantitative), stressed in order to support query answering and alge- causality, and events. braic problems. Moreover, a number of different puzzle categories Some mathematical puzzles can be viewed as math should be addressed within the challenge: some cate- word problems, while others can be assimilated to gories can be assimilated to math word problems, logic puzzles. An obvious way to solve logic puzzles is some are more similar to logical puzzles, and some the use of theorem provers for first-order logic. The ask for a different variety of skills and reasoning abil- translation of a problem (expressed in natural lan- ities. Therefore, the challenge also requires taking guage) to a logic semantics (exploitable in automated into account the problem of establishing the appro- reasoning) is a hard and challenging problem for AI. priate modeling and problem-solving technique. In

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Bibliographic Domain Diagrams Everyday Solving techniques Reference language Clark, Harrison, Fourth Grade  Query Answering and Balasub Science Problems and Inference ramanian (2013) Seo et al. (2015) Geometric Algebraic/Geometric Problems Solvers Morton and Qu Math Word Algebraic Solvers (2013) Problems Shi et al. (2015) Math Word Algebraic solvers Problems Roy, Vieira, and Math Word Algebraic Solvers Roth (2015) Problems Hosseini, et al. Math Word Algebraic Solvers (2014) Problems Kushman, et al. Math Word Algebraic Solvers (2014) Problems Zhou, Dai, and Math Word Algebraic Solvers Chen (2015) Problems Koncel-Kedziorski Math Word Algebraic Solvers et al. (2015) Problems Liang, et al. Math Word FOL Reasoner (2016) Problems Lev, et al. (2004) Logical Puzzles FOL Reasoner Todai Project24 University Access Query Answering Tests and Algebraic Solvers Forbus, Klenk, High-Achool Analogical and Hinrichs Physics Tests Reasoning (2009) Mitra and Baral Logical Grid Answer Set (2015) Puzzles Programming Solver

Table 1. Overview of Recent Related Works and Challenges. turn, such choices might have consequences on the Means for Evaluating the Challenge methods used for translating the input problem in a Given the breadth and the complexity of the chal- suitable form, as well as in the process of identifying lenge, the reader might question whether it is broad problem components. enough to foster research advances with regard to existing state-of-the-art solutions. In this respect, an Discussion and Open important feature of research challenges is the possi- Research Avenues bility of confronting them in a stepwise fashion, thus providing short-term goals as well as long-term ones. The proposed challenge is extremely hard if we con- The stepwise nature of the proposed challenge is sider its ultimate goal, that is, to set a real competi- threefold. First, we can approach problems at increas- tion between computers and humans on mathemati- ing complexity levels: among mathematical puzzles cal puzzles. However, it allows for a number of of the primary school, we could first approach sim- different intermediate steps with increasing difficul- pler then more complex problems, providing differ- ties, thus providing a nice playground for AI ent scores in the competition. Second, we can pro- researchers. Having in mind the challenge, and for ceed gradually, starting from mathematical puzzles the sake of discussion, we cite a few research direc- that can be solved using a single technique (for exam- tions, knowing that being exhaustive would be ple constraint solving) to an ensemble of solution impossible. techniques that should be selected by the agent.

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Third, the stepwise approach to autonomy could help the Employment Test (a machine working in an eco- to invesigate collaboration between humans and nomically important job; Nilsson [2005]). machines in the problem-solving activity, in line with Within the AAAI 2015 conference, a workshop the concept proposed by Barbara Grosz and col- titled Beyond the Turing Test26 was aimed at estab- leagues (Grosz, Hunsberger, and Kraus 1999; Gal et al. lishing a structured setting for holding Turinglike 2010). competitions. Inspired from that event, an entire Following these lines of development, tests devot- issue of AI Magazine (spring 2016) was dedicated to a ed to assess results and advancements can be very interesting discussion on new proposals and designed to measure the effectiveness of the problem- tests for measuring the intelligence of machines. solving process and the level of autonomy reached by Here, we just stress that our proposed challenge has the agent: specifically, each step and each advance- a number of connections with and similarities to ment should be identified and measured. Firstly we some of the new tests presented in the journal issue. could consider a single-solution technique and sim- The test proposal more similar to our challenge is the ply count the number of correctly solved problems. one based on standardized tests by Clark and Etzioni In this case, given that the solving technique is fixed, (2016), even if our challenge has a specific attention we could consider how good and how appropriate the to the problem-solving skills. Moreover, our chal- devised models are. lenge shares the need of commonsense reasoning as Enlarging the scope to multiple solution methods, proposed by Davis (2016) for the SQUABO-Basic test; again the number of correctly solved problems can be it has a multimodal dimension since it takes into counted, but also how good and how appropriate the account visual and textual problem description, devised solution techniques are can be evaluated. Of which is advocated as important by Zitnick et al. course, we could also consider how fast the automat- (2016); it provides many (but not all) of the dimen- ic solution process is. sions as defined by Adams, Banavar, and Campbell Moving on the road to full autonomy, the chal- (2016) for the I-athlon (namely, diagram lenge can be approached by using intermediate steps understanding, natural language understanding, col- that require interactions between a machine and laboration, competition, reasoning, reasoning under humans. The level of interaction basically measures uncertainty, creativity, learning, planning, and com- the level of human intervention in the solution monsense physics). In this light, one of the strengths process. How effective is the interaction and how of our challenge is that solving mathematical puzzles much human intervention is needed are certainly advocates for a number of different capabilities or two ways of measuring the level of achieved autono- intelligence dimensions that are typical of human my. intelligence and that humans usually exploit in an Finally only at a future stage will we be able to eval- integrated manner. However, mathematical puzzles uate the competition against human players. Com- do not require specialized knowledge, since the tar- petitions require an additional set of competencies on gets are primary school students. Instead, it is the the computer’s side, addressing the strategy for conjunction of the many different intelligence approaching the competition problems. Indeed, dimensions that makes mathematical puzzles and our humans taking part in the mathematical puzzle com- challenge so interesting and stimulating for AI. petitions are evaluated on a number of criteria, such The Turing test has been recently extended also to as the time used for solving problems, the correctness multiagent systems (Grosz 2012, 2013), where it “is of the solution, as well as the complexity of the prob- imaginable that a computer (intelligent agent) team lem itself (more complex problems bring a higher member could behave … in such a way that people score to the human player). To win such a competi- on the team will not notice it is not human.” tion, the computer would need a further reasoning Including human actors in the process can be con- layer, focused on metaknowledge on its own solving sidered a way of evaluating, in a collaborative setting, capabilities, as well as strategies for selecting which the trade-off between interactive and noninteractive problems to solve (and in which order), and how approaches to artificial intelligence and provides use- much time to allocate to each problem. ful insights on the level of human intervention need- ed and autonomy reached by the problem solver. Beyond the Turing Test A number of different challenges have been proposed Natural Language Processing in AI in order to establish the level of intelligence Text understanding is a fundamental step in this chal- exhibited by machines. The most famous one is sure- lenge, as well as in the other mentioned challenges, ly the Turing test. To cite some recent ones, we have that could be supported by semantic tools such as the Coffee Test (a machine preparing a coffee in an WordNet.27 average American home (Wozniak and Moon 2007; Mathematical and algebraic problems, having a Adams et al. 2012), the Robot College Student Test (a limited interpretation domain and being formal with machine enrolling, studying, passing university few or no ambiguities, lend themselves to being suc- courses, and obtaining a degree, by Goertzel25), and cessfully addressed with semantic-based NLP

92 AI MAGAZINE Articles approaches. However, some mathematical problems a large, commonsense ontology and knowledge base are described using everyday language and refer to is the project (Lenat 1995), started in 1984 and everyday situations/contexts. This is the typical case currently still being developed and supported. of mathematical puzzles — deeply understanding them implies a complex semantic analysis, as well as Machine Learning for Knowledge the integration of different kind of (background) Extraction and Problem Solving knowledge and inference techniques. , model revision, identification The complexity of the approach could be reduced of the solving technique (to cite some) are all tasks if the text-understanding process can be goal driven, that could greatly benefit from machine learning, a and if the problem-solving techniques can be taken discipline that has obtained very valuable results in into account. For example, in the three friends puz- the last decades. For example, some recent works zle, the fact that the three children are friends is use- exploit deep networks for extracting specific knowl- less from a problem-solving perspective. The same edge (Lippi and Torroni 2015) for reasoning. Howev- model could have been extracted in case Frank, Lucy, er, they still lack many of the functionalities needed and Jacob were not friends, and if they were dogs or for achieving our goal entirely. In particular, as point- trees. Moreover, if we decide to solve the problem ed out in a more general context by Gary Marcus,30 through constraint satisfaction techniques, the lan- we need to identify and represent causal relation- guage-understanding process could focus on the ships, integrating commonsense knowledge about identification of decision variables, domains, and math, logic, geometry, and information about what constraints within the problem description, ignoring objects are, what they are for, and how they are typi- useless information. Therefore, we focus on deriving cally used. Hence, machine learning (and deep learn- structured information suitable for reasoning, avoid- ing in particular) is just one element in a big pletho- ing the need of a complete semantic understanding.28 ra of artificial intelligence techniques for knowledge representation and reasoning that has to be suitably Multimodal Information Extraction used and integrated. A deep understanding of text and images (and in gen- Within the challenge scenario, we foresee two eral of multimodal problem descriptions) is needed, main roles for machine learning. First, it could be possibly in a tight integrated way. The natural lan- used to improve each step of the process defined in guage processing and image processing communities figure 1; second, it could help the entire process. With have recently achieved noteworthy results (each in its respect to the first role, improving the single steps, own field). However, extracting the right knowledge machine learning could be exploited to learn how to from multimodal descriptions still offers a huge classify for example natural language structures into opportunity for research: it clearly enables a better model components, how to select a proper solution representation of contents and concepts, even if it technique from a portfolio, and others. introduces a further level of complexity. Indeed, such Concerning the second role of machine learning, integration requires a semantically valid, unifying we foresee a significant contribution provided by paradigm and language for knowledge representation case-based reasoning to define a similarity measure and extraction (Pastra and Wilks 2004). among problem descriptions. If we assume that simi- lar problems can be tackled with the same technique, Commonsense Knowledge we could exploit the experience obtained in the solu- and Deep Understanding tion of one problem for those that are considered Natural language texts invariably assume some close to it. This would help shape the entire process implicit knowledge. In particular, in the mathemati- and make it more efficient and effective. cal puzzles domain, a lot of background knowledge and commonsense reasoning is usually not present in Specialized Versus General Problem Solvers the problem description, but has to be made explicit An important feature characterizing our challenge is in order to solve the problem. For example, precise the emphasis on problem-solving skills. This issue is understanding of semantic phenomena like modals recognized by the AI community as a fundamental and quantifiers, time and space relations, could be goal toward the evolution of autonomous intelligent needed. agents. For this purpose, we have introduced the chal- To discover hidden knowledge in texts, a large com- lenge by proposing also a possible, limited number of monsense knowledge base is needed. A number of dif- steps and interactions/loops: specifically, we devoted ferent initiatives in the AI community are going on for one step to identifying a possible model of the prob- building such a common knowledge base. For exam- lem, and a further step to choosing the best solving ple, the project and the technique. This requires some sort of metaknowledge ConceptNet29 are crowdsourcing the contributions of for reasoning, in order to select the specific solving thousands of people across the world, making such technique. For example, if we opt for a CSP, two influ- information available in a number of different formal ential methods, developed mainly in the field of con- languages. Another, very famous attempt to build up straint satisfaction and optimization, aim to auto-

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mate this process (Xu, Hoos, and Leyton-Brown general process of artificial intelligence thinking 2010): automated algorithm configuration and port- (Zeng 2013). Compared with computational think- folio-based algorithm selection. The former has the ing, “AI thinking goes beyond the algorithm-based advantage of requiring no domain knowledge, but perspectives and emphasizes items such as how to produces only a single solver; the latter exploits per leverage knowledge bases and case bases in problem instance variation, but requires a set of relatively solving, how to capture and reason about common- uncorrelated candidate solvers. While these tech- sense, how to enable processing of semantics and niques are mainly devoted to achieve better perform- contexts, and how to deal with unstructured data, ances (Hutter et al. 2014), the purpose here is to select among others.” a solving technique that is more suitable for the devised model. Implicitly, in the previous discussion we took the Conclusions assumption of having a plethora of different, Computers beating humans in mathematical puzzles machine-oriented specialized solving techniques and that are described in terms of text and diagrams is the tools to choose from, following the big switch state- challenge proposed in this paper. Even if it is still far ment approach, where “… separate narrowly special- from being achieved, we believe that scientific ized programs corresponding to the individual tasks research in this direction can provide important are combined together in a simplistic harness” improvements in many AI disciplines and reduce (Adams et al. 2012). modern AI fragmentation. In the intermediate steps, The “big switch statement” can be effective in a intelligent agents and students could work together, number of different problems and contexts, and with different skills and expertise, to solve mathemat- results have been obtained by exploiting this ical puzzles. Beside bringing insights to collaborative approach in a number of different AI applications. interactions between humans and machines, this However, it has also been criticized, as for example in would also be beneficial for the dissemination of arti- the paper by Nilsson (2005), where: ficial intelligence in educational settings. Finally, this I think AI should strive toward building a small num- challenge could be used to disseminate AI results with- ber of general-purpose machines that are able to learn in the general public, business, and policy makers, as and to be taught skills (and to improve on them) rather the challenge is easy to understand but poses, at the than programming a much larger number of machines same time, a number of deep and complex issues. each possessing a different individual skill set from the start. Notes Clearly, Nilsson puts a bigger emphasis on the artifi- 1. cial general intelligence (AGI), where the cognitive 2. and learning processes are one of the main features 3. to stress. Indeed, tackling the challenge also means 4. confronting a number of important competency 5. tptp/CASC/. areas usually associated with human-level general 6. intelligence, such as memory, communication, learn- 7. ing, and quantitative reasoning (Adams et al. 2012). Therefore, we believe that our challenge can be inter- 8. preted also as a possible scenario within the context 9. of the AGI landscape. 10. 11.,9171,984 Computational Thinking 305,00.html#ixzz1DyffA0Dl. Versus AI Thinking 12. Quoted from Noam Chomsky, Powers and Prospects: The general steps to be performed by an end-to-end Reflections on Human Nature and the Social Order. problem solver are very related to some key ingredi- 13. Go Grandmaster Lee Sedol Grabs Consolation Win ents of computational thinking:31 decomposition — Against Google’s AI, “breaking down data, processes, or problems into grandmaster-lee-sedol-grabs-c. smaller, manageable parts”; pattern recognition — 14. “observing patterns, trends, and regularities in data”; 15. abstraction — “identifying and extracting relevant 16. information to define main idea(s)”; and algorithm 17. Freely translated from the introduction of Les jeux math- design — “creating an ordered series of instructions ématiques, Michel Criton, PUF Edition, 1977. for solving similar problems or for doing a task.” 18. While computational thinking (Wing 2006) is ori- 19. ented toward data processing and algorithms, in the 20. Note that, for the sake of this challenge, we restrict our context of our challenge there is a bigger emphasis focus to mathematical puzzles for which a solution always toward the problem-solving aspects and the more exists and is unique.

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21. Freely inspired by a similar puzzle by Peter Grabarchuk, Logic Programs and Disjunctive Databases. New Generation Computing 9(3/4): 365–386. 22. Grosz, B. J. 2012. What Question Would Turing Pose today? 23. AI Magazine 33(4): 73–81. 24. Grosz, B. J. 2013. A MultiAgent Systems “Turing Challenge.” 25. In International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiA- counts-as-a-conscious-thinking-machine. gent Systems, AAMAS ’13, 3–4. Richland, SC: International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Sys- 26. frossi/BeyondTuring2015. tems. 27. Grosz, B. J.; Hunsberger, L.; and Kraus, S. 1999. Planning and 28. See the Workshop on reasoning with the text Acting Together. AI Magazine 20(4): 23–34. for a general discussion. aimag.v33i4.2441 29. Hosseini, M. J.; Hajishirzi, H.; Etzioni, O.; and Kushman, N. 30. G. Marcus, Is “Deep Learning” a Revolution in Artificial 2014. Learning to Solve Arithmetic Word Problems with Intelligence?’ The New Yorker, 25 November 2012. 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Mitra, A., and Baral, C. 2015. Learning to Automatically Wozniak, S., and Moon, P. 2007. Three Minutes with Steve Solve Logic Grid Puzzles. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference Wozniak. ABC News, July 20. ( on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP gy/PCWorld/story?id=3396207) 2015, 1023–1033. Stroudsburg, PA: The Association for Xu, L.; Hoos, H.; and Leyton-Brown, K. 2010. Hydra: Auto- Computational Linguistics. matically Configuring Algorithms for Portfolio-Based Selec- Morton, K., and Qu, Y. 2013. A Novel Framework for Math tion. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Word Problem Solving. International Journal of Information Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2010). Palo Alto: AAAI Press. and Education Technology 3(1) (February). Yannakakis, G., and Togelius, J. 2014. A Panorama of Artifi- ijiet.2013.v3.240 cial and Computational Intelligence in Games. IEEE Trans- Mukherjee, A., and Garain, U. 2008. 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L.; Agrawal, A.; Antol, S.; Mitchell, M.; Batra, D.; Robinson, J. A. 1965. A Machine-Oriented Logic Based on and Parikh, D. 2016. Measuring Machine Intelligence the Resolution Principle. Journal of the ACM 12(1): 23–41. Through Visual . AI Magazine 37(1): 63– 72. Roy, S.; Vieira, T.; and Roth, D. 2015. Reasoning About Quantities in Natural Language. Transactions of the Associa- Federico Chesani, PhD, is a research assistant at the Depart- tion for Computational Linguistics 3: 1–13. ment of Computer Science and Engineering at the Universi- Seo, M. J.; Hajishirzi, H.; Farhadi, A.; and Etzioni, O. 2014. ty of Bologna. His research interests cover rule-based sys- Diagram Understanding in Geometry Questions. In Proceed- tems, complex event processing, business process ings of the Twenty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelli- management, and theoretical and practical aspects of logic gence, 2831–2838. Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Press. programing with a focus on abductive reasoning. He is 10.18653/v1/D15-1171 author of more than 70 papers in international conferences Seo, M. J.; Hajishirzi, H.; Farhadi, A.; Etzioni, O.; and Mal- and journals and has been involved in several national and colm, C. 2015. Solving Geometry Problems: Combining Text international projects. and Diagram Interpretation. In Proceedings of the 2015 Con- Paola Mello, PhD, is a full professor at the Department of ference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, Computer Science and Engineering of the University of EMNLP 2015, 1466–1476. Stroudsburg, PA: The Association Bologna. Her research activity focuses on artificial intelli- for Computational Linguistics. gence, knowledge representation and reasoning, logic pro- Shi, S.; Wang, Y.; Lin, C.; Liu, X.; and Rui, Y. 2015. Auto- gramming, multiagent systems, applications of expert sys- matically Solving Number Word Problems by Semantic Pars- tems with particular emphasis on medical domain. Moreover, ing and Reasoning. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on she is currently active on formal specification and on the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, EMNLP automatic verification of (interaction) protocols, workflow 2015, 1132–1142. Stroudsburg, PA: The Association for patterns, medical guidelines, and web services compositions Computational Linguistics. through the use of declarative languages. Mello is author of Silver, D.; Huang, A.; Maddison, C. J.; Guez, A.; Sifre, L.; van more than 200 scientific papers, and she has been involved in den Driessche, G.; Schrittwieser, J.; Antonoglou, I.; Panneer- a number of projects, mainly in the context of computation- shelvam, V.; Lanctot, M.; Dieleman, S.; Grewe, D.; Nham, J.; al logic. From 2010 to 2014 she was the president of the Ital- Kalchbrenner, N.; Sutskever, I.; Lillicrap, T.; Leach, M.; ian Association for Artificial Intelligence. From 2012 to 2015 Kavukcuoglu, K.; Graepel, T.; and Hassabis, D. 2016. Master- she was the head of the Department of Computer Science and ing the Game of Go with Deep Neural Networks and Tree Engineering at the University of Bologna. Search. Nature 529: 484–503. Michela Milano, PhD, is an associate professor at the Smullyan, R. 1978. What Is the Name of This Book? — The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the of Dracula and Other Logical Puzzles. Engelwood University of Bologna. Her research interests cover theoreti- Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. cal and practical aspects of constraint reasoning and opti- Strickland, E. 2013. Can an AI Get into the University Of mization. Application areas include planning and schedul- Tokyo? IEEE Spectrum News, 21 August. ( ing, computational sustainability, embedded system design, robotics/artificial-intelligence/can-an-ai-get-into-the-univer- energy systems, and smart cities. Milano is author of more sity-of-tokyo). than 130 papers and is editor in chief of the Constraints Jour- Togelius, J.; Shaker, N.; Karakovskiy, S.; and Yannakakis, G. nal and area editor for INFORMS Journal on Computing and N. 2013. The Mario AI Championship 2009–2012. AI Maga- Constraint Programming Letters. She was program chair of zine 34(3): 89–92. CPAIOR 2005, CPAIOR 2010, and CP2012. Milano is the Wing, J. M. 2006. Computational Thinking. Communications coordinator of the EU-funded ePolicy project and is partici- of the ACM 49(3): 33–35. pating to two other EU project on smart cities.