The H3K9 Methyltransferase SETDB1 Maintains Female Identity in Drosophila Germ Cells

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The H3K9 Methyltransferase SETDB1 Maintains Female Identity in Drosophila Germ Cells ARTICLE DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06697-x OPEN The H3K9 methyltransferase SETDB1 maintains female identity in Drosophila germ cells Anne E. Smolko 1, Laura Shapiro-Kulnane1 & Helen K. Salz 1 The preservation of germ cell sexual identity is essential for gametogenesis. Here we show that H3K9me3-mediated gene silencing is integral to female fate maintenance in Drosophila germ cells. Germ cell specific loss of the H3K9me3 pathway members, the H3K9 methyl- 1234567890():,; transferase SETDB1, WDE, and HP1a, leads to ectopic expression of genes, many of which are normally expressed in testis. SETDB1 controls the accumulation of H3K9me3 over a subset of these genes without spreading into neighboring loci. At phf7, a regulator of male germ cell sexual fate, the H3K9me3 peak falls over the silenced testis-specific transcription start site. Furthermore, H3K9me3 recruitment to phf7 and repression of testis-specific transcription is dependent on the female sex determination gene Sxl. Thus, female identity is secured by an H3K9me3 epigenetic pathway in which Sxl is the upstream female-specific regulator, SETDB1 is the required chromatin writer, and phf7 is one of the critical SETDB1 target genes. 1 Department of Genetics and Genome Sciences, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cleveland, OH 44106-4955, USA. Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to H.K.S. (email: [email protected]) NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018) 9:4155 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06697-x | 1 ARTICLE NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06697-x n metazoans, germ cell development begins early in embry- efficiency, such that PHF7 protein is only detectable in the male ogenesis when the primordial germ cells are specified as dis- germline4–6. Although the SXL protein is known to control I fi 7 tinct from somatic cells. Speci ed primordial germ cells then expression post-transcriptionally in other contexts , the obser- migrate into the embryonic gonad, where they begin to exhibit vation that germ cells lacking SXL protein show defects in phf7 sex-specific division rates and gene expression programs, ulti- transcription argues that Sxl is likely to indirectly control phf7 mately leading to meiosis and differentiation into either eggs or promoter choice. Thus, how this sex-specific gene expression sperm. Defects in sex-specific programming interferes with germ program is stably maintained remains to be determined. cell differentiation leading to infertility and germ cell tumors1,2. Here, we report our discovery that female germ cell fate is Successful reproduction, therefore, depends on the capacity of maintained by an epigenetic regulatory pathway in which germ cells to maintain their sexual identity in the form of sex- SETDB1 (aka EGGLESS, KMT1E, and ESET) is the required specific regulation of gene expression. chromatin writer and phf7 is one of the critical SETDB1 target In Drosophila melanogaster, germ cell sexual identity is speci- genes. SETDB1 trimethylates H3K9 (H3K9me3), a feature of fied in embryogenesis by the sex of the developing somatic heterochromatin8,9. Using tissue-specific knockdown approaches gonad3. However, extrinsic control is lost after embryogenesis we establish that germ cell specific loss of SETDB1, its protein and sexual identity is preserved by a cell-intrinsic mechanism. partner WINDEI [WDE, aka ATF7IP, MCAF1 and hAM10], and The SEX-LETHAL (SXL) female-specific RNA binding protein is the H3K9me3 reader, HETEROCHROMATIN BINDING PRO- an integral component of the cell-intrinsic mechanism, as loss of TEIN 1a [HP1a, encoded by the Su(var)205 locus11], leads to SXL specifically in germ cells leads to a global upregulation of ectopic expression of euchromatic protein-encoding genes, many spermatogenesis genes and a germ cell tumor phenotype4. of which are normally expressed only in testis. We further find Remarkably, sex-inappropriate transcription of a single gene, that H3K9me3 repressive marks accumulate in a SETDB1 PHD finger protein 7 (phf7), a key regulator of male identity5,is dependent manner at 21 of these ectopically expressed genes, largely responsible for the tumor phenotype4. Depletion of phf7 in including phf7. Remarkably, SETDB1 dependent H3K9me3 mutants lacking germline SXL suppresses the tumor phenotype deposition is highly localized and does not spread into neigh- and restores oogenesis. Moreover, forcing PHF7 protein expres- boring loci. Regional deposition is especially striking at the phf7 sion in ovarian germ cells is sufficient to disrupt female fate and locus, where H3K9me3 accumulation is restricted to the region give rise to a germ cell tumor. Interestingly, sex-specific regula- surrounding the silent testis-specific TSS. Lastly, we find that tion of phf7 is achieved by a mechanism that relies primarily on H3K9me3 accumulation at many of these genes, including phf7,is alternative promoter choice and transcription start site (TSS) dependent on Sxl. Collectively our findings support a model in selection. Sex-specific transcription produces mRNA isoforms which female fate is preserved by deposition of H3K9me3 with different 5′ untranslated regions that affect translation repressive marks on key spermatogenesis genes. H3K9me3 VASA H3K9me3 α-Spectrin DNA a a’ a’’ d fu e sp WT b b’ b” WT setdb1 GLKD f g setdb1 GLKD c c’ c’’ wde GLKD hp1a GLKD h 100% Number of 80% spectrosomes wde GLKD 60% Empty 40% 1–5 Germaria % 20% >5 0% WT wde hp1a setdb1 n =151 n =88 n =129 GLKD ovaries Fig. 1 H3K9me3 is required for germ cell differentiation. a–c Reduced H3K9me3 staining in germ cells upon SETDB1 and WDE depletion (GLKD, see text for details). Representative confocal images of a wild-type (WT), setdb1 GLKD, and wde GLKD germarium stained for H3K9me3 (green, white in a”–c”). Germ cells were identified by α-VASA staining (magenta). Scale bar, 25 μm. Insets show a higher magnification of a single germ cell, in which the nucleus is outlined by a white dashed line in a”–c”. d–g Undifferentiated germ cells accumulate in setdb1 GLKD, wde GLKD, and hp1a GLKD mutant germaria. Representative confocal images of wild-type and mutant germaria stained for DNA (magenta) and α-Spectrin (cyan) to visualize spectrosomes (sp), fusomes (fu), and somatic cell membranes. Scale bar, 25 μm. h Quantification of mutant germaria with 0, 1–5, and >5 round spectrosome-containing germ cells. The number of scored germaria (n) is indicated 2 NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | (2018) 9:4155 | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06697-x | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06697-x ARTICLE a b c de phf7-RC 1.2 ) 1 VASA 0.8 HA-PHF7 setdb1 GLKD wde GLKD hp1a GLKD phf7 WT 0.6 b’ c’ d’ e’ /total 0.4 RC ( 0.2 Relative mRNA levels 0 HA-PHF7 wdehp1a setdb1 WT testis WT ovariesGLKD ovaries f phf7 expression in ovaries (normalized reads) 70 WT 70 setdb1 GLKD 70 wde GLKD 70 hp1a GLKD phf7-RC phf7-RA Primers 1 kb Fig. 2 SETDB1, WDE, and HP1a depletion leads to female-to-male reprogramming at phf7. a Depletion of H3K9me3 pathway members leads to ectopic expression of the testis-specific phf7-RC isoform. RT-qPCR analysis of the testis phf7-RC transcript in wild-type testis, wild-type and mutant ovaries. Expression, normalized to the total level of phf7, is shown as fold change relative to testis. Primers are shown in panel F. Error bars indicate standard deviation (s.d.) of three biological replicates. b–e Depletion of H3K9me3 pathway members leads to ectopic expression of the testis-specific PHF7 protein. Ovaries from animals carrying an HA-PHF7 transgene stained for HA (green, white in B’-E’). Germ cells were identified by α-VASA staining (magenta). Scale bar, 25 μm. f RNA-seq data confirms ectopic expression of the testis-specific phf7-RC isoform. Genome browser view of the phf7 locus. Tracks show RNA-seq reads aligned to the Drosophila genome (UCSC dm6). All tracks are viewed at the same scale. The screen shot is reversed so that the 5’ end of the gene is on the left. The reads that are unique to the mutant ovaries are highlighted in gray. The two phf7 transcripts, phf7-RA and phf7-RC, are indicated. phf7-RC is normally only expressed in testis (blue arrow). phf7-RA is normally expressed in ovaries (pink arrow). Primers for RT-qPCR are indicated by arrowheads: gray for phf7-RC, red for total phf7 Results spectrosome is a spherical α-Spectrin-containing structure that is SETDB1, WDE and HP1a loss blocks germ cell differentiation. normally found only in germline stem cells (GSCs) and its Of the three Drosophila enzymes known to methylate H3K9, only differentiating daughter cell, the cystoblast (~5 per germarium) SETDB1 is required for germline development9. Several studies (Fig. 1d). As differentiation proceeds, the round spectrosome reported that loss of SETDB1 caused a block in germ cell differ- elongates and branches out to form a fusome. We found that the entiation, characteristic of a germ cell tumor phenotype12–15.Because majority of setdb1 and wde GLKD mutant germaria contain 6 or of the known connection between the germ cell tumor phenotype more spectrosome containing germ cells (Fig. 1e, f, h). In wild-type, and ectopic testis gene transcription, we wondered whether SETDB1 fusomes degenerate as the 16-cell germ cell cyst, consisting of an played a role in silencing the expression of testis genes in female germ oocyte and 15 nurse cells, are enveloped by somatic follicle cells cells. Previous studies established that SETDB1 is important for Piwi- forming an egg chamber (Supplementary Fig. 2f). In mutants, interacting small RNA (piRNA) biogenesis and transposable element however, we observed spectrosome containing germ cells enclosed (TE) silencing in germ cells14,16,17.However,mutationsthatspeci- by follicle cells (Supplementary Fig. 2g, h). This indicates that loss of fically interfere with piRNA production, such as rhino,complete SETDB1 and WDE in germ cells blocks differentiation, giving rise oogenesis18–21.
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    SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL 1 Table A. Main characteristics of the subset of 23 AML patients studied by high-density arrays (subset A) WBC BM blasts MYST3- MLL Age/Gender WHO / FAB subtype Karyotype FLT3-ITD NPM status (x109/L) (%) CREBBP status 1 51 / F M4 NA 21 78 + - G A 2 28 / M M4 t(8;16)(p11;p13) 8 92 + - G G 3 53 / F M4 t(8;16)(p11;p13) 27 96 + NA G NA 4 24 / M PML-RARα / M3 t(15;17) 5 90 - - G G 5 52 / M PML-RARα / M3 t(15;17) 1.5 75 - - G G 6 31 / F PML-RARα / M3 t(15;17) 3.2 89 - - G G 7 23 / M RUNX1-RUNX1T1 / M2 t(8;21) 38 34 - + ND G 8 52 / M RUNX1-RUNX1T1 / M2 t(8;21) 8 68 - - ND G 9 40 / M RUNX1-RUNX1T1 / M2 t(8;21) 5.1 54 - - ND G 10 63 / M CBFβ-MYH11 / M4 inv(16) 297 80 - - ND G 11 63 / M CBFβ-MYH11 / M4 inv(16) 7 74 - - ND G 12 59 / M CBFβ-MYH11 / M0 t(16;16) 108 94 - - ND G 13 41 / F MLLT3-MLL / M5 t(9;11) 51 90 - + G R 14 38 / F M5 46, XX 36 79 - + G G 15 76 / M M4 46 XY, der(10) 21 90 - - G NA 16 59 / M M4 NA 29 59 - - M G 17 26 / M M5 46, XY 295 92 - + G G 18 62 / F M5 NA 67 88 - + M A 19 47 / F M5 del(11q23) 17 78 - + M G 20 50 / F M5 46, XX 61 59 - + M G 21 28 / F M5 46, XX 132 90 - + G G 22 30 / F AML-MD / M5 46, XX 6 79 - + M G 23 64 / M AML-MD / M1 46, XY 17 83 - + M G WBC: white blood cell.
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