Battle West District Athletic Association Executive Meeting - MINUTES Monday, December 14, 2015 North (3:30pm)

1. Call to Order: Meeting called to order by Brad Nemish @ 3:31pm

2. Roll Call and Welcomes: Brad Nemish: , Lane Buswell: Hartley Clark, Greg Mamer: Wilkie, Kelvin Collier: Light of Christ, Eric Cawood: St. Vital, Greg Knot: Medstead, Heather Berezowski: Lawrence, Vic Stynsky: JP, Ken Parker: Unity, Melissa Anderson: Little Pine

3. Adoption of Agenda: motion made by Brad Nemish to adopt the agenda, seconded by Lane Buswell

4. Minutes of Last Meeting – August 31, 2015: motion made by Greg Knot to adopt the minutes, seconded by Greg Mamer

5. Business arising from minutes: 5.1 – Jr. Team Registration (Update) - Going to still charge elementary schools and independent schools jr. fees for cross country

5.2 – Provincial Track (Regina) – Rooms? - Will divide rooms when track season comes about if schools have extra rooms

5.3 – Battle West Hosting Duties (SHSAA) - remind schools of hosting duties for conference basketball - Hafford: Conference 3 - 1A Boys - : Conference 7 - 2A Boys - Conference 2 - 1A Girls TBD 5.4 – Battle West District Hosting Projections - confirm for winter and spring activities - See the updated Activity Rotation on the website

5.5 – SHSAA AGM 2015 Wrap-Up - Still looking at cost recovery from our divisions

6. Correspondence 6.1 – Keep updated with events and happenings on SHSAA/Battle West web-site and regular checking of emails - PLEASE let your coaches know where to find dates and who to contact for each sport

7. Reports 7.1 – President’s Report 7.1.1 – Congrats to our provincial medalists o JP Senior Boys Golf: Gold o Spiritwood Senior Girls Golf: Silver o 6 Man Football: Silver o 1A Boys Soccer Cando: Bronze o Medstead Boys Volleyball: Bronze o Unity Cross Country: Bronze o Medstead hosted Girls Provincial Volleyball

7.1.2 – SHSAA President’s Meeting (Dec. 5) o Brad put our map grant info in o No sand golf next year o Potential for the females to start running the same distances as the males in cross country o Football $$ cover the losses from soccer o Starting to become concerned with volleyball official dollars rising o There is a push to get an athletic commissioner in every district (at the moment we don’t have one) o Release Time for Presidents an interest o Possibility of Merit Award Reunion Banquets at AGM’s o Small discussions around websites, financials, meetings, etc. o Some districts having issues determining host sites o Team Fees have started to become popular o Non faculty coach list is coming out this year o Track schedules should be out in January o Sport Advisory group lists are out o Transgender policy is being finalized and will be voted on at AGM this year o Brad will email start dates for next year as soon as he gets calendars from the divisions o SIAAA Leadership conference in this year o CIAAA Leadership conference in Edmonton o Couple of open volleyball championships for next year o Lots of support for a 3rd set to 15 in volleyball o Talk of a libero serving rule seems to be split o Joint sponsorships have started to come into question o SHSAA will be looking into sport academies. Do we let them compete? o West Central has made some videos for track officiating

7.2 – Financial Report - Will send a document out later

7.3 – Officials Commissioner Report - Still short officials but there has been lots of talk about how to fix that - 3A Soccer doesn’t like the look of the 2 officials of 7 v 7 - Curling: Remember 90 sec breaks - Basketball: 24 sec reset - Youth Officials Conference same weekend as the Women in Sport conference o Hoping for 4-5 youth officials from each district (Grades 10-12) o Start to get some technical training as well as some non-sport specific training (ie. How to deal with parents, etc.) o Need an adult to go with them o June 10-11 - SVA got a lot of new clinicians since they changed their program o Big push for a new mentor program o Lots of opportunities for refs this year (2 Saskcup club tournaments, First Nations tournament) - Officials Registry in XNET: please put your officials in there - Let Lane know about any basketball officials you have

7.4 – Fall Activities Review 7.4.1 – Senior Golf (NBGCC – Vic) - Debate about the girls playing 9 or 18 holes - Ugly out but the golfers did well 7.4.2 – Cross Country (Spiritwood - HCES) - Everything went well 7.4.3 – Junior Girls Volleyball (Macklin) - Unity- Gold - NBCHS – Silver - Macklin – Bronze - Comment: If we have play downs, should the #1 teams not play the same schedule? o Discussion at the spring meeting 7.4.4 – Junior Boys Volleyball (Medstead) - Everything went well

8. New Business 8.1 – BW Clothing - 1 year break from clothing due to expenses from AGM

8.2 – AGM Delegates (Saskatoon > June 22-24, 2016) - Greg Knot, Vic Stynsky, Brad Nemish, Lane Buswell, Eric Cawood?, Greg Mamer, Heather?, Ken Parker, any others interested???

8.3 – Award Nominations (Merit, Service, Male and Female Coach, Official) - Send to Brad Nemish (committee will decide)

8.4 – Resolutions to the BW Constitution/Bylaws are decided at our Spring AGM. Send these to me by Mar. 15, 2016 please!!! - Revisit some of our rotations and make sure our pre designed draws are in there - Have conference set ups in there as well

8.5 – Transgender Policy Discussion: At this moment in time, we will allow the grade 7 student from St. Vital to compete in the gender that they identify for this year in track until the SHSAA has implemented their policy.

8.6 – Other???

9. Next Meeting:  Annual Meeting – Tuesday, April 5, 2016 @1:00pm at TBD

10. Adjournment: Brad adjourned the meeting at 5:24pm