University of California, Berkeley Adam Benkato Department of Near Eastern Studies 250 Barrows Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 USA آدم بن كاطو abenkato[[at]]berkeley[.]edu

ACADEMIC POSITIONS 2020– Assistant Professor and Bita Daryabari Presidential Chair of Iranian Studies, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley 2018–2020 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Near Eastern Studies, University of California, Berkeley 2017–2018 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation postdoctoral research fellow, Seminar für Semitistik und Arabistik, Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin, Germany 2015–2016 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Turfanforschung, Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin, Germany


2011–2015 School of Oriental and African Studies (London, UK), Ph.D. 2009–2010 School of Oriental and African Studies (London, UK), M.A. 2005–2009 University of Southern California (Los Angeles, USA), B.A.


Books 2018 Studies on the Sogdian Epistolary Tradition. Turnhout: Brepols. 2017 Āzandnāmē: An edition and literary-critical study of the Manichaean-Sogdian Parable-Book. Wiesbaden: Reichert.

Articles 2020 Maghrebi Arabic. In Arabic and Contact-Induced Change, eds. Christopher Lucas & Stefano Manfredi. Berlin: Language Science Press. 197–212. 2020 Multiple Copularization in Sogdian and Yaghnobi. Transactions of the Philological Society 118(1). 172–191. 2019 From medieval tribes to modern dialects: On the afterlives of colonial knowledge in Arabic dialectology. Philological Encounters 4(1-4). 2–25. 2018 (with Christiane Reck) ‘Like a Virgin’: A Sogdian recipe for restoring virginity and the San- skrit background to Sogdian medicine. Written Monuments of the Orient 6(2). 60–84. 2017 The hypothetical life of an Middle Iranian particle. DABIR 1(3). 26–38. 2017 Sogdian letter fragments from Turfan in the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, St. Peters- burg. Written Monuments of the Orient 5(1). 26–39. 2017 Vowels in Arabic: Maghrebi or Bedouin? In Tunisian and Libyan Arabic dialects (Es- tudios de dialectología árabe 13), ed. V. Ritt-Benmimoun. Zaragoza: IEIOP. 291–300. 2017 (with Marijn van Putten) The Arabic Strata in Awjila Berber. In Arabic in Context: Celebrating 400 years of Arabic at Leiden University (Studies in Semitic Languages & Linguistics 89), ed. A. Al-Jallad. Brill: Leiden. 476–502. 2017 Incipits and Explicits in Iranian Manichaean Texts. In Manichaeism East and West, ed. S. Lieu, N.A. Pedersen, E. Morano, E. Hunter. Turnhout: Brepols. 29–42. 2017 Exploring the Oral Background of the Iranian Manichaean Texts. In Zur lichten Heimat: Studien zu Manichäismus, Iranistik und Zentralasienkunde im Gedenken an Werner Sundermann (Iranica 25), ed. Turfanforschung. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 51–64.

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2016 (with Slavomír Čéplö, Jan Bátora, Jiři Milička, Christophe Pereira, & Petr Zemánek) Mutual Intelligibility of Spoken Maltese, Libyan Arabic and Tunisian Arabic Functionally Tested: A Pi- lot Study. Folia Linguistica 50(2). 583–628. 2016 (with Christophe Pereira) An annotated bibliography of Libyan Arabic and Berber. Libyan Studies 47. 149–165. 2016 Sogdian letter fragments in Manichaean script. Studia Iranica 45(2). 197–220. 2014 The Arabic Dialect of Benghazi (): Historical and Comparative Notes. Zeitschrift für Ar- abische Linguistik 59. 57–102.

Reviews 2019 S. Manfredi & M. Tosco (eds.), Arabic in Contact, Amsterdam, 2018. Orientalistische Litera- turzeitung 114(6). 468–470. 2018 C. Barbati, The Christian Sogdian Gospel Lectionary E5 in Context, Vienna, 2015. DABIR 1(5). 95–97. 2018 M. Minardi, Ancient , A polity between the semi-nomadic and sedentary cultural areas of Central Asia, Louvain, 2015. Iran & the Caucasus 22(2). 207–210. 2017 De Chiara & Grassi (eds.), Iranian Languages and Literatures of Central Asia, Paris, 2015. Iran and the Caucasus 21(2). 241–245. 2017 Y. Karev, Samarqand et le Sughd à l’époque ‘Abbāsside, Paris, 2015. Iran and the Caucasus 21(1). 115–117. 2017 N. Sims-Williams & J. Hamilton, Turco-Sogdian Documents, London, 2015. Orientalistische Lit- eraturzeitung 112(4-5). 404–406. 2017 N. Sims-Williams, The Life of Serapion and other Christian Sogdian texts from the manuscripts E25 and E26, Turnhout, 2015. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 112(3). 257–260. 2017 V. A. Livshits, Sogdian Epigraphy of Central Asia and Semirech’e, London, 2015. Journal of the American Oriental Society 137(3). 638–640. 2015 Recent work in Yaghnobi Studies (review article). Iran and the Caucasus 19(3). 283–293. 2015 P. Lurje, Personal Names in Sogdian Texts, Vienna, 2010. Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 110(2). 158–160.


University of California, Berkeley NES 156 Sociolinguistics of the Greater Middle East (Sp19, Sp20) NES 160 Religions of Ancient Iran (Fa18, Fa19, Fa20) NES 298 (grad seminar): Constructing the Other: Orientalism & Philology (Sp20) Language Seminars: (Fa18) Middle Persian (Sp19, Fa19)

Freie Universität Berlin Winter 2017–18: Arabische Sprachwissenschaft (Arabic Linguistics and Dialectology) Winter 2016–17: Einführung ins libisch-arabische (Introduction to Libyan Arabic)

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