Intelligence Squared U.S. - 1 - 5/11/2010 Intelligence Squared U.S. Contact Publicist: Eileen Murphy 590 Madison Avenue, 30 th Fl. T: 917-913-2233 New York, NY 10022
[email protected] May 11, 2010 Obama’s foreign policy spells America’s decline For the motion: Dan Senor and Mort Zuckerman Against the motion: Wesley Clark and Bernard-Henri Lévy Moderator: John Donvan RESULTS Before the debate: After the debate: 23% FOR 34% FOR 45% AGAINST 58% AGAINST 32% UNDECIDED 8% UNDECIDED Robert Rosenkranz: Proponents of tonight’s motion will say that President Obama is alienating our allies. He has snubbed the British and distanced himself from the Israelis. India feels it is taking a back seat to cozier relations with China. The Poles and Czechs are troubled that we cancelled long-planned, missile defense installations, presumably in the interests of better relations with Russia. Obama has committed vast American military resources to shoring up the corrupt Karzai government in Afghanistan, but hasn’t allocated a single dollar of the stimulus package to defense spending. And finally, his administration wasted a year on diplomacy with Iran. We are finally pushing a sanctions regime which will, at best, be watered down by the Russians and Chinese. Whatever the rhetoric, we seem to be acquiescing to an Iranian nuclear bomb. The actions of his administration accommodate our adversaries by respecting their domestic political institutions and their regional hegemony. In the words of historian Robert Kagan, “Instead of trying to reverse the decline of American power, they are reorienting American foreign policy to adjust to it.” The counter argument is that the substance of Obama’s policy simply represents a new realism in foreign affairs.