The London Gazette. #tMftt)e& fy 2tati)0£itp.

From 2DMC[ti-3JJ January 10. to ^atWttiiip January 14. 1716.

March 14. Wednesday, Dr. Bradford. By the KING, 16. Friday, , Dr.Mose. AFRO C L AMA TION. 18. Sunday, Ld-Bishop of Sarum*. 21. Wednesday, Dr. Gooche. GEORGE R. 23.. Friday, s Dean of ,' Hereas Charles Marquiss of Tweedale was J .Dr.S.anhope. duly EleBedand Returned to be One ofthe Six­ Palm-Sunday, rLd-AB of Canterbury, W teen Peers of Scotland, to S.t in tbe House of a*}. \or Ld. A. B. of York. Peers of tbe present Parliament of Great Britain, it 28. Wednesday, Dr. Finch. since Deceasd; in order to the eleBing another Peer iff Good -Friday, 5 , Scotland to Sit in bis room, We do, by the Advice of jo. £ Ld.Bp. of Rochester. OurPrivy Council, issue forth this our Royal Procla* April Easter-Day, Lord Almoner. tnation, striBly charging and commanding all the Peers ef Scotland to assemble and meet at Holy-Rood-Houle St. James's^ Jan. n. This Day the foUowing in Edinburgh, on Tuesday tbe Twenty eighth Day of Address, ^subscribed by the Archbishop, Dean ani February next ensuinc, between tbe Hours of Twelve Chapter and Clergy of the City of York on the jzd» and Two in the Afternoon, to Nominate and Choose ano­ of November last, and afterwards jby the .Clergy o£ ther Peer of Scotland, to Sit and Vote inthe House of the Diocese, in Number yj6,) was presented to His Peers of this present Parliament of Great Britain, in Majesty by the Reverend the , ahd the room of tbe ftid Marquiss of Tweedale Deceased, by Mr. Finch. Being introduced by the RightHonoura­ Open Election and Plurality of Voices of the Peers that ble the Earl of Nottingham, Lord President ofthe Jb ill be tben present, and of tbe Proxies for such as Council. Which Address His Majesty received very fliall be absent, Juch Proxies being Peers, and producing graciously, and expressed himself well pleased with a Mandate in Writing, duly Signed before Witneffes, and that iVssurance oftheir Duty and Loyalty. ioth the Constituent and Proxy being Qualified according to Law. And tbe Lord Clerk Register, or such Two The bumble Address of the Arcbbjbop, Dean and Chapter ef the Principal Clerks of tbe Seffion, as shall be ap. and Cltrgy of the City and Diocess of York. pointed by him to Officiate in his Name, are hereby k-e- it please your sacred Majesty, fpectively required to attend such Meeting, and so admi­ E you* Majesty's most, dutiful and loyal Sub­ nister the Oaths required by Law to be taken there by tbe jeBs, the Archbistiop,* Dean and Chapter and said Peers, and to take their Votes, and immediately after # Clergy of the City and. Diocess of York, bum­ such Election made, and duly examined, to certifie the bly beg Leave to declare to your Adaj'fty ostr entire Name ofthe Peer so elected, and Sign and Attest thesame Abhorrence and Detestation of that unnatural and mast in Presence of thesaid Peers, and return such Certificate wicked Rebellion; begun avd carried on by Papists, into our High Court of Chancery of Great Britain. And Nonjurors, and other difaffeUed Persons, with a Design we strictly charge and command, * That this our Royal to Dethrone your Majesty, our only lawful and right*- Proclamation be duly Publijhed at the Market-Cross at ful Soveraign, and to set a Popish Pretender on your Edinburgh, and in all the County Towns of Scotland, Throne ; and ta give your Majesty the fullest Ajj'uran- Twenty Five pays at least before the Time bereby ap­ ces, that we will, to tbe utmost of sut Power, Defend, pointed for the Meeting of tbe said Peers *ti> proceed Support and Maintain your undoubted Title to the Im­ to such EleBiog. perial Grown of these Realms, against him tbi faid Pretender, and all other your Enemies whatsoever. Given at Our Court at- St. James's, the Sixth Day of January, 17*.- InthtSecond Year We are truly sensible that, of all your SubjeBs, wa of Our Reign, tf the Clergy are under tbe most stria Obligations-, both of Duty and Interest, to do this : As being Ministers of God save the KIN G. a Church tbat teachetb tbe heft Principles and Measure* of Obedience to Princes "r As being bound to bs-Sattarnc Lent-Preachers appointed to Preach before His Majesty, to others of Fidelity to those Oaths wbich we bave take* for the Year 171-5-1-1. of Allegiance to your Majesty, and Abjuration*, of tba *.<%. *\T*A„*.a-„ /Dean ofthe Chapel,Pretender : As being sure to suffer firft and most from Feb. 15. Asli-Wednesday, ^Ld< Bifllop ofLondon. Popery, if ever (whicb God jerbid) it Jhould prevail ("", againft us: And as having in your Majesty, as ytt 1*7. Fricjay, \ Dr. Hare. bave been graciously plpafed both by Word and Deed ta «"L6rd Bilhop of Litch- assure us, a most powerful and ready Protector and 19, Sunday, \ field and Coventry.- Favourer ef our establiflied Cburcb s And, hythe Gt'ace of God, we will aB suitably to tbefe Obligations ; .ani 22. Wednesday, Dr. Butler. fDean of Exeter, Dr. both by doing our own Diity towards your Majesty, Ut 24. Friday, t_ Blackburn, tbe beft Manner wbicb we are able, and using vur ta* Ld SiQiop of Norwiih. most Endeavours tbat all under our Care may do theirs 25. Sunday, likewise, make amends, as far as in us lies, for the 29. Wednesday, Dr. Lyntord. /, scandalous Behaviour of others, who, while tbey glory Match 2. Friday, \ Dr. Sherlock. in calling themselves Cbtfrch of England Men, not on­ ly are guilty of Rebellion, but chief Leaders tn it. 4- Sunday, Lord Bilhop of Ely. 7- WedneCIay, Dr. Boulter. And as an earnest of our sincere Resolution to do all C Deanot Peterborough, tbis, vie now offer up our most hearty and fervent $. Friday, \ Dr. Kennet. Prayers to God, tbat he would be pleased to give your •" • Sij-nday, 14.J3p.of ploucester. Majejiy tht fsiBory over all your Snem'tes; to mak* fOH