NEW RESEARCH BOOK I a I 2011 H AW Photo By: Hawaii Tourism Authority Tourism By:Photo Hawaii
NEW RESEARCH BOOK I I A AW 2011 H Photo By: Hawaii Tourism Authority Tourism By:Photo Hawaii American Psychiatric Association Transforming Mental Health Through Leadership, Discovery and Collaboration WWW.PSYCH.ORG NEW RESEARCH BOOK NEW RESEARCH RESIDENT POSTER SESSION 01 Chp.: Michel Burger M.D., Centre Hospitalier Erstein, May 14, 2011 13 route de Krafft BP 30063, Erstein, 67152 France, 10 – 11:30 AM Co-Author(s): Christelle Nithart, Ph.D., Luisa Weiner, Hawaii Convention Center, Exhibit Hall, Level 1 M.Sc., Jean-Philippe Lang, M.D. NR01‑01 PROMOTING HEALTH THROUGH THE SUMMARY: BEAUTIFUL GAME: ENGAGING WITH Introduction We present the psychiatric AND ADVOCATING FOR RESIDENTS OF rehabilitation program we are developing in VANCOUVER’S DOWNTOWN EASTSIDE Erstein, France, since September 2008. This THROUGH STREET SOCCER program is based on a residential facility located in the community, which is conceived as an Chp.:Alan Bates M.D., Psychiatry Dept., 11th Floor, interface between inpatient care and psychosocial Gordon & Leslie Diamond Health Care Centre, 2775 rehabilitation. Objective To evaluate the viability Laurel St., Vancouver, V5L 2V8 Canada, Co-Author(s): of the Courlis residential facility in facilitating Fidel Vila-Rodriguez, M.D., Siavash Jafari, M.D., patients’ psychiatric rehabilitation. Method Lurdes Tse, B.Sc., Rachel Ilg, R.N., William Honer, M.D. A comprehensive psychosocial and medical evaluation is undertaken at admission. Criteria for SUMMARY: admission are the following: functional disability Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside is one of the due to chronic psychiatric illness in symptomatic poorest neighbourhoods in North America. remission, and very low socioeconomic status. A Mental illness and addictions are prevalent and socio‑educative and a psychiatric team act together contribute significantly to marginalization and to improve independent social functioning, social disadvantage.Street Soccer for people affected symptomatic remission, and quality of life, according by homelessness re‑engages marginalized people to individual profiles and aims.
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