Bessemer Board Accepts Superintendent's Resignation

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Bessemer Board Accepts Superintendent's Resignation Call (906) 932-4449 Ironwood, MI Girls Hoops Hurley beats Ironwood SPORTS • 9 Since 191 9 DAILY GLOBE Wednesday, January 8, 2020 Snow likely | High: 11 | Low: 3 | Details, page 2 Bessemer board accepts superintendent’s resignation By P.J. GLISSON dent since the rate. tively – also serve on the person- of Laura Miller as a long-term [email protected] board placed When asked whether Wineb- nel committee, which includes second grade substitute teacher BESSEMER – After two sepa- Wineburner urner had been asked to resign, attention to finance and negotia- at Washington Elementary rate closed sessions during a spe- on paid leave Steiger said, “Mr. Wineburner tions. School. According to Dan Niemi, cial meeting on Tuesday evening, on Oct. 10, issued his voluntary resignation. All board members were pre- principal of the A.D. Johnston the Bessemer Area Board of Edu- 2019. At this point, we’re separating sent for the vote, including Junior and Senior High School, cation voted to accept the resig- The vote ways, and we wish him the best.” trustees Dick Matrella, Eric Miller has been working as a stu- nation of Dave Wineburner, who accepted not Steiger added that a formal, Stanislawski and Tara Graham. dent teacher at WES and will had been hired for the position in only Wineb- written announcement of the The board first covered rou- receive her college degree and the summer of 2018. urner’s Jan. 7 action will be issued to district tine business and then, according teaching certification within the All board members were pre- letter of resig- staff today. to Berg and Steiger, entered a next week. Dave sent for the unanimous vote, Wineburner nation, but She said that board members closed session to consider a legal –Voted to accept the resigna- which followed a motion by also a separa- also plan to meet with Tulppo opinion dated Jan. 7. Steiger said tion of part-time custodian Bruce Board Secretary Beth Steiger, who tion agree- today regarding what action to they also engaged with an attor- Hamberg and to post advertising also chairs the board’s personnel ment. take next in relation to seeking a ney by phone during that time. for that position. committee. No explanation for the action new superintendent. After the phone call, they again –Voted to grant Dave Rowe, Wineburner was not present. was offered during the meeting. According to Steiger, Tulppo voted to enter a second closed ADJ Quiz Bowl advisor, his Nor was Alan Tulppo, the super- Afterward, Board President will continue in his interim role session to discuss the matter request to allow bowl members intendent of the Gogebic-Onton- Bob Berg deferred any comments until the next superintendent is more before voting to accept approval to stay overnight during agon Intermediate School Dis- to Steiger, who told the Globe hired. Wineburner’s resignation. a trip to Marquette on Jan. 23-24. trict. that the board had been investi- Annette Lillie and Jim Parta- During routine business, the Tulppo has been serving as gating possible “board policy vio- nen – who are the board’s vice board: Bessemer’s interim superinten- lations.” She declined to elabo- president and treasurer respec- –Voted to approve the hiring BESSEMER — page 5 Ironwood Hurley meeting starts promotes adult-use facade marijuana improvement discussion By TOM LAVENTURE program [email protected] IRONWOOD – The city of By RICHARD JENKINS Ironwood presented a draft of its [email protected] adult-use marijuana establish- HURLEY – The Northwest ment ordinance to the public Regional Planning Commission Monday to receive feedback for and the Hurley Area Chamber of revisions before a final version Commerce want downtown Hur- can be considered by the city ley business owners to know commission. they may be eligible for low-inter- Around 60 people attended est loans to improve their the workshop with members of facades. the Ironwood City Commission Representatives of the 10- and city planning commission county, Spooner-based regional present. The discussion will con- planning commission and the tinue with a second public work- chamber held a meeting in Hur- shop at 6 p.m. Feb. 3, and an ley Tuesday to provide additional official public hearing at 5 p.m. information on the loan pro- Feb. 13. The city commission gram. anticipates considering the ordi- Tom LaVenture/Daily Globe “It’s a great program that nance at its March 9 regular MEMBERS OF the Ironwood City Commission and around 60 community discuss the first draft of offers pretty affordable money to meeting. an adult-use marijuana establishment ordinance Monday at the Ironwood Memorial Building. upgrade a traditional downtown “I think it was a great oppor- area,” said Ken Pearson, a busi- tunity to hear from more mem- government to have the state ously.” application process. ness development specialist/loan bers of the community and we involved in collecting public Input will be accepted outside Bergman said the city would fund manager with the North- sure appreciated everyone’s input or giving answers,” Mil- the workshops and hearings via issue two marijuana retailer and west Regional Planning Commis- courage and willingness to share dren said. email, phone or mail until Feb. two marijuana micro-business sion. “It’s just a great immediate their thoughts,” said Mayor The ordinance, presented by 13, he said. The city’s deadline licenses using a competitive pro- impact to the economy and well- Annette Burchell, who was pre- Tom Bergman, director of com- to approve an ordinance to cess. The micro-business is being of the downtown ecosys- sent with fellow city commis- munity development for the city option out of commercial adult- licensed to grow, process, pack- tem.” sioners Jim Mildren and Kim of Ironwood, intends to start out use marijuana is March 31. age and sell up to 150 marijuana Along with growing the value Corcoran. “I think there were slowly with a limited number of The city commission decided plants, while the retailer is of a business and improving the several really good, productive licenses before considering an to option-out of adult-use mari- licensed to obtain marijuana quality of a downtown, Pearson suggestions that came out of this increase, he said. A 15-member juana at the time the state refer- from other marijuana establish- said facade improvements can meeting that we can look at community advisory group endum approved it November ments to sell to individuals over also help ongoing placemaking incorporating into the ordi- worked on the ordinance over 2018, he said. At the same time 21 years. efforts as attractive downtowns nance.” several months followed by legal the commission directed city Retailers and micro-business- encourage visitors to stop and Corcoran suggested adding review on an adult-use marijua- staff to create an ordinance with es are limited to C-3 highway are often more walkable. an outline of information in the na establishment ordinance to language on how commercial commercial and C-2 downtown “I think they’re fun projects to application process that directs regulate establishments that are use would be regulated if adult- commercial zoning districts. work on because you see the people to the state agencies and first vetted and licensed by the use were approved. The city will issue two mari- instant result and how it impacts other resources that would be state of Michigan before city Then the legal work followed juana grower licenses for each the community,” Pearson said. helpful to the process. approval, he said. and the outcome is mainly what class: A (100 plants); B (500 The facade improvement pro- Mildren suggested having a The public input is part of the someone would need to know plants) and C (2,000 plants), he gram offers loans up to $30,000 state official from the appropri- process in the city’s work to what’s required if they wanted to said. There is a $5,000 annual with a 2% interest rate for up to ate agency present at the next develop the ordinance, Bergman operate a facility in Ironwood, he fee and stacked licenses are not 10 years – unless the property is workshop to provide input on said said. The ordinance outlines the allowed, he said. sold – according to information the ordinance and field ques- “That is how we got to this fee structure, the number of presented at the meeting. tions from the public. point,” he said. “This is some- allowable licenses by category, The loans can be used to “It’s such a normal part of thing the city is taking very seri- building requirements and the MARIJUANA — page 5 improve a commercial building’s facade – which can include signs, doors and windows, Former UPS driver convicted in Ashland stalking case awnings, exterior graphics and lighting or landscape improve- By RICHARD JENKINS The conviction stems from events in “I’m incredibly proud of the victim for ments. [email protected] August 2018, according to the criminal com- coming forward. Women standing up and The loan program was estab- ASHLAND, Wis. – A Montreal, Wiscon- plaint in the case. Bayfield County District being brave is more than just a hashtag or a lished in 2006 and Hurley has sin man was recently convicted of using his Attorney Kimberly Lawton said Moon used movement, it changes our society. Violence been one of the communities job at UPS to stalk an Ashland County resi- his job as a delivery driver to stalk the vic- against women is far too common. There is no that has benefitted the most, dent. tim. He is no longer employed by UPS, Law- excuse for sexual assault,” Lawton said in the Pearson said, with several Hurley A jury convicted Gerald L.
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