

Amendment No. 12 1966

Written Statement

I!. S. RICKARDS. R.W.DALE, Clerk or the CoWlty Couocil. County Plaonina Officer. TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNI~G ACT, 1962



Amendment No. 12 WOG

Consequential Amendme nts to the app ro ved Writte n Stateme nt

Alterations and Additions to the Written Statement

(al In pBt~rsph 1 of the INT RODUCTION on pB/1e 1, elter (7) add (8) Inset Maps In respect or the Inner boundary at the Green Belt at PllI and at eight villages In the Green Belt around th e Cities at Bristol and Bath.

In per~rsph 2 of the INTRODUCTION on p~o 1. at the end oi the lirst sul;psrlJ/iraph add The nine Inset Maps. eight at which Indicate th e Umlts Within which development In the vil­ lages concerned wUl be allowed and one the Inner bou ndary of the Green Belt at PHI. are drawn to a scale or I : 25000 (approxlmately 2~ Inches to I mile). In parlJ/lrsph 2. sul;pBtqrsph 4, of tho INTRODUCTION on pqe I, alter Town Map, Insert In botb cases, or Inset Map. (b) In P ART ONE atter paragraph 24 add 24A GREEN BELT AROUND BRISTOL AND BATH Reaaoas Cor the Green Belt

(1) It Is considered that any substantial expansion or the built-up areas or Bristol and Bath Into tbe County of Somerset should be checked; also the merging of Bristol. , Baltford and Bath should be prevented and the Identi ty and eXis ti ng character or the s ur­ rounding tow na, vUl a ges and hamlets should be pre served. Land adjoining the boundaries of the County Boroughs or Bristol and Bath has therera re been defined In the Development .. Plan &II a Green Belt• Polley oCLocal Planning AUlhorlly In the Green nell

(2) rt Is the Intention of the Local Planning Authority when considering applications ror planning pormlslllor, ror development within the Gree n Belt to limit such development generally to that necessary ror the continued vitality or the countryside and the v11lages therein. lIO that the present rural character Is preserved ro r the well-being of the Inhabi­ tants at the cities and countryside ellke. (3) Outside the vUlagea selected tor expa ns io n or IntllUng the purposes tor wnlc b building (a nd the change o r us e at existing bulfdlngsl will be perm it ted In the Green Belt are a gri­ culture and rorestry. lIport, cemeteries, Institutions slandlng In large grounds or olher uaea appropriate to a rural area or to the Ute at a village or hamlet.

Developllleat delrilllealal to the YiI,ulIl IIlIIeniliell of the Green Oell (4) Oenerally the Local P lanning Authority will exercise their powers or control or t1evp. lop­ ment throughout the Green Belt and the vl11ages therein With a view to til" IJreservation or rural character and to ensuring that the visual amenities will nov be Injured by propos als tor development within or conspicuous tram the Green Belt. which although they would not prejudice Its main purpose might be Inappropriate by reason or their siting, materi al s or design.

Developmeat III. "While" arellll between the G~en (Jell and the llreall allooated Cor Ilevelop­ IDeal III. lhe Plan

(5) The Green Belt notation represents II long term policy and It has on ly been drawn ove r areas where It Is In the Local Planning Authorlty's view clear that the Green Belt policy 'll'11l need to be maintained In the long terfl). The Inner Boundary has thererore been so denned as to leave unallocated certain areas of land between the Green Belt and the development proposals: these areas may later be allocated to meet demands ror develop­ ment beyond the present period ot the Plan. or the Oreen Belt notation may be extended over them It It should latsr appear that they should be kept open In the long te rm; but In any event the Local Planning A uthod ty wUl meanw hlle permit only such development the re as wpuld be appropriate In th e nelihbourlng Green Belt.

Eltleat aad boundaries or G~eD Belt

(6l The area of the land Included In the Green Belt Is about 145 square mil e s , In North Somer­ aet, and Includes l an d wit hin the Urban Districts ot and Keynsham and parts or the Rural Districts of Long Ashton, Axbrldge, Clutton. Bathavon and .

(7) The Inner Boundary o r the Green Belt follows the western bank at the River (e xclud­ In g PI li as Indi ca ted o n Inset Map No. I) to Le lghwoods ; thence. excluding the develop­ ment at Lelghwoods, It tallows the boundary of the City ot Bristol through Ashton park to As hton Gate, but excludes the Indus trial development thereabo uts: trom Ashton Gate I t co ntinuee along the city boundary wes t and south of Blehops worth to Whitc hurc n. there­ atter tollowlng the city bo undary to the River Avon near Heath Farm. The Inner BoundlLlY ot the Green Belt around the City ot Bath tollows the clty boundary except at Ba1lbrook, Lower Swa1llswlck and Combe DIJWD wbere the development areu, wblcb are larsel,y built UP. are sxcluded.

Between Heath Farm and Tell1stord the Green Belt extends to the County bound8l7 with the exception ot parts ot Keynsham and Freehtord.

(8) The Outer Boundary ot the Oreen Belt leaves the weet ern bank ot the RIver Avon and proceeds In a soutberly direction to the Une ot th e Bristol-porUebe ad ra1lwayUne whlch 11 tollows to Portbury thence proceedinll In a weaterly direction It excludes Port1ahead and the v1llallea ot Nortb Weston and Weston-ln-Gordano and'lncludes tbe Tlckenham Rldie u tar west as Court Hill. awinlOni east to exclude NaUsea and Weat Town and weat apln to Include the vUlalles ot . Brocl!.ley, Cl eeve and Cadbury HID: 11 excludes the vllialles ot Con lllesbury, WrinKton. Burrlnllton, Blasdon, Obley , Compton M8rt1n and West Hs rptree: it includes the Chew Vall ey Reservoir: 11 excludes tbe vUla lles ot Clutton, FannboroUllb, T1msbury and Peasedown 5t. John: it Includes tbe vUlalle ot Wellow: It excludes the vtllalle ot Nor ton St. PhUllp and reJolna the county boundary at TeWatQrd.

(9) The area between the Rlver Avon and Portbury Whart north ot the Bristol to Portlshead Railway llne bu been excluded trom the Green Belt /lolely because oUts potential1ty In thi!.' area tor dock 4evelopment.

DeveloplDeIIl 111 ext.lhlg IoWD. aad vlllages III the GreeD Belt

(10) (1) The. tolllurini TaWIl Maps which are Included in this aubm1aalon deUne the limits wlth1n which denlopment wW bs allowed at the to11owlq plac,el:-

(1) ToWII YlIQ tor the South Eastern EnviroDS ot tbe City and County ot Bristol Whitchurch lte1Uham Salttord (11) ToWII Yap tor the South Weltem Envlronl ot the C1t7 IIIId Coanly ot Bristol ) Abbots Le1&h Falland (Slxty-Acres) Lone ABllton Part ot Barrow Gurney Dundr1 (ill) ToI'D Yap tor the Env1rona 01 the City at Bath Corston Lower Swa1nawlck and BaUbrook Bathedon Bathtord Bathampton .,. Combe Down I Monl!.ton Combe

(2) The tollowine Town Maps whIch are lIlready betore tbe Minister but have not yl!t been added to the Development Plan deClne the 11mlt. within whIch development wW be allowed at the tollowine pl.c88:- (1) Town YIP tor the NaUlea Area Flu Bourton Part 01 Barrow Gurney (11) Town Map tor Clevedon Tlckenham road area

(11) Insets to tb, County Map deline the ll rn1la withIn wblch de1'8lopment will be permItted 1n: ­ CIIPIon-1D-Oordano Cleeve Felton Freahtord Portbury } RedlI1ll Tlc!lenham Wlntord

(12) It II proposed to permit only a llmited amount ot lntUI1ne1n :_ Butcombe Chew Idll&n& Chew Stoke Combe Ha,y Compton Dando HInton Charterhouse Lower FLUand Marksbvy 2 ------•

..~.._.- Naish Lane (Barrow Gurney) PensCord • Pr1ston RldgehHl Stanton Drew Tunley • Upper Stanton Drew Wellow and no llmits oC development have thereCore been shown In these cases.

(13) In the approved Town Maps Cor the Environs oC Bristol and Bath certain detacbed small areas oC existing development .were marked with the notation Cor residential development; such areas are now Included within ths Green Belt notaUon.


(14) Deposits oC Fullers Earth at South Stoke (M.a. 746616). The site contains Fullers Earth and should not be ster1l1sed by surface development.

(C) in PART TWO(A). after parajraph 12. on p~e 6. add:­ 12A GREEN BELT The major portion of this Town'Map Area Is within the Green Belt Cor Bristol and Bath referred to In pazagraph 24A of PART ONE of this Written Statement.

in PART TWO(B). In l1(b) deiete the word trunk'.

(d) in PART TWO (B). sfterl1Brqraph 15. on pqe 9. Bdd;­

15A GREEN BELT · The major portion of tbis Town Map Area Is within the- Green Belt' ror Bristol and Bath reCerred to In paragraph 24A of PART ONE of this Written Statement.

in parBilraph 16. delete No. 25 and substitute No. 27.

(e) in PART THREE. after paragraph 14. on p~e 12. add:­

14A GREEN BELT The major portion or thll: Town Map Area Is within the Green Belt Cor Bristol and Bath referred to In paragraph ~4A of P ART ONE of this Written Statement.

(C) In PART SEVEN, after parsgreph 12. 0/1 pBile 21; edd :­ 12A GREEN BELT An area or about 76 acres In the soutb-eastsm comer of the Town Map Area Is within tbe Green Belt tor Brl stol and Bath referred to in paragraph 24A of this Written Statement.

.} L.GOODMAN AssIstant Secretaz.1 Ministry oC Housing and .

