Revisiting Recvcling Ivolunteered to Be on the Recycling Com· ''The Big Catch Was That on a Set Day, Students Miuee,
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inENTERTAINMENT Broadcast noise: The current The Princess and the Pea: OVCVolleyBallTournament state of radio Children'sOperaa success Championship Preview Page 3 Page 4 Paae 6 Volume60Issue The newspaper of illc November Revisiting Recvcling Ivolunteered to be on the recycling com· ''The big catch was that on a set day, students miuee, .. he said. becauseI think il's extremely would have w take those bins and whatever it Two university departments have announced imp011ant that we recycle, be leaders in the takes, get it to two locations," said Loucks. plans for separate recycling programson the conununity, and have this become par1 of our· .. Then the company would come and pick those JSUcampus, despite the failure of similar cf.. way of life." up. It couldn't come to every single building, fons in recentyears. Eight months of research and planning fol· just the two locations. So then there's an issue The Public Relations Department is in pro· lowed. A recycling company was chosen, which of maybe it's ruining that Friday or something cess of instituting a recycling program with the like that, so how do we get those bins there?'' Calhoun County Extension Office. In addition, This did, in fact. be<:ome an issue. In Feb- SGA President Bryant Whaley said his associ- mary 2006, President Meehan requested that ation is coordinating with University Housing the Senate provide a narrative describing the to put rccycl ing bins in every dorm beginning program to be distributed to faculty and statr. next semester. Specifics, such as what materials The following month Dr. Rebecca Turner. Vice will be collc.ctcd and what organization will be President of Academic and Student A ff'ai rs, in charge of collection. have yet to be deter- stated that she and the adrninistration would mined. prefer that University staff' rather than students "We're still in the process of geuing our i's handle the program. She requested that the doucd and our t's crossed," said Whaley. Senate produce a resolution calling fOr the pro- According 10 Jennife1· Yates of !he Calhoun gram, which she would then take- to the Aca- County Extension Office, 10 bins will be prO· demic Council. The Faculty/Senate Committee vided to the- PR Department to plac.e per their passed a unanimous resolution in May 2006. discretion. in regards to program growth, That's where the story seems to end. though, Yates is uncertain. In January 20 I 0, The Chanticleer pub! ishcd "Right now we·re looking m j ust collecting an anicle pointing to the JSU Little River Can· it free and looking at what we've got," said yon Center as a major example in which JSU Ymes. "Ifwe have other places we can pick up, has taken the lead in energy conservation. Oth- if I've got the manpower and can make it wo11h er steps detailed were the transit system, mo ~ our while, then I'll kind of know if we're go- tion detectors to control lights, and effons by ing to be able to do it." As part of the Alabama the print shop to recycle paper. Coopera1ive Extension System (ACES), Yates· Director Chuck Torruella was quoted as say- office strives "to be a world-class educational ing, "People can bring us their paper and we' 11 organization providing real-life solutions to recycle it for them." The process involved pa- improve the lives ofall Alabamians." per printed on one side only being cut up into These a re not the fi rst auempts made to bring smaller pieces and usc.d for scratch pads. recycling to the JSU campus. In September In the f.'ll of2007. one student was inspired 2005, Dr. Llcw Cook, Professor of History and to attempt a campus movement. Andy Hug, member of the Faculty Senate, recommended then provided bins and materials regarding the now a 2009 ahunni with a bachelor's degree that the Senate initiate development of a Uni· items it could recycle. A pick-up schedule was in geography. started by co11ccting plastic and versity·wide recycling program. Ceramics and drafted, involving a student organization so as paper from local garages and taking it to Waste Sculpture Professor Steve Loucks was named not to bury the maintenance and housekeeping Recycling in Anniston. Once he realized how committee chair. much could be recycled rather· than wasted. " I crews. Two campus locations were selectc.d. See "Rcc.·ydiog," p:.l{c 2 Career son inTHE NEWS 0 ccess JSU Much B1· MACiltUGilES face networking and resume job fairs. It also hosts infor- STAFF WRITER collection," says Rebecca mational sessions and profes· The Career Services de· Tumer, Career Services De- sional spe-aker panels. AdoAboutN g parunent hosted its annual partme-nt Director. "School "Career Services uses quali- fall Career Fair in the Merrill systems from primarily Ala- ty te-aching to prepare students Hall Atrium last month. Stu- bama and Georgia a11end this for employment. citizenship. dents and alumni were given every year. l lowevcr. we have and life-long teaming;· says The baule of the sexes rages in one ofShake- the Op{X)nunity to meet with had schools from as tar north Turner. spe-are's most popular comedies, Much Ado companies seeking ell1ry-lev- as New Yol'k auend and as The department promotes Abou1 Nothing. which will be presented by el employees from all majors. far South as Florida register Linkedln and Google+ to con- the Jacksonville State University Drama Dc- Walman, the Alabama De- to recruit JSU students and nect JSU students to g loba l pamnent November 17·20 at the Emest Stone pal'tment of lluman Rcsourc· a lumni." careers and provides pal'l- l'erfonning Arts Center on the JSU campus. c->,Ashford Advisors, and Hil- The Career Services De- time, co~op, and intemship Come enjoy the "merry war" between the ton !-lead Guest Services were partment focuses on the needs job postings. sarcastic soldier Benedick and his nemesis. the a few of the many companie-s ofstudents and a lumni, and at- The department provides witty and beautiful Beatrice. Both have swom in attendance. access to statc-of~the·a rt te-ch~ off marriage but. thanks w their scheming Kcrrianc Castleberry, Ca· nology, utilizing social and lricnds, find reer Services Department professional networking and themselves Graduate Assistant says, ''The hybrid teaching methods to falling in Career Fair includes a rull day deliver courses such as Em· love with of students and a lumni net· ployabiliry Skills and Career each other. working with local and state Linkages. Alumni arc encour· As their businesses. Attendees have aged to take advantage or the infatua- the opportunity to submit NACEiink network 10 list up· tion grows, their resumes to these busi· conung openmgs or current they try ncsscs, as well as talk to the employment needs of their ever harder businesse-s about their needs company. to and goals. The event is a ma- The postings include in- it behind jor networking opportunity.·· ternships. fellowships, le-ader· their verbal Career Services hosts its tempts to help each individual ship development programs spaning. fairs once per semester. Cor- lcam the necessary tools for a (LDP), and fu ll-time jobs. Meanwhile, porations. state a nd federal prosperous career. The depan- Finally. Career Services the lovers agencies, and local businesses mcnt assists students in dis· works in conjunction with Hero and JSU Ornmn auend the fairs in an ciTort covering personal strengths JSU's counseling services. Claudio plan to recruit and network with and weaknesses and using Career counselors arc readily their own wc.dding, but when the bitter Don students and a lumni of all them to se-lect a c.areer path available to provide individ- John attempts to stop it. false accusations and majors. Additionally, the de- that best suites unique person- ual analysis in understanding rnisunderstandings threaten the )'Ollllg couple's parrment hosts an annual Ed- ality and intere-Sts. It ofl'crs a and expressing one's self in happy ending. Dynamic wordplay and passion- ucation fair for all education variety of resources including career activities. Pe rsonality ate poetry w ill be sure to charm and entertain! maJors. resume critique, mock inter· and interest inventories assess Performances will be Thursday-Saturday, "The Education Fair is views, employment and life and c larify the best option Nov. 17- 19 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, Nov. 20 at2 p.m. Tickets arc $ 10 for adults, S8 for senior an opportunity for t~ce-to- skills assistance, and campus Sec " fair," pa):!c 2 citizens and JSU personnel, and $5 for stu· den1s, children and mi litary. Entertainment 4 On Campus 2 To order tickets, call 256-782-5648. Opinion 3 This production is directed by Eric Traynor. Volume 60, Issue 10 The SH.JdCnl newspaper of Jacksonville S tate University since 1934 Ncncmber 17. 2011 PUS& COMMUNITY, CAMPUS AND SOCIAL NEWS YOU CAN USE THE TEASE CAMPUS CRIME Join the Music Department for JSU Field Schools will host its Encore! Fall Concert at Mason lnternational Tellabration! Story- Hall Performance Center on Fri· Sunday, November 6 telling in the Canyon on Saturday. day. Nov. 18 at 7:30p.m. Nov. 19. The event is free 10 the public •Duty Upon Striking an Unattend- and will be held at the Little River ed Vehicle at Russell Parkway Canyon Center in Fort Payne be· ginning at 3 p.m. The SGA will host A Midnight Snack in the Caf on Nov. 30 from Tuesday, November 8 10 p.m.