Aum Sai Ram Volume 1 Issue 10

AURA of SHIRDI SAI (A Sai Aura Publication)

Owned by : Aura of Shirdi Sai, A Sai Aura Publication Dedicated to : Shirdi Sai Baba Publisher : Prathibha G. Chief Editor : Dr. G.R. Vijayakumar Editor : Amit Gattadahalli Advisory Board : Chikballapur Shankarnarayan Dinesh Sanjay M. Padia Website : Cover Design : Venkatesh R. Videography : Goutham Nerusu Website Design and Developed by: Unbound Codes Address : No. 32, 'Ranganatha Kempammadevi Nilaya' 1st Floor, 10 C Main, 1st Block Jayanagar Bengaluru, Karnataka 560011, Phone : +91-9110408988 (WhatsApp only) +1-7035982213 E-Mail : [email protected] Desktop Publishing : Gayathri Prints 232/4, 4th Main Srinivasanagar Bengaluru, Karnataka 560050, INDIA

Disclaimer: This magazine is meant for circulation to all devotees of and those who believe in the teachings of Sai Baba of Shirdi. For the spiritual benefit of our readers, occasionally we publish and print, contents/texts from other books, periodicals and other sources. Our sincere gratitude to such authors and publishers. Part of art work and photos have been borrowed from the internet, with due thanks to the owner of Photograph/Art. Opinions expressed in the articles are of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the editors or/and publishers. We do every effort to ensure accuracy of information published in this magazine, but publishers or/and editors will not accept any responsibility for any error. Printed and published by Prathibha G. on behalf of Aura of Shirdi Sai and published from Bengaluru, India. All disputes are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of competent courts and forums in Bengaluru, India. 3 Vol 1 Issue 10

Contents... First Word 4 Sai Baba I’m At Your Lotus Feet 5 A Dip into Vishnu Sahasranama: Sahasranama Liberates You From The Sticky Groove 6 Guru Poornima message by Swami Chidananda 8 The Victory 9 Karma, The Mammoth Memory 10 Children’s Corner 11 Saiway to Overcome Your Anxiety 12 Dr. Ranvir Singh’s Pictorial Message 13 Guru Poornima 14 From Kaka Dixit’s Notes 15 Good Heavens, It’s All A Big Fake! 16 Chaitanya Mahaprabhu 17 The ‘Mahatma’ and the Sage of Sakori 18 Ishavasya 20 Development of Virtues 21 Sai Baba Leads Us to Crest Jewel of Beauty 22 Give one word answers 23 Sai Baba Explains The Aitereya Upanishad 24 Marble Idol Installed At Mandir 26 Sai Baba Takes Us To Vishnu’s Abode 27 Book Review 28 Towards A Borderless Society 29 Sai Prachar is From Religion To Responsibility 30 Dr. Ranvir Singh’s Pictorial Message for Children 32 Neelkanth Ramachandra Sahasrabhudde 33 Sai Aura 4 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10


had a difficult decision to make. Desperately I prayed to Sai Baba, I “What do You want me to do?” But no matter how much I prayed, I could not get an answer. I went to Sai Mandir to speak to Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji. When we met, he was sitting in an armchair and I sat on the floor in front of him, with no one around us. I began to explain my dilemma, but I was so overcome with emotion that I collapsed burying my head in my hands and sobbing. Through my tears, I said, “It is so hard to know what Sai Baba wants!” He looked at me calmly and said, “No, it's not.” We sat together for a few moments, but it was clear that he had nothing further to say, and so I left. “It may not be hard for him to know,” I thought, as I made my way home. “But it is hard for me.” Swamiji, however, had not referred to either of us; he had spoken impersonally of knowing Sai Baba's will. Later, I prayed, “Why is it hard for me?” Instantly, the answer came: “Because you don't want to know. You are afraid that Sai Baba's will may contradict other desires of your heart.” “Reason follows feeling”, Sri Narasimha Swamiji has stated in his masterpiece 'Life of Sai Baba'. Whatever the predisposition of the heart, the mind will follow. Most people are predisposed in favor of their desires, attachments, and the fear of facing an unknown challenge. All these blocks our ability to perceive reality with calm acceptance. Sri Radhakrishna Swamij's only “predisposition” was to know the truth. He was not plagued by what Sri Narasimha Swamiji called “the thwarting cross-currents of ego.” He had a single desire: To know Sai Baba's will. Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji led with his heart. The clarity of his mind came from the courage of his heart. “In reciting Vishnu Sahasranama,” Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji said, “people speak of the need to calm the mind. In fact, it is the heart that needs to be calmed. That is why devotion through Vishnu Sahasranama is fundamental to success and leads to resolve a problem. When the heart is calm and it is directed only to focus on Sai Baba, the mind is also still, because there are no restless feelings to disturb it. Patanjali defines the state of , meaning 'Union with God,' as 'Yogaschittavrittinirodh.' Yoga is the 'neutralisation of the whirlpools of feeling. 'These whirlpools, chitta, reside in the heart. Sri Narasimha Swamiji put it this way, 'Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see Sai Baba in all animate and inanimate things.' Purity means the absence of any other desire except the desire to see Sai Baba in our heart. This is our natural state. It is not something we have to acquire. All we have to do is remove impurities of the heart that keep us from knowing ourselves as we truly are: One with Sai Baba - our God. That simple exchange with Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji —my anguished cry, “It is so hard to know Sai Baba's will,” and Swamiji's calm answer,” “No, it's not.”—was one of the most influential encounters I had with him. Whenever I find myself struggling to know Sai Baba's will, instead of crying, “What do You want me to do?” as if Sai Baba had to be persuaded to tell me, I pray, “What am I afraid of?” Vishnu Sahasranama chanting guides me. Whether the answer comes in an intuitive flash or after long introspection, once the fear is removed, it may still be hard for me to follow Sai Baba's will, but it is not hard to know. Sai Aura 5 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

Sai Baba I'm At Your Lotus Feet

devotee am I, at your feet, Sai Baba, A A slave am I, at your door Sai Baba!

Sai Baba, you shine day and night, like a bright torch, And Sai Baba you have reached the destination, In the world imperceptible!

Sai Baba, you have come here, from the land of mercy. And have borne all suffering and misery Sai Baba - For the sake of humankind!

Sai Baba, you lived in a dilapidated mosque All comforts offered by devotees, Sai Baba, you have given up, And beg from five select houses Only to mix and eat with pigs, dogs, and others, But people appreciate your love and compassion As real riches and wealth!

People know not, Sai Baba your real form and beauty, And people know not, Sai Baba your effulgent character! Incomparable are the wonders, performed by you Sai Baba, And only a devotee knows, your real worth Sai Baba!

Thus, I cry Sai Baba, And with my two paise 'Dakshina' of Shradda and Saburi!!

by Shreyas Devaraj Sai Aura 6 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

A Dip into Vishnu Sahasranama: Sahasranama Liberates You From The Sticky Groove by Seetha Priya

ut your life with its patterns into P perspective; by doing this, you can enjoy the richness of life within and with others. I knew someone who was generous, noble, and talented. Despite all this, he was stuck in a groove of his psychological pattern. His goodness did not fully enrich him, for he stuck to what he knew and what he had concluded. He was a victim of his social conditioning. He did not question his conclusions; in fact, he was trapped in his conclusions. His life was lost in proving his conclusions, and in the process, he did not find the richness and poetry of life. Hence, he suffered from stress and discontentment. Why do we get stuck to our opinion, to our conclusions, to what we like or dislike? Learn to question everything, or else, unconsciously, we will glorify our inner foolishness. Is it not true that we are trapped in our attachment to what we know, and feel it is going to give us happiness or fulfilment? You tend to think, “If I get what I want, then I will become happy. So, I have knowledge of what I want, and there is a conclusion that it will give me happiness. Until from seeing the beauty of what we have achieved. that time of getting what I want, I am discontent.” Unless we learn to be sensitive to 'what is', we will If you investigate discontentment, you will see not optimize what we have, and so, we will be that you always compare, and in that comparison, discontent. With this discontentment, even if we you are more discontent. Can you live life without get what we want, inner discontent will spoil the comparisons? You are not happy with 'what is', for richness of our achievement. The ninth shloka of you have concluded that you will be happy if you Vishnu Sahasranama reflects on this aspect: - get that 'something'.We have not seen the 'Ishwaro Vikrami Dhanvi richness of what we have. With that lack of seeing Medhavi Vikramah Kramaha 'what is', we work for what we do not have. Then, even if we get that, our ignorance will prevent us Anuttamo Duradarshaha Kritajnah Krutiratmavan' Sai Aura 7 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

The all potent 'Ishwara', who is also the 'Vikrami' says, “It is so fragrant on the ground. The rose the valiant, and as 'Dhanvi' – the Bowman, and does not compare with the moon, and the moon 'Medhavi' with his powerful intelligence and does not compare with the rose. In the absence of 'Vikrama' – of great prowess, sets the 'Krama' the comparison, both are rejoicing in their richness. order of our life in recognizing 'what is' (than Most people in business, in factories, be it a what is desired). He is the unexcelled 'Anuttama', worker or executive, are unhappy. They are the unassailable 'Duradarshaha', who is well- unhappy like Moolay Shastri. Moolay Shastri was aware of actions performed 'Kritajna'. Ultimately miserable despite his talent as he compared Lord Vishnu is 'Krutiratmavan' one who creates himself with Sai Baba who is 'Para Brahman'! and then enters His creation and makes it His own. Look into your life; learn to discard inner disorder through Vishnu Sahasranama. Do not allow Reflect on this anecdote from Sai Baba's life. comparisons to kill you. There is no end to Moolay Shastri goes to Baba's durbar to meet Sai comparisons. One can be extremely successful, Maharaj. He was proud of being a Brahmin and of without comparisons. That is a healthy option. his scholarship. He felt inferior when he observed Find this option and with clarity, do your work, people coming and bowing down to Sai Baba. and then see the beauty of life. Let yourself Seeing this, Sai Baba tells Moolay Shastri, “See the become liberated from the groove you are stuck moon. It is far away in the sky; still, it shines.” in. Then he pointed to the rose in the garland and

Hemadpant states, “If Sai Satcharitra is sung lovingly, the pleasures of listening will enhance and understanding the meaning and intent, enrich the devotees' love and devotion which will grow manifold. “If you listen to it day and night, the bonds of worldly attachment will be broken. The triple consciousness of the meditator, the object meditated upon and the meditation will disappear, and the listeners will be full of happiness.” (Hemadpant in Sai Satcharitra –Chapter 14, Ovi 217-218) Sai Aura 8 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10 Guru Poornima message by Swami Chidananda

Divine Life Society, Rishikesh (24.7.1964 - Rishikesh)

alutations and worshipful Pranams to Lord “I do not know whether I am a devotee or not. S Sainath whose form is to be an object of our Therefore, O ocean of mercy and compassion, meditation, whose feet are to be adored, and pray make me a proper devotee. Generate in me whose Grace grants us supreme Divine beatitude! that Mumukshutva which makes me a devotee Guru is one who has destroyed the cravings of and give me the spirit of willing obedience. Help his mind and who knows how one must destroy it. me in trying to follow thy instructions. Help me in The only thing that stands in the way of our trying to mould myself upon the pattern set up by spiritual realization is our own mind and it is to thee”. This must be our constant prayer. And, by remove this obstacle that one comes to the Guru this alone shall we be able to draw the Kripa of our and surrenders himself unto him. But, then, Guru and make our life fruitful. The perfect way Guru-Kripa has not only to be bestowed, not only of praying is trying our best to be real devotees. to be given; it also must be received. In receiving Beloved Sai devotees, to send this message to it, we immortalize ourselves, divinize ourselves. you, is a great privilege and a joy to me. It is a rare We must be ready to receive it; then it will flow blessedness to think of Lord Sainath, a rarer into us and raise us to the highest realm of blessedness to speak about Him, to glorify and immortality, eternal light, and infinite bliss. But, praise Him and a supreme good fortune to then, how can we receive it? How should we worship Him. To meditate upon the Guru is the conduct ourselves if we are to receive this Grace? greatest blessing that can come into the life of a Carry out the teachings of the Guru; and this seeking soul. should be our Sadhana day in day out. There may be certain inner qualifications which are necessary for the full and effective reception of divine grace. Even after having attained all the qualifications of the ideal devotee, we have to wait in humility and in patience. There is no loss here, for the goal is immortal life, freedom. If we have become willing servants and willing, obedient devotees, then it is the natural law that Guru- Kripa may come in an unpleasant form. It may come in the form of a series of disappointments. We may think that Guru has not bestowed his Kripa upon us; but that disappointment itself will be his Kripa. We are not fit to judge whether we are ready to receive Guru-Kripa or not, and what form it would take. The best thing is to humbly leave everything to the Guru. Sai Aura 9 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

Worship is the means of approaching the path to blessedness and bliss. This is your Invisible. It takes us closer to the Intangible foremost duty now. Divine Essence in which form Sai Baba now The most holy Guru Purnima is a great annual abides after setting aside in 1918 the physical occasion that provides you an invaluable form in which He dwelt. By regular worship, the opportunity of re-establishing this vital inner seeker strengthens his spiritual bond with the contact with Lord Sainath. It is a day when all the Guru even beyond the time of his physical devotees earnestly put forth special efforts to existence. By preserving such a bond, the Sai- experience their oneness with the Nirakara Guru devotee can draw upon himself the continued Tattva. Renew this contact. And then plunge into Guru-Kripa. He is blessed with guidance and a period of spiritual Sadhana. Crown that protected by His benedictions in a mysterious Anushthana with an inspiring worship of His way. Adore thy Guru and pay homage unto Him glorious radiance abiding in His Samadhi at who has opened thy eyes to the glorious Shirdi. May Lord Sainath's grace be upon all! purpose of life, and who has shown you the true ory iccttory V Vi ee IN the womb of pain, the babe of joy is born hh From the mire springs the beauteous lotus T T The clouded sky reveals the radiant blue Be grateful! To Sai Baba Be grateful! Sainath has created this beautiful universe Grim darkness holds the grandeur of light In the depthless ocean lies the rarest gem So, in the ache of thought find wisdom pure In the heart of struggle – the heaven of peace In the battle of life – the victory. O Lord Sainath! And from noble thoughts of three G's Gayathri, Gopooja and Gita Our offering O Loving Master come and accept Give us Spiritual Grace Oh Sainath! by Sai Raghu Sai Aura 10 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10 Karma, The Mammoth Memory

by Sri Narasimha Swamiji

t happened in 1935. While happened thirty years ago, but it is I taking bath in Pushkar thirth working on you. Experiments in Ajmer, a crocodile caught my substantiate this: if someone who right ankle and my Rama Nam knows no Chinese, for instance, is chanting made a Punjabi brother exposed to the language when he on the bank to fire his rifle at the is in deep sleep, years later, under crocodile and save my life. conditions of hypnosis, he can However, the injury was quite actually utter the same ten deep, and I was to be in the Chinese sentences. Government Hospital, Ajmer for Similarly, what happened thirty over four weeks. Sai Baba kept on million years ago is still encrypted r e m i n d i n g m e ' K a r m a i s in your body. Everything that ever something mysterious! So, it does happened on this planet is still not matter what it is: once you've remembered because your body is gotten used to something , just a piece of this planet. Your whether pleasant or unpleasant, you cannot drop mind has forgotten life as a unicellular being, but it! your body remembers. Your mind has forgotten Karma literally means 'action', but from where your great grandmother, but her nose still sits on does this action arise? From volition, which, in your face. Genetics is essentially memory. turn, is determined by identification with a Although people think memory only means narrow sense of individuality. This identification mind, the volume of memory that the body arises from memory. You believe you are an carries is many billion times greater. individual because your memory tells you so. It The attraction to one's karmic patterns is would not be amiss, therefore, to describe karma powerful because most people experience safety as memory. in the familiar. When you are eighteen, life seems Everything that you consider to be yourself is a full of possibility. But as you grow older, it often product of your past. Your body is just a heap of feels like choices are shrinking. As the karmic food you have ingested over time. Your mind is a substance increases, the discerning mind takes a heap of impressions and ideas you have imbibed backseat, and you work increasingly by habits, over time. Both are creations of the past. So, what patterns, and cycles. you call your 'personality' is simply an The inherent power of human intelligence has accumulation of memory. The essence of been fragmented into atomized forms of thought everything you consider to be yourself is karmic. and emotion. These have become a source of You may not remember consciously what unspeakable suffering and destruction. Since Sai Aura 11 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

people are so identified with their fragmented the distorting lens of karma – the lens that makes individuality, shaped by their memory, they see them confuse the projection for the real, their everyone else similarly. Eventually, however, it is fragmented memory-driven psychological the universal that prevails. Creation is like a video creation for the incredible majesty of life itself. game: once it is over, nothing is left on the screen. The time has come to wake up to the fact there is Not even a flicker to suggest what once was. only one crime against life: to make-believe you The time has come for human beings to transcend are something other than life.

and twigs of trees. Talk to the green grass. Play Children's Corner with the birds and pets, the rainbow, wind, stars, Beloved Children, and the sun. Converse with the running brooks and the waves of the sea. Develop friendship with all Namo Sai Nathaya, your neighbors, dogs, cats, cows, human beings, Every man is a power in himself. He can influence trees, and flowers. Then you will have wide, others. He can radiate joy and peace to millions of perfect, and full life. This state can hardly be people. He can elevate others. He can transmit his described in words. You will feel the highest peace, powerful soul-stirring, beneficial thoughts to his bliss, and joy. far-off friends. He is an image of Lord Sainath. May you be endured with good health, vigor and There is no such thing as inanimate matter. There vitality through the grace of Lord Sai Nath. is life in everything. Life is involved in a piece of stone. Matter is vibrant with life. Yours Sai Babaly, Smile with the flowers and shake hands with ferns Sai Aura Team. Sai Aura 12 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

Saiway To Overcome Your Anxiety by Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji

t was in the early Nineteen Fifties or so. A Officer to follow ABCDE. 'A' stands for adversity. I senior police officer who was one of the It indicates any kind of setback that we leading candidates for the post of State Police experience or anticipate experiencing. 'C' Chief came to meet Sri Narasimha Swamiji. He represents the consequences of that setback – had been anxious for months to get it. Not only how we emotionally experience it. Whether we did he not get the position, but also, one of his feel sad, angry, fearful, frustrated, worried, peers was going to be his new boss. He felt let helpless, etc. down and sad. He felt sorry for himself and was While we are quick to rationalise how 'A' deeply concerned about his stature within and directly leads to our state of 'C', there is invariably outside the police force. a factor in-between these two states. The factor of This Police Officer's experience is not unusual. 'B'. We all routinely experience significant anxiety 'B' stands for our beliefs. All our thoughts and about our business targets, financial rewards, feelings emanate from our deep-seated beliefs. social status, parents' health, children's future, These personal beliefs determine the conseque- personal well-being and so forth. Underlying all nces of adversity for each of us – how we feel with such anxiety is an established pattern in human every real or anticipated setback. Sri Narasimha emotions– first established by Sri Narasimha Swamiji advised him to have implicit faith in Lord Swamiji himself in his masterpiece 'Life of Sai Sainath as an altar flame. Baba' and has suggested a rational way to overcome it by Sai Baba's grace. There are two kinds of beliefs that particularly contribute towards our anxiety. Sri Narasimha Sri Narasimha Swamiji advised the Police Swamiji pointed out that the first centers around Sai Aura 13 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

the absolute necessity of certain outcomes in our absolutely must get promoted to have greater mind. I absolutely must get promoted; my self-worth or be happier? Consider reframing this children absolutely must love me as much I love belief. While a promotion would be nice, it's not them; I absolutely must never do anything less that I can't survive without it; if I continue to than perfect. The absolute nature of such mental focus on building relevant skills, the promotion demands creates anxiety. Besides, not achieving will follow at the right time; being successful at these absolute goals results in our feeling like a work is merely one part of who I am and not being failure. The second set of unhelpful beliefs are at the top does not make me a lesser person. usually around our desire for approval by others. Likewise, we need to dispute the other We wish for others to really like us. If any of the dominant belief: that your colleagues would now adversities endangers our perception of our think less of you. You cannot let what people likeability, Sri Narasimha Swamiji pointed out think of you determine what you think of that we feel gravely anxious. yourself. If you are resilient and positive, they This Police Officer had a strong belief that his would be too. self-worth is defined primarily by his success at 'E' is for establishing effective beliefs and work and that being passed on for this promotion strategies that are healthier and serve you well. As spells doom for his future. He also believed that the Police Officer started examining his limiting his colleagues would naturally start judging him beliefs and embracing healthier ones as advised poorly. by Sri Narasimha Swamiji, he began to feel The key to altering the recurring pattern of significantly more positive. His faith in Sai Baba anxiety arising from the common triggers of paid rich dividends. Soon he was deputed to the adversity, is to examine our related beliefs. 'D' is Central Government and was placed in a much for disputing those beliefs. Is it true that I better position. Dr. Ranvir Singh's Pictorial Message Sai Aura 14 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10 Guru Poornima by Dr. G.R. Vijayakumar

uru Poornima also known as Vyasa Poornima first Guru, as he began the transmission of yoga to G marks the birthday of Veda Vyasa. It is a the Sapta Rishis. Many Hindus celebrate the day in spiritual tradition in Hindu culture dedicated to honor of the great sage Vyasa, who is seen as one of spiritual and academic teachers, who are evolved or the greatest Gurus of the Guru-shishya tradition. enlightened humans, ready to share their wisdom, Vyasa was not only believed to have been born on with very little or no monetary expectation, based this day, but also to have started writing the Brahma on Karma Yoga. It is celebrated as a festival in India Sutras. Sanyasis observe this day by offering puja to and Bhutan by the Hindus, Jains, and Buddhists. their Guru, during the Chaturmas, a four-month This festival is traditionally observed by Hindus, period during the rainy season, when they choose Buddhists, and Jains to revere their chosen spiritual seclusion and stay at one chosen place. teachers/leaders and express their gratitude. The This was the day when Krishna-Dwaipayana festival is celebrated on the full moon day (Poor- Vyasa – author of the Mahabharata – was born to nima) in the Hindu month of Aashada (June–July) sage Parashara and a fisherman's daughter The celebration is marked by spiritual activities Satyavati.Thus,this day is also celebrated as Vyasa and may include a ritualistic event in honor of the Poornima. Veda Vyasa did yeoman service to the Guru - that is, the teachers which is called Guru cause of Vedic studies by gathering all the Vedic Pooja. The Guru Principle is said to be a thousand hymns extant during his times, dividing them into times more active on the day of Guru Poornima four parts based on their use in the rites, than on any other day. The word Guru is derived characteristics and teaching them to his four chief from two words, 'gu' and 'ru'. The Sanskrit root 'gu' disciples – Paila, Vaisampayana, Jaimini and means darkness or ignorance, and 'ru' denotes the Sumantu. It was this dividing and editing that remover of that darkness. Therefore, a Guru is one earned him the honorific "Vyasa" (Vyas = to edit, to who removes the darkness of our ignorance. Gurus divide). He divided the Holy Veda into four, namely, are believed by many to be the most necessary part Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva. The histories and the of life. On this day, disciples offer pooja (worship) or Puranas are said to be the fifth Veda. pay respect to their Guru (spiritual guide). In addition to having religious importance, this festival has great importance for Indian academics and scholars. Indian academics celebrate this day by thanking their teachers as well as remembering past teachers and scholars. Traditionally the festival is celebrated by Buddhists in honor of the Lord Buddha who gave His first sermon on this day at Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh, India. In the yogic tradition, the day is celebrated as the occasion when became the Sai Aura 15 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10 From Kaka Dixit's Notes

ixit sat near Baba. Just then a village woman Vijayananda did parayan for two weeks. He started Dcame running up with her child held in her the third round of parayan and an uneasiness arms. The child was already dead, and she wailed gripped him. As he walked towards the wada, he hysterically requesting Baba to bring the child back collapsed and fell down. Bade Baba rushed to help to life. Her sorrow brought tears in all. Baba kept him, but he was already dead! mum! Kaka Dixit pleaded with Baba to relieve the Kaka Dixit felt that Baba has given Vijayananda sorrow of that mother. Baba told him that the 'Mukti' in Shirdi instead of sending him to the child's soul has already entered another body and by Himalayas or back to his mother! Dixit looked interfering in the divine plan, he will be doing forward to Baba's help in his coming out of worldly injustice as the child will have to leave that body to attachments. re-enter this body again – making his new mother unhappy! The wailing mother accepted Baba's Raghunatha Rao Tendulkar and his wife Savithribai verdict and said, “Baba, if my boy is going to be - a couple from Bandra, Mumbai, came for Baba's happy in his new birth, let him remain there! Be darshan. Tendulkar had published a book titled anywhere, my boy, be happy!” With sobs, she 'Bhajanawali' describing many of Baba's miracles blessed her son! and it had helped in spreading Baba's name in Maharashtra. Tendulkar's wife pleaded with Baba A sadhu was in the crowd. He had seen that Baba did that her husband is due for retirement and a not bring back to life that dead child. He stepped pension of seventy-five rupees may not be ahead and requested Baba to save his ailing mother adequate. Baba assured a pension of one hundred at his native place from death. He carried with him a ten rupees and blessed them. She also represented letter conveying his mother's illness. This sadhu that her son due to appear for his final medical from South India, had come to Shirdi two days examination was diffident as an astrologer has earlier and his name was Vijayananda. He was on his predicted his failure! way to Manasa Sarovar in the Himalayas. He met Swami Somadev at Shirdi who explained the Baba said – “What nonsense! These astrologers tell difficulties in reaching Manasa Sarovar. you about the favour of stars, not of God! How do Vijayananda was in two minds as to whether to they know what He has on mind! Go and tell your proceed to Manasa Sarovar or not and in the son that my fakir asks him to study as usual and go meanwhile had received a letter informing that his for the examination! He will pass this year itself!” mother is on the verge of death! When Vijayananda Baba's word was a cent percent guarantee – approached Baba for permission. Baba was furious Tendulkar knew! and asked him as to why he took 'sanyas' when he Then Baba referred to is attached to his mother. the topic of constructing Baba asked him to go to a Wada. Kaka Dixit Lendi Baug and do three enquired about his plan. weekly 'parayan' of Baba told him to start Bhagawatha. In a mystic construction in right w a y , B a b a t o l d earnest. He can settle Vijayananda that many down in Shirdi after thieves are waiting to fulfilling all family attack him! responsibilities! Sai Aura 16 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10 GoodGood HHeaeavvens,ens, It's All A Big Fake! by Dr. G.R. Vijayakumar

ord Sainath sitting in Dwarakamayi, L conferring with his Secretary and most intimate devotee Shama. Lord Sainath : Well, Shama while I've been on tour to make sure everything's running smoothly in my infinite universe, what's been happening on that tiny little speck called Earth, which I've left in your charge? Shama: Well, boss, it's a bit tough to say, because it's getting pretty difficult to figure out what's really going on there, and what's not. Lord Sainath : Difficult to figure out? Why's that? Shama: It's because of something called fake news. Which are made-up things which people spread around as the truth, so that other people believe them. getting more and more preoccupied? Lord Sainath: Golly. But can't these humans Shama: In a manner of speaking, it does have to make out what's true and what's not? do with politics of a sort, the politics of religion, Shama: Sometimes it's hard for them to do so, which can be the most political politics of all. because humans are programmed to believe what Lord Sainath: You don't say. So, what was their they're told by authority figures, like parents and fake news about religion? teachers, priests and political leaders, TV anchors and social media pundits. Shama: It was about how the parliament of a country called Iceland had passed a resolution Lord Sainath: Wow. That's a lot of programmed saying all religion was nothing but a mental belief. So, what's the latest piece of fake news that disorder. It appeared in a satirical column called people have taken for real? `Laughing in Disbelief', and a lot of people took it Shama: Well, actually it didn't start of as fake to be for real, and began to share it on social media news, it started off as satire which some people with other people, until it snowballed into a big mistook for fact and spread it around as such. issue, with people taking sides, for and against, Lord Sainath : OK, so did this satire that people and getting into verbal fights with each other. took for afact, have anything to do with that thing Lord Sainath: Good Lord, or rather, good me! Are called politics with which humans seem to be people still fighting over religion, all these Sai Aura 17 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

thousands and thousands of years after they Don't they realise that I'm beyond differentiation, invented it? beyond taking sides? Can't they see that I'm Shama: They are, indeed. In fact, they're fighting above all religion, like an impartial referee, or over religion more than ever because, over all umpire, or whoever those chaps are who don't these years, they've invented more and more support one team or other and make sure that no religions, each competing with all the others. fouls, or match-fixing, or other jiggery-pokery takes place? Lord Sainath: You mean all these competing religions have become like the football World Cup, Shama: I'm afraid they can't. Each religion or the Indian Premier League? believes you support it, and it alone. Shama: It's even bigger than that. Because you Lord Sainath : Well, can't you spread the word that come into religious rivalry, with each religion they've got it all wrong, and that I'm for all claiming that they hold the sole copyright on you, religions equally and I'm not for any particular God. one at all? Lord Sainath: But dash it all, how can they do Shama: Sorry, Boss. But that's one thing that'll that? How can they try and divide the indivisible? immediately be dismissed as being patently fake news….

Chaitanya Mahaprabhu Sri Narasimha Swamiji in his Sai-Prachar work in Calcutta and other areas of Bengal has extensively by Smt. Sarojini Devarajulu referred to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Vaishnavites regard Chaitanya Mahaprabhu who appeared in West Bengal at Mayapur, Nabadwip in 1486, on the day of Falguni Purnima as incarnation of God. He is regarded as a great saint from Bengal who inaugurated the Sankirtana Movement and propagated the chanting of the Hare Krishna Mahamantra. “In the first part of Kali Yuga, the Supreme with golden complexion, will become the husband of Lakshmi. Then he will become a sanyasi and reside near Jagannatha.” Sri Narasimha Swamiji has paid reverential salutations to Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in his work 'Life of Sai Baba'. He also made a pilgrimage to Mayapur, Nabadwip It is quite possible that this evidence can be refuted if Sai Baba considered Chaitanya Mahaprabhu as an it is only coming from one Purana. But more than 10 Avatar of Maha Vishnu. When Das Ganu Maharaj clear references are there about Chaitanya started his first 'Pravachan' Sai Baba blessed him in Mahaprabhu's birth, parentage, activities, and the name of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and advised him philosophy in the Srimad Bhagavatam.His mother to keep him as his role model for 'Nama Smaran'. Sachi saw that her son leaves footprints containing impressions of auspicious symbols such as lotus, Can a human being be regarded as an avatar, in the conch shell and disc. Struck with wonder, she shared present day and age? Sanatana clearly this information with her husband, Jagannath specifies three minimum conditions for someone to Mishra. Right from childhood he was regarded as be regarded and revered as God-incarnate: First, Divine. references from scriptures; second, specific auspicious symbols and third, bodily characteristics found in Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has established 'Nama such an individual. Smaran' as a panacea to obtain God-realization. Sai Aura 18 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

The 'Mahatma' and the Sage of Sakori By D. Sankaraiah

hough Mahatma Gandhi and Sai Baba were Gandhi desired to meet Upasani Maharaj and it T contemporaries, they never met in person. was Sarojini Naidu who made necessary After Lokamanya Tilak got blessings of Sai Baba, preparation. About the two, Sarojini Naidu Gandhi tried to meet Sai Baba but each time, due wrote, “We have two mahatmas. One is Upasani to pressure of work, to his regret, he could not Maharaj, who gives us peace. The other is find time to go to Shirdi. Mahatma Gandhi, who will not let us rest one moment in peace. But each does what he is doing with the same end in view, namely the spiritual regeneration of India”. On seeing an eighteen inches high statue of Gandhi in one of the alcoves in Upasani Maharaj ashrama room, one of his devotees was puzzled and asked him, 'Who should be my ideal?' 'Should it be ever active Gandhi, or ever reticent Upasani Maharaj who sits quietly?'

Despite the fact that the two never met, they appreciated each other's thought and work. Sai Baba advised his devotees to “follow the example of Gandhiji in the work of national cause,” To all those who complained of depression, Gandhi advised, 'Remember God in every living being – whether animal or human. Just as you love me here, love everybody else everywhere, whatever you may be doing anytime, remember to recite the name of Prabhu Ram! Let 'Rajaram, Rajaram' be on your lips! Sure, he will look after you!” It was 1927. Upasani Maharaj at Sakori was very famous. Sai Baba wanted to nominate Upasani Maharaj as his successor. Even though he was a great Mahatma, he did not like to be worshipped on par as Sai Baba and mentally had sought Baba's permission to decline Sai Baba's successorship. Out of four years internship fixed by Baba he completed only three years and ten months and left Shirdi. Sai Aura 19 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

On hearing the question Upasani Maharaj Gandhi too admitted several times that he was smilingly looked at him and said, “Who told you seeking his own salvation through all his actions. that I am sitting quietly?” The devotee said that Gandhi endorsed the doctrine of 'surrender' when he had been seeing it with his own eyes. At this, he said, “And if God guides me, what should I Upasani Maharaj asked him, “Why do you think think? Even 'thought' may be an obstacle in the that what you are seeing with physical eyes is the way of His guidance.” Explaining this remark truth?” Upasani Maharaj said, “It is only after everything Upasani Maharaj explained to him that both is replaced by 'divine will.' all doubts regarding Gandhi and he perform their actions with success or failure, right or wrong, disappear. 'devotion and detachment' and asked everyone to Doubts arise only because one has not do so. They have completely surrendered surrendered to the divine.” themselves to divine will. For both, the keyword is Spiritualism was the cardinal principle 'surrender'. He said that, if one has surrendered underlying all their actions. By 'spiritualism' they absolutely to God or to a guru like Sai Baba who is meant 'education of the heart'. It represents the Para Brahman himself then he does not have to 'inner view of life' – 'it is the life within expressing concern himself about the rectitude or otherwise and governing life without.' Both Gandhi and of the course, he will be taken 'on the right course' Upasani Maharaj agreed that 'the more the soul is by the power to whom he has surrendered. in tune with God, the more it realizes its own Gandhi, according to Upasani Maharaj was the inner bliss'. exemplar of complete and unequivocal surrender When Upasani attained Mahasamadhi in 1941 to God. Upasani Maharaj upheld that Gandhi had Gandhiji cited the episode from Ramayana: that no interest in Indian independence if it were to be his work on ear th was over and paid achieved by unspiritual or immoral means. 'shraddhanjali'. Sai Aura 20 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

IshAvAsya Part 7 by JayakrishNa Nelamangala

Previously we learnt that, fearlessness is, without a त को मोहः कः शोकः doubt, knowledge that paramātma is sarva- एकं अनुपतः ॥ ७ ॥ niyantru, and not knowing this truth itself is fear. Vedic Brahman, who is everywhere is taught as yasmin sarvāṇi bhūtāni "भयकृ त् भयनाशनः bhayakr̥ t bhayanāśanaḥ". For the ātmaivābhūd vijānataḥ | ignorant, fear from God who is everywhere means tatra kō mōhaḥ kaḥ śōkaḥ fear from all things around him. For this reason, he ēkatvaṁ anupaśyataḥ || 7 || is constantly worried about protecting himself In Paramātman all that exists are stationed. That from various worldly things. For the knowledge- Vedic Parabrahman indeed is in all living beings able, there is no fear. Vedic Brahman that is and in all non-living things of the world from everywhere is his Protector. For the same reason, beginning-less times. One who knows thus i.e., all things around him also protect him. In this one who knows paramātman as the Support of all situation, there is no need for him to protect that exists and knows paramātman as distinct and himself. The next teaches that for such a different from the world, specially one who knows knowledgeable person, there is neither delusion thus without doubts, where is delusion for him? nor there is misery. Where is misery for him? There is none. Shōka is a product of Mōha. Moreover, this world by itself is not of the nature of Dukha. The misery Notes: that we do see is due to moha. Proper knowledge · When it is said, all of existence are dependent on eliminates moha. An adhikārin with proper Parabrahman, it simply means, their existence is knowledge of the world as the work of God and due to Paramātman. Those things are them, that in dwelling God being Completeness of Bliss, because Parabrahman has made them to be so. This sees only joy all around him. What others think as is how Parabrahman of the Vēda is Sarva-Kartru. miserable world, is actually a station of ānanda and Not only that, He has entered into those created Jeevan-mukti. This the meaning from ancient things, from immemorial times. The adjective times in the tradition of śruti. This Omnipresence 'from immemorial times' is added to indicate the or Sarvagatatva is a concept that enjoins several fact that, it is like the thing was there first and then other deeper concepts which are to be known, as Parabrahman entered into it. If that were to be the one makes progress in the study of shaastra. case, Parabrahman's existence would be सािद sādi. Because Parabrahman was there before, those उपिनषत् upaniṣat other things are there. This is how the entire universe is सािद sādi and Parabrahman is अनािद यन् सवाण भूतािन anādi. आैवाभूद् िवजानतः । · Paramātman being the Ashraya for this world Sai Aura 21 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

and Parabrahman being in all things of the world, In this situation, the ignorant wants to be on the because both are attributes of Parabrahman, they good side of those things and thinks that is his are not distinct from one another. Both are anādi. protection plan and has ownership and attachment Paramātman has no motion. He is Sarvagata, in those things. But in reality, that thing is not the Sarva-Vyāpta. He is nearby. He is far-away. He is cause for anything. Therefore, although the inside and He is outside at the same time. Study of ignorant may think that the thing is providing him shāstra is the only way to firmly understand these 'protection', but the thing is incapable of providing points without doubts and contradictions. any such protection. Believing in that thing will · The readers are encouraged to study "पुष एवेदं eventually end up in disappointment. All these actions of the ignorant are all misery and is the िवं कम तपो परामॄतं puruṣa ēvēdaṁ viśvaṁ karma cause for the next misery. On the other hand, for the tapō brahma parāmr̥ taṁ" of the muṇḍaka IV.1 and ̄ knowledgeable who has gotten the knowledge of "एवं धमान् पृथक् पं ानेवानुिवधावित ēvaṁ dharmān Vedic Brahman, this whole chain of misery is not pr̥ thak paśyaṁstānēvānuvidhāvati" of the kaTa. there for him, just as its cause the delusion is also (II.1-14) not there for him. Thus, the knowledgeable is · Misery is caused by attachment and lack of always without misery. The upanishat asks, for knowledge of paramātman is the cause for such a knowledgeable, where is the question of attachment. When things of the world are misery? understood devoid of the knowledge of Paramātma, then they cause delusion and misery.

Development of Virtues

Alertness is watchfulness. It is briskness. It is an attitude of vigilance. Be on the alert. You will attain success in all undertakings and spiritual sadhana. A captain of a ship is ever alert. A fisherman is ever alert. A Surgeon in the operation theatre is ever alert. A man of alertness is keenly watchful. He is ready to act at a short notice. He is nimble like the squirrel. He is characterized by briskness. “You will never be able to understand thoroughly how great Sai Baba was. He was the very personification of perfection. If you know him as I know Him you would call him the Master of Creation” —Avatar Meher Baba

“The lives of men like Sai Baba are the very proof of the truth that the Master blesses the seed which he sows in us and time does the rest in accordance with the pupil's worthiness of His grace. Not all the seeds fall on stony ground. Some give a rich harvest. Therein lies hope for the future of erring mankind —Mouni Sadhu Sai Aura 22 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

Sai Baba Leads Us to Crest Jewel of Beauty

by Seetha Vijayakumar

achievements was his accession to Kashmir's y husband,on Sarvadnya Peetha, seat of all knowledge. Also his trip along M called Sharada Peetha, after the Goddess of N a r m a d a v a l l e y i n Learning, after whom the state got its name in the Madhya Pradesh had old days, the shrine is now located in Pakistan- picked up a 'Bana Linga' occupied K ashmir. S o, we visited the to worship at home and Shankaracharya Hill. On the way we stopped by a also had visited 'Jeeva Samadhi' of Sadguru small shrine of Sai Baba. Sadasiva Brahman at Nerur near Karur in Tamil Nadu where a 'Bana Linga is installed.' Soon he My husband told me that at this place had to go to Srinagar on an assignment and I Shankaracharya meditated to compose his joined him despite Kashmir being a troubled area. Saundarya Lahiri, the Waves of Beauty. The 100- verse-long poem opens abruptly with the Shankaracharya Hill comes into view as we assertion that, only when Shiva is united with his approach Srinagar from the airport. The conical Shakti did he acquire the power of creation. temple on top of the densely forested hill According to a legend, the manuscript was overlooks Dal Lake and in the mild afternoon originally authored by Shiva himself and He light, it is shining like the crest jewel of the gifted it to Adi Shankara in the Kailash Goddess. The vista brings to mind the image of Himalayas. However, Nandi, the possessive bull Vivekachudamani, Crown Jewel of Reason, which of Shiva allegedly grabbed the text in his mouth, is the title of a famous poem that Adi only to tear it into two parts and retain the first Shankaracharya composed in his relatively short part with its 41 secret tantric verses. A smiling but meteorically brilliant lifespan of 32 years. Shiva then commanded Shankaracharya to write This metaphor of a glittering medallion for a additional verses praising the glory of the scholastic topper seems doubly apt because the goddess. crowning glory of the Acharya's academic Our plan wasto bask in some of the magical vibes associated with the sacred spot while chanting Vishnu Sahasranama and 'Om Namah Sivaya'. It was a difficult terrain, but once you get to the summit, everything seems to change magically. There is bright sunlight all around, and under the friendly blue skies, one can rest on granite seats around the massive 'God trees' that have been planted in front of the shrine. We strolled around to gaze down upon the dazzling Dal Lake with its tiny toy- like houseboats. Suddenly it seems to us that all is well, and God is nigh. So, now we know Sai Aura 23 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

why Mughal Emperor Jahangir described Kashmir— “If there is Paradise on Earth, it is here; it is here; it is here,” he's supposed to have exclaimed in ecstasy. A reference to this shrine occurs in the 12 century work 'Rajatarangini'. It says King Gopaditya (426-325 BC) repaired the shrine to Jyestheswara, a form of Shiva. The Karkota King Lalitaditya Muktapida (724-726 BC) made some land grants to the compact rock temple, which is set on a solid 20-feet-high octagonal base. The terrace around the square temple is reached through a steep stone staircase set between two walls. A doorway on the opposite side of the staircase leads into the interior, which captures your senses at once as an elegant marvel of architectural economy and ergonomics. The giant Bana-Linga in the sanctum has been smeared with, saffron and sandalwood paste. “Having been brought from the depths of River Narmada, which is geologically more ancient than the Indian subcontinent itself, this Linga truly symbolises the Jyestha-Ishwara, Elder or more than a mere place. It has the quality of an Primordial One,” the priest informs us, on experience, or a state of mind, or perhaps an learning that we are devotees of Sai Baba. His ideal.” comment reminds us of the words of Sri A visit to Shankaracharya Hill was as good as Narasimha Swamiji: “Kashmir has always been visiting Sai Maharaj at Shirdi.

Give one word answers 1. Which 'vrata' Sai Baba' advised Bhimaji Patil as a remedy for TB. 2. Name the year Baba first came to Shirdi. 3. Name of Bayaja Ma's son. 4. Who welcomed Sai Baba to Shirdi? Answers: 5. Name the Deputy Collector of Kopargaon who came to Sai Baba. 1. Satyanarayana Vrata, 6. Sai Baba made fun of Dixit, name it. 2. 1854 3. Tatya 7. What is 'Saburi'? 4. Mhalsapathy 8. Name the Wada where Baba's Samadhi is situated. 5. Nana Chandorkar 6. Langda 9. What was the name given to the garden daily visited by Sai Baba? 7. Patience 8. Buti Wada 10. Who was the Mother initiated by Baba to chant 'Rajaram Rajaram'? 9. Lendi 11. Who was the 'Aayi' referred by Baba? 10. Mother Khaparde 11. Mother Radhakrishna Aayi 12. Name the wandering fakir who claimed himself as Baba's Guru. 12. Jawahar Ali Sai Aura 24 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10 Sai Baba Explains the Aitereya Upanishad by Ramaswamy Seshadri

Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji took us to Alaghar universe in stages, Kovil in the outskirts of in Tamil Nadu beginning with space, and explained the different icons in a contempla- then-time and crystal- tive mood. The nature of Consciousness is a lizing its essence in the seminal theme at the heart of Upanishadic shape of the human thought. The Taittiriya Upanishad explores the being , finally. The fivefold sheath of human consciousness, the A i t e r e y a d r a w s koshas -- annamaya, pranamaya, manomaya, attention to how the vijnamaya and anandamaya, that is, the physical, human body is the vital, mental, intellectual, and causal layers of prime manifestation of Atman, alluding to the human individuality. The Mandukya Upanishad fact that we need to understand our inner cosmic lays down the four states of consciousness -- nature. jagrat, svapna, susupti and turiya, that is, our "Who Am I?" The classic question of the waking, dreaming, dreamless sleep state and pure Upanishads is first asked in the Aitereya, urging consciousness. In the same vein, the Aitereya us to realize that we are more than merely our Upanishad outlines how Brahman itself may be sensory organs and mind, for we are Atman, defined as Consciousness. actually. We must penetrate the crust of ego to Reflecting deeply upon the nature of human and reach our deepest core. We then, come face-to- transcendental consciousness, the Aitereya face, 're-look', see and experience the singular begins by stating that Atman is the only reality. In Self that pervades one and all. the beginning was the Atman only, the first cause Once Mrs.Khaparde came with a tray of food and principle, before creation itself. The Aitereya covered with a cloth as an offering for Baba after outlines how this First Principle created the the noon prayer. On seeing her, Baba yelled with pain – “O mother, I am dying, I am dying.” He started rubbing his right shoulder and leg as if someone had beaten him up. Mrs.Khaparde kept the tray aside and started massaging Baba's leg with care. After some time, Baba said – “Mother, I went to eat curds and had thrashing on my shoulder and leg.” Baba had not even moved from the mosque. How then could he have gone to eat curds? He pointed at a Brahmin in the crowd and said – “Well brother, are you happy? You have beaten me on my shoulder and leg for no fault of mine!” That Brahmin was frightened! He spoke Sai Aura 25 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

nervously – “How will I ever beat you Baba? It is in the cat! unthinkable.” Baba raised his gown and showed Seeing this great 'Leela' Mrs.Khaparde recollected fresh swollen marks on the shoulder and right leg. what happened a while ago. On her way, she came Baba spoke to that Brahmin – “Listen, did I not across a pig. She offered a chapatti to it mentally come to you sometime back? To eat your curds?” considering it as a form of Sai Baba. Baba referred The Brahmin wept – “Oh God, it was you, Baba, in to this and told Mrs.Khaparde – “Mother always the form of a cat?” He recollected the entire remember me! I am in every living being – episode. He was suffering from Asthma and Baba whether animal or human? Just as you love me had advised him not to use curds. But the here, love everybody else everywhere.” Brahmin was fond of curds. So, he prepared curds Consciousness as defined in this concept reminds everyday. But a cat used to come and eat the us to see the empirical world as it truly is, as only curds. To prevent this, he kept the vessel in a one relative part of a larger Consciousness and hanging sling. Even then the cat ate away the the seeker is to strive for that state of Pure curds. He laid a trap and when the cat came that Consciousness where one would experience the particular day, he trashed it on its shoulder and i m m a n e n c e o f B ra h m a n a n d n o t j u s t right leg! Baba did not want his devotee to eat intellectually grasp it. curds and ruin his health. But he missed Sai Baba Sai Aura 26 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

Marble Idol Installed At Samadhi Mandir by Bondada Janardhana Rao

n the Samadhi Mandir, Baba's photo that was I worshipped till 1954. A White Italian Marble Idol of Baba that was chiseled by Balaji Vasant Talim, a celebrated sculptor who was blessed by Baba, was ceremoniously installed by the hands of Swami Sai Sharananandji (Wamanrao Patel) on 7 October 1954 and is being worshipped since then. It is interesting to note how the Italian Marble stone which was used for sculpturing Baba's life-like Idol, arrived in India. Once the Italian marble stone arrived at Bombay port and remained in the dock yard unclaimed by anybody. The Port Authorities then conducted an auction in which someone bought the marble stoneand delivered it to the Shirdi Sansthan. Thus, it reached Shirdi miraculously and the Sansthan got it sculptured at the hands of Balaji Vasant Talim into the most beautiful subsequent incarnations. This is a unique temple of Idol of Baba which was installed in 1954 in the Baba. sanctum sanctorum in the Samadhi Mandir. Baba's Baba used to say that he is present in all the Idol was thus installed on 7 October 1954, the animate objects or living beings and animals including Vijayadasami day, exactly after 36 years after Baba's dogs. There were many instances during the life of Mahasamadhi. It is to be noted that 36 hours after Baba that support this view. But one such instance Baba left his mortal coil, the interment of Baba's body which is happening now, bears eloquent testimony was completed on early Thursday morning on 17 towards this end. There is a temple for Baba in Indukur October 1918. It is also interesting to note that B.V. village in Nellore district in Andhra Pradesh. In the Talim did not do any sculpting work after 1954 till his temple at the time of Kakad arati, two dogs would death in 1970 at the age of 82 years as per Baba's always visit the sanctum sanctorum without fail daily. direction as he was a blessed person with highest At the end of the arati, the two dogs would sit near spiritual attainment. Baba's Idol, would join the puja chorus. and make The finished Marble Idol of Baba was taken in continuous siren-like sounds. These dogs ate only procession throughout the Shirdi village with pomp vegetarian food, including chapattis, plantains etc. and gaiety before installation during 1954. Baba's Idol The regularity in the arrival of dogs and participation is so life-like as if Baba is sitting in the Mandir. in the arati chorus, amply prove what Baba said that he Devotees like Swami Sri Sai Sarananandaji, Laxmibai, is always present in all animate objects. Saguna Meru Naik and others who saw Baba in Mortal The masjid was renovated in 1912 by Nanasaheb Coil and moved with Baba, felt as if Baba had come Chandorkar, and renovation and pavement work on back alive in the form of His Idol. the floor of the Sabha Mantap (courtyard in the An Idol of Baba was installed in Baba Mandir masjid) was done in the same year in a single night by (which is in star shape) in Kurnool in Andhra Pradesh Dixit. Chavadi was also renovated in the same year by as early as 1951, much before the installation of Baba's Anna Chinchanikar who had a land legal dispute that Idol in Samadhi Mandir in Shirdi, and perhaps this went on for a long time and got it disposed of by Baba's may be the First Baba Idol installed anywhere in India. Grace in his favour and in gratitude he got the Chavadi There is a Dattatreya Idol and Idols of Dattatreya's renovated beautifully. Sai Aura 27 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

Sai Baba Takes us to Vishnu's Abode by D. Chamaraj

e made a trip to along with a few peak and Vishnu Sahasranama was on their lips. W Sai devotees. Right from Bengaluru we Rows of red, pink, and yellow bougainvillaea w e r e c h a n t i n g V i s h n u S a h a s r a n a m a bushes lined the broad roads, their flowerlike continuously. spring leaves waving gaily. The route was dotted When we reached Tirupati, Seshadri Mama, with signboards that read Om Venkateshaya Balan, Shiv, Seetha and others looked up in Namah — 'Salutation to Lord Venkateswara' — wonder at the sight in front of them. The rolling and the sound of Om wafted from loudspeakers hills, covered in a carpet of lush green, towered attached to electricity poles, reverberating across before them as if ready to touch the sky. the hills. A few caramel colored deer grazing on Waterfalls gushed down the red sandstone cliffs the hillside looked up at them with innocent eyes in a series of mini cascades, like strands of silver as they passed by, drawing a shout of delight from threads suspended against the hillside. The Shiv. 'I didn't know there are animals in the forest morning sun reflected off the mountain lakes and on this hill. Are there others too?' he asked. 'I threw flashes of light that darted and danced don't know about other animals, but I do know across the green valleys. The three of them were at about a giant snake who lives here,' said Seshadri the foothills of the Tirumala range and were mischievously. 'What? A giant snake!' exclaimed about to start their journey up the most sacred of Veer. 'Don't worry. He is not dangerous. Are you the seven hills to the site of the famous Sri ready for your first story of the day,' asked Venkateswara Swamy Temple, also known as the Seshadri. Tirupati Balaji Temple. All of us nodded eagerly. 'We're always ready 'This is not just another temple,' said for a story, Mama!' said Shiv. 'According to an Seshadri as the car that they had rented for the ancient legend, these hills are the coiled body of day purred up the hills. 'It is one of the most an enormous divine snake called Adishesha or visited places of worship in the world.' 'Wow!' Shesh Naag, who is Vishnu's loyal friend and his exclaimed Seetha. 'But why?' jumped in Veer. guardian. Once, the powerful wind god, Vayu 'What is so special about it, Mama?' 'The great went to visit Vishnu at his home on the heavenly God Vishnu himself is believed to have lived on Mount Vaikuntha. Adishesha was standing guard the hill and the temple is dedicated to him, at the entrance and he blocked Vayu's way. '“How 'answered Seshadri. 'He is known as dare you stop me!” roared Vayu. Vishnu heard the Venkateswara, which means “the remover of sins.” and the hill is named Venkatadri after him. People have been coming here for more than a thousand years and believe that a prayer to Venkateswara does not go unanswered for he has the power to make their wishes come true.' The cool breeze blew across their faces as the car made its way along the winding road up to the Sai Aura 28 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

loud voices at his doorstep and came out to and you will take the form of a magnificent investigate. He found Adishesha and Vayu locking mountain range that people will visit and worship horns, each boasting about how he was more for ages to come.” So that is the legend of how powerful than the other. Vishnu tried to reason these hills came to be,' said Seshadri. 'The seven with them but to no avail. “The only way to decide peaks that you see are said to be the seven hoods this is a contest,” suggested Vishnu. “I have an of Adishesha.' 'So, we are driving up Adishesha's idea, Adishesha, why don't you climb Mount back!' said Shiv, gazing at the hills to see if he Meru and hold the mountain in your coils as could make out the coils of the snake. 'Did Vishnu firmly as you can, while you, Vayu, try to dislodge keep his promise to come to earth and live with Adishesha. Whoever succeeds will be the stronger Adishesha?' asked Seetha. 'Of course,'replied of the two.” They both agreed. Adishesha wound Seshadri. 'He lived on this hill and it's even named his massive coils round and round the mountain, after him, remember? There are many stories and until his hood covered the peak. Seeing this, Vayu legends about Vishnu and these hills; it could take started blowing as hard as he could. He sent me hours to tell you all of them.' 'Veer, look!' tornadoes, whirlwinds, and hurricanes to blow shouted Shiv, pointing to the peak that had just the snake off the mountain, but Adishesha held come in sight as their car turned along yet another on tightly. Several days passed and neither curve. Brilliantly lit up by the morning sun and yielded. Then suddenly the wind died down and nestled against the green backdrop of the thickly silence enveloped the mountain. Adishesha forested hill, stood a tall pyramid-shaped ivory thought that Vayu had given up and he lowered colored tower or gopuram. There it was - one of his guard. the most popular temples in the world — Sri In that moment, Vayu summoned all Venkateswara Swamy Temple of Tirupati. his divine might and blew as hard as he could. Adishesha and part of the hill were whisked away, and they landed on earth, at this very spot. Adishesha was so dejected by his defeat that he continued to lie where he had fallen and refused to return to the heavens. To appease him, Vishnu said, “My dear friend, don't be disheartened. We will be together on earth as we were in heaven. I will come and live with you here, B ook R Title : Sri Shirdi Sai Baba - 'The Universal Master' Book Author : Satya Pal Ruhela This book deals on the divine life, teachings, messages, and grace of Shirdi Sai Baba. It highlights e his importance as the Universal Master whose teachings and messages elevate all people v spiritually and morally and unite them. His main teachings are God is the sole master of all; the ie same 'Atma'(soul) is in every creature; everyone is linked to others according to one's past w actions and Rinanubandh (bond of give and take).So, one must be kind, compassionate, and helpful to all those who come in this life. He appears before people who earnestly remember Him, in their dreams or in any other person's form to guide, inspire, save, and help them to solve their problems instantly. This book provides valuable information on prominent Shirdi Sai temples, organizations, journals, and websites in the world. It will enlighten and spiritually uplift the readers belonging to all religions, cultures, and nations. This is published by Partridge and available through Amazon (186 pages – 4.9 USD) Reviewed by: Maheshwari Sanath Kumar Sai Aura 29 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

Towards A Borderless Society by Smt. Usha Ranganathan

e need to break free of sectarianism and Supreme Consciousness. Ganesh Rao challenged Sai W separatism, move out of belief systems that Baba that he will accept him as 'Sadguru' only when create division, destruction, conflict, and chaos. We Triveni – Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati flow from have to make a paradigm shift in our collective His Lotus Feet. Even when it happened, he did not consciousness. take it as holy 'tirth' as he was prejudiced that Baba Way back in Forties, in his Sai-Prachar messages is a Muslim! Sri Narasimha Swamiji wrote, “Curiously enough, it A raised or awakened consciousness can is our religion that zealously maintains the inner reconnect us with that non-dual, non-divisible barriers that separate and often antagonize nations cosmic consciousness where synchronicity of and people, their respective votaries not even universal oneness and inclusivity prevail. In other hesitating blasphemously to take God's own name words, the universe itself is consciousness. to humiliate or morally injure their fellow-beings The Ishopanisad states, “He who sees all who happen to belong to a different community.” creatures in himself and himself in all creatures no Sai Baba used to get into terrific rage if someone longer remains concealed,” Through analysis, discriminated in the name of religion. We recollect experiments and explorations, quantum physicists, from Sai Satcharitra that on one evening, he was too, seem to arrive at the same conclusion. abusing Hindus and Muslims alike! He threw According to panpsychism, every living and non- everything in the Dhuni! Nana Chandorkar, Kaka living object has consciousness. Consciousness is Dixit and other devotees had assembled for Dasara all-encompassing energy, which is present in all festival. Baba was blurting – “Damned you all! So spheres, everywhere; so, it can change perceptions. many years have passed! Still you ponder whether I Inner evolution is required to achieve a higher am a Hindu or a Muslim! Can you not see I stay in a state of consciousness. Purification of body, mind mosque, read Koran, recite Namaz, yet burn a and spirit is necessary, connecting the atman, soul, Dhuni, celebrate Rama Navami and Ramzan with to cosmic consciousness, Brahman. equal zeal? Still you want to know Who I am? What Elevated consciousness helps the individual soul is there to guess? Hindus doubt I am a Muslim? get united with the universal soul. Ego-centric I- Muslims doubt I am a Hindu? See with your own ness gives way for a borderless perceptive, thereby eyes – see who I am?” One by one he removed his visualizing Sai Baba everywhere, in every soul. clothes and stood naked. Spiritual insight and deeper awareness lead to the By this, Sai Baba's intention was that, as realization that the Absolute, Supreme Conscious- individuals and as members of society, we need to ness, and Self are one: Tat Tvam Asi. Judgemental get over our limited mindset and open up to merge mind, limiting beliefs, contradictions and with integrated wholeness. complexities make way for acceptance, compassion Transformation can only take place when we are and understanding for a more cohesive world. able to transcend duality, divisibility, and Pure existence is where one is in all and all is one. differences, especially what is based on caste, creed, This integrated consciousness realigns and and religion. We should visualize Sai Baba in every redefines our relationship with other people and atom. with all of nature. Sage Ashtavakra explained, “You The only way to achieve this is through an are not the body; rather you are pure Consciousness, awakened and ascending consciousness level. For the knower of all that you witness. The result of this consciousness is all-pervading, and all-embracing. knowledge will be peace.” Whatever may be the nomenclature, God is Sai Aura 30 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10 Sai Prachar is from Religion to Responsibility by O.K.Varada Rao

wo footwear salesmen were sent to was over as in the case of any contemporary saint. T different parts of Africa. A week later, one Sai Baba's Samadhi was being worshipped like a sent an urgent mail home: “Get me out of this Muslim Darga! place. Nobody wears shoes here!” The other Prior to 1940, all over India, hardly anyone salesman wrote back: “Wow! No one wears shoes knew about Sai Baba or heard of the place 'Shirdi'. here. Send me a shipload. Here's a ready market!” But today we find temples of Sai Baba in nooks Sri Narasimha Swamiji often narrated the and corners of the country. Associations of Sai above story to those who asked him why he devotees, Satsangs, Samajs are in plenty. Many maintained a punishing travel schedule to take have given Baba's name to their children. Many Sai Baba's message. “Do you really believe the shops, institutions, industries bear Sai Baba's entire world will take to Sai Baba?” they asked. name. Shirdi is now on the international map and Sai Baba attained Mahasamadhi in 1918 and lakhs of people visit Shirdi to seek Baba's Shirdi thereafter generally faded out of public blessings. memory. People visiting Shirdi were very few and Sai Baba's invisible but unmistakably by 1936, hardly ten people visited on any day. perceptible presence in Shirdi pulled Sri Close devotees of Sai Baba thought that his power Narasimha Swamiji in 1936 to take him all over the globe in the next two decades. Sri Narasimha Swamiji is the heart of Sai movement. He is the embodiment of Sai grace and through his herculean efforts effected a silent revolution by which he made Sai Baba known all over India initially and now the world over. A revolution in which innumerable low and sinful people turned over a new life of piety by taking up worship of Sai Baba. He gave direction and life to Sai movement which had become static by 1936. Sri Narasimha Swamiji's pioneering efforts of Sai Prachar from village to village, city to city, and making individual house visits took Sai Baba out of Shirdi in the remote corner of Maharashtra to all over the country and even abroad. For this purpose, every Sai devotee should be ever grateful for the strenuous efforts of Sri Narasimha Swamiji from 1936 till he attained 'Mahasamadhi' in 1956. When we offer obeisance to Sai Maharaj, our foremost 'Pranams' should be to Sri Narasimha Swamiji. Sai Aura 31 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

Who is Sri Narasimha Swamiji? How did he Swamiji in which he has poured out his devotion. live? How did he realize Sai Baba? What are his He guided the Sansthan authorities to adhere to a efforts to distribute the treasure of 'Sai Baba's set pattern of worship, which is followed even grace' to one and all? An attempt is made here in today. With the help of Das Ganu Maharaj, he all humility to tell the fascinating story of this rationalized the singing of different Arathis. He messenger of Sai Baba. also composed 'Sai Sahasranama' for elaborate Sri Narasimha Swamiji took birth in a beautiful worship of Sainath Maharaj. He also introduced village of Bhavani in Tamil Nadu, on the banks of chanting of Vishnu Sahasranama in the daily the confluence of three rivers – Kaveri, Bhavani routine of worship. and Guptagamini, on 21st August 1874. At a Sri Narasimha Swamiji learnt Marathi and tender age he mastered the scriptures and later interviewed the contemporaries of Sai Baba and acquired a degree in Law. He became a prominent brought out thebook 'Devotees Experiences'. He lawyer in Salem city and acquitted creditably as undertook a whirlwind trip of Maharashtra the President of Salem Municipality for two during 1936-39 along with Das Ganu and Awasthi decades and as a Member of the State Legislature. Maharaj to carry the message of Sai Baba. Sai He took part in the freedom struggle and was a Baba prompted Sri Papaiah Chetty of Nellore to follower of Annie Beasant's Home Rule gift a sum of Rupees 11,455.00 to Sri Narasimha movement. A tragedy in which two of his children Swamiji at the Samadhi Mandir in Shirdi which were killed made him renounce his home in 1925 Swamiji refused. But Sai Baba made him accept it to perform severe austerities and realize God. For for establishing 'All India Sai Samaj' at Madras in eleven long years he travelled all over the country, 1939 which became a nucleus for Sai-Prachar. He stayed with great saints like Jagadguru brought out booklets, pamphlets and made Shankaracharya Sri Chandrasekhara Bharathi extensive lecture tours all over the country to Mahaswamigal of Sringeri, Ramana Bhagawan of carry the message of Sai Baba. In fact, he took 'Sai Tiruvannamalai, Siddharooda Swamiji of Hubli, Baba out of Maharashtra and placed him all over Narayan Maharaj of Khedgaon, Meher Baba and India. He wrote extensively in newspapers on Sai Upasani Maharaj. In fact, Sri Narasimha Swamiji Baba. is responsible for introducing Ramana Bhagawan Sri Narasimha Swamiji's divine personality to the world through his book 'Self-Realization' – attracted people of all faiths to join Sai path that Biography of Ramana published in 1929. rapidly grew to hundreds of thousands. During Subsequently through another book 'Sage of Sri Narasimha Swamiji's very lifetime, devotees Sakori' published in 1936, he introduced Shri worshipped him as 'Sadguru'. During 1936-56, Upasani Maharaj. When Sri Narasimha Swamiji Sri Narasimha Swamiji travelled alone and at arrived at Sai Baba's Samadhi on 29th August times with a few volunteers – from the icy peaks 1936, he found his liberating truth. He felt Sai of the Himalayas, through valleys and deep Baba engulfing his body and transforming him jungles to Kanyakumari, from Gauhati to Lahore, into a new personality. A great surge of and thus the whole of India. He had covered more compassion and devotion flooded his mind and than 11,500 villages, sanctified more than he felt at peace with him. Thus, an ardent devotee 1,50,000 homes, written about 2,00,000 letters, of Sai Baba who could spread his message in the built 450 Satsangs called Upasamajams, and length and breadth of the country was thus re- initiated over 50 temples and given countless born. discourses. Sai Baba's 'Ashtothara' recited by millions of He never worried whether twenty people his devotees has been composed by Sri Narasimha attended his lectures or two thousand! His Sai- Sai Aura 32 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10

Prachar work always started on time and in a simpler expressions of spirituality. Was Sri systematic manner. Caring little for his personal Narasimha Swamiji the founder of a religion? No. comforts, he has comforted thousands by His system was based purely on experience and directing them to Sai Baba. All those who are faith in Sai Baba. Was he then an avatar? You fortunate to come into his divine presence could look at it like this. Whenever the need breathe a divine peace and experience a touch of arises, consciousness will centralise in the form of Lord Sainath because of his constant rapport with a person or a group. When Krishna says that he him. will manifest whenever there is a need, he is Sri Narasimha Swamiji took Mahasamadhi on referring to a limitless consciousness that will 19 October 1956 and the mantle of carrying Sai naturally manifest whenever the climate is movement fell on his worthy successor Sri conducive. Sri Narasimha Swamiji is that Radhakrishna Swamiji, who was associated with 'Parabrahman' him since 1943. In times of strife, some will invariably start In a world dominated by the intellect, feeling, “How can we go beyond this mess?” When humanity needs urgently, tools to elevate that thought enters many minds, consciousness consciousness. Sri Narasimha Swamiji offered will manifest. When it manifests as an individual Sai-worship by which we can transform likeSri Narasimha Swamiji you might call him an compulsion into consciousness. No one before or avatar. Sai Baba is an iconic figure for our times, since has been able to surpass this prodigious an embodiment, to the great revolution started contribution. by Sri Narasimha Swamiji already underway, globally. Let us surrender to Sai Baba to attain Many saints have only been able to offer Self-realization. Pictorial Message for Children Dr . Ranvir Singh's Sai Aura 33 July 2020 Vol 1 Issue 10 Neelkanth Ramachandra Sahasrabhudde by Bhanumathy

aba said, “however distant my people may be, I B draw them to me just as we pull a bird to us with a string tied to its foot.” In the year 1910, Nanasaheb Chandorkar visited Neelkanth Sahasrabuddhe's house and asked him when he was going to Shirdi. When Neelkanth said he had to collect his monthly pension, Nana said Annasaheb Dabholkar will arrange to collect his pension. He gave Rupees 10.00 for his expenses in Shirdi, gave a letter to be handed to Shama in which he asked Shama to arrange for additional funds if needed, and asked Neelkanth to leave at once. Neelkanth boarded the train to Shirdi the very next day. On the way he asked his co-passenger on Manmad Mail if he knew Sai Baba. The young co-passenger immediately said, 'I know that mad fakir.' On reaching Shirdi, Neelkanth met his old school friend Tatyasahib Noolkar in Sathe Wada. Initially Noolkar did not him. Noolkar tearfully said "Baba brought you for this recognize him but when he told about him and their purpose only so I may not suffer.” student days, he gave a big hug and said, 'now you are my responsibility.' Baba gave Neelkanth many experiences in Shirdi. Once when he was in Shirdi, Das Ganu Maharaj's wife Neelkanth went to the masjid along with Noolkar for Baya was in Shirdi and was very sick. Baba pointed at the noon aarthi and paid his obeisance by touching Sri Neelkanth and told him, 'Tai is your daughter-in-law. Sai Baba's feet. Over the next 3 days Baba repeatedly So, take care of her.' Tai's mental condition was not told him to serve Noolkar. He believed some great stable, and hence she was brought to Shirdi. Taking souls graced this earth but was doubtful about Sai care of Baya was a herculean task. She was completely Baba and jested about it. Eventually Noolkar asked demented and on several occasions was unaware of him to stop talking about Baba like that as it hurt him the state of her body. She had developed severe skin immensely. One day Neelkanth said he could not disorder on both of her hands. Neelkanth arranged to understand Baba's words of asking him to serve send her with another lady to attend nature's call Noolkar and asked Baba to explain him without every night. He used to give her a bath every day and hidden meaning. had her do 108 parikramas to the deity in Sathe Wada. A few days later during one of his discourses Baba said, With this kind of tender care, Baya recovered "our experiences are not indirect. Those who feel so completely. But no one immediately understood why can go and those who don't should experience and go." Baba told Neelkanth that Tai was his daughter- in-law. Neelkanth wanted to experience Baba's words and Then they all realized that it was because Das Ganu Baba allowed him to stay in Shirdi. a n d N e e l k a n t h h a d t h e s a m e s u r n a m e , Noolkar who was in good health suddenly became very Sahasrabhudde and Neelkanth was much older than ill and died. Neelkanth took care of him and nursed Das Ganu Maharaj.