Computational Model

Computational Methods for Oil Recovery PASI: Scientific Computing in the Americas

The Challenge of Massive Parallelism

Luis M. de la Cruz Salas

Instituto de Geof´ısica Universidad Nacional Aut´onomade M´exico

January 2011 Valpara´ıso,Chile

Comp EOR LMCS 1 / 47 Computational Model

Table of contents

1 Computational Model OOP & TUNA CUDA & Seldon Final Remarks

Comp EOR LMCS 2 / 47 Module: contains a set of procedures along the data they work on (F90, ++, ... ). Object–Oriented Programming Construction of user defined Abstract Data Types (ADT), called classes of objects. Behaviour and data are encapsulated in classes (C++, Java, F90+). Generic Programming We focus on the implementation of models defined by a set of requirements bundled into a concept (C++). E. g. the study of linear algebra algorithms produce Matrix and Vector concepts.

Computational Model

Structured Programming , Functions, Procedures (C, F77, ... )

Comp EOR LMCS 3 / 47 Object–Oriented Programming Construction of user defined Abstract Data Types (ADT), called classes of objects. Behaviour and data are encapsulated in classes (C++, Java, F90+). Generic Programming We focus on the implementation of models defined by a set of requirements bundled into a concept (C++). E. g. the study of linear algebra algorithms produce Matrix and Vector concepts.

Computational Model

Structured Programming Subroutines, Functions, Procedures (C, F77, ... ) Modular Programming Module: contains a set of procedures along the data they work on (F90, C++, ... ).

Comp EOR LMCS 3 / 47 Generic Programming We focus on the implementation of models defined by a set of requirements bundled into a concept (C++). E. g. the study of linear algebra algorithms produce Matrix and Vector concepts.

Computational Model

Structured Programming Subroutines, Functions, Procedures (C, F77, ... ) Modular Programming Module: contains a set of procedures along the data they work on (F90, C++, ... ). Object–Oriented Programming Construction of user defined Abstract Data Types (ADT), called classes of objects. Behaviour and data are encapsulated in classes (C++, Java, F90+).

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Structured Programming Subroutines, Functions, Procedures (C, F77, ... ) Modular Programming Module: contains a set of procedures along the data they work on (F90, C++, ... ). Object–Oriented Programming Construction of user defined Abstract Data Types (ADT), called classes of objects. Behaviour and data are encapsulated in classes (C++, Java, F90+). Generic Programming We focus on the implementation of models defined by a set of requirements bundled into a concept (C++). E. g. the study of linear algebra algorithms produce Matrix and Vector concepts.

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OOP & Generic Programming Table of contents

1 Computational Model OOP & Generic Programming TUNA CUDA & Seldon Final Remarks

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OOP & Generic Programming Generic Programming (GP)I

To developing efficient and reusable software libraries [6]. Main idea: many algorithms can be abstracted away from the particular data structures on which they operate. For example: The algorithm accumulate(), which successively applies a binary operator to each element of a container. Typical use would be to sum the elements of a container, using the addition operator. accumulate() algorithm in C++:

t e m p l a t e < class InputIterator , c l a s s T > double x[10]; T accumulate(InputIterator first , v e c t o y ( 1 0 ) ; InputIterator last , l i s t > z ( 1 0 ) ; T i n i t ) { a=accumulate(x, x+10, 0.0); for (; first != last; ++first) b=accumulate(y.begin() ,y.end() ,0.0); i n i t = i n i t + ∗ i r s t ; c=accumulate(z.begin() ,z.end() ,0.0); return init; }

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OOP & Generic Programming Generic Programming (GP)II

The algorithm can be used with any container that exports the InputIterator . An InputIterator can be de-referenced. An InputIterator can be incremented. GP process (lifting): Identify useful and efficient algorithms. Focus on finding commonality among similar implementations of the same algorithm, and then find its generic representation. Derive a set of (minimal) requirements that allow these algorithms to run and run efficiently. Construct a framework based on classifications of requeriments. Lifting process provide us with a suitable abstractions so that a single, generic algorithm can cover many concrete implementations.

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OOP & Generic Programming Generic Programming (GP)III

Concepts : describe a set of abstractions, each of which meets all of the requirements. Graph algorithms will produce Graph concepts. Linear algebra algorithms will produce Matrix and Vector concepts. Model : is an abstraction that meets all requirements. Summary: GP process give us a better understanding of the problem domain. GP is the creation of a systematic organization of abstract and efficient software components. GP is to program with concepts. GP is not about languages features. Standard (STL) uses generic programming. THRUST use many concepts from STL.

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OOP & Generic Programming Classes and Objects

A C++ Implementation

while ( t <= Tmax) { IMPES Algorithm pressure. calcCoefficients (); Solver ::TDMA1D( pressure ); 1: while (t < Tmax) do pressure .update(); 2: Calc. coeff. of pressure equation. 3: Solve the pressure equation implicitly. saturation. calcCoefficients (); 4: Calc. coeff. of saturation equation. Solver :: solExplicit(saturation); 5: Solve the saturation eq. explicitly. saturation .update(); 6: t ← t + ∆t 7: end while t += dt ; }

An object has a name, attributes and behaviour. A class is a construct that is used as a blueprint to create objects. An object of a given class is called an instance of the class.

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OOP & Generic Programming Class declaration

class Vector { class Matrix { p r i v a t e : p r i v a t e : i n t s i z e ; int rows, cols; double ∗ data ; Vector ∗ v e c t o r s ; p u b l i c : p u b l i c : Vector ( ) ; Matrix(int , int); Vector(int ); Matrix(const Matrix&); Vector(const Vector&); int getCols() const; int getDimension() const; int getRows() const void setDimension(int ); void setCols(int); void resize(int); void setRows(); double& operator()(int i) const } ; { return data[i ]; } ; } ; Vector x(10), y(10), z(10); Matrix A(10,10), B(10,10); Vector& operator+(const Vector&, z = x + y ; const Vector); A = B ∗ z ;

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OOP & Generic Programming Templates

Classes Functions template class Vector { t e m p l a t e p r i v a t e : inline T const& max (T const& a, i n t s i z e ; T c o n s t& b ) T ∗ data ; { p u b l i c : r e t u r n a < b ? b : a ; Vector ( ) ; } Vector(int ); Vector(const Vector&); i n t main ( ) { int getDimension() const; i n t i = 4 2 ; void setDimension(int ); ::max(7,i); //max(7 , i ) void resize(int); double f1 = 3.4; T& operator()(int i) const double f 2 = −6.7; { return data[i ]; } ; ::max(f1,f2); //max(f1 , f 2 ) //... string s1 = ”mathematics”; } ; string s2 = ”math”; //... ::max(s1,s2); //max(s1 , s2 ) Vector a r r a y i ( 1 0 ) ; r e t u r n 0 ; Vector a r r a y d ( 1 0 0 ) ; }

Substitution of type parameters during compile time: template instantation. C++ templates supports: functions, classes and member functions.

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OOP & Generic Programming Dynamic polymorphism

In C++ this is about the use of virtual functions. Virtual functions can introduce an overhead in run time:

class Matrix { public: virtual double operator()(int i, int j); } ;

class SymmetricMatrix : public Matrix { public: virtual double operator()(int i, int j); } ;

class UpperTriangularMatrix : public Matrix { public: virtual double operator()(int i, int j); } ; //... double sum(Matrix &A) { double suma; for(int j = 0; j < A.cols(); ++j) for(int i = 0; i < A.cols(); ++i) suma += A(i ,j); return suma; } //... SymmetricMatrix A(N,N); double suma = sum(A);

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OOP & Generic Programming Engines

class Symmetric { //... } ; class UpperTriangular { //... } ;

template class Matrix { p r i v a t e : T engine engine; } ;

template double sum(Matrix &A) { //... } Matrix A(N,N); double suma = sum(A);

Matrix is a template class with the T engine parameter. Symmetric and UpperTriangular are two different engines that hide the particular implementation for each kind of matrix. All engines must have the same set of operations.

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OOP & Generic Programming Curiosly Recurring Template Pattern (CRTP) [3]

Also known as Barton & Nackman trick [2]. template class Matrix { p u b l i c : T leaftype& asLeaf() { return static c a s t (∗ t h i s ) ; }

double operator()(int i, int j) { return asLeaf()(i ,j); } } ; class SymmetricMatrix : public Matrix { //... } ; class UpperTriangularMatrix : public Matrix { //... } ; template double sum(Matrix&A);

SymmetricMatrix A; double suma = sum(A);

The base class takes as parameter the type of the derived class.

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OOP & Generic Programming Template ([4])I

Is about writting programs that represent and manipulate other programs or themselves They are executed at compile time Prime numbers calculations: Erwin Unruh [ANSI X3J16-94-0075/ISO WG21-462, 1994]. The program does not compile:

unruh.cpp 15: Cannot convert ’enum’ to D<2> in function Prime_print unruh.cpp 15: Cannot convert ’enum’ to D<3> in function Prime_print unruh.cpp 15: Cannot convert ’enum’ to D<5> in function Prime_print unruh.cpp 15: Cannot convert ’enum’ to D<7> in function Prime_print unruh.cpp 15: Cannot convert ’enum’ to D<11> in function Prime_print unruh.cpp 15: Cannot convert ’enum’ to D<13> in function Prime_print unruh.cpp 15: Cannot convert ’enum’ to D<17> in function Prime_print unruh.cpp 15: Cannot convert ’enum’ to D<19> in function Prime_print But it actually runs!!!

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OOP & Generic Programming ([4])II

Metainformation is info that is available during compile time and cannot be changed during run time. types, constants, non-type template parameters, name of a function or member function. Factorial calculation: template struct Factorial { enum { value = N ∗ F a c t o r i a l :: value } ; } ; template< > struct Factorial <1> { enum { value = 1 } ; } ;

const int fact5 = Factorial <5>:: value ;

Some have limits on template recursion. TM can generate many MB of executable code.

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OOP & Generic Programming Template Metaprogramming ([4])III


template class TinyVector { public: T operator()(int i) const { return data[i ]; } private: T data[N] } ;

template inline float dot(TinyVector& a, TinyVector & b ) { r e t u r n meta dot:: f ( a , b ) ; }

template s t r u c t meta dot { template static T f(TinyVector& a, TinyVector& b ) { r e t u r n a ( I ) ∗ b ( I ) + meta dot:: f ( a , b ) ; } } ;

template<> s t r u c t meta dot <0> { template static T f(TinyVector& a, TinyVector& b ) { r e t u r n a ( 0 ) ∗ b ( 0 ) ; } } ;

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OOP & Generic Programming Template Metaprogramming ([4])IV

TinyVector a ( 4 ) , b ( 4 ) ; double r = dot(a,b); = a ( 3 ) ∗ b ( 3 ) + meta dot <2>(a , b ) ; = a ( 3 ) ∗ b ( 3 ) + a ( 2 ) ∗ b ( 2 ) + meta dot <1>(a , b ) ; = a ( 3 ) ∗ b ( 3 ) + a ( 2 ) ∗ b ( 2 ) + a ( 1 ) ∗ b ( 1 ) + meta dot <0>(a , b ) ; = a ( 3 ) ∗ b ( 3 ) + a ( 2 ) ∗ b ( 2 ) + a ( 1 ) ∗ b ( 1 ) + a ( 0 ) ∗ a ( 0 ) ;

Flow control

------| template int i; | class checkDim { switch(i) { | public: static inline void f() { default-st;} case 1: | }; statement1; | class checkDim<1> { break; | public: static inlice void f() { statement1; } case 2: | }; statement2; | class checkDim<2> { break; | public: static inline void f() { statement2; } case 3; | }; statement3; | class checkDim<3> { default: | public: static inline void f() { statement3; } default-st; | }; break; | } | checkDim::f(); ------

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OOP & Generic Programming Expression Templates ([5])I

Pair evaluation: source code | pseudo code ------+------template | double * __t1 = new double[N]; class Vector { //... }; | for(int i=0; i < N; ++i) | __t1[i] = b[i] + c[i]; Vector a(N), b(N), | double * __t2 = new double[N]; c(N), d(N); | for(int i=0; i < N; ++i) a = b + c + d; | __t2[i] = __t1[i] + d[i]; | for(int i=0; i < N; ++i) | a[i] = __t2[i]; | delete [] __t2; | delete [] __t1; Many temporary objects and loops are created by the . This gives rise to inefficient OO codes.

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OOP & Generic Programming Expression Templates ([5])II The basic idea of ET is to overload operators using trees: template class Y { }; Y > > > a; Y< Y, Y > a;

Vector A, B, C, D; D = A + B + C;

X< X< Vector, plus, Vector>, plus, Vector >

Leaves of the tree should store info about arrays.

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OOP & Generic Programming Expression Templates ([5])III

Simple code: class plus { }; class Vector { };

template class X { };

template X operator+(T, Vector) { return X(); }

Vector A, B, C, D; D = A + B + C; = X() + C; = X< X, plus, Vector>();

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OOP & Generic Programming Expression Templates ([5])IV

More complete code: class plus { public: static double apply(double a, double b) { return a + b; } };

template class X { public: Left leftnode_; Right rightnode_;

X(Left t1, Right t2) : leftnode_(t1), rightnode_(t2) { }

double operator()(int i) { return Op::apply( leftnode_(i), rightnode_(i) ); } };

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OOP & Generic Programming Expression Templates ([5])V

class Vector { public: Vector(double* data, int N) : data_(data), N_(N) { }

template void operator=( X expression ) { for(int i = 0; i < N_; ++i) data_(i) = expression(i); } double operator()(int i) { return data_(i); }

private: double* data_; int N_; };

template X operator+(Left, Vector) { return X(); }

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OOP & Generic Programming Expression Templates ([5])VI

Lets see how does it works: D = A + B + C; D = X< Vector, plus, Vector>(A, B) + C; D = X< X, plus, Vector> (X(A, B), C);

D.operator=( X< X, plus, Vector> (X(A, B), C) expression ) { for(int i = 0; i < N_; ++i) data_(i) = expression(i); }

for(int i = 0; i < N_; ++i) data_(i) = plus::apply( X(A, B)(i), C(i) );

for(int i = 0; i < N_; ++i) data_(i) = plus::apply( plus::apply( A(i), B(i) ), C(i) );

for(int i = 0; i < N_; ++i) data_(i) = plus::apply( A(i)+B(i),C(i) );

for(int i = 0; i < N_; ++i) data_(i) = A(i) + B(i) + C(i);

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OOP & Generic Programming Expression Templates ([5])VII

Linear Algebra libraries that use ET: Blitz++ ( FLENS ( Interfaced with BLAS and LAPACK. Seldon ( Interfaced with BLAS, LAPACK, MUMPS, SuperLU, UmfPack Python interface generated by Swig. Eigen ( uBlas ( 38 0/libs/numeric/ublas)

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OOP & Generic Programming Krylov algorithms

Conjugate Gradient in FLENS

t e m p l a t e i n t cg ( . . . ) { //...

for k = 1 to ... do r = b − A∗x ; if pk = 0 then p = r ; xk is solution of Ax = b rNormSquare = r ∗ r ; else for (long k=1; k<=maxIterations ; k++) { T r r if (rNormSquare<=t o l ) { α ← k k pT Ap r e t u r n k−1; k k xk+1 ← xk + αpk } rk+1 ← rk − αApk Ap = A∗p ; T alpha = rNormSquare/(p ∗ Ap ) ; rk+1rk+1 βk ← x += alpha ∗p ; rT r k k r −= alpha ∗Ap ; pk+1 ← rk+1 − βkpk rNormSquarePrev = rNormSquare; end if rNormSquare = r ∗ r ; end for beta = rNormSquare/rNormSquarePrev; p = beta ∗p + r ; } return maxIterations; }

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TUNA Table of contents

1 Computational Model OOP & Generic Programming TUNA CUDA & Seldon Final Remarks

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TUNA Template Units for Numerical ApplicationsI

TUNA use several C++ template techniques. Based on Blitz++, which uses TM and EP.

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TUNA Template Units for Numerical ApplicationsII

GeneralEquation class.

Tuna {

template class GeneralEquation { p u b l i c : inline Teq& asDerived() { return static c a s t (∗ t h i s ) ; } //CRTP } ; }

TwoPhaseEquation class:

namespace Tuna { //... template class TwoPhaseEquation : public GeneralEquation > { TwoPhaseEquation(// ...) : GeneralEquation< TwoPhaseEquation >(//...) { //... }

inline Tscheme& asDerived() { return static c a s t (∗ t h i s ) ; } } ; }

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TUNA Template Units for Numerical ApplicationsIII

BLIP1 adaptor.

template class BLIP1 : public TwoPhaseEquation > { inline bool calcCoefficients1D(); inline bool calcCoefficients2D(); inline bool calcCoefficients3D(); } ; template inline bool BLIP1 ::calcCoefficients1D () { s t a t i c p r e c t Sw e , Sw w ; s t a t i c p r e c t mult o = k / ( (1 − Srw − Sro ) ∗ mu o ∗ dx ) ; s t a t i c p r e c t mult w = k / ( (1 − Srw − Sro ) ∗ mu w ∗ dx ) ; aE = 0.0; aW= 0.0; aP = 0.0; sp = 0.0; for (int i = bi; i <= e i ; ++i ) { i f ( p h i 0 ( i +1) >= p h i 0 ( i ) ) Sw e = S ( i +1); e l s e Sw e = S ( i ) ; i f ( p h i 0 ( i −1) >= p h i 0 ( i ) ) Sw w = S ( i −1); e l s e Sw w = S ( i ) ; aE ( i ) = (1 − Sro − Sw e ) ∗ mult o + ( Sw e − Srw ) ∗ mult w ; aW ( i ) = (1 − Sro − Sw w ) ∗ mult o + ( Sw w − Srw ) ∗ mult w ; aP (i) = aE (i) +aW (i); } applyBoundaryConditions1D (); r e t u r n 0 ; }

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TUNA Template Units for Numerical ApplicationsIV

Generic IMPES:

TwoPhaseEquation< BLIP1 > pressure (...); TwoPhaseEquation< BLES1 > saturation (...);

w h i l e ( t <= Tmax) { pressure. calcCoefficients (); Solver ::TDMA1D( pressure ); pressure .update();

saturation. calcCoefficients (); Solver :: solExplicit(saturation ); saturation .update();

t += dt ; }

To change the way you calc the coefficients use:

TwoPhaseEquation< MyPRE > pressure (...); TwoPhaseEquation< MySAT > saturation (...);

You need to provide the MyPRE and MySAT implementations.

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CUDA & Seldon Table of contents

1 Computational Model OOP & Generic Programming TUNA CUDA & Seldon Final Remarks

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CUDA & Seldon Buckley–Leverett in 3D

Property Value Zero capillary pressure Length 300 m Pressure eq. k 1.0E-15 m2 φ 0.2 −∇ · kλ∇p = 0 µw 1.0E-03 Pa.s µo 1.0E-03 Pa.s Srw 0 Saturation eq. Sro 0.2 gin 3.4722E-07 m.s−1 ∂S p φ − ∇ · kλ ∇p = 0. pout 1E+07 Pa ∂t w

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CUDA & Seldon Steps for IMPES in CUDA

Ongoing work by Daniel Monsivais, MSc in computer science student Locate memory for arrays Initialize Pressure-related arrays Initialize Saturation-related arrays IMPES loop Solve Pressure Implicitly (IMP) ⇐ BiCGStab (CUSPARSE). Update arrays. Solve Saturation Explicitly (ES) ⇐ CUDA kernel Update arrays. Visualize and finish.

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CUDA & Seldon IMP: (BICGSTAB) CUDA vs SeldonI

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CUDA & Seldon IMP: (BICGSTAB) CUDA vs SeldonII

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CUDA & Seldon Explicit Saturation KernelI

First two terms with 2 axpy’s (CUBLAS). S(i, j, k) =S0(i, j, k) + sp(i, j, k) − AP (i, j, k) ∗ p(i, j, k) Last 7 terms: + AE(i, j, k) ∗ p(i + 1, j, k) ⇐= Mat * Vec op. + AW (i, j, k) ∗ p(i − 1, j, k) CSR format. + AN(i, j, k) ∗ p(i, j + 1, k) + AS(i, j, k) ∗ p(i, j − 1, k) + AF (i, j, k) ∗ p(i, j, k + 1) + AB(i, j, k) ∗ p(i, j, k − 1)

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CUDA & Seldon Explicit Saturation KernelII

cuda_explicit(double * val, int * I, int * J, double * p, double *phi, double *phi_0, double *sp, unsigned int N, unsigned int num_blocks , int num_threads ) { dim3 blocks(num_blocks,1); dim3 threads(num_threads,1); first_sat<<>>(val,I,J,p,phi,N); cutilCheckMsg("kernel launch failure"); cublasDaxpy (N, double(1),phi_0,1, phi,1); cutilCheckMsg("kernel launch failure"); cublasDaxpy (N, double(1),sp,1, phi,1); cutilCheckMsg("kernel launch failure"); }

__global__ void first_sat(double *val, int * I, int * J, double *p,double *phi,int N) { int idx = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x; int j; double sum = 0;

if ( idx < N ) { int initial = I[idx]; final = I[idx + 1];

for (int i = initial ; i < final ; i++){ j = J[i]; sum += (j != idx) ? (val[i]*p[j]) : (-val[i]*p[j]); } phi[idx] = sum; } } Comp EOR LMCS 38 / 47 Computational Model

CUDA & Seldon Intel i5 vs Nvidia Tesla C1060I

Device 0: ”Tesla C1060”

CUDA Driver Version: 3.20 CUDA Runtime Version: 3.20 CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number: 1.3 Total amount of global memory: 4294770688 bytes Multiprocessors x Cores/MP = Cores: 30 (MP) x 8 (Cores/MP) = 240 (Cores) Total amount of constant memory: 65536 bytes Total amount of shared memory per : 16384 bytes Total number of registers available per block: 16384 Warp size: 32 Maximum number of threads per block: 512 Maximum sizes of each dimension of a block: 512 x 512 x 64 Maximum sizes of each dimension of a grid: 65535 x 65535 x 1 Maximum memory pitch: 2147483647 bytes Texture alignment: 256 bytes Clock rate: 1.30 GHz ...

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CUDA & Seldon Intel i5 vs Nvidia Tesla C1060II

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CUDA & Seldon Intel i5 vs Nvidia Tesla C1060III

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CUDA & Seldon Intel i5 vs Nvidia Tesla C1060IV

*Uploading and downloading data to the device was taken into account

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Final Remarks Table of contents

1 Computational Model OOP & Generic Programming TUNA CUDA & Seldon Final Remarks

Comp EOR LMCS 43 / 47 Requires the skill from many areas of study. Software engineering can be very helpful in organizing your developments. is essential (MPI, OPENMP, CUDA, ...). Reuse code

Computational Model

Final Remarks Final Remarks

Oil reservoir simulation is a grand challenge problem.

Comp EOR LMCS 44 / 47 Software engineering can be very helpful in organizing your developments. Parallel computing is essential (MPI, OPENMP, CUDA, ...). Reuse code

Computational Model

Final Remarks Final Remarks

Oil reservoir simulation is a grand challenge problem. Requires the skill from many areas of study.

Comp EOR LMCS 44 / 47 Parallel computing is essential (MPI, OPENMP, CUDA, ...). Reuse code

Computational Model

Final Remarks Final Remarks

Oil reservoir simulation is a grand challenge problem. Requires the skill from many areas of study. Software engineering can be very helpful in organizing your developments.

Comp EOR LMCS 44 / 47 Reuse code

Computational Model

Final Remarks Final Remarks

Oil reservoir simulation is a grand challenge problem. Requires the skill from many areas of study. Software engineering can be very helpful in organizing your developments. Parallel computing is essential (MPI, OPENMP, CUDA, ...).

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Final Remarks Final Remarks

Oil reservoir simulation is a grand challenge problem. Requires the skill from many areas of study. Software engineering can be very helpful in organizing your developments. Parallel computing is essential (MPI, OPENMP, CUDA, ...). Reuse code

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Final Remarks

Thank you very much!

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Final Remarks ReferencesI

[1] I. Jacobson and G. Booch and J. RumbaughPrimer, The Unified Software Development Process, Addison – Wesley, 1999. [2] J. Barton and L.R. Nackman, Scientific and Engineering C++: An Introduction with Advanced Techniques and Examples, Addison-Wesley Professional, 1994. [3] D. V. and N. M. Josuttis, C++ Templates - The Complete Guide, Addison-Wesley, 2002.

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Final Remarks ReferencesII

[4] T. Veldhuizen, Using C++ template metaprograms, C++ Report, 7(4):36–43, May 1995. Reprinted in C++ Gems, ed. Stanley Lippman. [5] T. L. Veldhuizen. Expression templates, C++ Report, 7(5):26–31, June 1995. Reprinted in C++ Gems, ed. Stanley Lippman. [6] Generic Programming,

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