'Agreement'on Most Issues in Conversion of Echobrook
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T The Zip Code Your Want Ad for Mountainside is is Easy To Place- 07092 Just Phone 686-7700 Published lath Thur»_a«y bvTrum»r PuOiisNInj Corp. SyBsefipHon Hilt 20 Cent* Ptr Copy j Hew Prgvlflfcct Road, Mountainside, N J mvil IS Yearly Second cig» Peitsgi MOUNTAINSIDE.'NJ., THURSDAY. SiPTIMIiR 19, 1974; 'VOL, UNO, 41 Paid ot MuunWnslde. NJ 'Agreement'on most issues in conversion of Echobrook K\ h\lil-s *<1011 nr Ihi Prc\ uling Vtigi Ait n munit ip ililii* >f Now ue will be forced to pav the A substantial iRri I rnenl nn HS li 'HI pi rt, ill •iDOO population ind less pnlulling union ennstruition rate which nf thi issuis thit ilmdid the MnunlJinmrti Thi imendmpnt minriilis utili/ition ul thi ranges from Sill tn $11 ppr hnur and this will Board of Fdm itmn ind thi Bt.mugh ( mint il in pn % iiling tup uiiHin u igi r itr in ihi in a wht n rrprisi-nt ,i great iniriase in cust he ex thur negotiations nn Lon\ erting thi r i hobrimk munii ipal mntrait drt awjrdpd i uum ilm in pldinid Inuntilman Piter Simmons added Sihnnl tn i muHinpal romplm his hirn John nronnell pxplamnd thit in the pdst the that the new law will cause difficulties in reathPd Tnuntil itlornts Inhn I'osl n pnrli it bnriiugh was rfhli tn gi>' •>"•' ' inlr' ' •' mnlrail talks presmth underwdv ind in at the gimrning bnd\ •> munthh muling hi 111 mdll tonlrailurs v,h« \n»i p»'t» t rf s imp i iM s might douhh the Lust af an existing Tuesday in Ihi Beuhwmid Si hcml w iges SB tn SH ppr hour (Csnflnued en 1 Post tnld thi lUthenet of I1 intrnstrd uti7en>i thit thi last position takrn hv thi sthnnl hcurd rrfleiteri i lomprnmisi frnm their origin il position i Lompromisi th il w is dcct-ptahli In thi- t ounul Rut hi mitid thtre ire ither ireis tint must br further defined hefnre i fin.il riicisinn can hi mide 4tfording lu earlier reports un thi talks Ihi sthuol boird had nnginalh offerer! the town i leising arrangement for the huildinR on Rt '2 vthili the t numil sought outright ownership of thi iaeility Hath Post and Mavor Thomas Rirtiardi declined lo gi\e details on the mmprumise nffer and thi possible nutnime of thi two weeks ahead of schedule with no holdups on material WORK IN PROGRESS Mountainsides travflmg New negotiations prompting argumints frnffl nne Providence road are being treated to doily views of or labor With luck it ihould be completed by the end of the audnnie mtmher Russ ( irdnni Both hnarri construction progress on the new bprough firehouse year he reported at the last lorough Council meeting represent the same l«pa>ers who ire in (Photo Graphics) According te Abe Suckno fire commissioner the proiect is tilled to know what s going on he sUtiri g Posl defended the current silent e nn thi 4Llllllll]llllllll1IIIMtll1<lllltll)llll111MllllllllltllUIII1lllllllMllllllMlllllMI1IIMlll lltlli IIIUII1III1III IIIIMIIIIIIIIUIIU 1)1 tllli 1| diSLUssmns noting it is not legilh po sibli Brown appointed for eithir hoard to implement a decision on the I THE NOVEMBER CANDIDATES 1 m ittir unless such aLtinn is taken at a puhln to head up entire mcelmg of earh hoard Therefore he aid there will hi ample oppnrtunih for the puhln PROFiLEyMaithew J. Rinaldo to hiar what the proposal is, to question it ind No hnger, a boy wonder but still, one of the Deerfield setup to make their views known." most formidable vote-letters In Hie history of The Mountainside Board of Educatinn. target In connection with the Echohrook situation. Union County, Rep. Matthew j, Rinaldo is out for extensive criticism from parents over Mayor Rieciardi reported he had arranged an on the campaign trail once again as Republican failure to appoint a full-time principal for the Oct 2 meeting with Alan Sagner. commissioner candidate for a second term in Congress from neerfield Elementary School. Tuesday night of N.J. Department of Transportation, to the 12th District of New Jersey, which covers voted to name Herbert Brown, current head of discuss how plans for a possible interchange at LAW ENFORCEMENT LIBRARY — PhotsgraphBr catches Det, Sgt. Jerry AA. Rici of tht all of the county except Hillside, Linden and the Middle School, as principal of the entire Rt, 22 and New- Providence road might affect fAountoimidB Police Department ai he scans library shelves af the Learning Wlnfield, Deerfield complex, provided he agrees to serve Ihe school property. Resource Center of the FBI National Academy in Quantico, Va, Rice recently Now 43, Rlnildo was president of the Union in that capacity. Alan Shapiro, now building completed o 12-week courle at the Academy, during which time participating Township Zoning Board of Adjustment before administrative assistant, would hoconio vice- FLOODING, another issue which has taken OTiiceri were exposed to a variety of low enforcement aids and procedures, he served on the Union County Board of up considerable time at past sessions, also was Freeholders in 1963 and 1964, He was then The vote on the question came during a raised again Tuesday. Councilman Bruce elected to the State Senate in 1967 and again in caucus session held after the regular public Geiger reported a delay in efforts to obtain" 1971, building a reputation for diligence and meeting, attended by more than 10(1 local county permission to install n bypass culvert FBI Academy alumnus legislative effectiveness, along with increasing residents. Casting "aye" ballots were Waiter under New Providence road near Children's electoral margins. Rupp, Patricia Knodel. Charles Spelti and Specialized Hospital, a primary flooding site Two yegrs ago, Hinaldo won election to the Trudy Palmer, James Keating voted "no," because of blockage at the bridge there House of Representatives with a plurality of explaining he believed the grammar school "The county has a project tn fund SO pereenl Rice returns from Quantico 54,000 votes, succeeding Rep. Florence should have its own principal. Board president Of a storm drainage project when two or man complex about 40 miles south of Washington. Dwyer, a veteran Republican who had retired. Grant Lennox abstained, noting he felt that towns are Involved," he said In nur ia=e LMeUiw Si-rgeanl Jern M Hice of thi- Assistant director Joe David Jamieion, head He serves on the House Committee on Banking because of Brown's recent Illness, it would not Westfield water is Involved Therefore »e an MnunUnnside POIILC Di-partment is among 247 of the FBI training division, pointed out FBI and Currency, be wise to add to his present responsibilities. putting together an application for a project in police officers whn graduated Sept 12 from the Director Clarence M. Kelley stresse* the un- Along the way, he has collected a collection of that area, the total cost nfwhirh would be about FBI Nationdl Atadpmv in QuantiLO Va In other action at the meetlngi the board derlying positions and principles of the NA are "man of the year" awards—from the Union voted to review with teachers the possibility of $600,000. Riti 4(1, a Hi ear veteran of thp Moun tdinside department wherp he is with the to enhance a man's progress and prepare him junior Chamber of gommerei in 1966, the continuing the Camp Mlnisink nature program "Since the county says the project expense for a role of leadership in law enforcement. Union Knights of Columbus in 1988, the Union for fifth-graders; the instructors have declined must he relative to damage created h\ ctatettivp bureau said that his dttpnrtdniK at Each of the men attending the NA is exposed Chapter of UNICO National in 1970 and the to supervise the project this year. The hoard Hooding, there is no chance of getting it ap the I2tteek jcadem\ euur<ii tulmmated i In courses in the management sciences, also voted unanimously to send the youngsters proved" However, we have to get thtm to turn professional desire PJamfield Chaptir of UNICO in 1972. behavioral sciences, and forensic sciences as to the Outdoor Nature Center in the Watehung this project down before we tan talk to them I ipHantPdtiidttentlthcNAsinrpI hpxamp Born In Elizabeth and now a resident of well as classwork in law, education- Reservation if the Minisink effort fails. about getting some sort of relief line put in We a poliupmdn he said and nov. that I hase Union, the congressman holds a bachelor's HEP, MATTHEW J. RINALDO communications arts, and law enforcement know this is a ridiculous procedure but it s the fulfilled th.it desirp 1 am convincpd it wds thr degree from Rutgers University and a master's The board also authorized payment of ISSO to arts, 'A total of from 14 lo 16 hours of un- way it must be done," he stated right c-oursp In pursue degree from theSeton Hall Unive>jjty Sqhool of Jaeobson & Co,, Inc., Elizabeth, to repair the (JergVatfuaU'eredil can be obtained through the Resolutions passed at the session included The curriculum tnuihes all phases of lav, Business Administration. He haf completed all Story hours open new roof tiles at the Deerfield Elementary University Of Virginia by those completing the course credits for a doctorate in public ad- School, which were damaged in recent rain- one requesting the Union County delegation in pnforcpmpnt espptialh for a man frnm a smdllpr polup department I (.an USP course work. Physical fitness is emphasized ministration at New York University, Rinaldo storms. The cost of the work will be deducted the N.J.