accountability transparency honesty responsiveness accessibility flexibility innovation

Annual Report



Maintains Representation 2,121 km on 21 Northern of local roads Territory and national committees

100% NT councils 1,028 12 Submissions are members Twitter followers made to NT and Federal governments on behalf of the sector

243 delegates On-site training Training provided for provided to 119 attended reference Elected Members and 114 group meetings and council staff Elected Members workshops

364 146 Newsletter Delegates attended $570,000 subscribers group purchasing LGANT Conferences through Local Buy

Over 6000 website visits www.lgant.asn.au LOCAL GOVERNMENT in the NT

17 councils 157 89

Democratically Indigenous Elected 5 Municipal Elected Members Members 9 Regional 3 Shire 104 53 62 27

Manages assets Receives and expends Employs and infrastructure $466 million 3,000 valued at over in the Territorians $2.2 annually billion

Provides 169 programs & 157 services Largest employer of Indigenous people in in NT regional and remote areas communities 1570 Indigenous employees in regional councils 64 Local Authorities (committees) across 9 local government areas Services an area of 1,320,000 km2

Table of Contents

Chief Executive Officer’s Report ...... 7 President’s Report on Behalf of the Executive ...... 9 About this Report ...... 13 About the Association ...... 14 High Level Elements of LGANT’s Strategic Plan ...... 15 Membership 2017-2018 ...... 16 Local Government Areas in the Northern Territory as at 30 June 2018 ...... 17 Executive Committee Members 2017-2018 ...... 18 LGANT Organisational Structure as at 30 June 2018 ...... 26 Service Providers and Sponsors ...... 27 Annual Priority Achievements 2017-2018...... 28 Goal 1 – To enhance the status of local government ...... 28 1.1 Prepare and disseminate information products to member councils ...... 28 1.2 Pursue the reinstatement of the office of the Minister for Local Government...... 29 Goal 2 – To enhance the performance of local government ...... 30 2.1Provide councils with specialist human resources and industrial relations services30 2.2 Facilitate training and professional development activities for elected and local authority members and staff ...... 33 2.3 Review LGANT policies, research and develop new policies for submission to the Executive and General meetings for approval ...... 36 2.4 Assist member councils with their policy development ...... 36 2.5 Assist councils to implement policies and procedures that facilitate financial sustainability ...... 37 2.6 Work towards the full incorporation of the Northern Territory under the Local Government Act (2013) with the exception of special purpose areas ...... 37 2.7 Work with councils to gather relevant data which can be included in a national Australian Local Government Association ‘State of the Local Government Sector’ report ...... 38 2.8 Convene appropriate LGANT meetings with member councils to facilitate collaboration, sector policy development and bring about local government reforms and provide networking opportunities ...... 39 2.9 Work with regional councils to finalise arrangements with cemeteries on Aboriginal land ...... 50 Goal 3 – To effectively advocate for and represent member councils ...... 51 3.1 Work with councils to secure tenure on land with council assets ...... 51 3.2 Submit proposals in response to legislation, policy or programs which are enacted or proposed by the Territory and Commonwealth Governments ...... 51 3.3 Facilitate appropriate local government representation on up to 20 relevant boards and committees ...... 52


3.4 Provide information and support to ALGA and other State local government associations ...... 54 3.5 Facilitate engagement and collaboration between local and Northern Territory governments through meetings and correspondence with Ministers of the government and senior officers ...... 56 3.6 Contribute to ALGA’s Federal election document ...... 56 Goal 4 – Maintain an effective and efficient service ...... 57 4.1 Maintain the servicing of the LGANT local road network as identified by the Northern Territory Grants Commission ...... 57 4.2 Review and refine LGANT’s internal systems and processes ...... 58 4.3 Adopt a long term asset and financial management plan and ensure processes are in place for integration with annual budget and financial reporting ...... 60 4.4 Manage the leasing and maintenance requirements for Units 1 – 5, and contribute to the effective management of 21 Parap Road through the body corporate ...... 60 Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2018 ...... 62

Official publication of the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory © 2018


Chief Executive Officer’s Report

Mayor Damien Ryan President Local Government Association of the Northern Territory PO Box 2017 PARAP NT 0804

Dear President

Section 22.2 of the LGANT constitution requires me to present you with this annual report which includes the audited annual financial statements for the 2017-18 financial year. The financial position and performance of LGANT was sound as at 30 June 2018 in that it:  had a manageable cash flow  could pay its debts as they fell due  met its obligations in respect of one of its largest liabilities (bank loan) for its office premises  had no major irregularities to report  was a going concern largely due to financial support from: o member councils for: . member subscriptions . payment of service charges . the provision of venues by the Alice Springs Town Council, City of Darwin, Central Desert Regional Council, MacDonnell Regional Council, Litchfield Council and Katherine Town Council for LGANT’s general and reference group meetings o the Northern Territory government in respect of grants for: . local government training . waste management o the Commonwealth government in respect of grants for: . local roads – financial assistance grant . roads to recovery o sponsors contributing to the cost of LGANT meetings: . Jardine Lloyd Thompson . Statewide Financial Management Services . Territory Insurance Office . MinterEllison . JLL Infrastructure Advisory


I thank the LGANT staff for their wonderful contributions throughout the year as well as the consultants and service providers that have assisted LGANT meet its objectives.



President’s Report on Behalf of the Executive

Dear Members,

The 2017-18 financial year included some consistency and perseverance from LGANT, attributes I am informed are the mainstay of advocacy work. There is much about that work in this report including local government representation on NT Government committees, submissions completed and the outputs from meetings. Street lighting On 1 January 2018, after a long drawn out process with the Northern Territory Government, lawyers and consultants, most councils commenced ownership of street lighting assets in their local government areas after earlier entering into deeds of agreement with the Power and Water Corporation. The occasion concluded a significant body of work which LGANT was proud to be part of. Local government associations interstate applauded LGANT for the move given the difficulties many of them are having because they do not own them. The settlement provides certainty for councils particularly in respect of control over asset replacement and enhancement as well as operations and maintenance costs. Local government insurance scheme This scheme finally came to fruition after almost four years of toil involving legal, risk and insurance research both for and from the sector. It will deliver savings benefits to councils in the long run as such arrangements have delivered in all other States of Australia with local government associations and insurance bodies being the architects of their creations. The scheme will be fully operational during 2018-19 and the LGANT Executive looks forward to receiving briefs on its progress. Belyuen Community Government Council Local democracy returned to the Belyuen Community Government Council following its election on 26 August 2017 after an absence of 12 years. City of Palmerston Local democracy was also returned to the City of Palmerston following its general election on 24 March 2018 and I, along with the LGANT CEO was pleased to attend the council’s first meeting which was chaired by the newly elected Mayor, Athena Pascoe-Bell. Local government training It was very pleasing for LGANT to continue playing its part in organising elected member and staff training throughout the year. Financial support from the Department of Housing and Community Development was very much appreciated and hopefully will continue. The delivery of training by consuItants, the Australian Institute of Company Directors and LGANT staff meant that there was a wide range of effort delivered, which there needs to be, given elected members alone number 157 persons in the Northern Territory. A short course once a year is never going to be enough if learning and behaviour is to be reinforced, skill gaps recognised and filled and to cover the breadth of issues elected members have to deal with in their representative roles. Ongoing training is a prerequisite for all elected members. Elected member service awards It is appropriate for the sector to hold long service awards for elected members and to have such recognition acknowledged at the annual general meeting on 3 November 2017 was


most gratifying. This year for the first time the awards presented were medallions in place of certificates and some previous recipients of certificates were granted these as well (Mayor Judy MacFarlane of Roper Gulf Regional Council, President Clee of Wagait Shire, Mayor Adrian Dixon of the Central Desert Regional Council and former Alderman at the City of Darwin, Joanne Sangster were all presented with medallions). Three members (City of Darwin former Alderman, John Bailey and Central Desert Regional Councillors, James Glenn and Norbert Patrick) all received awards for 10 years of service while City of Darwin former Alderman, Garry Lambert, was awarded for 15 years of service. The award ceremony is an important feature on the LGANT November meeting calendar and it is fitting that the Minister for Housing and Community Development, the Hon Gerry McCarthy MLA once again agreed to present them. Australian Local Government Association Both LGANT Vice President representing regional and shire councils, Matthew Ryan and I represented LGANT on the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA) Board during the year where we are pleased to report the Board has supported (as it has done now for many years) Federal budget bids for Indigenous housing and investment in infrastructure to support growing towns in Aboriginal communities along with the many other areas of support for local government. Most advocacy work done at the national level has application across Australia and the range of initiatives the Board approved at its March 2018 meeting for the 2018-19 Federal budget fell broadly into three main areas:  tax sharing (restoring financial assistance grants to at least 1% of Commonwealth tax revenue)  community resilience, prosperity and inclusion (health and well-being preventative measures and programs, Indigenous housing, digital transformation, connectivity, smart communities and innovation)  assets and infrastructure (transport assets, knowledge and planning, Roads to Recovery and Bridges Renewal Programs, betterment programs and certainty around Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery funding, climate change asset adaptation and mitigation, community infrastructure investment. The Federal Government adopted its budget during May 2018 and outcomes for local government were reported at the June 2018 Executive meeting. Local Government Elections Some of the outcomes following the local government elections held on 26 August 2017 and for the 24 March 2018 City of Palmerston election included:  six new principal members (Mayors and Presidents)  of the 157 elected members, 81 are new members  voter turnout averaged 60% throughout the Northern Territory  there are two councils, Belyuen and Central Desert, have members who are all Indigenous.


LGANT meetings The main meetings LGANT organised, prepared papers for, arranged presentations and circulated minutes and followed up on actions arising from them during the year included:

5 ALGA Board meetings

8 2 Executive CEO Forum meetings meetings

2 General meetings 4 2 HR, Finance Governance Reference and Group 2 Community meetings Services RGs Environment, meetings Transport and Infrastructure RG meetings

The above meetings constitute a very large part of LGANT’s work and are annual priorities in LGANT’s strategic plan as well as being the subject of previous LGANT general meeting resolutions.

Damien Ryan President


About This Report

This report is the 27th Annual Report of LGANT and it is for the financial year 1 July 2017 to 30 June 2018 and is prepared for members of LGANT and other parties. This report has been prepared in compliance with clause 22.3 of the LGANT constitution which requires it to be tabled for the members of LGANT at an Annual General meeting. This meeting will take place on 8-9 November 2018 at the City of Darwin function room. The report details the financial position and performance of LGANT for the financial year, as well as background material on local government in the Northern Territory, LGANT’s membership, directions and achievements during the year. If anyone has any queries about the report they can contact LGANT, details are as follows:

Telephone: (08) 8944 9688

Facsimile: (08) 8941 2665

Email: [email protected]

Regional Cooperation and Development Forum 2018, Canberra


About The Association

The office of LGANT is located at the Parap Business Centre, 21 Parap Road, Parap, Northern Territory. LGANT has been in existence since 1992 and is the single peak body representing and servicing the needs of its 17 local government councils in the Northern Territory. LGANT is established as an incorporated body under section 242 of the Local Government Act. LGANT has a nine member Executive Committee which has overall carriage of the Association’s affairs as detailed in the Association’s constitution and governance charter. LGANT’s policy statements are regularly updated and reflect the local government sector response to particular issues. The Executive and staff review the LGANT strategic plan each February and this report includes feedback on achievements against the plan for 2017/2018. LGANT:  exists as a provider of support services, a coordinator of collective effort and as an advocate for its members and forms part of the system of local government in Australia which includes: 1. Councils 2. State and Territory Local Government Associations 3. the Australian Local Government Association  undertakes advocacy work for councils in the Northern Territory by being a ‘voice’ for member councils or representing their collective views to other spheres of government and the public. This helps increase their understanding of the views and positions of local government in the Northern Territory  obtains views from its members through various communication channels, most importantly at meetings where it calls for resolutions on a range of policies and actions. Progress reports are circulated regularly to members through minutes of meetings and reports  is a member of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA), along with other State local government associations. ALGA is local government’s voice at the national level with the Commonwealth government and LGANT has two members of its Executive (President and one Vice President) on the ALGA Board which meets six times per year.  has a strong interest in the development of local government.


High Level Elements of LGANT’s Strategic Plan

Vision For LGANT to lead, represent and be influential for the benefit of local government in the Northern Territory. Our Business To provide leadership, support and influential representation for the local government sector on all issues in the Northern Territory. Core Values To achieve the mission and vision identified, the guiding principle of LGANT is to be responsive and supportive to the needs of its members. Our values are:  transparency  honesty  accountability  responsiveness  accessibility  flexibility  innovation.

Strategic Goals LGANT’s goals as stated in the strategic plan are:  to enhance the status of local government (Local Government Understanding)  to enhance the performance of local government (Local Government Capacity)  to effectively advocate for and represent member councils (Local Government Influence)  to maintain an effective and efficient service (Maintaining and Improving LGANT Capacity).

Regional Forum, Darwin – April 2018 14

Membership 2017-2018

Membership of LGANT is voluntary and open to all local governments in the Northern Territory and it is also able to admit associate members under Clause 6.4 of its constitution. During 2017-2018, 17 local governments in the Northern Territory were members of LGANT and were made up of (see Table 1):  5 municipalities  9 regional councils  3 shires The Nhulunbuy Corporation Limited continued as an associate member during 2017-2018 because of its role as an organisation involved in the delivery of local government-type services. The 17 LGANT Member and Associate Member Organisations as at 30 June 2018 were as follows: Table 1 LGANT Members

Member Type

Alice Springs Town Council Municipal Barkly Regional Council Regional Belyuen Community Government Council Shire Central Desert Regional Council Regional City of Darwin Municipal City of Palmerston Municipal Coomalie Community Government Council Shire East Arnhem Regional Council Regional Katherine Town Council Municipal Litchfield Council Municipal MacDonnell Regional Council Regional Roper Gulf Regional Council Regional Tiwi Islands Regional Council Regional Daly Regional Council Regional Wagait Shire Council Shire West Arnhem Regional Council Regional West Daly Regional Council Regional Nhulunbuy Corporation Limited (associate member) Corporation


Local Government Areas in the Northern Territory as at 30 June 2018



Executive Committee Members 2017-2018

Clause 14.4 of the constitution requries LGANT’s Executive to be made up of nine (9) members listed in Table 2. Member councils elect eight (8) members and there is also one (1) member appointed by the City of Darwin, all for two year terms. Of the nine member Executive, four (4) members (three elected and one appointed), make up the representation from municipal councils and the other four (4) members were elected from regional and shire councils and one (1) from all councils. The next general election for the Executive will be held at the Darwin Annual General Meeting on 9 November 2018. Table 3 lists attendances at LGANT Executive meetings.

Table 2 LGANT Executive Committee as at 30 June 2018

Executive Position Executive Member

President Mayor Damien Ryan (Alice Springs Town Council)

Vice President – Regional and Mayor Matthew Ryan (West Arnhem Regional Council) Shires

Vice President – Municipals Alderman Gary Haslett (City of Darwin)

Mayor Fay Miller (Katherine Town Council) Mayor Steven Edgington (Barkly Regional Council) Alderman Sheree Cullen (City of Darwin) Executive Members Mayor Lynette De Santis (Tiwi Islands Regional Council) President Peter Clee (Wagait Shire Council) Mayor Maree Bredhauer (Litchfield Council)



Table 3 Executive Member Attendance Report

Meeting Date Present Apologies Mayor Damien Ryan Alderman Bob Elix 25 July 2017 Councillor Steven Hennessy President Barb Shaw Mayor Fay Miller Mayor Tony Jack Alderman Gary Haslett Mayor Lynette De Santis Mayor Damien Ryan Alderman Gary Haslett Mayor Fay Miller Mayor Maree Bredhauer 29 November 2017 Mayor Steven Edgington Mayor Matthew Ryan President Peter Clee Councillor Lynette De Santis Mayor Damien Ryan Alderman Gary Haslett Councillor Lynette De Santis 13 December 2017 Mayor Maree Bredhauer Mayor Fay Miller Mayor Steven Edgington Mayor Matthew Ryan President Peter Clee Mayor Damien Ryan Alderman Gary Haslett Mayor Matthew Ryan Mayor Fay Miller 7 February 2018 Mayor Maree Bredhauer Councillor Lynette De Santis Mayor Steven Edgington President Peter Clee Mayor Damien Ryan Alderman Gary Haslett Mayor Steven Edgington Mayor Fay Miller 27 March 2018 Alderman Sherry Cullen Mayor Maree Bredhauer Mayor Matthew Ryan Councillor Lynette De Santis President Peter Clee Mayor Damien Ryan Alderman Gary Haslett Mayor Matthew Ryan Mayor Fay Miller 18 April 2018 Mayor Steven Edgington Mayor Maree Bredhauer Councillor Lynette De Santis President Peter Clee Alderman Sherry Cullen Mayor Damien Ryan Alderman Gary Haslett Mayor Matthew Ryan Mayor Steven Edgington 16 May 2018 Mayor Fay Miller Councillor Lynette De Santis Mayor Maree Bredhauer President Peter Clee 18


Meeting Date Present Apologies Alderman Sherry Cullen

Mayor Damien Ryan Alderman Gary Haslett Mayor Matthew Ryan Mayor Matthew Ryan 12 June 2018 Mayor Fay Miller Councillor Lynette De Santis Mayor Maree Bredhauer President Peter Clee Alderman Sherry Cullen



Mayors, Presidents, Deputies and CEOs Symposium – October 2017



Executive Member Biography

Mayor Damien Ryan President of the Association Damien was elected Mayor of Alice Springs in March 2008. He was elected to the LGANT Executive Committee as Vice President representing municipals at the Annual General Meeting in November 2010 and took on the position of President in April 2012. Damien is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, and a Justice of the Peace. Damien is Vice President of the Australian Local Government Association, Northern Territory Grants Commissioner, Co-Deputy Chair of the Outback Highway Development Council and Chair of Alice Springs Alcohol Management Group. Other positions Damien holds include; Local Government Representative on the Northern Territory Heritage Council, Centralian Girls Academy Advisory Committee, Araluen Cultural Precinct Community Reference Group and Patron of Holyoake Alice Springs.

Mayor Matthew Ryan Vice President representing Regional and Shire councils A community leader in Maningrida for more than a decade, Mayor Matthew Ryan believes in promoting Indigenous rights.

Matthew was born in Royal Darwin Hospital and raised in Maningrida, where he lives with his wife Charlene Bonson and their four children.

After receiving his Primary and secondary education at Maningrida School, Matthew joined Northern Territory Police, giving many years of service to his community as an Aboriginal Community Police Officer.

Matthew has held the position of Councillor for Maningrida Ward since West Arnhem Regional Council was established, as West Arnhem Shire Council, in 2008. Prior to the Shire days, Matthew was a Councillor with the Maningrida Council. He has also served as a Councillor with Northern Land Council since 2004 and is currently a Liaison Officer with Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation.

Outside of work Matthew is a keen hunter and fisherman.



Mayor Matthew Ryan is the Jongi for Benenbenbi (Stone Country), which is his mother’s and grandfather’s country.

Alderman Gary Haslett Vice President representing Municipal councils When Gary first came to Darwin in 1966 as a baby, his mother was adamant she was only staying for 3 years – they all still live here today. This is a very common story. Alderman Haslett attended Rapid Creek Primary, Nightcliff Primary and after Cyclone Tracy NiMiRa Primary (for one year Nightcliff, Millner and Rapid Creek schools were combined). Later Alderman Haslett attended Nightcliff High School and Northern Territory University (now Charles Darwin University). In 1982 Gary started his working life at Channel Eight (now Channel 9). In the 1990s he worked for ABC TV here in Darwin. His roles included directing local ABC news, 7.30 Report, Stateline NT and Australia Television News (ATV) – broadcast both nationally and internationally nightly. Gary received a silver medal at the prestigious New York Festival for his efforts directing ATV News.

Mayor Fay Miller

Executive Member representing Municipal councils Fay was first elected as Alderman to Katherine Town Council in 2001. She was then elected as the Member for Katherine to the NT Legislative Assembly in 2003 (a by-election) and again at a general election in 2004. She held the position of Deputy Leader of the Opposition and seven Shadow portfolios in addition to five Select Committees until her retirement in 2008 following serious injury in a vehicle accident. Fay was elected as Mayor of Katherine in the March 2012 local government elections and was elected to the LGANT Executive in May 2012. Positions held within the Katherine community have included Chairman of the Katherine Region Tourist Association, Chairman Katherine Hospital Board, Director Bendigo Bank and committee member of Neighbourhood Watch, committee member of the Katherine Flood Mitigation Committee. Fay holds positions on a number of Katherine Town Council committees, is the Chairperson of the Big Rivers Regional Economic Development Committee, a board member of Savannah Way Ltd, a member of the Ministerial Advisory Group for Senior Territorians and the NT Seniors Advisory Council, Development consent Authority, Katherine Cancer Working Group, Katherine Accommodation Action Group, Katherine Alcohol Action Group, Katherine Local Tourism 22


Advisory Committee, Katherine Emergency Committee and board member of Nitmiluk Tours. Fay was recently appointed to the Onshore Petroleum Community Business Reference Group and GISERA NT Regional Research Advisory Committee.

Councillor Lynette De Santis Executive Member representing Regional and Shire councils

Born and raised in Darwin, Lynette moved to the Tiwi Islands in 1985 where she became involved in community issues. She was elected Mayor of Tiwi Islands Regional Council in 2008. Formerly a member of the NT Statehood Committee and a director of the Tiwi Islands Training and Employment Board, Lynette is currently President of the Milikapiti Community Indigenous Corporation. Lynette was first elected to the LGANT Executive in November 2014 and then re-elected in December 2016. Lynette is passionate about her community and in particular in mentoring its young people.

President Peter Clee

Executive member representing regional and shire councils

President Peter Clee moved to the NT in 1989 and studied business at the local university. He has resided at Wagait Beach since 1994 and was soon thereafter elected to council. He has been on council for 20 years. Since moving to the NT he has held board positions including the NT Emergency Services, NT Hepatitis Council, The Australian Institute of Conveyancers, NT Family Planning Association, and the Wagait Shire Emergency Recovery Committee. Peter has also been a director of several private and public companies including the Wireless Institute of Australia, Peter was first elected to local government in 1998 when he stood as a candidate for the then Cox Peninsula Community Government Council. This council changed its name as a result of the local government reforms in 2008 to Wagait Shire Council. He took an active role in amalgamation discussions and was the chair of the Top End Shire Steering Committee. Peter was awarded the Citizen of the Year at the Wagait Shire Australia Day awards ceremony in January 2017. 23


Mayor Steven Edgington

Executive member representing regional and shire councils

Mr Edgington is a former member of the Tennant Creek Local Authority, former committee member of the Battery Hill Mining Centre and the Tennant Creek Foundation. He has also been instrumental in establishing the Tennant Creek Community Safety Committee and is currently a member of the Tennant Creek Regional Economic Development Committee. Before being elected as Mayor of the Barkly Regional Council, Steve completed over 29 years continuous service with the Northern Territory Police Force, the South Australian Government, the Commonwealth Government and the Northern Territory Government. Steve has a number of tertiary qualifications including a Master of Public Policy & Administration, Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, a Graduate Certificate in Applied Management, Bachelor of Laws, Bachelor of Business & Commerce, Bachelor of Policing (Investigations) and a Bachelor of Arts. Steve was admitted to the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory as a Legal Practitioner on 9 May 2017. He is an Associate Fellow of the Institute of Managers and Leaders, a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and an Associate Member of the Law Society NT. He has also been actively involved with the community of Tennant Creek and the Barkly. One of the most challenging roles was President of the Barkly Australian Football League for a period of two years from 2014-2015.

Mayor Maree Bredhauer

Executive member representing all councils

Maree was elected as Mayor of Litchfield Council in November 2015 and re-elected again in 2017. As Mayor of Litchfield Council, Maree is meets regularly with Federal and Territory elected members, departmental representatives, residents and business and community groups. Maree is an executive member of LGANT in the position of Executive all Councils and executive member of the Australian Local Government Women’s Association of the Northern Territory (ALGWA NT).



Prior to being elected as Mayor, Maree held a number of senior corporate leadership roles within the NT Department of Education. She is a Board Member of Early Childhood Australia and the Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Assurance (ACECQA), is a member of the NT Government Early Childhood Expert Reference Panel and NT Government Key Stakeholder Advisory Group for Early Childhood Education and Care. Along with Education degrees, Maree has a Masters in International Management and Leadership qualifications.

Alderman Sherry Cullen

Executive member representing municipal councils

Hailing originally from the Riverina farming country in NSW, Sherry now calls the NT home. Beginning her career as a Town Planner on the Gold Coast, Sherry worked in the private sector where she had exposure and contribution to a range of master planned communities and hotel developments with projects based in and . Currently Sherry is working as a Development Manager with Hutchinson Builders. Other roles included working for three years with the NT Government and the NT EPA developing policy and delivering housing in remote communities. Sherry has been an elected member on the City of Darwin council since September 2017. She is Chair of the City Futures Committee, a member of the Development Consent Authority. Over the years Sherry has held other voluntary positions in community organisations, sporting clubs and professional networks such as the Planning Institute of Australia. Sherry has a balanced commitment to community, commercial and environmental outcomes. She is a strong advocate for positive planning and development outcomes within her industry. She has an affinity to learning and a clear understanding of the role of the different levels of government and private sector and how they can work together and share risks in order to achieve success for local communities.





LGANT Organisational Structure as at 30 June 2018



Service Providers and Sponsors

Kevin Blacker & Associates Auditor PO Box 38170 WINNELLIE NT 0821

National Australia Bank Bankers Smith Street DARWIN NT 0800

Jardine Lloyd Thompson Insurance PO Box 2321 FORTITUDE VALLEY BC QLD 4006

Association Sponsors

LGANT offers thanks and acknowledges the assistance provided to it by sponsorships in the

2017-2018 year.


Jardine Lloyd Thompson Statewide Super


Territory Insurance Office MinterEllison

Silver: JLL Infrastructure Advisory



Annual Priority Achievements 2017-2018

The 2017-2018 financial year is the fourth of LGANT’s updated five year Strategic Plan (‘the Plan’) goals, outcomes, annual priorities and performance measures. These priorities are reviewed and updated each year to ensure they meet member expectations and the capacity of LGANT officers to deliver. The Strategic Plan is available on the LGANT website: www.lgant.asn.au

Goal 1 – To enhance the status of local government

Local Government Understanding

LGANT shall pursue the improved standing of local government in the Northern Territory. LGANT will do this on behalf of, and in conjunction with its members, through fostering effective communication and activities between LGANT, member councils and all local government stakeholders. We will use available resources to disseminate information which assists all parties to better understand matters relating to local government including those that recognise its achievements and increase involvement in its activities.

1.1 Prepare and disseminate information products to member councils.

Substantial material provided to councils during the course of this financial year included:  monthly Executive agendas and minutes  biannual general meetings agendas and minutes  reference group agendas and minutes  LGANT and ALGA News  social media (Twitter, LGANT Website)  Federal and Northern Territory government media releases  EasyGrants newsletter  2018 LGANT Directory  2018 LGANT Calendar  2018-19 Northern Territory and Federal government budget summaries  developed and distributed link on Why Council? Stand Up For Your Community as a candidate information session video  councillor induction guide was forwarded to all councils in September 2017 along with an induction video for newly elected members  mining lease data it receives from the Department of Primary Industry and Resources  Section 19 leases on Aboriginal land  annual model financial statements  annual local government cost index  consolidated income and expenditure statement for Northern Territory local government councils.



1.2 Pursue the reinstatement of the office of the Minister for Local Government.

The Minister is aware of LGANT’s position on this matter and the issue certainly been raised with the government. No change to the administrative arrangements order of the Northern Territory Government was made during the year to create an office for the Minister for Local Government.



Goal 2 – To enhance the performance of local government

Local Government Capacity

LGANT shall pursue the continued improvement of local government performance in the Northern Territory. LGANT will do this on behalf of, and in conjunction with, its members and will coordinate and run activities which focus on members councils’ performance issues and assist with professional development.

2.1 Provide councils with specialist human resources and industrial relations services

LGANT is required under its constitution to provide industrial relations services to its members. LGANT contracted the Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) Workplace Solutions to do much of this work which included amongst other things:  human resource and industrial relations advice  issue of policy materials  representing councils in the Fair Work Commission.

Individual contacts from councils totalling 558 were made throughout the year at an average of almost 47 contacts per month. WALGA attended the Governance and HR reference group on 26-27 July 2017 and 1-2 February 2018. WALGA represented LGANT on the National Workforce Development Group which was looking at skills development in local government and workforce data metrics. Tables 5 and 6 show the spread of topics addressed and proportional usage by member councils.



Table 5 2017/18 Proportion of council contacts with WALGA Workplace Solutions by type

Table 6 2017/18 Proportion of council contacts with WALGA Workplace Solutions



 LGANT also undertook some performance appraisals for Council CEOs and gave specific human resources advice to individual council personnel including where to obtain more information.



2.2 Facilitate training and professional development activities for elected and local authority members and staff including: . waste management symposium . procurement forum . Independent Commission Against Corruption briefing . rates workshop . Australian Institute of Company Directors course.

Australian Institute of Company Directors course, Darwin, February 2018

LGANT in response to the above carried out the following activities listed in Table 7 below: Table 7 List of activities undertaken in support of the professional development of elected members and council staff

Council Audience and Training Location Date

Various councils – Meeting Procedures Rydges Governance and delivered by Allan McGill Palmerston 26-27 July 2017 Human Resources Hotel Reference Group 20 council staff Roles and Responsibilities and Code East Arnhem of Conduct Nhulunbuy 14 September 2017 Regional Council delivered by Tony Tapsell



Council Audience and Training Location Date

12 elected members All councils Mayors and Presidents Symposium Palmerston (excepting Belyuen 5-6 October 2017 Rydges Hotel and Coomalie) 21 elected members and 13 CEOs Meeting Procedures and Roles and Victoria Daly Responsibilities-Induction Regional Council delivered by Allan McGill Katherine 16 October 2017

5 elected members and CEO Meeting Procedures Training West Arnhem delivered by Allan McGill Jabiru 7-8 November 2017 Regional Council 10 elected members and 3 staff Code of Conduct East Arnhem delivered by Angela Pattison Nhulunbuy 20 November 2017 Regional Council 10 elected members, 1 council staff and 2 departmental staff Meeting Procedures and Minute Roper Gulf Taking Katherine 29 November 2017 Regional Council delivered by Angela Pattison 11 senior administration support staff Prospective Candidate Session delivered by Damien Ryan and Tony City of Palmerston Palmerston 31 January 2018 Tapsell 6 prospective candidates Governance Essentials for Local Government and Finances for Directors course 20-21 February 2018 Various councils Darwin Delivered by Australian Institute of 30-31 May 2018 Company Directors 50 elected members Elected Members Roles and West Daly Responsibilities and Code of Conduct Darwin 18 May 2018 Regional Council Delivered by Tony Tapsell 6 elected members Procurement for Local Government and Contract Management Essentials Various Councils delivered by Michael Robinson Darwin 5-7 June 2018 (ArcBlue Consulting) Day 1 - 21 participants representing 35


Council Audience and Training Location Date

11 councils Day 2 - 23 participants representing 12 councils Day 3 - 20 participants representing 11 councils

Barkly Regional Delivered by Allan McGill Tennant Council Creek

Procurement Workshop, Darwin – June 2018



2.3 Review LGANT policies, research and develop new policies for submission to the Executive and General meetings for approval.

Throughout the year the following LGANT Policy Statement was approved as an addition by the Executive: Table 8 Changes to the LGANT Policy Statements

Section Policy Statements

2.12 (f)  Importance of early childhood education in the acquisition of language, literacy and numeracy skills and the need for bilingual programs (new policy)

Governance Charter  Multiple changes were made throughout the Charter largely to update the document

2.4 Assist member councils with policy development.

LGANT mainly addresses policy development issues through reference groups and the Executive and CEO Forum meetings. Some of the policies council were encouraged to develop included those to do with:  Council road hierarchies  MOU’s to do with rail and road interfaces  asset management  subdivision guidelines  crowded places and mass gatherings  alcohol .

Most councils do their own research on policy development due to the large amount of material available on the internet including the policies of councils throughout Australia



2.5 Assist councils to implement policies and procedures that facilitate financial sustainability.

LGANT:  produced the 2016-17 local government cost index for use by councils as part of their deliberations in determining appropriate rates and charges for the 2017-18 financial year  continued the MOU with Local Buy Pty Ltd which enables councils to access specialist procurement services and thereby potentially save on costs  continued to support the reporting of financial sustainability ratios in the annual financial statements of councils largely through the work of the Finance Reference Group  established a trust arrangement that will see the pooling of council insurance premiums in order to save on costs and bring more rigour to risk management practices  supported councils in waste management resource sharing and collaboration to save on costs and to provide efficient service delivery  provided monthly reports on mining tenements for levying rates on conditionally rateable properties  facilitated the bulk purchase of parking disability permits for councils to save on procurement costs.

2.6 Work towards the full incorporation of the Northern Territory under the Local Government Act (2013) with the exception of special purpose areas.

LGANT:  lodged in November 2017 a budget submission to the Northern Territory Government requesting funding for local governments in the event further land masses are incorporated into local government boundary areas  held discussions with council officers and representatives about possible boundary changes involving unincorporated land.



2.7 Work with councils to gather relevant data which can be included in a national Australian Local Government Association ‘State of the Local Government Sector’ report.

Data analytics was discussed at meetings of local government associations throughout the year with some progress being achieved on the subject of human resources metrics data. The Local Government Association of Queensland launched its LG Sherlock, data storage and analysis service for its councils’ data which will have potential in future years to contribute to the State of the Local Government Sector Report. As in previous years the issue for most local government associations is collecting consistent data from councils and obtaining consensus on the data that should be collected with the latter again proving to be a challenge. LGANT analysed the annual reports of each member council to contribute to ALGA’s State of the Local Government Sector report as well as the Federal Government’s National Report on Local Government.



2.8 Convene appropriate LGANT meetings with member councils to facilitate collaboration, sector policy development and bring about local government reforms and provide networking opportunities:  Executive meetings  General and Annual General meetings  Mayors and Presidents Forum  CEO Forum  Regional Forum  Reference groups: . Community Services . Environment, Transport and Infrastructure . Finance . Governance and Human Resources.

The above meetings are the primary mechanism LGANT uses to both engage with councils and coordinate work with them.

At any one time LGANT deals with numerous agenda items at its meetings.

Some agenda items are not referenced in the following tables however a portion of them are reported in other sections of this Annual Report.

Table 10 LGANT Executive Meetings

Date Key Actions Arising from Executive Meetings

25 July 2017  endorsed a submission to the NT Alcohol Policies and Legislation Review  endorsed a submission to the Inquiry into the National Freight and Supply Chain Priorities  approved a submission being prepared to the NT EPA on recommended land use separation distances  adopted a LGANT policy on sponsorship of LGANT events and activities from external organisations  endorsed the LGANT submission on the draft legislation on the Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill



Date Key Actions Arising from Executive Meetings

 Due to local government elections LGANT was unable to hold meetings of the Executive until it first filled its casual vacancies so that it had a quorum.

13 December 2017  endorsed the 2018-19 LGANT budget submission to the Northern Territory Government  adopted the revised 2017-18 LGANT budget  adopted an internal LGANT policy on risk management  approved changes to the LGANT Governance Charter Policy  adopted a model resolution to be used by councils confirming agreement in becoming members of the Joint Insurance Discretionary Trust  endorsed nominations to the Animal Welfare Advisory Committee, Minister’s Advisory Council on Multicultural Affairs, National Local Government Drug and Alcohol Advisory Committee, Neighbourhood Watch NT, NT Water Safety Advisory Council, Place Names Committee and NT Settlement Planning and Outcomes Committee  approved an application to the Building Better Regions Fund Community Investments Stream for the Local Road Mapping and Hierarchy Project  endorsed proposed changes to the CouncilBIZ Constitution

7 February 2018  discussed a review of the Members’ Satisfaction Survey  adopted the LGANT Risk Management Plan  requested LGANT write to the Minister seeking a commitment to fund governance training for elected members following the February 2018 Australian Institute of Company Directors course  endorsed the 2018-19 annual priorities as presented with the 2014-2019 LGANT Strategic Plan  endorsed the annual budget for 2018-19 and membership subscriptions  approved the LGANT Local Roads Asset Management Plan  approved the LGANT submission on the inquiry into the operation, regulation and funding of air route service delivery to rural, regional and remote communities  endorsed a nomination to the EASA Board



Date Key Actions Arising from Executive Meetings

 endorsed nominations to the NT Grants Commission  approved the LGANT submission on remote employment and participation  approved the LGANT submission on the Discussion Draft: Planning for a Vibrant Future  approved the LGANT submission to the Northern Territory Revenue Discussion Paper

27 March 2018  endorsed nominees to a list of persons eligible to be a member of a local government disciplinary committee  endorsed a LGANT representative to the Local Government Accounting Advisory Committee  resolved that LGANT become a member of the NT Local Government Insurance Discretionary Trust  noted the report on the ASIO NT Security Intelligence briefing

18 April 2018  endorsed the LGANT submission to the Inquiry into Regional Inequality in Australia  endorsed the LGANT submission to the 2016-17 Local Government National Report  requested a letter be sent to the Minister on the outcomes from the LGANT general meeting  noted the ALGA Board report for March 2018  requested that elected members be invited to do presentations at the LGANT Conference 16 May 2018  approved the use of the LGANT Common Seal on the funding agreement for the employment of the Local Government Environment Project Officer  requested LGANT write to the Minister about the town camps review  supported councils making preparations for entering into new agreements with NT Library  adopted the internal LGANT information and telecommunications technology network policy



Date Key Actions Arising from Executive Meetings

12 June 2018  approved the LGANT policy statement on language, literacy and numeracy  approved the LGANT submission to the NT Government discussion paper – Territory Wide Logistics Master Plan  accepted the recommendations and actions of the Community Services Reference Group  endorsed a nomination to the NT Tobacco Control Action Committee

Table 11 General and Annual General Meetings

Key Actions Arising from General and the Date Annual General Meetings

2 November 2017  recognised the inequity of the Black Spot Road Funding in the General Meeting NT and supported a needs-based allocation of Black Spot Funding for local government  agreed to seek support from the government: o to have land allocated to the City of Darwin for the establishment of an emergency waste management facility for the Top End o to factor in additional waste management costs for regional councils from the investment in remote housing  approved the 2018-19 LGANT budget submission  committed to provide input into the LGANT 2018-2019 annual priorities  endorsed LGANT continuing its efforts to seek changes in the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements conditions  approved renewal of the LGANT office loan  discussed improving voting and voter turnout at council elections  endorsed sending a letter to the Minister for Health regarding the operation of morgues  endorsed the appointment of WALGA as the workplace relations and advocacy service provider to LGANT members



Key Actions Arising from General and the Date Annual General Meetings

3 November 2017  endorsed the 2016/2017 LGANT Annual Report Annual General  conducted elections for the Executive casual vacancies with the Meeting support of the NT Electoral Commission  accepted reports from LGANT representatives on eight external boards and committees  the Minister for Housing and Community Development, the Hon Gerry McCarthy MLA and the LGANT President presented local government long service awards to four councilors having more than ten years’ service in local government

13 April 2018  adopted the 2014-19 LGANT Strategic Plan including the 2018- General Meeting 19 annual priorities  endorsed the LGANT 2018-19 annual budget including membership subscriptions  supported all recommendations contained in the Riley Alcohol Policies and Legislation Review Final Report  supported the Point of Sale Interventions program applying equally to all people across the Northern Territory and being retained indefinitely  requested LGANT write to the Minister on behalf of members reiterating the issues raised during his address at the LGANT Conference



Video address by The Hon Dr John McVeigh MP at the LGANT Conference in Darwin, April 2018

Table 12 CEO Forum

Date Key Actions Arising from CEO Forum Meetings

1 November 2017 LGANT convened the following CEO forums which:  endorsed the actions and recommendations arising from subordinate reference group meetings  endorsed the LGAQ workforce data collection tool and the establishment of a working group to refine to suit NT local government  reviewed the LGANT general and annual general meeting agendas and conference program  discussed recent key initiatives and events occurring in NT local government areas

12 April 2018  endorsed the actions and recommendations arising from subordinate reference group meetings  reviewed the LGANT general meeting agenda and conference program  recommended amendments to LGANT’s draft policy on protective security



Date Key Actions Arising from CEO Forum Meetings

 discussed the development of subdivision guidelines  approved the Local Government Records Management project

Table 13 Environment, Transport and Infrastructure Reference Group (ETIRG)

Key Actions Arising from Environment, Transport and Infrastructure Date Reference Group Meetings

19-20 October 2017 LGANT convened meetings of this group which:  agreed to acknowledge government funding in council publications and annual reports  supported providing information and priorities to LGANT for inclusion in the 2018/19 LGANT budget submission  agreed to promote and support ALGA’s National Local Roads and Transport Congress to be held in Albany in November 2017  supported the convening of the Asset Management Expo in August 2018  discussed opportunities for collaboration with the private sector and government agencies to access additional funding for infrastructure to support housing in the NT as articulated in LGANT’s 2018-19 budget submission  agreed that a working group be formed to assist in the development of policies dealing with Natural Disaster Relief Recovery Arrangements submissions and associated reporting and acquittal processes  supported LGANT sourcing funding to develop a Strategic Local Road Hierarchy  agreed to assist councils and CEOs in the review of policies, procedures and plans in readiness for the commencement of the Independent Commission Against Corruption legislation

3-4 May 2018  supported and agreed to participate in the Local Road Mapping and Hierarchy Project  provided input to the LGANT submission to the Australian Energy Regulator  discussed the development of subdivision guidelines  requested councils pursue MOUs with rail operators where roads and rail crossings interface within a local government area 46


Key Actions Arising from Environment, Transport and Infrastructure Date Reference Group Meetings

 discussed crowded places and mass gathering policies and planning  agreed to a forum to discuss the reporting and acquittal responsibilities of local councils under the new Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements guidelines

Table 14 Finance Reference Group (FRG)

Date Key Actions Arising from Finance Reference Group Meetings

24 October 2017 LGANT convened meetings of this group which:  agreed that council policies, procedures and plans be reviewed in readiness for the introduction of the Independent Commission Against Corruption legislation in the Northern Territory  discussed what councils need to do to recognise S19 leases on Aboriginal Land in their accounts  agreed to provide input to the 2016/17 Local Government National Report  endorsed the LGANT submission to the 2018/19 NT Budget  agreed to acknowledge Financial Assistance Grants in writing to Members of Parliament as well as in council publications including annual reports  endorsed LGANT convening an Asset Management Expo in August 2018  discussed the progress of collaboration on insurance practices  endorsed LGANT continuing its efforts to seek changes in the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements

15 March 2018  considered subscribing to the RDANT Community and Economic Profiles tools to help with the preparation of funding applications and submissions  accepted the calculated Northern Territory Local Government Cost Index for 2016-17 of 1.42%  discussed procedural steps for councils to borrow monies  agreed to recognise the financial support provided by the Federal and Northern Territory governments through the Financial Assistance Grants and NT operational subsidies



Date Key Actions Arising from Finance Reference Group Meetings

 recommended that LGANT continues to provide the Model Financial Statements for all councils to be consistent in financial reporting  endorsed the recommended actions arising from the Rates Officers’ Workshop held on 14 March 2018  discussed fines recovery and requested LGANT seek a meeting with the Fines Recovery Unit to discuss local government issues

Finance Reference Group, Katherine – October 2017

Table 15 Community Services Reference Group

Key Actions Arising from Community Services Reference Group Date Meetings

LGANT convened meetings of this group which:

 agreed to have alcohol and licensing policies in place prior to 7 September 2017 the new legislation and regulations being implemented

 endorsed the development of an information package and information sessions particular to local government  supported councils’ attendance at the Mayors, Presidents, Deputies and CEOs Symposium



Key Actions Arising from Community Services Reference Group Date Meetings

 provided input to the LGANT policy on public libraries  agreed to participate in the development of policies on drugs and alcohol in the workplace

23-24 May 2018  discussed the Digital Seniors Initiative – ‘Be Connected’ with each council to determine its approach  considered using the Money Smart website as a tool to assist with financial management  agreed to review existing policies on the release of the Northern Territory Tobacco Action Plan 2017-2020  supported LGANT policies on language, literacy and numeracy  supported LGANT securing a fee-for-service agreement to assist the Australian Electoral Commission in improving the electoral roll and participation

Table 16 Governance and Human Resources Reference Group

Key Actions Arising from Governance and Human Resources Date Reference Group Meetings

LGANT convened meetings of this group which:

 discussed the 2017 National Local Government Human 26-27 July 2017 Resources Conference

 recommended the recruitment of a records management specialist to assist councils to implement the Records Disposal and Retention Schedule  agreed to the development of policies on drugs and alcohol in the workplace  agreed on compliance with legislative requirements and timeframes leading up to the August 2017 local government elections  endorsed the LGANT submission on the Independent Commission Against Corruption draft legislation  supported attendance by council representatives at the Mayors, Presidents and CEOs Symposium  supported LGANT’s proposed business plan for a fee for



Key Actions Arising from Governance and Human Resources Date Reference Group Meetings service in the provision of elected members and local authorities training and professional development

1-2 February 2018  agreed to provide names of elected members to attend the Australian Institute of Company Directors course  resolved that LGANT adopt draft policies on language, literacy and numeracy and that a sub group be formed to look at ways to implement policies  appointed representatives to the Local Government Workforce Metric working group  formed a Local Government Records Disposal and Retention Schedule sub group to work on implementing business classification systems for councils  agreed to promote and assist councils in preparation for participation in the Joint Insurance Scheme and Discretionary Trust  committed to making the most of the WALGA industrial relations and human resource service

Table 17 Rates Officers Workshop

Date Key Actions Arising from Rates Officers’ Workshop

LGANT convened a meeting of this group which:

 discussed the interpretation of Tenement titles acronyms 14 March 2018  identified how to determine if a mining lease is rateable  reviewed the Rating Guidelines Manual and made recommendations to the Department Housing and Community Services representative for proposed changes



2.9 Work with regional councils to finalise arrangements with cemeteries on Aboriginal land.

LGANT  attended three meetings with NLC lawyers on 31 July 2018, 10 November 2017 and 22 June 2018 to discuss the terms and conditions of licenses for council cemeteries in the Northern Land Council area.  In between meetings legal advice was sought and obtained with agreement expected in the first half of next financial year.

Mayors, Presidents, Deputies and CEOs Symposium – October 2017



Goal 3 – To effectively advocate for and represent member councils

Local Government Influence

LGANT shall represent the interests of local government in the Northern Territory as a sector and in doing so we will act as the conduit to other spheres of government, non-government organisations, media, industry groups and other relevant individuals and organisations through our activities and those of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA).

3.1 Work with councils to secure tenure on land for council assets. LGANT:  continued to: o update the list of Section 19 leases councils hold on Aboriginal land o encourage councils to take out leases on Aboriginal land.

3.2 Submit proposals in response to legislation, policy or programs which are enacted or proposed by the Northern Territory and Commonwealth Governments including: • the Local Government Act • the Remuneration Act • the Planning Act • the Cemeteries Act • the Environment Protection Act.

LGANT completed the following submissions: Table 16 LGANT 2017-18 Submissions

Date Submitted Submission Topic

14 July 2017 Alcohol Policies and Legislation Review

25 July 2017 Inquiry into Freight and Supply Chain Priorities

25 July 2017 Independent Commission Against Corruption – Draft Legislation

10 August 2017 Recommended Land Use Separation Distances

29 September 2017 Independent Commission Against Corruption Bill

13 December 2017 LGANT Budget Submission to the Northern Territory Government



Date Submitted Submission Topic Inquiry into the Operation, Regulation and Funding of Air Route 5 February 2018 Service Delivery to Rural, Regional and Remote Communities 8 February 2018 Planning for a Vibrant Future

8 February 2018 Review, Reframe, Renew (planning legislation)

8 February 2018 Remote Employment and Participation Inquiry into the indicators of, and impact of, regional inequality in 24 April 2018 Australia 3 May 2018 Local Government National Report 2016-17 PWC’s 2019-2024 Proposal for Electricity Network Distribution 16 May 2018 Pricing 31 May 2018 Territory Wide Logistics Master Plan Discussion Paper

As of 30 June 2018 the submissions for which outcomes were known were:

 Inquiry into Freight and Supply Chain Priorities  LGANT Budget Submission to the Northern Territory Government  Alcohol Policies and Legislation Review  Recommended Land Use Separation Distances

All other submissions remain outstanding in terms of LGANT knowing what government intends to do with them. Where outcomes are known they are reported at LGANT Executive meetings.

3.3 Facilitate appropriate local government representation on up to 20 relevant boards and committees.

LGANT was represented on the following committees during the year:  Animal Welfare Advisory Committee  Coastal and Marine Management Strategy Partnership Group  CouncilBIZ  Employment Assistance Service NT (EASA)  Heritage Council  Local Government Accounting Advisory Committee  Local Government Administration and Legislation Advisory Committee  Minister’s Advisory Council on Multicultural Affairs  Minister’s Advisory Council on Senior Territorians  National Local Government Drug and Alcohol Advisory Committee 53


 NT Grants Commission  NT Library Community Reference Group  NT Neighbourhood Watch Board  NT Place Names Committee  NT Planning Commission  NT Settlement Planning and Outcomes Committee  NT Tobacco Control Action Committee  NT Water Safety Advisory Council  NT Weeds Advisory Committee  Regional Development Australia NT  Road Safety Black Spots Committee.

Throughout the year LGANT managed processes which required calling for nominations from councils to be representatives on Territory and Commonwealth government committees as detailed in Table 17. Table 17 Nominations submitted and approved during 2017-18

Date of Executive Nominee Committee Meeting

Alderman Justine Glover Animal Welfare Advisory Committee 16 October 2017 (City of Darwin)

Mayor Damien Ryan Heritage Council 13 December 2017 (Alice Springs Town Council)

Councillor Marius Puruntatameri Ministerial Advisory Council on 13 December 2017 (Tiwi Islands Regional Council) Multicultural Affairs Alderman Robin Knox (City of Darwin) NT Settlement Planning and 13 December 2017 Officer Jan Peters Outcomes Committee (City of Palmerston) Mayor Steven Edgington National Local Government Drug (Barkly Regional Council) and Alcohol Advisory Committee 13 December 2017 Councillor Ronald Plummer NT Place Names Committee 13 December 2017 (Barkly Regional Council) Alderman Gary Haslett NT Neighbourhood Watch Board 13 December 2017 (City of Darwin) Alderman Robin Knox NT Water Safety Advisory Council 13 December 2017 54


Date of Executive Nominee Committee Meeting (City of Darwin) Councillor Jeffrey McLaughlin (Barkly Regional Council) Officer David Jan EASA 7 February 2018 Litchfield Council Mayor Damien Ryan (Alice Springs Town Council) NT Grants Commission 7 February 2018 Mayor Fay Miller (Katherine Town Council) Officer Ramesh Pudasaini Local Government Accounting 18 April 2018 CouncilBIZ Advisory Committee

Councillor Kris Civitarese NT Tobacco Control Action 12 June 2018 Barkly Regional Council Committee

LGANT officers represented local government on the following committees and provided reports at Executive meetings:  the Top End Regional Organisation of Councils held meetings which were attended by the LGANT CEO (and when available, the President) at which updates on LGANT activities were provided to members  the ALGA National Local Government Cultural Forum  the Local Government Workforce Development Group – National group of policy officers  the CouncilBIZ Board  the ALGA Roads and Transport Advisory Committee  the ALGA Local Government Indigenous Reference Group

3.4 Provide information and support to ALGA and other State local government associations.

In addition to attending to standard governance matters at ALGA Board meetings, the LGANT CEO, President and the Vice President Regional and Shires (for some meetings) participated in the following ALGA meetings:  the ALGA Post General Assembly Teleconference  the National Local Roads and Transport Congress  all ALGA general meetings and the annual general meeting  the ALGA strategic planning meeting  the National General Assembly of Local Government.



Some of the issues dealt with at ALGA Board meetings included those listed in Table 18 below about which reports were provided at Executive meetings: Table 18 Significant issues deliberated at the ALGA Board meetings

Date Highlights

 Processing of the resolutions of National General Assembly of 19 July 2017 Local Government (teleconference)

 Financial Assistance Grants review  Review of access to Australian Standards  Housing and homelessness  Future of the Restricted Access Vehicle Route Assessment Tool 21 September 2017 funding  ALGA political advocacy strategy in the lead-up to the Federal Election  National security issues and engagement  Australian Rural Leadership Foundation sponsorship

 2018/19 ALGA Federal budget submission  ALGA Federal election priorities  Regional Airport Infrastructure Advocacy Request from Australian 6 November 2017 Airports Association  Australian Building Codes Board representation  Possible ALGA representation on the Tourism Minister’s meeting  Per and poly-fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)

 ALGA Strategic Plan 2017-2020  Commonwealth funding to local government  Infrastructure funding 15 March 2018  Community Infrastructure Register  Waste and recycling  National Volunteering Strategy

 Federal funding of local government  2018/19 ALGA Budget  Rate capping and possible Parliamentary inquiry 16 June 2018  ALGA Federal Election document and advocacy strategy  Road-rail interface agreements  Smart Cities and City Deals

LGANT also provided email advice to ALGA policy officers on the following subjects:  Regional transport plans and national transport reform



 Indigenous priorities for the ALGA budget and election document  Housing and homelessness  Number of Indigenous councillors  ALGA Federal Budget submission  Effectiveness of compliance and enforcement systems for the building and construction industry  Number of Indigenous employees in local government  Local government financial data  Community Infrastructure Ideas Register  Weighted voting for motions considered at the National General Assembly  By-laws relating to the operation of drones

3.5 Facilitate engagement and collaboration between local and Northern Territory governments through meetings and correspondence with Ministers of the government and senior officers.

The LGANT President and CEO met with the Minister, the Hon Gerry McCarthy MLA on two occasions during year on 25 August 2017 and 31 January 2018 with reports given at Executive meetings.

The Minister also attended LGANT’s two general meetings on 2 November 2017 in Alice Springs and 12 April 2018 in Darwin.

The LGANT CEO attended 11 meetings with Department of Housing and Community Development staff during the year which does not include those related to committees mentioned above.

3.6 Contribute to ALGA’s Federal election document. LGANT:  Board members participated in ALGA Board meeting of 16 June 2018 which agreed to the priorities for the ALGA Federal election document as well as the communications strategy that will flow on from it with most activities to be performed next financial year.



Goal 4 Maintain an effective and efficient service

Maintaining and improving LGANT capacity LGANT shall ensure quality management services including human, financial and physical resources to achieve successful outcomes.

4.1 Maintain the servicing of the LGANT local road network as identified by the Northern Territory Grants Commission.

LGANT is responsible for the maintenance of a 2,123 km local road network on behalf of local government in the Northern Territory in the Central Desert, MacDonnell, Barkly, East Arnhem, Victoria Daly and Roper Gulf Regional Council areas.

The LGANT road network consists of the following road length by type as recorded in Table 19 below: Table 19 LGANT’s Road Types and Road Lengths

Road Type Road Length

Sealed 11 km

Gravel 402 km

Formed 467 km

Flat Bladed Track 1,243 km



LGANT allocated funds and performed road maintenance work in the following local government areas: Table 20 Allocation of Expenditure in Regional Council Areas

Council Road Length Allocation

Central Desert Regional Council 156 km $20 000

MacDonnell Regional Council 279 km $44 889

East Arnhem Regional Council 442 km $345 232

Roper Gulf Regional Council 123 km $111 271

Barkly Regional Council 1085 km $419 401

The projects completed during 2017-18 under the Roads to Recovery Program were as listed in Table 21: Table 21 Roads to Recovery Projects completed during 2017/18 financial year

Road Council Area Amount Project

Mata Mata Road East Arhnem $76,560 Realignment of ‘jump up’ and gravel sheeting (Complete August 2018)

Robinson River Road Roper Gulf $446,812 Improve access at the Hobblestrap Creek Causeway.

Robinson River Road Roper Gulf $473,500 Realignment and re-sheet 10km of gravel pavement.

2018-19 is the final year of the existing program with the allocation for LGANT being $625,955.



The identified local road grant, through the Federal Assistance Grants (FAGs) paid to LGANT in 2017-18 was $1,519,305. This includes the advance payment received in June 2017 of $748,156 followed by quarterly payments ($192,913). The works were carried out in consultation with road users based on an agreed level of service, a routine maintenance regime and priorities in accordance with LGANT’s road hierarchy, asset management plan and annual budget. LGANT continued a program of erecting road signs in 2017-18 following the completion of road safety audits in 2014-15. Local contractors installed the signs using ‘The Central Australian Remote Community Traffic Management Manual’ that was developed in collaboration with Central Desert, MacDonnell and Barkly Regional councils and with technical assistance from the Australian Road Research Board. LGANT continued to work collaboratively with the Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics regional officers in planning its maintenance programs and using the Department’s appointed contractors.

Construction of causeway at Hobbestrap Creek, Robinson River Road

4.2 Review and refine LGANT’s internal systems and processes. Reviews are often an important activity for improving operations and throughout the year LGANT adopted internal policies on:  information and communications technology  risk management  LGANT sponsorship



Staff also completed training from the following courses:  webinars on taxation, payroll and superannuation  procurement and contract management  fire extinguisher/warden training  adult literacy and numeracy  Australian Institute of Company Directors – Governance Essentials for Local Government

4.3 Adopt a long term asset and financial management plan and ensure processes are in place for integration with annual budget and financial reporting.

The LGANT controlled roads asset management plan was adopted by the LGANT Executive on 7 February 2018.

LGANT procured a new vehicle during the year and purchased three new laptop computers. LGANT also continued to upgrade its information technology and security systems through its period contractors.

4.4 Manage the leasing and maintenance requirements for Units 1 - 5, and contribute to the effective management of 21 Parap Road through the body corporate.

LGANT has one major building asset being its office premises at 21 Parap Rd, Parap NT.

LGANT went out to tender for the installation of new blinds and has appointed new cleaners. Management of the loan and insurances for the premises were in accordance with the approved budget.



LGANT Office, 21 Parap Road, Parap



Financial Statements for the Year Ended 30 June 2018


I, Damien Ryan, President of the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory, state that in my opinion, the financial statements (as set out) are properly drawn up so as to present fairly the state of affairs of the Association as at 30 June 2018 and of the results and cash flows of the Association for the year then ended.

10 October 2018 PRESIDENT


I, Tony Tapsell, being the Chief Executive Officer of the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory, state that to the best of my knowledge and belief the financial statements (as set out) present fairly the state of affairs of the Association as at 30 June 2018 and of the results and cash flows of the Association for the year then ended.



BLACK[R & Associates

ABN: 66 O09 6lB 428



The financial report and committee members' responsibility

The financial report comprises the statement of financial position, statement of financial performance, statement of cash flows, accompanying notes to the financial statements and the executive committee's declaration for Local Government Association of the Northern Territory for the period ended 30th June 2018. The executive committee of the association is responsible for the preparation and true and fair presentation of the financial report and has determined that the accounting policies used are appropriate to meet the needs of the members. This includes responsibility for the maintenance of adequate accounting records and internal controls that are designed to prevent and detect fraud and error, and for the accounting policies and accounting estimates inherent in the financial report. The financial report has been prepared for distribution to members for the purpose of fulfilling the executive committee members' financial reporting requirements under the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory's constitution. We disclaim any assumptions of responsibility for any reliance on this report or on the financial report to which it relates to any person other than the members, or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared.

Audit approach We conducted an independent audit in order to express an opinion to the members of the association. Our audit was conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards, in order to provide reasonable assurance as to whether the financial report is free of material misstatements. The nature of an audit is influenced by factors such as the use of professional judgment, selective testing, the inherent limitations of internal control, and the availability of persuasive rather than conclusive evidence. Therefore, an audit cannot guarantee that all material misstatements have been detected. We performed procedures to assess whether in all material respects the financial report presents fairly so as to present a view which is consístent with our understanding of the association's financial position, and of its performance as represented by the results of its operations and cash flows. These policies do not require the application of all Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements in Australia. No opinion is expressed as to whether the accounting policies used are appropriate to the needs of the members.

Page 1 of 2 BLACKER & Assccictes

ABN: 66 O09 618 4?å

We formed our audit opinion on the basis of these procedures, which included

examining, on a test basis, information to provide evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial report; and assessing the appropriateness of the accounting policies and disclosures used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by the committee. While we considered the effectiveness of management's internal controls over financial reporting when determining the nature and extent of our procedures, our audit was not designed to provide assurance on internal controls. lndependence ln conducting our audit, we followed applicable independence requirements of Australian professional ethical pronouncements.

Audit Opinion ln our opinion, the financial report presents a true and fair view in accordance with Accounting Standards and other mandatory financial reporting requirements in Australia the financial position of Local Government Association of the Northern Territory as at 30th June 2018 and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended.

KR Blacker & Associates Kevin Robert Blacker Public Accountants Pubfic Practice Gertificate 16542

Dated in Darwin on 3'd September 2018


Current Assets Cash (2) 10,807,021 6,736,738 Debtors (3) 110,754 33,649 Prepayments 10,310 9,769 10,928,085 6,780,156

Non Current Assets Motor Vehicles (4) 58,175 43,130 Furniture and Fittings (4) 34,910 26,732 Building (4) 2,986,822 2,990,737 3,079,907 3,060,599

Total Assets 14,007,992 9,840,755


Current Liabilities Creditors 914,249 25,578 Payments Received in Advance (5) 797,538 748,156 Income Deferral (5) 3,865,086 386,444 Accruals 28,432 14,139 Loans - Motor Vehicles (6) 0 0 Loans - Building (6) 0 0 Provision - Annual Leave 156,186 133,730 Provision - Long Service Leave 110,945 139,977 5,872,436 1,448,024

Non-current Liabilities Loans - Motor Vehicles (6) 39,142 0 Loans - Building (6) 630,000 1,300,000 Provision - Long Service Leave 17,776 18,951 Provision - Capital Equipment Purchases 0 7,785 Provision - Property, Mobile Equipment, other assets 302,580 298,562 Provision - Bond Units 3 & 4 11,294 22,944 1,000,793 1,648,242

Total Liabilities 6,873,229 3,096,266

NET ASSETS 7,134,763 6,744,489

ACCUMULATED FUNDS Balance at the beginning of the year 6,744,489 5,792,103 (To)/From Reserves (4,018) (9,562) Surplus (Deficit) for the year 394,291 961,948 Balance at the end of the year 7,134,762 6,744,489 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY OPERATING STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018


User Charges and Fees (7) 958,794 953,264 Interest 121,560 107,878 Other Revenues from ordinary activities 13,194 14,025 NT Government Contributions for Operating Purposes (8) 444,175 1,421,159 Federal Government Contributions for Operating Purposes (9) 2,551,903 1,985,125

Total income from ordinary activities 4,089,626 4,481,451

0 245

Total Income 4,089,626 4,481,697


Employee Costs 712,244 781,151 Materials and contracts 2,680,663 2,374,593 Depreciation 24,210 22,364 Other operating expenses (10) 231,452 279,489 Interest Charges 46,062 62,153

Total expenses from ordinary activities 3,694,631 3,519,748

Add Net Loss on disposal of assets 704 0

Total Expenditure 3,695,335 3,519,748

Total Income 4,089,626 4,481,697 Less Total Expenditure 3,695,335 3,519,748

Surplus (Deficit) for the year from ordinary activities 394,291 961,948

Add Extraordinary item Insurance Claim 0 0


Notes 2018 2017 $ $ Cash Flows from Operating Activities

Payments to Suppliers (1,782,008) (2,608,472) Payments to Employees (719,993) (804,951) Payment of Interest (46,062) (62,153) Payment of other expenses (230,096) (278,692) Borrowing Costs (1,356) (796) Receipts from members 665,494 687,067 Interest received 16,832 21,624 Interest received for other projects 104,728 86,254 Northern Territory Government 444,175 1,421,159 Commonwealth Government 2,551,903 1,985,125 Other Charges and User Fees 199,162 289,733 Other Contributions to Projects 0 0 Sponsorship - Association 30,227 19,272 Net cash flows used in operating activities 1,233,006 755,170

Cash flows from Investing Activities

Purchase of fixed assets (43,518) (17,252) Revaluation of asset 0 0 Proceeds from sale of fixed assets (704) 245 Bonds held for units 3 and 4 (11,650) 0 Net cash flows used in investing activities (55,872) (17,007)

Cash flows from Financing Activities Loans - Redraw Facility (266,666) 66,668 Loans - Parap Building 0 0 Loans - Parap Building Principal Repayments (403,334) (66,668) Loans - Motor Vehicles 46,481 0 Loans - Motor Vehicle Principal Repayments (7,339) (20,709) Transfers to Reserves (4,018) (9,562) Income Deferred 3,528,025 359,255 Net cash flows used in financing activities 2,893,149 328,984

Cash flows from Insurance Recoveries

Insurance payment 0 0 Net Cash flows from insurance recoveries 0 0

Net Increase/(Decrease) in cash held 4,070,283 1,067,147 Cash at the beginning of the year 6,736,738 5,669,591 Cash at the end of the year 10,807,021 6,736,738 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY NOTES TO, AND FORMING PART OF, THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 1 STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES

a) Basis of Accounting

This special purpose financial report has been prepared for distribution to the members. The accounting policies used in the preparation of this report are consistent with the previous year and are described below.

(i) The accounts have been prepared using the accrual basis of accounting including the historical cost convention and the going concern assumption.

(ii) The requirements of Australian Accounting Standards promulgated by the accounting profession do not have mandatory applicability to the Local Government Association of the Northern Territory in relation to the year ended 30 June 2018 because the entity is not a "reporting entity" as defined therein. The Association has, however prepared the financial statements in accordance with all Australian Accounting Standards.

(b) Economic Dependency

The Association is reliant upon the receipt of government grants and members' subscriptions to operate as a going concern.

(c) Fixed Assets

Fixed assets are carried at cost. Depreciation is provided on a straight line basis on all fixed assets recorded in the balance sheet at rates calculated to allocate the cost less estimated residual value over their estimated useful lives. Depreciation is calculated on the permanent fixtures in the office building. The building is not depreciated. A sinking fund, to which LGANT contributes, has been establised by the body corporate for future maintenance and asset renewals of common areas.

(d) Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognised to the extent that it is probable that the economic benefits will flow to the entity and the revenue can be reliably measured. The following specific recognition criteria must also be met before revenue is recognised:

. Grants All grants are brought to account as revenue in the statement of income and expenditure when received and the unexpended portion is taken up as a liability in the Balance Sheet. Unexpended grants received during the 2017/18 financial year being grants recognised as revenues which were obtained on the condition that they be expended in a particular manner or used over a particular period, and those conditions were undischarged at year end are taken up as deferred in the Balance Sheet.

. Subscriptions Subscriptions are recorded on an accrual basis


For the purposes of the statement of cash flows, the Association considers cash to include cash on hand and in banks.

f) Employee Entitlements

Provision is made for employee entitlement benefits accumulated as a result of employees rendering service up to the reporting date. The benefits include wages and salaries, annual leave and long service leave.

g) Taxation

The Local Government Association of the Northern Territory is an exempt body under the Income Tax Assessment Act.

h) Superannuation

The contribution made to the Statewide Superannuation Fund was at the rate of 11.50% for contributory Association employees and 9.50% for non-contributory Association employees.

i) Loans


The Association has a loan with the National Australia Bank for a new vehicle purchased in the 2017/18 financial year. See note 6 for commitment details.

Office Building:

The Association has a Commercial Loan with the National Australia Bank for the purchase of this asset. See note 6 for commitment details. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY NOTES TO, AND FORMING PART OF, THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 (continued)

2 CASH Cash at bank at 30 June 2018 at National Australia Bank Darwin comprised the following:

2018 2017 $ $ LGANT Reserve Term Deposit Account 391,406 678,126 Infrastructure Holding Account 1,839,547 1,418,287 Infrastructure Holding Term Deposit Account 4,010,914 3,913,193 Tied Project Holding Account 897,735 323,183 Local Government Excellence Account 24,235 243,488 Health, Safety & Security Initiatives Account 3,500,000 0 Operating Account 142,684 159,961 10,806,521 6,736,238 Petty Cash 500 500 10,807,021 6,736,738

3 DEBTORS 2018 2017 $ $ Debtors (includes GST asset awaiting clearance as at 30 June 2018) 110,754 33,649 Provision for Doubtful Debts 0 0 110,754 33,649

4 FIXED ASSETS 2018 2017 Motor Vehicles 94,859 96,739 Less Accumulated Depreciation 36,684 53,609 Total Motor Vehicles 58,175 43,130

Furniture, fittings and equipment 148,195 132,046 Less Accumulated Depreciation 113,285 105,314 Total Furniture and Fittings 34,910 26,732

Office Building - Parap 3,104,288 3,104,288 Less Accumulated Depreciation 117,466 113,551 Total Office Building - Parap 2,986,822 2,990,737

Total Fixed Assets 3,079,907 3,060,599


2018 2017 $ $ Regional Economic Infrastructure Development Program 20,227 20,227 Big Rivers Waste Management Program 13,501 39,894 Big Rivers Mentoring Program 24,600 32,478 Local Government Environment Project Officer 116,440 0 Roads to Recovery 190,318 0 Health, Safety & Security Initiative 3,500,000 0 Local Government Excellence Programme 0 293,845 Debtors Payments (received in advance) 9,352 0 Local Roads Funding (received in advance) 788,186 748,156 4,662,624 1,134,600 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY NOTES TO, AND FORMING PART OF, THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 (continued)

6 EXPENDITURE COMMITMENT 2018 2017 $ $ Bank Loan - vehicles not later than 1 year 0 0 later than 1 year but not later than 2 years 16,537 0 later than 2 years but not later than 5 years 24,806 0 41,343 0 less future interest charge 2,201 0 loan liability 39,142 0 The break-up of this loan liability is as follows: current liability 0 0 non-current liability 39,142 0 39,142 0

Parap Building Purchase

Commercial Loan:

This loan was renegotiated in November 2017 with the National Australia Bank, as a Flexible Rate Loan to run over three years with $ 630,000 being principal and fixed interest and $300,000 being variable interest. The variable portion has a redraw facility of $300,000 attached to it. Interest payments are made on a quarterly basis. Principal payments of $370,000 were made against the loan in the 2017/2018 financial year:

The status of this loan is as follows: 2018 2017 $ $ Current Liability - Fixed & Variable Components Flexible Rate Loan 0 0 Non current liability - Fixed & Variable Components Flexible Rate Loan 630,000 1,300,000 630,000 1,300,000 Redraw Facility (this is a non cash flow item) 300,000 33,330 Loan Facility Limit 930,000 1,333,330

7 USER CHARGES AND FEES 2018 2017 $ $ Subscriptions, Meeting Charges and Sponsorship 727,102 703,144 Rental Charges 198,873 177,228 Project Management, Consultancy and Training Charges 32,819 72,892 Total User Charges and Fees 958,794 953,264

8 NT GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTIONS FOR OPERATING PURPOSES 2018 2017 $ $ Local Government Excellence Programme 406,345 648,433 Regional Infrastructure Development Fund 0 626,513 Waste Management Programmes 34,271 141,438 Local Government Environment Officer 3,559 Department of Business - Adult Learners Week 0 4,775 Total NT Government Contributions 444,175 1,421,159 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY NOTES TO, AND FORMING PART OF, THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 (continued)

9 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTIONS FOR OPERATING PURPOSES 2018 2017 $ $ Local Roads Federal Assistance Grants 1,519,809 1,446,831 AusLink Roads to Recovery - LGANT 1,032,094 538,294 Total Federal Government Contributions 2,551,903 1,985,125

10 OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES 2018 2017 $ $ Internal Management, Advocacy, Representation and Information Services 167,801 194,856 Human Resource Support and Development 4,565 1,587 Engineering and Environment Project Management 43,797 40,389 Local Government Excellence Programme 15,289 42,657 Total Other Operating Expenses 231,452 279,489

11 STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS 2,018 2017 $ $ a) Reconciliation of Cash Cash at Bank 10,806,521 6,736,238 Petty Cash Imprest 500 500 10,807,021 6,736,738 b) Reconciliation of Net Cash Used in Operating Activities to Operating Result

Operating result 394,291 961,948 Add/(Subtract) non cash items Depreciation 24,210 22,363 Profit/(Loss) on Sale of Fixed Assets 704 (245) 419,204 984,066 Add/(Subtract) operating flows Increase/(Decrease) in Trade Creditors, Accruals 902,965 (239,089) Increase/(Decrease) in Provisions (15,536) (27,091) (Increase)/Decrease in Debtors (77,105) 28,783 (Increase)/Decrease in Prepayments (540) (1,061) Increase/(Decrease) in Reserves 4,018 9,562 Net Cash used in operating activities 1,233,006 755,170


The Local Government Association manages some government grants and monies on behalf of councils in the Northern Territory. The Association operates in Darwin, Australia.


The Local Government Assocation is not aware of any contingent liabilities as at 30 June 2018. LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY NOTES TO, AND FORMING PART OF, THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 (continued)


The Association has contingent liabilities to repay grants received but not fully expended at year end for projects of $7,944,903. Included in this figure are unexpended grants totaling $4,653,273 being income received in advance or income deferred until the 2018/2019 financial year.

Movements Opening Closing Balance Received/ Balance 1 July 2017 Receivable Expended 30 June 2018 $ $ $ $ Local Roads Funding 3,729,353 771,653 1,209,376 3,291,630 Local Roads Funding received in advance (refer note 5) 0 788,186 0 788,186

Grant income deferred to 2018/19 financial year (refer note 5)

Big Rivers Mentoring Program 32,478 0 7,878 24,600 Big Rivers Waste Management Project 39,894 0 26,393 13,501 Regional Economic Infrastructure Development Fund 20,227 0 0 20,227 Local Government Environment Officer 0 120,000 3,560 116,440 Local Government Excellence Programme 293,845 113,520 407,365 0 Health, Safety & Security Initiative 0 3,500,000 0 3,500,000 Roads To Recovery 0 1,222,413 1,032,094 190,319 TOTAL UNEXPENDED GRANTS 4,115,797 6,515,772 2,686,666 7,944,903

Movements Opening Closing Balance Received/ Balance 1 July 2017 Receivable Expended 30 June 2018 $ $ $ $ Engineering Management 1,059,811 123,928 359,799 823,940 Environmental Management 99,387 0 0 99,387 Human Resource and Industrial Relations 304,441 1,117 18,746 286,812 TOTAL OTHER COMMITTED FUNDS 1,463,639 125,045 378,545 1,210,139 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY NOTES TO, AND FORMING PART OF, THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2018 (continued)

15 BUDGET COMPARISON REPORT AS AT 30 JUNE 2018 INCOME Comparison of Revised Actual to Original Authorised Actual Income Budget Actual Income DIRECTORATE Budget to 30/6/18 over(under) to 30/6/17 $ $ $ $ Office of the Chief Executive 1,088,000 1,129,445 41,445 1,283,394 People and Development 233,000 233,000 0 346,343 Technical and Environmental Services 2,177,000 2,773,671 596,671 2,851,959

TOTAL INCOME 3,498,000 4,136,116 638,116 4,481,696

EXPENDITURE Comparison of Revised Actual Actual to Original Actual Authorised Expenditure to Budget Expenditure to DIRECTORATE Budget 30/6/18 over(under) 30/6/17 $ $ $ $ Office of the Chief Executive 1,619,800 1,550,774 (69,026) 1,234,710 People and Development 337,000 341,789 4,789 305,817 Technical and Environmental Services 2,177,000 2,544,334 367,334 2,083,828

TOTAL EXPENDITURE 4,133,800 4,436,897 303,097 3,624,355 Total income and expenditure figures include capital income and expenditure and internal transfers during the 2017/2018 financial year. See notes 13 and 14 on funds carried forward to the 2018/2019 financial year Notes to Budget Comparison Report: Office of the Chief Executive Income: A potion of this figure represents the contribution from councils towards the setting up of the Insurance Discretionary Fund and are committed to the completion of stage 2 of the implentation in the 2018/19 financial year

Expenditure: There was a reduction in the anticipated capital expenditure relating to the purchase of a new vehicle and principal payments on the building loan which was regnegotiated in November 2017

Technical and Environmental Services Income: The increased income relates to additional funding received from the Commonwealth Government for the Roads to Recovery Programme.

Local Government Roads grant funding received in advance for the 2018/2019 financial year has been transferred to liabilities as "Amounts Received in Advance". This income will be recognised in the 2018/2019 operating statement to match the expenditure planned against it.

Unexpended tied grant funding received in the 2017/2018 financial year for the programmes listed below has been transferred to liabilities as "Income Deferral". This income will be recognised in the 2018/2019 operating statement to match the expenditure planned against it: Health Safety & Security Initiatives $3,500,000 Local Government Environment Project Officer $116,440 Roads to Recovery Programme $190,318

Expenditure: The increased expenditure relates to additional funding received from the Commonwealth Government for the Roads to Recovery Programme LOCAL GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY

Breakup of Operational Expenditure for the 2017/18 financial year

7.90% 67.09% Engineering & Environment 10.65% Project Management

14.36% Human Resource Support & Local Government Development 14.36% 0 10.65% Advocacy, Representation & Information Services 67.09% 63049 7.90% Internal Management


63049 Breakup of Operational Income including Prepaid and Income Deferred to the 2017/18 financial year

6.55% 0.86% 10.19% 82.41% Engineering & Environment Project Management

10.19% Internatl Management 18354

0 6.55% Human Resource Support & Local Government Development

82.41% 0.86% Advocacy, Representation & Information Services 18354

Source of funding for the 2017/18 financial year

46.89% Northern Territory 1.85% 10.65% Government Funding

40.62% Commonwealth Government Funding

46.89% 10.65% Subscription, Meeting, Specific Member Projects and Office Rental Charges

40.62% 1.85% Interest, Sponsorship, Other