Volume 3 Numbers 6 Date: December 2016

Inside this issue:

Nejat Society wishes all readers a very happy New Year.

Happy New Year - 2017 1 May all the expectations and goals for each day be fulfilled on

How dogmatism stop the 2, 3 the day itself! production of thought in the MKO May all the families of the MKO members staying in Albania MEK’s Fake Intelligence On 3 acquire their most basic humanitarian right - the right that has Aleppo Only Hinders Fact- finding Bodies Finding The been denied by the cult leaders for more than 3 decades - and Truth be able to visit their loved ones and learn about their physical and mental health. MKO ex- members at the EU 4, 5 Press Club Conference The time to change our old calendar with the new calendar which is completely filled with the new beginnings, new expec- Yes, We Do Know the MEK 6, 7 tations, and new memories. New Year is celebrated by everyone Has a Terrorist Past across the world with great fun and joy. A New Year will begin About Nejat Society 8 with the calender’s year count which increments the year by Objectives: one. The Day is one but many cultures around the world cele- brate the new year in their own ways but the ultimate thing all To my brother; Amir 8 will acquire is happiness and fun for the whole year. Mostly the New Year is celebrated as per the Gregorian Calendar which falls on January 1st of every year. No—6 Nejat Newsletter page 2

How dogmatism stop the production of thought in the MKO Monday 19 Dec, 2016 ideological dogmatism. This of a dogmatic character are pushed his followers down to very narrow-minded and fa- There are certain charac- a path that has had disas- natic. He usually refuses to teristics such as dogmatism trous results in terms of lost engage in arguments or to and close-mindedness in lives, lost personalities, suf- participate in talks. That’s the sociological dimension fering families and a lot more why, none of the leaders of of a cult. Cults believe that examples of violations of hu- the Cult of Rajavi have been they alone have the truth man rights. seen in TV talk shows or an- and they are alytic media the only ones programs. to interpret the Even if there religion or pol- are allegations itics correctly. about the When the Mu- group in re- jahedin Khalq ports of main- Organization stream media (the MKO/the you usually cult of Rajavi) come across became com- with this mitted to phrase by the armed strug- journalist: “our gle and even- calls to the tually fell into group were the trap of not respond- dogmatism, ed”! replacing tol- Deprived of thinking capacity, The claims of a dogmatic erance with violence, the MKO members form a bunch person usually lacks evi- violence against enemies of beliefs in their minds; they dence. For example, the so- was gradually extended to protect their beliefs, preach called revelations of the the entire existence of the them and never question MKO’s propaganda about the group, even its own mem- them. From the point of view Iranian nuclear program al- bers. Dogmatism of Mas- of a MKO member --a dog- most always failed to present soud Rajavi was elevated matic thinker-- anyone who enough evidence. Although to absolute truth. His dog- does not share the same the MKO made efforts to re- ma was accompanied with strong convictions is irrational peat its fabrications on the deeply embedded emotions and so an enemy, in other so-called secret Iranian nu- that compelled his followers words, an agent of the Islam- clear weapon sites, the world to unquestionably adopt ic Republic. Therefore, any- ignored it because it failed to him as the absolute power. one in any side of the world support its claims with relia- As a demonstration of their with any kind of political view ble evidences and often the loyalty, followers of Rajavi is labeled as the Iranian Intel- group’s claims turned to be devoted their whole life in- ligence agent if and only if he fake. cluding their family, person- questions the MKO’s beliefs al properties and even their or acts. In March 2015, Jeffrey Lewis minds to him. of the Foreign Policy de- Dogmatism is usually found- nounced the MKO’s last al- Massoud Rajavi’s decep- ed on fallacy. The arguments leged revelations on the Ira- tive political actions led to No—6 Nejat Newsletter page 3 nian Nuke as an evident MEK’s Fake Intelligence On Aleppo Only Hinders effort to derail the then on- Fact-finding Bodies Finding The Truth going negotiations between Iran and the West. “Almost Huffington Post immediately, there were reasons to doubt NCRI’s claim”, Lewis writes. “A re- Saturday 24 Dec, 2016 view of commercial satellite An article published in the Washington Times Security section claims that images reveals no evidence (yet again) the Mojahedin Khalq (aka MKO, MEK, NCRI, Rajavi cult, Sad- dam’s Private Army) has provided intelligence to the West on Iranian of large-scale excavation or crimes and atrocities. However, in terms of actual intelligence revelations, tunneling during the 2004- the article should more properly have sat in the Opinion section. 2008 period identified by In this post-truth era, it almost goes without saying that facts and fiction NCRI.” The author also rub shoulders in most of the articles reporting on Syria and Aleppo from quotes the State Depart- all sides. But if Western journalists had no presence in Aleppo and uncriti- ment spokesman stating, cally reported hearsay and opinion to support their own agendas, think “Well, we don’t have any then what the MEK’s reporting is based on. information at this time to The MEK pretends it has some kind of insider knowledge which it can support the conclusion of apparently tap into whenever it needs to make a point. Iran, however, has the report.” made no secret of its involvement in the Syrian conflict. Newspapers and state run media probably tell us in much greater detail than the Washing- It definitely is a different ton Times report about the deployment of fighters and how they are fund- world now from three dec- ed. The dead from this conflict are mourned very publicly inside Iran. It is disingenuous of the MEK to merely recycle this information as a ades ago that people’s ac- ‘revelation’ cess to the sources of infor- mation and knowledge was NCRI spokesman deceives gullible U.S. officials and journalists with mis- information very limited. Today a quick google search and a lot But the MEK is notorious for its role as a misinformation and propaganda more technical tools link outlet. Variously over the years, the MEK has been exposed for false re- porting and intelligence in issues such as the P5+1 nuclear negotiations people to a large source of with Iran. After passing one piece of genuine intelligence in 2002 which it information. However, noth- was given by Mossad, the MEK continued to pass fake information to the ing is absolute. Intellectuals IAEA so as to disrupt the negotiation process, and to enable the US to know the truth and they are impose severe sanctions against Iran. In 2015 the MEK ‘shock revelation’ of a secret nuclear facility in Iran – intended to derail ongoing nuclear ne- not naïve to accept dogmat- gotiations – when subjected to just a little bit of investigatory journalism ic ideas. Cult of Rajavi is was soon revealed as sheer fabrication. The MEK similarly muddied the not able to deceive educat- waters of truth during investigations into the bombing of a Jewish centre ed people any more. That is in Argentina in 1994 for which MEK supplied intelligence implicated Iran. why so many members NCRI ‘shock revelation’ turned out to be taken from an advertising bro- have disassociated them- chure selves from the Cult. Iran and Russia’s behaviour and agendas have their own place in these The Rajavis should know issues which should be rigorously investigated and reported. But that can that as far as they do not only happen if journalists and investigatory bodies (human rights, nuclear get engaged in true argu- experts, war crimes, etc) are able to base their work on facts and not the fake and fictionalised fantasies of stooges like the MEK, which are clearly ments, they will not produce designed to misinform on these issues. thoughts and without think- ing, they are inevitably in The information laundry cycle is not difficult to follow – the Washington Times takes its report from the NCRI site of . The NCRI decline. site then reposts its own report as though it originated in the Washington Times and both, without further verification, get taken up by Fox News. By Mazda Parsi By Massoud Khodabandeh Director at Middle East Strategy Consult- ants. No—6 Nejat Newsletter page 4

MKO ex- members at the EU Press Club Conference Sunday 04 Dec, 2016 A delegation of MKO ex- mem- bers participated a conference held by the Press Club of the Eu- ropean Union in Brussels on the role of civil society in Europe and also Justice and human rights on 29 and 30 November 2016, Pey- vand-e Rahayee Website report- ed. Mr. Isa Azadeh , Mr. Ghorbanali Hossein-Nejad and Reza Sadeghi Jebelli participated the Confer- ence. During the conference the MKO- ex members met and talked to the outside world esp. their family delegation remarks. They got sur- journalists, reporters and media members, celibacy, cutting off any prised hearing of the situation of staff of different European states access to the outside media,… . more than 2000 Iranian individuals such as Albania. Former members of the MKO Cult being held hostages by a cult in shared their experiences as eye- the European soil. MKO defectors explained the situ- witnesses of the Cult practices ation of the MKO Cult hostages, with the audiences. Balkan Free journalists interviewed esp. after their relocation in Alba- Mr. Hosseinnejad , Azadeh and nia. They also elaborated different Mr. Hossein-Nejad’s case as a Sadeghi. The reporters hardly aspects of the Cult manipulative father whose daughter is held could imagine that the MKO mem- techniques such as suppression, hostage in Albania by the MKO bers have no access to the outside violation of human rights, com- Cult deeply affected the audienc- world, media and phone. They plete mental and physical control es. took such a harsh censorship with- over members, incarceration and in the cult as a severe violation of European Journalists and report- torture and even assassination of citizenship and civil rights and con- ers, esp. those from Albania dissidents, cutting members off demned it. made reports of the defectors’ No—6 Nejat Newsletter page 5

MKO ex- members at the EU Press Club Conference

By the end of this two-day confer- ence, the MKO Cult defectors delegation participated the meet- ing of without-border journalists and explained how the Cult lead- ers deprive members of citizen- ship rights.

No—6 Nejat Newsletter page 6

Yes, We Do Know the MEK Has a Terrorist Past

Thursday 15 Dec, 2016 terrorist activities against Iranians about the MEK, Assistant Secretary or Americans.” of State Robert Pelletreau wrote: In his response to my article on the connections between a number of But there’s plenty of evidence out We do not deal with the People’s potential Trump Cabinet nominees there. For decades, and based Mojahedin Organization of Iran. and the Iranian organization on U.S. intelligence, the United This policy arises from our con- known as the Mujahidin e-Khalq States government has blamed cerns about the organization’s past (MEK), Robert Torricelli does what the MEK for killing three U.S. use of terrorism, its continuing ad- the group’s supporters always do: Army colonels and three U.S. vocacy of violence, and a funda- He rewrites history, and then contractors, bombing the facilities mental contradiction between its smears the group’s critics. of numerous U.S. companies and policy and our own.

Members of the Mujahedeen Khalq, or MEK, an First of all, the Mojahe- armed Iranian opposition group in Iraq, guard the With one MEK supporter din murdered several road leading to the group’s main training camp near already tapped to be a Americans [sic] officials Baqubah, north central Iraq, in May 2003. | AP Photo Cabinet secretary (Elaine in Iran in the 1970s. This Chao at Transportation); several killing innocent Iranians. Multiple is not history to us, nor others, including John Bolton and administrations have rejected do we accept the Mojahedin at- Fran Townsend, still in discussion efforts by the MEK and its surro- tempts to excuse such actions on for senior jobs in a Trump admin- gates to claim that any bad acts grounds that some of the organiza- istration; and a fourth, Newt Gin- were the result of what Torricelli tion’s leaders were incarcerated at grich, taking the self-described role calls “a Marxist group” that briefly the time of the attacks. The organi- of “chief planner,” the character of ran the MEK while other leaders, zation took responsibility for the the MEK and, by extension, its who later rejected this cabal, attacks, and must bear the subse- well-paid supporters matters. were in prison. quent responsibility. They also sup- ported the occupation of our Em- Let’s start with the revisionist histo- So much was true when Torricelli bassy in Tehran, in which American ry. Torricelli, a former congress- himself was in the House of Rep- diplomats became hostages for man and senator and for many resentatives and served as a over a year. years the MEK’s lawyer, denounc- member of the Europe and Mid- es my assertions about the group’s dle East Affairs Subcommittee of This is not a solitary reference. The violent past as outrageous and the House Foreign Affairs Com- issue came up frequently, and the contends that he “has seen no evi- mittee. In a written response to a answer was always the same. A dence to support the assertion subcommittee question in 1992 1992 Congressional Research Ser- Benjamin makes that it took part in vicereport detailed the MEK’s ex- No—6 Nejat Newsletter page 7

Yes, We Do Know the MEK Has a Terrorist Past tensive record of murder of Ameri- Justice Department, the FBI, the pressing the remaining group mem- cans and Iranians. Although Torri- Treasury Department and the bers to leave and lat- celli denies that the MEK took part White House. He would not have er Camp Liberty, they somehow in ’s repression of seen any State Department “file” approve of the MEK. the Kurds after Operation Desert or any evidence it contained. Storm, the report, drawing on U.S. I can’t speak for any private com- government sources, notes, “Iraqi Torricelli dismissed my argument munications after I left State, but I Kurds also claimed the Mojahedin by labeling me, and those who would be surprised if the sentiment had assisted the Iraqi army in its pushed to designate the MEK as inside the building were any differ- suppression of the Kurds, ‘a claim- a terrorist group back in 1997, ent from what it was when I was substantiated by refugees who fled appeasers of Tehran. The MEK there—which is that gratitude was near the Iranian border.’” The re- and its surrogates commonly use expressed to various American po- port goes on to cite the Kurdish this attack against those who litical figures for urging MEK follow- leader—and first president of Iraq criticize the group, but it is non- ers, who were being used as after the fall of Saddam—Jalal sense. Those who worked on the pawns by their leadership, to start Talabani, as telling reporters at the designation have repeatedly re- leaving Iraq. We wanted to avoid time that “5,000 Iranian Mojahedin futed this claim about doing a them all getting killed—86 were [MEK] joined Saddam’s forces in favor to Iran, and I certainly carry slaughtered in attacks in 2011 and the battle for Kirkuk” and points to no brief for Tehran. 2013. That’s why I recommended, Wall Street Journal reporting as and Clinton signed off on, delisting Indeed, in my years on the Na- the MEK—and doing so specifically well on the MEK’s part in this tional Security Staff and as coor- bloody campaign. as a matter of her discretion and dinator for counterterrorism at not because of “changed circum- There is also a rich scholarly litera- the State Department, I’ve been stances,” which would have been ture on the MEK’s misdeeds. In- devoted to combating Iranian the reason of record if the State deed, in 2011, distinguished Irani- terrorism. I pressed our Europe- Department felt confident that the an-American historian Ervand an partners to designate Hezbol- MEK had become a genuinely Abrahamian (author of The Iranian lah as a terrorist organization, trustworthy, nonviolent and demo- Mojahedin) and three dozen other which they eventually did in cratic group. leading Iran scholars including 2013. I briefed other countries on Shaul Bakhash, Gary Sick and the Iranian plot to kill the Saudi It’s probably too much to ask that Juan Cole all signed a letter, pub- ambassador in Washington, Robert Torricelli or any of the re- lished in the Financial Times, that D.C., an effort that led to an un- nowned political figures supporting opposed removing the MEK from precedented U.N. General As- the MEK reconsider their views. But the State Department’s Foreign sembly condemnation of Iran in others in Congress and the public Terrorism Organization List be- 2011. MEK supporters simply ought to consult the abundance of cause of its history of terrorism, believe that anyone who won’t evidence of the MEK’s troubling cult-like behavior and lack of sup- echo their calls for regime history, including the abuse of its port among Iranians. change in Tehran must be on the members relayed in reports by Islamic Republic’s side. They such observers as Human Rights Additionally, the MEK’s lawyer also claim that the MEK has a Watch and the account of its efforts claims that in 1997, at the time of future as the “true democratic to buy influence on Capitol Hill con- the designation, “The State De- opposition to the mullahs”—that tained in the memoir by former partment gave as its reasons the if and when regime change Congressman (and onetime Iran- MEK’s long record of violence, but comes about in Iran, the MEK based CIA operative) Robert Ney. I can tell you that as a member of will be able to fill the void. But A more informed debate about the the [Senate] Foreign Relations this is just pure wishful thinking. MEK might start there. Committee, I reviewed the State With no support in Iran and a Department file on the MEK and gruesome history behind it, the Ambassador Daniel Benjamin is found no evidence, no testimony MEK has no serious political pro- Director of the John Sloan Dickey and no reason for the designation spects. Center for International Under- except placating Tehran.” But standing at Dartmouth College and here, too, former Sen. Torricelli’s Lastly, Torricelli implies that be- served as Coordinator for Counter- statement is incorrect. The State cause several high-level officials terrorism at the State Department Department never shares the ad- such as Secretary Hillary Clinton 2009-2012. and Secretary John Kerry have ministrative record that underlies Daniel Benjamin, the listing of foreign terrorist organ- thanked prominent American izations with anyone outside the MEK supporters for their help in Politico Magazine, PERIODICAL PUBLICATION OF NEJAT SOCIETY About Nejat Society Address Objectives: Rescue of former friends and co-fighters from terror cult of Rajavi P.O Box 14145/119 and rebuilding broken relationships between them and their fami- lies. Tehran, Iran Assisting the rescued members to join their family and begin a new Fax: 88 96 10 31 honorable life. Making contacts between families and their beloved ones captured in Albania and elsewhere.

Helping the families who are Nejat Society suffering the separation from their children for years and try- [email protected] ing to conciliate their pains. Denouncing the terror cult of Rajavi informing the passionate youth of the realities existing in the organization in order to pre- www.nejatngo.org vent them from being captured by the evil hands of the cult.

To my brother; Amir

Tuesday 27 Dec, 2016

Mr. Amir Hezbepour was tak- en as a hostage by the MKO elements during Iran- in 1987. [During the Iran-Iraq War the Mujahedin-e Khalq fought as Saddam Hussein’s army against their own coun- trymen. ] Mr. Hezbipour is transferred to Albania along with other MKO members. His brother has written a letter to him; My dear brother, the Iraqi na- tional TV showed your image after you were captivated by the Rajavi’s elements in Haj Omran area. We were all sad…. It is now more than 29 years than we have had no contact with you, no news, no letter, … . we all miss you . we and esp. our parents have suffered a lot during these years. Wecant wait to see you again… My dear brother, for years we thought that you have forgotten us . However when we heard the life story of those who have managed themselves from the MKO Camps we understood that the MKO leaders do not allow members to contact their families. Now we know that you have no access to the outside world. We are happy that you trans- ferred from the war-torn country of Iraq to Albania. We are waiting to hear from you soon. We try our best to help you release yourself from the MKO Cult….. Our parents are waiting impatiently to hear your voice….