
Devonian and i Rocks of Central

GEOLOGICAL SURVEY PROFESSIONAL PAPER 233-D and Mississippian Rocks of Central Arizona




Stratigraphic studies, in the central part of the State, as the basis for postulating stratigraphy and petroleum possibilities in northeastern Arizona



W. E. Wrather, Director

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office Washington 25, D. C. - Price 65 cents (paper cover) CONTENTS

Page Page Abstract..______67 Stratigraphy—Continued Introduction ______67 Devonian rocks: Martin formation—Continued Purpose of the investigation-______.__. 67 Paleogeography______.-_-_-_____._____ 81 Location and geography-______Distribution of facies and conditions of Field work ______deposition. ______83 Acknowledgments______68 Correlation ______85 Stratigraphy ______68 (Mississippian) rocks: Red wall lime­ Pre-Devonian rocks______71 stone______86 Pre-Cambrian______71 Terminology ______86 Cambrian______71 General description. ______86 Devonian rocks: Martin formation______71 Thickness______87 Terminology ____•______- 71 Effects of pre-Pennsyl vanian ______88 General description______73 Correlation ______90 Divisions. ______73 History of Mazatzal land______-_-______-__-_____ 90 Lower member______74 Summary. ______"92 Middle member.______75 Upper member______75 Detailed stratigraphic sections______93 Relationship to underlying formations. 76 Literature cited__.______-_-______--___ 110 Relationship to overlying formation. __ 81 Index. _____--.______111


Page PLATE 11. Columnar sections along line A-A' from the East to the , central Arizona______In pocket 12. Columnar sections along line B-B' from Tornado Peak, central Arizona, to Cedar Mesa, .______In pocket 13. Map showing the thickness and facies of the Martin formation in Gila and adjacent counties, Ariz____— In pocket FIGURE 8. Map showing the distribution of outcrops of Devonian and Mississippian. sedimentary rocks in Arizona. _____ 69 9. Index map of northeastern Arizona______----__-______-_-__------_------_--_- 70 10. Pre-Devonian rocks of central Arizona______------_------_------72 11. Generalized section of the Martin formation in central Arizona______.--___------_----__---- 73 12. View of the Devonian and Mississippian rocks exposed in the , central Arizona_____-__--__ 74 13. Lower member of the Martin formation as exposed in a road cut on United States Highway No. 60, central Arizona _ ___-___-___-_---______-______-______-_-___------__--_-_- 75 14. Diagrammatic sketch of the exposures in Cow Canyon, central Arizona.______77 15. Geologic sketch map of the Cliff House Canyon area, central Arizona_____-_---_------_-_------78 16. Diagrammatic section of the Martin formation, near Cliff House Canyon______79 17. Map showing the distribution of Late Devonian paleogeographic elements in Arizona______-______80 18. Diagrammatic section across Pine Creek at Natural Bridge, northwest of Payson, Ariz______81 19. Contact between the Martin formation and the Redwall in Flying "V" Canyon, central Arizona_ 81 20. Contact between the and the basal members of the Naco formation on United States High­ way No. 60, central Arizona____-_____---______-______-______--_-_---__------87 21. Contact of the Redwall limestone and the Naco formation near the confluence of Horton and Tonto Creeks, Gila County, Ariz______-______-____----__---__---_------88 22. Cave fillings in the Redwall limestone on United States Highway No. 60, central Arizona______89 23. Rubble in the Redwall limestone on United States Highway No. 60, central Arizona______89 24. breccia in the base of the Naco formation, central Arizona______--_---_-__--_-_- 90 25. Restored section across the northern part of Mazatzal land at the end of Mississippian deposition______91 26. Early Mississippian paleogeography of the southwestern United States______-__-______-_-__-_-_-----_ 91 in



ABSTRACT to the Defiance uplift. The mountains, folded in pre- time, were deeply eroded, after which late pre-Cambrian and Stratigraphic studies of the late Paleozoic rocks of central Cambrian sediments were deposited on their flanks. Near the Arizona form the basis for postulating the extent and the petro­ three prominent ridges of quartzite on Mazatzal leum-bearing possibilities of Devonian and Mississippian rocks land formed peninsulas, islands, or rocky reefs in the Devonian in northeastern Arizona. and Mississippian seas. A northward extension of the ancient The Martin formation of Late Devonian age consists of a mountain chain is indicated by the granitic ridge encountered lower member of conglomeratic and dolomitic lime­ in wells drilled near Holbrook and by the northeastward trend stone, a middle member of sandstone and cliff-forming limestone, of pre-Cambrian rocks in the Defiance uplift. A gap in the and an upper member of sandstone, sandy limestone, and shale. land mass immediately north of the Mogollon Rim probably per­ The formation, as traced from southeastern Arizona toward mitted the Devonian and Mississippian seas to extend unbroken the central part of the State, becomes increasingly sandy and in from southeastern to northwestern Arizona. the vicinity of the Mogollon Rim laps against ridges of quartzite Mazatzal land, the granitic Holbrook ridge, and the Defiance of Cambrian and pre-Cambrian age. Between these quartzite uplift were residual mountain masses rather than rapidly rising ridges, the Martin formation is present in normal thickness and sources of sediments like the "ancestral Rockies" in character. It is equivalent, in part, to the lime­ and New Mexico. The distribution and character of late pre- stone of the area, Merriam's Devils Gate forma­ Oambrian, Cambrian, and Devonian sediments were influenced tion of , Stevenson's Sly "Gap formation and the Percha by Mazatzal land, which also affected Mississippian sedimenta­ shale of New Mexico, and the Upper Devonian rocks of Colorado tion, although to a less extent. By time Maza­ and Iowa. The contact with the overlying Redwall limestone tzal land probably was covered with sediments. The Defiance of Mississippian age is unconformable. uplift, however, was not buried until time. The thin limestone of Mississippian age in central Arizona is Devonian and, Mississipian strata probably are present in the equivalent of the Redwall limestone of northwestern Arizona the subsurface southeast of the granitic Holbrook ridge and and the Escabrosa limestone of southeastern Arizona. The perhaps may be present in the Black Mesa basin to the north. name "Redwall limestone" is extended for use in central Arizona Although this basin owes its shape to Laramide movements, because it is the older of the two names. Typically, the Red- its position may be related to a Paleozoic depositional area. wall consists of a lower impure dark-gray limestone, a middle Deposition in the Black Mesa basin during Devonian and Mis­ massive cliff-forming limestone, and an upper thin- to medium- sissippian time is indicated by the Devonian (?) and Mississip­ bedded cherty limestone. North of the Salt River, however, pian strata found in one of the wells drilled south of Holbrook; these subdivisions tend to disappear, the formation there con­ by Devonian strata at Elden Mountain, about 4 miles northeast sisting of loose blocks of limestone, surrounded by red sandy of Flagstaff; by a thick section of Devonian strata at Jerome; mudstone, and a few solid limestone beds. The Redwall is thin and by thick sections of Devonian and Mississippian strata in in central Arizona; the thinness and fragmentation of the wells in southeastern Utah. The Black Mesa basin probably limestone beds were caused by the erosion that occurred before had a history similar to that of the San Juan basin in New the Pennsylvanian epoch. Principally by solution, the erosion Mexico, where there are Devonian and Mississippian strata produced a red residual soil containing blocks of undissolved containing oil and gas. Hence Devonian and Mississippian limestone and chert. Caves and sinkholes in the limestone later rocks in the Black Mesa basin may also contain some oil and were filled with rubble breccia by the inwash of residual mate­ rials and with limestone blocks derived from collapse of the gas. overlying rocks. The cherty residual soil developed by the INTRODUCTION erosion was partly reworked to form the basal red sandy mud- stone member of the Naco formation. This member of the Naco PURPOSE OF THE INVESTIGATION was formed in the same manner as the Molas formation of The northeastern part of Arizona is the most prom­ Colorado and is correlated with it. The Redwall limestone is early Mississippian in age. The absence of later Mississippian ising part of the State for oil and gas production. If rocks may be due to widespread pre-Pennsylvanian erosion. found there in commercial quantities, the oil and gas That an ancient land mass existed in central Arizona during will probably come from Paleozoic strata. The au­ Devonian time is indicated by the distribution of the sandy thors made stratigraphic studies of the Paleozoic rocks facies of the Martin formation and the character of the uncon­ exposed in central Arizona to determine their thick­ formity between it and the older rocks. This land mass, a part of Mazatzal land, is a residue of northeastward-trending moun­ ness and character and correlated the rocks with those tains of pre-Cambrian age which extended from central Arizona of the sequence found in wells drilled in northeastern 67 68 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 Arizona and adjacent states. Some results of this Apache Indian Reservation to the , study were published in preliminary form (Huddle as indicated in figure 9. This work was begun in Febru­ and Dobrovolny, 1945). The present paper offers sup­ ary 1944 and continued through September of that year. plementary data, which were too detailed to be included Work was concentrated in the area where the outcrops in the preliminary report, on the Devonian and Mis- of Paleozoic strata are closest to the wells drilled south sissippian formations. of Holbrook. In order to determine the character of lithologic variations from north to south, sections near LOCATION AND GEOGRAPHY Roosevelt Lake (localities 15, 16, on fig. 9), Superior Devonian and Mississippian strata are present in (locality 18, fig. 9), Globe (locality 17, fig. 9), and a belt trending northwestward across Arizona, as shown Tornado Peak (locality 19, fig. 9) were studied. Well in figure 8. The area of principal field work was in samples and cores from northeastern Arizona, south­ the east-central part of the State, chiefly in Gila County eastern Utah, and northwestern New Mexico were ex­ and the adjacent part of Navajo County (figs. 8, 9). amined, and the section exposed on the Animas River This area lies in the southern part of the Colorado north of Durango, Colo., was visited. province and in the adjacent part of the Basin and Range province. The southern boundary of the ACKNOWLEDGMENTS , province as drawn by Fenneman The authors are indebted to A. A. Baker, C. M. Gil­ (1931, p. 382 and map in pocket) extends along the bert, E. D. McKee, N. P. Peterson, C. B. Read, and Mogollon Rim and then eastward through the White J. S. Williams for assistance in the field and to G. A. Mountain lava plateau. Near the headwaters of the Cooper for the identification of the Devonian . Verde and Tonto Rivers, where the Mogollon Rim is The Mississippian fossils were identified by J. W. a scarp 1,000 to 2,000 feet high, the boundary between Huddle with the aid of J. S. Williams and Helen Dun- the two provinces is clearly defined. East of Canyon can. Well samples and cores were loaned by the Con­ Creek, however, where the Mogollon Rim is less promi­ tinental Oil Co., the Union Oil Co. of , the nent and is buried by lava flows, the boundary is Sinclair Oil Co., the Museum of , and indistinct and arbitrary. the Colorado School of Mines. A line extending southward from the Mogollon Rim along to the Salt River and then south­ STRATIGRAPHY eastward to include the Natanes Plateau delimits a The rocks exposed in east-central Arizona range in broad area with plateau characteristics which is not age from pre-Cambrian to late Paleozoic. The older included in the Colorado Plateau province. This area rocks crop out in broad areas in the vicinity of the is relatively high and is characterized by numerous and the (fig. 9), in cut into essentially horizontal rocks. The the Salt River and tributary canyons, and in the moun­ and the younger rocks have been tains near Globe and Superior. The Paleozoic strata removed by erosion, and the present surface is a bad­ are best exposed along the Mogollon Rim and in the lands area developed in the of the Supai Fort Apache Indian Reservation. Pre-Cambrian rocks formation. Buttes and mesas are capped by lava flows of both "Archean" and "Algonkian" types are present or the thick limestone member of the Supai formation in the area and are classified by Wilson (1939) as older named by Stoyanow the "Fort Apache limestone mem­ and younger pre-Cambrian (fig. 10). The older pre- ber." The rocks and structures of the Mazatzal Moun­ Cambrian rocks include rhyolites, greenstones, meta­ tains and the Sierra Ancha are largely pre-Cambrian morphosed sediments, and granitic rocks, and the in age, and it is probable that these mountains once were younger pre-Cambrian rocks include the slightly meta­ buried under late Paleozoic sedimentary rocks and have morphosed sedimentary rocks of the Apache group. since been resurrected by the stripping associated with In the Sierra Ancha and the Mazatzal Mountains and the northward retreat of the plateau scarp. This proc­ the area to the southeast of these mountains, pre- ess is incomplete in the Fort Apache Indian Reserva­ Cambrian rocks are unconformably overlain by the tion; its much greater advance in the Mazatzal-Sierra Cambrian Troy quartzite. In the northwestern part Ancha region is probably due to an uparching of this of Gila County, the of Cambrian area in post-Permian time. age overlies the pre-Cambrian rocks. No nor rocks are known in the area, and the Martin FIELD WORK formation of Devonian age rests unconformably on Field work consisted principally of measuring strati- the pre-Cambrian and Cambrian formations. Lime­ graphic sections in a belt extending from the Fort stones of Mississippian age referred to the Redwall DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 69

FIGURE 8.—Map showing the distribution of outcrops of Devonian and Mississippian sedimentary rocks in Arizona and the area described in this report. EXPLANATION X___ A' Line of columnar sections shown on plate 11 B____ Bf Line of columnar sections shown on plate 12 X Location of measured section

Location of drilled well from which data were obtained

LIST OF MEASURED SECTIONS 1 Black River 2 Salt River 3 Flying "V" Canyon 4 Horseshoe Mine Road 5 Prochnow Mines 6 Rockhouse Butte 7 Salt River Draw 8 Cliff House Canyon 9 Oak Creek Farms 10 Spring Canyon 11 0. W. -Ranch 12 Colcord Canyon 13 14 East Verde River 15 Roosevelt Dam 16 Windy Point, Hill 17 Gold Gulch 18 Superior 19 Tornado Peak

LIST OF DRILLED WELLS 20 Union Oil Co. of California and Continental Oil Co., Aztec Land and Cattle Co. No. 1 well 21 Union Oil Co. of California and Continental Oil Co., New Mexico- Arizona Land Co. No. 1 well 22 Oil Co., Taylor-Fuller No. 1 well 23 Utah Southern Oil Co., Noble No. 1 well. Cedar Mesa, Utah

24 Franco-Arizona Oil Co., Government No. 1 well

25 Argo Oil Corp., State No. 2 well

26 General Petroleum Corp., Creager- State No. 14-6 well

27 Collins, XX No. 1 well


FIGURE 9.—Index map of northeastern Arizona showing the location of measured sections, drilled wells from which data were obtained, and lines of sections shown on plates 11 and 12. • 70 DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 71 limestone immediately overlie the Martin formation. Payson to Jerome, and the correlation with the Tapeats The Supai formation of Pennsylvanian and Permian in the Grand Canyon region is firmly established. Al­ age rests unconformably on the Eedwall limestone. though it seems reasonable to correlate the Troy quartz­ The youngest rocks in the area are the Coconino ­ ite with the Tapeats, nevertheless the two formations stone and the overlying , both of are different in , inasmuch as the Troy is Permian age. typically a quartzite and the Tapeats typically a sand­

FEE-DEVONIAN BOCKS stone, although in some outcrops one formation may ex­ hibit the typical lithology of the other; At Cliff House PRE-CAMBRIAN Canyon (detailed sec. 8) the Troy quartzite is a The pre-Devonian rocks of central Arizona were not sandstone lithologically similar to the Tapeats sand­ examined in detail during the course of the field work, stone, even to the slabby . The Tapeats but the pre-Cambrian rocks have been described by Wil­ sandstone cannot be traced into the Troy quartzite be­ son (1939). The accompanying table of pre-Devonian cause of the overlap of the late Paleozoic strata near rocks (fig. 11), after Wilson, shows the relative ages of Christopher Mountain, but the two formations may be the pre-Cambrian rocks, which, in places, are in contact continuous in the subsurface below the Mogollon Eim. with the Martin formation of Devonian age. Some of McKee (1945, p. 36) has shown that the Tapeats the Martin and Eedwall sediments were derived from sandstone in the Grand Canyon region is progressively the pre-Cambrian rocks of central Arizona, and the younger from west to east and that toward the east structure of the older rocks had a considerable effect on the upper part is probably Middle Cambrian. The the deposition of the Martin formation. Tapeats sandstone in the Pine-Payson area may be even CAMBRIAN younger than Middle Cambrian. The Troy quartzite probably is progressively younger from southeastern The Martin formation lies unconformably on the Troy quartzite or Tapeats sandstone of Cambrian age in Arizona toward Christopher Mountain. most localities. The Troy quartzite is present south DEVONIAN BOCKS: MABTIN FORMATION and east of Christopher Mountain (fig. 9), and the Tapeats sandstone occurs west of Christopher Moun­ TERMINOLOGY tain. The oldest name applied to the Devonian rocks of The Troy quartzite originally was placed in the Arizona is the term "Temple Butte limestone," pro­ Apache group by Eansome (1915), who classed the posed by Walcott (1889, p. 50) for the Devonian sedi­ group as Cambrian(?). Barton (1932, p. 319), how­ mentary rocks in the Grand Canyon, but this name has ever, showed that it is pre-Cambrian except for the been used only in the northern part of the State. In Troy, which he placed in the Middle and Upper Cam- central and southeastern Arizona, the Devonian strata . brian on the basis of a few fossils. The formation is have been referred to as the "Martin limestone," a absent in places and ranges in thickness from 30 feet name proposed by Eansome (1904, p. 33). In the type along Haigler Creek (Darton, 1925, p. 236) to 900 feet section near Bisbee, the formation consists of limestone in the Sierra Ancha (Eansome, 1916, p. 154). It is a and calcareous shale. There it rests on the Abrigo fine- to coarse-grained siliceous sandstone with included limestone (Cambrian) and is overlain by the Escabrosa granules and pebbles of quartz. In most localities the limestone (Mississippian). According to Eansome, cementing material is siliceous and ferruginous, the both the upper and lower contacts apparently are com- rocks breaking across the grains and pebbles, but in formable, and the upper contact is difficult to recognize. other places the rock is a relatively weak calcareous or In the Clif ton-Morenci mining district, the Devonian argillaceous sandstone. Much of the formation is cross- rocks were named "Morenci shale" by Lindgren (1905, bedded. The beds vary from thin shaly laminations to pp. 66-69), but the name has not been used outside the massive layers 25 to 50 feet thick. The Troy quartzite type area. The Morenci shale is more nearly similar generally is a prominent cliff former. in lithology to the Percha shale of New Mexico, dis­ The Tapeats sandstone in ledges near the Pine- cussed by Stevenson (1945), than it is to the Martin Payson highway bridge over the East Verde Eiver is formation. reddish brown to buff, weathering brown and slabby. of Cambrian and Devonian age near It is a cross-bedded, massive conglomeratic sandstone, Payson were mapped by Lausen and Wilson (1925, about 40 feet thick, resting unconformably on of pp. 7, 12-13) as the "Sycamore Creek formation," the pre-Apache age and including pebbles of the granite. name being credited to an unpublished manuscript by According to Eansome (1916, p. 165), there is little Stoyanow. Later Stoyanow (1936, p. 499) changed change in the character of the Tapeats sandstone from the name to "Sycamore sandstone member of the Jerome 954716—52———2 72 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950

Age Group and Thickness Character classification formation in feet

Cambrian (Middle) Red-brown cross-bedded pebbly Troy sandstone in northern Sierra Ancha and southern Mazatzal Mountains area; dark red-brown Sandstone bedded friable Tapeats sandstone, 75-100 feet thick, in north­ 75-400 western portion of region.


Basalt Vesicular, epidotized basalt, present at most places 0-75

Mescal Thin-bedded cherty dolomitic limestone, intruded by diabase 225-300 limestone

5,andsoutheastern(inTontoBasineastern Dripping Spring Reddish-brown, generally massive, fine-grained arkosic quartzite; 450-700 quartzite intruded by diabase Apacheogroup Younger 3ofMazatzalMountain)portiona* pre-Cambrian Barnes Smooth, rounded pebbles in sandy, arkosic cement; intruded by 5-50 diabase

Pioneer shale Drownish-red hard shale; intruded by diabase 150-250

Scanlan Imperfectly rounded pebbles in sandy arkosic cement; intruded by c 0-30 .2 conglomerate diabase Ja '-i-NOi o c CJ

^V-* nl quartzite Light-brown to gray vitreous, hard quartzite; intruded by granite 3800

Gray to maroon shale; appears only in Mazatzal Mountains; intruded Maverick shale by granite 500-800

Light-brown to gray, vitreous hard quartzite, pebbly at base; appears Deadman quartzite only in Mazatzal Mountains; rests unconformably on Red Rock 90-800 rhyolite; intruded by granite Older pre-Cambrian 4-> (J Shale and grit with some quartzite and conglomerate; locally meta­ "3a Sc Alder morphosed; intruded by diorite porphyry, porphyritic pyroxenite., 50001 Ct, o series granite, and rhyolite porphyry

.2 Reel Rock Massive rhyolitic flows and agglomerate with minor intrusives; 1000 + o rhyolite intruded by granite 'Sin

§•§ Fault contact

Volcanic rocks of intermediate to mafic composition together with 11Cg *- some intercalated sedimentary material; generally affected by Yaeger • >H ^X low-grade metamorphism; intruded by diorite porphyry, granite, 2000± to greenstone 3 and rhyolite porphyry O Base not exposed

After E. D. Wilson, 1939 FIGURE 10.—Pre-Devonian rocks of central Arizona. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 73 formation'' and apparently restricted it to one or more Grasshopper (fig. 9), the formation is thin because its sandstone beds in the lower part of -the Devonian. The lower part is missing; it ranges from 32 to 100 feet term "Jerome formation" was proposed by Stoyanow in thickness. The formation consists of a series of in 1930 (pp. 316-317) for the Devonian rocks in north- limestone, sandstone, and shale beds grading into one central Arizona because he considered the Jerome another horizontally and vertically. In most places formation as lithologically distinct, and separated by these relatively weak beds form slopes, broken by low a land barrier, from the Martin limestone in southeast­ cliffs, between high cliffs formed by the underlying ern Arizona. According to Stoyanow, the sandy beds quartzites and the overlying Red wall limestone (Missis- in the upper part of the Devonian strata exposed on the Verde River about 12 miles northeast of Jerome \~' ' Green shale zone TJ'.'-'.-l :.-.- Greenish-gray shale, weathering flaky, and interbedded contain a molluscan fauna. He proposed the name sandstone and limestone

"Island Mesa beds" (1936, p. 500) for these sandy beds t^^ 122 feet thick and considered them younger than any i iPPirn Dark buff-weathering beds MEMBER 1 in the Devonian section at Jerome. In the same paper, Sandstone, siltstone, and sandy limestone with X-^-iyJ stromatoporoid and reefs in places he restricted the Martin limestone and proposed addi­ •.••••Mo tional names for the Devonian sedimentary rocks in ; southeastern Arizona (1936, pp. 486-495). CO Cliff-forming limestone Stoyanow applied the name "Picacho de Calera for­ hry Gray to brown, dense to coarsely crystalline, thin- to massive-bedded limestone. Contains stromatoporoid mation" to the lower part of the Martin limestone in and coral reefs and is locally dolomitic and sandy MIDDLE V / the Picacho de Calera Hills, the , and MEMBER 1 Middle-member sandstone the . In the Santa Catalina Fine- to coarse-grained% cross-bedded sandstone with Mountains and on Final Creek north of Globe, he lenticular bedding called the upper part of the Martin limestone the h — l—r- "Lower ." Near Superior, Ariz., the Light buff-weathering beds lower 253 feet of the Devonian section has been called / _i /• the "Crook formation" by Harshman (Short and .v.v./'.v::; :/.'.'.-::::/:: others, 1943, p. 27), the middle 77 feet the "Martin 0 /O Light- to dark-gray, dense to finely crystalline, limestone," and the upper 24 feet the "Lower Ouray ~!:'. :. :i'J:' thin-bedded, dolomitic limestone. Chert nodules "i '<=>"/ are common in some beds. Sandy beds are present formation." The term "Santa Rita limestone" was LOWER at many localities proposed by Stauffer (1928b, pp. 429-434) for a forma­ 1: • ••• -•:/ -P /<=) tion thought by him to be Middle Devonian, but it has / / <=> /o Zone of small chert nodules not been recognized by other geologists (Stoyanow, i 0 / «=> O f /O / Brown beds 1936, pp. 494-495). Finely to coarsely crystalline, cross-bedded, and / ^ In the area studied, the Devonian strata comprise an 1 / <=• / / brecciated dolomitic limestone essentially continuous mappable unit similar in li- Basal sandstone Fine- to coarse-grained and conglomeratic sandstone thology and topographic expression. Because here the 5^0—• A • formation contains 40 to 50 percent sandstone and 1 FIGURE 11.—Generalized section of the Martin formation (Devonian) shale, the name "Martin formation" is preferred to in central Arizona. "Martin limestone." The general character of the for­ mation is shown in figure 11. It will require consider­ sippian). Figure 12 shows typical exposures of the able mapping and stratigraphic and paleontologic work formation near the Salt River. As shown in the photo­ to determine the relationships of the variously named graph, many of the beds, traced laterally, appear to units of Devonian age in Arizona. Several of the names wedge out. seem to apply to peculiar facies or faunas and may DIVISIONS represent merely a grouping of collecting localities and Even though the rocks of the Martin formation are faunal zones. Hence it is not thought advisable to variable, the formation can be divided into three mem­ recognize formal subdivisions of the Martin forma­ bers: a lower conglomeratic sandstone and dolomitic tion in this report. limestone member; a middle member of sandstone and cliff-forming limestone; and an upper member con­ GENERAL DESCRIPTION sisting of calcareous sandstone, limestone, and shale. The average local thickness of the Martin formation These three members are shown in the generalized sec­ in central and southeastern Arizona ranges from 300 to tion of the Martin formation (fig. 11 and pis. 11 and 400 feet where the whole formation is present. Near 12). They are more or less arbitrary and grade into 74 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950

FIGURE 12.—View of the Devonian and Mississippian rocks exposed in the north wall of the Salt River canyon at the Prochnow mines, central Arizona (locality 5, fig. 9). The gray cliffs on the sky line are Red wall limestone (R), of Mississippian age, and the slopes below these cliffs are formed by the Martin formation (M), of Devonian age, which rests unconformably on the pre-Devonian diabase (pD) exposed in the canyon and in the foreground. one another. The prevailing light-buff color of the coarse-grained matrix. The smaller grains tend to be in the upper part of the lower member dis­ clear and angular, but the larger grains and granules tinguishes this member, even at some distance from the generally are frosted and well rounded. The cementing outcrop, from the dark-buff and gray-weathered middle material is mainly argillaceous, although calcareous and and upper members. This difference in weathering was quartzose beds may be found at most localities. The noted by Ransome in the Ray-Globe area (1916, p. 141). bedding is thin to medium, with faintly cross-bedded lenses varying greatly in thickness within short dis­ LOWER MEMBER tances. Angular boulders are present in the basal sand­ The lower member includes (fig. 11 and pis. 11 and 12) stone at localities 13 and 17 (fig. 9) and at Natural a basal sandstone, brown limestone beds, and light Bridge. buff-weathered beds. It ranges in thickness from 140 to The basal sandstone of the lower member grades up­ 175 feet at most localities but thins to 83 feet at Tonto ward into the overlying brown dolomitic . Creek (detailed sec. 13) and 93 feet at Cliff House Can­ The transitional beds, about 3 feet thick, consist of yon (detailed sec. 8). Near Oak Creek village (detailed dark-gray sandy dolomitic limestone, with interbedded sec. 9), Spring Canyon (detailed sec. 10), and the O. W. sandstone, and green to black shale in beds 0.01 to 0.1 Ranch (detailed sec. 11) the lower member is absent, foot thick. The brown beds of the lower member, where and at Colcord Canyon (detailed sec. 12), where a de­ present, range in thickness from 20 to 53 feet and con­ tailed section was not measured, it was not recognized. sist of dark-brown or black to light-gray dolomitic The lower member, as used in this paper, is nearly limestone which weathers brown and gives off a petro­ equivalent to the Crook formation of Harshman (Short leum odor when freshly fractured. The texture of the and others, 1943, pp. 27-29), but he included the sand­ rock is mainly finely crystalline, but some beds are stone near the middle of the Martin formation in the medium to coarsely crystalline. The bedding is usually Crook formation, whereas the present authors have irregular, with lenses and wedges ranging from lamina­ placed this sandstone in their middle member. tions to thick cross-bedded or brecciated masses in un­ The basal sandstone of the lower member is 10 to 20 even contacts with the overlying limestone. The more feet thick in most localities where the lower member massive phases of these brown beds tend to form cliffs. of the Martin formation is present, but it is missing in Dark-colored chert nodules and irregular masses are places near Rockhouse Butte (detailed sec. 6) and Cliff present in most outcrops, and poorly preserved fossils House Canyon (detailed sec. 8). It is 200 feet thick at were found in the upper part of the brown beds at the Gold Gulch (detailed sec. 17), where it fills a pre- Black River (detailed sec. 1). Martin valley. The sandstone is greenish gray, weath­ The lower member is exposed in a road cut north of ering to a light yellow brown; it is uneven-grained to the Salt River (locality 2, fig. 9), as shown in figure 13. conglomeratic and is characterized by granules and This is the most easily accessible and the best un- pebbles of quartz and quartzite embedded in a fine- to weathered exposure of the Martin formation. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN EOCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 75 The light buff-weathering beds of the lower member there are numerous worm borings. A few poorly pre­ include 77 to 138 feet of thin- to medium-bedded dense served were observed in the calcareous phases dolomitic limestone interbedded with very thin layers of the sandstone. of green shale, as shown in plate 13. They are absent, The cliff-forming limestone in the upper part of the or not typically developed, at Oak Creek village (de­ middle member varies from a dense to a medium- tailed sec. 9), Spring Canyon (detailed sec. 10), and the crystalline light-gray to brown limestone which is O. W. Ranch (detailed sec. 11). The limestone varies partly dolomitic. It ranges from. 38 to 98 feet in from light to dark gray and weathers light buff or gray. thickness. Some thin beds exist, but thick beds are Many of the limestone beds have rounded and frosted characteristic of the unit; all the beds thicken and thin grains of quartz sand scattered through the rock or arranged along the bedding or cross-bedding planes. Calcite-filled cavities and dense gray chert nodules and stringers occur sparingly throughout the light-buff beds, but near the base is a zone 2 to 10 feet thick con­ taining abundant small chert nodules. This is shown on figure 11 and plate 11 as a "chert zone." The nodules are about the size and shape of beans, averaging about 10 millimeters in length, and have dense dark-gray cen­ ters and yellow-brown rinds. The zone can be recog­ nized at most localities by its peculiar chert, enclosed in the dense brittle dolomitic limestone, and its position immediately above the brown beds. It was not recog­ nized at Tornado Peak (detailed sec. 19) nor at the localities between Cliff House Canyon (detailed sec. 9) and Tonto Creek (detailed sec. 13), where this part of the Martin formation is missing. Ransome (1916, p. 141) has described this chert zone in the Ray-Globe area, and it seems to be a widely traceable zone in the Martin formation.

MIDDLE MEMBER The middle member, composed of a cross-bedded sandstone and a cliff-forming limestone, ranges in thickness from 50 to 177 feet. However, it is absent at Oak Creek village (detailed sec. 9), Spring Canyon (detailed sec. 10), and the O. W. Ranch (detailed sec. 11). The thickness of the sandstone ranges from that FIGURE 13.—Lower member of the Martin formation as exposed in a of a single grain one-sixteenth millimeter in diameter road cut on United States Highway No. 60 north of the Salt River, to 90 feet, and its texture varies from that of a very fine central Arizona (locality 2, fig. 9). The brown beds (B) are in the lower third of the cut. The upper two-thirds of the cut shows the grained sandstone to that of a coarse-grained con­ thin-bedded gray dolomitic limestones and shale partings of the glomeratic sandstone with its larger grains well light buff-weathering beds. rounded and frosted. The cementing material is mainly markedly within relatively short distances. Many of clay or calcium carbonate, but some silica occurs at the massive limestone lenses are crowded with most places and the rocks are correspondingly weak and stromatoporoids and seem to represent small or strong depending upon the amount of silica cement. bioherms. The limestone is sandy and grades laterally The bedding is generally thin and slabby, with small- into sandstone in places. At Roosevelt Lake (detailed scale cross bedding in wedges or lenses when seen in sees. 15, 16) and at the Black River (detailed sec. 1), a weathered outcrop. However, on fresh unweathered the entire middle member is especially sandy. surfaces the sandstone appears to be massive. It is greenish gray, weathering to buff, reddish brown, or UPPER MEMBER gray. Sandy shale and sandy limestone are inter- The upper member consists mainly of sandstone and bedded with the sandstone. Fucoidal markings are sandy limestone and green shale, shaly sandstone, dolo­ common on the under sides of the sandstone beds, and mitic limestone, and limestone. "It ranges in thickness 76 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 from 32 to 194 feet. As a whole, the member is more green shale appears to be lower in the Martin formation calcareous than the lower and middle members and than it is in the sections to the north; probably it does weathers to a deeper buff. not occur in the same stratigraphic position everywhere. The dark buff-weathering beds are 26 to 178 feet The interbedded limestone is brown, wreathers dark thick. The detrital sediments include sandstone, silt- buff, and is dense to medium-crystalline, dolomitic, and stone, and green shale. The sandstone is greenish gray sandy or silty. The sandstone is similar in color, bed­ to light yellow white on fresh fractures. Most of the ding, and grain size to the sandstones in the other mem­ beds weather to a dark buff, but some weather to gray, bers. Some sections of the green shale zone show thick reddish brown, or pink. The sandstone is uneven- beds of shale, whereas other sections show very thin in­ grained and has a matrix of very fine sand or silt and terbedded shales, sandstones, and limestones, with great scattered coarser grains, granules, or small pebbles. variation in lithology within short distances. Thfs Most of the larger grains are rounded and frosted, but unit is concealed in many localities, although it is ex­ the small ones are subangular to subrounded and lack posed naturally in some places (fig. 19) and is com­ the frosted surface. Much of the sandstone is cemented pletely exposed in a road cut on United States Highway with calcareous or argillaceous material, but some No. 60. silica-cemented beds are present in the more resistant RELATIONSHIP TO UNDERLYING FORMATIONS ledges. The sandstone is typically thin-bedded and slabby, although massive cross-bedded sandstone lenses An angular unconformity separates the Martin for­ occur in many places. mation from the underlying pre-Cambrian and Cam­ The dolomitic limestone is dense light gray to brown brian rocks in central Arizona. In much of the area, the and weathers to a dark buff or brown. Most of the underlying formation is the Cambrian Troy quartzite limestone is silty or sandy, with rounded and frosted or Tapeats sandstone, but in many localities the Cam­ quartz grains scattered through the rock or arranged brian rocks are absent and the Martin formation rests along the planes of bedding or cross bedding. It is on older rocks. Where the Troy is a true sedimentary very similar to some of the beds in the upper part of quartzite, it is easily distinguished from the sandstone the lower member. The limestone is the same color in the base of the Martin formation because the latter as the dolomitic limestone, but its texture varies from is weaker, more calcareous, and lighter in color than dense to coarsely crystalline and it commonly contains the Troy quartzite. At Cliff House Canyon (detailed abundant corals and stromatoporoids. The dolomitic sec. 8) and in other localities where the Troy is a sand­ limestone is thin- to medium-bedded, but the limestone stone, it is difficult to determine the Troy-Martin con­ occurs mainly in thick lenses or bioherms. tact. In the Tonto and East Verde River basins, the Brown, strong-textured chert nodules are common in Tapeats sandstone, which there underlies the Martin some of the sandstone and sandy limestone beds, and, formation, is difficult to distinguish from the sandstone in the vicinity of Grasshopper (detailed sees. 8-11), of the Martin. The Tapeats sandstone is more resistant there are beds and nodules of gray to white dense fos- to erosion, darker browrn, and more strongly cross- siliferous chert. Calcite-lined cavities and geodes with bedded, and it weathers more slabbily than the sand­ quartz and calcite crystals occur throughout the upper stone generally found in the base of the Martin forma­ member. Fucoids, worm tubes, corals, , tion. The sandstone which is included as the basal unit stems, and fish plates occur sporadically, and of the Martin formation in the section along Tonto the fossils in many of the sandstone and sandy lime­ Creek (detailed sec. 13) is not typical "of either the stone beds are being silicified in the present weathering Martin formation or the Tapeats sandstone. cycle. In most localities, the fossils are poorly pre­ If the authors are correct in assigning the basal Pa­ served, and the f aunules collected contain relatively few leozoic sandstone at Tonto Creek (detailed sec. 13) to even though the individuals of a few species are the Devonian Martin formation, the Devonian here abundant. rests on granite of pre-Apache age, possibly equivalent The green shale zone at the top of the upper member in age to the granite found in wells south of Holbrook, is 6 to 75 feet thick, averaging about 45 feet, but it Ariz. appears to be absent at the O. W. Ranch (detailed sec. Stoyanow, both in 1942 (pp. 1266-1268) and in earlier 11) and Colcord Canyon (detailed sec. 12) and to be papers, reported finding Devonian fish plates in sand­ represented by argillites at Tornado Peak (detailed stone at several localities in the Tonto and East Verde sec. 19). The shale is a fissile clay shale, olive gray on River basins, but the exact stratigraphic position at fresh surfaces but weathering to yellow-brown papery which lie found them is not clearly indicated in his flakes or needles. At Gold Gulch (detailed sec. 17) the reports. Fish plates are not common at any of the lo- DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 77 calities the present authors visited in this area, and north of Rockhouse Butte (detailed sec. 6) than it is the specimens they found came from beds well above southeast of this locality. The middle member of the the base of the Martin formation. No fossils were Martin formation becomes sandier and thicker toward found in the sandstone assigned to the Tapeats. It Chediski ridge, as is indicated by the thickness of the will require detailed mapping and careful collection and sandstone (88 feet) and the sandy cliff-forming lime­ study of fossils to establish definitely the correlations stone (89 feet) in the middle member at Cliff House of the sandstone beds in this area. Canyon (detailed sec. 8). Near the cliff there are Near the O. W. Ranch (detailed sec. 11), the Martin angular blocks of Troy quartzite in the dolomite of the formation is in contact with the beveled edges of the lower member of the Martin formation, but these are Cambrian Troy quartzite and with formations in the pre-Cambrian Apache group (fig. 25). A similar re­ lationship is shown at Gold Gulch (detailed sec. 17),

where the basal sandstone of the Martin averages 20 Red w al I 11 mestone feet in thickness but locally is 200 feet thick where it (Mississippian) fills a pre-Martin valley. The thick conglomerate in the valley fill is composed of angular to well-rounded peb­ Martin formation bles and angular boulders up to 3.5 feet in diameter (Devonian) embedded in a matrix of poorly sorted micaceous sand. The round quartz pebbles seem to have come from the Barnes and Scanlaii conglomerates, and the angular boulders look like fragments of the Dripping Spring ••'. • Jr.°y guartzite (Cambrian ) '.•••ffl. • .1 quartzite, the Pioneer shale, and other formations of the Apache group locally in contact with the Martin. The material in the conglomerate must have been derived from a local source. The pre-Martin surface must have FIGURE 14.—Diagrammatic sketch of the exposures in the east wall of Cow Canyon, central Arizona, opposite United States Highway No. had a local relief of at least 180 feet. 60 (locality 2, fig. 9), showing the Martin formation (Devonian) At Horse Shoe Bend in Gold Gulch, the Martin for­ resting unconformably on the Troy quartzite (Cambrian) and pre- Devonian diabase. The contact between the Troy quartzite and the mation is intruded by diabase dikes and sills which, in diabase is apparently faulted. The sketch is not to scale. places, follow the contact between the Martin formation and older rocks. At the Salt River (detailed sees. 2, 5), relatively rare and the cliff does not seem to have sup­ the Martin formation rests on weathered diabase very plied a great deal of sediment. The upper member of similar in lithology to the post-Devonian diabase at the Martin formation on Chediski ridge, although Gold Gulch, but the diabase at the Salt River is con­ sandy, includes thick lenses of limestone which in places sidered to be of pre-Devonian age. In the east wall rest directly on the Troy quartzite. At other places of Cow Canyon near its junction with the Salt River the basal beds of the upper member are sandstones (opposite Beckers Butte observation shelter on United and conglomerates which vary greatly within short States Highway No. 60), the Troy quartzite appears to distances. have been downfaulted against the diabase, and the In the vicinity of Gordon and Haigler Creeks, be­ Martin formation rests unconformably on each of them tween the Chediski and Christopher Mountain ridges (fig. 14). The basal sandstone of the Martin is either (figs. 17, 25), about 300 feet of Martin formation is thin or absent where the formation overlies the Troy present. This thickness was determined by pace-and- quartzite, but it is well developed above the diabase. compass traverse; no detailed section was measured About a mile north of Cliff House Canyon (detailed because the exposures are poor. At Christopher Moun­ sec. 8), the Martin formation abuts against cliffs of the tain the Apache group, the Troy quartzite, and the Troy quartzite and thins from 400 to 100 feet (esti­ Martin formation abut against cliffs of the pre- mated) , as shown by figures 15 and 16. The lower and Cambrian Mazatzal quartzite. The Apache group and middle members of the Martin formation abruptly the Troy quartzite are not known west of this mountain, pinch out, and only the upper member continues north­ but the Martin formation is probably continuous to ward over the buried ridge. This buried ridge is here the north. named "Chediski ridge" after the Chediski Indian The stratigraphic relations of the rocks at Natural farms (fig. 17). The basal sandstone of the Martin Bridge, first pointed out by Ransome (1916, p. 159), formation is not especially thick in the vicinity of were later discussed by Hinds (1936a, p. 10) and Stoya- Chediski ridge but is even thinner and less continuous now (1942, pp. 1267-1270). Stoyanow regards the R. 16 E. 00


Carboniferous strata

Martin formation Devonian

Pre-Devonian strata § Contact, dotted where concealed CO

Cliff O A Triangulation station

9A-9B-9C, Composite section 9, Oak Creek farms 8A-8B, Line of sections, Cliff House Canyon X-X 1 , Approximate line of diagrammatic section shown in fig. 16

Base from Soil Conservation 'Service aerial photographs


FIGURE 15._Geologic sketch map of the Cliff House Canyon area, central Arizona, showing the distribution of the Martin formation (Devonian) and the location of the pre-Devonian quartzite cliffs against which it thins, the location of measured sections, and the location of the diagrammatic section shown in figure 16. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 79 basal Paleozoic sandstone at Natural Bridge as the base Pine Canyon 'just above Natural Bridge (fig. 18). The of the Martin formation, although previously it had basal sediments of the Martin formation are very con­ been considered Cambrian in age. In the present re­ glomeratic and include large angular blocks of quartz­ port his determination has been accepted. Inasmuch ite and rhyolite. Undoubtedly the Martin formation as the Paleozoic strata near Natural Bridge are not and Kedwall limestone abut against cliffs of the Maza- well exposed, the local structure will be difficult to tzal quartzite at Natural Bridge essentially as Kansome

+ 3/4 mile




Quartzite Conglomeratic Dolomite Sandy dolomite sandstone

Cherty dolomite Limestone Cherty limestone FIGURE 16.—Diagrammatic section of the Martin formation, abutting against cliffs of the Troy quartzite near Cliff House Canyon, central Arizona. (See fig. 15 for the location of the section.) work out. There are faults in the Paleozoic beds, and showed them (1916, p. 159, fig. 14). This ancient land in places they dip 30°-45°. It will require careful area was a northeastward-trending spur of Mazatzal mapping and considerable time to measure this section land and is here called "Pine ridge" (figs. 17, 25). accurately. The unconformable contact between the Conglomerate, sandstone, and sandy granular lime­ Martin and the underlying Mazatzal quartzite or Ked stone of the Martin formation rest unconformably on Rock rhyolite of Wilson is exposed in several places in the Mazatzal quartzite on the southeast flank of Pine 954716—52———3 80 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950



Holbrook /> /

FIGURE 17.—Map showing the distribution of Late Devonian paleogeographic elements in Arizona. ridge at the north end of Buckhead Mesa, along the formation appear to abut against the ridge. The dip Pine-Payson highway just south of bench mark 5735, of the Redwall limestone and the distance to the nearest Pine quadrangle. At the north end of Pine ridge, outcrop of Mazatzal quartzite indicate that there is about a mile south of the town of Pine, the contact little or 110 Devonian here. Pine ridge probably was between the Mazatzal quartzite and the adjacent rocks completely covered-by the Supai formation, but it may is concealed. The Redwall limestone and the Naco have been an island during Pennsylvanian time. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 81

W. E. Basalt Arizona. Ransome (1916, p. 159) described the strati- graphic relations of the Mazatzal quartzite and the Carboniferous (Mississippian) Paleozoic rocks near Pine and Natural Bridge. He suggested the existence of a land barrier in the area ' -Mazatzal/ -"; '/. quartzitef'./. adjacent to which "probably persisted CprerCo throughout the Paleozoic and separated a Paleozoic basin in central and southeastern Arizona from a simi­ 10.000 Ft. lar basin in the plateau region to the north and west. FIGURE 18. — Diagrammatic section across Pine Creek at Natural Bridge, northwest of Payson, Ariz. The Devonian and Mississippian Stoyanow (1936, p. 462, and 1942) expanded this idea rocks abut against a cliff of pre-Cambrian rocks, and Pine Creek and proposed the name "Mazatzal land" for a positive marks the approximate position of the ancient sea cliff. Modified from Darton and Stoyanow. element in southwestern and central Arizona which he considered to have been persistent throughout the RELATIONSHIP TO OVERLYING FORMATION Paleozoic and to have affected Mesozoic paleogeog- raphy. He also assumed that there was a land mass in The top of the Martin formation is not easily recog­ northeastern Arizona during the Paleozoic, but it is nized at all localities, as was pointed out by Ransome in his original description (1904, pp. 34-35). Although not clear whether he considered this a part of Mazatzal the contact appears to be conformable, there was prob­ land. ably a break in deposition between the Martin forma­ Mazatzal land is here regarded as a northeastward- tion and the Redwall limestone. As the thickness of trending land mass in central Arizona, as shown in fig­ the Martin is relatively uniform over large areas where ure 17. At its north end, near the present Mogollon the whole formation is present, probably little was re- removed during a prolonged period of erosion. The green shale that forms the top of the Martin at some places is not resistant to erosion, and it would have been removed during a prolonged period of erosion. The contact is usually drawn at the base of the massive Red- wall limestone for convenience in mapping (figs. 12, 19) . It is possible that some of the limestone at Superior (detailed sec. 18), Gold Gulch (sec. 17), and the Black River (detailed sec. 1) included in the Redwall lime­ stone should have been referred to the Martin forma­ tion. At Superior, fossils collected from the limestone, here considered basal Redwall limestone, were tenta­ tively identified by Huddle as Mississippian. The rocks containing the fossils are similar in lithology to the limestone questionably referred to the Redwall at Gold Gulch and the Black River. No identifiable fos­ sils were collected at the latter localities. Gutschick (1943, p. 4) reports reworked red regolith at the base of the Redwall at Sycamore Canyon ( County) . In the Grand Canyon region the Temple Butte lime­ stone was strongly eroded before the deposition of the Redwall limestone.

PALEOGEOGRAPHY The possibility of a Paleozoic land area in Arizona has long been recognized. Schuchert (1910, pi. 49, opposite p. 464) recognized a Paleozoic positive ele­ ment in Arizona, California, and Mexico which he FIGURE 19.—Contact between the Martin formation and the Redwall limestone in Flying "V" Canyon, central Arizona (locality 3, fig. 9). called "Ensenada," and a similar positive element was The Redwall limestone (R) forms the overhanging ledge at the top called "Calarizona" by Ver Wiebe (1932, fig. 4, opposite of the exposure, and the upper member of the Martin formation is shown in the middle and foreground. There is no obvious uncon­ p. 514). ~Botla of these were considered northward- formity between the Redwall limestone and the green shaly beds (Mg) trending land masses lying principally in western of the Martin formation. 82 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 Rim, Mazatzal land splits into three northeastward- lar to the Mazatzal quartzite in central Arizona. These trending spurs, the Chediski, Christopher Mountain, quartzites could have persisted throughout the Paleo­ and Pine ridges previously mentioned. Between these zoic as a chain of ridges because they are extremely re- ridges there are normal sections (fig. 25) of the De­ sistent to erosion. According to Wilson (1939), who vonian sedimentary rocks, and the Late Devonian seas described the Mazatzal revolution in central Arizona, obviously had access to the interridge basins through­ there were no orogenic movements after the Mazatzal out the time of the deposition of the Martin formation revolution in this area until the Tertiary. in central Arizona. This access may have been mostly Devonian and Mississippian strata are probably pres­ to the northwest, or complete connection between the ent in normal thicknesses in Black Mesa basin to the northwestern and southeastern seas may have ex­ northwest of the granitic Holbrook ridge. The present tended between Mazatzal land proper and the shape of Black Mesa basin may be due to Laramide or northeastward continuation, the granitic Holbrook later movements, but its location was probably pre­ ridge. The authors have postulated a sag, or gap, be­ determined by Paleozoic deposition in the same area. tween the land masses near the Mogollon Rim, which It is much less probable that it was a Paleozoic land they have called the "Mogollon sag." The presence of area. The presence of middle Paleozoic rocks is indi­ the upper part of the Martin formation in the area be­ cated by the fact that the Aztec Land and Cattle Co. tween Grasshopper and the O. W. Ranch on Chediski No. 1 well (Union Oil Co. of California and Continental ridge shows that the Late Devonian seas spread through Oil Co.) penetrated about 45 feet of Redwall limestone a gap between Mazatzal land and the granitic Hol­ and 32 feet of what is probably Martin formation before brook ridge during the late phases of Martin deposition, the well was abandoned. The other well drilled by the but it does not prove that the gap was a seaway through­ same companies 9 miles to the east seems to have been out the time of the deposition of the Martin formation. closer to the crest of the granitic Holbrook ridge, inas­ Data now available do not prohibit the contouring of much as it penetrated only 10 feet of what is probably 300 feet of the Martin formation in the Mogollon sag, Redwall limestone before entering granite. but the tentative lines of equal thickness (pi. 13) sug­ The Black Mesa basin of Paleozoic jtime probably gest that the Mogollon sag was not a seaway through­ trended northeastward parallel with the granitic Hol­ out the time of Martin deposition. brook ridge. The section of the Martin formation at The granitic Holbrook ridge is indicated by the ab­ Jerome, about 500 feet thick (Darton, 1925, pp. 57- sence of Devonian sedimentary rocks above granite in 59), is probably in the southern extension of the basin. the logs of the Taylor-Fuller No. 1 well (Great Basin The Redwall limestone, though not especially thick at Oil Co.) and the New Mexico-Arizona Land Co. No. 1 Jerome, is considerably thicker there than near Pine well (Union Oil Co. of California and Continental Oil and Payson. Only 120 feet of Devonian strata are Co.). No Devonian strata were recognized in the exposed on the flank of Elden Mountain (Brady, 1933, samples from the Taylor-Fuller well, but the p. 303); the base of the formation is not exposed. The Redwall limestone may be represented by 11 feet of northward continuation of Black Mesa basin is sug­ limestone which rests on crystalline rocks. The New gested by the thick sections of Devonian and Missis­ Mexico-Arizona Land Co. No-. 1 well encountered only sippian rocks shown in wells in southeastern Utah 10 feet of limestone, probably Redwall, and entered (Bass, 1944). The XX No. 1 well (Burrell Collins, weathered granite at 3,593 feet. The granitic Holbrook Collins), in Coconino County (fig. 9), encountered ridge probably continues northeastward to the Defiance 180 feet of limestone, probably of Mississippian age, uplift, as indicated by the Creager-State No. 14-6 well and 320 feet of dolomitic limestone, probably of De­ (General Petroleum Corp.), northeast of Holbrook, vonian age. The samples from this well, loaned by the which encountered granite at a depth of 3,355 feet. Sinclair Oil Co., were examined by J. B. Collins. How­ The Defiance uplift' must have been a high area ever, they are incomplete and difficult to correlate. during the Paleozoic, for only in Permian time was it The Black Mesa and San Juan basins are separated completely buried. The structure of the pre-Cambrian by the Defiance uplift. These three structural features rocks in the Defiance uplift, like that of the pre- may be genetically related, and, if this is correct, the Cambrian rocks in central Arizona, trends northeast­ two basins may have had a similar history. Devonian ward. According to Hinds (1936b, p. 101), there may and Mississippian oil- and gas-bearing rocks are known have been a continuous belt of mountains from central in the San Juan basin, and this occurrence suggests Arizona to southwestern Colorado as a result of the that these rocks may also exist in the Black Mesa basin. Mazatzal revolution during pre-Cambrian time. He The principal evidence against a Paleozoic Black considers the quartzite of the Defiance uplift very simi­ Mesa basin is the fact that the early Paleozoic forma- DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 83 tions exposed in the Grand Canyon suggest the approach cally the distribution of the sandy facies and the re­ to a land mass as they are traced toward the east. This lationship of the sandy facies to the thickness of the has been shown by McKee (1945, pp. 119-120) and formation. Several types of clastic ratios were com­ earlier writers, but the evidence does not seem to re­ puted, such as those used by Read and Wood (1947) quire a continuous rugged land mass in the whole of and Krumbein (1948), but the percentage of sand­ northeastern Arizona. stone seemed to be most significant and is shown on Slight indications of a basin to the southeast of the plate 13. It approximates most closely a quantitative granitic Holbrook ridge are seen in the thickness of expression of the increasing sandiness of the Martin the Devonian and Mississippian strata in the Fort formation as Mazatzal land is approached. It is not a Apache Indian Reservation to the south (pi. 13) and true representation of sandiness, however, since the in the limestone penetrated just above the limestones in the sections nearest Mazatzal land con­ rocks in the Government No. 1 well (Franco-Arizona tain a larger percentage of sand grains than those in Oil Co.). This limestone may be equivalent in age to the more distant sections, and this sand is not accounted the lower part of the Supai, but if it is Devonian or for in the computations. Mississippian it would indicate a basin in this area. The data shown on plate 13 seem to indicate that A southwestern extension of the Zuni uplift is sug­ there is no relationship between thickness and percent­ gested by the quartzites found in the State No. 2 well age of sandstone. The thickest sections at Roosevelt (Argo Oil Corp.) at Zuni Creek and the fact that no Lake and one of the thinnest sections, that at Oak possible Devonian or Mississippian strata were pene­ Creek, contain about the same percentage of sand­ trated by this well. The granitic Holbrook ridge and stone. The thick sections at Superior and Salt River the Defiance and Zuni uplifts probably formed a con­ draw are not especially sandy. Considering its posi­ tinuous land area, at least at times, during the Late tion, the East Verde River section has a surprisingly Devonian (fig. 26). low percentage of sandstone. The percentage of sand­ stone is the same at Superior and Gold Gulch, but the DISTRIBUTION OF FACIES AND CONDITIONS OF DEPOSITION significance of this is not clear. Many of the limestones appear to be clastic in origin, The principal belts of facies in the Martin formation particularly those with quartz sand grains along cross- trend toward the northeast in central and southeastern bedding planes. The presence of these clastic lime­ Arizona and are roughly parallel to Mazatzal land. In stones may reduce the significance of the percentage of southeastern Arizona the Martin formation is mainly sandstone and the percentage of arenaceous and argil­ limestone but also contains some shale, which increases laceous rocks as compared to the percentage of cal­ in thickness from Bisbee northward to Tombstone, the careous rocks. Clifton-Morenci district, and Tornado Peak (detailed The Martin formation appears to have been de­ sec. 19). The sandy f acies of the Martin are well posited in a sea which advanced from a geosyncline in represented on the southeast flank of Mazatzal land Mexico, spread on both sides of Mazatzal land, and near the town of Roosevelt and near Oak Creek. A joined again through the Mogollon sag and perhaps similar facies is present on the northwest side of around the northeast end of the Defiance uplift. The Mazatzal land. land surface over which the sea spread was relatively The percentages of sandstone in each section, shown flat in the northwestern and southeastern parts of on plate 13, were computed by totaling the thickness Arizona, but the flanks of Mazatzal land had a relief of sandstone and dividing by the formation thickness. of 100 to 300 feet. The total relief of Mazatzal land Although, thus presented, they give the appearance of is unknown. Chediski ridge was completely sub­ accuracy, they are subject to several types of error. To merged only very late in the Devonian period; Christo­ compute percentages from the field data it is necessary pher Mountain ridge, Pine ridge, parts of the granitic to assume that the beds are pure rock types, such as Holbrook ridge, and the Defiance uplift seem to have pure sandstone, containing neither limestone nor mud. projected as islands above the Devonian sea. Chris­ This obviously is not so. Probably the authors were topher Mountain ridge and Pine ridge may have been inconsistent in the field separation of calcareous sand­ peninsulas extending from the main mass of Mazatzal stones and sandy limestones. Moreover, thick con­ land. No regressive deposits have been recognized in cealed units, such as the 50-foot unit in the upper part the Martin formation. Sedimentation during the Late of the Martin formation at Salt River draw (detailed Devonian must have been rather slow, because limestone sec. 7), greatly change the percentages, if assumed to and dolomite were deposited in the vicinity of Mazatzal be sandstone. Plate 13 was prepared to show graphi­ land throughout the epoch. 84 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 A basal sandstone of the Martin formation is found stone. Green shale partings separate the limestone beds in most of the sections examined in central Arizona in the areas north and west of Tornado Peak (detailed (pis. 11, 12), but it varies in thickness and at some sec. 19). In southeastern Arizona, the dolomitic localities is absent. It has not been reported from limestone is replaced by limestone and pink shale, ac­ the extreme southeastern part of the State, but Stoya- cording to Ransome (1904, pp. 34-35). At Tornado now (1936, p. 488) reported a yellow sandstone 4 feet Peak the marble above the O'Carroll ore bed (pi. 12) thick at the base of the Devonian in the Picacho de is slightly dolomitic, though not sandy. In all sections Calera Hills, 15 miles northwest of Tucson. The basal north and west of Tornado Peak, some beds of dolomitic sandstone is thin, or absent, near Rockhouse Butte limestone contain sand grains, and in many localities (detailed sec. 6) and in the sections (7, 8) closer to there are beds of sandstone or siltstone. The amount of Chediski ridge. This ridge seems to have supplied sand in the limestone and the change from limestone little of the early sediments to the Martin formation, to dolomitic limestone seem to be governed by proximity and the distribution and thickness of the sandstone to Mazatzal land. Slow sedimentation in shallow water show no close genetic relationship to Mazatzal land. during the time of deposition of the light-buff beds is The conglomerates in the basal sandstone are thickest indicated by the thin to medium bedding, shale part­ and best developed where they filled existing valleys, ings, , and mud cracks in the limestone in as at Gold Gulch (detailed sec. 17), and near the buried several localities and by the even more common occur­ ridges. The sandstone and conglomerates seem to rence of cross-bedded streaks of sand grains. have been spread by waves and currents into bars and The cross-bedded sandstone and the organic cliff- lenses filling the low places on the sea floor as the forming limestone of the middle member of the Martin advancing Late Devonian sea reworked the sandy formation also were deposited in shallow water and are veneer of the old land surface. Such a depositional increasingly sandy toward Mazatzal land, as is shown environment is suggested by the irregular bedding, by the very sandy sections at Roosevelt Lake (detailed cross bedding, and uneven grain sizes of the basal sand­ sees. 15, 16) and Cliff House Canyon (detailed sec. 8). stone. The common occurrence of rounded frosted The sandstone in the middle member does not indicate grains in the Martin formation in central Arizona sug­ readvance of the sea, for the time of its deposition gests that there may have been some wind-blown does not correspond to the spread of sediments over on the old land surface. Chediski ridge. This sandstone may have been de­ The brown beds of the lower member were recognized posited and the associated bioherms built up in Late at all the localities studied where this part of the Martin Devonian time when this portion of the sea floor was formation is present. They contain quartz sand grains near wave base. Later the sea covered Chediski ridge only in the localities nearest the ridges of Mazatzal and sedimentation was resumed. land, but this land area apparently supplied little sedi­ Bioherms are abundant in the middle and upper mem­ ment during the time when the brown beds were de­ bers of the Martin formation in central Arizona and posited. The irregular upper surface, cross bedding, have been reported by Stoyanow (1936, p. 487) in the and brecciation of the brown beds suggest that periods Santa Rita and south and of deposition alternated with periods of submarine ero­ north of Tucson. They were built largely by stroma- sion during the time of their accumulation and that the toporoids and corals but in part by other organisms. beds must have been laid down in water shallow enough The bioherms are relatively low mounds a few hundred to be subject to strong wave and current action. The feet to a few hundred yards in diameter and 10 to 30 strongly cross-bedded portion of the brown beds ap­ feet thick. The interreef areas are filled by sandstones, pears to be a clastic deposit. No older limestone is siltstones, and sandy limestones. Massive cores and known in the area which could have supplied calcite or flank fingers of brecciated limestone are not present, dolomite sand grains, and, as there are relatively few but there is evidence of wave and current action in the fossils in the brown beds, it is unlikely that organisms irregular bedding characteristic of the interreef sedi­ supplied such grains. Accordingly, the limestone sand ments and in the extreme lateral variations in thick­ needed to form the clastic portion of the brown beds ness and lithology of the organic limestone and inter­ apparently was supplied by the reworking of slightly reef deposits. The variable thicknesses of bioherms older and partly consolidated limy beds followed by caused difficulty in measuring sections on Chediski dolomitization of the redeposited lime fragments. ridge and in Salt River draw (locality 7, fig. 9), where The light buff-weathering beds of the lower member bioherms are well developed. The areas most favorable of the Martin formation are typically dolomitic lime­ to the development of bioherms seem to have been those DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 85 places where the Late Devonian sea spread over the He proposed the name "Lower Ouray formation" as a rocky ledges of Chediski ridge. working term to separate the beds containing Pauro- The upper member of the Martin formation also rhyncha endlichi and lying above the beds containing a demonstrates the increasing sandiness of the formation fauna equivalent to the Hackberry fauna. He reported toward Mazatzal land. As shown in plates 11 and 12, the presence of this species at Pinal Creek, the Santa this member includes limestone beds in sections 1, 17, Catalina Mountains, and Arivaipi Canyon and sug­ and 18 and at Final Creek north of Globe, whereas in gested that the green shale zone at Eoosevelt Lake may sections 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 15, and 16, which are nearer belong to his Lower Ouray. Harshman (Short and Mazatzal land, it is predominantly sandstone. The others, 1943, p. 29) correlated the yellow shale member sections overlying Chediski ridge show a mixed sand­ of the Martin limestone (green shale zone of this paper) stone and limestone f acies, but there the limestone is at Superior with Stoyanow's Lower Ouray on the basis mainly organic in origin. An arenaceous facies ap­ of lithology and regarded the lower dolomite member pears to be present on the northwest side of Mazatzal (Crook formation) as equivalent to the Cedar Valley land, as is indicated by the sandy sections at Jerome limestone of Iowa on the basis of the occurrence of and Island Mesa (Stoyanow, 1936, pp. 495-500). The Platyrachella iowvnsis and other fossils in his zone 7. increase in the amount of sand supplied to the sea dur­ The fauna of the Ouray limestone of Colorado was ing the time of the deposition of the upper member was described by Kindle (1909, pp. 1-60). At that time probably due to an advance of the shore line over the this formation was considered Devonian and Missis- sandy soil and sands of Mazatzal land. The ad­ sippian in age. Kindle recognized two faunas, and vance of the sea over these loose sandy deposits provided Kirk (1931) restricted the name "Ouray" to the lime­ an easily available source of sand. The quartzites of stone containing a Devonian fauna in southwestern Mazatzal land probably provided very little sand di­ Colorado. Kindle (1909, p. 31) regarded the Ouray rectly, but some new material may have been produced limestone fauna as distinct from the typical fauna of by marine erosion of the quartzites. The sea must have the Martin limestone. been relatively shallow and deposition slow to have per­ The Devonian sedimentary rocks of New Mexico have mitted the growth of bioherms when the upper member been discussed by Stevenson (1945), who proposed the was being laid down. new f ormational names "Onate" and "Contradero" and divided the Percha shale into the Eeady Pay and Box CORRELATION members. The name "Onate formation" was given to The fossils collected by Eansome from the Martin beds in the Sacramento and San Andres Mountains, formation were regarded by H. S. Williams as Middle and Stevenson regarded it as late Middle or early Late Devonian (Ransome, 1904, pp. 35-42), but Kindle (Ean­ Devonian, older than his Sly Gap formation or the some, 1923, pp. 7-8), restudying these and other col­ Percha shale. The possibility that Stevenson's Onate lections, concluded that the Martin fauna is Late formation represents a facies of his Sly Gap formation Devonian in age and that the same fauna occurs from or the Percha shale is not completely excluded. Steven­ Bisbee to Jerome. Stauffer (1928a, p. 152) agreed with son's Sly Gap is described from the Sierra Caballos and the Late Devonian correlation. Stoyanow (1936, pp. the San Andres, Sacramento, and Mud Springs Moun­ tains. According to Stevenson, the diagnostic fossils 484-505) accepted the previous correlations of the part in the formation are Atrypa, Productella, Nervo- of the Martin limestone containing the Cyrtospirifer strophia, Emanuella?, and MacGeea, and he considers fauna but divided the Martin limestone of Eansome the fauna to be slightly older than the Hackberry shale, into three formations: the Picacho de Calera formation younger than the Independence shale, slightly older at the base, the Martin limestone (restricted), and the than the Martin limestone, and of the same age as the Lower Ouray formation at the top. He regarded the Devils Gate formation of Merriam. Many genera are Martin limestone (restricted), which contains the common to Stevenson's Sly Gap formation and the typical Martin fauna, as equivalent to the Hackberry Martin formation. Stevenson correlates his upper, or fauna of Iowa and younger than the fauna of his Box, member of the Percha shale with the Ouray lime­ Picacho de Calera formation. Stoyanow considered stone of Colorado and Stoyanow's Lower Ouray forma­ the latter a possible correlative of the Cedar Valley tion of Arizona. He also suggests that his Sly Gap limestone fauna of Iowa. The lithology of his Picacho formation may be a fossiliferous facies of his lower, or de Calera formation does not seem especially distinctive, Eeady Pay, member of the Percha shale and that his nor is the faunal evidence sufficiently compelling at Contradero formation, described as occurring in the present to justify separating these beds as a formation. central part of the San Andres Mountains, may be a 86 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 lentil of the same formation. This seems to be the best CARBONIFEROUS (MISSISSIPPIAN) ROCKS: possible interpretation of the known facts. REDWALL LIMESTONE The fauna of the.Percha shale has been studied by TERMINOLOGY Stainbrook (1947), who has reconsidered the age as­ The limestone of Mississippian age in northern Ari­ signment of the Ouray limestone and the Percha shale. zona has been called the Redwall limestone since 1875, He regards these formations as early Mississippian in when it was named by Gilbert (1875, pp. 162, 177-186, age and cites as evidence the presence of the productid 197). The original definition included rocks older and genera Avorda, Busetonia^ Pustula, Kroto-via, Hetera- younger than Mississippian, but the name later was losia, and Echmoconchus. These genera have not been restricted to strata of Mississippian age by Noble (1922, reported from other formations of Devonian age. The pp. 26, 54). Eansome (1904, pp. 42-44) proposed the species of Cyrtospirifer in the Ouray and Percha faunas name "Escabrosa limestone" for the limestone of Missis­ are regarded by Stainbrook as hold-overs. Cyrtospiri­ sippian age in the Bisbee district in 1904, and the name fer is usually regarded as an index for the Upper has been used throughout southeastern Arizona. Stoy- Devonian. Some of the species characteristic of the anow (1936, pp. 505, 517) regarded the Redwall lime­ Percha fauna are present, according to Stainbrook, in stone as slightly older than the Escabrosa on the basis the upper part of the Martin formation at Mount of slightly different faunas in the two formations, a Martin near Bisbee. However, the evidence is not con­ difference perhaps due to incomplete collections and clusive, and the stratigraphic occurrence of some genera poor preservation rather than to any real variation in needs field verification. age. In central Arizona the two formations can be The fauna of the Martin formation has not been com­ traced into each other, and they represent a single map- pletely studied. The work of the present authors did pable unit. Inasmuch as "Redwall limestone" is the not include extensive collecting of fossils from the older name, the present authors have used it for the formation; however, those collected were identified by limestone of Mississippian age. G. A. Cooper and are listed in the accompanying strat­ Gutschick (1943, pp. 1-11), after carefully studying igraphic sections. Accurate correlations of the whole the Redwall limestone in north-central Arizona, divided Martin formation and the recognition of faunal zones the formation into four members, beginning at the base: cannot be made without considerable additional field (1) a white, crystalline, oolitic limestone member; (2) work. The authors' inadequate collections and obser­ a fine-grained, cherty, porous limestone member; (3) a vations suggest that the Martin may contain equivalents massive, coarsely crystalline limestone member; and of some of the faunal zones of the Devils Gate forma­ (4) a gray, micro-oolitic, dense limestone member. He tion of Merriam. The lower member of the Martin refrained from assigning names to these because his formation contains relatively few fossils, but the middle field work was restricted to a small area and he did not member contains abundant stromatoporoids and corals know the full areal extent of the members. and it is possible that the lower and middle members Harshman (Short and others, 1943, pp. 29-30) of the Martin formation represent part or all of the divided the Escabrosa limestone at Superior into four Stromatopora zone of the Devils Gate formation of members on the basis of color and tendency to form Merriam. The \ argentari^s zone of the Devils cliffs: (1) dark-gray limestone; (2) massive, cliff - Gate formation of Merriam has not been recognized forming white limestone; (3) thin-bedded dark lime­ in the Martin formation and may be absent, but the stone; and (4) cherty shale and white limestone. His Phillipsastrea (Pachyphyllum) zone is probably present uppermost (fourth) member belongs in the overlying in the upper member of the Martin formation. The Naco formation. It includes the red mudstone and fauna regarded as typical of the Martin formation, chert breccia at the base of the Naco and a white lime­ usually correlated with that of the Hackberry shale of stone, higher in the formation, which contains fossils Iowa, occurs in the upper member of the Martin forma­ of Pennsylvania!! age, including Spirifer of the Spirifer tion. The precise correlation with the Hackberry shale occidentalis group. is probably overemphasized, inasmuch as the rocks in GENERAL DESCRIPTION the two areas were deposited in different basins and The general description given here applies best to the species are not identical. If Stainbrook is correct in sections at localities 1, 2, 3, 15, 16, 17, and 18 (pi. 1); his assignment of the Percha shale to the early Missis­ it is not entirely applicable to the section at Tornado sippian, the uppermost beds of the Martin formation Peak (detailed sec. 19) nor to the sections close to also may be Kinderhook in age, but the available faunal Mazatzal land. The members distinguished by Gut­ evidence in Arizona indicates a Late Devonian age. schick were not recognized in the area studied, but the DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 87 three lower members described by Harshman are es­ sippian age is thickest in the northwestern and south­ sentially the subdivisions used in this discussion. eastern parts of Arizona and thins toward Mazatzal The Redwall limestone consists mainly of light-gray land. Ransome (1904, p. 43) reported that the Esca- to white, dense to coarsely crystalline, thin- to very brosa limestone is 600 to 800 feet thick, and Noble (1922, thick-bedded limestone. The coarsely crystalline char­ p. 54) reported a similar thickness of limestone of acter of some beds is due to an abundance of crinoid Mississippian age in the Grand Canyon at Bass Trail. stems. The dense limestone is generally oolitic, but the In north-central Arizona, Gutschick (1943, p. 4) has number of oolites varies greatly from locality to locality. measured several sections of the Redwall limestone The lower part of the formation is commonly a gray- which average 265 feet in thickness. Sections measured brown, medium thick-bedded impure limestone 50 to by the present authors near the Mogollon Rim (see pis. 70 feet thick. Locally it contains small quartz geodes, 11 and 12 and detailed sections) show that the Red- and a thin zone of sandy or conglomeratic limestone is wall limestone is only a few feet thick at the O. W. present at the base of the formation. The middle part Ranch (detailed sec. 11), as much as 67 feet thick at of the Redwall limestone is made up of massive beds of the East Verde River (detailed sec. 14), and more than dense, generally oolitic, cliff-forming limestone. When 100 feet thick at (base not exposed). East traced along cliffs, this massive layer is seen to grade of this area, the formation increases to about 300 feet in thickness at the Black River (detailed sec. 1) ; south­ ward,, it increases to about 500 feet at Tornado Peak (detailed sec. 19). Wells drilled south of Holbrook, Ariz., penetrate a very thin section of Redwall limestone. As previously mentioned, the Redwall is about 45 feet thick in the Aztec Land and Cattle Co. No. 1 well (Union Oil Co. and Continental Oil Co.) and about 10 feet thick in the other well drilled by the same companies (New Mexico- Arizona Land Co. No. 1 wTell) about 9 miles to the east. The correlation of the limestone in the first-mentioned well with the Redwall limestone is based largely on the presence of a specimen of /Spirifer centronatus found in a core sample at a depth of 3,810 feet and identified by FIGURE 20.—Contact between the Redwall limestone (R), of Missis- sippian age, and the basal member of the Naco formation (N), of James Steele Williams. The limestone is dolomitic Peiinsylvaiiiaii age, in a road cut on United States Highway No. 60 and quite unlike the Redwall limestone seen at outcrops north of the Salt River, central Arizona (locality 2, fig. 9). The con­ tact shows 110 sign of faulting and is interpreted as one side of a filled in central Arizona. The doloinitizatioii may be due to sinkhole. solution and replacement prior to Pennsylvania!! tune. i The 32 feet of rock in the Aztec Land and Cattle Co. laterally into a rubble breccia of large, angular to No. 1 well referred to the Martin formation is some­ rounded limestone blocks and angular chert blocks what similar in lithology to the Martin as shown in the separated by thin seams of red sandy mudstone (pi. 20). sections near the Mogollon Rim (detailed sees. 11-14). The limestone blocks are stained green or red near their This correlation, based on similarity in lithology, is edges. not positive, and the 32-foot section also may be Redwall The upper part of the formation is a thin- to medium limestone. thick-bedded slope-forming limestone and is more The authors consider that the thinning of the lime­ cherty than the rest of the formation. Dense nodules stone of Mississippian age on Mazatzal land is due of gray to white chert occur in the lower and middle largely to erosion prior to Pennsylvania!! time, but it parts, though not abundantly at most localities. Fos­ may be due partly to overlap, as suggested by Stoyanow sils are common in the whole formation but are difficult (1942, p. 1272). Large horn corals are present in the to collect from the thick limestone beds. Some of the Redwall limestone near Grasshopper (detailed sees. fossils in the upper part of the formation have been 7-10), where the formation is 30 to 90 feet thick, and silicified, and there are fossils in many of the chert in the upper part of the formation at the Salt River nodules. (detailed sees. 2-4), where it is more than 200 feet THICKNESS thick. Gutschick (1943, p. 4) reported large horn As has been pointed out by Darton (1925, p. 237) corals near the top of the Redwall limestone at Syca­ and Stoyanow (1936, p. 507), the limestone of Missis- more Canyon (Yavapai County), where the limestone 954716—52——* 88 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 is about 260 feet thick. The lower 100 to 150 feet of tailed sec. 2) the relief 011 top of the Eedwall in places the Redwall limestone may be missing near Grass­ is at least 30 feet, and somewhat greater relief is shown hopper, but this interpretation is open to question be­ in the vicinity of localities 7, 8, 9, and 10 (fig. 9) near cause the thickness of the limestone there seems to have Grasshopper. Of the three sections measured near the been reduced by solution prior to Pennsylvania!! time Salt River the thickest (detailed sec. 3) includes a white and because the local range of the large horn corals is crystalline limestone 17.5 feet thick at the top of the unknown. Redwall. However, it is absent from the other lo­ calities (detailed sees. 2, 4) and apparently was removed EFFECTS OF PRE-PENNSYLVANTAN EROSION by erosion prior to Pennsylvania!! time. Evidence of topography before the Pennsyl- The relief on the upper surface of the Redwall lime­ vanian in central Arizona is very apparent and includes stone is probably clue to solution prior to the Pennsyl-

Martin form ation 60O'± ———————


Red sandy mudstone and Rubble breccia of limestone solution Cherty limestone Slump block chert breccia blocks and residual materiel FIGURE 21.—Sketch showing the contact of the Redwall limestone and the Naco formation near the confluence of Horton and Tonto Creeks, Gila County, Ariz. (locality 13, fig. 9).

the extremely irregular upper surface of the Redwall vaniaii, inasmuch as some of the depressions are clearly limestone, the rubble breccia and associated filled sink­ sinkholes which have been filled with red residual mud- holes and caverns, and the distribution and character stone and chert breccia. The contact between the Naco of the basal red mudstone and chert breccia in the over­ formation and the Redwall limestone exposed in a cut lying Naco formation. on Highway 60 (locality 2, fig. 9) is noteworthy in that The contact between the Redwall limestone and the red residual mudstone of the Naco formation abuts Naco formation is clearly imconformable at most lo­ against gently clipping Redwall limestone with a nearly calities. Local relief of 15 to 30 feet on top of the vertical contact. This contact (fig. 20) does not seem to Redwall is well expressed at Tonto Creek (detailed sec. represent a fault and is interpreted as one side of a 13), as shown in figure 21. Near the Salt River (de- filled sinkhole. , , DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 89

The rubble breccia and associated cavern fills charac­ teristic of the middle portion of the Redwall limestone are well exposed in the cuts on Highway 60 (detailed sec. 2), as shown in figures 22 and 23. The cavern fill consists of reel sandy muclstoiie, chert breccia, and reel and green, dense to coarsely crystalline limestone. The red-, gray-, and green-banded, coarsely crystalline lime­ stone may be altered cave travertine, whereas the dense limestone blocks are stained pieces of the formation from the cave roof. Rubble breccia extends to a depth of 234 feet below the top of the Reclwall at the Black River (detailed sec. 1) and to a depth of 180 feet at the Salt River (detailed sec. 2). The exposures of the Redwall limestone are poor in the sections between Salt River draw and the East Vercle River (detailed sees. 7-14), where the formation is thin and does not form a cliff. Solid ledges of limestone exist in places, but at most localities the formation is represented by a rubble breccia consisting of loose blocks of limestone embedded in red sandy muclstone and chert breccia. The red residual material has infiltrated to the base of tho Redwall at Salt River draw (detailed sec. 7), Cliff House Canyon (detailed sec. 8), and other localities. The thickness of the Redwall limestone must have been reduced by internal solution prior to the Pennsyl- vaniaii, but this reduction is not marked in the lime­ stone cliffs along the Salt River except in the collapsed cavern areas. There may have been relatively little FIGURE 28.—Rubble breccia in the massive member of the Redwall lime­ reduction above caverns with ruofs strong enough to stone exposed in a road cut on United States Highway Xo. 60, central Arizona (locality 2, fig. 9). The limestone blocks are separated by prevent collapse before the caves were filled with sedi­ red sandy mudstone. ments. Considerable reduction in thickness must have occurred in areas where the Redwall limestone consists muclstone, siltstone, sandstone, conglomerate, and brec­ entirely of rubble breccia, because this breccia must cia, and the lower part of the member consists mainly have been formed, partly at least, by cavern collapsed of structureless, noiisorted, sandy muclstone. The The thinner-bedded, more highly jointed, and more muclstone shows no signs of bedding but contains sug­ soluble limestone must have been dissolved first, leaving gestions of slumping. Much of the chert breccia oc­ the larger joint blocks and less soluble limestone to form curs as pockets and lenses in the lower part of the the rubble breccia. member (fig. 24). The chert fragments contain Mis­ The basal member of the Naco formation in central sissippian fossils and are similar in lithology to the Arizona consists of reddish- to purplish-brown sandy chert in the Redwall limestone. The upper part of the member is more or less bedded and sorted. It includes muclstone and shale, in which there are limestone nodules; beds and lenses of limestone: sandstone; and conglomerate containing well-rounded red chert peb­ Redwall bles. -Pennsylvania!! fossils have been found in the limestone limestone at some localities. The lack of bedding and sorting and the pockety distribution of the chert brec­ cias suggest that the lower part is undisturbed residual soil formed on the Redwall limestone. The thickest U.S. Highway 60 Cave filling grade line pockets of chert breccia seem to be sinkhole fills. The FIGURE 22.—Road cut on United States Highway No. 60 north of the upper part of the member was reworked by the Penn- Salt River, central Arizona, showing cave fillings of red sandy sylvanian sea, but it is doubtful that the reworking mudstone and overlying rubble breccia in the Redwall limestone (Mississippian). penetrated to the lower part in all localities. 90 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 . The red residual member is not everywhere present The red residual member of the Naco formation is at the base of the Naco formation, probably because thf, similar in lithology and origin to the Molas formation advancing Pennsylvania!! sea completely removed the of Colorado. Both were formed by the accumulation mantle from the higher parts of the submerged land of weathering products of Mississippian limestone and surface. The thickness of the red residual member, were partly reworked by the Pennsylvanian sea. It though varying greatly within short distances, on the might be possible to trace the Naco red residual mem­ average is no more than 15 to 50 feet at most localities ber into the Molas formation in the subsurface if enough in central Arizona north and east of Globe. At wells were drilled in Black Mesa basin, inasmuch as Tornado Peak (detailed sec. 19) a 1-foot bed of chert the Molas is present in wells in southeastern Utah conglomerate seems to represent this horizon. Accord­ (Bass, 1944, chart 7). For the present, however, it is ing to Ransome (1916, p. 147), the sections in south- not thought advisable to use the name "Molas" in Arizona, even though there is little doubt about the correlation. CORRELATION The Eedwall limestone long has been regarded as representing parts of the Kiiiderhook and Osage groups (Ransome, 1904, p. 46). The authors made no special study of fossils from the Redwall limestone. Some chert nodules found in the base of the Naco con­ tain Lithostrotionella, and beds as young as St. Louis limestone may once have been present in central Arizona.

HISTORY OF MAZATZAL LAND The Mazatzal revolution (Wilson, 1939, p. 1161) pro­ duced a chain of mountains extending probably from southwestern Arizona to southwestern Colorado with subparallel folds and thrust faults trending northeast­ ward. The tectonic movements that produced these folds and faults were followed by the intrusion of granite and other plutonic rocks parallel with the struc­ tural features. The orogeny and associated intrusions took place after the Mazatzal quartzite wras deposited. The mountains subsequently were well worn down by erosion, but the very resistant Mazatzal quartzite formed ridges along the core of the old mountain chain. The ridges served to separate the basins in which the rocks of the Apache and Unkar groups were deposited. Although the correlation of these two groups is not certain, some sediments in both were derived from the FIGCRE 24.—Chert breccia in the base of the Naco formation exposed core of Mazatzal land, and the groups may be con­ north of the Salt River, central Arizona (locality 4, fig. 9). The stadia rod is 15 feet long. temporaneous (Hinds, 1936b, pp. 99,132). The Apache group abuts against the barrier of Mazatzal quartzite eastern Arizona do not show an unconformity between in Gordon and Haigler Canyons (Darton, 1925, p. 235). the Mississippian and the Pennsylvania!! series. Cer­ Both the Apache and Unkar groups were consider­ tainly the thickness and prominence of the red residual ably eroded before the Troy quartzite and Tapeats member increase near Mazatzal land, owing probably sandstone of Cambrian age were deposited, as has been to a slight uparchiiig of Mazatzal land at the close of shown by Darton (1925, p. 256), Hinds (1936b, pp. the Mississippian, which resulted in subsurface drain­ 33, 34), and McKee and others (McKee, 1945, pp. HI- age and karst topography in the limestone areas. The 122, figs. 7, 8, 10). After the deposition of the solution caused the accumulation of a thicker residual Cambrian sandstones, Mazatzal land probably was up- mantle here than in neighboring areas having surface arched slightly and eroded, because the Martin forma­ drainage. tion in central Arizona rests on a surface of some DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 91 relief. There are neither Ordovician nor Silurian later movements, and the Zuni uplift has a similar his­ rocks in central Arizona, and probably there never have tory. The Uncompahgre-San Luis highland, the Front been any. Cambrian rocks may have extended through Range highland, and their extensions into New Mexico the Mogollon sag, and a considerable thickness of them differ markedly from Mazatzal land and related fea­ may have been removed from Mazatzal land during tures in that they were rising land masses which sup­ the long erosional interval between the retreat of the plied large quantities of sediments during the late* Late Cambrian seas and the spread of the Late Paleozoic. The absence of lower Upper Devonian Devonian seas. The gradual burial of the mountains strata in Colorado suggests a land area of low relief and Mazatzal land before Pennsylvanian time is sum­ that was not completely submerged until very late in marized diagrammatically in figure 25. Because the the Devonian.

Chistopher w. Pine ridge Mountain ridge Chediski ridge Carboniferous Mississippian Redwoll limestone Devonian Martin formation ( Mazatzal '••// Tapeats sandstone Combrign Troy quartzite /; quartzite /- X s ' x * V v^'i^ -' -~>~'/\*/'i "-\ quartzite'- ^\-^ Apache group~ Pre-Cambrian tfaj-rfffi?^

r^————————————————————————————70 Miles (approximate)———————————————————————'————H FIGURE 25.—Restored section across the northern part of Mazatzal land at the end of Mississippian deposition, modified from Darton and Stoyanow.

Martin formation was not deeply eroded prior to the The Devonian and Mississippian strata are thickest deposition of the Redwall limestone, probably no near the axis of the Cordilleran geosyncline in eastern diastrophic disturbances of Mazatzal land occurred at Nevada. Immediately west of the geosyncline there the close of the Devonian. After the Mississippian was a geanticline whose axis was in central Nevada. limestone was laid down, however, Mazatzal land again According to Nolan (1928; 1943, pp. 172-175), this was uparched, as shown by the great erosional reduction geanticline began to rise in Late Devonian time and con­ of the Redwall limestone on Mazatzal land and the tinued to rise until the Permian, but without great up­ related increase in the thickness of the red residual lift. The geanticline and the geosyncline trended member of the Naco formation nearby. The effects of the erosional interval after Mississippian time were widespread in the western United States and may have removed late Mississippian strata from wide areas. During Pennsylvanian and Permian time, Mazatzal land north of the Mogollon Rim was deeply buried by sediments which probably extended a considerable dis­ tance southward into central Arizona. Some time after the Permian, Mazatzal land again was slightly up- arched, as indicated on Darton's map of the plateau region in Arizona (1925, p. 146). This arch seems to account for the stripping of the Paleozoic rocks from Mazatzal land in the Tonto Basin area, although they are still present in the Fort Apache Indian Reservation to the east. Mazatzal land was not an actively rising source of sediments during the Paleozoic, but served rather as a "submarine barrier," as originally described by Ran- some (fig. 26). Its persistence is due to slight arching and to the fact that quartzites in the core of the ancient FIGURE 26.—Early Mississippian paleogeography of the southwestern mountains resisted erosion. The granitic Holbrook United States. A, Mazatzal land; B, granitic Holbrook ridge and ridge and the Defiance uplift are northeastward exten­ Defiance uplift; G, Zuni uplift; D, San Luis highland ; E, Uncom- pahgre highland; F, Front Range highland ; G, Manhattan geanti- sions of Mazatzal land which have been modified by . cline. Seas ruled. 92 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 slightly east of north, and Mazatzal land was roughly to a relatively small area in central Arizona. Devo­ parallel with them. The geosynclinal seas may have nian and Mississippian epicontinental seas are therefore extended into western Arizona during Devonian and indicated in figure 26 as extending over most of Mississippian time, but most of the State was covered Arizona. by epicontinental seas during these periods (fig. 26). SUMMARY McKee (1947) reports fossil-bearing pebbles of De­ The paleogeographic map (fig. 26) summarizes the vonian and Mississippian age in (?) con­ concepts presented in this paper: that a Paleozoic land glomerate in the of west-central area was present in central and northeastern Arizona; Arizona. These pebbles had a local source, indicating that this land area was a residue of pre-Cambrian that Upper Devonian and Lower Mississippian sedimen­ mountains; and that it was gradually covered with tary rocks formerly were present in this area. Ac­ sediments during the late Paleozoic. It is thought cording to McKee, the sea in which these rocks were probable that Devonian and Mississippian sedimentary deposited probably was connected to the sea in the west­ rocks are present in the subsurface in Black Mesa basin ern Grand Canyon and may have joined the seas in and in the northern part of the Fort Apache Indian southern and southeastern Arizona. Keservation. The fact that Devonian and Mississip­ In the northeast of the New pian rocks contain oil and gas in the San Juan basin Water Mountains, in the western part of the State, suggests that they may be reservoir rocks in the Black Devonian and Mississippian strata occur, according to Mesa basin as well, because the two basins probably had McKee (1947, p. 289). Darton (1925, p. 264) has de­ a similar history. Black Mesa basin offers the most scribed Mississippian strata in the Vekol Mountains promise of oil and gas production, although production in south-central Arizona, and Gilluly (1946, p. 38) has from the northern part of the Fort Apache Indian Kes­ reported boulders of Devonian and Mississippian (?) ervation also is possible. Stratigraphic traps quite age in the gravels near Ajo, in the same general area. possibly exist in connection with the buried ridges and This evidence suggests that Mazatzal land was limited bioherms, and structural traps may be present. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 93

DETAILED STRATIGRAPHIC SECTIONS Devonian—Continued * Feet Martin formation—Continued Section 1, Black River (sec. 11, T. 4 N., R. 20 E.*), Upper member—Continued Oila County, Ariz. Limestone, sandy, gray-brown, weathering [Martin formation measured in meander scar on north side of Black brown; medium- to coarsely crystalline; River about one-half mile west of San Carlos-Fort Apache road crinoidal; scattered coarse, rounded and bridge. Redwall limestone measured one-half mile southwest of bridge frosted quartz grains; uneven beds 1 to 2 on south side of River] feet thick; fossiliferous—______6. 5 Carboniferous (Pennsylvania!!) : Feet Dark buff-weather ing beds. Naco formation: Limestone, shale, and sandstone Sandstone, brown, weathering greenish with red sandy mudstone and chert breccia at base. yellow and slabby; very fine grained, cal­ Carboniferous (Mississippian) : careous, and fossiliferous. Douvillina sp. Redwall limestone: (identified by G. A. Cooper)______9.0 Limestone, white, weathering gray; medium- Limestone, gray to brown, weathering dark crystalline, thin- to medium-bedded, with dense buff to gray; dense to medium-crystalline, gray chert nodules which weather white__ 45 sandy in lower part and silty and dolomitic Limestone, light-gray, oolitic, massive, weather­ in upper part. Crinoid stems and other ing to angular blocks______53 fossils______26. 0 Limestone, gray-brown, dense to medium-crys­ talline, rubbly, with some angular chert Sandstone, gray, weathering reddish to yel­ breccia ______29 lowish brown; mainly fine-grained, but Limestone, gray-white, dense, oolitic, and some coarse rounded and frosted grains massive ______40 present; thin- to thick-bedded, very cal­ Limestone, gray-green, dense, and rubbly___ 11 careous, weak and shaly in upper part— 34. 5 Sandstone, white, consisting of fine to medium Middle member: rounded quartz grains with calcareous cement; Limestone, dolomitic, gray-brown, medium- lenticular, grading laterally into limestone_ 3 crystalline, with many calcite vugs; beds Limestone, gray, dense, oolitic, and massive_ 23 1 to 1.5 feet thick______3.5 Limestone, mainly white; medium-crystalline Limestone, gray, weathering blue gray; and massive, but includes some chert breccia dense, nodular_—___—_____— 1. 7 and rubbly limestone______30 Sandstone, white to gray, weathering gray; Limestone, brown, weathering dark gray; fine­ fine-grained below, becoming coarse­ grained, silty, with quartz geodes in lower grained above; very calcareous, crystalline half; massive, weathering into large spalls in near top, massive—___-_—_————_ 22. 7 lower 4 feet______29 Limestone, dark-gray to brown, medium- Limestone, gray-brown, weathering gray with crystalline, sandy, and dolomitic, grading red and yellow stains; fine-grained, silty, with into underlying sandstone; thin to medium a few white quartz geodes up to 0.7 foot in beds______16,0 diameter; bedding thin to thick with maximum Sandstone, greenish-gray, weathering yellow of 4 feet; weathers back by vertical spalling brown; fine to coarse, rounded and frosted to form notch at base of limestone cliff. A grains; very calcareous, shaly, and few crinoid stems______34 ' fucoidal ______. 6. 6 Total Redwall limestone______297 Lower member: Light buff-weathering beds. Devonian: Limestone, dolomitic, gray, weathering light Martin formation: buff; dense, sandy, with larger grains Upper member: rounded and frosted; large calcite vugs Green shale zone: Concealed; green shale and stringers of dense black chert near dug out in lower part of interval_____ 14 top; medium beds, 1.5 to 2.5 feet thick, with Limestone, brown, weathering yellow brown; green shaly partings between limestone finely crystalline, shaly, thin-bedded. Fos­ beds______—__———__ 29. 0 sils from this horizon identified by G. A. Siltstone, greenish-gray, weathering buff; Cooper, as follows: Caractophyllum sp., calcareous; weak, breaking into irregular Schisophoria cf. iowensis Hall, Cranaena blocks; dolomitic limestone bed 1.8 feet aff. calvini (Hall and Whitfield), Atrypa thick 7 feet above base_—————————— 28.0 cf. devonica Webster, Tenticospirifer cf. Limestone, dolomitic, gray, weathering buff cyrtinaformis (Hall and Whitfield), Gypi- and gray; dense, with a conchoidal frac­ dula aff. cornuta (Fenton and Fenton), ture; small calcite vugs; zone of small Douvillina aff. D. arcuata Hall, Spirifer elongate chert nodules with brown rind hungerfordi (Hall and Whitfield)____ 20.0 near base_—_——_———————————— 19.0 *The Fort Apache Indian Reservation nas not been surveyed by the Siltstone, greenish-gray, massive—————— 2.8 General Land Office. The section numbers given are those plotted on Limestone, dolomitic, gray-white, weathering the map of the reservation (1942 edition) issued by the Department of the Interior, Office of Indian Affairs. Editions of the map earlier than light yellow brown; dense, with scattered that of 1938 were not plotted in the same way. coarse, rounded and frosted quartz grains- 8. 5 94 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950

Devonian—Continued * Feet Carboniferous (Mississippian)—Continued Feet Martin formation—Continued Redwall limestone—Continued Lower member—Continued Limestone and chert: Light-gray, dense to Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray to pink, coarsely crystalline, very fossiliferous lime­ weathering light yellow brown; thin- stone with abundant nodules and beds of bedded, with mud cracks, contempora­ gray- and white-banded dense chert, thin- neous breccia, and small chert nodules bedded and weak, weathering back to form with brown rind. Base very uneven—__ 9. 8 notch in limestone cliff ______———_— 10. 0 Brown beds. Limestone, gray to brown, finely to coarsely crys­ Limestone, dolomitic, pink, weathering gray talline, crinoidal, in massive beds ranging in and white; medium-crystalline, massive; thickness from 4.5 to 10 feet, with reeflike some chert. A few poorly preserved wedges and cross bedding; also gray- and fossils ______5. 0 white-banded chert. Numerous fossils in chert Limestone, brown to pink, weathering gray; and limestone______——————_—————— 21. 5 finely crystalline. Crowded with large, Mudstone, red and sandy, including fragments poorly preserved Stropheodontas_____ 1. 9 and nodules of limestone. Probably a pre- Limestone, dolomitic, gray, weathering Pennsylvanian solution cavity and fillings—— 2. 0 creamy white; fine to medium-crystalline; Limestone, gray-green to light-gray, with streaks lower 3 feet thin-bedded, upper part of red; dense and oolitic; bedding vague or massive______12. 6 absent owing to formation of solution rubble Limestone, calcareous at base, becoming or breccia with red sandy mudstone surround­ dolomitic above; gray to brown, fine to ing limestone blocks._—————————————— 17. 0 medium-crystalline, massive; upper 12 Sandstone, granule conglomerate, and limestone, feet irregularly bedded and brecciated__ 33. 0 gray to greenish-gray, weathering red: Pockets Basal sandstone. and lenses of coarse, uneven-grained sand­ Sandstone and conglomerate, greenish-gray stone of rounded and frosted quartz grains and to reddish-brown, with purple spots in granules and large rounded limestone "peb­ lower part; sand grains, granules, and bles" ; limestone lenses and beds, dense, green­ pebbles angular to rounded; pebbles of ish-gray, cut by pockets and stringers of quartz, quartzite, or chert fragments sandstone. Contacts irregular; seems to be ranging in size from 4 to 100 millimeters, a solution cavity filling______————_ 5. 0 averaging about 20 millimeters______21. 0 Limestone, greenish-gray, dense______8. 0 Limestone, gray, medium-grained, sugary, with Total Martin formation______331. 6 gray chert in upper part, replaced laterally by Cambrian: red and green, dense to coarsely crystalline Troy quartzite: Quartzite, reddish-brown, thin- limestone and red sandy mudstone and chert bedded (about 75 feet exposed). breccia, similar to basal member of Naco for­ mation. Probably a pre-Pennsylvanian cave filling; red and green limestone may have been travertine______17.0 Section 2, Salt River, Gila County, Ariz. Limestone, light brownish-gray, oolitic, and fossiliferous______5. 0 [Measured along United States Highway No. 60, at point 3.7 to 11 Limestone, dark-gray, with brown banding, miles north of bridge over river] weathering dark gray brown or buff; fine- to Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : Feet medium-grained, sugary, silty or argillaceous; Naco formation: Limestone, shale, and sandstone with massive beds 4 to 6 feet thick; zone of black to basal member of red sandy mudstone and chert gray chert near middle of unit. Many crinoid breccia ______775 stems______27. 0 Total Redwall limestone______189. 0 Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Redwall limestone: Martin formation: Concealed, except for a few ledges of gray to Upper member: brown, dense to coarsely crystalline limestone Green shale zone. with some white-weathering chert and a few Sandstone, brown and gray, weathering fossils. Surface very uneven. This interval greenish buff; fine-grained; mainly calcar­ absent in the highway cuts______28. n eous, but with quartzose lenses; thin ir­ Limestone, buff, fine-grained, sugary, argil­ regular beds with shaly and silty part­ ings————————__———____—______18.0 laceous, and silty, with some chert nodules_ 10. 0 Shale, olive-gray: Soft clay shale with red- Limestone, light- to greenish-gray, dense, with brown and greenish-gray sandstone and lenses of coarsely crystalline crinoidal lime­ conglomerate lenses near base and top; stone; abundant white-weathering chert nod­ larger grains in sandstone and conglomer­ ules. Numerous fossils. Infiltrated by red ate rounded and frosted. Lower sand­ sandy mudstone______38. 0 stones contain fucoids______24. 0 DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 95

Carboniferous (Mississippian)—Continued Feet Carboniferous (Mississippian)—Continued Feet Martin formation—Continued Martin formation—Continued Upper member—Continued Lower member—Continued Dark buff-weathering beds. Limestone, dolomitic, mainly light-gray, Siltstone, gray-green, mottled red brown weathering light buff and gray; dense, and weathering buff; calcareous, with partly lithographic, with conchoidal frac­ calcite-fllled cavities; massive in upper ture; beds 1 to 3 feet thick with shale part and thin-bedded, with green shale partings; occasional light- to dark-gray partings, in lower part; basal 3 feet mi­ chert nodules and scattered quartz grains caceous and sandy, with rounded and in some beds———————————————— 81.2 frosted quartz grains. Silicified fossils— 20.0 Limestone, dolomitic, light- to medium-gray, Sandstone, red-brown and white, weather­ dense, with conchoidal fracture, in beds ing reddish buff; very calcareous; mainly less than 1 foot thick containing small fine and even-grained, but some beds con­ elongate dark-gray dense chert nodules tain coarse, rounded and frosted grains; with yellow-brown rind—___————— 5. 7 unit massive; forms ledge but thins Brown beds. laterally______25.0 Limestone, dolomitic, dark-brown to light- Shale, green, weathering gray; silty and gray, fine to medium-crystalline; thin ir­ micaceous ______3. 3 regular beds with scattered dark-gray to Sandstone, greenish-gray and brown, weath­ black chert nodules and calcite cavities— 26. 0 ering dark buff; calcareous, silty, fine­ Limestone, dolomitic, dark-gray, dense, thin- grained, with scattered rounded and bedded, with black shale and greenish- frosted coarse grains; friable; grades up­ gray sandstone partings______— 2.5 ward into shale. Large fucoids in base_ 4. 7 Basal sandstone. Mudstone, silty, greenish-gray____———— 2. 0 Sandstone and conglomerate, greenish-gray, Siltstone, dark-gray, weathering brown; weathering yellow, brown; poorly sorted micaceous and quartzose, with calcite- sand, silt, granules, and pebbles; larger fllled cavities. Worm tubes, fucoids, and grains tend to be rounded and frosted and poorly preserved brachiopods____——— 6. 5 smaller grains subangular; bedding irregu­ Middle member: lar, with faint cross bedding in thicker Cliff-forming limestone. beds______13. 0 Limestone, greenish-gray and brown, weath­ ering buff, with red bands; fine-grained, Total Martin formation______366. 4 argillaceous______2.6 Pre-Devonian diabase, deeply weathered at contact. Limestone, light gray-brown, dense, sandy in part; thin to medium uneven beds with • calcite specks and cavities. Poorly pre­ served corals and stromatoporoids___ 10. 5 Section 3, Flymg "V" Canyon (SWy^ sec, 16, T. 5 N., R. 18 E*), Limestone, dolomitic, reddish-brown to Gila County, Aris. greenish-gray, fine to medium-crystalline, [Measured about one-quarter mile east of United States Highway No. 60] with calcite cavities; medium beds, 1 to 3 feet thick______L_ 22. 0 Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : Limestone, dolomitic, dark-gray to brown, Naco formation: Limestone, shale, and sandstone, fine to medium-crystalline, with gray with red sandy mudstone and chert breccia 40 feet shaly breaks near top______8. 5 thick at base. Sandstone, greenish-gray, fine-grained, silty, Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Feet with scattered coarse grains; mainly quartzose, breaking across grains, but cal­ Redwall limestone: careous in part; thin irregular lenses with Limestone, white, coarsely crystalline; thin beds, shaly breaks; appears massive in fresh less than 1.5 feet thick. Many large corals cuts ————__———_—______44. 4 and other fossils.————_—_—_—————— 17. 5 Lower member: Limestone, light- to dark-gray, finely crystalline, Light buff-weathering beds. cherty ______— 11. 2 Limestone, mainly light- to dark-gray, buff- Concealed______26.0 weathering; commonly dense and dolo­ Limestone, buff, fine-grained, argillaceous_—— 2. 8 mitic in beds 1 to 3 feet thick, but with Concealed______23. 0 some argillaceous and sandy beds and Limestone, white, weathering gray; mainly partings____—______34. 5 coarsely crystalline; beds 0.5 to 3 feet thick; Sandstone and siltstone, gray, weathering abundant white-weathering chert. Siliciiied reddish brown; silt to medium sand grains fossils ______28. 0 of rounded quartz with calcareous or siliceous cement; faintly cross-bedded_ 12.0 *See note, p. 93. 96 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950

Carboniferous (Mississippian)—Continued Feet Section 5, Prochnow Mines (sec. 25, T. 5 N., R. 17 E*), Gila Redwall limestone—Continued County, Ariz. Limestone, white to gray, finely crystalline; thin- bedded nodules and beds of gray- and white- [Measured above Prochnow asbestos mines, 2.2 miles northeast of banded chert; weak zone forms notch at base of bridge over Salt River on United States Highway No. 60] thin-bedded cherty limestone which lies above Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Feet main massive cliff-forming member. Nu­ Redwall limestone. merous silicified fossils______7. 5 Devonian: Limestone, mainly light-gray, dense, oolitic, and Martin formation: massive; very little chert, but basal 4 feet is Upper member: white, coarsely crystalline cherty limestone. Green shale zone. Cliff-forming member of the Redwall lime­ Limestone, dolomitic, brown, sandy, poorly stone ; grades laterally into rubble limestone_ 76. 5 exposed ______-_-_ 3.0 Limestone, light-gray, stained red and weathering Shale, olive-gray, with thin beds of sand­ gray; dense, oolitic, and massive______14.0 stone; mainly concealed____—___ 42.0 Limestone, dark- to light-gray, finely crystalline and oolitic near base, with calcite cavities; Sandstone, reddish-brown, medium-grained, scattered gray chert nodules; sparingly fos- friable, irregularly bedded______3. 3 siliferous; medium-bedded ______18.0 Dark buff-weathering beds. Limestone, dolomitic, greenish-gray, weath­ Total Redwall limestone- 224.5 ering dark buff; very fine grained, silty; Devonian : forms prominent ledge. Silicified fossils, Martin formation. including Spirifers and Atrypas—_—— 11. 5 Sandstone and granule conglomerate: Con­ glomerate, greenish-yellow, buff-weather­ Section 4, Horseshoe Mine Road (sec. 19, T. 5 N., R. 18 E*) t Qila ing, fine-grained, calcareous, and shaly, County, Arlz. thin-bedded, slabby sandstone with fucoids and small quartz geodes; lower 3 feet [Upper part of Redwall limestone measured in draw west of United granule conglomerate with rounded and States Highway No. 60 and below old road to Horseshoe asbestos mine. Middle and lower parts not measured] frosted grains and granules. Weak slope- forming unit—______—_—_— 20. 0 Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : feet Sandstone, yellowish-green, fine-grained, and Naco formation. shaly______1.3 Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Concealed; probably calcareous sandstone_ 23.5 Redwall limestone: Sandstone, brown, weathering buff; fine­ Limestone, light greenish-gray, coarsely crystal­ grained and calcareous-______5. 6 line ______2.5 Middle member: Limestone, light-gray, finely crystalline, in beds Cliff-forming limestone. 0.3 to 1.5 feet thick, with uneven shale part­ Limestone, gray, red, and brown, weather­ ings; light-gray chert nodules______12.5 ing gray; medium-crystalline, massive, Limestone, shaly, and shale, light gray-green, with thin beds of chert and limestone frag­ weathering gray and buff; finely crystalline; ments ; forms top of limestone cliff____ 6.0 thin slabby beds with Spirophyton-Uke mark­ Limestone, mottled green, gray, and red, ings ; dense gray chert nodules______12. 8 Limestone, dark-gray, fine-grained, massive, weathering blue gray; dense, with numer­ with dark-gray chert nodules______10. 0 ous calcite specks; thin- to thick-bedded-_ 10.0 Limestone, dolomitic in upper part, weathering Limestone, dolomitic, gray, weathering green buff; medium-crystalline and massive, with and brown; finely crystalline, with many dense white chert nodules and gray crinoidal calcite-filled cavities. One locally trace­ limestone beds, weathering to form smooth able bed 10.5 feet above base has numerous rounded outcrops______25. 0± tubes apparently formed by solution of Limestone, white, finely to coarsely crystalline ramose corals or Bryozoa__——____ 22. 0 and crinoidal, thin- to medium-bedded, with Limestone, dolomitic, light-pink, dense, with fossils and gray chert, weathering white__ 29. 0 subconchoidal fracture; many calcite- Limestone, light-gray, finely crystalline, thin- filled cavities; massive, laminated beds— 6. 0 bedded and weak, forming notch. Base of Limestone, dolomitic, gray, finely crystalline thin-bedded cherty upper part of Redwall and sandy, with many calcite-filled cavi­ limestone ______3. 0 ties__-______—___————— 2. 0

*See note, p. *See note, p. 93. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 97 Devonian—Continued Feet Devonian—Continued Feet Martin formation—Continued Martin formation—Continued Middle member—Continued Lower member—Continued Sandstone, gray, weathering buff; fine­ Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, weathering grained, calcareous, slope forming, with gray white; sublithegraphic, with scat­ occasional ledges; shaly in part, with in- tered gray chert nodules and co;arse terbedded gray and black shale in beds up rounded grains of quartz-———————.—— 12. 9 to 0.5 foot thick. Fucoids and molds of Limestone, dolomitic, gray-white, weathering Spirifers in some beds______40. 0 light buff; dense, brittle, with subcon- Lower member: choidal fracture; thin beds of gray c tiert Light buff-weathering beds. and zones of pea-size chert nodules with Limestone, dolomitic, pink, weathering buff; yellow-brown rind; black fissile shale at very sandy, with many rounded and base 0.1 foot thick______5. 9 frosted quartz grains______2.1 Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, weathering Sandstone, gray, weathering dark buff; fine­ white gray; dense, brittle; irregular thin grained and massive in upper part, with to medium beds; large gray chert nodules greenish-gray shale and friable sandstone and zones of small elongate chert nodules near base_———__—__—___—_— 5.5 with yellow-brown rind______9.8 Limestone, gray, dense, rubbly, and shaly, Brown beds. with greenish-gray shale 0.1 foot thick at Limestone, dolomitic, dark-brown, weather­ base______3.1 ing gray brown; dense, with strong petro­ Limestone, dolomitic, pinkish-gray, weather­ liferous odor; irregular bed of black chert ing buff; sandy, with very coarse sand at top______.._ 2.0 grains; forms massive ledge with greenish- Limestone, dolomitic, gray, weathering light gray shale 0.2 foot thick at base_____ 7. 0 gray; dense, massive, containing a few Limestone, pinkish-gray, weathering to buff- gray chert nodules______.._ 11.2 colored rounded blocks; conglomerate, Limestone, brown, weathering dark gray; with quartz sand grains and granules and medium-crystalline, porous; strong petro­ pebbles of limestone with maximum diam­ liferous odor; massive, with irregular eter of 4 millimeters and numerous cavi­ wedges of cross bedding and laminations— 10. 3 ties filled with calcite crystals; greenish- Limestone, dolomitic, gray, dense, thin- gray shale 0.2 feet thick at base_____ 3. 5 bedded, with partings of gray and green Limestone, dolomitic, gray and pink, weath­ sandy shale and sandstone; grades from ering buff; dense, with many calcite sandstone below to limestone above_..__ 3. 5 specks; beds mainly 2 to 3 feet thick and Basal sandstone. sandy near tops, with some rounded and Sandstone, conglomeratic, greenish-gray, frosted grains and granules; three green­ weathering yellow to reddish brown; un­ ish-gray shales, about 1 foot thick, inter- even-grained, fine to coarse, with scattered bedded with limestone______24. 7 granules; larger grains rounded and Shale and siltstone, purple, red, green, and frosted; beds 0.5 to 4 feet thick, with gray, calcareous, and weak; pink to purple shaly partings between some beds ; calcite- dense limestone beds, 0.8 to 1.8 feet thick, filled cavities______.._ 15. 0 interbedded with shale and siltstone____ 13. 4 Sandstone, greenish-gray and red-brown, fine­ Total Martin formation______375.7 grained, glauconitic, micaceous, and shaly, Pre-Devonian: with large calcite crystals in cavities ; thin- Diabase, deeply weathered, red and purple. to medium-bedded; weak, forming slope_ 8. 0 Limestone, white to red, coarsely crystalline, Section 6, RockJiome Butte (sec. SO, T. 6 N., R. 17 E*), Oila apparently clastic; calcite and dolomite County, Ariz. grains with coating of hematite which also [Measured on southwest flank of Rockhouse Butte, about 1% miles penetrates grains along cleavage planes_ 4. 2 north of Seven Star group of asbestos mines (Riedhead mines) ] Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, with pink Tertiary: Feet to red staining, weathering buff; dense and sandy near top and bottom______12.1 Lava; black vesicular basalt capping butte. Barom­ Limestone, dolomitic and cherty, light-gray, eter thickness______135 weathering gray; sublithographic; zone Gravel; mainly quartzite pebbles and cobbles. Barom­ 0.5 foot thick of coarse sand grains and eter thickness______160 chert breccia 8 feet below top; numerous calcite-filled cavities and considerable gray Total Tertiary beds______295 chert______25. 0 Shale, greenish-gray, hard______0. 3 *See note, p. 93. 98 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950

Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Feet Devonian—Continued Feet Redwall limestone: Martin formation—Continued Limestone, in loose blocks; dense to medium- Middle member—Continued crystalline, gray to white. Silicified corals. Concealed; probably fine-grained, yellow- Top taken at highest float of limestone____ 20. 0 brown, calcareous sandstone.—_—_—_ 7. 8 T,imestone, sandy, weathering gray brown; dense, Limestone, brown to gray, medium-grained, thin-bedded, and banded with limestone brec­ and sandy______——————— 1. 5 cia at base; drusy chert on weathered faces— 3. 5 Limestone, dolomitic, gray to brown, Mainly concealed, with dense brown limestone weatherins buff: fine-erained. sandy, with exposed near base______5. 2 scattered fine to coarse grains——_____ 4.5 Limestone, light- to dark-brown, dense, thin- Sandstone, gray to pink, very fine grained, bedded ______5.0 calcareous, friable, and massive——___ 4. 0 Concealed______15. 0 Concealed______2. 5 Limestone, white, weathering gray; medium- to Limestone, dolomitic, brown, weathering coarsely crystalline, sandy; thin-bedded, with buff; fine-grained, sandy__—_—____ 2. 5 faint cross bedding______9. 5 Concealed______—_____ 2. 5 Sandstone, white, weathering buff; mainly Total Redwall limestone______58.2 fine-grained, with some laminations of Devonian: coarse grains; calcareous, friable, massive, Martin formation: with shaly breaks in upper part. Fucoids Upper member: in some beds___—____——_—_—_ 22. 2 Green shale zone. Lower member: Limestone, weathering yellow and pink; Light buff-weathering beds. fine-grained, sandy; brecciated near top_ 5. 0 Limestone, dolomitic, greenish-gray, weather­ Limestone, dolomitic, medium-gray, fine­ ing buff; dense to fine-grained, very sandy, grained, argillaceous, silty; massive, with layers of coarse sand grains; uneven weathering blocky; partly concealed___ 27.5 bedding; calcite-filled cavities———_—_ 8. 6 Limestone, dolomitic, gray, weathering buff; Shale, reddish-brown__—_——_—_— 0. 4 dense and sandy______3.0 Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, stained Shale, greenish-gray______2. 0 pink, weathering buff; dense, sandy, with Concealed______8. 5 Dark buff-weathering beds. distorted bedding; conglomerate and brec­ Sandstone, light yellow-brown, fine-grained, cia in lower part_——_——————___ 6. 5 shaly, calcareous, friable, with scattered Limestone, dolomitic, sandy and argillaceous, elongate stony chert nodules______3.7 light- to dark-gray, weak, eroding back Concealed______9. 0 under a falls; weathers blocky in part; in­ Sandstone, gray, weathering yellow and cludes 1-foot bed" with red concentric- pink; very fine grained, calcareous; thin weathering bands__—______—__—__ 8. 0 to medium beds, with stony gray-brown Limestone, dolomitic, gray-white, chalky, chert nodules forming about 25 percent of weathering light gray, with laminations of rock; quartz and calcite geodes; partly coarse rounded and frosted sand grains and concealed near top. Numerous fucoids_ 23. 9 many calcite specks-—_—__—_—— 9.0 Concealed; slump blocks of quartzose sand­ Limestone, dolomitic and silty, 'very fine stone near top______21. 0 grained, weathering blocky and lavender— 2. 0 Sandstone, gray-brown, weathering buff; very fine grained, calcareous, slabby. Limestone, dolomitic, gray-white, with Fucoids______4. 0 chalky appearance; brittle, with irregular Concealed______-______7. 6 fracture; massive; scattered sand grains Middle member: and calcite-filled cavities—————————— 16. 3 Cliff-forming limestone. Concealed_———————————————————— 8. 0 Limestone, light-gray, dense, massive, Limestone, dolomitic, gray, weathering light shaly near base. Abundant poorly pre­ buff; dense, with scattered sand grains and served stromatoporoids and other fossils lenses of gray-banded chert weathering in upper part______20.5 brown __—_—_————————————__ 5. 4 Limestone, brownish-white, weathering Partly concealed slope with loose blocks and gray; medium-crystalline; massive and outcrops of light-gray, light buff-weather­ sandy in lower part______5. 8 ing dolomitic limestone; partly sandy and Limestone, gray, medium-crystalline, thin- cherty ______——__ 31. 3 to medium-bedded, sandy in upper part; variation in grain size produces banding Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, weathering on weathered surfaces______9. 0 white gray; dense, brittle; many small Limestone, dolomitic, brown, fine-grained. elongate gray chert nodules with brown Many overcalcified ramose fossils. This rind ______—____——————————— 5. 5 bed traceable locally___—_—_____ 0.5 Brown beds. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 99

Devonian—Continued Feet Devonian—Continued Feet Martin formation—Continued ' Martin formation—Continued Lower member—Continued Upper member—Continued Limestone, dolomitic, medium-gray, weather­ Concealed; greenish-gray shale exposed in ing yellow gray; dense, massive, with large a few places______—__—————— 50. 0 masses of gray chert, calcite-filled cavities, Upper buff-weathering beds. and contemporaneous breccia_____— 6.5 Limestone, gray-brown, weathering red Concealed______—______— 6. 5 brown; very fine grained, with scattered Limestone, dolomitic, light-brown to gray, quartz grains; thin-bedded and banded— 9. 0 weathering gray brown; fine-grained, Shale, gray-green, and white to red-brown, sugary; thin uneven beds; petroliferous cross-bedded, medium-grained, calcareous, odor on fresh fractures; limestone and slabby sandstone; partly concealed——— 24.8 chert breccia in upper 2 feet______9.5 Limestone, very sandy, weathering pink, Basal sandstone. with many calcite-filled cavities. Partly Sandstone, gray to red; fine to medium, angu­ silicified crinoid stems, ramose corals, lar to subround grains; calcareous and and brachiopods______— 5. 3 hematitic _—___——____——————— 2. 0 Sandstone, greenish-gray, weathering dark Concealed______2. 6 buff; very fine grained, calcareous, slabby, containing stony gray chert nodules and Total Martin formation—______326. 6 lenses and small quartz geodes; forms Cambrian: cliff ______34. 0 Troy quartzite (?) : Sandstone and quartzite, white Sandstone, white, weathering brown; coarse, to red, fine- to coarse-grained and conglomeratic, uneven-grained, quartzose, with SScolithus- with hematitic and siliceous cement. Top drawn like tubes; large joint blocks slump to at highest bed with siliceous cement____——— 30.0 form rock "cities"; bed is lenticular, with average thickness of______3.7 Concealed; yellow, calcareous, slabby sand­ Section 7, Salt River Draw (sees. 1, 12, 13, T. 6 N., R. 16 J?.*), stone float______19.0 Gila County, Ariz. Middle member. [Measured along Salt River draw from a point three-fourths mile below Cliff-forming limestone. junction with East Tin Roof draw to a point 2 miles above junction, Limestone, gray, dense. Many partly silic­ between 9 and 12 miles south of Grasshopper] ified stromatoporoids______2. 5 Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : Feet Concealed ______2. 7 Naco formation: Red sandy shale and chert breccia Limestone, brown, medium-g rained. (not measured). Crowded corals and stromatoporoids__ 4.1 Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Concealed______5. 4 Redwall limestone: Limestone, brown, weathering gray with Limestone, white, gray, and brown, dense, oolitic, pink stains; medium-grained, sugary; in and medium-crystalline; lower part massive, beds 0.5 to 1.0 foot thick______3. 7 cliff forming, with a gray and brown chert Limestone, gray, dense. Crowded with nodules in zone at top of cliff, 43 feet above stromatoporoids and corals______8. 4 base; upper part loose blocks of cherty Limestone, light-brown to light-gray or crinoidal limestone with silicified fossils in­ white, dense to medium-crystalline; fine cluding corals and brachiopods. Naco red drusy chert scattered through rock. sandy shale infiltrated to base of unit_____ 73.0 Contains a few stromatoporoids______29. 0 Concealed______3.4 Limestone, dolomitic, greenish-gray, finely Limestone, gray-brown, weathering gray; dense crystalline, silty; thin-bedded below, be­ and thick-bedded ______8.8 coming massive above; many calcite-filled Limestone, light brownish-gray, weathering buff; cavities. Ramose corals (?)______23.5 fine to medium-crystalline, with abundant Sandstone. fine to coarse rounded and frosted quartz Sandstone, gray, with red-weathering spots; grains; thin-bedded—————______„ 3.8 very fine grained, blocky Mudstone, green and red, sandy and calcareous______1.4 Total Redwall limestone______89.0 Limestone, brown, weathering pink and gray; sandy and banded, with calcite Devonian: specks in upper part———————————— 1. 9 Martin formation: Sandstone, greenish-gray to white, mainly Upper member: very fine grained, with some medium- to Green shale zone. coarse-grained beds; massive, fucoidal, Limes tone, dolomitic, greenish-gray, weath­ calcareous, weathering blocky in part—— 17. 8 ering light yellow; fine-grained, sugary, silty, and massive, with shaly zones___ 8.0 Siltstone, mottled greenish gray and pink; thin-bedded, slabby, with greenish-gray *See note, p. 93. shale partings-———————————————— 7.1 100 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 Devonian—Continued Feet Devonian—Continued Feet Martin formation—Continued Martin formation—Continued Middle member—Continued Lower member—Continued K Sandstone, gray, stained pink; very fine Limestone, dolomitic, light- to medium- grained, calcareous, slabby; cross bedding brown, weathering darker brown; fine­ and lensing______11.9 grained, sugary; thin, uneven beds, with Lower member: large masses of drusy gray and white Light buff-weathering beds. chert; petroliferous odor on fresh frac­ Limestone, dolomitic, gray to brown, with tures ______11.0 pink staining; fine-grained, sugary; thin Basal sandstone. to medium beds; shaly and blocky weath­ Sandstone, white and gray-green, weather­ ering in lower part______—______11. 9 ing pink and yellow with purple mottling; Limestone, dolomitic, light-brown to white, grains uneven, mainly medium-rounded; dense to fine-grained, sandy, with scat­ calcareous in part; thin to thick beds, tered well-rounded quartz grains and lime­ partly cross-bedded and ripple-marked— 10.2 stone breccia near top. Many branching calcite-filled cavities which may have been Total Martin formation (probably ramose corals originally______12. 3 too great; best outcrops are Concealed ______14. 4 thicker parts of limestone lenses ; Shale, green and red______0. 9 if section could have been meas­ Limestone, dolomitic, brown, fine-grained, ured in smaller area, thickness and sandy______0. 8 shown would probably be less than Limestone, dolomitic, chalky-white, dense, figure given)____———————— 422.5 brittle, massive, with calcite-filled cavities Cambrian: and pink breccia in upper part______14. 0 Troy quartzite. Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray; dense con- choidal fracture in lower part; beds medium to thick; scattered sand grains Section 8, Cliff House Canyon (NWy± sec. 8 and NEV± 5, T. 7 N., and calcite veins and filled cavities, some R. 16 E.*), Gila County, Ariz, of which contain quartz crystal; gray chert [Measured in canyon, beginning just above ruins] bed, half a foot thick at top______13. 0 Limestone, dolomitic, gray-brown, fine­ Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : Feet grained, well-jointed, with much gray and Naco formation : Red sandy shale and chert breccia— 13-18 white chert____.1______4. 0 Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, weathering Redwall limestone: to white conchoidal flakes and blocks; Limestone, in loose blocks; white, gray, and dense thin beds 0.1 to 0.9 foot thick; a few brown, dense to medium-crystalline; brown chert nodules______8. 5 chert nodules; red sandy shale infiltrated to Shale and dolomitic limestone, greenish-gray, base. Partly silicified crinoid stems and interbedded______2.8 corals ______. 63. 0 Limestone, dolomitic, light gray-white, dense, medium-bedded, silty; conchoidal Devonian: fracture develops on weathering______6. 5 Martin formation: Shale and siltstone, greenish-gray, inter- Upper member: bedded______1.5 Green shale, zone. Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray to brown, Mainly concealed; exposures of gray, shaly, dense, with scattered sand grains in some thin-bedded, fine-grained, blocky-weather- beds; thin- to medium-bedded, with green ing limestone______——————————— 30. 0 shale partings______:__ 17. 0 Limestone, brown, weathering red brown; Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, dense, medium - crystalline; locally traceable. brittle, breaking to irregular blocks, with Abundant silicified fossils___—————— 1. 0 some large gray chert nodules and a rela­ Dark buff-weathering beds. Sandstone, white, stained red; very fine tively few small elongate chert nodules with yellow-brown rind______5.8 grained, calcareous, friable; very thin Brown beds. bedded______7. 2 Limestone, brown, weathering red brown; Limestone, dolomitic, light- to dark-gray, medium-crystalline, with masses of white weathering gray and pink; dense, massive, chert; locally traceable. Abundant silici­ brecciated in part; gray-banded chert nod­ fied fossils, including Prismatophyllums, ules with brown rind; thin uneven shaly Atrypas, Spirifers, and others_———___ 3. 0 beds in upper part______8. 8 Concealed—______3.0 *See note, p. 93. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 101 Devonian—Continued Feet Devonian—Continued Feet Martin formation—Continued Martin formation—Continued Upper member—Continued Middle member—Continued Sandstone, yellow, very fine grained, cal­ Sandstone and sandy shale: Thin beds of •"* careous, thin-bedded, and poddy; consider­ red shale and blocky red sandstone, with able stony gray and brown chert and a few interbedded quartzose sandstone lenses geodes______17. 0 0.5 to 1.0 foot thick______23. 0 Chert and limestone. Green and purple Sandstone, red-brown, with green mottling; chert and red, medium-grained, uneven- medium-grained sand, mainly quartz with bedded limestone. Fossiliferous. Recog­ about 10 percent calcite rhombs; massive, nizable at localities 9 and 10______1. 8 blocky, friable, becoming shaly in upper Limestone, gray, weathering red brown; part and grading into overlying unit—__ 7. 8 medium-grained, fossiliferous, and very Lower member: sandy, grading from underlying sand­ Light buff-weathering beds. stone ______7.0 Limestone, brown and white, medium- Sandstone, gray, weathering brown ; medium crystalline and sandy______—— 3. 3 to coarse, mainly rounded and frosted Limestone, dolomitic; gray below, becoming quartz grains, with siliceous cement; chalky white above ; dense, with many cal­ strongly cross bedded. A few fish plates_ 12. 4 cite specks; scattered sand grains in basal Limestone, gray and brown, weathering part______——______- 19. 0 brown; dense to medium-grained, sandy, Limestone, dolomitic, gray, weathering buff; thin- to thick-bedded. Abundant stroma- fine-grained, sandy, and cherty; resistant toporoids and corals______12. 0 in upper part, forming overhanging lip of Sandstone and limestone conglomerate, gray, falls______9. 7 uneven-grained, massive, calcareous, and Mudstone, gray and pink, calcareous, blocky- weak, with shaly zones. Ramose corals in weathering______—______—_ 4. 0 some beds______15. 0 Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray to white, Limestone, gray and red-brown, dense, mas­ dense, with scattered grains of quartz and sive in lower part and medium-bedded shale partings____—______———— 13. 0 above. Abundant corals and stromato- Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray and pink, poroids ______12. 7 weathering buff; dense, sandy, thin- to Sandstone, white, fine-grained, calcareous, medium-bedded; blocky in upper part; friable, and slabby; lower part concealed_ 11. 5 chert nodules and stringers along joints_ 24. 0 Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, dense, with Middle member. blocky fracture; contains small elongate Cliff-forming limestones. chert nodules with brown rind, large chert Limestone, gray and pink, fine-grained, very nodules, and sand grains near top___ 3. 8 sandy along cross-bedding planes; resist­ Brown beds. ant, forming ledge______7. 5 Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, dense, Limestone, brown, medium-grained, sandy, sandy, brecciated______4. 5 and fossiliferous______9. 0 Limestone, brown, fine-grained, sugary; thin Limestone, dolomitic, brown, weathering uneven beds; petroleum odor on fresh frac­ gray and red; dense, massive, with many tures ______16.0 calcite-filled cavities______11. 5 Basal sandstone. Limestone and sandstone: Intergrading, Not recognized. ———— brown to gray, reddish brown-weathering, Total Martin formation______403. 2 finely crystalline, sandy limestone and fine- Cambrian: to coarse-grained sandstone with many Troy quartzite (?) : Sandstone, red and white, grains rounded and frosted____j____ 39. 5 weathering brown ; loosely cemented, calcareous in Limestone, gray to brown, weathering gray part, cross-bedded, with granule and pebble con­ and rough; medium-crystalline, massive, glomerate beds; forms overhanging ledges. Esti­ fossiliferous, sandy and conglomeratic mated exposed thickness 100 feet. near base—______20. 0 •Sandstone, gray; medium to coarse rounded grains; massive, calcareous, grading up­ Section 9, Oak Creek Indian Farms (sec. 32, T. 8 N., R. 16 E.*), ward into sandy limestone with thin beds Gila County, Arlz. of sand and limestone pebbles; numerous [Composite section measured along three creeks tributary to Oak Creek, calcite-filled cavities______22. 5 about 1 mile east of Oak Creek Indian village and about 2.5 miles Xiimestone, dolomitic, gray, weathering yel­ southwest of Grasshopper] low and gray; dense and sandy______5. 5 Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : Sandstone, white, red, and brown ; grains un­ Naco formation: Chert float covering top of hill__— 20. 0 even, fine to medium-rounded, and frosted ; calcareous, massive, becoming shaly and filabby near top______29. 0 *See note, p. 93. 102 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950

Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Feet Devonian—Continued Feet Redwall limestone: Martin formation—Continued Limestone, dense, light-gray, in loose blocks. Upper member—Continued Crinoid stems and large cup corals______19.0 Limestone, white and gray, weathering gray, Limestone, greenish-gray, weathering pinkish brown, and red; dense to medium-grained, gray; dense, sugary in upper part; crinoidal_ 5.0 sugary; thin to medium beds; nodular in Limestone, crystalline, dark-gray, dense to fine­ upper part. Crowded with corals and grained-______3. 0 stromatoporoids in places—_—___—— 15.0 Limestone, red and gray, sandy and conglom­ Sandstone, conglomerate, and sandy lime­ eratic, with rounded and frosted quartz grains stone, gray and brown, fine- to coarse­ and red limestone pebbles up to 10 millimeters grained, with quartzite, chert, and lime­ in diameter___=______2.5 stone pebbles; very unevenly cross- bedded ; lensing, with thick beds pinching Total Redwall limestone______29.5 out in tens of feet______— 5-30.0 Middle and lower members absent. Devonian: Martin formation: Total Martin formation- 80± Upper member. Cambrian : Green shale zone. Troy quartzite. Concealed______3. 5 Shale, gray-green, breaking to thin flakes_ 2. 5 Dark buff-weathering beds. Section 10, Spring Canyon (sec. 86, T. 9 N., R. 15y2 E*), Sandstone, gray and brown, weathering buff; County, Ariis. fine-grained, thin-bedded, very calcareous, grading laterally into sandy limestone; [Measured in Spring Canyon, near Chediski Indian farms] many small quartz geodes and calcite-filled cavities______7. 0 Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : Feet Chert and sandy limestone, red-gray and Naco formation: green, weathering pink to purple; dense, Limestone, gray, dense, nodular. Contains oolitic. Fossiliferous, including crinoid Chaetetes______————————————— 3.0 stems and the following, identified by G. A. Shale and chert breccia, red sandy shale, and Cooper: Prismatopliyllum, Cyrtospirifer residual chert breccia; red chert pebble con­ whitneyi Hall, two species of Atrypa, glomerate 25 feet above base—————————— 35. ± Spirifer hungerfordi (Hall and Whitfield), Carboniferous (Mississippian) : 8.- orestes (Hall and Whitfield), and Redwall limestone: Tylothyrisf sp______1.5 Limestone, gray to white, weathering blue gray; Sandstone, gray, with wavy light and dark fine to medium-crystalline; oolitic in upper banding, weathering yellow and pink; fine­ part, massive and thin-bedded below_———— 35.0 grained, calcareous, slabby; thin to medium beds; a few quartzose lenses, fos­ sils, and geodes____———______13. 0 Devonian: Chert and siliceous limestone, brown and Martin formation: gray, dense. Following fossils identified Upper member: by G. A. Cooper: Spirifer hungerfordi, Green shale zone. 8. orestes, Schisophoria iowensis, Atrypa Sandstone and green shale, partly concealed; sp______0. 5 sandstone, fine-grained, uneven-bedded, Sandstone, gray, white, and red-brown, calcareous, gray, with a few geodes weathering pink and buff; uneven-grained, weathering to thin red and yellow slabs. very calcareous, cross-bedded in part; a A few poorly preserved fossils——————— 8. 0 few small pebbles and fossils______10.0 Dark buff-weathering beds. Limestone, gray-brown, weathering pink and Limestone, red- and yellow-brown, sandy, gray; dense, sandy, grading laterally and and chert. Silicified fossils, including vertically into sandstone. In places Platyrachella and Atrypa (identified by crowded with corals and stromatoporoids, G. A. Cooper), and crinoid stems————— 1.5 including digitate Favosites, Cladoporas, Sandstone, weathering pink and yellow and Stromatoporas, identified by G. A. brown; fine- to coarse-grained, with a few Cooper ______6.0 limestone pebbles up to 25 millimeters long; Sandstone, gray, weathering pink and thin slabby beds. Traces of fossils, prob­ yellow; very fine grained, with scattered ably digitate corals and stromatoporoids— 11. 5 coarse, rounded grains; calcareous; thin to thick bedding. Traces of fossils____ 15. 0 *See note, p. 93. DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 103 Devonian—Continued Feet Devonian: Feet Martin formation—Continued Martin formation: Upper member—Continued Limestone and calcareous sandstone, conglomer­ Limestone, gray-brown, weathering gray; atic near base with rounded pebbles of dense; medium-thick beds in lower part quartz and quartzite, overlain by sandy and becoming shaly and sandy in upper part granular limestone; thin-bedded in upper part. with coarse, rounded and frosted quartz Poorly preserved corals and stromatoporoids. grains. Abundant small corals, including No detailed section measured; thickness ob­ . Alveolites f, digitate Favosites, and Clado- tained by pace and compass traverse and pora (identified by G. A. Cooper), and barometer elevations______300± stromatoporoids______11. 0 Cambrian: Troy quartzite (?) : Quartzite, pink, medium-grained, Middle and lower members absent. massive, and strongly fractured. Total Martin formation. 32.0 Cambrian: Troy quartzite. Section 13, Tonto Creek (Promontory Butte quadrangle), Coconino County, Ariz,

Section 11, O. W. Ranch (SWy* sec. 34, T. 10y2 N., R. 15 E.), [Lower part of Martin formation measured at junction of Tonto and Qila County, Ariz. Horton Creeks about 1 mile north of Kohl Ranch ; upper part of sec­ tion measured about half a mile north in east wall of Tonto Creek] [Measured in east wall of a tributary to Canyon Creek, across the ranch Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : road, about 2 miles south of the ranch buildings. The O. W. Ranch was formerly called the Ramer Ranch] Naco formation : Limestone, gray, dense, nodular, with red chert. Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : Poorly preserved productids and spirifers. —— 2.0 Naco formation : Limestone ; shale ; chert breccia. Siltstone, mudstone, and chert breccia: Mainly Partly concealed. red to dark-purple, sandy and pebbly siltstone Carboniferous (Mississippian) : and mudstone weathering blocky ; chert breccia Redwall limestone : mostly in lower part, especially in depressions Limestone, gray, dense, and fossiliferous, in in underlying Redwall limestone; apparently loose blocks ______2-3 filled sinkholes ; upper 12 feet mainly concealed- 27-44 Devonian : Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Martin formation: Redwall limestone : Limestone, dense, weathering Limestone and sandstone ; basal 10 feet con­ yellow and gray ; mainly loose blocks separated by glomeratic, overlain by gray to brown dense infiltrated red siltstone. Poorly preserved cup dolomitic limestone, medium-bedded and sandy corals, brachiopods, and gastropods ———————— 28-45 in places ; upper 35 feet includes gray, mainly fine-grained sandstone and sandy limestone Devonian: that weather pink and buff and contain a few Martin formation: poorly preserved fossils. No detailed section Upper member: measured ______110 Pre-Cambrian : Green shale zone. Mescal limestone ( ?) : Dolomite and quartzite, thin- Seventy-five percent concealed; outcrops of bedded and ferruginous ______40± thin-bedded, fine-grained calcareous sand­ stone and sandy limestone weathering yellow and pink. A few poorly preserved Section 12, Colcord Canyon (sec. 34, T. 10^ N., R. 14 E.), fossils ———————————————————— - 17.5 Coconino County, Ariz. Dark buff-weathering beds. Sandstone, brown, weathering yellow and [Measured in Colcord Canyon about three-fourths mile southwest of pink; uneven-grained; mainly coarse, cal­ Hunt Ranch (see map of , edition of 1941, careous, and massive_—————————— 7.0 published by Department of Agriculture, Forest Ser\^ce] Limestone, gray, weathering yellow and Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : Feet pink; dense, sandy, with scattered rounded Naco formation: Limestone and shale. Not meas­ quartz grains; thin-bedded and slabby—— 12. 0 ured. Limestone, gray-brown, weathering yellow, Shale and chert breccia consisting of red sandy mud- pink, and gray; medium- to coarsely crys­ stone enclosing blocks of white chert______30.0 talline, with scattered grains of fine sand- 5.5 Carboniferous (Mississippian) : Sandstone, gray, weathering brown and pink; Redwall limestone: grains uneven, fine to coarse, with larger Limestone, white, granular, oolitic; thin-bedded ones rounded and frosted; calcareous, near base and loose blocks in upper part. cross-bedded, massive, becoming slabby on Abundant corals______30-40 weathering____—__—————————— 16.5 104 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950

Devonian—Continued Feet Section 14, East Verde River, Pine quadrangle, Ariz. Martin formation—Continued Upper member—Continued [Measured in draw about half a mile east of bridge over .Bast Verde Sandstone and limestone, gray, weathering River on Pine-Payson highway and in highway cuts and valleys east of Sycamore Creek and about 1% miles north of East Verde River buff and pink: Thin-bedded, fine- to bridge. About 6 miles north of Payson. Differs considerably from medium-grained, very calcareous sand­ same section as reported by Stoyanow (1926, pp. 313, and 1936, p. stone; dense, very sandy limestone beds 499). Authors were unable to recognize Stoyanow's units or to under­ stand just what he included in his Sycamore Creek formation or less than 1 foot thick______24.0 member, even though this is its type section] Sandstone, greenish-gray, weathering buff and pink; grains uneven, medium, mainly Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian) : Feet subangular to rounded; very calcareous; Naco formation : Siltstone, shale, and limestone, with massive, partly cross-bedded, with bed of basal member of red mudstone and chert breccia. white fine-grained quartzose sandstone at Carboniferous (Mississippian) : top of unit______15.5 Redwall limestone: Middle member (?) : Limestone, white and gray, finely to coarsely Limestone, gray, white, and gray-brown, crystalline, with a few nodules of gray, dense weathering gray; lower part medium-crys­ chert; mainly loose blocks with infiltrated red talline, becoming finely crystalline in upper sandy mudstone from overlying Naco forma­ part; massive in places, but upper part tion. Large corals near top—_————————— 65. 0 becomes sandy and thinner-bedded lat­ Limestone, mottled gray and red, dolomitic in. erally. Abundant ramose calcite-filled lower part;' sandy and conglomeratic, with cavities which may be overcalcified corals small pebbles less than 10 millimeters in di­ or bryozoans______26. 0 ameter. Worn fragments of Cladoporas——— 2. 0 Limestone, dolomitic, gray, stained pink; dense to finely crystalline, sandy, with Total Redwall limestone______67. 0 coarse rounded grains; thin to medium beds 0.05 to 2.0 feet thick; brown and Devonian: white chert nodules near the base and Martin formation: small hematite nodules near top. Slope Upper member: former, about 10-percent concealed___ 72. 5 Siltstone, gray- and green-banded, weather­ Sandstone, gray, stained pink; uneven- ing whitish gray ; calcareous; massive in grained, with some coarse grains rounded fresh outcrops but thin-bedded and shaly and frosted; conglomeratic in places, with when weathered. Unever contact with pebbles 3 to 5 millimeters in diameter; overlying Redwall limestone______16. 0 massive, calcareous, cross-bedded; forms Limestone, yellow- and red-brown, finely falls in Tonto Creek______33. 6 crystalline, very sandy. Numerous fossils, Lower member: mainly corals and brachiopods______2.0 Limestone, white, stained red; coarsely crys­ Limestone, greenish-gray, very fine grained, talline, weak; forms partly concealed calcareous, weathering shaly; cherry and slope______..______25.0 fossiliferous ______7. 5 Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, dense, with Limestone, gray, weathering pink; medium- hackly fracture; thin beds and sandy crystalline, cherty at top. Contains silici- laminations, with rounded and frosted fied fossils—______2. 5 quartz grains and subangular pink grains; About 90-percent concealed; ledges of yellow­ thins laterally with loss of lower part__ 9. 0 ish-brown calcareous sandstone containing Sandstone and limestone breccia: Gray, quartz geodes. Silicified fossils______38. 0 arkosic, calcareous, massive, medium- to Limestone, white to gray-brown, weathering coarse-grained sandstone stained pink and buff; fine to medium-crystalline, sandy in changing laterally into limestone breccia_ 10. 0 part, with thin layers of rounded and Limestone, dolomitic, light-gray, dense, thin- frosted quartz grains; thin- to medium- bedded, and blocky_—______,_____ 3. 7 bedded. Silicified Cladoporas near middle. Conglomerate and arkose, red to pink; 'Partly concealed in upper part——————— 33. 0 matrix composed of angular to rounded Limestone, dolomitic, light-brown, weather­ feldspar, quartz, and green-mineral grains, ing buff; fine to medium-crystalline, with scattered angular to rounded quartz and calcite-lined cavities and small quartz quartzite pebbles averaging 20 to 30 milli­ geodes. Fifty-percent concealed_____ 37.0 meters in diameter in upper part and Limestone, gray, weathering gray brown; angular boulders of granite and quartzite fine-grained, sandy and silty, thin-bedded- 22. 0 in lower 4 feet______35. 0 Sandstone, gray to pink, with streaks of brown along bedding; fine-grained, Total Martin formation______312.8 very calcareous, massive, forming strong Pre-Cambrian: rounded outcrops; numerous calcite-filled Granite; green hornblende phase with large pink feldspars. cavities_———.————————————————— 8. 0 DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 105 Devonian—Continued Feet Devonian—Continued •Pee* Martin formation—Continued Martin formation—Continued Upper member—Continued Lower member—Continued Limestone, gray to brown, weathering gray Limestone, dark-gray to black, weathering to buff; dense to fine-grained, sandy, thin- brown and gray; fine-grained; bedding bedded. About 40-percent concealed___ 28.0 lenticular and irregular, with thin beds Middle member (?) : and laminations within lenses; sandy near Limestone, gray-white, mottled red; fine­ base, gray to white chert nodules near grained, sandy and silty, with scattered top; many calcite-filled cavities; strong rounded and frosted quartz grains; mainly petroleum odor throughout. Forms massive______6. 0 a cliff ______20.0 Limestone, gray to white, weathering light Limestone, dolomitic and cherty, gray and gray; dense to finely crystalline, sandy, brown, weathering white; dense; very with rounded and frosted quartz grains thin, uneven beds with green shale scattered through rock and concentrated partings______———__—__ 2. 5 along bedding planes; mainly massive; Sandstone, weathering mottled pink and cliff forming______23. 0 brown, probably greenish gray when Limestone, white, weathering gray; very fresh; medium-grained, calcareous, be­ sandy, with calcareous sandstone and brec­ coming coarse-grained and arkosic near cia at base; massive______8.8 top; weak, forming partly covered slope Sandstone, brown, weathering gray white to with occasional cliffs______30. 0 brown ; mainly medium subangular to sub- round quartz grains; calcareous, with Total Martin formation______386.1 lenses of quartzose cement; grades up­ Cambrian: ward into limestone______13. 5 Tapeats sandstone (?) : Lower member: Sandstone, white, arkosic, conglomeratic, with Limestone, dolomitic, pink and white, fine­ subangular pebbles up to 20 millimeters in grained, sugary, argillaceous, weathering diameter. Forms top of cliff-—______7. 0 to rounded blocks______2. 6 Sandstone, conglomeratic, red, white, and brown, Fifty-percent concealed; dolomitic limestone, weathering brown; fine to coarse, subangular pink and yellow, impure, dense, and brittle, to subrounded sand grains of quartz, rotten with conchoidal fracture; sandy near top_ 27. 0 feldspar, and biotite; pebbles 0.4 to 15 milli­ Limestone, gray and pink, weathering buff; meters in diameter, mainly quartz and chert dense and argillaceous, with scattered cal- but including some granite fragments near cite crystals—_—______5.0 base; massive, cross-bedded, weathering Limestone, grayish-white, weathering white; slabby______33. 0 dense. About 20-percent concealed____ 10. 5 Pre-Cambrian: Limestone, light- to medium-gray, weather­ Granite, with weathered zone about 3 feet thick at ing gray and buff; dense, with conchoidal top. fracture; scattered sand grains; calcite- filled cavities; beds 1 to 2 feet thick, prob­ ably separated by thin gray shales. Slope- Section 15, Roosevelt Dam, Roosevelt quadrangle, Ariz. forming unit; about 25-percent covered_ 15. 0 Limestone, slightly dolomitic, light- to [Measured on both sides of reservoir (Roosevelt Lake) immediately above dam] medium-gray, weathering gray and buff; dense, with conchoidal fracture; scattered Devonian: Feet sand grains in some beds. Ramose cal- Martin formation: cite-filled cavities, possibly overcalcified Upper and Middle members (section incomplete, corals or Bryozoa______22. 0 faulted at top) : Limestone, slightly dolomitic, gray to brown, Sandstone, brown, fine-grained at base, be­ dense, and brittle; small, thin, dense gray coming coarse-grained above; calcareous. 18. 0 chert nodules with brown rind_____ 4.0 Sandstone, brown, fine-grained, calcareous, Breccia of limestone and chert without bed­ fucoidal, and thick-bedded-___—————— 14.0 ding ; blocks of gray- and red-banded chert Siltstone, brown, calcareous. Contains nu­ with maximum diameter of 1 foot, frag­ merous molds of Spirifers and Atrypas__ 1. 5 ments of small brown chert nodules, and Sandstone, yellowish-brown, uneven-grained, blocks of porous white sandstone and lime­ calcareous, in beds 1 to 3.5 feet thick__ 33. 0 stone ; some of chert blocks broken and off­ Limestone, brown, medium-crystalline, and set 3 to 4 inches______——__ 2. 2 sandy, in beds 1 to 4 feet thick______18. 0 106 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 Devonian—Continued Feet Cambrian: Feet Martin formation—Continued Troy quartzite: Sandstone and conglomerate, red and Upper and Middle members—Continued greenish-gray, weathering red brown; fine- to Sandstone, yellow-brown, fine- to medium- coarse-grained, containing grains ranging from grained, calcareous, with thin quartzose granules to pebbles 60 millimeters in diameter; pods and lenses; massive beds_—___— 9. 0 grains mainly angular to rounded quartz, but ang­ Sandstone, yellow and brown, fine-grained ular feldspar grains present in lower part; massive and calcareous, with wavy laminations_ 22. 0 and cross-bedded below, and thin to medium-thick Sandstone and siltstone grading into sandy beds with green shale partings in upper part. and silty limestone, yellow-brown, thin- Similar in lithology to the Tapeats sandstone near bedded. Molds of fenestellids near top_ 77. 0 Pine and Payson. Sandstone, brown, fine- to medium-grained, quartzose, vitreous on fresh fractures and Section 16, Windy Point, Roosevelt quadrangle, Ariz. breaking across grain; lenticular beds___ 2. 5 Sandstone, brown and pink, weathering buff; [Measured at Windy Point (Windy Hill), on Roosevelt Lake. This silt to medium sand grains; calcareous, section was measured by Stoyanow (1936, p. 493) at a time of low water. He reported 141 feet of limestone at the base, but no lime­ massive, and cross-bedded. Poorly pre­ stone was exposed at the time of the authors' visit in August 1944. served Spirifers near top______38. 0 The authors' section shows a greater thickness of sandstone than Sandstone, conglomeratic; lower part brown, reported by Stoyanow. It is not clear whether this is due to a differ­ ence in the description of the beds or to a difference in the amount upper part greenish gray; subangular to of correction for dip. The authors measured the section with tape, subround medium sand grains with scat­ rod, and hand level and used an average dip of 16°] tered pebbles of quartz up to 6 millimeters Tertiary: Feet in diameter; beds 1 to 3 feet thick, cross- Gila conglomerate. bedded in lower part and becoming slabby Carboniferous (Missisippian) : and shaly in upper part______12. 0 Kedwall limestone: • Lower member: Limestone, gray and white, dense to coarsely crys­ Light buff-weathering beds. talline, and crinoidal, in beds 3 to 5 feet thick, Limestone, dolomitic, greenish-gray and containing dense white chert nodules. Silici- purple, argillaceous, weathering blocky_ 8. 0 fied fossils, including solitary and colonial Limestone, dolomitic, light- to dark-gray and corals ______—__ 66.0 brown, dense, silty in uppermost third; Limestone, light- to dark-gray, in beds 2 to 6 feet beds 1 foot thick or less, probably sepa­ thick, containing dense gray chert nodules. rated by thin shales. About 20-percent Silicified corals. About 20-percent concealed- 60.0 concealed ______78. 0 Limestone, buff to yellow-brown, finely crystal­ Concealed; dense, medium- to dark-gray line, in beds 2 to 4 feet thick. Silicified corals______—————————————— 37. 0 dolomitic limestone float similar to lime­ Limestone, white, coarsely crystalline, and stone above; zone of small dense gray crinoidal; beds 1 to 3 feet thick-______12. 0 chert nodules with brown rind near base of unit—_—______30. 0 Total Redwall limestone______175.0 Brown beds. Limestone, dolomitic, medium-brown, finely Devonian: crystalline, with a few calcite-filled cavi­ Martin formation: ties; bedding irregular, with lenses of Upper and middle members (?) : laminated limestone______17. 0 Sandstone, reddish-brown and buff, fine­ Limestone, dolomitic, dense, light-brown, grained, very calcareous, with pods and interbedded with green shale having lenses of quartzose sandstone; cross-bed­ rounded fine to coarse sand grains; beds ded______29.0 0.1 foot thick or less______3. 3 Sandstone and shale: Purplish-gray, thin- Basal sandstone. bedded, fine-grained, calcareous, shaly sandstone in lower part, calcareous shale Sandstone, light greenish-gray, weathering with sandstone lenses in upper part. brown with red streaks; fine-grained cal­ Partly concealed______37. 0 careous matrix with scattered large Sandstone, brown and green, medium- to rounded and frosted grains; beds thin to coarse-grained, with scattered quartz gran­ medium-thick______15. o ules; weak and crinoidal in lower part, but upper part is massive and cross-bed­ Total Martin formation______16. 5 ded and forms cliff__—______21. 0 DEVONIAN AND MISSISSIPPIAN ROCKS OF CENTRAL ARIZONA 107 Devonian—Continued Feet Devonian: Feet Martin formation—Continued Martin formation: Upper and middle members—Continued Upper and middle members: Sandstone, brown and red, calcareous; Green shale zone. mainly fine-grained, but contains rounded Limestone, gray to brown, massive, .granular and frosted coarse quartz grains and gran­ to oolitic. Small and fragmentary fossils- 5. 0 ules ; lower 7 feet massive and resistant, Limestone, dolomitic, gray, dense, and argil­ upper part weak and slabby______26.0 laceous ______45. 0 Sandstone, pink, yellow, and brown, calcar­ Shale, greenish-gray______—_—— 25.0 eous, mainly fine-grained, with scattered Dark buff-weathering beds and cliff-forming coarse rounded and frosted quartz grains; limestone. bedding ranges from laminations to beds Limestone, dolomitic, brown, weathering buff 2.5 feet thick, with some cross bedding. with pink and red stains; fine-grained. A few crinoid stems and suggestions of Fossiliferous, containing numerous Atry- other fossils in lower part. Resistant, pas______10.0 forming cliff______32. 0 Limestone, gray and brown, weathering buff Sandstone, green, brown, and red, very fine­ and gray; medium to coarsely crystalline; grained, calcareous, weak, thin-bedded, sandy in upper part, with rounded fine weathering to rounded blocks 1 to 2 inches grains of quartz scattered through rock in diameter ; contains calcite-filled cavities. and along planes of cross bedding; thin to Molds of brachiopods______83. 0 medium beds. Fossiliferous, containing Sandstone, brown; grains uneven, ranging crinoid stems, fenestellids, Schizophorias, from medium sand grains to granules; cal­ and Atrypas______—— 60-70.0 careous, with quartzose lenses; cross- Sandstone. bedded______15.0 Sandstone and granule conglomerate, gray, Sandstone, brown, gray, and red, weathering weathering brown; mainly calcareous but reddish brown ; fine-grained, with scattered including lenses of quartzose sandstone up coarse grains; calcareous; bedding un­ to half a foot thick; grains uneven, rang­ even, ranging from thin and slabby to mas­ ing from fine sand to granules, many of sive and cross-bedded______57.0 which are rounded and frosted; locally cross-bedded______—__—— 25-35.0 Total Martin formation______300. 0 Lower member: Water level of Roosevelt Lake. Light buff-weathering beds. Limestone, dolomitic, medium-gray, weather­ ing buff and gray; dense to fine-grained, Section 17, Gold Gulch, Globe quadrangle, Ariz. arenaceous, with scattered rounded and frosted sand grains an

LITERATURE CITED MEREIAM, C. W., 1940, Devonian stratigraphy and paleontol­ ogy of the Roberts Mountains region, Nevada: Geol. Soc. BASS, N. W., 1944, Correlation of the basal Permian and older America Special Paper 25, 114 pp. rocks in southwestern Colorado, northwestern New NOBLE, L. F., 1922, A section of the Paleozoic formations of the Mexico, northeastern Arizona, and southeastern Utah: Grand Canyon at the B. ass Trail: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. U. S. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Pre­ Paper 131. liminary Chart 7. NOLAN, T. B., 1928, A late Paleozoic positive area in Nevada: BEADY, L. F., 1933, New Devonic area in northern Arizona: Pan- Am. Jour. Sci,, 5th ser., vol. 16, pp. 153-161. Am. Geologist, vol. 60, pp. 303-304. ————, 1943, The Basin and Range province in Utah, Nevada, COOPER, G. A., and others, 1942, Correlation of the Devonian and Colorado: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 197-D. sedimentary formations of North America: Geol. Soc. RANSOME, F. L., 1904, Geology and ore deposits of the Bisbee America Bull., vol. 53, pp. 1729-1793. quadrangle, Arizona: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 21. DAETON, N. H., 1925, A resume of Arizona geology: Arizona ———, 1915, The Paleozoic section in the Ray quadrangle, Bur. Mines Bull. 119, 298 pp. Arizona: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., vol. 5, pp. 380- ————, 1932, Algonkian strata of Arizona and western Texas 388. [abstract]: Washington Acad. Sci. Jour., vol. 22, p. 319. ————, 1916, Some Paleozoic sections in central Arizona and FENNEMAN, N. M., 1931, Physiography of western United States, their correlation: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 98-K. 534 pp., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. ————, 1923, U. S. Geol. Survey Geol. Atlas, Ray folio (no. 217). GILBERT, C. K., 1875, Keport on the geology of portions of Nevada, READ, C. B., and WOOD, G. H., Jr., 1947, Distribution and correla­ Utah, California, and Arizona: .U. S. Geog. and Geol. tion of Pennsylvanian rocks in late Paleozoic sedimentary Survey W. 100th Mer. Kept., vol. 3, pp. 17-187. basins of northern New Mexico: Jour. Geology, vol. 55, GiLLULY, JAMES, 1946, The Ajo mining district, Arizona: U. S. pp. 220-236. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 209. SCHUCHEET, CHARLES, 1910, Paleogeography of North America: GUTSCHICK, R. C., 1943, The Redwall limestone (Mississippian) Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 20, pp. 427-606. of Yavapai County, Arizona: Plateau, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. SHORT, M. N., and others, 1943, Geology and ore deposits of the 1-11. Superior mining area, Arizona: Arizona Univ., Arizona HINDS, N. E. A., 1936a, Ep-Archean and Ep-Algonkian intervals Bur. Mines, Bull. 151, 159 pp. in western United States: Carnegie Inst. Washington STAINBROOK, M. A., 1947, Brachiopoda of the Percha shale of Pub. 463, pp. 1-52. New Mexico and Arizona: Jour. , vol. 21, ———, 1936b, Uncompahgran and Beltian deposits in western pp. 297-328. North America: Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. 463, pp. STEVENSON, F. V., 1945, Devonian of New Mexico: Jour. Geol­ 53-136. ogy, vol. 53, pp. 217-245. HUDDLE, J. W., and DOBROVOLNY, ERNEST, 1945, Late Paleozoic STATTPFER, C. R., 1928a, The Devonian section on Pinal Creek, stratigraphy of central and northern Arizona: U. S. Arizona: Ohio Jour. Sci., vol. 28, p. 152 (abstract), pp. Geol. Survey Oil and Gas Investigations Preliminary 253-260. Chart 10. ———, 1928b, Devonian of the , Arizona: KINDLE, E. M., 1909, The Devonian fauna of the Ouray lime­ Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 39, pp. 429-433. stone : U. S. Geol. Survey Bull. 391. STOYANOW, A. A., 1930, Certain aspects of the Devonic in KIRK, EDWIN, 1931, The Devonian of Colorado: Am. Jour. Sci., Arizona [abstract]: Pan-Amer. Geologist, vol. 53, pp. 5th ser., vol. 22, pp. 222-239. 316-317. KBUMBEIN, W. C., 1948, Lithofacies maps and regional sedi- ———, 1936, Correlation of Arizona Paleozoic formations: mentary-stratigraphic analysis: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 47, pp. 459-540. Geologists Bull., vol. 32, pp. 1909-1923. ———, 1942, Paleozoic paleogeography of Arizona: Geol. Soc. LATTSEN, C., and WILSON, E. D., 1925, Gold and copper deposits America Bull., vol. 53, pp. 1255-1282. near Payson, Arizona: Ariz. Univ., Arizona Bur. Mines, VER WIEBE, W. A., 1932, Present distribution and thickness of Bull. 120, 44 pp. Paleozoic systems: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 43, LINDGREN, WALDEMAB, 1905, The copper deposits of the Clifton- pp. 495-540. Morenci district, Arizona: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. WALCOTT, C. D., 1890, Study of a line of displacement in the Paper 43. Grand Canyon of the Colorado in northern Arizona: McKEE, E. D., 1945, Cambrian history of the Grand Canyon Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 1, pp. 49-64. region: Carnegie Inst. Washington Pub. 563, pp. 3-168. WILSON, E. D., 1939, Pre-Cambrian Mazatzal revolution in ———, 1947, Paleozoic seaways in western Arizona: Am. As­ central Arizona: Geol. Soc. America Bull., vol. 50, pp. soc. Petroleum Geologists Bull., vol. 31, pp. 282-292. 1113-1164. INDEX

Page Page Abrigo limestone______71 Fossils-______74, 75, 76-77, 81, 85-86, 87, 89, 90, 92 Acknowledgments______68 See also Sections, detailed. Apache group__—______71, 72, 77, 90, 91 Front Range highland______-______-__------_ 91

Barnes conglomerate______.______72, 77 Geanticlines______91-92 Basal sandstone of Martin formation______74, 77, Geography...______-______68, 69-70 84; pis. 11-12 See also Paleogeography. Bioherms______76, 84-85, 92 Geosynclines and geosynclinal seas______91-92 Black Mesa basin______80, 82-83, 90, 92 Gold Gulch, rocks at_—______74, 76, 77, 81, 83, 84 Black River, rocks at______74, 75, 81, 87 detailed section______-___ 107 detailed section.______93-94 Grasshopper, rocks near.______--______---_ 76, 87, 88 Box member of Percha shale ______85 detailed sections______-____----__- 100-103 Brown beds in Martin formation ______74, 84 Green shale in Martin formation______75, 76, 81, 84, 85 Cambrian rocks.__-______-___ 71, 72, 76, 77, 78, 90, 91 Carboniferous (Mississippian) rocks______69,71, Hackberry shale_.______85, 86 73, 74, 77, 78, 81, 86-90, 91 History of Mazatzal land______--__-___------90-92 See also Sections, detailed. Holbrook ridge_-___-_----_-__-_---_-_____ 80, 82, 83, 91 Cedar Valley limestone.______85 Horseshoe mine road, detailed section near—______96 Chediski ridge_-___.______77, 80, 82, 83, 84, 85, 91 Chert-___-_.______74, 75, 76, 86, 87, 89, 90 Investigation, purpose of_____-_____-__-_----_------67-68 Christopher Mountain ridge___„______77, 82, 83, 91 Island Mesa beds.______73 Cliff House Canyon, rocks at_____ 71, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 84, 89 detailed section__^______100-101 Jerome formation______----_.------71, 73 Coconino sandstone.______68, 71 Colcord Canyon, rocks at______74, 76 Kaibab limestone______-______-______-----_------71 detailed section_____.______103 Karst topography______88, 90 Conglomerate, Barnes______72, 77 in Martin formation. ______73,74,77,79,84 Limestone, Escabrosa______------— __ 71,86 in Naco formation ______89, 90 Kaibab---__--__---___-___------_------71 Scanlan______72, 77 in Martin formation___._ 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 82, 83, 84, 85 Contradero formation.______85-86 in Naco formation______--_-_- 89 Correlation of formations ______85-86 RedwaU______—— — — — — — 68, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 86-90, 91; pis. 11-12 Cow Canyon, rocks at__-_____-_-__-______77 Crook formation______73, 74, 85 Santa Rita______-_____---_ ———— _——— 73 Temple Butte______----____--_-______71, 81 Defiance uplift...-__._.--______.______80, 82, 83, 91 Literature cited-_-__-__-__-_-__--_-_------_----_---- 110 Deposition of Martin formation, conditions of ______83-85 Location of area studied.______68, 69-70 Devils Gate formation______85,86 Devonian rocks______69, 71, 73-86, 88, 90-91; pis. 11-13 Martin formation———. 68, 70, 71, 73-86, 88, 90-91; pis. 11-13 See also Sections, detailed. section, generalized__-______— ______73 Diabase, pre-Devonian______.______72, 74, 77 See also Sections, detailed. Distribution, of Devonian and Mississipian rocks ______69 Martin limestone. See Martin formation. of facies in Martin formation______83-85 Mazatzal land______--_--___--____ 79, 80, 81-85, 87, 90-92 Dolomitic limestone in Martin formation______73, 74, restored section across______91 75, 76, 77, 79, 84, 85 Mazatzal quartzite—______78, 79-80, 81, 85, 90, 91 Dripping Spring quartzite______72, 77 Mazatzal revolution______-_------_-_-_--- 82, 90 Mississippian rocks. See Carboniferous (Mississippian) East Verde River, rocks at______71, 76, 83, 87, 89 rocks. detailed section______104-105 Mogollon sag—---_------_------80, 82, 83, 91 Erosion, pre-Pennsylvanian______88-90 Molas formation.-______------___----- 90 Escabrosa limestone______71, 86, 87 Morenci shale______--____-_-__------71 Facies in Martin formation ______83-85; pi. 13 Mudstone_—___ — —— — — —— — — — — — — 86, 87, 88, 89 Fauna of Martin formation. ______85-86 Field work______68 Naco formation...... _____-_._---__ 30, 86, 87, 88, 89-90, 91 Flying "V" Canyon, rocks at______81 See also Sections, detailed. detailed section______95-96 Natural Bridge, rocks at..._____————————— 74, 77, 79, 81 111 112 SHORTER CONTRIBUTIONS TO GENERAL GEOLOGY, 1950 Page Page O. W. Ranch, rocks at______:___._.____ 74, 75, 76, 77, 87 Salt River (canyon, draw), rocks at_ _-__-_-_------_-_ 74, detailed section..______-_-_-__-____--______-_-_ 103 75, 77, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 94-95, 99-1QO Oak Creek Indian village, rocks at------74, 75, 83 San Juan basin______82-92 detailed section.-___---_---_____-____----_-___ 101-102 San Luis highland- ______-_-____-__-__--_-_ 91 O'Carrollorebed------84; pi. 12 Sandstone, Coconino- ______68, 71 Oil and gas.______92 in Martin formation______-_--_-_____-___,_ 73, Onate formation...___-__-_-----_-----______-____ 85 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 83, 84, 85; pi. 13 Ouray Limestone______85, 86 in Naco formation__-______--_____-_--,-..___ 89 Ouray, Lower, formation_____--___-_____._-_-______73, 85 Tapeats._____-__---______-_____ 68, 71, 76, 77, 90, 91 Outcrops, distribution of___..______69 Santa Rita limestone.___--______-____-_----_-___ 73 Scanlan conglomerate. ______72, 77 Paleogeography______-.-.-_-______-- 80, 81-83, 90-92 Sections, columnar- ______---___-____------_ pis. 11-12 Pebbles, fossil-bearing-____-____--______-_____--__ 92 detailed, ______70, 93-109 Pennsylvanian rocks. See Supai formation and Naco Shale, in Martin formation____-_,______73, formation. 74, 75, 76, 83, 84 Perchashale--__------_-----_------71, 85, 86 Morenci-___---______-_____-___-_-_-_____ 71 Permian rocks. See Supai formation, Coconino sand­ in Naco formation. __-____-i-_,_____---_-_---___ 89 stone, and Kaibab limestone. Pioneer______72, 77 Picacho de Calera formation.____-__-_-___---____-___ 73, 85 Sly Gap formation,______-______,_-___--,-_ 85- Pine Creek, diagrammatic section across.__-___-_--___- 81 Spiing Canyon, rocks at_-___-___-----___-----_-_____ 74, 75 Pmeridge____ —------79-80,82,83,91 detailed section___-_____-___-__--_-_-_-_-___ 102-103 Pioneer shale______-____--____-_----__-_-___-_---_ 72, 77 Stratigraphy______68-90; pis. 11-13 Pre-Devonian rocks.__-__-_____ 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 81, 90, 91 detailed sections.______70, 93-109* Prochnow mines, rocks at— ______-_--_-_-_____-_„__ 74 Supai formation, ______68, 71, 80, 83 detailed section____--___-__---_-___,_____,____ 96-97 Superior, rocks at______81, 83, 85- Purpose of investigation___-______-_____-___,____•___ 67-68 detailed section______108-109- Sycamore Creek formation (Sycamore sandstone member Quartzite, Dripping Spring______-______-_,_,-,___ 72, 77 of Jerome formation)______71, 73" Mazatzal__-____------_------77, 79-80, 81, 85, 90, 91 Tapeats sandstone__------_---__-____ 68, 71, 76, 77, 90, 91 Troy------.------68, 71, 76, 77, 78, 90, 91 Temple Butte limestone, ____-__-___--___-___-_-_-___ 71, 81 Ready Pay member of Percha shale_-______85 Terminology-..-----_------_------_------_ 71, 7£ Red residual member of Naco formation,___-_-_._--___ 89-90 Tonto Creek, rocks at------_-_------74, 75, 76, 88" Red Rock rhyolite__------_------___------72, 79, 81 detailed section____,______103-104 Redwall limestone-_ 68, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 86-90, Tornado Peak, rocks at.______75, 76, 83, 84, 86, 87, 90 91; pis. 11-12 detailed section.__---____-____--______----_-__-_ 109' Troy quartzite______68, 71, 76, 77, 78, 90, 91 See also Sections, detailed. Rhyolite, Red Rock______.__-__-__-_-___-______72, 79, 81 Uncompahgre highland. 91 Rockhouse Butte, rocks at______74, 84 ._.______. 90 detailed section___-______97-99 WeHsdriUed------70, 82,83,87 Roosevelt Lake (Dam), rocks at______75, 83, 84, 85 Windy Point (Hill), detailed section at______106-107 detailed sections-___---______-_-_-______105-107 Rubble breccia in Redwall limestone ______87, 88, 89 Zuni uplift—------80, 83, 9t O