Israel Journal of Entomology Vol. XXVII (1993) pp. 61-112


1 2 JINDRICH ROHACEK AND AMNON FREIDBERG 1Department of Entomology, Silesian Museum, 746 46 Opava, Czech Republic 2Department of Zoology, The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel

ABSTRACT Six of the family Anthomyzidae are recorded from Israel, including three that are newly described, namely Anagnota coccinea n. sp., Amygdalops rufior n. sp. and Anthomyza receptrix n. sp. (female only). The Anagnota Becker is revised; A. coccinea n. sp. (Israel) and A. major n. sp. (Central Europe) are described, and A. collini Czemy is transferred to a new genus, Cercagnota. Anagnota and Cercagnota are diagnosed and their relationships are discussed. All species of Anagnota and Cercagnota are treated in detail, including full descriptions and redescriptions of adults, first descriptions and figures of preimaginal stages, and data about biology and distribution. New taxonomic, biological and distributional data are also given for the remaining Israeli species, including a redescription and lectotype designation of Amygdalops thomasseti Lamb. A new key to the Palaearctic genera of Anthomyzidae is presented. The heavily sclerotized ventral receptacle, described in the female of Anthomyza receptrix, is recorded in the superfamily for the first time. KEY WORDS: Anthomyzidae, , Cercagnota n. gen., Anagnota Becker, 4 n. spp., preimaginal stages, Israel.

INTRODUCTION of the family Anthomyzidae were unknown from Israel until Freidberg (1988) recorded five unidentified species. The primary aim of this study is to resolve the identity of these species and to provide a sound taxonomic basis for their recognition. As this study progressed, a revision of the type material of certain species became necessary, particularly in the genera Anagnota Becker and Amygdalops Lamb. This eventually led to the complete revision of the former genus, resulting in substantial taxonomic changes at both the generic and specific levels. A new genus, Cercagnota, is established for Anagnota collini Czemy, 1928; and two new species of Anagnota are described; one lectotype is designated and previously known species are redescribed. The preimaginal stages of Anagnota species are studied for the first time and their biology and distribution are reviewed. Altogether six species of Anthomyzidae are now known to occur in Israel; among them are three new species (Anagnota coccinea n. sp., Amygdalops rufior n. sp. and Anthomyza receptrix n. sp.). Amygdalops thomasseti Lamb, 1914 is redescribed, with lectotype designation and first records from the Palaearctic region. Because all previous keys to Palaearctic genera of Anthomyzidae are out-of-date (Czemy, 1928; Frey, 1958) or incomplete (Sods,