Of Costa Rica Frank T

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Of Costa Rica Frank T Checklist of the Cerambycidae and Disteniidae (Coleoptera) of Costa Rica Frank T. Hovore, 2003 Taeniotes preclarus Bates, mating pair, Monteverde, Costa Rica (F.T. Hovore) The following checklist has been edited from the larger Checklist for the Western Hemisphere (Monné and Hovore, 2003), to provide an organizational reference for the collections of Costa Rica. It originally was assembled as an annotated working list in June, 2001, to provide a baseline for collection organization and field studies at the National Institute for Biodiversity (INBio), and University of Costa Rica (UCR). For the most part, this list does not anticipate new taxa, except where such were in manuscript at the time of this compilation; these are listed beneath their respective genera as “n.sp.” Many other new taxa are at hand in collections, awaiting description, and these shall be added as they are published. I am very grateful to Humberto Lezama (Museo de Insectos, UCR) for permit assistance, the use of specimens in the excellent UCR collection, and many other valuable contributions; Angel Solís and Alvaro Herrera of INBio, for funding, specimens loans, and the opportunity to utilize and organize the vast INBio collection; Henry Hespenheide (OTS, UCLA), John Chemsak (UCB), Keve Ribardo (CAS), Jim Cope, Luis Diego Gomez (OTS, Las Cruces), Jack Longino and the ALAS lab staff: Danilo, Ronald, Maylin, and Nelci (OTS, La Selva), for specimen data and assistance; the Tropical Science Center, Monteverde, for field study permission and assistance; Maria Marta Chavarria and Dan Janzen, for their friendship, inspiration and collection assistance in Santa Rosa National Park; Dick Penrose, Pat Sullivan, Ian Swift, and the late Ed Giesbert for specimen data, field camaraderie, and a thousand other important contributions. The Costa Rican Ministerio del Ambiente y Energia [MINAE] is very gratefully acknowledged for providing collecting and export permits. Subfamily Parandrinae Blanchard, 1845:134 Prionides aberrantes Bates, 1869:38 Parandrini Blanchard, 1845:134 Hesperandra Arigony 1977:163 colombica (White, 1853:3) Nicaragua- Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador scaritoides Thomson, 1861:82 gyllenhalii Thomson, 1867:110 glabra (Degeer, 1774:352) Mexico-Argentina, W Indies testaceus Fabricius, 1794:437 ferruginea Sturm, 1826:181 lineola Gory in Guérin-Méneville, 1831: pl. 42, fig.7 mandibularis Perty, 1832:84 maxillosa Laporte, 1840:387 lineolata Gory in Guérin-Méneville, 1844:207 grandis Thomson, 1861:79 columbica Thomson, 1861:80 barbata Thomson, 1861:95 occipitalis Thomson, 1867:108 obsolescens Casey, 1912:217 var. translucida Zikán, 1948:37 glaberrima Zikán, 1948:35 lucida Zikán, 1948:36 longicollis (Thomson, 1861:83) USA, Mexico-Argentina gracillima Bates, 1869:38 polita (Say, 1835:192) sc USA (LA, TX, VA, CO), Mexico-Bolivia cylindrica Thomson, 1861:82 Parandra (Parandra) Latreille, 1804:262 angulicollis Bates, 1879:2 Mexico-Panama punctata; Bates, 1872:166 (not White, 1853) degeerii (Thomson, 1867:111) Mexico?, Panama-c SAmer Subfamily Prioninae Latreille, 1804:264 Macrotomini Thomson 1860:290 Mallodonitae Thomson, 1860:318 Stenodontines Lameere, 1902:63 Mallodon Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville in Lacordaire, 1830:171 Opheltes Thomson, 1864:306 Orthomallodon Linsley, 1957:3 dasystomus dasystomus (Say, 1824:326) s USA, n Mexico-Colombia costulata LeConte, 1851:111 degeneratum Thomson, 1867:95 debile Casey, 1912:222 melanopus; Haldeman 1847:30 (not Linnaeus, 1767) spinibarbe; Haldeman 1847:31 (not Linnaeus 1758) masticator Thomson, 1867:99 angustatum Thomson, 1867:100 guatemalensis Casey, 1912:227 mandibularis Lackerbeck, 1998: 517 (homonym, M. mandibulare Gemminger = Nothopleurus lobigenis Bates) Costa Rica molarius molarius Bates, 1879:9 Mexico-Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Ecuador spinibarbis (Linnaeus, 1758:390) Mexico-Argentina frangens Voet, 1778:2 miles Voet, 1778:2 maxillosus Olivier, 1795:16 dentatus Fabricius, 1801:263 similis Schoenherr, 1817:345 gagatinus Germar, 1824:468 germarii Thomson, 1867:100 bonariense Thomson, 1867:99 orbignyi Thomson, 1867:101 Mallodonopsis Thomson, 1860:317 corrosus Bates, 1879:7 Mexico-Panama mexicanus Thomson, 1860:317 Mexico-Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela serrata Thomson, 1860:317 Parastrongylaspis Giesbert, 1987:147 linsleyi Giesbert, 1987:148 Costa Rica Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860:313 bullatus Bates, 1872:167 Guatemala-Costa Rica championi Bates, 1884:233 Mexico, Guatemala corticarius (Erichson in Schomburg, 1848:571) se USA (FL), Mexico-Panama, n SAmer, Cuba scobinatus Thomson, 1860:313 Jamaica, Dominica scobinatus var. belti Bates, 1884:233 lobulifer Bates, 1892:145 Callipogonini Thomson, 1860:323 Enoploceritae Thomson, 1864:290 Orthomegitae Thomson, 1864:294 Ergatites Fairmaire in Jacquelin Du Val, 1864:117 Ctenoscelinae Pascoe, 1869:661 Callipogon (Callipogon) Audinet-Serville, 1832:140 barbatum (Fabricius, 1781:208) Guatemala-Panama var. ornatum Bates, 1879:5 hauseri Nonfried, 1892:20 friedlaenderi Nonfried, 1892:22 lemoinei Reiche, 1840:275 Honduras-Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, var. kraatzi Nonfried, 1890:19 Ecuador Callipogon (Orthomegas) Audinet-Serville, 1832:149 fragosoi Bleuzen, 1993:19 Costa Rica, Panama monnei Bleuzen, 1993:18 se Mexico (VC, QR)-Costa Rica Macrodontiini Thomson, 1860:324 Acanthinoderitae Thomson, 1864:294 Ancistrotides Lacordaire, 1869:81 Macrodontia Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville in Lacordaire, 1830:139 Macrodontus Gistel, 1848:129 batesi Lameere, 1912:166 Guatemala-Panama dejeani; Bates, 1879:5 (not Gory, 1839) dejeani borgmeieri Tippmann, 1953:190 laevis Pouillaude, 1915:46 Solenopterini Lacordaire, 1869:180 Poecilosomides Lacordaire, 1869:185 Dérancistrines Lameere, 1912:181 Holonotus Thomson, 1860:304 nigroaeneus Bates, 1869:57 Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Colombia sternalis Gahan, 1894:117 Guatemala, Costa Rica Mallaspini Thomson, 1860:302 Pyrodides Lacordaire, 1869:180 Insuetaspis Galileo & Martins, 1992:323 paradoxus (Bates, 1869:383) Nicaragua-Panama insignis Bates, 1884:238 Praemallaspis Galileo & Martins, 1992:306 rhombodera (Bates, 1879:10) Nicaragua-Colombia Scatopyrodes Galileo & Martins, 1992:326 angustus (Taschenberg, 1870:193) Costa Rica-Panama, Colombia, Ecuador praecellens Bates, 1871:376 beltii beltii (Bates, 1869:49) Nicaragua- Colombia salvini Bates, 1869:49 trichostethus (Bates, 1879:11) Costa Rica, Panama Prionini Latreille, 1804:264 Titanitae Thomson, 1864:292 Psalidognathitae Thomson, 1864:280 Derobrachinae Pascoe, 1869:661 Braderochus Buquet, 1852:658 Aulacocerus White, 1853:13 shuteae Bleuzen, 1994:53 [= Derobrachus (= Braderochus) dentipes] Honduras-Panama Callistoprionus Tippmann, 1953:202 fasciatus Tippmann, 1953:203 Costa Rica, Panama Derobrachus Audinet-Serville, 1832:154 Pithocles Thomson, 1864:291 Braderochus Lacordaire, 1869:74 (part) asperatus Bates, 1878:274 Costa Rica, Peru dentipes Chemsak, 1979:127 Costa Rica, Panama longicornis (Bates, 1872:166) Mexico-Panama, Ecuador smithi Bates, 1892:144 sulcicornis LeConte, 1851:110 Mexico-Nicaragua, Costa Rica? inaequalis Bates, 1872:167 granulatus Bates, 1884:230 kuwerti Nonfried, 1891:273 Psalidognathus Gray in Griffith, 1831: pl.6 modestus Fries, 1833:327 Costa Rica-Colombia, Venezuela mygaloides Thomson, 1859:41 (male) wallisi Taschenberg, 1870:191 (male) limbatus Taschenberg, 1870:192 batesii Thomson, 1877:257 castaneipennis Thomson, 1877:260 thomsoni Lameere, 1885:ix superbus Fries, 1833:325 Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, incas Thomson, 1859:42 Ecuador, nw Brasil (AM) boucardi Thomson, 1874:427 limenius Erichson, 1847:139 gloriosus Thomson, 1880:lx Anacolini Thomson, 1857:10 Myzomorphus Dejean, 1835:319 Udeteromorphus Tippmann, 1960:99 scutellatus Sallé, 1849:429 Costa Rica, Venezuela var. apicalis White, 1853:25 var. bicolor White, 1853:26 var. plagiatus White, 1853:25 var. scapularis White, 1853:25 var. thoracicus White, 1853:26 var. unicolor White, 1853:25 Otheostethus Bates, 1872:169 melanurus Bates, 1872:170 Nicaragua, Costa Rica Udeterus Thomson, 1858:412 Oideterus Thomson, 1857:15 Temnesthes Bates, 1875:51 magnificus Galileo, 1987:567 Costa Rica, Panama Subfamily Cerambycinae Latreille, 1804:259 Smodicini Lacordaire, 1869:143 Smodicum Haldeman, 1847:38 clancularium Martins, 1975:351 se Mexico (QR), Nicaragua, Costa Rica? Oemini Lacordaire, 1869: 216 Oeminae Pascoe, 1869:498 Oemini Gounelle, 1909:592 Subtribe Oemina Lacordaire, 1869:216 Atenizus Bates, 1867:2 Ceratoeme Melzer, 1920:426 laticeps Bates, 1867:28 El Salvador-se Brasil (PR) simplex Bates, 1884:240 Honduras-Panama, Venezuela Malacopterus Audinet-Serville, 1833:565 Malacomacrus White, 1853:41 Ganimus LeConte, 1873:173 tenellus (Fabricius, 1801:335) sw USA (CA, AZ) - c Brasil, Cuba, Guadeloupe lineatus Guérin-Méneville, 1844:222 mexicanus Thomson, 1860:248 vittatus LeConte, 1873:173 Sphagoeme Aurivillius, 1893:178 ochracea Fisher, 1927:23 Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia Subtribe Methioidina Martins, 1997:119 Tristachycera Bates, 1872:170 Trichachycera; Gilmour, 1968:89 viridis Bates, 1872:171 Nicaragua - Panama Methiini Thomson, 1860:364 Coleomethia Linsley, 1940:32 sp. indet. Costa Rica Achrysonini Lacordaire, 1869: 231 Achryson Audinet-Serville, 1833:572 Trichomallus Lacordaire, 1869:338 quadrimaculatum (Fabricius, 1792:328) Costa Rica, Guadeloupe, Trinidad, Aruba, ornatipenne Perroud, 1855: 383 Guyana, Venezuela, Brasil, Argentina hirsutulum Bates, 1870:248 kartaboensis Fisher, 1944:1 griseopubescens Monné, 1972:109 surinamum (Linnaeus, 1767:632) sw USA-Argentina, Baja Calif, W Indies surinamensis; Olivier, 1795:42 (widely distributed)
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