Two Men Rape
- - - OHIO CTATE BU3EUSI HBSART 25TH A- HIGT1 ST* COCUKBUSt OJllO . V' . ,"".". - '*^r^«**>_,Cr1t*4t1t^ , / vOL.t.Mo,aa •£_?StSw^*3!rA'^SRS SATUROAY. NOVEMBER 7. lata —*- -___-; -—• COLUMBUS. OHIO - j q. sas«d Friday SJt.-..q t» sas, t**asy,ats*%m darts, far *» Caa— bas Fg^sld. ncreatia—I fact—le. sasd. by Mays. IU*.,, *. oVttrst«atr saw tavlrty Bit. aaCMk. At le», la*atty *mri*a> »*- N«r»lKwt»«l amake Frsm Ml: Maysr 0*stretels~, Mrs. tarsal at Ua MB: ,_,, Jaarsjk W.o. iU-ator sst Ik. sastsl—ntlttatasl, as. Btr. Coo*. Hirst: Earl J<*_, Bratt, C alar aslwctar, palms «1 »» Biat— y at Uu. tttttet ts Mars* 0..ltri.aar— Phil.., TWO MEN RAPE, ROB CHILLICOTHE HEWS Cc 1 StitfmfSSL I 1C< Aftermath Of An Ortteil I3 I ^^=^^r®_i__^! O By t^CwttaiM CHniflCOTHE.—Following morning services at*. Zion •UtsTTJRDAY. tacTOBER tl, ItSS COLUMSUS. OHIO church next Sunday, Kev. Harold Wingo will perform the marriage ceremony of Miss Mae Kelly, daughter bf Mtt. Martha Kelly, 8, Walnut St., and Bernard Cooper, son uf Mr. and Mra.-Bernard Cooper, Sr. NURSE, FLEE MIl^elllssiiesReiily To Re^s Mrs. Maud .Dunson of Colum- ~™ —•- -, -','. „'.' Story On Page 3 Rtn**ke(Wik^ feel Woodsrd recently. Tbs bride is new ton. Kerf MtctieuTir: yseatg Cslwukaa a«tatraey, Is sue a 'S3 high school graduate end > • « et ttslsssts p. Writs'* stsssMcb right, we mutt keep on living. daughter ot Mrs. Allie Mickey. <H**£ST$ AT T«fc |MrNR of est iifjiiliug te Hts tetter's btd Experience lies tattown that he a The groom .* from CirclesUIe, $t_.
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