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Two Men Rape - - - OHIO CTATE BU3EUSI HBSART 25TH A- HIGT1 ST* COCUKBUSt OJllO . V' . ,"".". - '*^r^«**>_,Cr1t*4t1t^ , / vOL.t.Mo,aa •£_?StSw^*3!rA'^SRS SATUROAY. NOVEMBER 7. lata —*- -___-; -—• COLUMBUS. OHIO - j q. sas«d Friday SJt.-..q t» sas, t**asy,ats*%m darts, far *» Caa— bas Fg^sld. ncreatia—I fact—le. sasd. by Mays. IU*.,, *. oVttrst«atr saw tavlrty Bit. aaCMk. At le», la*atty *mri*a> »*- N«r»lKwt»«l amake Frsm Ml: Maysr 0*stretels~, Mrs. tarsal at Ua MB: ,_,, Jaarsjk W.o. iU-ator sst Ik. sastsl—ntlttatasl, as. Btr. Coo*. Hirst: Earl J<*_, Bratt, C alar aslwctar, palms «1 »» Biat— y at Uu. tttttet ts Mars* 0..ltri.aar— Phil.., TWO MEN RAPE, ROB CHILLICOTHE HEWS Cc 1 StitfmfSSL I 1C< Aftermath Of An Ortteil I3 I ^^=^^r®_i__^! O By t^CwttaiM CHniflCOTHE.—Following morning services at*. Zion •UtsTTJRDAY. tacTOBER tl, ItSS COLUMSUS. OHIO church next Sunday, Kev. Harold Wingo will perform the marriage ceremony of Miss Mae Kelly, daughter bf Mtt. Martha Kelly, 8, Walnut St., and Bernard Cooper, son uf Mr. and Mra.-Bernard Cooper, Sr. NURSE, FLEE MIl^elllssiiesReiily To Re^s Mrs. Maud .Dunson of Colum- ~™ —•- -, -','. „'.' Story On Page 3 Rtn**ke(Wik^ feel Woodsrd recently. Tbs bride is new ton. Kerf MtctieuTir: yseatg Cslwukaa a«tatraey, Is sue a 'S3 high school graduate end > • « et ttslsssts p. Writs'* stsssMcb right, we mutt keep on living. daughter ot Mrs. Allie Mickey. <H**£ST$ AT T«fc |MrNR of est iifjiiliug te Hts tetter's btd Experience lies tattown that he a The groom .* from CirclesUIe, $t_. *nd Mrs. Wilbiw). Mickey at sex- Tes**1s|'* illitils ter giuup we have made cur great­ . Mr. and Mrs. H, l»eT-dns jrist n^fa, ,*>__*, tar nvitbor, tbe pest el etty atteraey. Mttcb- est gain* utben we have bKtght family ot Columbus were Mrs. William eiw*^«i*d brtrth- out our isrtviea within the port/ W gueats of her riurther, Mrs. ^ Cart, B*OWB, o^'Col^abus, Giodys Roberts, JrUndsy. • ^'Catitd her tOaW; Mirsv.Caiie We*v Of Peioeky; JatlttV*. OliVer DORCAS M1SS10NAR! Sfr Cousins of Dayton, visited with conaervelive. Winning eiet-tiooe ciety met st the bom* of his mother, Mrs. Ethel Cousins, is tbeir ba-ainens. It. is not president, Miss Carrie Beard. tjlis week. ard W. Genloe, IU-C+TOI elty at- Plans ware made for tbs annual tentey up fer reeleetieo^-EDI- ganizstkm that a certain candi­ turkey dinner in November. Tbe TtsftU date can win so stertkw. flow-. Irostees **rv4«*rs»freshment* ,. over, until you csa be cuovinc- lire. Elizabeth TolUver Is on an (kiBberStBdy By BUSH P. MITCHELL ing you cannot expect too much extended visit in Columbus i 11 it, not dif'iotit to under- from en orgamtetioo. Mrs. Harold Viney was celled to jfft-mnd why our friend Haglan Dayton recently to b* with her To Be D^uSarett Reid. smarting from tbe deal be daughter, Mrs. Robert Reed, received last year, would rurw WE DIB NOT Ilk* wist hap­ who underwent surgery s_ Mi- A__ * be \rtry unhappy and somewhat pened when the Republican or- ami Valley iM*t_ It*.. She is re- lH| vindictive bt Ms attitude to­ ganiatatian filled tbe three coun­ Ferum Shaker ported recoverini*^ .. Mrs. Dor* . cil vat-antics last year. We do wards the Praeklin county Re­ Da. a-amta—, MHUJe East othy McRrkte and family, ot Al- A recent objective study msde Problem Cop publican orgaOuixotion. recaii, however, thst tbe same Ranee, have rrturned borne after jjor the Colombia* Chamber of organiiatioo sra* largely respon­ ea—essaantoat aad aatb—It, Last week Mr. Reid permitted a visit with her parents, -the Commerce wffi be, sLIsr'-we'S tut sible for tbe election of the only sa Iras, via tsttisarl. Ifcsal George ralrrowS.' Co)mr.bu« Town Mf-fclmg .Sunday his to get entirely out twe Negroes to be elected to the Of bounds when he d4K_ded to forua. sort.., speBjaw*. ,7 Stair Legislature from this Kaasa Alpha Psi frattrBllr • * t from 1 to 2 p. ttv give a Verbal lashing to all of MRS. MURIEL BROWN Was 'jfttls report to Uie public will tbe Negro workers in tbe Re- City, Nov. S. SI 4 p. to. al pleasantly surprised on her be msde by the chamber's pubiican party who hsvo pledg­ Tbe itup-pwter* of Mr. Wylie CalBBsbas- Btarbt, Bt, TstC— birthday when Mrs. HoUie Lsiu- president, ..ou Wllsch; genersl ed support to ChSlmers WyUe. moke no apoi.-eU-.i for tbetr sup­ Weaker. •» Atpha Bops. Al- ly invited her to her home leal manager, I* Starkey, and Aii of ua were displeased, and port of him. We believe In hi* |sba wUI live a receptlas las- Saturday evening.- She .was research editor, John Mockirt. most iA oe were downright an­ youth, bis ability, bis energy^ meallatelj bBnraa, aasatsat. greeted with tbe "Hsppy Blrtb- The public di-ca-alon, "Whst's gry when the organization ig­ his sincerity, honesty sod integ­ Transferred for Mr. Karoos., ta ***t Hay" song »nd received gifts Ahead fot Columbu*?," will nored ua in filling, three council rity. Sty these Qualities be has Mfltr* sf US. "T". Sakject will from Mesdames Klsxie Cairo- give cltixefi* an opportunity to yflTbese ar* tbs tegs of John Henry Clemmens, ex-conviet trite ViVBCarJrcie? Isst year. endeared himself to us. With or wsy. Dortrthy Qlasttcv, Ethel inform themseAves about the wi'injut the- organtxation, we be "What U Amtries's later- Gibbs, Lillian Bayless, Jessie many opportunities afforded spent tO years on s Georgia chsln gang snd whose story 1* he- WHEN WE RAVE made a would be tor Wyhe. «t bt Ira**" Glassco, Lucy Witaon, Nell' tbem. log told la s series ef three articles exclusively la Tbe Sentinel. Fslrrow and Sadie Jones. The The public is Invited to come -Photo yoa see above sre result of Ctemmons' ordeals.* Resd Story On Page 2 guests were seated at an ettrac- to tbe WBNS-TV studio, 483 Clemmees' dramatic story of Georgia chain gang brutality, "28 live tsble centered witb red Olentangy blvd., or to listen snd Tsars ef Uvlng Hell," ea Page 1, See. SV—Pierce Photo. Former CHy Attorney Wrast Says MassMeetlnfl roses. Games were played with telephone questions snd com- going to Meedames Doro- ments to WX 3881. pri uWtlonlsBestCandlu^^ SelByHsUCP time citizen srtd tsapayer end In Columbus West High Stutkr.ts To Sell toounccd his endorsement of in­ "His mam clainr of t-fuabfica- cumbent Richard W. Gordon. tion is that be is endorsed by the The Columbus NAACP win county'* dominant political or- hold a public meeting at St- Att'y Jotsst H, Schickler, ia a Peul AME cburch Sundsy atter- stsUmens to Tbe Sentiaei this gasb-atian. TtMs organi»slion refused to endorse Hs incumbent iMxm, Dee. 8. Speaker' will be Hilltop Record Subscriptions week, sstUL, *'I>urtng hi» 15 Roy Wilkins, administrator of -pfers' experience, Gordon hus merely tec. use be stooo by* hi* CONGRATS MR. WYLIE...NOW? legal ctmvicllons tor the benefit During: the week of NOT. 8, members of the bands of tbe citisens .snd tejtpayera, and orchestra of West High school, Culumbtw, will tell many legally cximplicslt-d cases AN EDITORIAL 'which colled for tbe utmost ex- rather .than for site ber.Wit of Wilkins will review the work nuhscHptlons to the Hilltop Record. tbe rxdiUcsl boas and politi- porisne* and training. ot ttte orgafittation on thc na­ The students will make ft door 4B»_(___B__M^ip__M_BBB__| **Tb* totceg wblcb itow seek tional level and comment espe­ to door canvas of ths Hilltop, Columbus' electorate went to the polls Tues­ ard W. Gordon, who bad served in the city extend our hearty congratulations. "Rtcbard W. Go-rdon'vbos b**en cially upon tbs campaign to from Central av. west, in an ef­ day And selected their choice lor mayor, three attorney's office for 15 years. During the campaign, Mr. Wylie pledged to to prevaat tbe reelection of Dick nombieied by tbe votei-Wdf Co- eliminate racial barriers' in ed* fort to build up fioids for tmi- city councilmen, auditor and a city attorney. appoint two Negroes to his staff if elected. We Gctrdon have always bees my lumbus bir Itp'tte Of a.) titctice have no-doubt that hia promiae will be kept* primary Uirgt. and tfassie pre*- forms and iiistrumttaiU fee their The victcrry fan tke city attorney's race, DURING GORDON'S TENURE, through his used against bin ertd^hs is a- - Mrs. Bettie M. Ji-JsTum, U4 N, s«atre gr-*up* are totentiy seeking musical organizations. whicb afforded virtually all of tbe campaign extremely liberal actions and expressions, he WE RECOMMEND TO MR. WYLIE tbe cai_Udat* in bis own right und 22Cd St., oniKrunced opening of won thousands of friends among Columbus Ne­ the eleetatsk q. tsordoa's oppo- was noiniristed without the hei}. tb* 1933 sule'of NAACP Christ, The group fit parents super­ lirowotkt, was won by C*Halmer* P. Wylie, appointment of Busk P. Mitchell, an able, Tke Ohio Sent»_«l*s Ce- groes'. We would be ungrateful if we didn't ex­ Iteni- Tho city aUorney's oppo- of a political macbine. I feet ms* seals. She Is chairman of a vising (he drive reo^test full sup­ who had tho unique distinction of being back­ energetic young attorney, who worked dtli- suxitii m yooett $*** 0*0 cenaot committee plajaniiig to sell 1000 liuubu* c*ffice has s-etne press our sincere best wishes for his success and gerdly ia behalf of Mr.
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