Rinko Ueda | 200 pages | 12 Apr 2012 | , Subs. of Shogakukan Inc | 9781421541754 | English | San Francisco, United States Stepping on Roses, Vol. 5

Demon Love Spell. Friend Reviews. The rest of the characters are okay and sort of interesting. Archived from the original on . Readers also enjoyed. The two male leads surprised me the most, but I won't spoil that for you. Jan 05, Phoebe Andamo Stepping on Roses it really liked it Shelves: mangawowned-. Things I never expected to happen and characters that I thought I knew would suddenly do something completely different. First of all, I had a pretty hard time getting the name of the 'Hadashi de Bara wo Fume' right. There's possibly a love triangle though not really. Poor Sumi Kitamura… Her irresponsible older brother Eisuke keeps bringing home orphans for her to take care of even though they can barely afford their own basic needs! The Rose of Stepping on Roses — Aim for the Ace! The only sad thing is that he ultimately isn't as punished as he ought to have been; his sins are rather easily forgiven and he's allowed to move on, which sucks. I love this series, and it doesn't matter how outrageous or ridiculous the plot gets. Jun 30, Phoebe Andamo rated it liked it Shelves: manga. I know it's a really unhealthy relationship, but for some Stepping on Roses reason, I'm rooting for Sumi and Soichiro to fall in love. Jump to: Manga Series. And sometimes that's just what you're in the mood for. The review and rating 2. Viz Media. Stepping on Roses, she enters into a life that she could never have prepared herself for. Miu sees her husband Nozomu dancing with Sumi and becomes so enraged that she attacks her! Just a moment while we sign you in Stepping on Roses your Goodreads account. I'm still not sure why he does that Jan 05, Jillian -always aspiring- rated it it was ok Shelves: manga-i-have-readreads. But can Sumi fool high society into thinking she's a proper lady? Shelves: young-adultgraphic-novels. Mei- chan no Shitsuji DX —present. I do give it my recommendation! What will happen next? A handsome man takes he More reviews on my blog: The Butterfly Reader Sumi's a poor girl trying to take care of lots of kids. March 25, [15]. She doesn't stand up to that jerk of Stepping on Roses husband, doesn't fire that goddamn maid 'cause she was naked with Sumi's husband Soichiro in the shower, doesn't stop her husband's ex-best friend, Nozumo, from marrying her I don't think she Stepping on Roses Soichiro Stepping on Roses a divorce, though immediately after they both find out they're actually siblings but she stops it anyway, but still. Sep 11, Linda rated it liked it Shelves: mangaseries. To view it, click here. To ask other readers questions about Stepping on Roses, Vol. Log in. I read a couple of the later volumes of this a couple years ago, so I was happy to find some of the early-on volumes at the local libraries. And new. Soichro says she can have all the money she wants but she has to be his Stepping on Roses and never ever fall in love with him. Moreover, is it worth giving up everything for Stepping on Roses s Synopsis: Poor Sumi Kitamura! This is pretty full of cliches. The story itself is interesting, and it's your typical rags-to-riches story. Namespaces Article Talk. Right away I found myself Googling the Meiji period, to better understand the expectations of the era. Art : The art is the typical shoujo style but not that great in my opinion. Error rating book. She shouldn't divorce him since they are poor aristocrats and rely on the Ijuin family to survive. That The art is beautiful but the story is terrible. Seriously, this guy just got worse and worse the more I read. Meanwhile, Nozomu uses a fight between Sumi and Soichiro to his advantage and coaxes a vulnerable Sumi to come over Stepping on Roses his place Enjoyment : How much you will enjoy this manga depends on what you expect from it. Requesting Password Reset Instructions Also, he places a condition before her: There will be no love between the two. This deal is offered with the understanding that love will never enter the picture. As always, this is an overview of all 9 volumes of the series and will likely contain spoilers as Stepping on Roses result. Komai is now Nozamu's butler and Stepping on Roses has truly gone mad. Read more A rags-to-riches romance from the creator of Tail of the Moon! I just wish there wasn't so much