reynolds way leaflet 7/2/07 5:02 pm Page 1

1 Bank House 5 Paddock Mount 8 Roman Road - Watling Street

William Reynolds (1758-1803)

10 Newdale tramway bridge

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ou can also get this information this get also can ou Y us on 01952 382121. 01952 on us This is a typical Georgian house built in brick with This mound was formed from the spoil of two stone dressings. It retains some of its tall sash pits. From the top there are fine views across

document in your own language, please phone please language, own your in document windows with their fine glazing bars. The house, 180° from the Wrekin in the west across north If you would like free help to understand this understand to help free like would you If now divided into separate units, was a former to Lilleshall in the east. The path here is of residence of William Reynolds. a steep gradient and the steps down are also very steep. There is an alternative route that less able walkers may choose to take. 2 St Mary's Church

Halfway down, in the left bank is the blocked off

01952 200005 or visit www visit or 200005 01952 entrance to a tunnel, once used to transport sand For other maps and transport information phone information transport and maps other For from sand quarries, beneath the road, to the Sinclair Ironworks (once part owned by Richard Reynolds). At the bottom of this road is This is a grade ll listed building and it carried a Ketley Brook and Ketley Sands. plate railway that was used for transporting William Reynolds was the most versatile and materials to and from nearby foundries and mines. talented of all the ironmasters. He Here Reynolds built houses, a school and chapel was the son of Richard Reynolds and was a 9 Parkers Pool for his employees in the village of Newdale. partner in the Company until 1796 Nothing of the site now remains except the bridge when the Darby-Reynolds partnership was and cast iron columns, which have been excavated dissolved. As well as iron making, Reynolds' and are stored at Blists Hill Victorian Town. business interests included a china works at Coalport, an alkali works at Wombridge, the Wrockwardine Wood glassworks, and the 11 Methodist chapel development of Coalport New Town. Although this church has medieval features, note 6 Ketley Hall the Norman style bell tower, it was built in 1838 He surveyed the route and oversaw the and provides a fine example of Gothic revival in C18 brick house with late C18 early C19 wings. construction of the . The most Victorian architecture. Joshua Reynolds, son of Richard, lived here important innovation in its construction was the probably after 1793. use of inclined planes to transport boats from one level of water to another. He also oversaw 3 Former Squatters Cottage the manufacture of the world's first cast iron 7 Railway station site canal aqueduct at Longdon-on-Tern, designed by Thomas Telford.

His personal interest included; chemistry, botany, geology and mineralogy and he was associated with such men as Erasmus Darwin and Thomas Telford.

A chapel, dating from the late C19, that is still in full use.

Water from here was once used in the iron 12 Weigh Bridge making process and as a topping pool for Ketley canal. These are the remains of the weigh bridge office. The old railway is now part of the Ironbridge Way Squatters originally built cottages here at the end footpath, alongside the former site of the platform of the C18: only the better ones have survived. of Ketley station, there remains some trackway. 13 Squatters Cottages

4 Quarry Lane

Here limestone was quarried for use in the local foundries .

These are good examples of squatter's cottages that date from the late C18. reynolds way leaflet 7/2/07 5:03 pm Page 2

Route description (for descriptions of the sights on the route see over)

I Commence the walk in Mossey Green Lane I Continue along Rock Road beneath the M54 at Bank House, limited road side parking is motorway bridge, then turn immediately available (1) right through a gate and follow a bridleway between a wooded mound on the left and I Proceed in a southerly direction turning right the motorway above on the right. At the end into Bank Way then, taking great care, cross of this path ascend a slope to join the old Mossey Green Way to Shepherds Lane railway line (The Ironbridge Way)

I Proceed along Shepherds Lane keeping to I Approximately 600 metres along on the right the right past Woodside Road are steps down to the site of Newdale Tramway Bridge (10) I continue ahead passing St Mary's Church on your left (2) I Return to the walkway and continue for a further 100 metres to join a An easy wallk of 4.5 to 5 miles distance. I * if you are unable to take a route that has a footway/cycleway above a pool. Bear right The location of the walk within the borough gradient and steep steps take a left into Red and follow the path with the pool on the left, is indicated below. Lees at the rear of the Squatters Cottage. (3) turning left at the end of the pool towards a Rejoin at † housing estate

I *if you wish to take the steeper route, I Take another left past a children's play area continue to Quarry Lane and take the footpath opposite, through a gate and up I At the lych gate take a footpath that passes Paddock Mount (4 & 5) alongside a housing estate Reynolds Way Walk M54 I Keep right along a gravel path ascending I Through a second lych gate and then (5) the mount. Then descend a flight of forward crossing an estate road towards a steep steps leading down to a footpath staggered barrier - straight ahead

I Turn left and continue past a pond on the I At another staggered barrier bear left along left to a kissing gate which gives access on a track through trees and right, along a to Red Lees (here you will meet up with the narrow footpath - this widens by houses less steep route) Richard Reynolds (1735-1816) I Turn right again onto an unsurfaced road up I Turn right and † proceed along Red Lees an incline passing, on your left, the gateway to Ketley Hall (6) I In approximately 50 metres take a short, narrow footpath on the left, which ascends I At a junction with Waterloo Road, near to join The Rock. Passing the Primitive traffic lights, cross carefully and continue Methodist Chapel on your left you will arrive along Station Road/Holyhead Road at Rock Road (11)

I Proceed, passing the site of Ketley Railway I Turn right to see the building that was once station on the left (7) until you see The the office for a weigh bridge (on the left) (12) Horseshoes Inn on your right I Go back to junction (Rock Road/The Rock) I Cross the road (taking great care) and follow and turn right continuing down The Rock, a narrow, descending road to the left . This taking care as there is no footway is the line of the roman road Watling St (8) I Keep going down hill and at the bottom, I Return to The Horseshoes Inn and recross when you come into a housing estate, Holyhead Road to the entrance of Sinclair take a right and proceed along Mannerley Works Lane (13)

I Enter the site, keeping to the left fork, and I Continue to the end of this lane and turn follow the path alongside the works sports into Garfield road, which crosses over the and social club on the left side and leads into Shepherds Lane Turn left and follow the public right of way I Born in Bristol and a member of its Quaker adjacent to Parker's Pool (9). Continue and At this point retrace the route to the starting I community, Richard Reynolds came to cross the old railway line (which is now part place at Bank House Coalbrookdale in 1756 to represent the interests of The Ironbridge Way walking route) into of Thomas Goldney. He was appointed manager Sinclair Gardens of the Horsehay Ironworks, and in 1757 he married Hannah Darby, daughter of Abraham Continue past a nursery and turn right onto I Darby II. Rock Road (in the trees on the left are the remains of a pool that was once a topping When Abraham Darby II died in 1763, Richard up pool for Ketley canal) took over the management of the company and moved into Dale House. During his time as manager he encouraged successful experiments with a method of making wrought iron using coal as fuel instead of charcoal. In 1768 he handed over the management of the works to Abraham Darby III.