PART I Catalogue of mines area area 11 Madeley area 14 area 15 Lawley area 18

PART II Mining bibliography 21

PART III List of preserved mining antiquities 28


Compared with the nineteenth century, little is published nowadays on the . There is as great an interest—possibly a greater one—in matters concerning the past, but not many people can find the time to record the knowledge they have gathered. It gives me great pleasure, therefore, to sponsor this pamphlet on an aspect of Shropshire’s industrial history, which sets out information not readily available in print. If it is well received, the County Library Sub-Committee may be encouraged to publish work of a similar nature as opportunity arises.

C. F. CORDINGLEY Chairman, Shropshire County Library Sub-Committee


This catalogue contains the names, situation, minerals worked and approximate dates of working, where known, of nearly 550 mines in the Coalbrookdale Coalfield. The list is by no means complete but includes only those mines of which the compiler has some information. It is quite possible that a complete list would have twice or even three times the number of mines given. National Grid references have not been added. The compiler has references for many of the mines but the task of putting a reference to each entry could be carried out more easily by some local group, school or club. The mines are given under the following geographical areas, Broseley, Oakengates, Madeley, Dawley and Lawley. Names of collieries (or groups of. pits under one ownership) are in italics. Occasionally one of the pits included in a group is duplicated elsewhere. This is because the pit has been worked as an individual unit for a number of years usually after the group was abandoned. Altemative names are given in brackets following the common name and the name of the parish in which the mine is situated is given where there might otherwise be confusion in identification. The minerals worked are indicated by the following:— C —— coal, Fe — ironstone, P —— pyrites, F —— fireclay R — red, tile or brick clay, L — limestone. All dates are inclusive and nearly all have been obtained from the official documents (Part II Nos. 62—64, 66—67). Numbers given after the dates refer to the Bibliography, Part II. The compiler will be pleased to assist, on request, students or others studying the various mines. Obviously, the list gives only a bare out- line of the detail available.

PART I CATALOGUE OF MINES BROSELEY AREA (Barrow, Benthall, Broseley, Jackfield)

Alder Meadow —— 1940 Amies Field (103, 129) Ash Coppice 01891 Barnetts Leasow Bells Rough 01891 Benthall (Benthall Potteries) —— 1924 (125, 129) #11 Benthall (Bennett Bros.) .0 —— 1923 (125) Benthall Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9, (3 Willey, Posenhall "11 —— 1921 Benthall Coal Pit — 1943

Benthall Lane W16? 1925 —— 1942

Benthall Level (3 — 1945 (129)

Birch Meadow C3

Bottomcoal, Broseley (3 —- 1921 Broad Meadow c1891 Broseley c1936 Broseley Hill 01891 Broseley Wood

Broseley Wood 1 & 2 "r1 01891 — 1916 Broseley Wood Green — 1916

Caughley ownwww (129)

Cockshot (Cockshutt) Broseley o (129) Cold Oak Coneybury —— 1896 Dark Lane, Broseley Deep Pit (Guests) —— 1941 (57, 129) Deersleap 01891 — 1947 Dingle Double Pits Doughties —— 1902 Dunge Colliery Nos. 1, 2, 6, 7. Stang —; 1907 Nos. 3 & 4 — 1905

Exleys WWO -— 1908 (129)

Fish-house O — 1900 Fox Holes Gitchfield — 1950

Green Pit WW (129) Hay Cop Hemans Field Pit (103) Holly Grove, Jackfield 1905 —~ ? Inetts (103,.129) Jubilee —— 1910 Knowle —— 1914

Ladywood WWW —— 1939

Ladywood C) , F 1903 —— 1.921 (125) Langfords Milburgh & Wallace Shafts 1930 ~— 1940 New Pit —Cl910

Pottery Pit WW c1891 Red Lane Rock, Broseley — 1902 Rudgewood Silver Hill ——c1910 Slang Pit Stable Hill ——01891 Stocking —— 1905 Three Stiles Tinning Trial Pit , C 01891 —c1910 Tuckies Shaft —— 1922 (125) Turners Yard —— 195? (125, 129) Vigar Drift 1948 — 1953 Wallers, Broseley —— 1891 10 White Brick-Kiln White Level, Benthall c1891 Willey Park c1863 Woodland Green, Broseley —— 1914 Works & Calcu‘tts —— 1908

Wynd Road, Broseley 7573710 —— 1913 Yew Tree, Calcutt (103, 129)

OAKENGATES AREA (Oakengates, Donnington, Hadley, , Lilleshall, Muxton, Priors Lee, Wombridge)

Belle Vue C 1926 —-— 1936 Bridge, Wombridge C —— 1928 Cats Head, Wombridge Church Aston L —01858 (15, 118) Clares Lane C 1926 —— 1935 , Wombridge C — 1888 Coppice, Oakengates 1924 —— 1927 Cow Wood Pits, Red Lake Crow Hayes (Lilleshall Trial Pit) (129) Donnington Colliery (Lilleshall Co.) C, Fe (45, 77, 129) Barn, Barnyard, Barracks, Blue Flat, Chimney, Drayton, Freehold, Gran- ville, Grange (Albert & Alexandra Pit), Hort-on, Jervis Building, Lang- ley, Lodge Bank, Lodgewood, Meadow, Muxton Bridge, Nobby, Overleys (Overtons), Rookery, Sale, Sour Leasow, Stephens, Waxhill Barracks, White, Woodfield.

Donnington Wood Colliery C, Fe c1788 Tub Engine Pit, Double Coal Edwards Piece, Hadley 11 Fair Lady, Ketley (3

Gin and Old Gin (3 —— 1868

Gladstone, Ketley (3 01905 -— 1910

Grange, Ketley (Stafford Arms) C3 —- 1913 (28) Greenfield, c1730 ——~ 1735

Greyhound, Priors Lee 31

Hadley (Balls) C) —— 1866

Hadley C) 01810

Hall, Ketley (3 1927 —— 1933

Holly Bush, Rock, Ketley C3 1924 —— 1925

Holyhead, Oakengates C3 1924 —— 1925

Hopleys, Wombridge C3 —— 1901 Ivy 1 & 2 (Harris’) (28)

Ivy 3 & 4, Oakengates (3 1929 —— 1930 (28, 129)

Jubilee, Ketley (3 —— 1910

Ketley H1 —— 1920 (125)

Ketley Colliery C, Fe, F —— 1903 Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 9A, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 20A, 21, 21A, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 35A

Lilleshall f“ 01855 —~ 1883 (I5)

Mannerley Lane (3 — 1930

Mossey Green (3 — 1929

Mossey Green & Rock Farm (3

Mossey Green Jacky Pit (3 —— 1914

Nail Works, Oakengates C) —— 1921 New Sough 01730 —— 1735

Oakengates (3 ——-1872 Oakengates Station, Upper & Lower —— 1905 Oaks, Mossey Green 1925 —— 1931 Old Park Lane, Oakengates 1924 only Park Lane, Oakengates, 1, 2 & 3 1925 —— 1929 12 Partons (or Whaleymoore Wood), Wombridge (129) Podmore & Teaques, Wombridge ——~ 1899 Princes End C, F,P 1922 ——— 1948 (28, 129) Priors Lee Colliery (Lilleshall Co.) C, Fe, F (125, 129) Albion, Bower, Coekshutt, Dark Lane, Ferriday‘s, Fireelay, Hall, Hydraulic, Hangman’s Hill, Lawn, Little Hayes, Nelson, Rickyard, Slaughter, Spring (Top and Lower), Stafford 1, 2, 3 & 4, Tarry, Village, Westcroft, Woodhouse Puddley Hill, Hollinswood

Quarry, Ketley C) ~— 1904

Quarry, Mossey Green (3 —— 1925

Quarry Hole 1932 only C1<3 Queens Head, Oakengates U ——c1910

Queens Wood, Wombridge (3 —-— 1905

Red Lake Colliery (3 —— 1926 Nos. 1 & 2, Cow Wood, Quarry Rock, Ketley, Nos. 1 to 12 C, RF 1882 —- 1964 (16, 28, 129) Rock (Baileys) 1895 — 1921 (28‘) Rock (Balls) 1895 —— 1912 (28) Rock (Groucotts) 1895 -— 1900 (28)

Rose & Crown (3 —- 1929 Round Oak, Ketley —— 1930

St. Leonard’s, Wombridge C3<3 1928 —— 1930 (3 "U Shrubbery, Ketley 0 1924 — 1‘95? (129)

Station, Ketley (3 —— 1894

Station Road, Lawley C3 —- 1928

Sunneyside, Wombridge (3 — 1928 Sutherland, Oakengates 1924 only 13 Sutherland, Wombridge —-— 1928 Town, Ketley .._, 1902

Victoria, Ketley COO , F 1905 -— 1929 0

Wombridge Colliery - 1901 (7, 59, 60) Boundary, Bunters Row, Bye, Cote, Deep Granville, Hill, Middle, Nobb- side, Omnibus, Partons, Quarry, Round House, Rose & Crown, Station, Water, Water Engine Old, Wharf, Woodfinch (6‘1, 86, 111)

Wombria'ge Colliery C - 1929 Church, Pear Tree, Rose & Crown, Upper Farm, Walkers, Wombridge Nos. 2 & 3 C —— 1925

Woodwell, Ketley 1923 —— 1924 Woodwell, Wombridge —~ 1925

MADELEY AREA (Madeley, , Coalbrookdale) Madeley Court Colliery C, Fe 01840 —— 1911 Nos. 1—17 inclusive (Water Pit No. 1, Platform or Gypsy Lane Pits 2 & 3, Holmes & Dainties 5 & 6, Fur- nace 7 & 8 (or Bowens & Buckleys), T. Guys 11 & 12, Guests 16 & l7, Hopleys 9 & 10 and Blackstone Pit) Madeley Wood Colliery C, Fe, F, R, 01750 —— 1967 Blests Hill Upper R 01830 —— 1941 (34, 129) Brick-Kiln Leasow (Lane Pits); Blests Cherry Tree Hill R 1931 —— 1933 Hales New (Halesfield) C, Fe c1870 —— 1967 (I9) Hales Old (Tom Rose) C, Fe c1820 —— 1912 (19, 116, 129) Hill Lower 1799 ——cl870 14 Hills Lane C, Fe c1805 — 1912 (103) Kemberton C, Fe, F 1864 —— 1967 (19, 111, 124, 125) Lincoln Hill L —— 1907 (103, 129) Lloyds C c1760 —- 1912 Lodge Pit Meadow C, Fe 1808 —- 1921 (103, 129) New Hill C, Fe New Tracks Pits (Sunk in the New- neys 1834) Shaws (Shawfield) C, Fe c1840 —(_1941_2) ,3, a Styches (Crostan) - C, Fe —— 1912 (129) Woodlands (Legges, Lodge) c1910 Woodside 1927 — 1947 (I29)

DAWLEY AREA (Dawley, Coalmoor, Lightmoor, Stirchley Malinslee, Old Park) Black Hill, Dawley C —c1910 Botany Bay Colliery, Dawley C, Fe — 1900 Barkers Yard, Black Hill, Botany Bay, Castle, Castle Yard, Deepfield, Hinks Hay, Mill, Paddock, Parish, Portley, Southall, Top Yard. Brandlee 1 & 2 C 1933 — 195? Brandlee Colliery, Dawley C —— 1925 (129) Nos. 1—8 Lower, Tunnel, Yard Coalmoor Farm C 1928 —— 1929 Coalmoor 2, 4 & 5 ' F _ (125) Coalmoor Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, l3, l4 -——- 1920 Coalmoor C —— 1918 15 Coalmoor Grenfield (Prices No. 1) 1945 —- 1949 Coppice, Dawley —— 1927 Council, Dawley —— 1923

Dark Lane Colliery C, Fe —- 1908 (129) Jerry, Langley Field, Lawn, Little Eyton, Lodge, Old Dark Lane, New Dark Lane, Moor Farm

Dawley Colliery, Dawley C, Fe —— 1900 (103) Balls, Banks, Burds, Charles Hay, Dablers, Fair View, Heath Hill, Phillips, Spring Village, Worralls Dawley Parva

Dawley Road 00 1926 —— 1929 Doseley Bridge 1923 ~—— 1927 Ercall View — 1910

Fair View "1'1 — 1948

Gas Works ——- 1923 Gonna "TJ Good Hope, Madeley . ~—— 1948 Grimbers Lightmoor

Heath Hill n — 1936 (124) Heath Hill (Cosy) — 1922 Huntingdon — 1948 Jubbs Leesow — 1928

Jubilee, Dawley owno —-c1910 Langley Fields Colliery Lawley Bank

Lightmoor T10 — 1904

Lightmoor Colliery — 1916 (129) Ash Tree, Gravel Leasow, New Gravel Leasow, Rickyard, Stirchley, Toyes Lightmoor Whimsey 01788 (129) 16 Lower Lightmoor C 1936 only Lower Lightmoor F — 1904

Malinslee and Stirchley Colliery C, Fe __ 1861 (116‘, 129, 131) Cuxey’s Wood, Dark Lane New, Little Eyton, Forge, Grange, Hall, Hinks Hay, Holywell (or Spout), Jones & Barkers, Lawn, Lodge, Moor Farm (Moss Farm), Pudley Hill, Randley, Tipton’s Wharf Mount, C 1925 —— 1931 New Dale C —-— 1929 Old Furnaces, Lightmoor R 1925 —— 1936 Old Park C 1929—31, —— 1949

Old Park Colliery C, Fe —— 1908 (103, 129) Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 18, 19, 26, 27, 28, 29, 32, 35, Bennetts No. 7, Cad- mans No. 9, Coppice, Corbetts, Cuxey’s Wood 1 & 2, Daisy, Dark Lane, Old & New 1 & 2, Davis 11 & 20, Forge Meadow 1 & 2, Grange (Stirchley), Hall 1 & 2, Hinks Hay 2 & 3, Holywell 1, 2, 3, 4, Jones & Barkers No. 8, Ketley Lawn 1 & 2, Little Eyton 1 & 2, Lodge 1 & 2, Moor Farm Pickens No. 14, Park, Pitchfords No. 12, Puddley Hill 2 & 3 Randley 1 & 2, Rhodes No. 15, Squires 1 & 2, Stephens No. 21, Tiptons No. 6, Wagoners Fold, Water No. 17, Wharf 1, 2, 3, 4, Whitehead No. 31 Park, Dawley C 1930 only Park Lane, Dawley C —~ 1927 Plants Farm C —— 1949 Pool Hill C 1934 — 1936 Randle, Dawley C 1934 — 195? 17 Rough Park Pit ———cl800 Smalley Hill C —— 195? Station Road C 1934 —— 1935 Stoney Hill, Dawley C, F 1929 —— 1933 Swan, Madeley C -— 1948 Wallows, Stirchley C Wood, Coalmoor C 1928 — 1936 Wycherley C — 1906


(Wellington, Lawley, Horsehay, )

Arleston Colliery C, P — 1948 Arleston, Fair View, Lawley Arscott C Borough, Horsehay C 1932 — 1946 Buckatree, L. Wenlock C —— 1902 Clares Lane, Lawley C 1927 — 1935 Cliff, Wellington C 1929 only Dabley Pit, Horsehay C Deepfield, Horsehay C (129) Ercall View C, Fe, P —c1910 Fairfield Nos. 1 & 2 C — 1914 Fair View, Horsehay C 1934 —— 1936 Fair View, L. Wenlock C — 1925 Fair View, Wellington, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 1906 — 1919 Farm, Lawley C 1929 —— 1944 Farm No. 2 C — 195? Garden, Wellington —- 1923 Hatch L 01877 — 1918 (15) Hill Crest, Wellington C —— 1926 Hillside, Lawley 1923 —— 1926 Hill Side, Wellington C —— 1924 Holly Bush, Wellington C —— 1925 18 Horsehay Common Colliery C, Fe — 1877 Balls 1 & 2, Birds 1 & 2, Horsehay Common Nos. 1, 2 & 3, Huntingdon, C ~—- .1956 Maxfield C —— 1875 Jubilee, Wellington C -— 1914 Lady Grove, Horsehay c1891 Lawley C — 1900

Lawley Colliery C —— 1912

Lawley Coppice Colliery C, Fe — 1889 Balls, Do Well, Gallears, Lower, Maypole, Nos. 1 & 2, Mount, Pros- pect, Shepherds Nos. 1 & 2 (L. Wenlock) Lawley Furnace C —l920, — 1925 Lawley Prospect C —-—- 1891 Little Wenlock C — 1910 Churms, Bellam, New Meadow, Wellington C —- 1931 Moors, L. Wenlock C — 1901 Moors Farm, L. Wenlock Mount, Wellington, Nos. 1, 2, 3 & 4 —— 1931 Mount Pleasant, L. Wenlock C — 1899 New Dale, Wellington C — 1922 New Invention, Wellington C —— 1926 New Mine Adit C, P New Victor, Wellington C — 1888 New Works C 1920 —— 1935 Oaks, Wellington C —- 1931 Owens, Wellington C -—— 1907 Peakes Wood, Wellington C —— 1928 Quarry, Wellington C -—— 1926 Red Lion C 1936 only Round Oak, Wellington C ——- 1930 Shortwood No. 1—10 ——~ present (129) Slew Brook, L. Wenlock C 1930 — 1933 19 Spring Village, Horsehay Station 1 & 2, Lawley 1948

Steeraway b 1882 (15) Steeraway (Shortwoods) 1925 Swan Meadows, Wellington 1935 Teeces, Lawley 1948 Tunnel 1928 Tunnel Piece, Wellington 1929 1931

Victoria, Wellington 000000 l 929 (129) Wood, Horsehay 1922

Wood, L. Wenlock 00 1934


ANSELL, J. Coalbrookdale—a problem paper to the Midland branch, Newcomen Society, December 12th, 1966. ASHTON, T. S. The coal miners of the 18th century. Economic history supplement of the Economic Journal, vol. 1, no. 3, January 1928, p. 307-34. ASHTON, T. S. The discoveries of the Darbys of Coalbrook- dale. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol. 5, 1924- 1925, p. 9-14. ASHTON, T. S. and in the . 2nd ed. Manchester University press, 1951. AN ATMOSPHERIC colliery winding engine (Shawfield col- liery). The Engineer, August 3rd, 1917, p. 94-98. BARRATT, F. A. Caughley and Coalport porcelain. Lewis, 1951. >195»? BELFITT, J. G. and RAYBOULD, W. E. Operations and experiences after an ignition of firedamp at Granville colliery. Iron and Coal Trades Review, vol. 183, Septem- ber lst, 1961, p. 463-67. BIRCH, A. Coalbrookdale: fact and fiction. Edgar Allen News, vol. 35, no. 411, September 1956, p. 198-200. BIRCH, T. W. Development and decline of the Coalbrookdale Coalfield. Geography, June 1934, p. 114-26, maps. 10. BLOWER, T., and SARGEANT, A. R. Some attempts at dust suppression: experiments with foam at a Shropshire col- liery (Madeley Wood). Iron and Coal Trades Review, vol. 172, April 6th, 1956, p. 295-302. 11. BLUNT, T. Iron mines and works of Salop. Paper read to the Shropshire and North Natural History and Anti- quarian Society, May 3rd, 1836. 12. BORDERER, T. They made clay pipes at Broseley in the days of Good Queen Bess. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 7, no. 5, September 1956, p. 28. l3. BROWN, E. H. The coalfields of Great Britain and their future development. Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers, vol. 114, 1954-55, p. 706-42 (note p. 727). 14. BROWN, IVOR J. Coal mining’s history in Shropshire. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 13, no. 8, January 1962, p. 15-17. 15. BROWN, IVOR J. A history of limestone mining in Shrop- shire. Shropshire Mining Club Special Publications, December 1966. 16. BROWN, IVOR J. Last days of the Rock Fireclay Mine. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 16, no. 11, January 1965, p. 33. 17. BROWN, IVOR J. The life of Shropshire colliers, Part 2. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 15, no. 10, November 1963, p. 32-33. 18. BROWN, IVOR J. Limestone. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 17, no. 2, April 1965, p. 40-41. 21 19. BROWN, IVOR J. The Madeley Wood Colliery, Part 1, Shropshire Magazine, vol. 18, no. 12, February 1967, p. 29-32; Part 2, Shropshire Magazine, vol. 19, no. 1, March 1967, p. 28-29. 20. BROWN, IVOR J. The mineral wealth of Coalbrookdale. Bulletin of the Peak District Mines Historical Society, vol. 2, part 5, May 1965, p. 255-89; vol. 2, part 6, December 1965, p. 339-366. 21. BROWN, IVOR J. Mineral Wealth of Coalbrookdale. Shrop- shire Magazine, vol. 18, no. 3, May 1966, p. 22-23. 22. BROWN, IVOR J. The miner’s revolution. Shropshire Maga- zine, vol. 19, no. 11, January 1968; vol. 19, no. 12 February 1968. 23. BROWN, IVOR J. Mining ironstone at Coalbrookdale. Shr0pshire Magazine, vol. 16, no. 10, December 1964, p. 40-41. 24. BROWN, IVOR J. The mining of clay. Shr0pshire Magazine, vol. 16, no. 6, August 1964, p. 36-37. 25. BROWN, IVOR J. Natural gas in the Coalbrookdale area. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 17, no. 4, June 1965, p. 32-33. 26. BROWN, IVOR J. Notes on the caves of Coalbrookdale. Shropshire Mining Club Yearbook, vol. 4, 1964-65. 27. BROWN, IVOR J. Oil! Shropshire Magazine, vol. 17, no. 8, October 1965, p. 36-37. 28. BROWN, IVOR J. ‘Rock’ had chequered history. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 18, no. 8, October 1966, p. 30-32. 29. BROWN, IVOR J. Shropshire iron. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 16, no. 3, May 1964, p. 26-27. 30. BROWN, IVOR J. ShrOpshire’s mining tragedy: a collection of ballads. Shropshire Mining Club Yearbook, vol. 5, 1965-66. 31. BROWN, IVOR J. Shropshire women dragged baskets like four-footed beasts. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 14, no. 4, September 1962, p. 13-14. 32. BROWN, IVOR J. Starving miners revolted and went on pillaging raids around Coalbrookdale. Shropshire Maga- zine, vol. 15, no. 8, August 1963, p. 30-31. 33. BROWN, IVOR J. Supplementary notes on the mineral wealth of Coalbrookdale. Bulletin of the Peak District Mines Historical Society, vol. 3, part 2, December 1966. 34. BROWN, IVOR J. The tar tunnel. Shropshire Magazine, vol 19, no. 3, May 1967, p. 36-37. '35. BROWN, IVOR J. When Shr0pshire led the way in safe winding from the pits. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 14, no. 5, October 1962, p. 36-37, 42. 36. CAMDEN, WILLIAM. Britannia; edited and enlarged by Richard Gough. 3 vols. , T. Payne & Son. G. G. J. and J. Robinson, 1789. Vol. II, p. 396. 37. CARTLIDGE, J. E. G. Vale and gates of Use—con. R. P. Griffiths, [193-]. 22 38. CHILD EMPLOYMENT COMMISSION. First report of commissioners for inquiring into the employment of child- ren in mines and manufactories. 1842. 39. CLARKE, W. J. The unconformity in the coal measures of the Shropshire coalfields. Quarterly Journal of the Geo- logical Society of London, vol. 57, February 1901, p. 86-95. 40. COALBROOKDALE COMPANY LTD. Coalbrookdale 1709- 1959. 1959. 41. CURR, JOHN, the Elder. Complete collier (The), 1793. DAVIES, A. STANLEY. The Coalbookdale company and the Newcomen engine, 1717-1769. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol. 20, 1939-1940, p. 45-48. 43. DAVY, H. The Newcomen engine. Proceedings of the In- stitution of Mechanical Engineers, October 1903, p. 679. 44. DONALD, M. B. Elizabethan copper: the history of the Company of Mines Royal, 1568-1605. Pergamon press, 1955. 45. DONNELLY, P. J. The pit head workings of early coal mining in East Shropshire. 1964. Thesis for School of Architecture. 46. EDINBURGH ENCYCLO-PAEDIA. 1810-1830. Vol. 14, p. 348, 352. 47. EDMUNDS, F. H. and OAKLEY, K. P. The Central district. 2nd ed. H.M.S.O. 1947. (British regional geology). 48. EDWARDS, 1. Early ironworks of NW. Salop. Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological Society, vol. 56. 1957-1960. p. 185-202. 49. EXCURSION to Stafiordshire and Shropshire, Part 3. Excursion to the Ironworks of Shropshire. Iron and Steel Institute. The Engineer, October 6th, 1871, p. 234. 50. EXPRESS AND STAR. The Darbys. Supplement. Sept- ember 22nd, 1959. 51. EXPRESS AND STAR. Lilleshall reaches its bicentenary. Supplement, September 8th, 1964. 52. EXPRESS AND STAR. Tom Parker. December 22nd, 1953. 53. EYTON, R. W. Antiquities of Shropshire. London, Smith, Beddow. 1854-60. Vol. 3, p. 321. 54. FIELD, JOSHUA. Joshua Field’s diary of a tour in 1821 through the Midlands. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol. 6, 1925, p. 30-33. 55. FULLER, THOMAS, Prebendary of Salisbury. The history of the Worthies of England. 4 parts. London, 1662. 56. GALLOWAY, R. L. Annals of coalrnining and the coal trade. 2 vols. London, Colliery Guardian Co., 1898, 1904. 57. GAMESON, F. R. An 8-man pit: an historic beam engine (Guest Deep Clay Mine, Broseley). Shropshire Magazine, vol. 2, no. 11, March 1952, p. 20-21, 40. 23 58. GITTINS, H. Face mechanisation with the Anbauhobel plough at Granville colliery. Paper to the South Stafford- shire Institution of Mining Engineers, 23rd March, 1964. Unpublished, Institution of Mining Engineers Library. 59. GRANVILLE colliery development: £1,500,000 reconstruction scheme in Shropshire. Iron and Coal Trades Review. vol. 180, January 15th 1.960, p. 121-25. 60. GRANVILLE colliery reconstruction. Colliery Engineering, vol. 37, January 1960, p. 2-9. 61. GRANVILLE colliery reconstruction. Colliery Guardian, vol. 199, November 1959, p. 2-9. 62. GREAT BRITAIN. Board of Trade. Mines Department. Catalogue of plans of abandoned mines. 5 vols. 1928-1931 63. GREAT BRITAIN. Board of Trade. Mines Department. List of mines in the . 1920 (—1938). 64. GREAT BRITAIN. Home Office. List of mines worked in the year 1888 (—1919). 65. GREAT BRITAIN. Ministry of Fuel and Power. The coal- fields of the Midland region. Regional survey report, 1945. 66. GREAT BRITAIN. Ministry of Fuel and Power. List of mines in Great Britain and the Isle of Man, 1945. 1948 and 1950. 67. GREAT BRITAIN. Ministry of Power. H.M. Inspector of Mines. Annual Report. 1842 to date. 68. GRIFFITHS, SAMUEL. A guide to the iron trade in Great Britain, 1873. 69. HALL, J. W. Notes on Coalbrookdale and the Darbys. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol. 5, 1924-25, p. 1f. 70. HARRIS, J. R. The introduction of into iron . Edgar Allen News, vol. 37, no. 435, September 1958, 204-05. 71. HIND, W. The carboniferous limestones of Lilleshall. Tran- sactions of the North St-atford‘shire Field Club, vol. 35. 1901, p. 107-09. 72. HOARE, R. H. Red beds in the coal measures of the . Transactions of the Institution of Mining En- gineers, vol. 119, part 3, December 1959, p. 185-98. 73. ICKES, E. L. Recent exploration for petroleum in the United Kingdom. Transactions of the American Institute of Mining and Mining Engineering, vol. 70, 1923, p. 1053. 74. JENKINS, RHYS. A sketch of the industrial history of the Coalbrookdale district. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol. 4, 1923-24, p. 102f. 75. JONES, D. On the co-relation of the carboniferous deposits of Cornbrook Brown Clee, Harcott, and Coalbrook Dale. Geological Magazine, vol. 8, 1871, p. 363-71. 76. JONES, D. Denudation of the Coalbrookdale coalfield. Geo- logical Magazine, vol. 8, 1871, p. 200-08. 24 77. JONES, St. V. CHAMPION. A gob fire in a Shropshire mine 1901. Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers, vol. 33, 1906-1907. p. 78. 78. KENDALL, J. D. The iron ores of Great Britain. London. C. Lockwood & Son, 1893, p. 31-34. 79. LEES, G. M. and TAITT, A. H. Geological results of the search for oilfields in Great Britain. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 101, 1945, p. 261- 65. 80. LLOYD, J. M. Historical notes in the Coalbrookdale area. Brochure for Stephenson’s Loco. Soc., West Mid. Railtour, 12th September. 1959. 81. LLOYD, L. C. The borough of Wenlock, ShrOpshire. Official guide. 1964. 82. LLOYD, L. C. An industrial relic (‘Rats Pit’ winding engine). Transactions of the Shropshire Archaeological and Natural History Society, vol. 53, 1949-1950, p. 23, illus. 83. MACKENZIE, Sir E. M. COMPTON. The house of Coalport, 1750-1950. Collins. 1951. 84. MEADE, RICHARD. The coal and iron industries of the U8nited Kingdom. London, Crosby, Lockwood & Co.. 1 82. 85. MERCER, A. C. B. The Cinderloo affair. Shropshire Maga- zine. vol. 17, no. 11, January 1966, p. 22-23. 86. METHANE drainage in the West Midlands; installation at Granville colliery. Iron and Coal Trades Review, vol. 181, December 16th, 1960, p. 1317-18. 87. MIDLAND MINING COMMISSION. First report. 1843. MINING ASSOCIATION OF BREAT BRITAIN. Historical review of coalmining. 1928. 89. MINING JOURNAL. 1835 to date. Weekly. 90. MORTON, G. R. and SMITH, W. A. The Bradley ironworks of John Wilkinson. Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, vol. 204, July 1966, p. 661-78. 91. MOTT, R. A. Abraham Darby I and II and the coal-iron industry. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol. 31, 1957-1959, p. 49-93. 92. MOTT, R. A. The Coalbrookdale Group Horsehay works. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, vol. 31, 1957-8 and 1958-9, p. 271-87. The Coalbrookdale Group Horsehay works, Part II, vol. 32, 1959-60, p. 43-55. 93. MOTT, R. A. The earliest use of coke for iron making. The Gas World-Coking Section, vol. 50, no. 527, supplement p. 7-14, 18, January 5th, 1957. 94. MOTT, R. A. English waggonways of the 18th century. Transactions of the Newcomen Society, 1964. 95. MOTT, R. A. The Shropshire iron industry. Transactions of the Shropshire Archaelogical Society, vol. 56, 1957-1960, p. 69-81. 25 96. MULFORD, R. The history—and the new era—of the mid- Shropshire coalfield. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 3, no. 3, July 1952, p. 28-29, 40. 97. NEF, J. U. The rise of the British coal industry, 2 vols. Rout- ledge & Son, 1932. (Studies in economic and social his- tory). 98. PARSONS, L. M. The carboniferous limestones of the Wrekin district. Geological Magazine, vol. 56 (i)——(iv), 1919. 99. PEPPER, J. H. Playbook of metals: including personal narra- tives of visits to coal, lead, copper and tin mines. 1861. 100. PESKIN, C. F. Memories of old Coalbrookdale. Transactions of the Caradoc and Severn Valley Field Club, vol. 11, 1941, p. 217-19. 101. PLYMLEY, JOSEPH. General view of the agriculture of Shropshire. Nicol, 1803. 102. POCOCK, R. W. and WHITEHEAD, T. H. The Welsh border- land. 2nd ed. H.M.S.O. 1948. (British regional geology). 103. PRESTWICH, J. On the geology of Coalbrookdale. 1836. 104. PURTON, P. W. On the geology of Coalbrookdale. Geological Magazine, vol. 2, 1865, p. 514. 105. RAISTRICK, ARTHUR. Dynasty of ironfounders. Long- mans Green, 1952. 106. RANDALL, JOHN. Broseley and its surroundings. Salopian and West Midland Journal Office, 1879. 107. RANDALL, JOHN. The clay industries on the banks of the Severn. Salopian and West Midland Journal Oflice, 1877. 108. RANDALL, JOHN. History of Madeley. Wrekin Echo, 1880. 109. RANDALL, JOHN. John Wilkinson, the father of the English iron trade. Salopian and West Midland Monthly Illus- trated Journal, 1876. 110. RANDALL, JOHN. Petroleum wells in Shropshire. Tran- sactions of the Severn Valley Field Club, vol. 4, no. 2, 1906, p. 99-103. 111. The RECONSTRUCTION of Lilleshall and Madeley Wood collieries. Colliery Guardian, vol. 187, August 6th, 1953, p. 165-70. 112. A RELIC of bygone mining. Edgar Allen News, vol. 44, no. 519, September 1965, p. 205. 113. SCHOFIELD, M. Brain drains in British iron history. Edgar Allen News, vol. 44, no. 514, April 1965, p. 86-87. 114. SCHOFIELD, M. Coalbrookdale and Abraham the Second. Edgar Allen News, vol. 40, no. 470, August 1961, p. 185- 87. 115. SCHOFIELD, M. Where Shropshire made its contribution to coal tar history. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 5, no. 11, March 1955. p. 9-10. 116. SCOTT, M. W. T. On the Symon fault in the Coalbrookdale coalfield. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, vol. 17, 1861, p. 457-67. 26 117. SEPARATING efi‘iciency of the Hirst Fine Coal Washer at Madeley Wood colliery. Bretby Broadsheets, National C0637 Board, no. 38, March/April 1967; no. 39, May/June l9 . 118. SHROPSHIRE MINING CLUB. Lilleshall stone quarry. 1960. 119. SMITH, R. S. England’s first rails. University of Notting- h291m, Mining Department Magazine, vol. XVI, 1964-, p. 42- 4 . 120. SMITH, THOMAS. The miner’s guide; being a description and illustration of a chart of sections of the principal mines of coal and ironstone in the counties of Stafford, Salop, Warwick and Durham, 1846. 121. SMYTH, W. W. Iron ores of the Shropshire and North Staffordshire coalfields. Geological survey 1862. 122. STONEHOUSE, T. H. Recent provings of concealed exten- sions of the coalfields of Shropshire and south Staflord- shire. Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers, vol. 110, 1950-51, p. 289-300. 123. STRAHAN, Sir A. and others. Iron ores: pre-carboniferous and carboniferous bedded ores of England and Wales. 1920. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Special reports on the mineral resources of Great Britain, vol. 13). 124. STRAHAN, Sir A. and others. Mineral oil, Kimmeridge oil shales, lignites, jets, Cannel coal, natural gas, England and Wales. 2nd ed. 1920. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Special reports on the mineral resources of Great Britain, vol. 7). 125. STRAHAN, Sir A. and others. Refractory materials; fireclays. Resources and geology. 1920. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey. Special reports on the mineral resources of Great Britain, vol. 14). 126. TRUEMAN, Sir A. E. The coalfields of Great Britain. Ed- ward Arnold, 1954. 127. VICTORIA HISTORY OF SHROPSHIRE, edited by W. Page. Vol. 1. Constable, 1908. 128. WESLEY, JOHN. A short account of the life and death of the Rev. John Fletcher. 1786. 129. WHITEHEAD, T. H. and others. The country between Wol- verhampton and Oakengates. H.M.S.O. 1928. (Memoirs of the Geological Survey). 130. WILLIAMS, W. H. The canal system of East Shropshire. Shropshire Magazine, vol. 5, no 1, May 1954, p. 20; no. 2, June 1954, p. 14; no. 3, July 1954, p. 18; no. 4, August 1954, p. 14. 131. WILLIAMS, W. H. Thomas Botfield kept his ear to the wall . . . Shropshire Magazine, vol. 17, no. 10, December 1965, p. 48-51. 132. WRIGHT, THOMAS. Uriconium. Longmans, Green & Co., 1872. 27 PART III LIST OF PRESERVED MINING ANTlQUITIES

Page Section 1 Items normally available for inspection. (a) Shropshire Mining Club 29 (b) Borough Library and Museum 29 (c) Shropshire County Library 30 ((1) Shropshire County Record Office 3O (e) London Science Museum 32 (f) Shrewsbury Borough Library (Local History Collect’n) 33

Section 2 Items available to bona-fide students only. (g) National Coal Board Record Office 33 (h) London, Mining Record Office 34 (i) Lilleshall Co. New Yard Works 34

Section 3 Items not normally available for inspection 35 Further details on application to the County Librarian

28 Section 1 — Items normally available for inspection (a) The Shropshire Mining Club. All items from the Rock Fireclay Mine, Ketley. Mine tub. Small winch. Wooden hand winch. hand winch. Horse-gin post.

.O‘EAPPJNE— Set of shaft signalling equipment. The above items can be seen at any time in the yard of the Club Headquarters, Church Aston, near Newport.


A O“ Shrewsbury Borough Library and Museum Collection on loan from the Shropshire Mining Club. Madeley Wood C0. Plate wheel and bearing. ,, ., Cast iron sleeper (part only). ,, ,, ,, Flanged rail. Length of triple link, wooden pegged winding chain. Candle and clay support, as used at Rock Mine. Copper shothole rammer, complete with stale. Old Miners’ pick. “Road doggies” hammer (rail-laying tool). “Frank” for lifting coal——complete with stale. Capel clamps. Shothole scraper. Thimble. l in. wire rope support for cage. Deep Pit, Broseley. Cast iron sleeper, complete, Stirchley Furnaces.

Manually operated soft rock drill and bits. PPWNE‘9EOWNQSAPWNE‘ r—u—‘n—tr—‘i—n— Manually operated hard rock drill and bits. 16. Iron wedge. 17-19 3 miners’ picks. fixed head. hammerhead. detachable and two blades (spare). 20. Miners’ helmet. 21-22. Two mine tubs. Length of rails — pair with sleepers. “Dickey" — ball. Set of railway points. Shaft signalling equipment. Siskol coal cutter complete with drills, angling gear. starter, cable, glands, service dan, servicing book and chart. Second length of winding chain. 29’ Wooden hand winch. 30:31. Two detaching hooks. Bell plate for above. (2) Cage position indicators (0-10) with bells. Statutory enamelled notices (3 electricity, signals, fire). Short length winding rope, g” dia. with fork end. Short length winding rope, y dia. with fork end. Pike or bodger 2ft. long, lgin. dia. 29 38. Rail straightener (jackcrow). 39-40. Two Shovels (bull nose, short handled). 41. Distribution Chains for cage. 42. Length 3ft. flanged rail. 43. 2 lengths, 5ft. 3in. flanged rail 2in. x 3%in. 44. Dan and box. Permission to view the above can be obtained from the Borough Librarian and Curator. Shrewsbury Museum.





0 0 Shropshire County Library, Coalbrookdale Annexe. On loan from Ivor J. Brown. Miners’ surveying dial. Tripod for above. Tripod for thin seams. Gunter measuring chain. Detonators case (leather). Crimpers. Manually operated rock drill and hits. Flame safety lamp.


pmsawewwr pmsawewwr Notice a Explosives store. Scriber for numbering wooden pit props. Anemometer. Ready reckoner for miners’ timber measurements. Carbide miners’ lamp (one hand. one cap). Workmen’s tub tallies. Candle and clay support. Workmen’s Time and Stamp Book 1928. Plan. Rock Pits. I923. Miners’ balance. Rammer Rubber overshoes. Geological Plan and Section (Lilleshall and Madeley Wood Com- panies Field).

(d) Shropshire County Record Office, Shrewsbury. Deposited by Ivor J. Brown. Ketley No. l Colliery and Ivy Colliery. Weekly reports on state of shafts 1913-1930 (2 vols). Grange Colliery, Ketley Bank. Weekly report on state of shaft 1912-13: Daily report on examination of winding machinery, guides, etc. 1912-13; Persons ordinarily employed, 1912-13. Rock Mine, Ketley. Weekly examination of shaft. 1911-30 (2 vols. part missing); Weekly examination of guides “Shaft Book” cl896-1912; Daily examination of workings 1895-1913 (parts mis- sing); Deputy’s pre-shift report 1961-62; and General report 1961 (used also as Time Sheet); Persons ordinarily employed 1910-13; Weekly examination of state of airways 1913-30. Trial Pit (Milburgh)—report on winding machinery, guides etc. cl928-37 (2 vols. part missing): Winding engineman’s report ND. 30 Also in this collection: Kemberton Pits, 1879. Surface plan (SRO 1313/37-8). Coal Mines at Greenfields, New Sough and Wrockwardine Wood, accounts from 1738 (SRO 676/1-28). Priorsfield Coll.. Lilleshall Estate, cash account 1814-24. SRO 673/4/1. Langley Field Coll., Deeds (SRO 1265 and SRO 1268/3). Geological Plan and Section of the Lilleshall and Madeley Wood Field 1879 (SRO 1313/37-8). Plan probably from share prospectus of Wellington Iron and Coal Co. Ltd., Old Park Estate and Works; enlarged plan and vertical section of coal seams. ND. Hadley C011, parallel section by Chas. W. Pearce. 1812. Puddley Hill C011. 1871 Section. Old Park Coll. 1841—42 Section. Copy. lease coalworks and mines in Manor of Little Dawley, Earl of Cravan to Thos. Barker 1733 (210/1-3). Madeley Field Ironworks and Madeley Wood Furnace account book 1790-97 (SRO 271). Lease of Old Park Works 1873-4; agreement for working pits with plan 1867 (SRO 513). Abstract title of Slaneys to Manor of Dawley Magma and mines 1624-53: Abstract lease of mines to Abraham Darby 1779 (SRO 513). Mutual release of partnership in iron and coal works at Dawley and Clee Hill 1846 (Botfields) (SRO 539). Accounts of coal and ironstone mined at Wrockwardine Wood, weighed at Horsehay, Ketley or Coalbrookdale, 1757-70 (SRO 676). Copy depositions in case Wm. Hayward v. Coalbrookdale Co. re coal mines at Coalmoor ND (776/1-3). Conveyance of ironworks and collieries at Stirchley and Dawley to the Haybridge Iron Co. 1873 (SRO 1150/955). Lease Browne to Botfield, includes inventory of engines and equip- ment 1797 (SRO 1150 bundle 77). Lease Cravan to Darbys, of coal and ironworks with plan 1772 and 1825 (SRO 1224/Drawer 58). Lawsuit over improper operation of coal mines in Coal Moor belonging to Hayward, worked by Coalbrookdale Co. from 1726- 50. (776/1-3). Private act concerning coal and iron mines in the manor of Madeley, dated 1695 (776/1-3). Sale of mines at Dawley to John Gibbons and Thomas Longueville by the Darbys, 19th Cent. (800/-). Sutherland Collection: In addition to the following the positions of various mines are shown on other plans in the collection. Ketley. Section of coal and ironstone mines in the Lordship of Ketley and in the Hadley Angle, from list by J. Cadman. April 1819. Tracing of plan of Ketley Colliery. 31 Lilleshall Co. Plan of Lilleshall lands proposed to be let to the Co. 1807. Vertical section, Lilleshall Co’s. C011. 1861. T. Doody. Vertical section of the newly discovered mines in the Lilleshall Co’s. C011. 1862. T. Doody. Section of the strata of mines showing coal and ironstone in N. & S. Staffs. and Salop. Lilleshall Co. and other mining companies. Charles Rowley. Geological section and plan of the Salop Coalfield in Lilleshall and Madeley Wood Collieries. Jan. 1879. Lilleshall Estate Records. Lease of lands and mines at Ketley to the Ketley Co. 1862. Lilleshall Coll. Royalty book 1852-88. 28. Conveyance by the L.N.W.R. to the trustees of Beriah Botfield, Dec. 1867, following conversion of part of the canal into a railway, shows Dark Lane Pits, Wharf Pits, Hinks Hay Pits. Lease by the Haybridge Iron Co. (a) of plant and mines at Old Park and Dark Lane to A. S. Jones, 1894, (b) of the Lawn Pits. shafts and mach- inery at Dark Lane, to A. S. Jones, 1896 Charlton Family Property Lease of mines in Wombridge. St. John Chiverton Charlton to John Bennett, 1852. Old Park and Stirchley Estate. 35 lots including the former Lang- ley Field Colliery, Little Eyton Colliery, the Lawn, Spout and Wood Collieries, and other pits in the Deep Angle except Puddley Hill, Forge Pits and two smaller pits sold May 1904. Property of the Coalbrookdale Co. 221 lots including Lawley Colliery. sold 1910. Messrs. Littlewood, Peace and Lanyon Collection. Langley Fields C011. and ironworks. 1747-1857 (127). 30. Charlton of Apley Castle Estates Collection. From 1738. records and accounts of saltworks at Kingley Wyke on the and coal mines at Greenfields and elsewhere. Accounts of getting and selling coal at Greenfield. New Sough and Wrockwardine Wood 1730-35. Other accounts of coal, ironstone and limestone got 1757-70. 31. Additional deposits by Ivor J. Brown. Print and vertical section, Kemberton Pits, 1863. ,, ., ,, ,, Lilleshall Property, 1879. ., ...... Stafford Colliery. 01860. ., ...... Granville Colliery. 1864. Plan of Rock Pits. 1885. Plan of Lilleshall Limestone Mine. 1883. Permission to view the above can be obtained from the County Archivist, Shirehall, Shrewsbury.

6‘ London. Science Museum Photographs. Model of Ironbridge, Coalbrookdale. Coalbrookdale —— upstream view. ,, — downstream view. ewwrv Oil Painting () by Loutherbourg. 32 5. Cast iron railway lines and sleepers. Ab. Darby. c1770. 6. John Wilkinson, 1787. 7. Heslop’s Beam engine, Madeley Wood. Can be viewed during normal Museum hours.

(f) Shrewsbury Borough Library and Museum Photographs. Beam engine at Clay Pit, Guest Deep, Broseley, 1939 (3638). Clay pipe making (830, 3975-3985). Guest Deep Clay Mine. (2042-48). Coalbrookdale by night (974). Newcomen Engine (2713). Coalport China Works (2553). Inclined Plane — Coalport (closed 1872) (794). Lilleshall Co. Furnaces (1159). Last of Salopian Old Blast Furnaces used 1832-1912 (2739). Whim at Coalpit (1965). Ironworks for casting cannon and boring mill (1964). Heslop’s Beam Engine (1173). ,, Winding and pumping engines (1174). Priors Lee Furnaces (2680-2706). Raistrick’s H.P. steam engines (2715). Opencast Mining near Wellington (3548). Derelict Beam Engine (3768).

Wilkinson’s Engine Drawings (2712 etc.). pwsawewwrppwsevewwr l—‘h—‘F—lh-lHHD—IHD—‘J—i Aerial Views of Coalbrookdale area. Permission to view the above can be obtained from the Borough Librarian, Castle Gates, Shrewsbury.

Section 2 —— Items available to bona-fide students only (g) National Coal Board Records Office, Bridgetown, . Ledger a/cs of Wm. Reynolds 1803-10. M.W Cos. Book of Mining and Farming Leases 1839. ,, Estate Cash Book 1834-73. .. Annual Settlement Books 1826-1914 Indentures I 1765 II 1848. Specification for repairs to No 3 Woburn Palace, London 1847. Book showing particulars of Leases and Deeds 1864. M.W. Cos. Leases of Freehold Lands 1879. pwseweww~€ .. Report and accounts 1903- 15 10. , Cost Sheets Coal and lronstone Mines 1908. 11. Rent Book 1916- 18. 12. Coal Mines Contract Agreements and Returns 1918-25. 13. Sunday Sales Book M.W. Cos. Ltd. 1925-44. 14. Wharfe Trading a/cs. 1928-37. 15. M.W. Ledgers 1881 onwards. 16. ,, 1900 ,, 17. Purchase books, cash books etc. 1900. 18. Mining Assoc. Returns 1928-34. 19. Tenders for electrification. 20. Claim for damage to Park St. etc. 1928. 33 21. Stallbooks 1914-38. 22. M.W. Files. Journals 1886-1946. 23. Executors of J. Anstice _ cash book 1911-18. 24. M.W. Cos. Ltd. Deeds relating to the Dodmores in the Parish of . 25. Bound Volume, ‘Plans of the Mineral Property belonging to R. H. Cheney.’ 1850. Accessible by appointment only.

(h) London. Mining Record Office. Abandonment Plans. Non-coal Mines. 1. Alders Meadow Colliery Broseley 1940 2. Benthall Lane Mine Benthall 1942 3. Blist’s Hill Mine Madeley 1925 & 1941 4. Brandlee No. 1 Mine Dawley 1914 5. Broseley Wood Mine Broseley 1916 6. Broseley Milburgh Broseley 1940 7. Cherry Tree Hill Ironbridge 1933 8. Deep Mine Broseley 1939 9. Doughty’s Mine Broseley 1902 10. Dunge Nos 3 and 4 Mine Broseley 1905 11. Fair View Mine Dawley 1948 12. Holly Grove Mine Broseley 1915 13. Jubbs Leesow Mine Madeley 1928 14. Jubilee Mine Broseley 1910 15. Ketley Mine Wombridge 1920 16. Knowle Mine Broseley 1914 17. Ladywood Mine Broseley 1939? 18. Lightmoor Mine Dawley 1916 19. Lightmoor Lower Mine Dawley 1904 20. Lilleshall Mine Lilleshall 1883 21. Madeley Court Mine Madeley 1903 22. Rock Mine Broseley 1902 23. Tuckies Mine Broseley 1923 24. Viger Drift Mine Ironbridge 1953 25. Woodland Green Mine Broseley 1914 26. Wynd Road Mine Broseley 1913 Open by appointment during normal office hours.

(i) Lilleshall Company, New Yard works 1. Photo Grange pit winding engine. Lilleshall 1861. 2. Granville Coll. before modernisation. 3. .. ,, steam winding engine 1870. 4. .. .. ,. underground 1958. 5. .. Horse gear pit 1860. 6. .. .. ,, working 1865. 7. One horse gin 1810. 8. Two horse gin 1823 (not local). 9. Print and section. Granville Coll, Donnington 1864. 34 10. Locks and keys from local mines’ powder houses. ll. Books of newspaper cuttings re-Miners. 12. Chartermasters' book. Accessible by appointment only.

Section 3 i Items not normally available for inspection. Further details on application to the County Librarian. (1) Model of Lilleshall Co. . Doody’s Geol. Plan and Section of Lilleshall Field I879. Deeds and Leases.

(k) Hand carved wooden articles—from old pit props. Newspaper cuttings. Printing block-wDeep Pit Engine. Miner’s notebook 1900~50 Broseley Area.

(l) Model of Deep Pit Engine. Plans and sections of above. Cuttings on local tram/railways.

(m) Shotfirer’s certificate 1911. Rescue Brigade Man’s Certificate 1913. Other Certificates authorising use of detonators. explosives, horses. etc. Miner‘s notebook Madeley Area.

(n) Copy of Map of Donnington Wood Colliery lst August 1788. Coal Sale Ticket, Brick-kiln Leasow Mine 1878.

(o) Rolling ruler. Puddley Hill Coll. Time Book 1891-95.

(p) Flame Safety Lamp (2) early, different. Surveying dial, fixed needle. Black powder can and measure. Wooden flanged wheel found in Caughley Mines. Willow pattern teapot from above mines. Hand rail for tub. Parts of steam winding engine. gauge. con rods, etc. Casting from Wilkinson’s furnaces, Willey. Photos, cuttings, etc.. on old Shropshire Mines. Photostat copies of early prints on area. Locally made clocks and clockwork spits. Wage Lists Caughley Pits. l9l3-l4. 1918. l924 and 1929.

(q) Painting Halesfield Colliery. Framed memorial to 7 men killed in pit. Early shotfirers’ list of rules and certificates. 35 (r) Safety lamp from Madeley Court Pits.

(s) Safety lamp from Woodhouse Pit.

(I) Safety lamp from Stafford Colliery ,. Woodhouse Colliery ,, Granville Colliery ,, Rock Mine. Donnington Colliery. Carbide lamp. Post office type Small Mines. Dawley. ,, Cap. Brandlee Colliery. Single-s—hot battery key Drill , set of three. Manually operated rock drill. Hailwood Patent Lamp from St. Georges Area. ‘Peggy-drill’ steels from Ketley. Ceag Electric Inspectors hand-lamp, Donnington Area. ‘Peggy-drill’ from Ketley.

(U) Manufacturers Literature showing tile-making and surface Deep Pit 1924. Small drawing of Deep Pit engine. Wilkinson’s token. “Truck” tokens. "Union" token. Salop miners’ federation 1914. Candle and clay support as used Rock Colliery 1964. Deputies inspection report. Brandlee Mine 1964. ,, Rock Mine 1964. Persons Employed Book Rock Mine 1889- 1902. Collection of minerals and fossils. Pair of twitches——m0uth grip for pit ponies. Copper shotholewrammer head. “Some records of Broseley and District" by C. R. Jones. Shotfirers/Deputies equipment Kemberton Pit 1962. Plans. Swan Mine, Madeley. Gayney Coal (2). Lilleshall Limestone Mine, 1883. Viger Drift, Ironbridge 1952. ,, Shortwoods Colliery (Nos 9 & 10) 1965. Leather detonator case. “Slate” book. Manufacturers Lit. (tile-making and surface Deep Pit) 1924. Large Drawing C. H. Judd of Deep Pit Engine 1951. Small Drawing ,, .. Drawing showing selected parts of above