Class of 2012, Hope You Like ’Hurst Housing Incoming Students Required to Live Survey Says on Campus Until Senior Year

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Class of 2012, Hope You Like ’Hurst Housing Incoming Students Required to Live Survey Says on Campus Until Senior Year Ian Michalski Vol.82,No.6/10.08.08/Free takes a Mexican ‘study break’ Read more on Page 7 Class of 2012, hope you like ’Hurst housing Incoming students required to live Survey says on campus until senior year. students favor OBAMA Read more on Page 2 Check out the results of The Merciad’s survey on Page 2 Page 2 NEWS October 8, 2008 Class of 2012 faces Merciad Student Survey Results on three-year housing rule Election 2008 150. ing with a consultant about By Casey Greene “We have more freshman possible changes for residence Editor-in-chief These pie charts depict the results of the 519 beds than we’ll ever have buildings on campus. students who completed the survey sent out by freshmen,” Tobin said. “We Tobin said one idea is to use the Merciad. Before the Class of 2012 understood that when we parts of McAuley as a com- starts house-hunting after decided to build the new resi- muter lounge or to use Egan sophomore year, they should dence hall.” as offi ce space. Do you plan on voting? read the fi ne print. The policy is not just a Another possibility is to At the end of the 2007- result of the new housing convert the Mercy Suites into 45 08 school year, the college options. Other concerns led graduate housing. imposed a new policy requir- to the decision to enact the “This would open up build- ing students to live on campus three-year rule. ings on Briggs and Lewis yes until their fourth year. The Tobin said one housing where grads are currently no fi rst class of students affected issue the administration rec- housed,” Tobin said. 473 by the policy are Mercyhurst’s ognizes is the “internal den- He said no fi nal decisions current freshman class. sity of apartments.” have been made and all ideas Previously, students were “The different sized bed- are “still on the table.” allowed to move off campus rooms in Briggs and Lewis The new policy will not take What party are you affi liated with? after their sophomore year. apartments make living tight,” affect for another two years. “All fi rst-, second-, and Tobin said. “We recognize Delaying the enforcement third-year students are this and plan to provide better of the policy gives the college 24 required to live on campus, housing options as a result of a “few years to get prepared,” 81 Democrat unless they are classifi ed as this change.” Tobin said. Republican nontraditional or designated For this reason, the plan is While student opposition 240 by admissions as a ‘com- to convert many of the four- may occur, Zirkle does not Independent muter student’ living at their person apartments on Briggs anticipate much resistance. 173 permanent address. Students and Lewis avenues into tri- “This class of freshmen came Other who began classes at Mercy- ples. in knowing and understand- hurst College prior to Dec. “We realize that we will be ing that this was the policy,” 31, 2007 are exempt from the providing a better housing sit- she said. third-year residency require- uation if we move from quads Zirkle said she believes the Which candidate do you support? ment,” the college’s student to triples,” Zirkle said. changes in housing and the handbook says. Student safety is another housing policy will provide 73 Director of Residence Life issue that led to the three-year more desirable on-campus John McCain and Student Conduct, Laura policy. living options for students. 167 Zirkle, said the change in “The college takes a sig- “It’s important to the col- Barack Obama policy is the result of the new nifi cant amount of responsi- lege that we do what we really Not sure freshman residence hall being bility in providing good and feel is best for students,” 278 built next to Tulio Field. safe housing on campus,” Zirkle said. “The new freshman hous- Tobin said. “The housing stu- Tobin said he feels resi- ing building provides the dents rent off campus are not dential living is part of the college with many options,” always good and not always “whole college experience” Zirkle said. “We will now be safe.” and providing attractive hous- Most Important Issues to Students able to provide students with With the increase in com- ing will make the experience better housing options.” plaints from neighbors of more successful. Vive President of Student off-campus students, Zirkle “We now have enough Life, Dr. Gerry Tobin, said said she hopes the new policy space to offer great housing 369 Economy the new residence hall will will alleviate some of these in a way that is much more 463 War in Iraq house 300 freshmen. issues. appealing to students,” Tobin Energy/Oil Currently, Baldwin Hall is “This could provide mutual said. “We’re convinced that a the home to 200 freshmen, relief for the college and our good residential experience in McAuley Hall 160, Egan Hall neighbors,” she said. college is worth all students 370 100 and the Mercy Suites Currently, the college is talk- invest in it.” Page 2 NEWS October 8, 2008 October 8, 2008 NEWS Page 3 Class of 2012 faces Merciad Student College’s neighbors unite Survey Results on to address concerns about three-year housing rule Election 2008 150. ing with a consultant about By Casey Greene “We have more freshman possible changes for residence off-campus students Editor-in-chief These pie charts depict the results of the 519 beds than we’ll ever have buildings on campus. problems.” them and they look blighted.” students who completed the survey sent out by By JoEllen Marsh freshmen,” Tobin said. “We Tobin said one idea is to use Some of the problems aren’t Senior Jenna Golden has the Merciad. Contributing writer Before the Class of 2012 understood that when we parts of McAuley as a com- even caused by Mercyhurst lived on 38th Street for the Friday, Oct. 10 starts house-hunting after decided to build the new resi- muter lounge or to use Egan students. Seven of the 12 vio- past two years. She moved off sophomore year, they should dence hall.” as offi ce space. Do you plan on voting? On Monday, Oct. 6, several lations cited the fi rst weekend campus, because “there used Bash Knight 7:30 p.m. Herrmann read the fi ne print. The policy is not just a Another possibility is to dozen local residents held a involved students Penn State to be more freedom living Student Union At the end of the 2007- result of the new housing convert the Mercy Suites into 45 meeting at the Lamb of God Behrend. off campus and it’s a lot nicer. 08 school year, the college options. Other concerns led graduate housing. Lutheran Church on the corner Apart from excess noise There’s a lot more space and imposed a new policy requir- to the decision to enact the “This would open up build- of 38th and Ash Streets to dis- and parties, parking too many alone time.” Saturday, Oct. 11 ing students to live on campus three-year rule. ings on Briggs and Lewis yes cuss crime and housing viola- vehicles, parking vehicles on Low density housing is until their fourth year. The Tobin said one housing where grads are currently no tions in the residential area sur- lawns, placing indoor furniture another issue. T he City of Lakers vs. Gannon fi rst class of students affected issue the administration rec- housed,” Tobin said. 473 rounding Mercyhurst College. on lawns, leaving trash and fur- Erie limits residences to three Football Game 7 p.m. by the policy are Mercyhurst’s ognizes is the “internal den- He said no fi nal decisions Bob Merski, co-founder of niture outside and low appear- non-related people per house. current freshman class. sity of apartments.” have been made and all ideas the South East Hills Neighbor- ance of houses were among So far 24 houses have been (transportation to Previously, students were “The different sized bed- are “still on the table.” hood Watch, said, “It’s mostly residents’ other complaints. identifi ed for housing viola- Gannon provided) allowed to move off campus rooms in Briggs and Lewis The new policy will not take quality of life issues, like “Our organization is not tions. What party are you affi liated with? after their sophomore year. apartments make living tight,” affect for another two years. broken glass from beer bottles anti-college students or anti- The city is currently explor- “All fi rst-, second-, and Tobin said. “We recognize Delaying the enforcement and parties on weekdays until Mercyhurst. We are pro keep- ing other zoning options for third-year students are this and plan to provide better of the policy gives the college 24 two in the morning when we ing our neighborhood safe, certain areas around campus. Harassment Off Campus required to live on campus, housing options as a result of a “few years to get prepared,” 81 Democrat have work the next day.” clean and orderly,” Merski said. Andy Zimmerman, the Man- Saturday, Sept. 27 .08 Pending Investigation unless they are classifi ed as this change.” Tobin said. According to Merski, the “We don’t have a problem as ager of Code Enforcement Republican nontraditional or designated For this reason, the plan is While student opposition 240 organization started in Novem- long as they respect the social in the City of Erie, recently Criminal Mischief 742 East 40th Street by admissions as a ‘com- to convert many of the four- may occur, Zirkle does not ber 2007 to address issues with values of the neighborhood visited Indiana University of Independent Saturday, Sept.
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