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The BG News December 6, 2004

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HOCKEY SPLITS: AM SHOWERS Falcons split weekend HIGH: 50 LOW: 46 against Michigan State with one loss, one win; dependent student press V0UME99 ISSUES? PAGE 7

— DIGITIZED Jackson: Get involved Lack of involvement University students — that helped that we've had these Itype of] sponsor the event. workshops ... and the common by black males the The series, titled "For Brothers denominator in all these focus of series finale. Only: Coming Together for the programs is that they're one day Purpose of Becoming Men," events that never do more than drew 15-20 students each week, that they never follow up." By Kara Hull NEWS EDITOR Bradford said. The Black Intellects last night's talk, featuring guest speaker lames Jackson, multicul- Napoleon Bradford had Group and Student African American Brotherhood also tural adviser and coordinator of hoped lo pack the Union's 276- diversity education and programs, capacityTheaterlastnight.Butthe sponsored the event. But the students that did was aimed at moving beyond numbers for the last In a discussion and into action. discussion series aimed at participate, Bradford said, are those who will take the "1 think the most important reaching black males on campus thing for us is, basically, to put stayed small, with just under a discussions to heart and can already be seen acting as movers out money where our mouth dozen students attending. is," lackson said. "You're going Low attendance at the previous and shakers on campus. We've had an intimate to graduate...eventually you're JAMES JACKSON sessions of the eight-week series is going to leave. And my question Indicative of the challenges facing opportunity to have a dialogue with concerned people, a group though is what are you going to line to a resume, Jackson said. black males at the University to get leave? 1 low are you going to make Students should look to the future involved, said Bradford, executive of people who really will do more than just talk about the Bowling Green better Uian when to help younger black male Stu- director of Project Excellence — a you got here?" dents see that thev can reach Will Clark BGNews tutoring and mentoring program problems," Bradford said. "So many times since I've been |at the But getting involved should be CHECK IT OUT: Holly Knotts looks at FLARR Department display thai pairs at risk 3rd through 12th University] over the last four years more than just adding another SERIES. PAGE 2 on digital photography at the Research Poster Fair on Friday. grade students from Toledo with 1 BG native fights offbrain tumor lliinpil out (hi Best By Carrie WhitaKer of high radiation are delivered E D • 10 R -1II - C K' E F to kill the tumor, while causing Rare health problems are less damage to healthy tissue. nothing new for ice skating Results for the single-visit pro- Olympic Gold Medalist and cedure can take several months. Bowling Green native Scott As a child. Hamilton had a Hamilton, who will undergo mysterious illness diat kept high-tech radiation therapy for him from growing. After a non-cancerous brain tumor factoring out cystic fibrosis Musicians vie for "It's a matter of maturation," TO HEAR THE TUNES... later this month. and Schwachmann's syndrome, Kennell said. "If we left it to just "Needless to say, Scon is no doctors could only decide that spot in Philharmonia the top eight overall, graduates WHAT: Student Musician stranger to adversity and has his body didn't absorb nutrients orchestra. would most likely win because Competition for Philharmonia always faced every challenge from the food he was eating of their experience." in his life with great enthusi- But strangely, Hamilton did Musician Ken Wendt, WHEN: Preliminaries: Mon - Thur, asm and an uncommon level not need medicine. Once he By Bob Moser senior, believes that an annual Semifinals/Finals: Saturday COPY CH'Ef of optimism," Hamilton's long- began ice skating he started competition like this—requiring growing — a phenomenon that Beginning today, over time publicist, Michael Sterling pieces performed by memory WHERE: Kobacker Hall said in an interview with the stumped doctors. No links have 100 University student — helps to bring out the very' best been made to the mysterious musicians will begin Associated Press. musical talent at the University. Hamilton, who helped donate illness and cancer. competing throughout the week "It brings out more musician- votes from each division. Hamilton is a four-time for an opportunity to perform Flute player Blake Bard, S3 million to the University in ship because you aren't read- April 2004, fought and won a U.S. champion, four-time with the Philhannonia, BGSU's ing it," Wendt said. "Uke when sophomore, appreciates the world champion and the 1984 student orchestra. different aspect of performance battle with tesrjcular cancer in listening to someone telling a 1997. Olympic gold medalist in figure Now in its 38th year, the story, it means a lot more when that a voting audience may focus on, as opposed to the He plans to be treated at skating. He was adopted by the BGSU Competitions in Music they can recall it from memory, late University professors Ernest Performance will award two panel of judges who choose the the Cleveland Clinic, the same rather than reading from a book." clinic he had chosen seven and Dorothy Hamilton. graduate and undergraduate Senior violinist Aaron Jacobs four invited to Philharmonia. Hamilton visited the "I think that showmanship years ago. snidents with featured positions said that even with pressure campus last year to speak at a in the student orchestra this is the most important aspect "Scon's spirit and confidence from other classes and final in Dr. Barnen, his staff and the day-long seminar for business February exams two weeks away, those of performance overlooked by and finance majors when he To play with a full orchestra is judges," Bard said. "That is also treatment remain very high," competing practice long and Sterling said. also presented the University an opportunity that most music hard to prepare for their solo in not necessarily taught" with a S3 million check students are rarely offered, and |,ii iibs agrees that an Once there he will undergo front of the judges. "gamma knife" treatment, an alongside Bowling Green according to University senior "I'd say that three hours |of audience's differing opinion ftti alumnus and co-founder of Fox Jonathan Kampfe, it could open would be much appreciated by uninvasive, outpatient treat- practice] per day is my ," ment where pinpointed doses Sports Grill, William Dallas. up future career opportunities. Jacobs said. "I'd really like to do the performers. "I've never had the opportunity as best as I can to show how hard "The judges are looking for to play with an orchestra before," I've worked." perfection, accuracy and clari- Kampfe said. "It's an honor, and David Babich, a junior and ty," Jacobs said, "while audience it may help me in approaching saxophonist, believes that may be affected by what the future auditions" competitions like these help performer does on stage. That Lenhart Grand Ballroom of Over the course of the shine a light on traditionally may not necessarily have to do BG NEWS the Bowen Thompson Student week musicians will progress underrepresented talents that with precision as much as the Union. through preliminary rounds by can emerge from die University. communication of their music." King's appearance will cel- performing a major solo "This totally let's people know While only four student- BRIEFING ebrate the legacy of her lather. It A will be sponsored by the Office composition from memory there are talents on campus musicians will ultimately be Yolanda King to visit before a panel of judges. By the other than hockey or football," invited to perform with the of the President, Office of the end of the week 20 students will Babich said, "Some of these Philharmonia, Kennell said all University in January Provost and the Martin Luther be selected for the semi-finals on people competing will be who participate throughout this The University has announced King 11. Legacy Committee. The Saturday morning. professors some day, and this is week should be congratulated. that Yolanda King daughter event will be tree and open to the Four undergraduate and four just the beginning for them." "This Icompetitionl should of Martin Luther Kingjr., will public graduate students will then be be a celebration of student address the University on For more information, contact An interesting part of Heather Bishara at 372-2343. C selected to move on to the finals, Saturday night's final round success," Kennell said. "All those January 27 at 7 pm. in the which will be held on Saturday will be the chance for audience who compete are winners." night at 8 p.m. in Kobacker Hall. members to reward their favor- Attendance will be free and The semi-Finalists and ite finalists with a $500 scholar- open to the public for both the eventual winners have been ship prize. Those in attendance preliminary rounds throughout f t * split into graduate and under- will be given paper ballots to this week, as well as the final graduate divisions to keep the rank the performances of both competition on Saturday night. Coach Gregg Brandon competition fair, according to the graduate and undergradu- All performances will be held Richard Kennell, dean of the ate finalists, with awards going in Kobacker Hall of the Moore College of Musical Arts. to those who receive the most Musical Arts Center. STAYS «L I X- at BGSU i r Read our editoral on Brandon's mrffff^ff ?t& ■ *m TfTfVgVgfeg loyalty to the University HAllI 1

THURSDAY FRIDAY FOUR-DAY FORECAST TUESDAY Rain High:53' Showers High: 47" Showers High: 48' The four-day forecast is taken f9&k Low: 38" Low: 30' from Low: 34"

FOR ALL THE NEWS VISIT WWW.BGNEWS.COM WWW.BGNEWS.COM 2 Monday, December 6.2004 Lawmakers predict inteL bill passes

By Jennifer C. Kerr attempts to give a central author- chain of command. He wants the IH! ASSOCIATED PRESS ity more control, but Hunter and bill to ensure that the Defense Others want to preserve more of Department retains direct WASHINGTON — If House the Pentagon's power. control over the agencies that CIOI' leaders would allow a vole Still, with the help ol Democrats. operate the nation's spy satellites on post-Sept 11 legislation there are enough Republican and analyze that information for overhauling the nation's intelli- votes to push the measure troops on the battlefield. The bill's gence community, it would easO) through the House, Beveral supporters say it would not pass, lawmakers on I Kith skies ol lawmakers said Some argue intei fere with those operations. the aisle predicted yestetday that President Hush needs to he Sensenbrenner, chairman of the A top Republican scolded oppo- working harder to push the ludiciary Committee, wants die nents who worry the Pentagon legislation through. bill to address illegal immigration would lose some of its author- i tier) day we delay our country and what he sees as loopholes in It} saying national security is far i- less sale' House Democratic the system. more important than turf battles, leader Nancy I'elosi of California Bush, Republican leaders on There was a global Intelligence said on "lo\ New Sunday.' Capitol I iill and the members of failure. We cant have a status i|oc i "Speaker Hasten knows that. the Sept. 11 commission have We've got to change that, said The president knows that They all endorsed the intelligence bill. Sen. Pal Roberts, chairman ol the just haven I convinced all of the Bush telephoned House and Senate Intelligence Committee Republicans." Senate lawmakers and used his The Republican-controlled Even Republicans said the bill radio address over the weekend I louse will return today to decide could pass despite opposition to press Congress to pass the bill. whether lawmakers should vole Horn ci( IP holdouts. "I hope we "The legislation I support on a House-Senate compromise can change their minds." said preserves the existing chain of lo create a national Intelligence Roberts, R-Kan. "If it came lo a command and leaves America's director position lo coordinate vote, it would pass the I louse. 15 intelligence agencies, orga- the nation's spy agendas and Roberts supports the bill and nizations and offices in their enact other anti-terror mea- said opponents allied with the current departments," Bush said sures. If the House passes the Pentagon should put national in his Saturday radio address. bill, tlic Senate will return to do security first Despite his efforts, some- the same. "They have to understand Democrats say the president House Speaker Dennis Hasten something, the- primary user of has not lobbied members of his decided not to allow a vole intelligence is not the military ... own parry hard enough. The on the legislation last month It is the president of the United White I louse lias said Bush plans Manuel Bilce Ceneta AP< to send a letter to Capitol Hill, after two powerful committee States and the National Security SPEAKING: Sen. Pat Roberts. R-Kan„ chairman ol the Senate Intelligence Committee speaks to the press chairmen, (JOP Reps. Duncan Council and it is the Congress though he hasn't done it yet. I lunter of California and lames of the United States," he said on The president, who controls as he leaves CBS studio's after speaking at a talk show yesterday. Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, ens 'Face the Nation." both houses of Congress, should objected. Hunter, who heads the House use his power," incoming Senate he lias a mandate — let him pull a legislation to pass."' Reid said. bills that failed to pass in the One of the main issues is how Aimed Services Committee, Minority Leader 1 larry Reid of few bucks out of that pocket, dial If lawmakers fail lo pass an current session expire and new much authority the Pentagon has expressed concerns the Nevada told NBC's "Meet the mandate, and give it lo the I louse overhaul lltis year, they'll have to lawmakers and committee will retain over intelligence agen- Intelligence realignment could Press." and Senate and say, 'Here's start from scratch nc\l yen Will) leaders would have to constda cies that it now controls, The hill interfere with the military's The president "said he has power, pan of my mandate. I want this the new Congress In January an] new legislation.

Black males the focus of discussion, lack of involvement questioned

SERIES, FROM PAGE 1 BGSU isn't alone in die ourselves? Why is it that when it series hits home with the song for more news check out.. beyond their circumstances, he challenges it laces getting black comes to writing lyrics, coming gles he and others lace in getting said. males unhooked from video up with a phat beat, throwing guys to come lo the events the) "Besides taking care of yourself games and into leadership roles a ball, catching a ball, we can plan. I iawkins is also the service ... what are you doing to help die as focused students with high excel? But then when it comes to chair for the newly created BGSU next man behind you or the man GPAs, Jackson said. school work ... all of a sudden it's chapter of SAAB. sitting next to you?'' lackson said. So he still has to ask—why? like holy water to a vampire—we I here's a lot of organizations •WWW. "We are not incapable. You look "Why are we the ones who can't do it. I don't believe that we on campus, but there's a need throughout history and you look are at risk? Why are we die ones can't." to get the black male population at any academic endeavor, you who sometimes live up to those For senior Duane Hawkins, involved on campus." he said look at the foundations of mam Stereotypes that are out there-'" president of Phi Beta Sigma — a "All you can do is put on quality and science and you see people lackson said. "Why are we the historically black fraternity on programs. It's slicking your hand who look like us." ones who sometimes stereotype campus — the message of the in and hoping for the best." -COUPON- $10 off for any Make A Difference [purchase of $50 On Campus Al the BG or more D With Yourself News (redeemable for merchandise only) At The Woodland Mall

»4» The BG News, the independent student daily newspaper at Bowling mm Green State University, is accepting Good through 2004J applications for the following positions for spring 2005: • General Assignment Reporters The Newest Urban and Hip-Hop Apparel for a low price • Sports Reporters Featuring: God Body striped shirts • Photographers (VCT co-op eligible) sweat suits Buffaiino • Opinion Columnists faded jeans Raw Blue •Graphic Designers (VCT co-op eligible) hip-hop jeans Sean John • Copy Editors his and her Rocawear matching outfits DAM.* Ircoca^iueaR] Diss Boom-x Baby Phat

Gain the valuable communications, graphic design, critical thinking and leadership skills that can make a difference with your own career and the vitality of campus life at Bowling Green State University. Get involved! 10% Discoun • Deadline to apply is 5 pm Friday, Dec. 10. off regular priced • Interviews can be scheduled until the end of the semester. merchandise for any BGSU Student CONTACT EDITOR IN CHIEF CARRIE WHITAKER - W C A R R I E - BGNET.BGSU.EDU) FOR FURTHER1 DETAILS with a valid Student ID WWW.BGNEWS.COM Monday. December 6,2004 3

CONTEST: WE WANT TO 'PIMP YOUR PAD* Do you have a stylish or unique apartment or house off campus? If you do, enter in our Pimp My Pad contest. Then we can help you make a good thing better. The winner will get a gift certificate to buy more cool stuff. Please rum photos into The BG News at 210 West Hall by Dec. 9.


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9 a.m. - 3 p.m. 11 a.m. -2 p.m. 5 - 7 p.m. Holiday Stocking Raffle Finals Week Survival Kits Finals Week Survival Kits Sponsored by the Friends of the SAA will distribute Finals Week SAA will distribute Finals Week Wood County Humane Society Survival Kits to off-campus Survival Kits to off-campus Union Lobby students who have had one students who have had one purchased for them. purchased for them. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Union Lobby Union Lobby Pel Stocking Sale The Pre-Veterinary Medical 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. Assoc will be selling pet Life Flight Fundraiser, Learning to Relax. stockings for $2 for the holidays. Sponsored by Dance Marathon A variety of hands-on prac Each stocking will be filled with cat Union Lobby tice relaxation techniques. or dog treats and a portion of the Counseling Center sales will be given to a local Noon - 3 p.m. humane shelter. UPS Recruitment. 6 - 7:30 p.m. Union Lobby Sponsored by the Career Center Catholic Newman Club Union Lobby Weekly Meeting 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Catholic Newman Club is an official Food/Toy Drive. Sponsored Noon - 3 p.m. student led BGSU organization Julie OiFranco BGNews by Alpha Kappa Alpha. Toledo Zoo Ticket Sales, open to all students and other STONE'S THROW: Mary Ott from Eastern Michigan watches her shot during the College Curling Alpha Kappa Alpha will be This is a fundraiser for Dance members of the BGSU community. USA regional tournament held in the Ice Arena over the weekend, which EMU won The tournament collecting food and toys and Marathon The mission of Catholic Newman featured 11 teams from seven colleges in Ohio and Michigan, including three teams from BG. will also have information on Health Union Lobby Club is to empower our members Awareness Day and others towards spiritual and Union Lobby Noon - 1 p.m. intellectual growth Caring for Yourself While St Tom's Parish, 425 Thurstm 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Caring for Others Ave. Fire Side Lounge Employers rate useful job qualities Phi Beta Sigma Raffle All who work at BGSU are caring for By Teresa M. McAleavy Phi Beta Sigma will be raffling off others. Women are often expected 6:30 - 10 p.m. surveyed rated ethics, integ- associate editor lor NACI . KRt CAMPUS ritj and knowledge as "very "The good news is there used cash prizes, a DVD player, and gift to be the primary caregivers at Lysistrata Auditions We all hear that to be successful important" to develop in to pretty much be emphasis on certificates with proceeds going to home and at work. Although the Auditions for the Newcomer Show. career-wise, college is a must. students. Employers gave traditional academic the March of Dimes examples are limitless, this group Lysistrata. This must be your first But there's new evidence the same ratings tor ethics goals, instead of things like Union Lobby is for you if you care about BGSU year to the BGSU campus. Please suggesting a real disconnect and integrity, but they rank communication and adapt- students, if you are doing extra sign up for a 45 minute time between whal busses want leadership, perseverance, ability, which I'm seeing taught 10 a.m.-6 p.m. while others are in Iraq, if you care more and more," Giordan! slot on the audition call board in their employees and what interpersonal skills. "Natures Apprentice" savs. for an animal, if you have children outside of 338 South Hall. You will schools arc doing 10 prepare adaptability and life skills as Works by David Spasic or elderly parents (or both), if you There is some disparity, be in groups of nine and will do tomorrow's job candidates. "very important." but I dci think there's less ol a Union Galleries care for yourself. . some group improv and possibly 1 he National Association NACE, a non-profit disconnect than in the past," Women's Center. 108A cold readings It is to your best of Colleges and Employers, organization, serves both Giordani say-.. 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. Hanna Hall advantage if you read the script, in its fall journal, published employers and those at colleges I or the Michigan Stale studs, Ballroom Mass Information and these can be checked out of Giordani says findings such data on the topic by who are guiding students into as this spur more interest in Table. Sponsored by Catholic 4 p.m. 338 South Hall for 24 hours. researchers from Michigan the job market. tlie subject and will get our Newman Club Concerto Preliminaries Joe E. Brown Theatre (1st State University, "Our job is to conned the members talking to Union Lobby Event is free and open to the public. Floor University Hall) The college administrators two," says l'attie Giordani, each Other." Kobacker Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center

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Lcngtime"NBC Nightly News"anchor lorn Hrok.iw, in his final broadcast last 'AWInesday. OPINION SIAII- i:i>nw ever, other college football will stay put during a time Were Brandon to leave (espe- bolted for the University of Utah. What happened to loyalty'' programs love Brandon's success, when coaches tend not to stick leaving us tool cially for Utah), we would most If you look at the salary Meyer's success at Utah (12-0. It is disheartening to see the not just UNIV In fact, now that around. likely give up hope entirely in Brandon interviewed for factor, you may be more ranked number five nationally in concept of loyalty run thin in Meyer left for Florida, Utah is 1 terms of loyalty in college impressed with Brandon. 1 le cur- the Associated Press poll! mack today's sports world. It sounds again on the prowl for a new the head coach position of the football, like a lovelorn teenager, rently makes $130,000 plus some him a coveted head coach, and like loyalty may be a trait Brandon head coach. In Utah's campus University ol Nevada-Las Vegas we would probably hold on for U\I\'I Thursday. The Toledo pei ksand incentives, but tliehead last week he opted out of his holds dear—atleast we hope so. newspaper, loe Beam writes In dear life to our next head coach coach .il LTNLV make's SoOO.OOO. contract at Utah to coach at the We want Coach Brandon to the Daily Utah Chronicle that Blade reported he was "Haltered" and get jealous any time another to he noticed by other colleges, And that makes ii a little1 more University of Florida stay at the helm lor a long and Coach Brandon "would be the school had a crush on him. but later he pulled out of the complicated. Counting next year, Meyer will successful period of time, and best long-term fit" at Utah, given LETTERS TO THE EDITOR PEOPLE Giving spirit gives ON THE STREET holidays meaning matters. Separation of church many Americans present when If you could coach Guest column it comes to beliefs other than and state is one of the legislative features thai separates America AT ISSUE: The decorative aspect of Christmas can their own. football at any college. cloud the true meaning of the holiday spirit. on religion had Belsuka also stated that only from most ol the world. "0.2 percent "ol the US Therefore, in a "true" demo- where would it be This past week the population is atheistic. I don't cratic society, this most certainly severalerrors and why? Christmas tree in know where that statistic came would not be made into a law. BRAD Rockefeller center was CUSTIS I he guest column in Thursdays from, but I thought the number Finally, it is unreasonable to attribute laws against dishonesty. lit to officially" kick off the paper written by John Belsuka looked shockingly low, so I did a Christmas Season. The Opinion Columnist on the "Ten Commandments little research on the subject murder and theft to ( hrislian traditions, the food, the lights, doctrine. Such laws were upheld and law" was highly According to the 2002 CIA and the trees make me think But at this time of year there long before the birth of Christ. erroneous. I feel that he has no World Fact Book, 10 percent it S beginning to look a lot like are people who do not have If any claim is to be made. right to criticize the faults in of Americans claim to have no Christmas. someone to give him or her a gift. perhaps it should be that the [en another person's column with- religion. But what is Christ mas all Last year a group of us went Commandments were modeled out seeing the errors in his own. As for the Belsukas declaration about} (hristmas caroling and we went that "inan) truly democratic after laws previously enforced by The first error he made was FRANCIS LYER lb me < hiistmas is all about to a nursing home in my claiming that "polytheistic society," the first commandment society giving hometown. We had an 1 am saddened that people religions no longer exist." On the would become a law, it makes no JUNIOR, Over the thanksgiving break I opportunity to go throughout who care enough to voice their contrary, aside from ludaism, sense in regards to our country's am sure a good chunk of us were the nursing home singing and opinions publicly in a university POLITICAL SCIENCE ( hristianity and Islam, most government policies. out shopping on the day alter talking to some of the people religions are polytheistic. U"t me give a bit of newspaper do not care enough "Yale, because the I hanksgiving. hitting the who cannot get out on their own. I Unduism, Shintolsm and main information on American to do the research to back up girls are... 'nice.'" phenomenal sales. We were We had a couple of kids with African tribal religions are all democracy. According to their claims trying to figure out what we were us who three or four years old. polytheistic, just to name a few. the Firs) Amendment of our going to get grandmas, moms, As we were leaving dads, and those Such a blatant mistake only Constitution, our government is KRISTIN MCC0RMICK the nursing home sei \ cs to illustrate the ignorance to be separate from all religious STUDENT special someones for "The there was an elderly ( hiistmas. holidays gentleman sitting at Our society takes a the window looking holiday with a lot of are so busy out into the distance. meaning and makes He looked pretty it very and full of down. commercialized. hustle and As we were HUNTER BROWN NOW do not take Today's movies are merely this me wrong way: I bustle that it leaving, one of the SENIOR, am all lor getting gilts kids went up to him is very easy and gave him a hug CRIMINAL JUSTICE for family and friends and giving them to lose sight and wished him a merry Chrisunas. 'products' not worth buying "BG, because townies to people who are special in our lives. of what this The elderly man's are awesome." Hut so many times il whole thing eyes welled up with AT ISSUE: If today's movies are being bought and sold as "products," then they is about the gill and tears and also wished certainly aren't products good enough to warrant the attention they receive. not about the reason is about." the young child a why we give the gift. merry Christmas. One day I was flipping JEFF "The industry is just The holidays are so busy and The gift that the through channels in a LOMBARDI shoving out movies lull ol hustle and bustle that it kid gave was not one that cost of hopeless spree to find is very easy to lose sight of what lot of money. He gave the elderiy something to watch and I found Guest Columnist that don't mean any- this w hole thing is about. man a gift that was so much myself captivated by C-SPAN thing in order to sell m When I was home over more precious than money (by the way, what does that had that effect since I was much AARON ALT I hanksgiving it was crazy could buy. even stand for? In 21 years of smaller and slightly more their so-called because 1 had family dinners, For me the Chrisunas season existence I have yet to find that annoying. In fact, I wish to make 'products.'" SOPHOMORE, friends calling me wanting to means so much because it out). my own film someday. SPECIAL EDUCATION hang out, work and many other represents Christ's birth and how The reason I was watching a To be honest, although I am activities to take up my time. He came to earth to give all of us do not have discussions on what channel that is typically an integrated language arts "San Jose State, so I those are ail good tilings but a special gift. their favorite M&M is, and they uncharacteristic of my usual I kept myself so busy that I did All of the gifts that my family major, I tun a film major at certainly don't discuss different can take their viewing habits (suffice it to say, heart. They come in all shapes not really spend a moment to and friends give me are great but ways to think about Neosporin. program to the top." I watch a lot of Adult Swim) look back and remind myself the gift that Christ gave me is so and sizes but they arc all works The idea that films are flat, was that the Chairman and of art — from RT Anderson's what I was thankful for in life. much better. everyday things bought and sold CEO of the Motion Picture "Magnolia" to Kevin Smith's With Christmas around the lesus gave me a friendship in the supermarket without sec- Association of America, Mr. I logma" to lohn Woo's'I lard corner, 1 do not want to miss an that is more precious than gold ond thought is devastating. This I )aniel (llickman. was answer- Boiled." It is a little opportunity to step back and sec or silver. He paid my spiritual is why we get terrible movies like ing questions from the audience disconcerting to me when the what this holiday is all about. debts, sin, and truly showed me after he'd just given a speech. In head of the organization that "White Chicks" and "I larold and It is so easy for all of us to get that it is more blessed to give response to a question, he kept oversees the entire film industry Kumar Go to White Castle" — bogged down with than receive. referring to movies as "products" refers to these great works of art the industry is just shoving out worrying about finals, trying to The cool thing is that he gave that are produced by the film as mere "products." movies that don't mean anything make some money or shopping this gift to everyone. We choose industry and brought to in order to sell their so-called for gifts that we lose sight of on whether we want to receive it Left take a step back and look ANDREW THARP audiences in the movie theaters. at what we know as products. "products." what Christmas is all about. or to mm it down. lb bring everyone up to speed, An umbrella is a product. A roll So the next time you go to the SOPHOMORE, I know that almost all of us Throughout the rest of this theaters and watch the previews ('hiistmas season may ail of us the Motion Picture Association of tape is a product, that Pepsi- CRIMINAL JUSTICE love to receive gifts for Christinas of America oversees the entire Cola-related bottle in your hand before the main feature, or see It's fun to wake up on Christmas give gifts that are from the heart movie industry and gives all right now is a product. M&Ms, a preview on TV during a com- "Heidelberg, because morning and see the gifts under and realize that it truly is more the movies we see their ratings, pens. flip-flops. Neosporin mercial while you are watching I can give them the the tree. Or it is fun to have blessed to give than to receive. your favorite show, ask yourself someone you know show you fry to think of when you were — these are all products. Now inspiration they've sixteen and couldn't get into a try to equate David Lynch's this question: does this movie that they care about you by I--mitil Brad with comments movie — now you know who to "Eraserhead" with the products mean anything, or is it just been looking for." getting you a gift. al [email protected]. blame. I just listed. It doesn't fit, does it? another one of the film Movies fascinate me, and have Films are not products. People industry's "products?"

ANGELA GORTER MANAGING EDITOR TIFFANI MCKENZIE CAMPUS NEWS EDITOR NICOLE DELISIO CITY NEWS EDITOR The BG News Submission Policy KARA HULL NEWS EDITOR MIRANDA BOND FEATURES EDITOR LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ate to be fewer POLICIES E-MAIL SUBMISSIONS as an attach- ASHLEY NEHLS DESIGN EDITOR than 300 words. These are usually Letters to the Editor and Guest ment to t henewst" fegnews.CO i I i in response to a current issue on the Columns are printed as space on the with the subject line marked "Letter CARRIE WHITAKER, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF PATRICK MAYNARO ONLINE EDITOR University's campus or the Bowling Opinion Page permits. Additional to the Editor"or"Guest Column."Only ELLIOTT SCHREINER SPORTS EDITOR Green area. letters to the Editor or Guest e-mailed letters and columns will be 210 West Hall BOB M0SER COPY CHEF Columns may be published online. considered for printing. All letters are Bowling Green State University MATT SUSSMAN OPINION EDITOR GUEST COLUMNS are longer pieces Name, year ami phone number subject to review for length and darity Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 between 600 and 800 words. These should be included for verification before printing. Phone:(419)372-6966 SEAN CORP PULSE EDITOR are usually also in response to a cur- purposes. Personal attacks, unverified F.-mail: [email protected] BEN SWANGER PHOTO EDITOR rent issue on the University's campus information or anonymous submis- Opinion columas do not necessarily Web site: KEN EDWARDS WEBMASTER or the Bowling Green area. sions will not be printed. reflect the views of The BG News. WWW.BGNEWS.COM OPINION Monday. December 6.2004 5

library's hours Cartoon illustrated by inconsistent with Martel White rest of the campus E-mail him with AT ISSUE: Most campus buildings stay open late on comments at: weekends, yet the Jerome Library closes too early. In a moment of self- [email protected] discovery, I decided lo go lo JEREMY the library Saturday night. BEVY Actually, it was self-discovery in the sense that I wanted to Guest Columnist discover whether I could get a paper finished at some time resources, with the eventual goal before 4 a.m. Monday; in other of learning something. words, I wanted to do 'Guess not. something without Despite the fact that dozens of procrastinating for a change. off-campus locations do a much Second-guessing Santa's good and bad list Anyhow, as I said, I went to the better (and cheaper) job in the entertainment and food depart- library and did some studying. AT ISSUE: Not all kids receive the same amount of presents, for reasons like money and spoiled parenting. Then I got hungry and left for ments, and despite the fact that anyone with a flight of stairs some dinner. On coming back at My car has heard I lianksgiving shopping spree in would diat be bad?) and a chin-up bar can roughly 9:15, however. I found a hulking nothing but rockin' JESSICA a department store a few weeks in m\ lainilv. our parents slab of dead building. equivocate the rec center's ser- Christmas oldies on ago. In the changing room stall Hied lo spend the same amount vices for free, the University has FAUSNAUGH "Not a big deal," I thought. 93.5 since Thanksgiving. Oh beside me, I overheard the most on me and my siblings, making graciously decided that I have Opinion Columnist spoiled, selfish, hateful young "Budget cutbacks make things paid them in leed inc. entertain man. I love Christmas, Irs my sure we all opened the same rough, and it is Saturday, so the favorite holiday by far. teenager I had ever come across number ol presents, regardless me, and "exercisify" me until I'm order her mom around and campus is pretty dead. III just go a pretty, blushing human I love the multicolored man watching you non-stop if one's behavior was better than home to study" lights brightening houses, the from when you get Into your make demands. another's. package full of dining service ('hristmas plays, the tender Worsl of all, as we checked Why? My parents loved us all That's where things got food, positive endorphins, movie jammies to when you brush interesting. On the way to my TV specials, the sacred nativity your teeth in the morning be a out. there stood both mom and and chose not to show favorit- trivia and core values. scenes, the good-natured car, I noticed that the rcc center That's all fine (I'm happy to be good tiling? brat with everything she had ism between us (and I readily lights were still on. Now I've snowmen, the carols, die Remember when that asked for. If anyone deserved admit Uiat my sister should pretty and blushing and presents, everything. nothing Inn coal in her been meaning to get in shape, endorphin-filled), but I'd like to shadow in the closet seemed have gotten more than me). Well, I'd be lying if I said I stockings, it was [his girl. In the same way, back when so 1 figured I'd find out what occasionally cram some infor- like it had eyes? Oh, it did. Ii n .is their prc-finals week hours were liked everything. I can't help just Santa checking to make On the odier hand, there old Saint Nick was in business, mation in there. Unlike moi ies. but be bothered by the way Ix-fore they closed up for the pushups, basketball and tacos, SUR your breathing was even. are many other families that he didn't follow kids around, night; that way. I could gel some which are available elsewhere, Christmas spirit'can be According to this song, "Santa" caul afford long,expensive take notes on iheii behavior, portrayed. I feres an example: Christmas list-., whether their and Ihen only give gills in those exercise after turning in the last a lot of the books in Jerome sounds more like the "Monster (i! my class work. Turns out, I "You better not shout. You under the Bed" to me. kids are good or not I tow does who'deserved' them. library are not to be found any- better not cry. You better not needn't have worried about where else within a twenty-mile let's be honest. "Santa ( laus the Santa reward system work He donated gifts to every gelling to them before dosing pom; I'm telling you why: Santa is coming to town" was then? child because he loved children. radius. I'm not asking for a 24- Claus is coming to town." Besides, how does Santa lime. liour Horary here folks (though written by over-worked, desper- he loved God, and he knew il They close at 11 on Saturdays. I sang lliis song as a kid, but ate parents who opted to trans- decide who's on the naughty lisi was die kind tiling to do. a few universities have those); I and who isn't? Are we graded on Reding a little confused, I just want lo be able to read up my adult mind can't seem to form the legendary, kindly Saint in truth, noneol us deserve grasp how in the world Santa a bell curve, with half good and gilts. (, ills, ire given to us thanked the helpful desk lady for on muscle structure while other Nikolas Into an all-knowing, her Information and left for my (oniing to town is supposed to all-seeing judge who rewards half bad? because someone loves us and folks are improving theirs. be a good thing. cat I inVing through campus on I he I Iniversity's primary job the good and punishes the had. No one can he good all the wants to make our day bright. the way home, I passed Chit) s ITiink about it, "lie sees you In other words, the portraytil time We're human, so ii doesn't By now, most ol us know thai is to let us learn. When it fulfills when you're sleeping I le knows convenience store (open 'til secondary functions without "true meaning ol Christmas" isa work that way. We would need Santa doesn't bring presents when you're awake. 1 le knows if a "good the majority ol the time" — sorry, \ all — but there M as midnight), the Union (theater filling this primary need, it is straightforward form of bribing .it me iil about 11 most week- you've been bad or good, so be disobedient, naughty kids In category, and "heart is in the one GUt in particular that we all (healing us. just as if it offered a good for goodness's sake!" right place" category. received on Christmas, which is ends. Wendy s open 'til 3 a.m.), bachelors degree and granted a threatening to take away their and a series of dorms (hive Santa Claus is a stalker I presents. If only a certain percentage why Christmas is so great. driving school certificate instead. mean, he's going to give kids get iii. maybe we should all just I hat's the « hole point. conscious about 24'7, as most (Ik. maybe not quite that bad, In reality, nothing works thai nightmares! way. spend more lime compelling students know). It got me but you get the idea. the "good kids" lodo had things thinking; why am I here? I low iii the world can an My mom, my sister and 1 E-mail lessica with comments II'you have a problem with over-weight, disturbingly old ui make our chances heller. (Or [email protected]. Why ami paving this rhis situation, go the USG office were braving the Day-After- university thousands of dollars in room 4(U of the Union and pcr-year? 1 thought it was to find out when the next meeting use their teaching and reseau 11 is. OK. SO MY SUBS REALLY AREN'T GOURMET AMD ESTABUSHtO IN CHARLESTON. H. WIRE WOT FRENCH EITHER. MY SUSS JUST TASTE IN 1983 TO ADD TO STUDENTS GPA A L i nu term, THAT? AUJ I WANTE D TO CALL IT JWMY JOWS TASTY SANDWICHES, BUT AND GENEBAL DATING ABILITY. ^tAWIYJOW^. MY MOM TOLD ME TO STKX WITH GOURMET. SHE THINKS WHATEVER I DO IS GOURMET, BUT I DON'T THMK EITHER OF US KNOWS WHAT IT MEANS. SO LETS STICK WITH TASTY! 9-T0** 4$.50 s4.SO G PROPERTIES CO.' 8" SUB SANDWICHES I ° °«M« sSS^*** ITjjjjJy ^ ^^,^5

Extra large Bedrooms Available! III at my last} sut) sandwiches HE a full I inches il My club sandwiches have twice the meat and cheese, try it homemade French biead. fresh »cg£ies and the finest on my fresh baked thick sliced 7 grain bread or my famous meats ft cheese I can buy! And if it mattets ti you, homemade (tench bread! we slice everything fresh everyday in this store, fight Make your home at: here where yei can see 11. (No mystery neat here!) 111 «7 GOURMET SMOKED HAM CLUB • Piedmont PLAIN SLIMS I fill 1/4 pound of real applewood smoked ham. pro.clone #1 PEPE* cheese, lettuce, tomato. & real mayo! (1 real stack) • Fox Run leal applewood smoked ham and provolone cheese any Sub minus the regies and sauce garnished with lettuce, tomato, and mays. (Awesome!) 4 • Haven House SLIM I Ham & cheese #8 BILLY CLUB ' 41 Roast beet, ham, provolone. Dijon mustard, lettuce. • Mini Mall Apts. SLIM 2 lust led #2 BIG JOHN tomato, ft mayo. (Here's to my old pal Billy who SLIM 3 TIM salad • Updated Birchwood Mon-Fri: 8-12 8.1-4:30 Medium rare shaved roast heel, topped with yummy invented this great combo.) - small pets allowed 530 S. Maple St. mayo, lettuce, and tomato. (Can't beat this one!) SLIM 4 hiker breast • Triplex- small pets allowed Bowling Green, OH #3 SORRY CHARLIE SLIM 5 Salami, capicola, cheese «9 ITALIAN NIGHT CLUB SLIM 6 Double proioloM leal genoa salami. Italian capicola. smoked ham. and • And other locations! 419-352-9378 California baby tma. mucd with celery, eniens. and provolone cheese all topped with lettuce, tomato, onion. our lasty sauce, then topped with alfalfa sprouts, mayo, and our homemade Italian vinaigrette. cucumber, lettuce, and tomato. (My tuna rocks') W3E Low Carb Lettuce Wrap (You hav'ta order hot peppers, just ask!) #4 TURKEY TOM* #10 HUNTER'S CLUB* FREE ibtnMiirMltfeif Ircsh sliced turkey bieisi lopped writh lettuce, I full 1/4 pound of fresh sliced medium rare rust beef. Cher ry wood Health Spa tooulo. alfalfa spinels, and mayo (Ike anginal) prevoliM. lettuce, tomato, ft mayo. (Il rocks!!!) • Indoor Heated Pool Same ingredients aid price il the • Newly Renovated #5 VITO* sub or club without the bread. #11 COUNTRY CLUB* ■ New Equipment The original Italian sub with genoa salami, provolone. • Sauna Fresh sliced turkey breast, applewood smoked ham. capicola. onion, lettuce, tomato. & a real tasty Italian provolone. and tons of lettuce, tomato, and mayo! vinaigrette (Older it with hot peppers, trust me!) YOUR CATERING (I very traditional, yet always exceptional classic!) #6 VEGETARIAN $5 SOLUTION!!! #12 BEACH CLUB* ® Several layers of provolone cheese separated by real BOX lUNCMS. PUTTERS. PMRTIES! * avocado spread, alfalfa sprouts, sliced cucumber lettuce. Fresh baked turkey breast, provolone cheese, avocado 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths. 2 People tomato, and mayo (Truly a gourmet sub not for vegetarians DELIVERY OIDEIS will include a delivery spread, sliced cucumber, sprouts, lettuce, tomato, and) only peace dude!) charge of 35c per item W-itt). ■aye! (Its the real deal folks, and it ain't even California.) J.J.B.L.T.* ..JIMMYJOHNS.COM.... #13 GOURMET VEGGIE CLUB* *28S/rno. Bacon, lettuce, tomato. ft mayo. Double provolone. real avocado spread, sliced (The only better BIT is mama's BIT. this one rules!) cucumber, alfalfa sprouts, lettuce, tomato, ft mayo. • Fully Furnished (Try it en my 7 gram whole wheat bread. This veggie • Dishwasher/ Garbage Disposal sandwich is world class!) • 24 Hour Maintenance * SIDE ITEMS * THE J J. #14 BOOTLEGGER CLUB* * SodaPop SIM/SMI loast beef, torkey breast, lettuce, tomato, ft mayo. •On Site Laundry GARGANTUAN™ An American classic, certainly noi invented by J J bit * Giant chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin cookie... SI 25 •NEXT TO CAMPUS... This sandwich was invented by definitely tweaked and fine-tuned to perfection! * leal potato chips or jumbo kosher dill pickle.. SO 75 Jimmy John's brother Hury It's huge No Long Shuttle Waits * Extra load of meat Si 25 enough to feed the hungriest of all #15 CLUB TUNA* * Extra cheese or extra avocado spread SO 65 humans! Tons of genoa salami, sliced The same as our #3 Sorry Charlie except this me has a smoked ham. capicola. roast beet, III more. Homemade tuna salad, provolone. sprouts. NOW RENTING FOR FALL 2000 * Hot Peppers $8.25 turkey & provolone. jammed into cucumber.lettuce, ft tomato. (I guarantee it's awesome!) Field Manor, Frazee Avenue Apts., one ol our homemade French buns FREEBIES (SUBS fi CLUBS ONLY) then smothered with onions, mayo, #16 CLUB LULU" Buff Apts, Ridge Manor Onion, tetluce. alfalfa sprouts, tomato, mayo, sliced lettuce, tomato. & our homemade fresh sliced turkey breast, bacon, lettuce, tomato, ft Also ask about our rental rates at cucumbei. Oi|on mustard, oil ft vinegar and oiegane. Italian dressing. mayo. (JJ's original turkey ft bacon club) Merry Street Apts., 501 Pike Street & 425 East Court St. S WE DELIVER! 7 DAYS A WEEK Hours: Bowiing Green, OH srz. Mon In9am 5pm Saturday 9am tpm BOWLING GREEN 1616 E. WOOSTER 419.352.7200 .0717

GREENBRIARJNC. "YOUR MOM WANTS YOU TO EAT AT JIMMY JOHN'S!" © < l||S. 7017, 701]. 7011 JIMMt JOHN S IIIHCHISI INC III Old IS lISHIil ■( leitm Till lifit ti Mile lit Mtan Chut I 6 Monday. December 6,2004 WWW.BGNEWS.COM

OHIO FLOOD VICTIMS RECEIVING FEDERAL ASSISTANCE Al'—Many southeast Ohio residents are still living with friends and family or in temporary disaster relief housing two months alter Hooding from hurricanes Ivan and Frances. Relief workers say over9,000 families applied for federal assisting last month, and many more affected families were ineligible for help. SWE Colleges Sister of Cavs' encourage owner helps parental involvement art museums tHE ASS0CIA1ED PRESS OXFORD College campus- I SOCIATED PRESS es in Ohio are among those museum director Glenn CLEVI LAND Wealthy Lowry said. "Aggie Gund milking sure that parents do parents were careful not to spoil not get left behind while for decades has been one ot their sons and daughters are tgnes Gund, the second ol six the strongest advocates ol children born to George contemporary art anywhere In ,IU,IV. (.iiiul II and lessica Roeslei Miami Universirj started the world." a biweekly electronic news Gund She is respected in New As a child growing up in letter this fall for parents of York for her keen eye as a Will Shilling AP Photo the 1940s and '50s, Omul said freshmen. collector, her generosity as I really view parents as she was aware thai her parents a donor and her admiration PROTEST: Melissa Hedden holds a sign during a rally lo draw attention to irregularities and possible fraud were generous when ii came to in the way elections officals counted the votes that gave President Bush a slim victory at the Statehouse partners In education," said for artists, who she loves to Susan Mode) Howard, dean paving lor her education But visit in their studios. Gund's in Columbus, on Saturday Dec. 4. otherwise, hei parents were of students al Miami and the master's degree in art mother of two daughters at tightfisted. history, which she earned "Boy, ii was hard to Ohio officials prepare for challenges college. We are parenting in at Harvard, gives her a way thai we've been much get money," Gund said. "I credibility with curators and used in have to borrow more involved in the academic artists. and social experiences of our money from friends. We never Outside the museum, as state finalizes election results went (in yachts, nevei wen) children" Gund is revered for having \ national group, on big. exotic vacations." By Andrew Welsh-Huggins battleground state prized for its could lead to a recount 01 even founded Sludio in a School, IHl ASSOCIATED PRESS 20 electoral votes. Noi until the run Ingthe results sel aside. Administrators Promoting Il was not until the death a nonprofit organization whose nl her lather, who made a COLUMBUS, Ohio- While morning after the election did I ruling by U.S. District Conn Parent Involvement, has grown mission is to recruit proles the rest ol the country focuses lolni Kerry, presented with the lodge Edmund Sargus I rida) since its founding in 1998 to fortune in banking, In sional artists to teach in New on Christmas shopping and st,lie's results. Snail) concede 1966 thai Gund began to rejected Delaware County's include more than HO colleges York public schools. She NBA slugfests, Ohio still is President Bush's attempt to stop a recount, and universities, understand theimmensiryofthe started the program in percentage point win over family's wealth, which l-orbes tryingto decide who waselected avoiding a legal precedent liui there ((in be too much 1977 after the city, snapped president Kerr) In < Hub uas noi enough thai could have stopped other oi a good thing, according to magazine estimates at more by a fiscal crisis, cut its art Two major challenges are to trigger an automatic recount, lh,in si billion. recounts-GreenandLibertarian Helen lohnson. who managed classes expected to unfold Monday ,i((Hiding in county-by-coun- paienl programs at Cornell "That's why some of us party candidates have ahead) "Everybody should have even as the secretary ol state ty results provided to The iaised the required$113,600, University and the University of are more philanthropic' art," she said. I didn't think was readj to certify the final Associated Press on I riday, Gund said of her siblings. While voters ma) prove there North (aroUna al chapel ilill. art was a frill. It can be as results, \biiul Kit) people were problems 1 lection Day, She said some parents "can't let who include Gordon Gund, important for many children a First, lawyers representing rallied al the Ohio Statehouse go." lohnson is now a consul- owner of the \H.Vs Cleveland they'll he bald pressed to show s reading or math." voters upset about problems in Columbus on Saturday they resulted in a different Ian! on paienl relations and the I avaliers, Gund left Cleveland Gund has quietly at the ballot box Election Day to demand a recount outcome, said Mark Weaver, an co-author of a book on the as a Hllh grader to attend a and steadily nurtured the plan to contest the results begin immediately and lo attorney representing the (thin subject private school in Connecticut Cleveland Museum of with the Ohio Supreme Court, point out Election Night Republican Party, Hie wave of Baby boomers and has lived mostly in An, nudging il toward a They will cite documented Irregularities they claim could l here's simply nothing in seems particularly susceptible the Northeast since. Bui greater acceptance of cases of long lines, a shortage have cosl Kerr) the election, the election process thai could to hyper-involvement, perhaps she has maintained close ties contemporary an by donating of machines and a pattern of on Sunday, I lemocrats trained in pan because many started coordinators to participate in possibly meet thai standard, so in her hometown while rising important works and by hinting problems in predominant!) the contest will tail like all the families relatively late in life black neighborhoods. recounts expected to begin to the pinnacle of the an there might be more to come other legal maneuverings that and they lend to have lewci world. if the museum continues In addition, third party later in the month. candidates, bolstered by a "We should verify the failed," he said. children where the) can locus As president of the buying works of comparable When the ohio Supreme thcii,mention, lohnson said. Museum of Modern Art in quality favorable federal court .K( III.K y ol the vote and the ruling, plan to file requests foi process by which the vote was Court ruled against an Attorney lohnson said such parents are New fork from 1991 to In recent years, she < leneral recount 14 years ago. saw) consumers who want the 2002, she played a key role a recount in each of Ohio's Mil achieved, said Cliff) trnebei Ic, donated large sculptures counties. a Columbus lawyer working it was divided evenly between most for their money. Some feel in the museum's recently by Frank Stella and Martin Democrats and Republicans. that the world is more dangerous completed and widely Observers don't give either for the Massachusetts-based Puryear and loaned 70 effort much hope. Alliance for Democrat v "Even Republicans control the court than when they were young. acclaimed expansion and drawings from her collection 6-1 today, but thai shouldn't Kris Stewart, assistant to renovation. "It's an incredible long if it's several million dollars, for an exhibition. shot," said Steven Huefner, it's ,i minuscule Investment make a difference, said the vice president for parent so far, the museum has Some have enough described an Ohio State University law to ensure the Integrity of the Jonathan I min. a Case Western programs at Miami, said students raised S725 million toward her as generous to a fault. She professor. "Courts are just process." University law professoi seem comfortable with parents a capital campaign goal of admits that she once had to sell incredibly reluctant to \inebeck wants Chief "If judges on the Ohio staying in touch. $858 million, half of which art from her collection to raise overturn the results of an lustice Thomas Mover of Supreme t 'nun cannot decide Part of the university's job is will cover the S425 million cash lo meet a pledge in one election absent a really strong the siaie Supreme Court to political or election-related to provide information, answer expansion. instance. showing that something review evidence of election cases because they're selected questions, soothe fears and help she was a major force "I want to help people, but happened that affected the ii regularities. an option through the political pro ess, parents recognize when their in raising the money that I don't look back at my budget outcome." allowed undei state law, \ then how are we going to solve sons ami daughters have to han- made this building possible," and say can I? I just say yes." The election hung on Ohio, a ruling in favor of the challenge these problems-'" dle things on then own, she said.


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314 Bowen-Thompson Student Union JOHN NEWLOVE REAL ESTATE, INC. , RENTAL OFFICE 419-354-2260 Wednesday, December 8, 11:30 a.m. 319 E. WOOSTER ST. (across from Taco Bell) Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30 to 5:30, Saturday 8:30 to 5:00 For more details, Contact the NSE Program at 2-6043 or e-mail gfolkin(n> THIS WEEK U BG SPORTS DAVIS CUP: RODDICK AND THE U.SWERE FRUSTRATED ALL WEEK. PAGE 8 MEN'S BASKETBALL MONDAY Wednesday December 6, Home against Bluffton, 7 p.m. Saturday 2004 Away against Youngstown State, 3 p.m. HOCKEY Friday BOWLING GREEN STATE UNIVERSITY Away against Michigan, 7:35 p.m. Saturday Home against Michigan, 7:05 p.m. WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Friday Sigalets New Mexico Tournament against New Mexico, 10 p.m. Hockey splits pair of Saturday brothers New Mexico Tournament in Championship game, 10 p.m. take it to games with Spartans Spartans BGSPORTS By Kevin Shields SENIOR REPORTER By Will Curitore SPORTS REPORTER BRIEFING The Bowling Green hockey Brandon takes a look team won their first game at Even if the parents of Jordan Michigan State on Friday night and weren't at coaching UNLV since 1997 (2-1),but fellat home in attendence for Friday night's game at Munn Arena, their two Bowling Green head football on Saturday (6-4) as they split their big Central Collegiate sons gave their parents reason coach Gregg Brandon inter- to be proud. viewed with the University of Hockey Association series with the Spartans. Michigan State's hockey made Nevada-Las Vegas Friday in it to the Midwest Regional of the consideration for their head made 46 saves on 47 shots Friday night and CAA Tournament last season, coaching vacancy, according to losing as the third seed to sec- the Toledo Blade. his brother Jonathan scored the only two goals in the Falcons' ond-seeded Minnesota-Duluth. Brandon said he was flattered They came into this season by the offer but that he was not 2-1 win. Derek Whitmore scored two goals on Saturday, but the nationally ranked. The team focused on new jobs, but rather has started the season 7-8-1, coaching BG In a bowl game. Falcons playing without Jordan Sigalet, who was out with including last night's 6-4 victory Shortly afterward. Brandon against the Falcons at the BGSU removed his name from con- flu-like symptoms, couldn't slow- down the Spartans and their Ice Arena. sideration for the vacant coach- Friday night's game was a ing list. defenseman Tyler Howells. Ilowells had a goal and two different story for the Falcons. assists as the Spartans took Most, if not aU of that has to do advantage of Bob Frazee's first with the Sigalet family, a family start of the year in net. •hat has had obviously benefited "It was a tough situation when the improvement of the Falcon we get word right before the leers. Tytoo game that Jordan's not going to For anyone who doesn't play," head coach Scon Paluch follow Falcon hockey, or said about his two hockey in general, there are two play on Saturday. "Bob Frazee members of the Sigalet family on ;ood to the Falcons. One is senior goalie has literally 15 minutes to get ready to get in there to play, Jordan. The other is his younger BG News Fill Photo brother, sophomore defenseman he made some good saves. I UP THE ICE: Bowling Green forward Derek Whitmore handles the puck against Lake Superior earlier this thought Jonnie Horrell was Jonathan. »e great season. Whitmore scored two goals for the Falcons in their 6-4 loss Saturday night at the Ice Arena. really solid in the second period, Jordan, one of the three Hobey he made some tough saves to Baker Award (top collegiate low off a setup from Jonathan the puck. He made a move MSU finally got a goal in with in nation) finalists, have the game at 4-3 going into Matsumoto, who won the on me when he came down 9:02 left in the game on a tip in atND the third." had his best game of the season face-off back to Sigalet. on the breakaway and it was by Slater, but the Falcons hold Friday, racking up 46 saves on 47 Jon Horrell played the second Jordan Sigalet was big all surprising to see him just take a off a late 5-on-3 power-play by Spartan shots on goal, including and third periods of Saturday's night for BG and shut down 16 shot on the shot." MSU to earn a big road victory. a penalty shot at 10:45 of the first JASON game after Frazee started the MSU shots in a scoreless first Following a stretch of play "It was a game like a lot of period. The47 saves also included DIXON game giving up three goals on period that saw BG only get that saw his brother keeping CCHA games where it comes 19 in the final frame alone. It was 11 shots. Senior Reporter nine shots on net. His biggest the Falcons in it, Jonathan down to the stretch," Paluch the second save on three penalty But, the weekend began on save coming on a penalty shot Sigalet finally put a tally on the said about the win. "We made shots for the older Sigalet. Friday night though, as the During Tyrone Willingham's by Jim Slater, one of the top board with a power-play goal enough of the plays down "It was one of the best Falcons went into Munn Ice forwards in the nation, where with just 1:37 left in the period. the stretch, whether it was performances that I've seen brief tenure at Notre Dame, the .Arena and stole their first win university's first ever African- Sigalet stopped his shot on the He found a crease on the left clearing pucks, or killing off from him," BG head coach Scott since 1997 when they won 1-0 left as Slater just skated in and side of the net and roofed his the 5-on-3 power-play to win a Paluch said. "He worked real hard American head coach was good. on Dec. 7 in the second game of He was good for all three took a hard wrister. shot behind Vicari on a pass hockey game that Jordan gave in practice this week and is a real a two game series at MSU. "We do a shootout every from James Unger behind the us an opportunity to win." team leader." years. A second period power-play Not consistently good, but Thursday in practice and net. Don Morrison also picked "It'sjustwhatyouhavetodoon It wasn't only Paluch who goal by Jonathan Sigalet with treated it just like one of those up an assist on the goal to make the road sometimes," Jonathan was happy with Jordan's good. 59 seconds left in the period His players were good. shots," he said about his save it 1-0. Sigalet said about grinding out performance. Teammates like to make it 2-0 proved to be on the penalty shot. "He's a He would then strike again a win. "Their crowd was into Derek Whitmore, who scored Always good in the classroom. the game-winner. His hard Sometimes good on the foot- great player (Slater), one of the on the power-play just 38 it at the end trying to get them two of the four BG goals Saturday wrister from the point beat best in the nation and I was seconds later for his game- MSU goaltender Dominic Vicari surprised that he just shot winning goal. WILLIN6HAM. PAGE 9 HOCKEY. PAGE 8 SIGALET, PAGE 8 Foster makes quick impact for BG Men's hoops wraps

By Kevin Shields but Foster chose BG in the end. SENIOR REPORTER "A combination of three or up third straight win He grew up taking lessons on four things that I wanted in a school was all here at BG," Foster By Mail Hawkins 13 with 9:16 remaining, but the playing the piano, and now, Alex SPORTS REPORTER Foster is creating music for the said. "The opportunity to play Titans surged back, chipping the Bowling Green hockey team— right away, being only an hour It took 48 years, but the Bow ling lead to four with seven seconds while teaching their opponents away from home after being Green basketball team finally to go. But BG guard John Floyd some new chords of his own. away from home since I was 16 got a win at Calihan Hall as they sealed the victory in the final sec- Foster, a Canton, Mich, native, and being able to play in a great defeated Detroit-Mercy 59-53 onds with a pair of free throws. is a freshman forward for the league made everything fall into Saturday. The Falcons were held to just Falcons and has already tallied place. I'm glad I'm here though Senior John Reimold led the one field goal in the final nine three goals with seven assists in and I love playing here." way for the Falcons, draining six minutes, which was also scored his first season. His 10 points on Before coming to BG, Foster three-pointers on eight attempts by Floyd His lay up at the 3:30 the year is one of the best totals spent time in South Dakota and for 28 points, two off his career mark came at a crucial time and on the team as he's been pan of in Danville, III. playing on travel high. He shot 10 of 13 overall stopped the 6-0 run. a freshmen class that has taken squads. He did this knowing that carrying the Falcons to their "I thought the biggest play of the Central Collegiate Hockey high school hockey in Michigan first victory in Detroit since the the game for us late was John Association by storm. isn't looked at as a good way 1956-57 season. Floyd coming down the lane "He's off to very good start in to develop into a Division One "Reimold was pretty dam good getting a lay up. making it a his college career," head coach prospect, so he decided to play and really shot the ball well," nine-point game," BG head coach Scott Paluch said. "I think he has in the United States Hockey Detroit head coach Perry Watson Dan Dakich said. "We weren't a lot of elements to his game: he League. said. "They do a good job of scoring and they were taking skates well, he shoots the puck While at Danville, he scored getting him open and if they are time to score, so any points we well, he knows the game and a total of 32 goals and had 48 allowed to move a hip, they'll do could put on the board were big." he has a great work ethic. He is assists in two seasons. Last what they need to do to gei him Forward Josh Almanson constantly learning and trying to season, he scored 23 goals and open." scored 10 points and grabbed become a better player." had 30 assists to finish tied for After the Falcons jumped out five boards, while guard Steven Coming into the season, the fourteenth on the final USH1. to an early 11 -4 lead, the Titans Wright had eight points. Forward BG freshmen class was 14 on scoring list The Danville Wings went on an 18-6 run giving them Mawel Soler also chipped in off the list of top recruiting classes went to the final four of the a 22-17 advantage with 5:16 left the bench, scoring a career-high around the country according USHL playoffs. BGNmsFila Photo in the first halt. But the Falcons six points with three rebounds to Inside College Hockey, an In his first game for the IMPACT: Bowling Green's Alex Foster has become a big part of hockey stormed back with a 14-7 run, and a block. associate website. Falcons, he tallied an assist in in BG. This season he has 10 points as a fteshman. which gave them a 31-29 half- "Mawel guarded and kind of Foster is one of eight freshmen a 5-1 win at Union College in a time lead. keyed our defense a little bit," on the team and was among the series the Falcons would sweep a 3-1 win at home. "I would've liked to have done The Falcons' momentum Dakich said. "I thought he was most sought after recruits of the to start the season. Then in a Since that game four weeks a little more as of now," Foster continued in the second half exceptional. This was obviously as Reimold nailed three from his best game." bunch. big series against rival CCHA ago, Foster has recorded two said on his play. "This start for Other schools interested in opponent Notre Dame, he goals and two assists, including me is all right, but I'd of liked beyond the arc in less than four lames Thues led the Detroit Foster included: Providence, would register his first goal as a the game winner at Wayne State to help out a little earlier in minutes, stretching the Falcons' offense with 14 points, while Vermont, Ferris State and Miami, Falcon and recorded an assist in in 7-3 win. lead to 42-33. The Falcons led by FOSTER,PAGE 9 HOOPS, PAGE 8

GET IN ON THE ACTION AT WWW.BGNEWS.COM/SP0RTS SPORTS WWW.BGNEWS.COM 8 Monday. December 6,2004 BG hockey drops Saturday BG moves to 3-1 with win HOOPS, FROM PAGE 7

Ryvon Covile had 13 points. game to No. 19 Spartans one rebounds and three blocks, Zack I-veringham and Torvoris HOCKEY, FROM PAGE 7 MSI I would grah tin' lead righl MSIIs final goal would come hack on (he power-play JIM 1:49 with 1230 left in the game from Baker each added nine points going ami the) i;ni the late goal later. I hew Miller netted his fifth Suavely. 1 lis shot from between for the Titans goal of the season on a shot from the circles found the net on the The falcons are now :t-l on to gel the momentum, but we the season, while the I it.uis 3ie left circle on another Sparum lell to make it 6-3. made to some i"K plays to win it record drops to II Despite tonight." rush that lead to a goal. [he falcons would make one David Booth would add last attempt at a comeback on their struggles, they are not a On Saturday, the Spartans team to be considered lightly. seemed to lie the team with .ill anothei pouer-play goal to the power-play al the mid-point the momentum, as they grabbed make il 3-1 just £10 later, to "Detroit is a greal program, of the period. Michael Hodgson with a great coach, with a lot a I-I lead with 5:13 left In the give the Spartans a two goal found the net from die left circle of prideful players," Dakich second period, whfc h (he Falcons cushion. Booths slap-shot from on a pass from lonathan Sigalet couldn't come hack from. llie right circlefound the right side said. "We knew this would be and I'ilkington lo make il 6-4. an incredibly tough game for A power-play goal by Howells of the net on a pass from Slate Migliaccio would make some and I lowells. who picked up his us. Fortunately we got hot al the •ii seconds Into the third period key saves down the stretch and gave MSU a 5-3 lead and was the second assist of the night righi time and it held up." With 5:13 left In the second 20 on the night, to shut the door After a 2-10 road record last S6 News File Photo game-winner on the night. on any attempt at a comeback It didn't lake long lor the period, MSU would take a season, the Falcons are now I -1 THE DEUCE: BG's Josh Almanson shoots a jumper over a Bradley Spartans to gel to the new lie; commanding three-goal lead at forBG, on the road. Dakich likes the defender. Almanson and BG beat Detroit this past Saturday, 59-53. 4-1 on a goal by Kevin Estrada I lorrell ended the game for lit; direction the team is headed in. goaltender, Adam Nightingale and I'm proud of these gin s. when they host Div. Ill llliilfton scored on a shot from the left Estrada sunk in a rebound on a with 24 saves on 27 shots. "I don't know if Howling (".nvn shot by Jeff Dunne in-hctwcen MSU finished 3-of-8 on the basketball is hack," he said. "But The falcons look to extend on Wednesday at 7 p.m. at circle thai bounced InoffFrazee's Anderson Arena. left Mocker to give MSI I an earl) the circles thai heal llorrell. power play; 4-for-lS on the I know the toughness is back their three-game winning Streak III lead Howells picked up an Derek Whiimore would get weekend, while BG went 2-of-9 assisi on the play as Nightingale the Falcons hack in the game and 4-of-19 on the weekend. got his first goal til this season on two goals in the final five I'm proud of the way our guys oil a rush. minutes of the period. The first hung in there, but you got to Falcons' forward Rich \ieloche goal came on a lebound al 15:59 give credit lo Michigan Slate," BG would tie the game up at l-l from a shot bj Pilkingtonandrhe coach Scolt Paluch said on his second goal oil another rebound Older bro out with flu bug though at the 1120 mark of the team's play." They made a lot of period on a 5-0U-3 power-play with 55 seconds left from a shot nice plays tonight and scored would not go to waste h\ by Foster, I'ilkington and Foster SIGALET, FROM PAGE 7 of the lineup, lie is currently in swing the momentum to the goal- V\fe had other chances listed as daj to-day. scoring both Falcon goals Friday falcons. A cross ice pass from traded assists on the two goals on the power-play besides or to bring the game to 1-i entering were also impressed "It was a tough siiualion, Both scores came In the second forward Brett Pilldngton from two goals, we moved the puck -aid Paluch. 'We didn't know pei tod, exactly 38 seconds apart the right circle found Mdoche the final period "No one can replace Jordan extremely well, hut just couldn't Sigalet. He is the backbone ol whether or not he would play as they were both on the same alone on the led who roofed a A penalty at the end of the power play, [he falcons have second livlit.defenscman l.nlur get it by the goalie." this team." until alwnit 15 minutes before wrist-shoi by Man Migliaccio vasth improved on the power into the upper right corner. Christie gave the Spartans a BG will play at Michigan on Unfortunately, the I alci ins did game time, (back-up goalie Bob) power-play to star! the third. Friday as part of a home-and- not have Jordan for Saturdays i razee only had a few minutes play, going 19 for 87. Ion. who Alex Foster also picked up an led the falcons in power play assist on the play as H(i took Howells would then score his nome scries with the Wolverines contest as a stomach flu. in prepare." game-winner at the -II second before beading to the Dartmouth something that had only On the offensive side of things, points lasi season II goal, 10 advantage of a long power-play assists. 11 total points! now has that saw them get two 5-on-3 mark as his shot found the net tournament to finish the first half bothered him slightly during the lonathan Sigalet made sure thai opportunities, from the top of the left circle. of the season. week, ended up taking him out the effort of his older brother three goals ibis season. Moya beats Roddick, Spain wins Cup

heir to the Spanish throne. fisted salute. Moya raced over and final — Australia In 1939 against Victory puts the "The I )avis Cup is my dream," reached up lo shake the Prim Bfc the Americans. Spanish ahead 3-1 in Moya said. "I can'i ask for more. hand and the hand of his wife, Spain won its first Davis Cup match in France. I here is noUiing bigger than Princess Letizia. lour years agn in Barcelona nM'i whal I've lived today." Roddick needed to win both Australia ITiewinovertheUnited Manly fish of the United States his singles matches in this round States was Spaing 12th straight al By Stephen Wade beat Tommy Robredo 7-6 (8), foi the Americans to have a home in Davis Cup play 1HE ASS0CIAUD PRESS 6-2 in an inconsequential fifth chance. Instead, the No. 2 player "This lias been Incredible Spain won the Davis Cup match, leaving Spain with a 3-2 in the world dropped both, losing — the momenl I've been wait- title yesterday, taking an decision. This was Spain's sec in four sets Friday to 18-year-old ing lot." said Moya. who missed Insurmountable lead against ond Davis Cup championship; Rafael Nadal. The United States Spain's first title in 2tKK) because the United states when Carlos the Americans were shooting won Saturday's doubles behind of injury. "I've prepared myself Moya beat Andy Roddick 6-2, for their 32nd title but first since twins Mike and Bob Bryan. for this day. I loiew that playing 7-(> (1). 7-6 (5), the American 1995. " I he bottom line is they were on clay I would have mj chances star's second loss in the linal. Moya took the match when jusi better than us this weekend," to win." Moya's decisive victory put the Roddick netted a backhand Roddick said. "They came out, Moya, who had lost three times home country ahead ,'t-l in the oft the Spaniard's serve Moya took care of business and they before to Roddick — ii was their best-of-five series. The victory dropped to his back on the red beat us. It's a simple as that." First match on clay — played lasper luintn AP Photo came before a sellout crowd of clay, and Prince Felipe leaped Only one team has come back OUCH: American tennis player Andy Roddick reacts during his linal Davis 27^00 that induded Prince Felipe, from his chair with a two- hum nailing 2-0 in tile Davis Cup TENNIS, PAGE 9 Cup match against Carlos Moya yesterday. \ 0 IS YOUR CAR READY FOR SNOWY WEATHER? $ ALL STUDENTS AND FACULTY SAVE AN EXTRA 10% Heavenly Vacations :<*-MH mii.wMm i>\\MJiu:ui r>rw Homes of Florida, Inc. $ :••** t»

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But ball field. embraced good. program has groundstrokes kept Roddick clay-courters in the world," the Spaniard broke right back, "From Sunday through Friday back, and he frequently mixed in The few alumni who wanted exceeded Roddick said. "I had my chances thanks to two double-faults by our football program has him at Notre Dame in the first a deft drop shot. When Roddick and just didn't convert them." Roddick. Roddick had another exceeded all expectations, in expectations in every tried to come in, Moya lobbed place and his coaching stalT Moya breezed through the break point in the eighth game every way," said Kevin White, even puffed out their chests with way, the athletic shots over his head or passed first set in 36 minutes, breaking but failed to convert. Notre Dame's athletic director, in pride, because Willingham was him. Roddick's powerful serve on his In the tiebreaker, Roddick last Tuesday's press promoted as, and expected to performance has "Charlie played a great game," conference announcing the 1 double-faulted as Moya pulled IK a good guy with a "consistent, never been better Spanish captain Jordi Arrese ahead 4-1. The Spaniard went firingofWillingham." I lie intense and stable approach to said, using Moya's nickname. "It's just tough up 5-1 when Roddick leaped academic performance has leadership." ... we're just not "It was his opportunity and he because I felt I was high as another winning lob never been better... We're just It was part of his good track meeting competitive hasn't let us down. He had lost sailed over his head. Moya closed not meeting competitive record as a football coach. three times to Roddick, and this in it the whole the tiebreaker when Roddick expectations on Saturday.'' Willingham would rather lose expectations." was his day to beat him." time against one netted a backhand, ending the Nevertheless, they were still with good guys than finish No, 1 On the slow surface in 59-minute set. good. every year with bad ones. Good with die media. KEVIN WHITE, NOTRE DAME A.D Olympic Stadium, Roddick hit of the top three In the third set, Moya had a Good thing. 12 aces and Moya had seven. match point in the 10th game Good in their own minds. clay-courters in Perhaps, good in their fans' Because, good heavens, that's hat on, if nothing better is in But Roddick double-faulted when Roddick double-faulted, exactly what has happened. sight the world. I had but the American redeemed hearts, too. six times to Moya's four in the A hunch of good guys. As good as the Fighting Irish On the other hand, good will 2-hour, 30-minute match. himself with an ace and took have performed at times this never be great, which is what my chances and the game to make it 5-5. In the Good grief. Roddick was treated after the The football program hadn't year, the end result could have Notre Dame wanted match for a slight injury to his just didn't convert tiebreaker, Moya raced ahead produced such upstanding never been gnat Their football coach to he right groin, picked up early in them." 6-3, but Roddick took the next gentleman since good old Lou (ireal nearly superseded the great, not good. the second set when he slipped two points before Moya closed Holtz was roaming the sidelines good in Willingham and his Good w ill never reach for the at the baseline. ANDY RODDICK, U.S. TEAM him out. in 1996—his last of 11 years at team after wins over Michigan stars, Notre Dame. and Tennessee earlier this year, it will not risk its goodness, Willingliam took great pride In but it would not, it could not, WTU not swap a chance al producing good football players happen. greatness because ii puts good at but most of all, good men and Notre I )ame didn't have the great risk. he made ah art out of it, even goods to finish better than 6-5 So, it settles for being good. going back to his seven-year and avoid a 41-10 drubbing Is satisfied with being good Foster follows in footsteps by the I Iniv crsiiy of Southern Helps student-athletes per- stim at Stanford. Starting 8-0 in his first season California in the final game of form well in class, by being gi»id (2002) and finishing that year at the season. Maybe Willingham was just of his former-NHL father 10-3 might be considered great. Willingham did a good job ton good for Notre Dame. if it weren't so doggone good. coaching the team long before Too taken with, too fixated on, FOSTER,FROM PAGE 7 with his knees. from his dad and believes his Check his overall record at dial loss. being good. "I had too many knee hockey knowledge was passed Notie Dame and the numbers I le'll do a good job at his next Maybe mediocre, mixed with the season. Scoring goals and operations and it was just time on to Foster. stop. an occasional great would be getting points lor the team tile would look good anywhere else for me to move on, he said." i think he has inherited a lot for anyone trying to rebuild a Always good. beiiei than just Willingham's past few seasons has been my Being the son of an NHI. of hockey knowledge from his Forever good. incredible streak of good role, so it's been a little frustrat- program: 21-15. player can make it hard for you dad and he has taken that and Willingliam was the definition Only good. Is anyone sick and tired of ing for me, hut when I'm not to not get involved with hockey, made the most of it," lie said. ofgood. Aldiough, never good enough good, good, good, good, good? scoring 1 like to help out the but it was a choice that the elder Dwight Foster's other son, The embodiment of good. to satisfy the faithful in South Willingham's three seasons ol team in any way I can." Peter Iflster, plays hockey For Good will be his legacy at Bend and wake up the echoes, good coaching al Notre Dame His goai scoring skills and Foster left open to his son. "1 introduced the game to all the Air Force Academy. Alex Notre Dame. as people at the university like to and 58 straight sentences hard play may have been Foster's uncle Wes larvis was Flis philosophy was to play sa) in reference to re-living the without a break Illustrate thai inherited through his father. oiii kids ," he said. "My oldest son never touched the ice, but also an Mil. player, who played good team football. football programs glorious past good is good For whom it's for. Dwight Foster, who played in for Washington, Minnesota. los To execute good. Good is a double-edged sword, but sometimes, especially at the for Alex and Peter (Alex's younger brother! did. As long as they \ngeles and Toronto. lb play good defense. then. Notre Dame where the) feel it's 10 seasons between 1977 and Foster and his freshmen To play good on special teams. Good is better than crappy. an Inalienable right to finish 1987. He was drafted by the showed the effort and desire to play we would put effort into classmates played solid this To block good. Good is preferable to being in the Top 10 ever) year, ii just in the first round Western Michigan (1-10). might be too much of a good supporting it whether it was pasi weekend, splitting a pair of For his quarterback to deliver oi the 1977 Mil. Entry Draft as games with Michigan State. passes good, even it it's Good is worth hanging your thing he went on to play lour seasons travel or juniors." with the Bruins before moving "Whether its playing the on to the old Colorado Rockies piano or playing hockey I told franchise before a brief stint in them to do it to the best of their New Jersey and then to Detroit ability, he added." forfoiu seasons. Foster, took his dads advice. Late Niaht @ "When I came to Detroit, but fell in love with hockey the team was just starting and used his dad's playing to build up and develop.' the history as an ice-breaker in elder tater said. "We were just making friends starting to improve, but In the "It's kind of an ice-breaker," time I was ready to go back to Poster said. "People find that Boston, they hadn't quite gotten out and say, oh that's pretty to the prestige and prominence cool, but other than just from a that they have today with the conversation standpoint it didn't Stanley Cup victories really do much for me. He was In his NHL career, Dwight always there for me though and Foster scored a total of 111 supported me as long as I loved goals and had 163 assists for 274 playing." points in 541 games. Fie retired Coach Paluch can see a in 1987 after having troubles definite influence on Foster 10 Monday. December 6.2004 WWW.BGNEWS.COM OIL SUPPLIES, PRODUCTION INCREASING Industry analysts said yesterday that increased crude oil supplies and the recovery of offshore oil production after I lumcane Ivan helped gasoline prices dip nearly 3 cents a gallon over the last two weeks. The price decreased to $1.96 a gallon from Nov. 19 to Dec. 3, bringing the total decrease since Oct. 22 to 11 cents. MTHJJ Gay soldiers challenge 'dorft Post Friendly fire killed Tillman ask dorft telTwith lawsuit I"l ASS0CIATE0 PRESS \ series of mishaps and the ridge, the gunners poured By Nancy Zuckerbrod put in place during the WASHINGTON The last missteps began the chain of an undisciplined barrage of THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Clinton administration, allows minutes of Pal TIDman's life events thai resulted In TIDman's hundreds of rounds into WASHINGTON —The gays and lesbians to serve in were .i honor oi misdirected death in eastern Afghanistan, the the area Tillman and other Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" the military only if they keep machine-gun lire and signals newspaper said. AI lumvce broke members of Serial One had taken policy is being challenged by 12 quiet about their sexual io firing colleagues thai were down, which led to the splitting up positions.' the I'osi said Amu gays who have been separated orientation and abstain misunderstood as hostile .ui-. up ol his platoon. investigators concluded. Under from the military because of from homosexual according to an account of the I he segment ol the platoon lire, Tillman and almost a dozen their homosexuality activity. The Pentagon's death ol the NFL player-turned- with Tillman, Serial One, passed others on the ridge "shouted. They plan to file a previous policy barred soldier published yesterday. through a canyon and was they waved their arms, and they federal lawsuit loday in Boston homosexuals from military Il look the Army a month to dial would cite last year's service. near ils north rim The other screamed some more." the Post The Supreme Court ruled change the record to show that segment, Serial Two, changed said. landmark Supreme Court Tillman, the Arizona Cardinals ruling that overturned state laws last year that state laws its plans because Of poor roads I hen Tillman came up with making gay sex a cdme as making homosexual sex a crime defensive back who gave up a and followed the same route the idea to let a smoke grenade $3.6 million contract to became ground for overturning the were unconstitutional. That Into the canyon. It came go.' As its thick smoke unfurled, policy overturned an earlier Supreme an Army Ranger, was killed last under fire from Afghan Taliban [hlsstopped the friendly contact April not by Afghan guerrillas but (li'hei c c mils have upheld the Court ruling that had upheld In his Ranger colleagues. lighters. for a lew moments," a Ranger 11 -year-old policy, but C Dixon sodomy laws. Even then, the statement by It. Men in Serial One heard an was quoted as saving. Osluirn, executive director of Two other lawsuits explosion that preceded the Assuming the friendly lire Servlcemembers legal Defense challenging the policy have Gen. Philip R. Kensingei In, head been filed since the high court's of the Army's special Operations attack, and and two other had stopped the Ranger said, he Network, which is advising the fire team leaden were ordered to and his comrades emerged and ARMY CPL. PAT TILLMAN plaintiffs, said those decisions reversal. Command, nave few specifics of lame prior lo the 20O.'i Supreme One was brought in California the corporal's death. head toward the attackers, the talked with each oilier, the Post I'osi said The canyon's walls reported. shooting to stop, the I'osi said. Courl ruling. by the Log Cabin Republicans, a The Washington Post, "U'c think the gay ban can no political organization for gays. In the first article of prevented them from radioing "Suddenly, he saw the I art) in the tiring, the Posl said, the driver ofoneulThe Serial [wo longer survive constitutionally.'' Osburn said that group could a two-part series printed their positions to their colleagues, attacking Humvee move Into face a difficult fight because just as Serial Two had not radioed "a better position to fire on vehicles pulled out of the canyon he said, yesterday, published what it lusiin Peacock, a former it was not bringing its suit on described as die Bret full telling its change in plans. us' lie heard a new machine and recognized the parked U.S. behalf of aspeciric injured party. lillman's group moved toward Army vehicles in front of him. Coast Guard boatswains mate of how and why Tillman died. gun burst and hit the ground. from Knoxville,' Term., who I le also noted a federal appeals The newspapei said ii had access the north-south ridge to face praying, as Pal Tillman fell." the " I he driver shouted twice: 'We is among the plaintiffs in the court in California has upheld to "dozens of witness statements, the canyon, and Tillman took Post reported. have friendlies on top!' ... I hen planned U.S. District Court "don't ask, don't tell," hut die e-mails, investigation another Ranger and an Afghan The Ranger said Tillman he yelled several more limes to lawsuit, was kicked out of the appellate court for Boston has findings, logbooks, maps and ally down the slope. had repeated!] screamed out cease lire, he recalled. service after someone reported not ruled on the issue. photographs." As the) pulled alongside his name and shouled for the " \'n one heard me.'" be was seen holding hands with The other suit was filed in another man. the U.S. Court of Federal Claims, T would love lo rejoin, which generally deals with bill even if I don'l gel hack in cases that involve money. That ,u least I could say I tried io gei plaintiff, who was separated the policy changed," Peacock from the Army, is seeking to said. recover his pension and is ii. Col. loe Richard, a challenging die ban in the Pentagon spokesman, said process. Osbum said the court officials have not seen the might rule narrowly on the lawsuit and therefore could not financial claim and not on die comment on it. consUtutionality of the gay wimt "Don'l ask, don'l tell," members policy. DECEMBER 6, 2004 @ 10 PM EST Log onto "A Spiritual Approach to Stress at Exam Time" Join this onlnie discussion and explore how to gain a sense of peace and confidence at exam lime!


Come Home And Relax At The Beech! LATINOS MAKING HISTORY LARGEST AND NICEST 2, 3, & 4 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES BALDEMAR VELASQUEZ (Former Migrant Farm Worker, McArthur "Genious" Awardee, and Honorary Doctor of BGSU) President of THE FARM LABOR ORGANIZING COMMITTEE (FLOC) Comes to BGSU On Wednesday, December 8,2004 To Speak About Latino Immigrants: The New Civil Rights Movement in The US Where: Olscamp 101-A Entry Level Lower Level Upper Level Time: 7:30 PM • Spacious Living Room and Full Size Kitchen • 2,000 square feet ol living space over three levels ADMISSION IS FREE • Private bath in each Bedroom-plus half bath for your guests • Huge deck lo share with your neighbor • Free High Speed Internet & Cable connection in each room Event sponsored by: The Office ol the President, Partners (or Community Action. Center (or Innovative and Transformative Education, The Diversity Leadership Team, Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Services. Political Sciences, Ethnic PRICES SO LOW YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE! Studies, History, Center lor Multicultural and Academic Initiatives, Human Rights Commission, La comunidad (Romance Languages) 119 K. Court Street Bowlinlg Green, OH 43402 (oppcr \$eech wm 419-353-3300 -FLOC- I'OIV MIOM I * CDMMI N I I /I l-S, I I.I' www.copperlK'ci MAKING LABOR HISTORY IN THE UNITED STATES WWW.BGNEWS.COM Monday, December 6,200411

THAI WARPLANES ACT TO END VIOLENCE Thai warplanes have dropped millions of folded paper cranes over the country's southern provinces to express hope for an end to the separatist violence that has killed hundreds in the region. Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said the missives were a success because they had positive psychological effects. WORLD Philippine villages get relief after storms By Oliver leves "If there's a continuous How of traffickers and other baldened Residents tearful!) recalled THE ASSOCIATED PRESS support, we can make it," Mayor criminals and called for unity heaiing a booming sound REAL, Philippines—I lelicopters Arsenio Ramallosa said as he amid the disaster and then the sudden crash of delivered food to famished supervised the distribution of Most of the devastation was lloodwaters, boulders, trees and survivors and picked up food and relief goods. "But at the brought by a tropical storm mud that swept awaj houses casualties as the weather moment, the governments relief that blew through northeastern and people. cleared on Saturday in villages supplies would only be good for provinces late Monday, killing Gloria Rodriguez, 66, said ravaged by back-to-back storms three days." at least 527 people. Hardest she was in her house with that have left MO people dead President Gloria hit was Quezon province, a daughter, son and 10 Macapagal Arroyo, her boots where 484 bodies have been grandchildren when their and nearly 400 missing in the dwelling was hit by northern Philippines. muddied after visiting typhoon- recovered and :t52 people were still missing, be said torrents Ol water and debris Officials, worried over rapidly ravaged areas near Real, in the "in an instant, giving us dwindling relief goods, asked for province of Quezon, received \bout UK) people also were only enough time to save more food, clothes, medicine loud applause from residents found dead in Dumingan, about ourselves." and construction materials to of the town, where about 240 lill miles northeast Ol Manila. I ler daughter was swept DM av help thousands of villagers over- people were killed and 144 Maj. Gen. Romeo Tolentino told and has not been found. come the devastation from the remained missing. \ltst BNTV Typhoon Nanmadol, storm and typhoon. Arroyo told reporters: "I'm Mima 500 soldiers plodded packing sustained winds of 115 In the worst-hit coastal town canceling all (logging) permits by foot, sometimes through mph. struck the same region of Real in Quezon province, here and suspendinn issuance chest-deep mud. to bring reliel late Ihuisclav, leaving 13 dead about 45 miles east of Manila, of all others." goods and help search for the and ili missing, according to the hundreds of residents lined up Arroyo said illegal missing in Far-flung villages Office ol ( ivil Defense. AP Ptioto for food at a school turned into a loggers would be prosecuted like in Quezon isolated by broken I he Philippines is hit bv about OUTREACH: Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo greets soldiers terrorists, kidnappers, drug bridges and blocked roads 20 storms and typhoons a year. helping in the rescue operation in Gen. Nakar in Quezon province Dec. 4. relief center. Diplomacy talks resume in Israeli-Palestinian conflict By Mohammed Daratfimeh about a truce," Zahar said We ravaged economy and their and expressed hope thai a smooth officials said Abbas, Qureia and MashaaL IHt ASSOCIATED PRESS are defending ourselves and our security forces. vole could be a good symbol. Othei senior leaders will head to "I'm going to meet with RAMALLAJi. West Bank - Visiting people, pushing the Israelis out "The talks were "If the election is successful. Syria today to discuss both sides' Syrian officials to discuss (,ei man Foreign Minister loschka of our land." excellent, friendly, and I'm li'.rv ing this would bean important signal peace efforts, Other officials Syrian-Palestinian issues and i iscbei said yesterday that In Lebanon, Moussa Abu Ramallah with a very optimistic in the Arab worid," he said. reported the) would meet with to discuss Issues of the Arab Palestinian presidential elections Marzouk. deputy head of Hamas' Impression." Fischer said later yesterday. Fischer met Khaled MashaaL the leader of the worid. As ini the (truce) dialogue and an end to violence could lead political bureau, expressed hope lie emphasized that Israel Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon militant llamas group, to discuss with the Palestinian factions il to renewed Israeli Palestinian the United States and European needed to give the Palestinian and foreign Minister Silvan a possible cease-fire. will lake place on place on peace talks, but leaders ot the Union would be "fairer' in candidates freedom of movement Shalom. Abbas denied be planned Palestinian land and not outside," Islamic group Hamas dismissed mediating the Palestinian-Israeli between the West Hank and (,,r/,i Meanwhile. Palestinian to hold truce negotiations with he said the possibility of a truce. conflict, but he said his group Fischer's visit was part would continue its resistance of an intense flurry of even if a Palestinian state was M M <1>M M <1>M M M M <1>M M diplomacy aimed at established. reinvigorating long-stalled peace Abu Marzouk told The Congratulations to the efforts after Yasser Arafat's death Associated Press a Palestinian last month. U.S. and European State was a right "stipulated bv all 'Bias andLittles pairs of mediators have expressed ran' international accords" but was optimism at ending more than not a reason lor I lamas to stop its the ■Fall 2004 Semester] four years of braen-Mestinian resistance. lighting. Elections to replace Zahar said Hamas would Littles Bigs \i.itai are set for Jan. 9. accept a Palestinian state in die "1 think the present West Bank and (,a/,i as a first Ashley Bakies Becca i lemons situation wilhtiiecomingclcc lion step, but would not give up its Krysteena Brown Melissa Fletcher is a great opportunity — if there struggle to liberate "all ol Lind-cv c lyples Elise Adams Palestine," including Israel. is responsible behavior by all Megan DeWoll ■ Ashley Zugerman parties on the ground and by the Zahar s comments countered international community — to those of a West Bank Hamas |r--k.U!r.ilt.'ii Heather Kovacs move toward a resumption ol leader. Hassan Yousef, who Emily l iranai.i Lisa Yeanrfn the peace talks which will lead to indicated last week thai v . liitnev■ Miii*'ti Monica Kristek two stales living peacefully, side llamas might move away from bv side,* said I iscber, who met VII ili nee and toward a political I iitlinKLune - Kyle White with Palestinian Prime Ministei settlement. Esther Krueger Sarah H.uiu-ii Ahmed Qureia and interim Qureia said the talks with,l-ev Sanderson - Kan Burnte.istef Fischer concerned the peace Palestinian leader Mahmoud v'.utlin Spontelli Diana Burkmic Abbas. process, election issues and But in Gaza yesterday, I lamas the Palestinians' poor financial T.ira Withrow - Dena Hodkey 2- Bedroom Apartments leader Mahmoud Zahar said a situation with Fisher, The Heather Yolesiat Emih Pallas mice was not on any agenda. Palestinians had planned to ask starting at $580/month. "Not a single word was said for help in rehabilitating their M M M M M M M «I>M M M Heat & Cable Included!

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Everything is reasonably priced and we are even open on Saturday. Hours: Check out our new Thursday night feature M-F 8:30- 5:30 Sat 8:30- 4:30 At the Short Order Line: Stop in and talk with the friendly staff at JOHN NEWLOVE Naked Chicken Wings REAL ESTATE, INC. 319 G. Wooster St. They're served UNDRESSED Bowling Green, OH So you can flavor them as you like! Rental Office: (419) 354-2260 BGSU COMMONS r DINING.SERVICES V^_^I~>i tiino Center n n WWW.BGNEWS.COM 12 Monday. December 6.2004

Help Wanted For Rent The Daily Crossword Fix HA COR brought to you by *^ r^ x.^^ I 1

1 Window part (BARTENDING! $300/day potential. 2 bdrm. apt. nicely lurn.. directly 2 Not taken in by No exp necessary. Training provid- across from campus. For more info 3 Stead ed Call 800-965-6520 ext. 174. please call 419-352-2636 or 412- 4 Roman road 841-5160. 5 Hang loosely 6 Shish _ GET PAID TO DRIVE 7 God of love A BRAND NEW CARI Now paying 2 bdrm. unfurn. apt. 1/2 block from 8 Baseball's Slaughter drivers $800-$3200 a monlh. campus. $650 mo. includes utilities 9 Dieting adjective Classified Ads Pick Up Your Free Car Key Today! & gas Deposit req. Avail May 15, 10 "Key 2005 419-686-4700. 11 For all to hear 12 Core group 13 Double curves 40 Two-masted vessel 372-6977 2 subleasers needed ASAP tor large Help Wanted! ApproY 15 hrs. wk. 21 Susan Dey series 41 Chicago hub 2 bdrm., 1.5 bath apt Dishwasher. 46 Hooting cries Compufer graphics a plus & sports 22 Bury ■ A/C. W/D. porch, free access to 48 Beach, SC oriented person Call 353-3411. 25 To _ his own health spa w/ indoor pool & gym. 26 Cleopatra's river 49 Bob Hope lilm. "Call

■ $555/mo. & util Call 419-792-0084. 27 Hubbubs Me_" 28 Apple PCs 50 Hunt or Alexander RESIDENTIAL ASSISTANT-Assist 29 Erin ot "Happy Days" 51 Days march ■ persons with MR/DD wifh daily living 5 bdrm house. 2 baths, partially ■ 52 Dull pains furn.. washer & dryer. AC, covered 30 Invites ■ skills in a Residential setting 33 vivendi (ways 53 In one piece Experi- patio, no pets, next lo campus @ ol life) 55 College sports org ence prelerred but not necessary 220 E. Reed St. Greatly reduced 35 Indian garb 56 Slender High school diploma/GED and an rate Jan.-April '05. if planning fo ex- 36 Hitch 57 Winter host acceptable driving record are re- tend lease lor 1 yr. starting in May at 37 Trademark waffle 58 Toward the center quired. Part-time, full-time and sub $1200 + util. Call419-351-3639. ACROSS 38 Highland loch 59 Requisite positions available ranging from 15- 60 Feudal serf 70 hours biweekly. Salary $8.50- Available Aug. 15.2005: 1 Concrete 47 Acapulco buddies $13.18 per hour based upon experi- 3 Bedroom Houses 6 Avid 49 Whilener ence. Application packet may be ob- 606 5th St. Sl.OOO/mo. 10 Tatted material 53 Dryly humorous Travel tained from Wood County Board of 114 Ridge St. $1200/mo. 14 Loos or Baker 54 Lillian Hellman play, with "The" MR'DD. 11160 East Gypsy Lane 227 E Reed S1200/mo. 15 Puzzle cube inventor Rubik 61 Orienlal nanny Rd . Bowling Green. Ent.B. Monday- 2 Bedroom House: 16 Woeful word 62 Eighi in Barcelona Friday. 8am-4:30pm or download an 819 N. Summit S400/mo. 17 "Skittle Players" painter 63 Shadings "'BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK application packet at 3 Bedroom Apartment: 18 Big help 64 Back ol the neck ANSWERS CELEBRITY CRUISE! 443 N. Enterprise $600/mo. 19 Steiger and Stewart 65 Beach toy 1 3 3 5 Days From S279 Includes Meals. E.O.E. 2 Bedroom Apartment: 20 Curvaceous shape 66 Grow dark, perhaps i U 3 M 11 N V s|sd 3 -i H V N i i V 1 V d *. Port Taxes. Exclusive Beach Parties 112 Ridge St 9 mo. $400/mo.' 23 Science class 67 God ol war » 'I l - 68 01 sound mind S 3 N 0 H a OHH ■ ■ ••• 1 With 20* 01 Your Favorite TV 12 mo. $350/mo. 24 Electron lube parts mo 69 Wear away N ■■ u 3 H 1 N a '• 3 l * M Celebrities As Seen On Real World. WINTER BREAK WORK! 1 Bedroom Apartment. 25 Glossy paint • « v | H 1 v 1 Road Rules. Bachelor! $12.25 Base/Appt. 29 Dillon of Drugstore Cowboy" 112 Ridge $350/mo. 0 e ,'. V ■ i \\ - Great Beaches. Nightlile' •Entry-level customer sales/service 31 Verdi opera Efficiency Apartment 32 Book after Joel s 0 * H 1 H * a I 3 Ethics Award Winning Company! '1-5 week work program 443 N. Enterprise $250'mo 3 0 N V '1 ■ a o '.' H 0 0 1 3 wyvw.fririnqBreakTrnvel com 34 Ruhr industrial city "Continue during spring semester All close lo BGSU. 39 Anthony Burgess novel, with "A" '. 1 8 0 .-. 1 1 1- a 1 V 1 ii V I t-800-678-6386 'All ages 18+. Conditions exist Call 419-686-4651 42 Wiesbaden's state : - '■' .'. i \ 'Interview now. start after finals 43 Short race N V V i Call Now 419-861-6134 l u n E i t V ' 0 't 1 Female renter lo sublet home w/ 2 44 Scott Joplm works ■I'HING BREAK CANCUN. S 1] 0 UHN 0 0 H ■■ 1 I 1 8 lemale rmfes. tor remainder ot lease 45 Duplicate ACAPULCO. JAMAICA 8 V t v|o N H i « ; 1 1. V which ends July 05 Within walking i From S459* Tax! FLORIDA $159! WORK CHRISTMAS BREAK A 0 V i 1 X 0 1 0 s distance Irom campus. S284 mo. & \JL 1 Our Cancun Prices Are S100 Less HELP WANTED! Our company is Than Others' Book Now' seeking employees lo perform utilities. 419-352-9628. Includes Breaktasts. Dinners, unskilled light production work. We 4 ^ ■i-./monrj" 30-50» Hours Free Drinks! offer flexible hours - will work Female subleaser needed Jan -Aug. Ethics Award Winning Company' around S262.50/mo + elec. Nice apl.. huge IIIIHI ■ •!■■• View 500 Hotel Reviews your schedule-morning, afternoon, bdrm.. across Irom campus on E. <"'www.dacor.nei -7 £>'8 K JO>S\- and Videos at and evening shifts available. Many Reed Call 419-306-9362. ask for or call 41B.352.3568 www BIS Wfasi W*»*f*r ■•wtlnu tirmmn BGSU students work here. Easy Lindsay. 1-800-678-6386 walk Irom campus. Pay is S6/hr. providing you work a minimum of 15 Female sublsr. wanted. 1 lurn. bdrm hrs./wk. Pick-up an application at ! n »1 Spring Break Vacations! Hottest our office Advanced Specially Prod- in a 2 bdrm apl. $260 Free cable & i - Chuck this out' Destinations-Best Prices Book Now' ucts. Inc. 428 Clough St., Bowling gas. Avail Dec. 20 until Aug 15 . J www.lxjnews.comj Campus Reps Wanted 1-800-234- Green, OH 43402. 419-354-2844. 131 Stale St. 419-908-0627. 7007. For Rent Holiday Personals FOR RENT - 3 bdrm. house for 2005-06 sch. year, starting in May. "*1 Spring Break Wablltel Low- W/D, central air. 606 Clough $990 GMAC BOwl. have you got your tick- est prices guaranteed. Book 11 peo- mo. & util 419-654-9512. els yet? Celebrate Christmas in Mo- IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! bile. Campus Pollyeyes & Pagliais ple, get 12th trip tree' Group dis- For Sale 724 S. College Dr-2 BR unfurn apt counts lor 6.www.SprinoBt«akDls For Sublease: 1 or 2 bdrms avail, in 1.5 balhs. slartmg at $425/mo.. enunt«jom or 800-838-8202. Sterling Apis Fully lurn. Avail. 12/17 -begin ol Aug. S320 mo. negotiable dep Did You Know? $425. Tenanl pays elec. NO PETS! & util. (each room). Time ol sub- 17 HOT DESTINATIC Assigned parking. Spring Break 2005 with STS, Ameri- Dell Dimension 2400 Windows XP. lease also neg. Chris 419-494-1236 ca's «1 Student Tour Operator. Hir- Microsoft & Intel Pentium. Dell mod- 422 Clough SI.-2 BR unfurn. apt. el A920 printer. Paid $1100 asking above garage $490'mo plus all util Pengulna ing campus reps Call for group dis- Houses and 1,2.3 bdrm. apis. s»n Jump counts. Into/Reservations 1-800-648 $500 including desk & chair. 419- Deposit $490 NO PETS' nW Meals'' | .H. For 2005-2006. B28 7th St. »2-2 BR unfurn. apl. 4849. 575-1225. a,s hlfch. as 352-5239. $475/mo. dep $475 Tenanl pays .brinks) Z'*'Partner E.W.S NO PETS' '""iBreaii Spr Sem Rental List Now Available Spring Break 2005. Challenge ...find Houses and Apts. a better price! Lowest price specials' 1-3 person-12 month leases Call John Newlove Real Estate. Inc 6ft. ! Free Meals! November 6th deadline! Smith Apl. Renlals 419-352-8917 Rental Office At (419) 354-2260 In the air! CAMPUS REPS For Rent Office at 319 E. Wooster SI Hinng reps-earn free trips & cash' Listing at 532 Manville Ave. Office across Irom Taco Bell WANTEl or ■mi free u Be I 1-800-426-7710 _,1 SBB SIIIIIKI Bra www.sliitiefilcllv.coii (NEW) BUCKEYE STUDIOS (NEW) Needs subleaser. 1 to 3 ppl. lo lake Now leasing for Spr. Sem. to over lease until Aug. 15. with option seniors to renew. 2 bdrm., 1 bath on corner Nice house. 2 bdrm.. 1.5 balh, & grad students. Fully furn. studio ol Wooster & Mercer Haven House garage, appliances Available now. Services Offered apts Incld all util. & 25" cable TV. next to campus. Newly remodeled, No dogs. $645. 419-308-1915. Visit Buckeye Inn at 1740 E. Woos- W & D included $555/mo. t utilities fer or call 352-1520 for more info Contact Kyle 419-409-1466 Management Inc. Nice size, quiet 1 odrm. on 4th. Need subleaser. 1 bdrm. apt. S440/mo. t will pay $i40'mo. Gas NOW RENTING FOR GET CHEAP TEXTBOOKS! " 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts. Starting 1/1/05. $390/mo. * util. Short walk to bars and util. exira, lease ends May 30. Search 24 bookstores with 1 click' low as $450 mo. plus room Avail. and campus, built-in furniture, front CallJen at 937-206-8100. 2005-2006 http '/ $250 mo. Call 419-353-0325 9am- porch. Call Emily 419-494-6720. 9pm HOUSES! Call 353-5800 Subleaser needed Jan. to May 15. CLOSE TO CAMPUS Male has furn. room for rent in BG " Now subleasing for Jan. 2005. Lg. $300'mo. plus util. Own bdrm. and studio apt new. clean, spacious, ca- for a clean, neat. & resp. person. bathrm., W/D, ctose to snuttle stop. thedral ceilings, AC, free parking. Freedom ol house. $200 deposit, Call Becky 330-416-8231. 05 May & August Hillsdale Apartments S250/mo. Call 419-354-6117. Wanted 419-260-9064 Leases Available 1082 Fairview 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments & "Now renting for 05-06 Sch. Yr. 3 Bedroom Townhouses Houses. Lg. & Sm. Occupancy al- Call 419-352-9392 Dishwasher lowed for 3 lo 8 students per unit. Female subleaser wanted ASAP! 1 Also Apts. all next to campus. List- for current listing Garbage Disposal rm. in Sterling Apt. through Aug. 05 ing Avail. 24/7 @ 316 E Merry #3 or !! .Attention Washer /Dryer Hook-ups (2/3bdrm) •Will pay $200 ol 1st monlh rent' call 419-353-0325 9am-9pm for info These houses won't Carports Call Denae at 419-944-4621 Will mail. Business ()\\ ncr Entrepreneurs hist long BGSU Shuttle Stop Business Solutions tor New Can Have up to 5 People Need Graduation Tickets 1 bdrm. apl. avail, immed Close lo Call TODAY! on the lease WILL PAY" campus. Hardwood floors. $360 mo and Existing Entrepreneurs Few open now! Call Ashley at 513-543-7502. Call lor more info. (614) 560-1094. Start I p Assistance Available FROBOSE RENTALS (!all for Free (Consultation Evergreen Apartments 215 East Poe 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments & 1-866-280-5857 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments Efficiencies Laundry on Site From Only BGSU Shuttle Stop 15 minutes walk to Math/Science ,he WANTED M $470! Graduate Apple Campus Representative for On selected floor plans Heinzsite Apartments You deserve an UPGRADE! • Ground floor ranch style 710 North Enterprise Do you love the iPod? Are you highly motivated, business apartment with private 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments driven, and ready for a real world safes and marketing entrance ' Dishwasher ^ Studio apartments available! experience? Become an Apple Campus Representative team • Patio ' Garbage Disposal member today and join our elite group of student leaders Washer/Dryer in 2 Bedrooms Summer, semester, or year leases • Stave, (ridge, microwave, 25" TV • Spacious kitchen across the country. 1 Walk to Campus Low as $425 per monlh • Full cable -$2u7month • Laundry facilities The Job: ' Few open nowl^_ Includes all utilities • Outdoor pool use • Pets welcome Promote Apple technology at BGSU on a part-time basis. Laundry (acuities • Fully (umished Must be a self-starter and campus-savvy. Good technical • Convenient on-site parking Green Beaver Apts. knowledge including Apple and 3rd-party applications MUMTI SQWN 642 South College is required. Multimedia and web page creation abilities AMRIMUTO • 2 Bedroom in House, area plus. ■ 1 N Pets allowed Duties would include, but are not limited to: H G'PSYlANf • 3 Bedroom Townhouses 1. Raising Apple awareness on campus among students, iHontt DfpOt t ■ Can hold up to 5 people faculty, and staff. Condominiums for rent! • Loft style * 2. Identifying opportunities for Apple technology on campus. • Washer/Dryer .inch style cwtominiums Excellent location for BGSU faculty 3. Scheduling necessary equipment and facilities for FREE HEAT •1 1/2 baths/2 Car Garage $650-$700taonthpfu3 ufftfes Stove, fridge, dishwasher, disposal presentations, training and Apple events. Washer and dryer hook up Jacuzzi tub in some units 4. Coordinating campus advertising. == VARSITY Ai One year lease minimum Den/CfBce in some units 5. Coordinating other needed resources on campus. Stop by the Office at Centra 6. General marketing and support-related activities. a SQUARE 1 Bedroom APARTMENTS 1045 N. Main St.or Interested? Come to the Apple Tabletop Event at the Check our website at Student Union on Friday, December 10th, between 9:30am and 1:30pm. 419-353-7715 t»> for complete listing