Bard of Modem Ireland: Perspectives on Voice and Mask Within the Poetry of Brendan Kennelly
ST PATRICK’S COLLEGE, D.C.U / UNIVERSITE SORBONNE NOUVELLE - PARIS 3 (Ecole Doctorale des Etudes Anglophones) Joint Ph.D. / Thèse de doctorat en co-tutelle Irish Studies / Etudes anglophones Sandrine Michelle BRISSET Bard of Modem Ireland: Perspectives on Voice and Mask within the Poetry of Brendan Kennelly La voix et ses masques: approches de la poésie de Brendan Kennedy dans le cadre de la tradition bardique irlandaise VOLUME I / II sous la direction de Mme Noreen DOODY et de M. Carle BONAFOUS-MURAT / under the supervision of Dr. Noreen DOODY and Prof. Carie BONAFOUS-MURAT Examiners / Jury: Prof. Carie BONAFOUS-MURAT (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle- Paris 3), Dr. Brenna CLARKE (St Patrick’s College, D.C.U.), Prof. Anne GOARZIN (Université de Haute Bretagne-Rennes 2), Prof. Declan KIBERD (University College, Dublin). 12 septembre 2008 Declaration I, Sandrine Michelle, hereby certify that this material, which I now submit for assessment on the programme of study leading to the award of Ph.D. is entirely my own work and has not been taken from the work of others save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my work. (Candidate) ID No.: £~3~i O S 'o S ’Q Date: . soOSr Acknowledgements With much gratitude to both my supervisors, Prof. Carle Bonafous-Murat and Dr. Noreen Doody. 1 also wish to acknowledge the help and support of the following people: Terence Brown, Brenna Clarke, Adelaide Cron, Joris Duytschaever, Estelle Feldman, Seamus Hosey, Brendan Kennedy, Catherine Finnegan, Declan Kiberd, Thomas Murtagh, Joseph O’Gorman, Noel O’Grady, Jean-Paul Pittion, Mary Shine Thompson, David Singleton, Julie Ann Stevens, Ian Stecpe, Carl Vogel, Jackie Ward and Barbara Wright.
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