Edgar Allan Poe and the Periodical Marketplace Spring 2009, VCU Instructor Course Dr. Les Harrison ENGL 611.902 324e Hibbs R, 7:00 – 9:40
[email protected] 3 credits 804-827-8334 (o) Office Hours 804-269-1023 (c) R, 12:00 – 2:00 This class will concentrate on Edgar Allan Poe as a periodical author in the context of the nineteenth-century literary marketplace. Readings will focus on those Poe tales and Poems which initially debuted in the periodical press. Student presentations will attempt to fully situate Poe within his nineteenth-century periodical context through analysis of the stories, advertisements, illustrations, and implied editorial and publication policies of the specific volumes in which his tales and poems first appeared. Throughout the course, special attention will be paid to the ways in which Poe and his nineteenth-century contemporaries wrote to the demands of a competitive, turbulent, and transforming market for periodical authors. Required Texts Cline, Patricia Cohen, Timothy J. Gilfoyle, Helen Lefkowitz Horowitz, and the American Antiquarian Society. The Flash Press: Sporting Male Weeklies in 1840s New York. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2008. Lehuu. Isabelle. Carnival on the Page: Popular Print Media in AnteBellum America. Chapel Hill, N.C.: U of North Carolina P, 2000. Poe, Edgar Allan. Poe: Poetry, Tales, and Selected Essays. Library of America College Edition. New York: Library of America, 1996. Optional Texts Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Selected Tales and Sketches. Ed. Michael J. Colacurcio. New York: Penguin, 1987. McGill, Meredith L. American Literature and the Culture of Reprinting, 1834—1853. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 2003.