DRAGONS of DESPAIR Goldmoon and Riverwind

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DRAGONS of DESPAIR Goldmoon and Riverwind Official Game Accessory Dragons of Mystery Michael Dobson Table of Contents Introduction . 2 Wherein the reader is welcomed. A Dungeonmaster’s Guide to the DRAGONLANCE™ game adventures . 4 Commentary and advice is provided to those who would lead the adventurers to their destiny. The Creation of the World . 10 In which the universe is created and the history of the world told. The Gods of Krynn . .12 The pantheon of good, evil, and neutrality is described. How The Heroes Met . 14 The early days of the Heroes of the Lance are charted, and their destinies foreshadowed. The Companions of the Lance . 19 Wherein new character sheets are presented, and much information is revealed. Questionnaire . 32 In which our Marketing Department desires to know your feelings and desires, and the fate of the world of Krynn lies in your hands. The Constellations of Krynn . Inside Cover The realm of the gods is in the heavens. The Continent of Ansalon . Insert Map The entire continent is presented for your inspection. CREDITS Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Dis- tributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distrib- Series Editor: Michael Dobson uted in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Ltd. Contributors: Tracy Hickman, TSR, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, Harold Johnson, Margaret Weis, DRAGONLANCE, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION and Michael Dobson the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Inc. Graphic Design: Elizabeth Riedel Art: Larry Elmore This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the Cartography: Dennis Kauth and Bob Maurus material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of TSR, Inc. ©1984 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Tracy Hickman, Series Concept TSR, Inc. TSR UK Ltd. Harold Johnson, Director of Design POB 756 The Mill, Rathmore Road Lake Geneva Cambridge CB1 4AD Margaret Weis Douglas Niles WI 53147 United Kingdom J. Jeffrey Grubb Michael Dobson Printed in U.S.A. Larry Elmore Elizabeth Riedel ISBN 0-88038-090-X Bruce Nesmith Carl Smith 9135 2-88 Garry Spiegle Roger Moore Laura Hickman A story of wonder, a saga of adventure, a new world of fantasythis is the DRAGONLANCE epic! A team of top TSR designers have combined to create something never before seen in the world of role-playing gamesa complete, original novel set in an incredible fantasy world. Welcome to the world of Krynn! The DRAGONLANCE tales is the story of the continent of Ansalon, once a peaceful, beautiful land where all nations were united in brotherhood. Evil was abolished; dragons, long banished, were thought only creatures of legend. But the folly of one man shattered that golden age, and the scarred land has now entered its twilight period. True clerics, capable of casting spells, are no moreonly false ones, worshipping false gods. And from the cracks of this broken land return the dragons, eager for new conquest. The DRAGONLANCE epic was designed for the AD&D® game system, and is being presented through a series of TSR® productsbooks, games, modules, calendars, and even miniature figures. This is a completely new and unique experience in role-playing games. Each module in the series tells a complete portion of the DRAGONLANCE saga. The entire story is told in The DRAGONLANCE Chronicles, a trilogy of adult fantasy novels coming soon from TSR. New products are being developed every day to make the DRAGONLANCE series a complete fantasy experience. This module is something different: a sourcebook covering the major characters and the world in which the epic takes place. If you're already familiar with the world of Krynn, you'll enjoy the additional background presented here. If this is your first visit, welcome! We guaranteeyou'll never want to leave! Join the questlive the adventure! This is the DRAGONLANCE game adventure! The DRAGONLANCE game project was DRAGONLANCE series would be a trilogy of begun in 1982, when Tracy Hickman proposed a fantasy novels in addition to modules. After Dungeonmastering the three-module series featuring evil dragons. As much discussion, Tracy Hickman and Marga- other members of the TSR design staff looked at ret Weis (of TSRs Book Department) were Dragonlance Saga his ideas, it quickly became clear that here was a assigned to write the novels. major epicsomething that could not fit into Two years later, the first To get the most out of playing the the normal categories. It was even bigger than DRAGONLANCE module was released to DRAGONLANCE epic, we strongly urge that the famous Giant/Drow (G/D/Q series) public acclaim. Work continues day and night your players all use the pre-generated modules by Gary Gygax. to bring you still more exciting DRAGONLANCE characters. The adventures When Gary saw the initial proposal, he DRAGONLANCE products. are designed for their special qualities. Their was very excited, for this project happened to personal histories also figure prominently in work well with an idea he had been kicking It is impossible to list everyone who has con- the story. around for some time: a twelve-module series tributed to this project. There are the As a Dungeonmaster, you give life to the that featured each of the official Monster DRAGONLANCE game designers (Tracy words on the page. The mystery, the excite- Manual dragons. Hickman, Doug Niles, and Jeff Grubb), the ment, the spirit, and the pacing are your con- With Garys active approval, a special TSR Art Department (Larry Elmore, Clyde tribution to this story. design group was set up within TSR: Project Caldwell, Keith Parkinson, Jeff Easley, Jeff If you decide to run the First Book of the Overlord. A veil of secrecy settled over the Butler, Dave Diesel LaForce, and Dennis DRAGONLANCE Chronicles (DL 1-4) as a planning process, and regular meetings Kauth), the Game Editing Staff (Michael campaign, you will find that it takes quite a began. The original planning group was led Dobson, Anne Gray, and Steve Winter), the few playing sessions. Assuming that an aver- by Tracy Hickman, and included Harold John- Book Department (Margaret Weis, Jean age playing session is four hours, one way you son, TSRs Director of Design, Larry Elmore, Black), and TSR management (Harold John- can break the story is as follows: Carl Smith, Jeff Grubb, and several others. son, Director of Design, Mike Cook, Vice This work led to the creation of the President of New Product Development, DRAGONLANCE Sourcebook, the bible Kevin Blume, President of TSR, Inc., and for all subsequent work. The Gary Gygax, Chairman of the Board). Each DRAGONLANCE game heroes were created, and every one has contributed to make the and TSR designers developed histories and DRAGONLANCE series what it is today. personalities for each one. Slowly, the plot was We hope that you enjoy playing and written, and the project was broken down into reading the DRAGONLANCE line as much as modules. It was decided that the we have enjoyed creating it. 4 DL 1 - DRAGONS OF DESPAIR Goldmoon and Riverwind. If the character is a PC, you can handle it Session 1: Assign characters, brief players on Of course, this breakdown is only one of the the same way as an NPC (but tell the PC how the story, discuss background. Start Chapter 1 possible ways this adventure can be run. Per- he miraculously survived so that he can tell (The Road Travels East), ending after haps some sessions will run longer than aver- the others when he shows up), or you can cre- Encounter 26 (Unicorn Grove) as the heroes age, and some shorter. Keep the playing ate a short one-on-one adventure so that the fly away on pegasi. sessions short enough so that players dont get PC can role-play his way out of danger. Session 2: Chapter 1, Encounter 27 (Gateway worn downyou want to keep interest and The following ideas may help you create Pass), until Chapter 2, Encounter 44j (Fallen excitement high as you play through the interesting obscure deaths. Obelisk). The adventurers have now entered series! the city of Xak Tsaroth. HEROIC SURVIVAL: Session 3: Chapter 2, Encounter 44k (Plaza of 1. Comatose: The character is believed dead, Death) and down to the deepest level of the Playing the Novels but later his body disappears. A mysterious caverns of Xak Tsaroth (all of Chapter 3). benefactor (Fizban? One of the gods?) Session 4: Chapter 4, Encounter 60, until The DRAGONLANCE series is both a set of AD&D® modules and a set of three fantasy detects a glimmer of life and restores him Encounter 68m (Court of the Aghar). The to health, or perhaps it takes the character heroes receive the counsel of the Highbulp. novels for general release. The story of DRAGONLANCE is the same, but there are several days to recover from his injuries. Session 5: The end of Chapter 4, using the differences necessitated by the different 2. Miraculous Escape: If the characters information provided by the Highbulp to find forms. death was say, a fall off a cliff, something and slay the Black Dragon. The epilogue then It is possible to play the novel if unexpected happenedthere was a ledge sets the stage for the next module. desired. The first DRAGONLANCE novel to fall on, a river below that cushioned the fall, a secret tunnel, an air pocket, etc. DL 2 - DRAGONS OF FLAME covers DL 1 and 2, but has a different ending than DL 2. The climax of the adventure occurs Remember, the character can be badly Session 6: Chapters 5 and 6, in which the in the fortress of Pax Tharkas, and the story of hurt, knocked unconscious, have tempo- heroes cross the plains of Que-Kiri, return to DL 3 and DL 4 is not told.
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