Created by: Spinning Scientist (Mandy Hanna) Clipart by: WEATHERING CARDS

Water seeps into The roots of a the cracks of a plant grow in the A rabbit burrows mountainside cracks of a into the crack of and freezes sidewalk. As the a large rock and with cold root grows larger widens and splits temperatures. the cement the rock. New and larger begins to crack. cracks develop.

Powerful waves crash into a rock with cracks. A layer of air Limestone Due to rain, the gets trapped at the bottom of the crack. begins to soften paint on an When the wave because of acid outside bench retreats, the air that rain . begins to crack. was trapped is released with a powerful force and weakens the rock. EROSION CARDS

Loosened rock from icy is Dust and temperatures is picked up from are blowing in pulled down a the banks of a the air during a mountainside by flowing river. wind storm. gravity.

Rock and debris The repeated Ice melts in the from the side of motion of waves a mountain are crack of a large pick up loose boulder and picked up by a sand from the moving glacier carries away loose sediment. DEPOSITION CARDS

Wind carries Layers of sand A delta is formed sand and forms a form at the at the mouth of a sand . bottom of an large river. ocean.

A glacier A fast flowing transports rock mountain river Ice melts in the and debris that carries silt and crack of a large build up to form sand downhill. boulder and a moraine. Once the river carries away hits flatter land it loose sediment. forms an alluvial fan. WEATHERING



The process of breaking down rocks EROSION

The movement of sediment from one location to another. DEPOSITION

Sediment is dropped in a new location.