Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties, May 9, 2017 Photos Courtesy Michael Shapiro Vol. 39, No. 11 July 2017 / 5777 Annual Meeting of the Jewish Federation of Lee and Charlotte Counties, May 9, 2017 Photos courtesy Michael Shapiro Jewish War Veterans - Victor Paul Tuchman Post 400 Federation Co-president Rozzi Osterman with Vice Commander Robert Ruberto and Commander Harvey Charter Jeremy Dictor, FGCU Hillel Director, Leadership Award recipients Larry and Terri Eisenfeld received Honorable Menschen Awards from Rozzi Osterman reported on a successful first year Jerry Snyderman, retiring board member, with wife Barbara Former board member Guy Whitesman installed the 2017- New board member Keith Grossman and Rozzi Osterman 2018 board, and Federation Executive Director Alan Isaacs and incoming Federation Co-president Brian Simon Honorable Menschen Award recipient Judith Yevick Harvey Cohen, Volunteer of the Year Award Honorable Menschen Award Sherri Zucker, board member and Senior Outreach and Rozzi Osterman recipient recipient Robbie Mitnick Chair, presented the Volunter of the Year Awards A volunteer-driven organization This phenomenon is almost none of us here in our com- we address it if it’s in our power. Ad- FROM THE exemplified by two indi- munity have heard of. His name was dressing those challenges means find- EXECUTIVE viduals who were hon- Lonny Kaplan and, amongst many ing the right volunteer on short notice. ored at this year’s Annual other Jewish community responsibili- A driver here, a shopper there, a visitor DIRECTOR Meeting. Terri and Larry ties, he was a former national president somewhere else. A lawyer, a doctor, an Alan Isaacs Eisenfeld have dedicated of the American Israel Public Affairs accountant, a dentist.
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