Gábor Györi Semantic Change, Semantic Theory and Linguistic Relativity Series A: General & Theoretical Papers ISSN 1435-6473 Essen: LAUD 1998 (2., unveränderte Auflage 2006) Paper No. 444 Universität Duisburg-Essen Gábor Györi Jannus Pannonius University, Pecs (Hungary) Semantic Change, Semantic Theory and Linguistic Relativity Copyright by the author Reproduced by LAUD 1998 (2., unveränderte Auflage 2006) Linguistic Agency Series A University of Duisburg-Essen General and Theoretical FB Geisteswissenschaften Paper No. 444 Universitätsstr. 12 D- 45117 Essen Order LAUD-papers online: http://www.linse.uni-due.de/linse/laud/index.html Or contact:
[email protected] Gábor Györi Semantic Change, Semantic Theory and Linguistic Relativity 0. Abstract The most general cause usually given for semantic and lexical change is the arising of new communicative needs in a speech community. However, communication is also a cognitive activity: we communicate our mental states, the contents of our minds, etc. Communicative needs must go hand in hand with cognitive needs, since there is no linguistic communication without the underlying mental representations. Because of this, semantic change can only be accounted for by a semantic theory which takes into account human conceptualization as a product of our understanding of bodily experience, as does cognitive semantics. Semantic change exploits and utilizes the common understanding and interpretation of experience which exists on the basis of conventionalized conceptual structures shared by the members of a speech community. However, while the semantic structure of a language is the product of conceptualization processes, it is also true that the input for these conceptualization processes is at least partly the semantic structure of that language.