10.5.2 Consumer’s Confidential Settlement Conference Statement NORMAN K.K. LAU Attorney At Law A Law Corporation NORMAN K.K. LAU 1795 820 Mililani Street, Suite 701 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Telephone No.: (808) 523-6767 FAX No.: (808) 523-6769 Email:
[email protected] Attorney for Plaintiff IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF HAWAII PLAINTIFF, ) CIVIL NO. NO. ) Plaintiff, ) PLAINTIFF’S CONFIDENTIAL ) SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE vs. ) STATEMENT; EXHIBITS 1, 4, 12 ) UNIFUND CCR PARTNERS; ) MARVIN S.C DANG; JAE B. PARK; ) Date: DATE STUART MARTINEZ, ) Time: 10:00 a.m. ) Judge: Leslie Kobayashi Defendants. ) PLAINTIFF’S CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT CONFERENCE STATEMENT A. BRIEF STATEMENT OF THE CASE This case involves the collection efforts of Defendants against Plaintiff for money and their violations of the FDCPA, H.R.S. Chapter 443B, and § 480-2 in their collection efforts. On or about May 25, 2005, Defendants contacted Plaintiff’s employer and obtained more than location information. (Exhibit 12). On or about April 25, 2005, Defendant Unifund sent 1 Plaintiff a letter demanding payment of $9,953.18 for a debt it obtained from Citibank. (Exhibit 1). At the time of this collection attempt, Unifund was not a registered collection agency in Hawaii. Defendant Unifund also failed to provide the appropriate notices required by 15 U.S.C. §1692g. Defendant Dang then sent a letter on or about April 28, 2005 demanding $9,953.18 payment for an account on behalf of Unifund. Defendants then filed a lawsuit in District Court on or about September 16, 2005 for the debt on the Account.