The f.ashionchanges so Í.astthat often we Í.acethe question oí what to do with c|otheswhich we do rrotnced arry longer.It is easy to discard woťn-outclothes but wlratto do with unworn clotheswhich you do not like any Inore./People in the westoÍien an.ange a jumble or garagesale but it is not a custolTlin our countryyet. Some people sklre themup in thcir wardrobeif they have enoughroom, pass themdown to sornebodyyounger or give themto a charity or'-{anization.Women who can do needlework(sew, knit, crochetor embroider)often remakean old dress and alter it into a new stylish model which is adrniredby their colleaguesas if it was boughtin a boutique. Some peopledo not choosetheir dress with regardto thelatest fashion. they apply a wait-and-seeattitude and wear what suitsthem. what is healthyand what theycan afford.The most importantthing is thatsuch dressesare neatand clean. they look smartand elegantand they feel corntbrtable.

Questionson the text:

l. What attitudesdo peop|ehave to Íashion? 5. What kind of materials,patterns and coloul can be used'l 2. What factors have influenced the way of dressing'? 6. How doesthe seasoninfluence clothes'/ 3. What doesfashion include? 7. What kind of clothesdo we wearon variousoccasions l 4. What changesin fashion very quickly? 8. What can we do with an old dress'l


be choosy/particu|ar about, look smarťelegant, worn-ouťunworn, feel comfortable, be dressed perfectly/proper|y/in the latest (current) fashion/slovenly [slavnli], be dressed up, have excellent/poor taste, wear/have on, get (un)dressed/puton st./takeoff, dress/clothes/garment/(sports) outfit, linen/laundry, underwear, night wear, sports wear,leisure wear, casual [ka3juel]wear, knitwear [nitwee],ready-made clothes/madeto measure, man-made fibres [ťaibez]/fabrics [faebriks]/materials,natural materials, pattern, style,cut, design, colours,line, neck|ine,plaiďcasual /everyday/fashionable/trendy/showy/sty|ish [stailifl, smart/eleganťextravaganďworn-out dress, /fit/match/go with, loose [u:s] /tight/closefitting accessories [ak'sesariz], hair style, jewellery [d3u:elri], make-up, be in (fashion) /out (of fashion), become (un)fashionable,be on the way out, replace st. with st.,reflect the period, prevail [pri'veil],modify [modifai],imitate, revert [ri've:t],second-hand shop, jumble [dSambl]sale/garage sale, pass/hand down. discard, needlework, alter [o:lte],remake, make a dress, sew - sewed - sewed/sewn[seu, seud, seunl, sew on, sewing machine, embroider [irn'broide],knit, crochet [kreýt]' thread lOred]'needle lni:dl]' scissors [sizez] tailor,s Iteilez]/dressmaker.s, clothinýfootwear industry


1. Which of the attitudes to fashion mentioned in the text applies to you?

) What do you do with clothes you do not need any longer? Which of the possibilities in the text do you think is best?

3. On what occasions do we wear these garments? Which of them belong to men's wear, ladies wear, underwear, knitwear, night wear, sports wear or leisure wear?

suit [sju:t],tweed/leather/suěde [sweid]/ denim , dinner jacket/tuxedo (nv) ltak'si:deu],waistcoat/vest (ntr,r)' (a pair of) /pants (AM) /slacks,jeans, cropped trousers, vest,pants/panties/knickers Inikez],longjohns, bra, slip, suspender belt. twin-set, a cocktaiVparty/eveninýwedding/button through/button-front/ two piecě/a|l. purpose/a best dress, top, (trouser) suit, blouse [blauz],jumper [d3ampel,cardigan [ka:digenl sweater Iswete],woollies, pullover, anorak Iienerek], raincoat, cape, shorťfull length/three quarter/winter/lined/ unlined/fur coat, parka [pa:ke],overall [euvero:l],overalls [euvero:lz],apron [eiplen], (a pair of) pyjamas [pe.d3a:mez],night dress/gowďshirt, dressing/beach/night/eveninggown [gaun],leisure suit, track suit, shorts, Bermuda [be'rnlu:de]shorts, shirt [Ja:t] sweatshirt, T-shirt [ti:Je:t],top, straight/slit/divided/ pleated/wrap over/gathered/bell-shapedskirt [ske:t],swim suit/bikini [bi'ki:ni],trunks [traqks],blazer Ibleize'|

4. What footwear do we wear and on what occasions? Label the pictures.

leather/suěde/}rand-madeshoes, heel [hi:|]' sole, the uppers' laces [|eisiz], courťflaíIace-ups/walkinýheavy/ outdoor/runninýsports shoes, loilmedium/high-hee|ed shoes, stiletto [sti,|etau]- hee|ed shoes, slippers Islipez], mules [mju:lzl, sandals [srendlz], trainers, plimsolls [plimselz], ski shoes, clogs, pumps [parnps], ankle/knee-length/high boots, Wellingtons/wellies/rubber boots/rubbers, pull on/slip on