Dr. Buttrick Will Speak at 72Nd Commengement
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The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1941-1950 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 1-29-1942 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1942-01-29 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1941-1950 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1942-01-29" (1942). The Voice: 1941-1950. 29. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1941-1950/29 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1941-1950 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I1, ALL-COLLE- GE VIC DANCE SUPPORT RED CROSS! The Student Senate will sponsor an For each a worthy cause as th Red all-colle- ge vie dance Saturday from 8 to Cross, students should give ten dollars. n m. JojqerBabcnckTariff he The Student Senate however, is asking 1) cent? per "couple. Tiome basketball ;,WOOSTER , VOICE that student give but one. Pay your game is scheduled for that, evening. The share now!, it it,"-- I disagree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say "oltaire. Volume LVIII WOOSTER, OHIO, THURSDAY, JANUARY 29, 1?42 Number 14 Conover, Lyfle Head Boot Drive Dr. Buttrick Will Speak r -- wf T Senate Shortens At 72nd CommenGement Color Day, Shifts Committee Selects Pastor Three-Fol- d Plan to Dean Denies Rumor Date May 8th Of New York's Madison Adopted in Red y Because of the shortened Ave. Presbyterian Church Miss Rachel MacKenzie, dean Cross Campaign semester the Student Senate moved the date of women, denied today that the of Color Day back to Friday, May 8. These plans for the 1942 Color Dr. George Arthur Buttrick, pas- college was planning to place a Day celebration were discussed and approved at the Student Senate Avenue Presby- Faculty Show, Meatless tor of the Madison ban on all orchestra dances, in an meeting Monday, Jan. 26. terian church in New York City, will interview with a Voice reporter. Dinner Aid $1500 Drive and-Student- on suggestions s, be the guest speaker at the 72nd an- The statement was made after Acting of a Committee of Faculty the I nual Commencement exercises, Mon- it had been rumored oh the cam- The Wooster effort in the nation Student Senate decided to' shorten and day, May 11, beneath the elms. Dr. pus that the Douglass hall formal wide Red Cross Drive was set in mo- simplify the celebration and to cut well-know- tion with appeal Buttrick, who is n and re- was to be replaced by a vie dance, an for contributions expenses to a minimum. Senators Swear In - by" Prof.-rE.- Eberhart" Chapel spected in this area, spoke on the and that all formal dances on trie Kr in The celebration will be held in the Wednesday morning. The drive will Six New Members; -- campus in April 1928, as a guest of Hill would have to be given here- Stadium on the afternoon of Friday, last for one week from 28 to Feb. Westminster church, and again at the after without orchestra's.. Dean Jan. May 8,. at the end of examination and will strive to reach goal of Rearrange Schedule Presbyterian Synod, in June 1933. MacKenzie said that there was no a week. It will fall in the middle of Sen $1500. The Public Occasions Committee, of truth in these rumors. ior Week which will be shortened this The drive will be headed by Ilene which Dr. Roy I. Grady is chairman, Jerry Stryker, president of the year to three days. ' Six new student senators were sworn Smith for the Student with decided on Dr! Buttrick at their meet- Student Senate, assured Voice re- Senate the into office at the meeting of the Stu- The Senate also voted to abolish ing on Jan. 17, and a favorable reply porters that previously arranged cooperation 'of a Faculty Committee dent Senate Monday night, Jan. 26. composed of C. B. Moke F. the traditional May Queen dinner and to their invitation was received last orchestra danees sponsored by the and W. The six new senators are Jim Bean Kieffer. dance. It has been the custom in form- week. senate would be held. The Spring and Ilene Smith, seniors, Paul Chur-to- n A three fold plan to reach the goal er years for the May Queen to finance was born in Seaham Harbor, formal, tentatively scheduled for and Betty Lacy, sophomores, and He these affairs herself, but at last year's all-colle- has been adopted by Sen- ge the JUJ Northumberland, England, Mar. - 23, April 17, is the next Student John Renner and. Lois Scott, fresh- - - celebration the Senate assumed these Lancaster orchestra dance to be given. ate. mf:- 1892, and graduated from, First, a one dollar contribution will responsibilities. Independent College, Manchester, It was decided to have a Senate Vic be obtained from 800 students to ful The committee suggested the aboli 1915, Victoria university (honors in Dance Saturday night, Jan. 31 at 8 Negro Will fill a $800 student quota. tion of the Senior Maypole Dance, philosophy), 1915. He received his Speaker p.m. The dance will be held in Bab- five but the Senate left this suggestion for Middle-bury- , Second, a dollar contribution D.D.'from Hamilton, 1927, cock and the usual admission of 15 'World will be solicited from each member of further consideration. 1928, Yale, 1932, and Miami, Inaugurate cents per couple will be charged. the faculty to fulfill a $300 faculty The date of the Color Day dance 1934. Dr. Buttrick is married and After War Lectures quota. which is usually held in' the evening The Senate will sponsor a Valentine all-colle- has three sons. ge Third, the remaining part of the after the celebration has been tenta- sing. The sing will be held i 1 1 ' into the ministry mi) in iiinnnrinnnnimmniii nnnnni n ifrnn nnr n r ' iriiTninnii MiiiKinrffniinnnrriiiim 'iinviri iiiiwiwiinie Sunday', He was ordained drive will be met by five proposals to iiimiini miiii tively set for May 8, but must be Feb. 15, at 7 p.m. on the Bayerd will speak the Sun by the Congregational church in 1915. Rustin to worked with the class library steps. be carried out during the rest of the Pictured above are Ruth Conover,. of Trenton, N. J. and William Lytle out senior to He was pastor of the First Union day Evening Forum on "Basis for Just conform with Senior semester. These five proposals are: both Class their Week plans. It was suggested that the Senate 111., of Ben Avon, Pa. members of the of 1945 and members of the Congregational church, Quincy, and Durable Peace" at the Forum 1. This Committee which held a meet circulate Contributions from camous organi Student Senate. They are in charge of the canvass to be made on the' petitions asking Fred Waring 1915 '3; First Congregational church, " " - Feb. 1, zations. 7' nation-wid- ing Thursday, Jan.- 22, is composed to write a college fight song for Woos- meeting Sunday, in Taylor , campus for books for the e "Victory Book Campaign" which is 1918-21- Presby- Rutland, Vt., ; First college ter. Paul Churton was appointed to hall at 7 p.m. Mr. Rustin is the first Contributions from the em being conducted this week. Courtesy Daily Record. (Continued on Page .4) Buffalo, 1921-27- ; he terian church, ployees (except faculty). L circulate the petitions. been with the Madison Avenue of several speakers who will present has Proceeds from a planned Faculty Sponsored by the American Library following are the types of books in The other newly elected Senators 1927. He is President of viewpoints on the world after the Voice Campaigns church since Variety Show. Association, the Red Cross, and the the greatest demand: were also given specific duties. Ilene Council of Churches of the Federal war. 4. Proceeds from meatless dinners. United Service Organizations for Na- Applied psychology, Current af Smith has charge of the Red Cross Christ in America. For Mr. Rustin is a young negro speak 5. Small change contributions in the tional Defense the Victory Book Cam. fairs, Military publications, Crime and Increased drive. Betty Lacy was appointed chap Dr. Buttrick has written three er who talks under the sponsorship of form of donation boxes placed paign is a national movement with a the F.B.I., Police systems and the fin- Reporting Staff eron chairman, Lois Scott was appoint books: "The Parables of' Jesus", 1928; the Fellowship of Reconciliation which around the campus and at the goal of 10,000,000 books for the use gerprinting, English grammars, Arith ed decorations chairman, and John "Jesus Came Preaching", 1931; "The is an international organization advo various social functions. of the men in our armed forces. metic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigon Renner was made inventory chair ' Christian Fact and .odern Doubt eating and studying the settling or All the money that is received will Representing the Student Senate, ometry, Calculus and tables of logari The Wooster Voice will hold a man. n by peaceful be turned over thms,. Up-to-da- te technical books. meeting of all those upper-classme- world difficulties . means. to the Wayne County Bill Lytle and Ruth Conover have The Senate also revised its schedule and freshmen who are interested in For several summers Mr. Rustin has chairman of the drive to help nil the charge of the Wooster campaign.