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Originally published in March 2007 General Wesley Clark:

"Because I had been through the Pentagon right after 9/11. About ten days after 9/11, I went through the Pentagon and I saw Secretary Rumsfeld and Deputy Secretary Wolfowitz. I went downstairs just to say hello to some of the people on the Joint Staff who used to work for me, and one of the generals called me in. He said, "Sir, you've got to come in and talk to me a second." I said, "Well, you're too busy." He said, "No, no." He says, "We've made the decision we're going to war with Iraq." This was on or about the 20th of September. I said, "We're going to war with Iraq? Why?" He said, "I don't know." He said, "I guess they don't know what else to do." So I said, "Well, did they find some information connecting Saddam to al-Qaeda?" He said, "No, no." He says, "There's nothing new that way. They just made the decision to go to war with Iraq." He said, "I guess it's like we don't know what to do about terrorists, but we've got a good military and we can take down governments." And he said, "I guess if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem has to look like a nail.

So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, "Are we still going to war with Iraq?" And he said, "Oh, it's worse than that." He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, "I just got this down from upstairs" -- meaning the Secretary of Defense's office -- "today." And he said, "This is a memo that describes how we're going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran." I said, "Is it classified?" He said, "Yes, sir." I said, "Well, don't show it to me." And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, "You remember that?" He said, "Sir, I didn't show you that memo! I didn't show it to you!"

~General Wesley Clark

If this was indeed Hannah Rothschild from the Rothschilds family her political tweets were timely refreshing regarding her opinions about political matters. The account was eventually removed and another account with the same content reappeared using a different username “Lady De Rothschild“.

Bss De Rothschild ?@BssDeRothschild: “Who is ready for WW3? It begins with Iran & US & of course the US’s new girlfriend Russia.”

Bss De Rothschild ?@BssDeRothschild: “After a Trump/Putin/Iran/China/NK Nuclear war, the world will revert back to the Globalist ideal offering security via Europe.”

Bss De Rothschild ?@BssDeRothschild: “ISIS will be forgotten and overridden by the dominance of the incoming American, Russian & Asian Nuclear War. Started with Trump & Putin.”

Bss De Rothschild ?@BssDeRothschild: “After a Trump/Putin led WW3 with Iran and others, the minds of the global population will only care for unity & Globalist security.”

~Baroness De Rothschild {{ http://battleforworld.com/2018/05/08/baroness-de-rothschild-twitter-postings-trump/ }}

“[W]e don’t think the president of that regime is in control,” Assad told the paper, referring to Trump. “We all believe that the deep state, the real state, is in control, or is in control of every president, and that is nothing new. It has always been so in the United States, at least during the last 40 years, at least since Nixon, maybe before, but it’s becoming starker and starker, and the starkest case is Trump.”

{{ https://www.rt.com/news/426342-trump-assad-deep-state-syria/ }}

THIS SHOW - SATURDAY - May 12, 2018 - 11:05 AM (PT)

!! Q Unveiled - Trump and Rothschild !!

"Qanon" - stands for "Q anonymous". This is the mysterious agent that posts cryptic clues on forums so that no one can know who is posting the information. "Q" purports to leak hidden clues to President Trump's actions and behind the scenes maneuvers. It has proven highly accurate and millions have been informed by Q's cryptic clues. Now, the real identity of "Q" is being uncovered.

Finally, the research points strongly to Donald Trump being completely under the control of the Rothschild family. Let’s look at the evidence

******** SHOW TIMES ******** Every Saturday at 11:05 AM (PT) - 1460 AM, 101.1 FM or 105.1 HD2 Listen to us on the internet or on your cell phone at http://www.powertalk1460.com Or download the iHeart app http://news.iheart.com/features/get-the-iheartradio-app-240/ or click on "Listen Live" button below.


News from The Neal Show

[ ED: Israel is our ally. We should be delighted that Israel is pleased with our President. But what might this say about President Trump's "conflict of interest", in that he owes the Rothschild's millions, and just maybe, they have come to collect. ]

Donald Trump's face will feature on Israeli coin marking 70th anniversary of Israel independence, following decision to move US embassy to Jerusalem

• Celebratory coin has President Trump's face side by side with head of King Cyrus • The biblical character allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem 2,500 years ago • Makers of coin Mikdash Educational Center liken Trump to saviour from bible

By Connor Boyd For Mailonline

Published: 10:21 EDT, 11 May 2018 | Updated: 18:46 EDT, 11 May 2018

Donald Trump's face will feature on an Israeli coin marking the 70th anniversary of the country's independence.

It depicts the US President alongside the biblical King Cyrus, who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem 2,500 years ago.

The coin, which cannot be used as currency, is also a token of gratitude for Mr Trump's decision to move the US embassy from to Jerusalem, KOBI reported.

The celebratory coin has Donald Trump's face alongside the biblical King Cyrus, who allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem 2,500 years ago

'President Trump is starting a prophetic process by moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem,' claimed a representative from the company producing the coins

Nonprofit organisation The Mikdash Educational Center has made 1,000 of the half-shekel celebratory coins.

The standard version, made from pewter and plated with silver, will be sold for £36.

There is also a limited series of gold-plated coins which will sell for £52.

Jewish men gather in Jerusalem's Old City to 'thank God' for the cancellation of the Iranian nuclear deal

The city has billboards and posters praising US President Trump's decision to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem

• A play on Mr Trump's 'Make America Great Again' slogan, posters near the US consulate in Jerusalem read 'Trump Make Israel Great'

'President Trump is starting a prophetic process by moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem,' Mikdash representative Rabbi Mordechai Persoff told KOBI.

'Just like King Cyrus 2,500 years ago said, "he charged me to build a house in Jerusalem", here again, President Trump is building a house in Jerusalem.'

The seal of the United States government also features on the face of the coin, along with biblical verses written in in Hebrew.

On the back is a dove, holding an olive branch in its beak, above a temple.

Posters and billboards praising Donald Trump and his decision to pull out of the nuclear deal with Iran have been put up in the streets of Jerusalem today. Read more:

• President Trump featured on Israeli coin - KOBI-TV NBC5 / KOTI-TV NBC2

{{ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5718129/Donald-Trumps-face-feature-Israeli-coin-marking-70th- anniversary-Israel-independence.html }}


[ ED: This article is two months old, so they couldn't tell you yet, that Thomas Schoenberger took over Cicada 3301 and in the process, took over "Qanon".]

Who is Cicada 3301? Exposing all the Truth and Evidence 2018

j1337 (40) in cicada3301 • 2 months ago

Who do most people think Cicada 3301 really is? Most of them have speculated that the puzzles are a recruitment tool for the NSA, CIA, MI6, or some form of secret society or government . Still, others view the Cicada 3301 puzzle as a type of ARG , though, no company or individual has taken credit or tried to monetize it. If the goal of Cicada 3301 was tied to a specific governmental program, it wouldn’t appear on such a global scale. According to the UK Metro News, “government intelligence agencies have recruited code-breakers through similar puzzles in the past. But Nigel Smart, professor of cryptology at the University of Bristol, doesn’t think this is the case here. ‘I have no idea who would be recruiting via that means,’ he said. ‘Probably not a government because it was non-geographic. GCHQ and the US government run similar challenges but would always aim it at UK or US people respectively’”. If the goal was for entertainment or gaming purposes, no profits are being made, but it may just be for enjoyment (either by creator actively participating or by watching others struggle to achieve meaning from the meaningless). If the goal was social or ideological, members of 3301 sought to collect highly intelligent members potentially capable of: governmental influence for ideological cause construction of a society uniquely reliant on futurism/intellectualism/collectivism. In essence – a human embodiment of the elements we typically ascribe to technology and a possible appeal to techno-anarchists.

Who composes Cicada 3301 Music? Thomas Schoenberger is a polymath, composer, historian, entrepreneur event designer, inventor and writer. His compositions have been performed by leading musical groups, including the Moscow Chamber Orchestra and other notable artists worldwide. We have noticed on Sophia Musick having the same music https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnouYyjQ95buGKVs0-RbdgQ We also notice some high advanced technology that has came from Germany in the past, where his ancestry comes from as well as some things Cicada use are from German. Also to note some of the biggest hacker groups known is the ChaosComputerClub. Even Tengri 137 was german based. Known Triggers: anything with 3301 and scam related with his name & possible gang stalking. http://thomasschoenberger.com/ other Musicans Connected is this CO AG music group. [More info later when found]

Who exactly Runs the Cicada Wikia? BrotherBox, you may know him he always know lots of things about PGP and cicada. He is undeniably the King of those fields and well has quite the sense of humor. Likes to drink and give out secrets.

Could the Freemasons Run Cicada? Yup as we know the Freemasons loves cryptic puzzles and is the type of thing they enjoy from time to time judging by their works of art and other things. Some occult references within both seem to overlap as well. [More info when available on Templar connection]

What high tech company could run Cicada 3301? Almost any of them really, we are looking at Google, Apple, Windows, etc, and even more partnerships like Google or Facebook possibly being taken place here as it could very well be a very established company or groups of company making a joint-business. Even businesses with A.I. could be the leaders of the group. Which leads us to the next.

Could Cicada 3301 be ran by A.I.? Yep it really all could be overruled by a sentient overlord like machine. Only if that was all fiction it would be cool. The matrix works in weird ways and revolutions happen in even stranger ways . As far as I could tell it could go as far as a cyber mercenary group controlling things or a peaceful protesting group I will admit at least.

Did Bitcoin Creators also create Cicada 3301? That is a very plausible Ideas with Bitcoin Created in 2009 and Cicada officially in 2012 both anonymous owners and creators sounds like a pattern.

Could Anonymous be 3301? As someone who used to be heavily active on from about 2004 to 2008, I can certainly say that this is something the community is/was capable of. Cicada 3301 was formed around the same time as the “Anon” ideology came to a crescendo (before the formation of the official hacker group “Anonymous”). In fact, since its inception 4Chan members who identify as “Anon” have largely maintained an overarching ideology / political stance that is incredibly similar to the Cicadian tenants. 3301 may have been another way to both expand and improve Anon’s fledgling community of hackers.

This theory seems to be supported by the account of Marcus Wanner, one of the only persons to publicly announce their successful completion on the Cicada 3301 puzzle. “[Wanner] received an email from Cicada 3301 congratulating him on finishing his testing. They told him that there was one last step. The last leg of the journey did not incorporate any puzzles, riddles or Easter egg hunts but rather honesty and integrity,” said TechDigg, “They claimed only that the group was a collection of individuals with a common goal, to end tyranny, censorship, and oppression”. Ultimately, these are some of the selfsame principles Anonymous holds near and dear. However, Cicada 3301 has not advocated illegal activities or hacking in any way. Ultimately, they appear to be, as TechDigg claims, a group “exclusively dedicated to researching and developing techniques and technology to aid in the ideas they advocate which are liberty, transparency, and security through technology”. In addition to using many varying techniques to encrypt, encode, or hide data, these clues also have referenced cryptographic, mathematical, technological literary, artistic, and philosophical sources including: Agrippa (A Book of the Dead), a poem by William Gibson The Ancient of Days, a design by William Blake Anglo-Saxon Rune alphabet Johann Sebastian Bach Cuneiform C. Escher Francisco Goya Gödel, Escher, Bach, a book by Douglas Hofstadter Kōans Liber AL vel Legis by Aleister Crowley The Lady of Shalott, a painting by John William Waterhouse The Mabinogion, a series of pre-Christian Welsh manuscripts Mayan Numerology The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, a book by William Blake Nebuchadnezzar, a design by William Blake Newton, a design by William Blake Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson Song of Liberty, a poem by William Blake Collective consciousness and collective intelligence Ego death Esotericism Gematria Carl Jung Kabbalah and Hermetic Qabalah Søren Kierkegaard Friedrich Nietzsche Grigori Rasputin Jean-Paul Sartre Robert Anton Wilson Zen Buddhism Atbash cipher Book ciphers Caesar cipher Diffie–Hellman key exchange Factorization General number field sieve Kurt Gödel and his incompleteness theorems GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG or GPG) Francis Heylighen GNU/Linux Magic squares Number theory Prime numbers RSA Encryption Algorithm Self-reference Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme Steganography in digital images, text, and network protocols Strange loops The Onion Router (Tor) Transposition ciphers The Vigenère Cipher What was the Goal of the Cicada 3301 Puzzle? Since 2012, it has been widely speculated as to who Cicada 3301 is and what their ultimate goals are. ############################################################

Does Cicada 3301 originate from UC Berkeley group? (cicada.berkeley.edu) Relatively new compared to other secret groups – oldest members were collaborating in the 1990s, but as a group they only started in the early 2010s. The Cicada 3301 puzzles are how they recruit. It used to be more open, recruiting in person and through places LessWrong, but that created obvious infosec problems. Nick Szabo, who is also believed to be one of the creators of bitcoin, is also believed to be an top member of the College. Balaji Srinivasan, a VC who advocates for Silicon Valley to secede from the US, is another Relatively young group of people: generation X and generation Y. Definitely not a fan of the direction the baby boomers took US culture and government. They try to use their influence in tech and journalism to try to push the popular narrative in a certain direction rumored to have turned the public against certain narratives, such as black lives matter, and made blockchain software mainstream. They are believed to communicate mostly online over some kind of message board system, but also meet in real life. They are rumored to have wealthy patrons who cloak their activities in the superficial trappings and rituals of occult groups as a diversion base many beliefs around the writings of Mencius Moldbug, a computer engineer, and Nick Land, a Shanghai-based British philosopher. Last project was building a private city in Kazakhstan, which I hear has fallen through.

There have been early records discovered in 1993 to 1994 relating to a series of mailing distributions created by Berkeley staff who worked in Soda Hall. One of them was Eric Hughes, who was a mathematician in 1993 at Berkeley who was involved in working on making the distros encrypted and anonymous. What is funny is that the distro domains had cicada written into it. (cicada.berkeley.edu). Eric Hughes was well know in the cypherpunk community who wrote books on cryptology. He was also associated with John Gilmore, who is a huge advocate against Internet censorship and an advocate for Internet privacy, encryption, and anonymity. Best of all? John Gilmore was the fifth employee of Sun Microsystems and most likely knew the technological underground that was busling at the time in Silicon Valley. What made this connection even more exciting was there are faculty at the time in Berkeley who was aware of cicada.berkeley.edu distros and even used them. One notable example is Dr. Michael Stiber, a Computational Biology professor who currently is teaching and researching for the University of Washington, but landed his first teaching post in UC Berkeley in 1996 (CV: http://faculty.washington.edu/stiber/cv.pdf). Stiber used the cicada.berkeley.edu distro as a form of his e-mail when he co-authored this paper (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8971210). Furthermore, Stiber (being mostly still considered a professor in the biological sciences), has a very interesting Twitter headline in which he writes "I don't believe in anonymity." Therefore, Stiber has to be aware of cicada.berkeley.edu. Finally this public log was recorded by Webster University regarding on how cicada.berkeley.edu was used in relations of keeping them anonymous (http://www.websteruniv.edu/~bumbaugh/net/net-anon.pt1). As a result, it seems that cicada.berkeley.edu distros appear to have built the earliest forms of encryption and anonymity in relations of using the Internet as a form of communication and information transferring. As a result, it ties closely to the MO of how Cicada 3301 does things in relations to their puzzles thus far. Furthermore, the last time cicada.berkeley.edu was noted was at the end of 1994 (However, it is believed that the distros themselves were still active till the early 2000's) only to reappear in references again in 2011, the same year the puzzles were launched! (Needs a verification). Note here, that this is exactly 17 years in between. Like the cicadas that live underground for 17 years they have again, emerged. Some further speculate that in brood 0h (the name given to 2012 rectuits), 'h' stands for 17 in baseX encoding (X>17) using letters above 9 just like hexadecimal.

By digging deeper into Cypherpunk, we have discovered that cicada.berkeley.edu distro's were just a mere prototype for the larger picture of the Cypherpunk Mailing List, which was in turn, the prototype to the darknet and Tor. The Cypherpunk Mailing List was eventually created beetween Eric Hughes (who developed the cicada.berkeley.edu distro), John Gilmore (now running his own Bay Area firm Cygnus Solutions) and Timothy C. May, who was one of the early electronic engineers working for Intel. The Cypherpunk Mailing List became popular for public debate regarding the privacy, freedom and neutrality of the Internet to philosophical, mathematical, computational, technological and cryptographic matters. Due to its anonymous and encrypted methods, mail bombers frequent used the service to target their victims with spam e-mails and until 2013, Al-Qaeda has even used the service. People who used Cypherpunk included Philip Zimmermann, who created PGP Signatures. Julian Assange (of the WikiLeaks fame) and even Tor developer Jacob Applebaum. These people are a fragment of many intellectuals, engineers and professors who used or develop the service. In a sense, cicada.berkeley.edu was the prototype to the Cypherpunk Mailing List, which in turn, might have influenced the creation of Tor and the darknet in 2003. Therefore three possible conclusions can be reached:

1. Cicada 3301 was inspired by the cicada.berkeley.edu distribution development in the early 1990's and based their group name, mission statement and activities around the Berkeley project. 2. Cicada 3301 is the next evolutionary phase of the original project headed by some or all the original members involved with the Berkeley project. 3. This speculation theory is so coincidential that the connection between the Berkeley project and Cicada 3301 is just a fluke and thus Cicada 3301 debuted independently without prior knowledge to the Berkeley project. Links to all the information thus far that led to my speculation above (in no particular order): http://www.websteruniv.edu/~bumbaugh/net/net-anon.pt1 http://cypherpunks.venona.com/date/1993/06/msg00390.html http://cypherpunks.venona.com/date/1993/06/msg00387.html http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8971210 http://faculty.washington.edu/stiber/ http://faculty.washington.edu/stiber/cv.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Hughes_%28cypherpunk%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Gilmore_%28activist%29

Side Information Related to the Berkeley Connection: http://www.phrack.org/issues.html?issue=43&id=2&mode=txt phrack is one of the longest running hacker zines

More stuff http://www.toad.com/gnu/ JG owns the domain toad.com (registered on August 18, 1987!), an open mail relay. mendax[http:// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assangehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julian_Assange] https://silentcircle.com/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Zimmermann https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacob_Appelbaumhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cult_of_the_Dead_Cow ##########################################################

Would you like to talk to more people about this then check the Cicada 3301 freenode webchat. https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=#cicadasolvers Or check out the 1337 Discord Solving Group. https://discord.gg/kd73x8E

Thanks again for reading the article. Who do you think is Cicada 3301? Post Below! X0A0

{{ https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-02/space-force-trump- teases-sixth-branch-us-military-again }}



[ ED: There are now three privately owned "space enterprises". Elon Musk says it's time we "colonize space", which is all just cover for the fact that...we already have.]

Aaron Rupar


Trump to the Army football team: "You will be part of the 5 proud branches of the U.S. armed forces - - Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force & the Coast Guard. We're actually thinking of a 6th -- the Space Force. Does that make sense?.... We're getting very big in space." 9:41 AM - May 1, 2018

{{ https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-02/space-force-trump- teases-sixth-branch-us-military-again }}

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