Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.28 No.1 January 2005

Mechanisms of stabilization: are consolidation and reconsolidation similar or distinct processes?

Cristina M. Alberini

Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY 10029, USA

Consolidation of new depends on a crucial adding to the debate of whether reconsolidation, as phase of protein synthesis. It is widely held that, once implied by its definition, is truly a repetition of consolida- consolidated, memories are stable and resilient to tion or in fact a distinct process. disruption. However, established memories become labile when recalled and require another phase of Mechanisms of protein synthesis to be maintained. Therefore, it has Memory consolidation has been studied for more than a been proposed that when a memory is reactivated it century [3,9]. It has been defined on the basis of must undergo additional consolidation (reconsolida- observations that a newly formed memory undergoes a tion) to persist. To determine whether reconsolidation transformation process, becoming stronger and more recapitulates consolidation, in the past few years several resilient over time until it is insensitive to disruption. groups have investigated whether the same molecules Factors shown to interfere with consolidation include and pathways mediate the formation of a memory and cerebral trauma, electroconvulsive shock, protein syn- its maintenance after reactivation. At first glance, the thesis inhibitors and several drugs [3]. In several species results appear conflicting: although both processes and memory systems, many molecular, anatomical and appear to engage the same molecules and mechanisms, system-level investigations have contributed to the brain areas involved in consolidation after initial training characterization of this transformation process. are not required for reconsolidation. In addition, the Insights into the anatomy of consolidation have been formation of a memory and its maintenance after gained by testing the effects of functional inactivation or reactivation seem to have distinctive temporal molecular direct lesion of specific brain areas. These studies have requirements. This review concludes with a working shown that the consolidation of different types of memory model that could explain the apparent controversy of (including spatial, contextual, fear-based and appetitive) memory vulnerability after reactivation. require several distinct brain regions [12,13],thus suggesting the existence of distinct memory systems. Moreover, it has become clear that different brain regions The processes of memory formation and elaboration are are progressively engaged, indicating that the consolida- accompanied by transient yet crucial phases of protein tion process is sustained by spatial and temporal changes synthesis. During memory ‘consolidation’, protein syn- [12,14–16] and occurs over an extended period. For thesis is required to transform newly learned information example, consolidation of many types of memories into stable modifications [1–3]. Several studies have depends on hippocampal processing during the first few shown that when a stabilized memory is recalled or weeks but subsequently becomes hippocampus-indepen- reactivated, it again becomes sensitive to disruption and dent [17]. Furthermore, analyses of both human amnesic its maintenance requires protein synthesis [4–7] patients with anatomically defined cerebral injuries and (reviewed in Refs [8,9]). Therefore, it has been proposed animal models with ablations of specific brain regions that reactivated memories must undergo another round indicate that graded retrograde , defined as a of consolidation (i.e. ‘reconsolidation’) to be preserved greater memory deficit for information acquired recently [8,10,11]. However, the fact that a reactivated memory is versus remotely, can occur for very old events (several labile and dependent on protein synthesis does not years old in humans) [18]. elucidate the nature of the underlying mechanisms. To Studies based on the use of inhibitors showed that show that the processes of consolidation and reconsolida- memory consolidation requires RNA and protein syn- tion are identical would require (i) demonstration that the thesis. This discovery led to an intensive effort to identify events occurring during initial consolidation are re- the genes, proteins and molecular pathways involved. engaged following retrieval of fully consolidated memories Over the past 15 years, signaling pathways involving and (ii) demonstration that these steps are then necessary Ca2C, cAMP, mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinases to re-store them. This article reviews recent studies and tyrosine kinases have been shown to be required for

Corresponding author: Cristina M. Alberini ([email protected]). the consolidation of various kinds of memories, and Available online 11 November 2004 numerous genes have been identified as essential for 0166-2236/$ - see front matter Q 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2004.11.001 52 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.28 No.1 January 2005 memory formation. Overall, these studies suggested that a reconsolidation. However, because these studies used cascade of molecular and cellular events initiated by an global, non-specific inactivation, they did not provide any experience results in a durable form of synaptic modifi- information on specific brain areas or molecular mechan- cation [19,20]. They also indicated, in apparent contrast to isms involved. what had been suggested by the anatomical investi- Because some of the molecules and brain regions gations, that the molecular changes underlying consolida- involved in memory consolidation are already known, a tion are required only for a short time (i.e. hours or days). direct approach to determine whether consolidation and However, it must be stressed that most studies of the reconsolidation are similar or distinct processes is to re- molecular requirements for memory consolidation have examine whether the same molecules and brain regions made observations at only a single or very few and early are also implicated in reconsolidation. Indeed, several time points. Thus, the temporal evolution of this process laboratories investigated the effect of protein synthesis still remains largely unknown. Furthermore, it is likely inhibitors administered in selected brain areas and/or that the early and essential molecular events underlying tested the role of specific molecules and molecular path- memory consolidation are just the initial steps of a cascade ways. The results of these studies appear to point to of molecular and cellular modifications that evolve over an contrasting conclusions (Tables 2 and 3). One of the first extended period, perhaps in different brain areas. findings supporting the hypothesis that reconsolidation is distinct from consolidation was provided by Taubenfeld et al. [21], showing that inhibitory avoidance (IA) memory Molecular requirements of reconsolidation can be disrupted by protein synthesis inhibitors adminis- The reconsolidation hypothesis, first suggested in the tered systemically after memory reactivation. Further- 1960s [10] and recently re-proposed following the work of more, the authors examined the role of the transcription Nader et al. [7], implies that every time a memory is b b reactivated it must undergo again a process of consolida- factor CCAAT enhancer binding protein (C/EBP ) in the tion to be maintained. This idea contrasts with the dorsal hippocampus during consolidation and reconsolida- classical view that a memory consolidates only once and, tion. The results showed that when the expression of over time, becomes stronger and more stable. hippocampal C/EBPb is transiently blocked by antisense To unravel this controversy, a great deal of effort has injections into the dorsal hippocampi after IA training, recently focused on determining whether reconsolidation, memory is impaired; by contrast, if C/EBPb expression is as implied by its definition, is a repetition of consolidation. inhibited after reactivation, memory remains unaffected. Thus, several groups have investigated the molecular However, Taubenfeld et al. [21] also found that, in the requirements of both consolidation and reconsolidation. In dorsal hippocampus, protein synthesis is crucial for con- some studies, researchers examined the effects of protein solidation but not reconsolidation of IA memory. There- synthesis inhibitors after memory reactivation; in others, fore, they concluded that the two processes are different in they focused on specific molecular requirements by that they require either different molecular mechanisms inactivating individual molecular pathways or disrupting or different brain areas. expression of single genes. Some studies examined The notion that distinct brain areas might mediate the systemic requirements, whereas others focused on specific two processes was confirmed by many other studies. brain regions. Salinska et al. [22], using a passive avoidance task in In numerous studies, protein synthesis was blocked chick, reported that protein synthesis and glycosylation systemically or in the whole brain [e.g. via intracerebro- requirements, as well as induction of the transcription ventricular (ICV) injections] after memory reactivation; factor c-fos after training and reactivation, are anatomi- all confirmed that this treatment blocks memory retention cally and temporally different. The strongest differences at later times (Table 1). These results imply that, in were found in the intermediate medial hyperstriatum several different species and types of learning paradigms, ventrale and lobus parolfactorius. Bahar et al. [23], using some general features underlie both consolidation and localized inhibition of protein synthesis, found that

Table 1. Systemic or ICV administration of protein synthesis inhibitors after memory reactivation Finding Inhibitor Species Refs applicationa Contextual fear conditioning memory is disrupted by protein synthesis inhibitors IP Mouse [51] administered either after training or after reactivation Transcription and translation are required for both consolidation and reconsolidation Bath Mollusk (Hermissenda) [31] of a classical conditioning task Protein synthesis is required for both consolidation and reconsolidation Pericardial sac Crab (Chasmagnathus) [52] Protein synthesis inhibitors impair passive avoidance memory after ICV Chick [42] Both consolidation and reconsolidation of a contextual fear memory require protein IP Mouse [32] synthesis A reactivated inhibitory avoidance memory is disrupted by protein synthesis IP Rat [21] inhibition Passive avoidance memory is disrupted by a protein synthesis inhibitor administered ICV Chick [36] after reactivation A reactivated passive avoidance memory is disrupted by protein synthesis inhibitors SC Mouse [4] (this also occurs after training) aAbbreviations: ICV, intracerebroventricular; IP, intraperitoneal; SC, subcutaneous. Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.28 No.1 January 2005 53

Table 2. Differences between consolidation and reconsolidationa Finding Species Refs Young, weak memories are more sensitive to disruption by protein synthesis inhibitors (IP application) after Mouse [37] reactivation of contextual fear conditioning than are older, stronger memories Requirement for protein synthesis and glycosylation as well as induction of c-fos after training or reactivation of Chick [22] passive avoidance are anatomically and temporally different Protein synthesis in the central nucleus of the amygdala is required for consolidation but not for reconsolidation Rat [23] of conditioned taste aversion A reactivated contextual fear memory is only temporarily disrupted by protein synthesis inhibitors (IP Mouse [51] application) New memories are more susceptible to disruption by protein synthesis inhibitors (SC application) after Rat [35] reactivation than are old memories Protein synthesis inhibition (ICV application) after recall causes a temporary deficit of passive avoidance Chick [42] memory. The sensitive period after recall is shorter than after training Protein synthesis is required in the nucleus accumbens for consolidation, but not for reconsolidation of Rat [24] instrumental learning In auditory cortex, protein synthesis is required for consolidation but not for reconsolidation of a tone Gerbil [53] discrimination task c-Fos expression is induced in different brain areas during consolidation and reconsolidation of an odor–reward Rat [25] association Hippocampal protein synthesis is required for consolidation but for not reconsolidation of inhibitory avoidance Rat [54] memory Hippocampal protein synthesis and C/EBPb are required for inhibitory avoidance consolidation, but not for Rat [21] reconsolidation Different areas are activated during encoding and retrieval of Human [27] aAbbreviations: C/EBPb, CCAAT enhancer binding protein b; ICV, intracerebroventricular; IP, intraperitoneal; SC, subcutaneous. specific amygdala circuits are selectively required for Finally, another level of distinction between consolida- consolidation but not reconsolidation of taste aversion tion and reconsolidation was suggested by a recent report memory. Hernandez et al. [24] demonstrated that de novo by Lee et al. [28], providing evidence that the consolidation protein synthesis within the nucleus accumbens is neces- and the reconsolidation of contextual fear conditioning sary for the consolidation, but not the reconsolidation, of depend on distinct molecular mechanisms within the same appetitive instrumental memories (lever-pressing for food). region (the hippocampus). Using a localized antisense Using c-fos as an activity marker, Tronel and Sara [25] injection-based approach, these authors demonstrated showed that, although the frontal cortex and the basolateral that if the hippocampal expression of brain-derived amygdala are activated following training of an odor– neurotrophic factor is blocked, consolidation but not reward association, retrieval of this memory does not seem reconsolidation is impaired. Conversely, when the hippo- to activate the same regions. Specifically, the amygdala is campal expression of the transcription factor zif268 is not engaged after retrieval, whereas the lateral habenula blocked, reconsolidation is impaired but consolidation shows strong activation. Kelly et al. [26] found that distinct remains unaffected. hippocampal circuits activate MAP kinase following either In contrast to this body of work, it has been suggested training or reactivation of an object recognition task. Nyberg by other researchers that consolidation and reconsolida- et al. [27], using positron emission tomography in humans tion are similar processes. Nader et al. [7] and Debiec et al. during initial encoding and subsequent retrieval of infor- [11] reported that in rat, protein synthesis is required in mation revealed the existence of distinct encoding and the amygdala for both consolidation and reconsolidation of retrieval networks for episodic memory. cued fear conditioning, and required in the hippocampus

Table 3. Similarities between consolidation and reconsolidationa Finding Species Refs Hemicholinium-3 (inhibitor of the high-affinity choline uptake) injected ICV impairs both consolidation and Mouse [55] reconsolidation of inhibitory avoidance As with consolidation, reconsolidation of conditioned taste aversion requires protein synthesis in insular Rat [56] cortex Zif268 is required for both consolidation and reconsolidation of object recognition task Mouse [33] Protein synthesis is required in the same cell for consolidation and reconsolidation of an operant Pond snail [29] conditioning task (Lymnaea stagnalis) Hippocampal MAPK is required for both consolidation and reconsolidation of an object recognition task Rat [26] Amygdala PKA is required for reconsolidation of conditioned taste avoidance Rat [30] CREB is required for both consolidation and reconsolidation of contextual fear conditioning Mouse [32] As with consolidation, hippocampal protein synthesis is required for reconsolidation of contextual fear Rat [11] conditioning Amygdala protein synthesis is required for both consolidation and reconsolidation of auditory fear Rat [7] conditioning The b-adrenoceptor antagonist propanolol impairs both consolidation and reconsolidation of inhibitory Rat [57] avoidance As with consolidation, the b-adrenoceptor antagonist timolol blocks reconsolidation of a radial-arm-maze Rat [58] memory aAbbreviations: CREB, cAMP-response-element-binding protein; ICV, intracerebroventricular; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; PKA, protein kinase A. 54 Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.28 No.1 January 2005 for both consolidation and reconsolidation of contextual Temporal requirements of reconsolidation fear conditioning. Moreover, Sangha et al. [29] showed Further distinctions between the two processes became that in the pond snail Lymnea stagnalis, protein and RNA evident when the temporal requirements for protein syntheses are required in the same cell for both consolida- synthesis during reconsolidation were analyzed. In IA, the tion and reconsolidation of a classical conditioning task. protein synthesis requirement induced by recall is a func- Similarities between the two processes were also sug- tion of the age of the memory, with recent (2- and 7-day-old) gested by investigations examining the requirement for but not remote (14- and 28-day-old) memories becoming specific molecules. These studies revealed: (i) that inhibition sensitive to protein synthesis inhibitors upon reactivation of the MAP kinase pathway by ICV injection of a specific [35]. Similar results, indicating a temporally graded inhibitor affects both consolidation and reconsolidation of an requirement for protein synthesis after recall, have been object recognition task (however, as already mentioned, the reported by other groups who have used different model activation of MAP kinase occurred in distinct hippocampal systems, including chick passive avoidance [36], Medaka subregions [26]); (ii) that inhibiting protein kinase A in the fish fear conditioning (Y. Dudai, pers. commun.) and amygdala affects both consolidation and reconsolidation of mouse contextual fear conditioning [37]. Importantly, conditioned taste aversion [30]; (iii) that inhibiting bond Suzuki et al. [37] also showed that the temporal dynamics formation between cell-adhesion molecules blocks both of memory reconsolidation depend on both the strength of processes in pavlovian conditioning [31]; (iv) that temporally the memory and the strength of reactivation. Thus, a regulated knockout of the transcription factor cAMP- weaker memory is more susceptible to become labile, and response-element-binding protein (CREB) impairs both the stronger the reactivation of the learned experience, consolidation and reconsolidation of contextual fear con- the more labile the memory becomes. ditioning [32]; and, finally, (v) that knock-out of zif268 These results could explain the findings of Nader et al. results in deficits in both consolidation and reconsolidation [7] and Debiec et al. [11] who, using cued and contextual of an object recognition task [33]. fear conditioning in rats, found that 2-week-old or even Sorting through the outcomes of the studies already 45-day-old memories still become sensitive to protein described here, some interesting parallels emerge from synthesis inhibitors after recall. These authors suggested the apparently conflicting results. First, with the excep- that, independently of its age, each time a memory is tion of some studies (e.g. those of Nader et al. [7] and reactivated it becomes labile. However, in several different Debiec et al. [11]), brain regions required or activated in species and learning paradigms (including fear condition- consolidation are not engaged in reconsolidation. The ing), the gradient of protein synthesis requirement is very results of Nader et al. and Debiec et al. probably indicate clear. Hence, it is reasonable to believe (and also testable) that, although the network involved in consolidation and that, as suggested by Suzuki et al. [37], the gradient for reconsolidation seems to be different, some brain regions protein synthesis requirement shifts according to the could participate in both. Second, with the exception of the strength and number of reactivation events and could work of Lee et al. [28], most of the findings provide vary with the nature of the memory test itself. Consistent evidence that the same molecular mechanisms and path- with this hypothesis, Bozon et al. [33] have shown that ways mediate both consolidation and reconsolidation. during recall of an object recognition memory, neither Indeed, it is not surprising that the molecular require- contextual information nor the exposure to previously ments for consolidation and reconsolidation largely over- presented objects in a different context is alone sufficient lap, as it is likely that the induction and the maintenance to destabilize the memory. In fact, to induce the need for of a memory use common mechanisms of long-term synaptic zif268, the objects had to be recalled in the previously plasticity.Nevertheless, it should be pointed out that most of associated context. Similar results had been obtained the studies that investigated the role of specific molecules or using electroconvulsive shock [38] and, recently, using pathways targeted the whole brain (using ICV injections, morphine-conditioned place preference (M. Milekic and systemic injections and/or knock-out) and, therefore, did not C. Alberini, unpublished). In this study, the animals provide any information about the role of specific molecules formed an association between a context and the reward- in specific brain areas. Thus, more experiments that test ing effects of morphine. Protein synthesis inhibitors specific mechanisms in specific brain regions are needed to administered after reactivation disrupted an established identify the discrete molecular circuitry underlying either conditioned place preference if the reactivation included consolidation or reconsolidation. the re-experience of both training context and morphine, Therefore, consolidation and reconsolidation share but not if it included the re-experience of context or common molecular mechanisms but are distinct processes morphine alone (M. Milekic and C. Alberini, unpublished). because they require, with some degree of overlap, the In summary, age of the memory, task specificity, activation of different brain areas and circuits. In most strength of initial learning, and strength and number of cases, regions involved in consolidation are not required reactivation events all make important contributions to for reconsolidation. However, because the reverse has yet the process evoked by recall. to be shown, it is possible that a subset of regions is involved in both processes. Should we expect to find that Concluding remarks and future directions the reconsolidation of different kinds of memory uses The knowledge accumulated so far indicates that recon- common circuits? Probably not, because consolidation and solidation of a reactivated memory and consolidation of an retrieval of distinct forms of memories are also known to initial learning are characterized by distinctive features. use discrete memory systems [12,13,34]. First, they involve different brain areas and circuits. Review TRENDS in Neurosciences Vol.28 No.1 January 2005 55

Consolidation appears to require several areas that are it is important that we gain a more detailed under- not essential for reconsolidation and, as will be suggested standing of the anatomical and temporal dynamics of the in this section, reconsolidation might involve mostly molecular and systems changes required after training as modulatory systems. Second, consolidation and reconsoli- well as after memory reactivation. Only with this knowl- dation also differ in their temporal dynamics. Training edge will we have a clearer understanding of how a always induces a labile phase during which memory can memory is formed and preserved. Perhaps then, a more be disrupted, whereas reactivation does not always result precise definition of what is currently defined as ‘re’- in a labile memory. A stronger and older memory is less consolidation will emerge. labile; a more intense reactivation is more destabilizing. 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