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Cambrian- non-marine from South Australia Gregory J. Retallack a a Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR, USA

Online Publication Date: 01 December 2009

To cite this Article Retallack, Gregory J.(2009)'-Ordovician non-marine fossils from South Australia',Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology,33:4,355 — 391 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/03115510903271066 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03115510903271066


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RETALLACK, G.J., December 2009. Cambrian–Ordovician non-marine fossils from South Australia. Alcheringa 33, 355–391. ISSN 0311-5518.

Newly discovered trace and body fossils from the Grindstone Range Sandstone of South Australia reveal evidence of megascopic life on land during the Cambrian–Ordovician. trackways (Diplichnites gouldi) are interpreted here to have formed on land. The most persuasive evidence for this view is that footprints vary in clarity along the length of the trackway as it traversed moist then dry silt, then biological soil crust. Compatible, though not diagnostic of walking on land is trackway symmetry, without one side buoyed up by current. The footprints bulge outward and are partially filled with miniature talus cones. Footprints also are alternate as in walking, rather than opposite as in sculling. Arthropod resting traces (Selenichnites sp. indet.) have 11 lateral furrows, and footprints are bundled into sets of 8–11, most like euthycarcinoids. No arthropod dwelling burrows were found in associated palaeosols, so the track maker was more likely amphibious than fully terrestrial. Associated trace fossils include a new ichnotaxon of burrow, Myrowichnus arenaceus gen. et sp. nov. Thallose impressions (Farghera robusta gen. et sp. nov.) have the radiating dichotomous form of , algae and liverworts. All these trace and body fossils were found in weakly developed palaeosols. Other palaeosols in the same formation are evidence of terrestrial ecosystems of modest biomass, weathering, carbon sequestration and stability in dry tropical regions.

Gregory J. Retallack [[email protected]], Department of Geological Sciences, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1271, USA. Received 2.10.2008; revised 9.2.2009; accepted 5.3.2009.

Key words: Ordovician, South Australia, euthycarcinoid, track, trace , .

ANCIENT terrestrial ecosystems can now land, and burrows may reveal the limits of be studied using palaeosols, even in non- the soil water-table. Although biological marine rocks as old as Ordovician and affinities of this new assemblage are un- Cambrian (Retallack 2000, 2001, 2008). certain, they provide macroscopic images Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 Insights from palaeosols into such ecosys- of a terrestrial ecosystem prior to Late tem parameters as soil respiration and Ordovician -liverwort communities chemical weathering do not provide (Retallack 2001). details of the organisms involved, because The main purpose of this work is a Cambrian and Ordovician palaeosols are formal description of a newly discovered sparsely fossiliferous, like geologically assemblage of trace and body fossils from younger palaeosols (Retallack 1998). This the Grindstone Range Sandstone of South article reports newly discovered assemblages Australia. Sedimentary palaeoenviron- of Cambrian–Ordovician non-marine trace ments, palaeoclimate and palaeosols of this and body fossils in palaeosols. The - new biota have been described elsewhere like fossils are problematic but were more (Stock 1974, Moore 1990, Retallack 2008, likely lichens or algae than . Track- 2009). Palaeobiological and palaeoecologi- ways may reveal arthropod excursions onto cal interpretations of such poorly preserved and largely unprecedented fossils are a ISSN 0311-5518 (print)/ISSN 1752-0754 (online) Ó 2009 Association of Australasian Palaeontologists challenge but are attempted here following DOI: 10.1080/03115510903271066 systematic description. 356 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

(Ride et al. 1999) for trace fossils and Materials and methods fossils of uncertain fungal- affiliation Exposures of the Grindstone Range (Retallack 1994), and palaeobotanical pro- Sandstone were examined in Ten Mile visions of the International Code of Bota- (N31.253648 E138.977938) and Balcoracana nical Nomenclature (McNeill et al. 2006) creeks (S31.172468 E138.929638) in the for morphogenera of problematic plant-like eastern Flinders Ranges, South Australia impressions. Toponomic nomenclature of (Figs 1, 2). Stratigraphic sections were mea- trace fossils follows Martinsson (1970). All sured using the method of eyeheights. specimens (numbers prefixed P-) are held An environmental SEM was used (Univer- in the collections of the South Australian sity of Oregon’s FEI Quanta) to obtain Museum, Adelaide. Specimens were col- high-resolution images without conductive lected from two palaeosols and intervening coating. flaggy sandstone of the Grindstone Range Trace fossils and body fossils are named Sandstone in Ten Mile and Balcoracana here with legal provisions of the Interna- creeks, Wirrealpa Station, South Australia tional Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Fig. 1). Measurements of cross-sectional Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009

Fig. 1. Geological map and Early Ordovician fossil localities in the Grindstone Range Sandstone in Ten Mile and Balcoracana creeks, South Australia. ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 357 Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009

Fig. 2. Overall stratigraphic section (A) and fossiliferous intervals in (B) Ten Mile and (C) Balcoracana creeks, South Australia. Degree of development, thickness and stratigraphic position of individual palaeosols is indicated (dark bars). Some palaeosols have calcareous nodules (Bk horizon) whose depth (open circles) is a proxy for former mean annual precipitation (Retallack 2008).

dimensions were made in the field on small homestead, in the central Flinders Ranges pieces in which the other side of the fossil of South Australia (Fig. 1). The age of the could be seen. Grindstone Range Sandstone is not older than late Cambrian (Paibian), because conformably underlying marine strata in- Geological setting clude age-diagnostic , such as The Grindstone Range Sandstone has Onaraspis rubra and Leiopyge laevigata its type area southwest of Wirrealpa (Jago et al. 2006). The Grindstone Range 358 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

Sandstone is also no younger than Late with comparable palaeosols in the Officer Ordovician (Hirnantian, 446.3 + 2.2 Ma), Basin of South Australia and northern which is the oldest U–Pb isochron age of Perth Basin of Western Australia also local granites and Delamerian deformation suggests a geological age slightly younger in the northern Flinders Ranges, much than the Cambrian–Ordovician boundary younger than Delamerian deformation (Retallack 2009). The age of this deep-calcic further south in South Australia (Elburg palaeosol in the Officer Basin is constrained et al. 2003). by underlying volcanics dated by K–Ar The geological age of the Grindstone at 484 + 4 Ma (Table Hill Volcanics of Range Sandstone is poorly constrained Stevens & Apak 1999) and 483.6 + 20 Ma biostratigraphically and radiometrically, and 493.7 + 20 Ma (Kulyong Volcanics but two lithological correlation techniques of Major & Teluk 1967, corrected using favour an age of Early Ordovician (Trema- the decay constants of Dalrymple 1979). docian) suggested by Daily & Forbes (1969), The deep-calcic palaeosol in the Officer rather than late Cambrian (Jago et al. 2006). Basin also underlies the Indulkana Shale, First, linear extrapolation of tie points in which has been correlated with the Horn the Ten Mile Creek section (Fig. 2A) dates Valley Siltstone of the Amadeus Basin the fossiliferous level of the Grindstone and its Castlemainian (Lycophron Range Sandstone as 483 Ma (+2.8 Ma freemani) assemblage (Laurie 2006), from standard error of correlation and equivalent to Llanvirnian of Avalonia dating), assuming near-constant long-term and dated at ca 468 Ma (Gradstein et al. rate of sedimentation suggested by lack 2004). of marked changes in grain size (Retallack 2008). These tie points (diamonds in 13 Fig. 2A) are as follows: (1) negative d Ccarb. Systematic palaeontology excursion at 1152 m correlated with one at Kingdom and Phylum INCERTAE SEDIS 538 Ma in Siberia (by Tucker 1991, Kirsch- vink & Raub 2003); (2) 206Pb/238U SHRIMP Aspidella Billings, 1872 zircon (SL13 standard) age of 522.8 + 1.8 Ma for tuff at 2389 m (Haines & Flo¨ttmann Aspidella terranovica Billings, 1872 1998, Gravestock & Shergold 2001): (3) (Figs 3B–F; 4B–C; 5D) Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 first appearance of trilobite Redlichia guizhouensis at 3170 m correlated with Description. These circular to elliptical struc- the late Lungwangmaioan (511.5 Ma) tures protrude from bed tops, or are deeply R. guizhouensis Zone of China (Jago et al. recessed, as sandstone casts or moulds of 2006, Paterson & Brock 2007); (4) trilobite a compaction-resistant body. They have Onaraspis rubra at 3533 m (Jago et al. strong relief, with a central depression 2006), taken as coeval with the 509.5 Ma and radiating grooves within an outer ridge. Oryctocephalus indicus Zone (Geyer & The South Australian specimens have a Shergold 2000, Gradstein et al. 2004); and central depression 3 mm in diameter (mean (5) agnostid Leiopyge laevigata at 3882 m with standard deviation +1.4 mm, for 30 (Daily & Forbes 1969), dated internationally specimens), whereas the mean outside dia- at 504 Ma (Gradstein et al. 2004). meter is 9.0 mm (+3.0 mm for 39). Second, pedostratigraphic correlation of the deep-calcic palaeosol, representing a Comparisons. Bergaueria, Beltanelliformis transient palaeoclimatic change, near the (McIlroy et al. 2005) and Conostichus base of the Grindstone Range Sandstone (Ma´ngano et al. 1996) resemble some ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 359 Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009

Fig. 3. Enigmatic (Ediacaran holdover?) body fossils from the tops of beds of the Grindstone Range Sandstone in Ten Mile Creek, South Australia: A, Spriggia wadea (P42299); B–F, Aspidella terranovica (P42284, P42330, P42347, P42301, P42303 respectively); G–H, Ediacaria flindersi (P42324, P42294 respectively); I–J, Rutgersella sp. (P42293, P42332 respectively).

morphs of A. terranovica, but lack regular Formation, Aspidella terranovica grades radial grooves, or radially arranged tubular into forms with concentric and finely extensions. Laevicyclus (Seilacher 1955) is a radiating grooves, similar to Spriggia and superficially similar pit and mound struc- Ediacaria, which have been included within ture, but lacks radial grooves and lateral the A. terranovica complex by Gehling et al. folds. The South Australian fossils are (2000). These other taxa are separated here, similar to the type material of Billings and also found in the Grindstone Range (1872) in having high relief and radial Sandstone (Figs 3A, G–H; 4A, D–E). As grooves. At the type locality near Ferryland, in Newfoundland and other Ediacaran Newfoundland, in the Ediacaran Fermeuse occurrences (Mapstone & McIlroy 2006), 360 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

Fig. 4. Interpretative sketches of enigmatic (Ediacaran holdover?) fossils from the Grindstone Range Sandstone in Ten Mile Creek, South Australia.

Grindstone Range Aspidella is locally abun- outward and down into the sandstone dant and continues vertically through more (arrowed in Fig. 5D) are more like rhizines Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 than one bedding plane. of lichens, hyphae of fungi or swarming streams of bacteria (Retallack 1994, Steiner Affinities. Aspidella terranovica has been & Reitner 2001), than tentacles of cnidar- considered a cast of an anemone-like ians (Gehling et al. 2000) or gas escape cnidarian body fossil (Gehling et al. 2000), structures (Ha¨ntschel 1975). but could also have been a bacterial colony (Steiner & Reitner 2001, Grazhdankin & Material. P42326, P42327, P42328, P42330, Gerdes 2007) or fungal fruiting structure P42331, P42334, P42335, P42336 from (Retallack 1994). Aspidella has also been Wilpi pedotype in Ten Mile Creek; considered a pseudofossil gas escape struc- P42299, P42300, P42301, P42302, P42303, ture (Ha¨ntschel 1975), but shows folding, P42347, P42349, P42350 from sediment in rims and radial grooves that resemble Ten Mile Creek. biological structures (Gehling et al. 2000). There is no trace of clay or organic matter Ediacaria Sprigg, 1947 in these fossils; they show only sand grains under the SEM (Fig. 5D). Radial extensions cf. Ediacaria sp. indet. (Figs 3G–H; 4D–E) ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 361

Fig. 5. Scanning electron micrographs of fossils from the Grindstone Range Sandstone in Ten Mile Creek, South Australia: A–B, branching axis incertae sedis. (P42290) showing three different surfaces: (1) botryoidal hematite coating (left in A), (2) grains of matrix (lower right in A) and (3) microtubular meshwork (upper left in A and all B); Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 C, Farghera robusta sp. nov. (P42263a) showing dichotomizing thallus mould filled with clay and hematite compared with granular matrix; D, Aspidella terranovica (P42328) showing no trace of organic matter within sandstone matrix and radial fine filaments (at arrows) penetrating downward into sediment.

Description. These slightly convex, round, also noted in specimens associated with radially striated and concentrically lined large Ediacaran Aspidella (sensu lato)in body casts protrude from the tops of sand- Newfoundland (Gehling et al. 2000, text- stone beds, in a manner comparable with fig. 14). associated Aspidella. Diameters average 26 mm (+8.4 mm for 9), with a smooth Comparison. Ediacaria booleyi is a form interior circle of 11.4 mm (+4.3 mm for 9). larger and more convex than the Grind- One faint impression from the Grind- stone Range fossils, from middle Cambrian stone Range has attached elongate features, rocks of Ireland (Crimes et al. 1995, which appear pulled outward and upward Vanguestaine & Brueck 2005). Discoid to deform the overlying biomat (Figs 3G, fossils in sandstone from the Lower Ordo- 4E). Comparable elongate extensions were vician Blaiklock Glacier Group, Antarctica 362 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

(Weber & Braddy 2004), and the late (Retallack 2008). They are not pseudofos- Cambrian Mount Simon-Wonewoc sand- sils, because these minerals and associated stones, Wisconsin (Hagadorn et al. 2002), red clay are microcrystalline under SEM are also larger and have a higher relief. (Fig. 5C), and partially fill hollows in the Ediacaria flindersi is considered part of the rock with measurable thickness (Fig. 8G), Aspidella terranovica complex in Ediacaran unlike thin films of pyrolusite or other rocks (Gehling et al. 2000), but is distinct in mineral dendrites or stains. Furthermore, its larger size yet finer ribbing than these most specimens of Farghera appear to be in comparable fossils in the Grindstone Range growth position, because large slabs have assemblage. evenly spaced and evenly sized individuals (Fig. 6E), and because their lateral threads Affinities. Ediacaria has been considered arch outward and downward into the a jellyfish or anemone (Sprigg 1947, matrix (Fig. 6B) like roots or holdfasts. If Gehling et al. 2000), but could also be a the thalli were transported, their distribu- bacterial colony (Steiner & Reitner 2001, tion would be more clumped and lateral Grazhdankin & Gerdes 2007), fungus or threads would be in the same bedding plane lichen (Retallack 1994). This debate is not and aligned by current. Preservation as settled by elongate structures associated with oxidized moulds lacking organic matter these fossils (Figs 3G, 4E; Gehling et al. renders biological affinities of Farghera 2000, text-fig 4), which could be a cnidarian uncertain, until discovery of more informa- stolon, lichen rhizines, or a mushroom stalk. tive compressions or permineralizations. Two commonly used palaeobotanical Material. P42355 from Upi pedotype in morphogenera for impressions of dichoto- Ten Mile Creek; P42232, P42284, P42288, mously branching thalli are Thallites P42298, P42323, P42324, P42325, P42293, Walton, 1923, and Algites Seward, 1894. P42294 from Wilpi pedotype in Ten Mile Thallites is used for radially dichotomizing Creek. thalli similar to those of liverworts such as Marchantia (Smith 1990) and Algites for Farghera gen. nov. (Figs 6A–F; 7A–E) non-radial dichotomizing thalli compar- able with those of algae, such as Fucus and Dictyota (Graham & Wilcox 2000). Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 Type species. Farghera robusta sp. nov. Farghera differs from both form genera Derivation of name: After Barbara Fargher because it has tapering threads orthogonal of Wirrealpa Station. to the margins of the thallus (Figs 6B, 7A), similar to rhizines of foliose lichens such as Diagnosis. Thallus external moulds, branch- Parmelia (Brodo et al. 2001) and holdfasts ing dichotomously and monopodially out- of algae such as Caulerpa (Graham & ward from a central segment; ultimate Wilcox 2000). Furthermore, not all branch- thallus segments thin with rounded outline ing of Farghera is dichotomous, because defined by thickened margins; thin tapering some branches are near-monopodial and and branching threads attached to thallus irregular (Fig. 6G), as in lichens such as margins, branching outward and down- Ramalina (Brodo et al. 2001), and ward. algae such as Caulerpa (Graham & Wilcox 2000). Comparisons. Farghera is based on external Flabellitha Jurina & Krassilov, 2002, is a moulds in sandstone filled with clay either similar foliose ascolichen pre- red with hematite or yellow with goethite served as an organic compression with ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 363 Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009

Fig. 6. Enigmatic fossils from the Grindstone Range Sandstone in Ten Mile and Balcoracana Creeks, South Australia: A, C–G, Farghera robusta sp. nov. (P42263a, P42264a, P42265, P42319, P42268, P42338, respectively), thallose external moulds; B, enlargement of area in rectangle of A; H–I, ovoid and circular structures incertae sedis (P42280, P42269, respectively); J–K, branching axes incertae sedis (P42322, P42290, respectively); L–M, Rivularites repertus (P42283, P42260, respectively), pustulose biological soil crust in sand bound by organisms so that desiccation cracks and bubbles formed like those in mudstone.

spores and cell outlines, so not merely a lateral threads of Farghera. Spongiophyton morphotaxon like Farghera. Dichotomies of is preserved as thalloid organic compres- Flabellitha are less divergent and the ulti- sions with microstructure and chemical mate segments more wedge-shaped than in composition suggestive of lichens (Chaloner Farghera. Flabellitha also lacks the tapering et al. 1974, Gensel et al. 1991, Retallack 364 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

Fig. 7. Interpretative sketches of Farghera robusta sp. nov. from the Grindstone Range Sandstone in Ten Mile Creek, South Australia.

1994, Jahren et al. 2003, Taylor et al. 2004; The majority of living lichens of com- but see also Fletcher et al. 2004). Spongio- parable thallose ground-dwelling form phyton shows neither the lateral threads are ascolichens (Heterodermea, Hypo- nor dichotomies of Farghera. Other fossils gymnea, Menegazzia, Parmelia, Parmelina, with dichotomizing thalli and attached Parmeliopsis, Xanthoparmelia of Brodo lateral threads are ‘thalloid macrofossils’ et al. 2001). The basidiolichen Dictyonema of Tomescu & Rothwell (2006), ‘fossil glabratum is also a ground-dwelling foliose impression’ of Williams & Schmidt (2003), lichen of broadly comparable form (Chaves Ichnuza cocozzi (Debrenne & Naud 1981) et al. 2004: named in the Botanical Code and Persimedusites chahgazensis (Hahn & by Agardh, 1821, before Dictyonema Hall, Pflug 1980). Collectively, these fossils are 1851, a graptolite genus in the Zoological more compact or discoid than the most Code). Basidiomycota may be as old as compact Farghera (Figs 6E, 7C–D). Devonian (Hueber 2001), and perhaps Late Ordovician (Arbey & Koeniguer Affinities. Dichotomizing flat thalli like 1979). Ascomycota, Chytridiomycota and Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 Farghera are found in liverworts, algae lichenized Glomeromycota have a fossil and lichens. Neither liverworts nor algae record extending back to the have lateral tapering threads comparable (Hallbauer & Van Warmelo 1974, with those of Farghera. Rhizoids of liver- Hallbauer et al. 1977, Retallack 1994, worts are smaller and parallel sided (Smith Butterfield 2005, Yuan et al. 2005). Spores, 1990). Lateral spines of algal thalli are permineralized microstructures or geochem- shorter and algal holdfasts are not spread ical biomarkers are needed to identify fossil along the margins of laminae (Graham & lichens with modern fungal taxa, and none Wilcox 2000). Neither algae nor liverworts of these are likely to be preserved in the have chitin or other biopolymers capable quartzites bearing Farghera. of maintaining almost 2 mm of thallus relief in deeply buried quartz sandstone Farghera robusta sp. nov. (Figs 6A–F; (Retallack 2007, Brasier & Antcliffe 2008). 7A–E) Nor are liverworts or algae found distrib- uted through surface horizons of oxidized Holotype. P42263a from Upi palaeosol in palaeosols (Retallack 2008). ten Mile Creek. ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 365

Derivation of name. Latin robustus meaning 2–3 cm across (Figs 6E–F, 7C–D). One strong, hardy. specimen is a clump of radially dichotomiz- ing thalli with a diameter of 9 cm (Fig. 6D): Diagnosis. Farghera with stout (1–3 mm perhaps an older individual or clonal clump. wide) thalli branching irregularly or dichot- omously at intervals of 2–4 times thallus Comparison. Grindstone Range Sandstone width, with rounded pairs of dichotomously specimens of Farghera are considered mono- branched terminal segments; marginal specific because of the bell-shaped curve of threads stout (1 mm wide) tapering and 500 measured specimens (Fig. 8G–I). Varia- branching downward into matrix. tion in thickness, width and clumping of Farghera could be due to dehyration, quality Description. Thalli average 1.4 mm wide of preservation, or stage of clonal growth (+0.5 mm for 149), and the lateral threads (Fig. 7). average 0.5 mm diameter (+0.1 mm for 11). There is no correlation between thallus Material. P42263, P42264, P42265, P42266, width and thickness (Fig. 8G), which is P42267, P42268, P42269, P42270, P42271, evidence of a laminar spreading organism, P42272, P42274, P42275, P42273, P42297, with greater variation in thickness than P42319, P42320 from Upi pedotype on expected for a compression fossil. Many Ten Mile Creek; P42285, P42295 from specimens show isolated radial individuals Wilpi pedotype on Ten Mile Creek; Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009

Fig. 8. Size distribution of fossils from the type Upi palaeosol in Ten Mile Creek, South Australia: A–C, Palaeophycus heberti, 500 measurements of burrows filled with white sandstone from cross-sections; D–F, Myrowichnus arenaceus gen. et sp. nov., 500 measurements of burrows with thick red siltstone walls and fill from cross-sections; G–H, Farghera robusta gen. et sp. nov., 500 measurements of dimensions of specimens exposed in cross-section. Heights are dimensions vertical to bedding, and widths are dimensions parallel to bedding. 366 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

P42237, P42338 from Upi pedotype on (Retallack 2007), or other Ediacaran fossils Balcoracana Creek. such as Vendia, Praecambridium, Yorgia or Fractofusus (Gehling & Narbonne 2007, Rutgersella Johnson & Fox, 1968 Fedonkin et al. 2007).

Rutgersella sp. indet. (Figs 3I–J; 4F–G) Affinities. Cloud (1973) regarded Rutgersella as a marcasite ‘sun’ (mineral growth), and Description. These faint elliptical external thus a pseudofossil. The examples of mar- moulds with crude bilateral symmetry are casite suns he illustrated are dissimilar in depressions in the surface of sandstone showing a point centre of mineral growth slabs. Lateral ribs curve outward from an coplanar with rigid radiating crystals. ellipsoidal depression, which plunges to one Rutgersella in contrast, has ribs curving side as if slightly overfolded. Their mean into an elliptical central region folded out of length is 36.7 + 2.7 mm and mean width the bedding plane. My inspection of the is 24.2 + 1.3 mm (standard deviation of 2 type specimens of Rutgersella confirms specimens). Cloud’s observations of cubic pyrite (prob- ably diagenetic). There is also biogenic Comparisons. Rutgersella delawarensis (framboidal) pyrite, and pyrite is scattered Johnson & Fox, 1968, from the Early within a highly compacted and deformed Shawangunk Formation of eastern organic matrix, unlike the brassy, thick, Pennsylvania is most similar to these Grind- rigid and radiating crystals of true marcasite stone Range fossils, but has more deeply suns. In contrast, there is no trace of sulfides impressed ribs and a more elongate central on the Grindstone Range Sandstone fossils creased depression. Rutgersella truexi has a described here. larger central depression and bundled ribs, Rutgersella was considered by Johnson and R. kittatinnyensis a smaller central & Fox (1968) a jellyfish of an extinct depression and finer ribbing (Johnson & group that included the Ediacaran fossil Fox, 1968). Furthermore, all three Silurian Dickinsonia. The latter genus has subse- species of Rutgersella are preserved as quently been regarded as an or pyritized organic films in dark grey siltstone. other worm, anemone, placozoan, xeno- The Grindstone Range fossils in contrast, phyophore foraminifer, fungus or lichen Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 are preserved as external moulds like (Retallack 2007, Sperling et al. 2008). some Ediacaran–Cambrian discoids and Swartpuntia has been considered an alga, fronds, such as the South Australian, early annelid, sea pen or extinct vendobiont Cambrian ‘Swartpuntia’ sp. of Jensen et al. (Narbonne et al. 1997), with mushroom or (1998), which they noted is probably a new lichen also plausible (Retallack 1994). genus. True Swartpuntia from the latest Ediacaran of Namibia (Narbonne et al. Material. P42293, P42332 from Wilpi 1997) and perhaps also the Ediacaran– pedotype in Ten Mile Creek. Cambrian of North Carolina (Weaver et al. 2006) is a three-dimensional, large, stiff, and Spriggia Sun, 1986 thick-stalked, unlike Rutgersella Johnson & Fox, 1968, or ‘Swartpuntia’ sp. (of Jensen Spriggia wadea Sun, 1986 (Figs 3A; 4A) et al. 1998). The lack of definition and regularity, and the wide central depression Description. Spriggia wadea is an annulate, distinguishes these Grindstone Range fossils discoid, external mould protruding from from even the most decayed Dickinsonia the surface of sandstone slabs. Its fine ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 367

concentric ridges are more marked than Comparisons. These large axes are super- straight and thin radiating ribs. The Grind- ficially similar to fossil logs and roots of trees, stone Range fossils have an external dia- with one (Fig. 6K) showing a dichotomous meter of 20.1 mm, a diameter within the branch like Stigmaria and outer raised ridge of 15.0 mm, and a central another (Fig. 6J) showing fine branches like pit 3.6 mm in diameter. roots of Devonian Callixylon (Driese & Mora 2001). There is no indication in the Grind- Comparisons. Spriggia is not so domed as stone Range Sandstone fossils of woody Intrites or Conomedusites (Shanker et al. fibre, leaf or appendage scars of these 1997), nor does it have multiple ring-like well-known fossil tree remains. Poorly pre- ridges as in Nimbia or Kullingia (Crimes served, striated, branching casts of large et al. 1995, Crimes & McIlroy 1999, Jensen axes like the South Australian specimens et al. 2002, McIlroy et al. 2005). Spriggia is have been reported in non-marine rocks of flatter than Aspidella, with concentric ridges Late Ordovician (Arbey & Koeniguer 1979) more marked than radial ribs. and Early Devonian age (Hillier et al.2008), and in both cases were compared with Affinities. Spriggia has been considered a Prototaxites. Preservation is not adequate jellyfish or anemone (Gehling et al. 2000), to identify these fossils confidently with but could also have been a bacterial colony permineralized Prototaxites from Silurian (Steiner & Reitner 2001, Grazhdankin & and Devonian rocks (Hueber 2001, Boyce Gerdes 2007), fungus or lichen (Retallack et al.2007). 1994). Comparable concentric markings have been considered pseudofossil tool Affinities. Stigmaria was a lycopsid tree and marks produced by a tethered object Callixylon a progymnosperm tree (Driese & (Jensen et al. 2002). However, Spriggia has Mora, 2001), but the Grindstone Range thin radial ribs. It would require an un- Sandstone fossils lack the anatomy and usual combination of bounce, flexibility surface features of these Devonian–Carbo- and weight to create such fine radial and niferous plants. Prototaxites loganii and concentric impressions by rotation. P. southworthii are now interpreted to be fungi, perhaps basidiomycete (Hueber 2001) Material. P42299 from sediment in Ten or lichenized (Retallack 1994), rather than Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 Mile Creek. conifers (Dawson 1859). Fungal affinities are consistent with thin (mean 0.7 + Genera incertae sedis 0.2 mm for 3) branching extensions of one specimen (Fig. 6J). These may have Branching axes (Figs 5A–B; 6J–K) been rhizine-like, even though these speci- mens were found not in growth position Description. Internal casts of axes up to within palaeosols like comparable fossils 20.8 mm in diameter (mean 11.1 + 8.5 mm described by Arbey & Koeniguer (1979) for 19) are branched irregularly or dichot- and Hillier et al. (2008), but in bedded omously. Examination in thin-section sandstone. showed that these are little-compacted, ferruginized casts of large three-dimensional Material. P42290, P42291, P42322 from tapering cylinders. Unfortunately, they are sediment in Ten Mile Creek; P42339 from not permineralized, but surface impressions sediment in Balcoracana Creek. examined by SEM are interpreted to reveal a mesh of filaments (Fig. 5A–B). Ovoid structures (Fig. 6H) 368 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 369

Description. Ovoid structures averaging land plant (Rhyniophyta) gametophytes, 3.1 mm in long axis (+0.9 mm for 12) are such as Kidstoniophyton discoides and arranged along an axis, and preserved as Langiophyton mackei (Remy et al. 1993), ferruginized casts with considerable relief. and is an unlikely identification for this fossil, which lacks a vascular trace and Comparisons. This specimen looks super- plausible associated sporophytes. The well- ficially similar to a fertile early land plant, spaced ribs and outer margin of the fossil such as Early Devonian Zosterophyllum penetrate vertically into the sediment, hence divaricatum (Gensel 1982). However, the showing considerable compaction resis- Grindstone Range Sandstone fossil has tance. The general appearance of this fossil inflated and compaction-resistant, ovoid is like a fungal fruiting body, such as a bodies, unlike hollow sporangia, and lacks mushroom (Retallack 1994). the vascular strand of this early land plant. This fossil appears to be something new, Material. P42273, P42274 from Upi pedo- and is illustrated to stimulate recognition of type in Ten Mile Creek. more informative material.

Affinities. Zosterophyllum is an early land Systematic ichnology plant (Zosterophyllophyta), but the com- Cochlichnus Hitchcock, 1858 paction resistance of this fossil is more like a fungal fruiting body, especially ascomycete Cochlichnus anguineus Hitchcock, 1858 apothecia (Retallack 1994). (Fig. 9F)

Material. P42280 from Upi pedotype in Ten Description. Cochlichnus anguineus is pre- Mile Creek. served as sinuous hypichnial ridges after burrows. It lacks texturally differentiated Circular structure (Fig. 6I) walls and has burrow fill similar to matrix (Acen˜ olaza & Tortello, 2003). Description. A circular structure 9.2 mm in diameter (Fig. 6I) with well-spaced, radiat- Comparison. These burrows average 4.0 mm ing ribs from an attached axis is preserved (+0.4 mm for 11) wide, about four times Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 as a shallow external mould. the width of Cochlichnus serpens (Webby 1970). Cochlichnus antarcticus and C. annu- Comparisons. This fossil has the super- latus are distinguished from the other two ficial appearance of the Early Devonian species by their lateral markings (Buatois land plant Sciadophyton laxum (Remy et al. 1997). et al. 1980), but lacks evidence of a vascular trace. This fossil also may be something Trace maker. This trace has been considered new. the feeding trail of a worm-like creature. Although widely considered a marine trace Affinities. Sciadophyton is a compression fossil, Cochlichnus also is found in non- fossil comparable with permineralized early marine rocks (Hasiotis 2002). 3 Fig. 9. burrows of worm-like creatures from the Grindstone Range Sandstone in Ten Mile Creek: A–B, Palaeophycus tubularis (P42321, P42307 respectively); C, E, Palaeophycus heberti (P42308, P42345, respectively); D, Planolites montanus (P42296); F, Cochlichnus anguineus (P42342); G–H, Torrowangea rosei (P42343, P42281, respectively); I–J, Myrowichnus arenaceus (P42258 bedding plane, P42259 cross-sections, respectively). 370 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

Material. P42348 from strata in Ten Mile Diplichnites gouldi (Gevers) Bradshaw, 1981 Creek; P42342 from Wilpi pedotype in Ten (Fig. 10A–B, E) Mile Creek. Description. Diplichnites gouldi is preserved as Diplichnites (Dawson) emend. Briggs et al. concave epichnia of rounded to irregular- 1979 equant pits in two more or less parallel rows Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009

Fig. 10. Arthropod trace fossils from the Grindstone Range Sandstone in Ten Mile Creek, South Australia: A–B, E, Diplichnites gouldi (P422286) arthropod trackway in vertical (A) and oblique view (E), and map (B) of biological crust (high) and puddles (low); C–D, Selenichnites sp. indet. (P42287, P42354, respectively) arthropod resting traces. ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 371

(Trewin & McNamara 1994, Morrissey et al. Although Diplichnites has been considered 2004). The outside width of the Grindstone a trilobite walking trail and thus marine Range trackway averages 15.8 mm (+0.3 for (Ha¨ntschel 1975), the emended ichnogeneric 4) and its inside width is 9.9 mm (+0.1 for 4). diagnosis of Briggs et al. (1979) excludes Mean footprint length is 1.7 mm (+0.4 for elongated and poorly impressed footprints 28). The width of the trail varies slightly of trilobites. Arthropleurids (Arthopleurida, with a wavelength of about 8–11 footprints, ), (Diplopoda, Myr- suggesting that many appendages were borne iapoda), centipedes (Chilopoda, Myriapo- on each side of the tracemaker. da), eurypterids (Eurypterida, Chelicerata) and euthycarcinoids (Euthycarcinoidea, Comparison. These trackways are small Crustacea) have been proposed as makers compared with the type material of of Diplichnites gouldi (Trewin & McNamara D. gouldi (20–220 mm wide: Bradshaw 1994, Johnson et al. 1994, Morrissey & 1981) and other occurrences of this species Braddy 2004). Eurypterids are unlikely (Neef 2004a), but within the size range of track-makers considering lack of body- some collections of this ichnospecies (Form drag marks over very uneven ground and A of Trewin & McNamara 1994, Wright bundles of 8–11 footprints (Fig. 10E). The et al., 1995, Morrissey & Braddy 2004). middle Cambrian myriapod Cambropodus Larger trackways (200–360 mm wide) of (Diplopoda, Scutigeromorpha? Robison comparable form can be assigned to other 1990) is too sprawling and gracile to have ichnospecies, such as D. cuithensis Briggs made such deep, focused impressions et al., 1979 and D. aenigma Dawson, 1873. (Fig. 10A, E). The late Cambrian myriapod The simple near-equant footprints of Xanthomyria (Archipolypoda, Diplopoda?; Diplichnites gouldi contrast with elabor- Budd et al. 2001) is very elongate, and ately lobate and spiky footprints of would make trackways with footprints in other arthropod trackways such as Kouphi- strictly parallel curving rows, broadly simi- chnium, Arachnomorphichnus, Homopo- lar to trackways illustrated by Johnson et al. dichnus, Caridoidichnus, Merostomichnites, (1994). In contrast, the Grindstone Range Orchesteropus, Palmichnium, Permichnium specimen has footprints bundled in groups and Tasmanadia (Ha¨ntschel 1975, Fischer of 8–11 (Fig. 10A, B). This observation 1978, Buatois & Ma´ngano 1993a, Neef together with associated arthropod resting Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 2004b, Weber & Braddy 2004). There is no traces of Selenichnites sp. indet., are evi- evidence of median drag marks characteristic dence that these trackways were most likely of Oniscoidichnus, Palaeohelcura, Palmich- traces of euthycarcinoids. nium, Siskemia or Stiaria (Braddy & Almond 1999, Neef 2004b, Davies et al. 2006). Material. P42286 from Wilpi pedotype in Ten Mile Creek; P42352 from sediment in Trace maker. A specimen from Balcoracana Balcoracana Creek. Creek (P42352) is a faint trackway in sandstone with a parting lineation fabric Myrowichnus gen. nov. formed under water. Another specimen from Ten Mile Creek (P42286) varies Type species. Myrowichnus horizontalis considerably in depth and clarity of foot- (Myrow, 1995) comb. nov. prints along its length, and disappears when it crosses surfaces of Rivularites, Type locality. Fountain Creek and here interpreted as biological soil crust. highway 24 at the western end of 372 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

Manitou Springs, El Paso County, surface in the case of M. arenaceus Colorado, USA: upper Peerless Formation (Retallack 2008). Both have a thick cemen- (late Cambrian) and lower Manitou ted zone flanking the burrow, micritized Formation (Early Ordovician). in the case of M. horizontalis, and ferrugi- nized in the case of M. arenaceus. Both Diagnosis. Burrows subhorizontal, forming also have more oxidized fill than their incomplete polygonal networks 2–15 cm matrix: brown dolomite and red calcite below planar exposure or hardground sur- spar geopetal structures in the case of faces; walls simple and sharply defined, but M. horizontalis, and red siltstone in the case with micritic or ferruginous diagenetic of M. arenaceus. cementation extending outward up to an- other burrow width; Y and T junctions of Myrowichnus arenaceus sp. nov. (Fig. 9I–J) burrows unexpanded and without subverti- cal offshoots; burrow fill of red to brown Holotype. P42258 from Upi pedotype in Ten sand, silt or calcite. Mile Creek.

Etymology. In honour of Paul Myrow, Derivation. Latin arenaceus meaning sandy. Colorado College, who described the type species. Diagnosis. Myrowichnus burrows in sand- stone, 3–5 mm wide, with red clayey altera- Discussion. Myrow (1995) originally attri- tion halo extending 1 mm into matrix; buted M. horizontalis to Thalassinoides gently curved subhorizontal burrows di- (Ehrenberg) emend. Kennedy, 1967, but chotomizing at angles of about 608 after noted three clear differences from that intervals of 5–7 burrow widths, but not genus: (1) thick, diagenetically cemented, forming regular polygonal networks; whole rather than simple walls, (2) subhorizontal, burrow system confined to a vertical inter- rather than three-dimensional arrangement val of 515 cm within sediment. of galleries, and (3) uninflated burrow junctions. Other species of Thalassinoides Description. Myrowichnus arenaceus is pre- are larger, and have swollen branch-nodes served as epichnial grooves and endichnial and associated living chambers and vertical tubes, commonly curving outward from Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 or inclined passages not seen in either dichotomies of a network, and usually M. arenaceus or M. horizontalis. The with a central white sandy fill (mean burrower of Myrowichnus reoccupied the width 2.6 + 0.4 mm for 30) within walls burrow in a systematic pattern broadly ferruginized thickly (extending overall similar to Palaeodictyon (Ha¨ntschel 1975), width to 3.6 + 0.7 mm for 30: see also but neither the Grindstone Range nor Fig. 8A–F). Colorado fossils show such complete poly- gonal networks as Palaeodictyon. Comparisons. These specimens are most like Myrowichnus horizontalis and M. early Cambrian Myrowichnus horizontalis arenaceus are not only similar morphologi- (Myrow 1995) comb. nov., which is larger cally, but both are abundant within a (9.9 + 1.9 mm external width). Also similar narrow (15 cm) horizon immediately below is Thalassinoides sp. indet. in the fluviodel- a ferruginized plane, interpreted as a hard- taic Major Mitchell Sandstone (Silurian) ground or exposure surface in a carbonate of Victoria, Australia (Gouramanis et al. tidal flat in the case of M. horizontalis 2003), which lacks the copious branching of (Myrow 1995), and as a playa palaeosol the Grindstone Range specimens. ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 373

Trace maker. Decapod crustacea are like that of arthropod burrowers, which commonly found in generally similar grow in instars (Retallack 2001). Instead, Thalassinoides burrows in Devonian and they have a normal distribution like that of younger marine and intertidal rocks, but a soft-bodied burrower, such as a worm both known ichnospecies of Myrowichnus (Fig. 8A). predate evolution of decapods (Myrow 1995). Evidence against an arthropod bur- Material. P42278, P42279 from Upi pedo- rower for the Grindstone Range Myrowich- type in Ten Mile Creek; P43389, P42343 nus is normal size distribution like that of from Wilpi pedotype in Ten Mile Creek; a soft-bodied creature such as a worm P42306, P42308, P42346 from sediment in (Fig. 8B), in contrast to the polymodal size Ten Mile Creek. distribution of burrows of grow- ing in instars within Ordovician palaeosols Palaeophycus tubularis Hall, 1847 (Retallack 2001). (Fig. 9A–B)

Material. Upi palaeosols show abundant Description. Palaeophycus tubularis is a cross-sections of Myrowichnus (Retallack smooth and thin-walled burrow, preserved 2008), but only two specimens were expo- as hypichnial ridges, with fill similar to that sed extensively in plan view: P42258, of the matrix (Pemberton & Frey 1982). The P42259, from the Upi pedotype in Ten Mile Grindstone Range examples have a mean Creek width of 6.8 mm (+1.1 mm for 68 speci- mens). Palaeophycus (Hall) emend. Pemberton & Frey, 1982 Comparisons. Some specimens of P. tubularis (Fig. 9B) probe and return from short Palaeophycus heberti (Saporta) Saporta & alternating passages in a manner broadly Marion, 1883 (Fig. 9C, E) similar to Treptichnus (Buatois & Ma´ngano 1993b), but lack the three-dimensional feath- Description. Palaeophycus heberti is a er-and-stitch pattern of that ichnogenus. smooth and thick-walled burrow with mean width 3.1 mm (standard error + 1.0 mm for Trace maker. Palaeophycus tubularis was Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 47 specimens), preserved as endichnial tubes probably a feeding trace of a worm-like and hypichnial ridges, and with fill similar creature living in water-saturated sediment to that of the matrix (Pemberton & Frey (Pemberton & Frey 1982). Although widely 1982). considered marine, P. tubularis is also known from non-marine rocks (Morrissey Comparisons. Other ichnospecies such as & Braddy 2004, Ekdale et al. 2007). In Palaeophycus alternatus, P. annulatus, addition to lake and sea bottom habitats, P. canalis, P. crenulatus, P. striatus, P. the occurrence of this ichnospecies deep ferrovittatus, P. subornatus and P. sulcatus within Upi palaeosols opens the possibility all differ from P. heberti and P. tubularis in of life in saturated soil below the water-table lacking smooth walls (Fillion & Pickerill (Retallack 2008). 1990, Ma´ngano et al. 1996). Material. P42282, P42277, P42321, P42344 Trace maker. The 500 burrows from the from Upi pedotype in Ten Mile Creek; type Upi palaeosol measured in the field P42304, P42305, P42307, P42351 from do not show a polymodal distribution Wilpi pedotype in Ten Mile Creek. 374 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

Planolites Nicholson, 1873 surfaces of sandstone slabs, with the general appearance of old elephant skin or poorly Planolites montanus Richter, 1937 (Fig. 9D) laid carpet. Sutured cracks (extending below bed surface) and ridges (protruding from Description. These burrows are preserved as bed) are especially characteristic. These an endichnial tubes with clay-rich internal cracks and ridges have the appearance texture distinct from their sandy or silty of desiccation cracks swelled shut upon matrix (Pemberton & Frey 1982). Grindstone subsequent rehydration, or pressure ridges Range specimens have a mean width of from lateral intergrowths of radially grow- 1.3 mm (+0.2 mm for 12 specimens). ing microbial colonies (Fig. 6M). Other features are marked microrelief (Fig. 10E) Comparisons. Other ichnospecies, Planolites not always following underlying ripple annularis, P. constriannulatus and P. marks, effective masking of underlying bed terraenovae are banded or striated, and forms (Fig. 10E; ‘non-transparent’ sensu P. beverleyensis is larger than P. montanus Noffke et al. 2001a, 2006), and craters and (Fillion & Pickerill 1990; Ma´ngano et al. peaks of various sizes (Fig. 6M; ‘dimples’ 1996). sensu Gehling 2000). Finally, horizons of Rivularites repertus can be traced laterally Trace maker. Planolites is found in both for tens of metres in outcrop, and define marine and non-marine rocks (Ekdale et al. Wilpi palaeosols (of Retallack 2008), separ- 2007), and was most likely a worm-like, ating beds with ripple marks, lamination, burrowing, deposit-feeder. and other purely sedimentary structures.

Material. P42296, P42309 from Wilpi ped- Comparisons. Rivularites repertus Fliche, otype in Ten Mile Creek. 1906 and Kinneyia simulans Walcott, 1914 are pustulose and wrinkled (respectively) Rivularites Fliche, 1906 bedding planes, both regarded as pseudofos- sils by Ha¨ntschel (1975). Similar non-biogenic Rivularites repertus Fliche, 1906 structures include stylolites (Shaub 1939), (Fig. 6L–M) rain-sculpted surfaces and adhesion warts (Olsen et al.1989).Wilpipalaeosolswith Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 1906 Rivularites repertus Fliche, p. 46, pl. laterally continuous Rivularites surfaces III, fig. 4. lacked clay, carbonate, or salts to generate 1991 ‘old-elephant-skin texture’, Fedonkin comparable irregularly corroded, or crusted in Runnegar & Fedonkin, figs 7.5.2B, surfaces. Wilpi palaeosols had a highly quart- 7.5.7F. zose composition (Table 1) and must origin- 1999 ‘‘elephant skin’ bed-surface texture’, ally have been bound by organic matter, Gehling p. 44, fig. 3A–B. subsequently lost to burial decomposition 2000 ‘dimpled sandstone surface’, Gehling (Retallack 1997), so that they cracked like p. 76, figs 7d,h. clay (Fig. 6L). Rivularites also lacks the asym- 2000 ‘‘elephant skin’ texture’, Gehling et al. metry of adhesion warts sculpted by wind or Plate I, figs 1, 5. rain, or the relict linear arrangement of moist 2007 ‘‘elephant skin’ structure’, Fedonkin ripples dissected by wind and rain erosion et al. p. 110, fig. 187. (Olsen et al. 1989). The striated surfaces of stylolites also are absent (Shaub 1939). Description. This ichnospecies includes pus- Kinneyia is now considered an aquatic tulose, undulose, finely ridged, and cracked algal mat (Hagadorn & Bottjer 1997), Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 ALCHERINGA

Former Pedo-type Diagnosis Palaeoclimate biota Palaeo-topography Parent material Time for formation Adla Red sand (A) Semi-arid Uncertain Low alluvial Quartz-rich sand 500–1000 yrs over shallow (300–500 mm MAP) terrace and (550 cm) floodplain calcareous nodules (Bk) Matarra Red sand (A) Arid (100–300 MAP), Uncertain Floodplain Quartz-rich sand 100–500 yrs above shallow evapotranspiration playa lake 375 FOSSILS CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN (520 cm) high crystals of gypsum (By) Upi White sand with Not relevant Polsterland Alluvial levee Quartz-rich sand 5–10 yrs red burrows and point bar (Myrowichnus) and bedding (A) Wandara Ferruginized Not relevant Uncertain Alluvial levee Quartzofeld-spathic 5–10 yrs sandstone (A) and point bar sand over bedded sand Wilpi White sandstone Not relevant Microbial Alluvial levee Quartz-rich sand 5–10 yrs with ‘old-elephant earth and point bar skin texture’ (Rivularites, A)

Table 1. Palaeosols of Cambrian–Ordovician Grindstone Range Sandstone. Note: These palaeosols were fully described, classified and interpreted by Retallack (2008). 376 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

similar to modern intertidal microbial mats Material. This cracked and wrinkled carpet- (Noffke et al. 2001b). Like Rivularites, it like trace fossil is very common, but only also warrants a trace fossil name, in the the following specimens were archived: same way as stromatolites have parataxo- P42283 from Upi pedotype in Ten Mile nomic names (Bertrand-Sarfati & Walter Creek; P42260, P42286 from Wilpi pedo- 1981). Rivularites repertus specimens of type in Ten Mile Creek. Fliche (1906) have pustules of various sizes, that may include craters, spikes, narrow Selenichnites Romano & Whyte, 1990 ridges and irregular edges. Rivularites permiensis White, 1929, differs from R. Selenichnites sp. indet. (Fig. 10C–D) repertus in the larger size of its rounded pustules, but also features sharp ridges cast Description. These are complex depressions in original matrix. Rivularites repertus has on the tops of slabs showing a faint lunate been widely noted as ‘old elephant skin anterior ridge followed by a series of texture’ (Runnegar & Fedonkin 1991). bilaterally symmetrical transverse furrows, akin to resting impressions of arthropods. Affinities. There is no evidence that Rivular- Furrows are arrayed symmetrically around ites repertus included its namesake living a shallow axial depression a quarter of the cyanobacterium Rivularia. Rivularites is an width of the whole impression. Some speci- ichnogenus for microbial communities of mens are shallow (Fig. 10D), whereas others unknown microbial affinities. The sharp have a deep impression of a narrow axial sutured cracks and ridges of R. repertus segmented region (Fig. 10C). They have a are distinct from microbial mat ichnogen- mean length of 33.9 + 7.4 mm, and mean era, such as Kinneyia, Eoclathrus and width of 16.9 + 6.6 mm (5 specimens). Neantia (Ha¨ntschel 1975). Collectively, A terminal spike-like impression is visible these three ichnogenera differ from Rivular- on one specimen (Fig. 10C), but unclear on ites in their smooth wrinkles or mounds, another (Fig. 10D). and may have formed as subaqueous microbial mats that expanded with hydra- Comparison. These remains are most like tion and lifted from their substrate Selenichnites antarcticus (Weber & Braddy (Hagadorn & Bottjer 1997, Noffke et al. 2004), which differs from other species of Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 2001b, Seilacher 2008). In contrast, the Selenichnites in having long and thin body sharp and sutured cracks and ridges of impressions behind a weakly marked ante- Rivularites repertus resemble biological soil rior lunate ridge. Selenichnites antarcticus is crusts, in which cracks are sutured by larger (15–50 mm wide) than the Grindstone continued growth within a dry matrix, and Range fossils and lacks a terminal spike-like upward growth is severely curtailed by wind impression. The type species of the ichno- and desiccation (Belknap & Lange 2003). genus, S. hundalensis has a terminal spike- Wide desiccation cracks part some surfaces like impression but no more than 10 of R. repertus (Fig. 6L). As argued by Prave segments (Romano & Whyte 1987, 1990). (2002) for broadly similar Neoproterozoic Selenichnites rossendalensis (Hardy 1970), S. examples, microbial binding explains how cordoformis (Fischer 1978), S. bradfordensis loose sand can crack like clay on drying (Chisholm 1985), S. langridgei (Trewin & and exposure. Other deeply cracked, micro- McNamara 1994) and S. sp. indet. bially textured sandstones were illustra- (Draganits et al. 2001, Morrissey & Braddy ted by Gehling (2000) and Noffke et al. 2004) have only lunate impressions, and no (2006). clear body or appendage impressions. ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 377

Trace maker. Selenichnites has been attrib- Material. P42280 from Upi in Ten Mile uted to resting and feeding by horseshoe Creek; P42343 from Wilpi in Ten Mile crabs (Chelicerata, Xiphosura: Hardy 1970, Creek. Chisholm 1985, Romano & Whyte 1987, Draganits et al. 2001) and phyllocarids (Crustacea, Phyllocarida: Weber & Braddy 2004), but Trewin & McNamara (1994) Biological and ecological also suggested euthycarcinoids (Crustacea, interpretations Euthycarcinoidea). A euthycarcinoid attri- Trace and body fossils of the Grindstone bution is most likely for Selenichnites sp. Range Sandstone offer unprecedented evi- indet. described here because of its terminal dence of Cambrian–Ordovician non-marine spike-like impression, numerous segments biotas (Retallack 2000), distinctly different and axial ridge. Its shape and size are from Late Ordovician life on land (Retallack intermediate between the middle Cambrian 2001). Most of the fossils described here euthycarcinoid Apankura (Vaccari et al. are problematic and poorly preserved. The 2004) and the Late Ordovician Kalbarria following interpretations and comparison (McNamara & Trewin 1993: see Retallack with modern soil crust communities 2009 for revised age). (Fig. 11) are based in part on their occurrence in palaeosols (Retallack 2008), as outlined Material. P42333, P42352, P42354, P42287, below. P42298 from Wilpi pedotype in Ten Mile Creek. Palaeosols and fluvial facies Torrowangea Webby, 1970 Comparisons of some of the fossils in the Grindstone Range Sandstone with pre- Torrowangea rosei Webby, 1970 sumed marine fossils has been unavoidable (Fig. 9G–H) because few non-marine fossils or palaeo- sols have been recognized in Cambrian Description. These hypichnial ridges are rocks (Havlı´cek 1971, Retallack 2008). segmented burrow-like tubes with a mean Nevertheless, the Grindstone Range Sand- width of 4.5 mm (+0.9 mm for 20). stone is not considered a marine deposit for Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 the reasons outlined below. Comparison. Streptichnus (Jensen & Like other Ordovician (Caster & Brooks Runnegar 2005) is a similar burrow, but 1956) and Cambrian (Havlı´cek, 1971) non- its swellings have a helicoidal ridge unlike marine associations, the assemblage de- these fossils. scribed here includes no definitive marine fossils. Grindstone Range Sandstone fossils Trace maker. Torrowangea is commonly are within a sequence of marine regression associated with Aspidella, and could be its 1.5 km stratigraphically above the last burrow if the latter is considered a cnidarian definitively marine fossil. That fossil is (Gehling et al. 2000), or its fruiting body if an effaced agnostid trilobite (?Leiopyge considered a fungus or lichen (Retallack laevigata of Daily & Forbes 1969). 1994). Another plausible fungal structure The Grindstone Range Sandstone has with markedly more constricted beads thick, basally scoured units of trough cross- (Fig. 6H) is preserved as a ferruginized cast, bedded sandstone, alternating with flaggy, rather than passively filled with sand like planar-bedded sandstone with straight- Torrowangea. crested ripples. These have been interpreted 378 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

as fluvial channels, floodplain and wind gypsum crystals like those of floodplain ripples, respectively. Interbedded red and playa deposits (Stock 1974, Moore siltstones include desiccation cracks and 1990). Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 379

Many beds within the sandstone have Fliche, 1906). Five distinct kinds of palaeo- been interpreted as palaeosols (Retallack sols have been described from the Grind- 2008) based on distinctive soil features stone Range Sandstone (Retallack 2008), (peds, caliche) and gradational alteration but only two of them (Wilpi and Upi down from sharp upper bounding surfaces pedotypes of Table 1) have yielded fossils (soil horizons). Soil peds include blocky (Table 2). units of siltstone and fine-grained sandstone defined by sand-filled cracks (ptygmatically folded clastic dikes) or by slickensided clay Biological soil crusts skins (ferriargillans in terminology advo- Rivularites repertus (Fig. 6L–M) strongly cated by Retallack 1997). Calcareous no- resembles biological soil crusts (Belknap & dules in some of the palaeosols have Lange 2003), particularly thick crusts of replacive and displacive fabrics of soil desert shrublands (Fig. 11E). Gradation caliche, and also are organized into diffuse from thick non-transparent (meaning sub- horizons (Bk horizon) a fixed distance strate-obscuring, following Noffke et al. below the sharp contact with overlying 2001a) crusts, to thinner non-transparent rocks (top of A horizon). Gypsum crystals carpet-textured crusts and semi-transparent also are organized into discrete horizons thin crusts (Fig. 11A, C, E) are also seen below, not at, the surface, as in soils (By in Upi (Fig. 6E–F) compared with Wilpi horizons), but unlike playa and sabkha palaeosols (Fig. 6L–M). Cracking of the evaporites (Retallack 2008). The size of sandy surface (compare Figs 6L and 11C) is such crystals and nodules is known to be particularly noteworthy, because crusting related to the age of modern soils, and is micro-organisms bind loose sand and cause used here as a proxy for soil development it to crack on drying more like clay than silt (Fig. 2: following Retallack 1997). The or sand (Prave 2002). Other evidence for depth to Bk and By horizon is known to subaerial exposure includes sutured cracks be related to mean annual precipitation, and and ridges from impinging growth centres ecosystem metabolic measures such as (compare Figs 6M and 11A, C), and uneven productivity (Retallack 2005). These fea- microrelief of local mounds (compare tures of the Grindstone Range palaeosols Figs 10E and 11E). Individual Rivularites (Fig. 2) are evidence of an arid to semi-arid surfaces definitive of Wilpi palaeosols can Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 palaeoclimate and desert biota, such as be traced up to 120 m laterally in outcrop biological soil crusts (Table 1). Other less and represent laterally extensive biostabil- developed palaeosols are recognized on the ized surfaces, rather than local overgrowth basis of surface oxidation and bedding of shifting sediments (Retallack 2008). plane textures comparable with biological Biological soil crusts are common in dry soil crusts (ichnospecies Rivularites repertus regions today (Fig. 11), including Ten Mile 3 Fig. 11. Modern biological soil crusts (A, C, E) comparable with Cambrian–Ordovician examples, and their associated modern vegetation (B, D, F) in New South Wales, Australia: A–B, semi-transparent, cracked, soil crust with light-green foliose lichen (Xanthoparmelia terrestris), and fecal pellets on red soil between belah (Casuarina cristata) trees at Back Creek State Forest 16 km east of West Wyalong (S33.866138 E147.356428); C–D, non- transparent, cracked, carpet texture, soil crust, with light green foliose lichen (Xanthoparmelia reptans), and fecal pellets on red soil between red mallee (Eucalyptus socialis) and porcupine grass (Triodia scariosa) near Damara station (S34.154198 E143.329838); E–F, non-transparent, cracked, ‘old elephant skin’, soil crust with dark-purple- grey lichens (Psora decipiens) between bluebush (Maireana sedifolia, M. pyramidata) and saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) at Lake Mungo National Park (S33.730088 E143.044328). Pen for scale (A, E) is 8 mm wide, coin for scale (C) is 28.5 mm diameter. 380 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

Flaggy sandstone Wilpi palaeosol Upi palaeosol Fluvial overbank facies Very weakly developed, Weakly developed, sandy, thin, sandy, unoxidized soil oxidized soil Aspidella terranovica (common) Aspidella terranovica (common) Ediacaria sp. indet. Spriggia wadea Rutgersella sp. indet. Farghera robusta (common) axes incertae sedis cf. Ediacaria sp. indet. ovoids incertae sedis Diplichnites gouldi Rivularites repertus (common) circular incertae sedis Cochlichnus anguineus Diplichnites gouldi Palaeophycus heberti Palaeophycus heberti Selenichnites sp. indet. Palaeophycus tubularis Cochlichnus anguineus Myrowichnus arenaceus Palaeophycus heberti (common) Palaeophycus tubularis Torrowangea rosei Planolites montanus Torrowangea rosei

Table 2. Fossil assemblages of Cambrian–Ordovician Grindstone Range Sandstone.

Creek, where the climate is too dry for full 2005), late Cambrian (Hagadorn et al. cover of vascular land plants. Also known 2002), Ordovician (Weber & Braddy 2004), as cryptogamic earths and microbial earths, Silurian (Johnson & Fox 1968) and the general term biological soil crust is now Devonian (Conway Morris & Grazhdankin used because they include not only cyano- 2005, 2006). The Aspidella complex of forms bacteria, fungi and lichens, but embryo- have been considered marine holdfasts of phytes such as , liverworts and cnidarians (Gehling et al. 2000). Alterna- angiosperms (Belknap & Lange 2003). tively, Aspidella could also have been Rivularites in the Grindstone Range Sand- impressions of microbial colonies (Steiner stone probably predates the Middle Ordo- & Reitner 2001, Grazhdankin & Gerdes vician (Llanvirnian) appearance of liverwort 2007) or fruiting bodies of lichens or fungi spores (Gray 1981), and no clear embry- (Retallack 1994, 2007), and these interpre- ophytic fossils were observed. tations are compatible with sedimentary facies of rivers and playas (Retallack 2008) Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 for the Grindstone Range Sandstone. Rut- Ediacaran holdovers gersella from Pennsylvania was non-marine The Grindstone Range Sandstone includes to estuarine, because it was found in the a range of problematic impressions compar- lower part of a fluvial formation with no able with a well-known natural assemblage definitive marine fossils (Johnson & Fox of vendobionts (Seilacher 1992) or Ediacar- 1968). Torrowangea has been assumed to be an fossils (Figs 3–4, Gehling et al. 2000): a marine component of Ediacaran faunas, Aspidella terranovica,cf.Ediacaria sp. in- but some specimens are known from inter- det., Spriggia wadea. Other equally enig- tidal facies (Cloud 1973, Gehling et al. matic forms are the body fossil Rutgersella 2000). Rutgersella has been considered a sp. indet., and the possible trace fossil jellyfish (Johnson & Fox 1968) and Torro- Torrowangea rosei (Fig. 9G–H). Ediacaran wangea a worm-like burrow (Webby 1970), fossils persisted into the early Cambrian but arguments comparable with those (Jensen et al. 1998, Crimes & McIlroy 1999), advanced by Retallack (2007) could be middle Cambrian (Conway Morris 1993, advanced for affinities with mushrooms or Crimes et al. 1995, Vanguestaine & Brueck other fungal fruiting bodies, respectively. ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 381

Ediacaran fossils remain puzzling even branched external moulds of thalli within rocks of Ediacaran age (Fedonkin (Figs 6A–G, 7A–E: form genus Farghera et al. 2007, Retallack 2007). gen. nov.). These thalli lack cellular detail: only ferruginized silt and sand grains were seen during inspection with an environmen- Old Red predecessors tal scanning electron microscope (Fig. 5C). Rare fossils in the Grindstone Range Thus, their biological affinities remain un- Sandstone are superficially like fossil axes clear. Nevertheless, these new images of (Fig. 6J–K), gametophytes and sporangia megascopic early life on land are important (Fig. 6H–I) of fungi and land plants from first steps in scientific understanding, as are the Old Red Sandstone and other Silurian– currently enigmatic images of the surface of Devonian formations (Remy et al. 1980, Mars. Farghera robusta is very common in 1993, Gensel 1982, Driese & Mora 2001). Upi palaeosols, which had a different biota None of the Grindstone Range Sandstone than the biological soil crusts of Wilpi fossils shows woody or vascular tissue palaeosols. In the plant formation terminol- equivalent to that of early land plants. ogy of Retallack (1992), thalli of F. robusta Nevertheless, relatively large ferruginized scattered through Upi palaeosols represent axes (Fig. 6J–K) are superficially similar to a polsterland (scattered non-vascular the giant Silurian–Devonian fungus Proto- plants) as opposed to the microbial earth taxites (Hueber 2001, Boyce et al. 2007). (biological soil crust with only microscopic Scanning electron microscopy of exterior organisms) of Wilpi palaeosols. surfaces of the Grindstone Range axes show Farghera robusta measurements betray featues interpreted here to represent a a pattern of indeterminate growth horizon- woven filamentous texture (Fig. 5A–B), also tally (skewness of Fig. 8H), yet determinate comparable with permineralized Prototax- growth vertically (unskewed in Fig. 8I), ites. Identification of the Grindstone Range as in ground-hugging plants. The poly- axes remains uncertain, as with comparably modal distribution of widths compiled preserved Ordovician (Arbey & Koeniguer from observations in natural cross-sections 1979) and Devonian sandstone casts (Fig. 8H), reflects favoured widths of thalli (Hillier et al. 2008). Similarly enigmatic are of different order. The high variation in remains (Fig. 6H–I) superficially similar to thickness and considerable relief of these Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 Devonian gametophytes and sporangia fossils in deeply buried sandstone (Fig. 8H) (Gensel 1982, Remy et al. 1993). These have are evidence that they were unusually resistance to burial compaction comparable resistant to compaction by overburden. with other fossil fungi (Retallack 1994, Comparable thalloid forms are known 2007), and could be fungal fruiting bodies from parmeliid lichens (Brodo et al. 2001), such as apothecia or mushrooms. Even if marchantialean liverworts (Smith 1990), these various fossils were fungi related to and fucoid or dictyotean algae (Graham & Devonian forms, better preserved material Wilcox 2000). Distinctive of the Grindstone will be needed to determine taxonomic Range Sandstone thalli are wide, tubular to affinities. tapering, longitudinally striated, extensions, perpendicular to the thallus margin, but arching and branching downward into the Dichotomizing thalli matrix (Fig. 6B). At up to 1 mm wide, the The most eye-catching fossils in palaeosols extensions are larger than the rhizoids of of the Grindstone Range Formation marchantialean liverworts (Smith 1990). are radially dichotomous to irregularly Their tapering and branching is unlike 382 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

floats, trichomes or holdfasts of algae cushioned footfalls on palaeosols of the (Graham & Wilcox 2000). The tapering Wilpi pedotype (Retallack 2008). thallus extensions are most like rhizines This evidence of arthropod excursions of fruticose lichens (Brodo et al. 2001). on land may be the oldest known, although The considerable relief of Farghera external dating is uncertain for these and other moulds (Fig. 8G, I) in deeply buried plausible subaerial trackways: late Cam- sandstones would be unusual for liverworts brian or Early Ordovician (MacNaughton or algae, but not for lichens with structural et al. 2002), early Late Ordovician (Carado- chitin (Retallack 1994, 2007). Farghera cian: Johnson et al. 1994) and Late Ordovi- robusta is very similar to living foliose cian (Ashgillian: Trewin & McNamara 1994; lichens of dry woodland soils (Belknap & for revised dating see Retallack 2009). Lange 2003), especially Xanthoparmelia Comparable traces of arthropods on land reptans (Fig. 11C). are widespread in non-marine rocks of Silurian (Wright et al. 1995), Devonian (Bradshaw 1981, Morrissey & Braddy Arthropod traces 2004) and age (Briggs et al. One arthropod trackway among the Grind- 1979). stone Range fossils is thought to have been Also found in slabs of Wilpi pedotype made on land (Fig. 10A–B, E). Arthropod were arthropod resting impressions trackways known to have formed suba- (Fig. 10C–D: Selenichnites sp. indet.) of a queously (because they are overprinted by creature about the size of the trackways. fish trails: Morrissey et al. 2004, Seilacher The trackways have cycles of 8–11 pairs of 2007) show four features: (1) strong asym- limbs, and about 11 appendage furrows are metry (one side current-buoyed more than seen in resting impressions. These observa- the other), (2) simple, shallow markings tions are compatible with a euthycarcinoid (neither deep, bulging outward nor partially tracemaker, such as Kalbarria or Apankura. filled with miniature talus cones), (3) little The Grindstone Range resting impressions variation in clarity along the length of the indicate a different creature (Fig. 11), inter- trackway (indicating matrix of even hydra- mediate between middle Cambrian Apan- tion and texture) and (4) parallel rather than kura (Vaccari et al. 2004), which had limbs alternate gait (sculling rather than walking extending well beyond the carapace, and Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 motion). None of these subaqueous features Late Ordovician Kalbarria (McNamara & is found in the trackway (Diplichnites Trewin 1993), which was larger, with gouldi) from the Grindstone Range Sand- stronger differentiation of a wide thorax stone. and narrow abdomen. These various features also are lacking in Euthycarcinoids have limbs with many trackways created under water on substrates ring-like segments and few obvious nodules of unusually dehydrated or algal-bound or other irregularities for attachment of clay (personal observations of modern large internal muscles. In addition, the limbs intertidal tracks), but in the Grindstone are oriented laterally from an axial ridge Range deep impressions were seen only in (Fig. 11). This would not have been as palaeotopographic lows of smooth sand, effective for terrestrial locomotion as longer interpreted as moist sediment of small, segments of the limbs of myriapods and drying puddles. The tracks disappear en- insects (Manton 1977). Nevertheless, Cam- tirely in raised-pustulose areas and are faint brian euthycarcinoids such as Apankura in low-pustulose areas (Rivularites repertus), have stout limbs protruding well beyond interpreted here as biological soil crust that the carapace (Vaccari et al. 2004), and ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 383

would be more capable on land than the were often waterlogged (Retallack 2008). shorter limbs of Devonian and younger Cochlichnus, Palaeophycus and Planolites euthycarcinoids (Gall & Grauvogel 1964, are known in both marine and lacustrine Schram & Rolfe 1982). Euthycarci- sediments (Hasiotis 2002, Ekdale et al. nus had small mandibles and much clay in 2007). Myrowichnus is known elsewhere the gut, suggestive of a sediment-feeding from beneath intertidal ferruginized hard- detritivore (Gall & Grauvogel 1964), but grounds or exposure surfaces (Myrow middle Cambrian Apankura had large scler- 1995). otized mandibles and a buccal complex As an assemblage (Table 2), the Grind- (Vaccari et al. 2004) like of those of stone Range Sandstone trace fossils are Crustacea feeding on small live prey most like the lacustrine Mermia ichnofacies (Manton 1977). This is another indication (MacEachern et al. 2007), though with that Cambrian–Ordovician euthycarcinoids different taxa than Carboniferous (Buatois may have been more capable on land than et al. 1998) or early Cambrian examples geologically younger euthycarcinoids. (Mikula´sˇ 1995). Early Ordovician estuarine Putative terrestrial euthycarcinoid trails facies had ichnofaunas dominated by described here and elsewhere (Trewin & Merostomichnites (Weber & Braddy 2004), McNamara 1994) are more likely the result and shoreface sandstones included Skolithos of short excursions of amphibious creatures, piperock (Ma´ngano et al. 1996). Early rather than of fully terrestrial . Ordovician marine ichnofaunas include as Amphibious behaviour accounts for the many as 30 ichnospecies of traces attributed lack of any likely arthropod burrows in to trilobites, such as and Ruso- palaeosols of the Grindstone Range For- phycus (Baldwin 1977, Pickerill et al. 1984, mation. Ephemeral streams and playa lakes Fillion & Pickerill 1990, Ma´ngano et al. are compatible with sedimentological inter- 1996, Acen˜ olaza & Acen˜ olaza 2002, Poire´ pretations of the Grindstone Range Sand- et al. 2003). Early Ordovician deep shelf stone (Stock 1974, Moore 1990), and Upi ichnofaunas included Chondrites and Zoo- palaeosols have oxidized burrows within phycos (Mikula´sˇ 1994) and deep marine chemically reduced matrix similar to soils communities included Neonereites and Hel- with perennially high water-table near lakes minthopsis (Crimes et al. 1992). Thus, a wide (Retallack 2008). array of marine ichnofacies had evolved by Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 Early Ordovician time, but not all non- marine ichnofacies, because the Scoyenia Other animals ichnofacies did not appear until the Late Other trace fossils also were found in the Ordovician (Retallack 2001). Grindstone Range Sandstone: Cochlichnus anguineus, Palaeophycus heberti, Palaeophy- cus tubularis, Planolites montanus and Soil communities Myrowichnus arenaceus. Measurements of Wilpi and Upi palaeosols, which contain 500 Myrowichnus arenaceus burrows show a most of the trace and body fossils described normal size distribution, unlike the poly- here, are very weakly developed, thin pro- modal distribution of arthropod burrows files, with some bedding undisturbed by (Retallack 2001), so were most likely the bioturbation (Fig. 11). Other palaeosols in work of soft-bodied, worm-like creatures. the Grindstone Range Formation have Their palaeosols and host sediments are large calcareous nodules (Adla pedotype) surficially ferruginized, but largely unoxi- and gypsum crystals (Matarra pedotype) dized, so were wet soils and sediments that evidencing extended periods (104–105 years) 384 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

of soil formation, landscape stability, and arid to semi-arid palaeoclimate (Table 1). These moderately developed palaeosols show less clear indications of life, but this is not surprising for palaeosols. Discrete trace fossils and plant fossils are more common in weakly developed palaeosols than moderately developed palaeosols, which have dominantly pedogenic fabric (Retallack 1998). Moderately developed palaeosols and more humid regions known elsewhere in the Ordovician (Retallack 2000) may have supported larger biomass communities with similar kinds of organ- isms to those demonstrated here from the early successional palaeosols and associated sediments. Nevertheless, the lack of burrows in well-drained palaeosols (Adla and Matarra pedotypes of Fig. 11) is significant, espe- cially compared with the abundance of arthropod burrows in Late Ordovician calcareous red palaeosols (Retallack 2001). Also significant is the absence of arthropod burrows in intermittently waterlogged pa- laeosols (Upi and Wilpi pedotypes): bur- rows in these palaeosols show a smooth size distribution of worms and other con- tinuously growing animals (Fig. 8). For these reasons, the arthropod track-maker Fig. 12. Reconstructed Early Ordovician (Tremado- (Diplichnites gouldi) was probably amphi- cian, 583 Ma) landscape, soils, and biota of the Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 bious, rather than a permanent land dwell- Grindstone Range Formation in South Australia. er. Fossil euthycarcinoids like those thought to have made these South Australian tracks have been found in marine shales (Vaccari distinctly different terrestrial communitites et al. 2004) and non-marine sandstones than liverwort-millipede polsterlands of (McNamara & Trewin 1993) and shales the Late Ordovician (Retallack 2000, (Schram & Rolfe, 1982). 2001), or trigonotarbid-tracheophyte brake- lands (non-grassy meadow-like vegetation) of the Early Silurian (Retallack 1992, 2001). Conclusions Other evidence that Cambrian– Cambrian–Ordovician landscapes were not Ordovician landscapes were not barren entirely barren, because there were visible comes from the degree of weathering of life forms including amphibious arthropods Cambrian–Ordovician sandstones (Dott and sessile thalli (Fig. 12). Palaeosol evi- 2003) and clay minerals (Kennedy et al. dence indicates that these polsterlands (vege- 2006), spores resembling those of land tation of scattered non-vascular plants) were plants (Strother 2000), and sedimentary ALCHERINGA CAMBRIAN–ORDOVICIAN FOSSILS 385

facies of subaerial exposure (Rose 2006). technical advice from Nigel Trewin, Bruce Some organic cover was needed to stabilize Runnegar and Dmitry Grazhdankin, and the landscape for the many millenia needed detailed reviews by Stephen McLoughlin, to produce pedogenic carbonate nodules Mihail Tomescu, Nigel Trewin, Patrick Orr (Retallack 2005) of the size seen in palaeo- and several anonymous reviewers. sols of the Grindstone Range Sandstone and older formations (Figs 2, 12). Evidence for arthropod excursions on References land presented here (Fig. 10) supports the ACEN˜ OLAZA, G.F. & ACEN˜ OLAZA, F.G., 2002. Icnologı´a view of Buatois et al. (1998) that early de la Formacion Sepulturas (Ordovicico) en el arthropods ventured on land to exploit new Espinazo del Diablo, Cordillera Oriental de Jujuy, Argentina. Ameghiniana 39, 471–499. resources. This is not to deny alternative ACEN˜ OLAZA, G.F. & TORTELLO, M.F., 2003. El Alisal: a views of continental excursions into saline new locality with trace fossils of the Puncoviscana groundwater (Maples & Archer 1989), to Formation (Late Precambrian–early Cambrian) in Salta Province, Argentina. Geologica Acta 1, avoid predation (Trewin & McNamara 95–102. 1994) and to mate without being disturbed AGARDH, C.A., 1821. Dictyonema. In Synopsis plantar- (Braddy 2004). Evidence of deep burrowing um quas in itinere orbis novi collegerunt Al. de in early Cambrian coastal palaeosols Humbolt et Am. Bompland,C.S.KUNTH, ed., N. Maze, Paris, 203. (Retallack 2008) supports the idea that ARBEY,F.&KOENIGUER, J.-C., 1979. Les ne´matophytes some animals lived below the water-table et les algueraies de l’Ordovicien et du De´vonien of coastal soils normally dry at the surface Saharien. Centres de Recherches Exploration Pro- (Maples & Archer 1989). Very large Ordo- duction Elf-Aquitaine Bulletin 3(2), 409–418. BALDWIN, C.T., 1977. The stratigraphy and facies vician trackways associated with smaller association of some Cambrian and Ordovician ones could very well be predator and prey rocks of northwestern Spain. Geological Journal (Trewin & McNamara 1994: see Retallack Special Issue 9, 9–40. 2009 for revised dating). The abundance of BAMBACH, R.K., 1993. Seafood through time; changes in biomass, energetics, and productivity in the complex trackways in some nearshore Or- marine ecosystem. Paleobiology 19, 372–397. dovician–Cambrian sandstones is consistent BELKNAP,J.&LANGE, O.L. (eds), 2003. Biological Soil with mass-mating, as is well known among Crusts: Structure, Function and Management. horseshoe crabs (MacNaughton et al. 2002). Springer, Berlin, 503 pp. BERTRAND-SARFATI,J.&WALTER, M.R., 1981. Stro- All of these activities were promoted by matolite biostratigraphy. Precambrian Research 15, Downloaded By: [Retallack, Gregory J.] At: 18:34 2 November 2009 increasingly bulky land vegetation, which 353–371. intensified weathering and nutrient supply BILLINGS, E., 1872. Fossils in Huronian rocks. Canadian Naturalist and Quarterly Journal of to the ocean, as reflected in marine faunal Science 6, 478. diversification and size increases (Bambach BOYCE, C.K., HOTTON, C.L., FOGEL, M.L., CODY, G.D., 1993). HAZEN, R.M., KNOLL, A.H. & HUEBER, F.M., 2007. Devonian landscape heterogeneity recorded by a giant fungus. Geology 35, 399–402. BRADDY, S.J., 2004. Ichnological evidence for the Acknowledgements arthropod invasion of land. Fossils and Strata 51, Pauline Coulthard offered advice on abori- 136–140. ginal sacred sites in the field area, and BRADDY, S.J. & ALMOND, J., 1999. Eurypterid track- ways from the Table Mountain Group (Lower Barbara and Warren Fargher graciously Ordovician) of South Africa. Journal of African gave permissions for fieldwork on Wirrealpa Earth Sciences 29, 165–177. Station. Fieldwork was funded by the BRADSHAW, M.A., 1981. Palaeoenvironmental interpre- Petroleum Research Fund of the American tation and systematics of Devonian trace fossils from the Taylor Group (lower Beacon Super- Chemical Society, and aided by Christine group), Antarctica. New Zealand Journal of Geol- Metzger. This paper was greatly improved by ogy and Geophysics 24, 615–652. 386 GREGORY J. RETALLACK ALCHERINGA

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