Could Be Deported Published in PRC Rising
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The 'Daily': Guardian' r Volume 3~ Nu't'"m_be_r_5_0_______ u-,m_·v_e_"_i_ty_of_Ca_I_if_o_nu_·_a_, _Sa_n_Di_·e_g_o__ """,,-"_T_h_u_r_s_d_a y_,_N_o_v_e_m..;..h_e_r_2_9_,_19_7_9_ ----~~~~ ;.~.... ! ............. aa~J •• •~kl+ ~~~~n~~~l~:~~tj 513 . Iranians In State Could Be Deported Financial Aid Cutoff Suit Pressed SAN DIEGO (AP) -Immigration 821 students 10 far. "The ~itninarv oHiciais said yesterday at least 513 indication is that 172 are U:-~;;;,f' Iranian students in. , California have He said. irregularities in their visas which could Mitton said 164 of thote have been lead to- deportation, but lOme Iranians granted hearing dates, with the other. are seeking political asylum here. presumably leaving the country voluntarily. Thirty-one others are As deportation proceedings trying to come up with sufficient proof continued, a lawsuit seeking to halt an 01 their student status. allegedy $13 million educational free ride for Iranian students in the state Immigration agents in Loa Angel. was filed Wednesday in Orange have 10 far interviewed 4,176 County Superior Court by state Sen. students, and expect to review the vi.. John Briggs. status of as many as 7,000 before they are through with their task, Charles In Loa Angeles and here, federal .... i.l Immigration and Naturalization Service officials said, lOme deportation Caner Blasts Iran hearings were under way, but no actual deportations could be confirmed. Story page 3 Loa Angeles INS acting district The hearing. also might be director Orville Charles said the postponed for a nwnber of reasons, proceedings were. in accord with Shelby said, including consideration 01 President Carter's order to expedite the requests for political' uyIwn. hearings on Iranian students after they held demonstrations in the United Of those Iranian .tudents reviesed ,States supporting the takeover 01 the 10 far, Charles said, 177 have been U.S. Embaaay in Iran. found with their vi.... "out of statui." Charles said lOme students told Stuart Shelby, chief trial attome~ agents they planned to ask for asylum. the INS in Loa Arweles, said "They said they feared they would facing hearings ~ eventually be be prosecuted if they returned to Iran," ordered deported or permitted to reave he said. .u.-r .... ~if rn San Francisco, about 90 Iranian chose not to fiaht the alletationa of visa nationals appeared before irregularities . administrative judges to receive hearing dates, and officials expected Briggs, R-F ullerton, who filed suit in Santa Ana on behalf of "all California another 16 to appear for hearing dates Indicator Goes Hourly taxpayerlt," said he wants to stop aid Thursday. The Hourly Indicator has Indicator collective member Thomas Laughlin, officer in charge payments to alien non·immigrant Iranian studentlt at public elementary been posting hourly updates on Sven Serrano. of the INS for Sacramento, reported and secondary schools, community the situation in Iran since the "The situation literally yesterday that 480 students had been colleges and state universities. changes every hour .. .1 hope we interviewed 10 far, and 74 were found . fifth day of the crisis. Briggs said his suit wasn't aimed at can keep doing it as a regular to be out of status. Taken from CBS Radio and Iranians who have immigrated or who POlted on the gym Itepl, the feature on other events," Serrano And San Diego-INS district director seek political asylum in the United updates are the work of New says. G.ortIion pIooto by MottIww CietIt Robert Mitton said his agents reviewed States. Number of Americans Published in PRC Rising By Jeff Beresford.Howe literature in China. News Editor "Under the gang, only one American work American writers are being published in was published in China, Winds of War by China in rapidly increasing' numbers, but Herman Wouk. I guess they could understand Arthur Hailey, GO!1e With the Wind and John that." Cheever dominate. American literature will begin to flourish in "There is quite a lot that is not so easy or accessible for' us, particularly those things the People's Republic, though. Party approval of foreign literature is no longer required, Bi involving sex, violence or homosexuality. If they're (in America), we should have them, but said, and universities hope to use literature alt a tool in increasing Chinese·American friendship, not too much," Chinese literary official and poet Bi Shuowang said in a lecture here last night. Deng Shiao·Ping's modernizaton program'is . "We do not take (much of what is published) also affecting the kind of literature seen in very seriously." China. Bi is a director of the AlI·China Writers "We are seriously ~oin~ . the way of Auociation, former editor of a daily newspaper modernization," Bi said. "As we are getting and former secretary to Chou En·Lai, late mdustrialized, we will meet many of the foreign minister of the People's Republic. questions Americans have found or face today. The two decade freeze in US·China relations We ilope to understand the process and keep froze Chinese perception of American literature the good effects and not the evil. too. "Since the early fifties, we have had no "This is probably too pragmatic a purpose to I regular communication with America, and so P/eww lum to PCl~1! 12 our understanding of American literature is limited. Our comrades in Taiwan have been more fortunate, so we have borrowed heavily from them." Bi told the Muir lecture audience that a few anthologies of short stories dominated Chinese translations of American literature - "it takes time to do novels and poems are more difficult" - and that the Gang of Four censored foreign Bi ShnowaIlI, director of the AU·China Writwl AIIOCi.tion c-.Ii.. ,JwI. IIy ....... GiMr . -, .. Be Angry at the Disease, Not Just the Symptoms ASSOCIATED PRESS -, ,! By s..hanie Campbell I auapect that those who could walk no more. Many the 25·plul yean of us yet moved to IOlve Iran's I would like to addreu lay, "Yes, the lbah was bad, were made to walk by force, aupport of the allah. economic and social myself to thoae .ludent. who but... " are actually ignorant ot and if they were unable to, Many ~PIe at the rally problems. But for tlie moment NEWS BRIEFS attended Wedneaday'. rally just how bad he W8l, or they they were forced to move on 1C0ffed when the Iranian he has vast popular ' ~G'" whose positions could be could not 10 blithely toll off their buttock., even if they had speakers expressed doubt that s~ ~~ .. d,,,,'·· ,~ ·':" .......h 'lJ aummed up u, "Ye., the shah that phralle, nor could they been beaten to the bone. the !>hah was dying fl\Ofll ( 1:re: e _ ,n the antl·s a h 01 wu bad, but what about the have remained silent about his 'The prilOner. were not cancer. (I heard <mt~-y.~ . movement .while in exile. 'The .. ~ ' 1. ho.tatea?" or "1be Ihah W81 regime until now. alway. shot,' one defendant infonned listener ,holl; ."-5i Islamic religious institutions nl '--ijr,;: r lr -,r' nr ~r- ~4,, __ lin bad, Lut KhomeiiU is just 81 were the only form of Carter Blasts Iranians ~~~----~--~ ~--~----~~~ bad, if DOl wone." . organization which the "hah It all depends on when hi. did not totally repreu. Stephanie Campbell wcu 257 Die in medical treatment end., but Police Search we believe he will be here in one of the ortani"r' of lasl The present stage of the In Nationwide Speech Air Disaster eight to 10. days," said w.",. Anti·, Alliance Iranian movement is ' the Powers Limited rail.,. struggle to a!>~ert the right to WASHINGTON - Pre.ident Carter said yesterday that spoke. man Mark Morse. self·determination, a right that American. held ho.tage in Tehran have been subjected to AUCKLAND, New Mor:.e said he did not know WASHINGTON - nu, i. not a IimpIe situation was taken away from the "inhuman and degrading condition." and told the Iranian Zealand - An Air New if the shah had a new visa but Police officer. authorized 10 wherein one aide is the· "bad Iranian people for 25 yearl. ~~nt it faces "grave consequence." if the captives are Zealand DC·10 carrying 257 added " ... He mu.t have it search a public place may DOl 1fUY." and the other is the Insofar as he does or does not perlOn. on an adventurous because he is coming back." search aD perlOlll who haJlPell good guy•• " Reality i., and provide solution!> for the many "Any claims rai~ Iran will ring hoUow while innocent flight to the bottom of the to be there, !he Supreme Court alway. has been, much more economic and social problems people are bound, ab and threatened," Carter said in opening world slammed into a vokano Soviet Plans said yesterday. complex. The takins of the of Iran, the Iranians will or will remark. for a nationally broadca.t newa conference. Wednesday on the ice-bound In !he fint c:onaIitutioMl hoatageli hal been a harrowing not continue to support him. The president said he .ti11 has hopes for a peaceful IOlution to coa.t of Antarctica, Downscaled ruling of ita new term, the court experience. There i. no But that is for the Iranians to the Iranian crisi., which began on Nov. 4 ,!¥ith seizure of the US apparently killing all aboard. It outlawed IUch aearchea .. an dv>Iria"e of ala . that. decide. - E,mbaal)' in Tehran. But he did not rule out other remedies. was one of hi.tory'. wor.t air MOSCOW - Soviet unrea.onable invuion of disaater•. leader. disclosed yesterday privacy. The Daily Guardian People often wring their , He said he hoped a United Nations Security Council meeting on The 237 passengers on the they have toned down The justices, voIinB 6-3, hands and wonder how the the Iranian crisis, scheduled for Saturday, would eventually lead sightseeing Right included 12 economic 1_ for 1980.