The Republican Journal VOLUME 57. BELFAST, MAINE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1885. NUMBER 36.

rARM. GARDEN AND HOUSEHOLD f a fill! crop am! tho quality of tho fruit The Strength of the Hills. his rival's face before—he coaid not re- hope he won’t be late! Mr. Bartlett, do Literary News and Notes. By Carriage to Moosehead Lake. Letters from the West. Ui-'.lT'AUl'AX JOl’itXAL. is in tho east call when or where—but the idea bectioio think he will ? generally good. Crapes homo to that old brown bouse. you My thoughts go and and THE ADVENTURES OF SOME “UNPROTECTED’’ MINNEAPOLIS ANI> SI. FALL. THE GROWTH For this department tire f -.i«, fa.-is. tall below an average hut in to more confirmed every time he looked at “He need said Bartlett. “There Pretty pictures pleasing prose poetry crop, quality With its low roof sloping down the east. not,” WOMEN. A TRIBUTE TO MAINE SCENERY or THE FLOCK TIIY. ANI» W olid x WORK AGES. > -t mn:«!|'At Moi;vixii in Tin: peril'll tv- :tr> -"ii.lied from liou-eki Mr. : on is a make the number of Our Little make up for the lack in quantity, And its garden fragrant with ro«es and thyme, Romney-Romney and, working shop just across the harbor. He up September AND MAINE FARMERS. SECRET So« IETIES. it-, fanner- md Addi— i- gardeners. That blossom no except in his natural him to en- in ten ones. Russell Pub. Boston. quiices, where grown, fall below an longer, rhyme, prejudice,Jcaused could go there and back minutes if Co., of the Journal. of illtura!editiir..luurn:iiI irtiei Belfast Maine. Where the used to feast. Correspondence Correspondence the Journal. ava honey-bees tertain as to that Reoudhcan Journal Co. age. berries and cherries are a great vague suspicions gen- he chose to run.” A of To venturesome who are in Publishing superb albertype portrait General maidens, search Minneapolis, Aug. IT, 1885: With a few for Afar in the west the great bills rose. tleman's antecedents. the train from London crop, the largest years. Shortly after, Grant, from a of a as as an Agricultural Pairs. life-photograph, will be bound delightful well economical trip, let Items from the great northwest I mail you a A lia m the Silent and steadfast and gloomy and gray : After he had been a of at came and for the next ten minutes cablegram Liverpool gives couple days in, in as a 1 wen and doomed to supplement to the September Wide me recommend a drive to Moosehead Lake and -*opy of the Tribune of Aug. Kith < thought tlie> giants, Sunday giving :. raidiioii in Cr.v and County. \\ 111 h •:t mouths, in fact, y ars <>f prep- condition ol tilt English apple crop as Virginia House, his doubts took more they were all busy watching the conti- | keep Awake, and will be a a sail to Mt. ivineo. With a horse noticeable die of the twin cities, below a accompanied by peculiar- population Minneapolis aration, the tans would fail to good, hut early expectations, as Their watch, while the world should wake or definite shape, and plan occurred to nental tourists swarming on board. When, county rem- \ i*MS. .• > j. a .. ly interesting article, containing for rather than a comfortable ind St. Paul, with returns from all I the. fruit is The will fall him for them at rest, for assist- at the end of a of an personal strength beauty, except to th some falling. crop sleep. setting however, quarter ip high .standard vvliich iniscences, by Mrs. Jessie Benton Fremont. covered for the Lhirteeu of state. below the net ds of that country, and as Til! the trumpet should sound on the judg- ance in which he determined to apply to hour. Mr. Romney-Romney had not re- carriage, large enough party, counties the Without these of t in have attn1. Die ment lunches, and as little as •ountics the n. !s}\., I'KUMS. piare. *i.* tn« improved trait from the cholera infected fruit dis- day. Kate Williams. Kate and he had always turned, the ladies manifested considera- The death of Mrs. Helen Hunt Jackson, bet- luggage possible, start returns show the population of f 'V *i• ■* s, .uni 2r> cattle are not chance hut tricts he I used to wonder of been ou one or ter as from town of Swanville at an Minnesota to exceed one million. To say that r Sg;-•'ri!.\ fraction of productions, of Europe will shut out the what they dreamed friendly terms, and, from ble uneasiness. The passengers were all known “II. II." and “Saxe Holme," your pretty early A- brooded there iti their silent ihe .ivf-1 a full one- ate the results oi years of careful ; eiectii at prospects for shipments from this country they might, two chance expressions, lie suspected on board, the pile of luggage on the quay gives special interest to two connected stories, hour, before the sun pours down his most people of Minneapolis are jubilant over the While March winds siuotc them, or dune rains \■ siic was no means results c> tisu* ■ are that charmed with was and he the last of for be it known the best time of the it. For ■:i breeding : and the fruits have tf been good. fell, by being rapidly reduced; yet among her literary work, which will scorching rays, hardi> expresses a t:- .rize-i agent for ; :ie .r- her brother-in-law in die nr !he snows of wmb r their ghostly spell prospect. did not appear. be published m the October and November is made in the cool morning, when the earth past five years there has been great rivalry brought To their tion \ .. W •': l• present perfet Cheese in the and lonesome ■•Kate." the bull the As _•>: st.. Boston, Making. Wrought long night. be said, taking by the harbor clock struck the half numbers of Wide Awake. sends up its freshness and every green tiling between Minneapolis and St. Paul as to their Ns. j-4 ,»i W asf.. _;. mi street, out of labor It is horns. ■■! want to a>k a the steam out years intelligent true, remembered a ours. you question hour, and whistle roared has on its m and the air respective and it now that Tl c is the of an They younger world than The put ruing brightness, growth, appears following pith essay K September Outing brings the usual store ill A < «».. P Mate st., I’< ston. ami this work not been : )Ue for tin < s- Before the trees on their top were burn. about Mr. enney Romney. Who is he ? lustily, Bertha Williams stood up and is redolent with the odors has dlstane d her sister leav | of of the woods and Minneapolis city, .-a a V V on -Tom written When the old brown house was itself a tree. What does mother know good things, welcome alike to the general Cheese-Making,” liy your about looked toward the quay, her so " of at biting lips wild flowers. Horse and are in better Ing her far in the rear that she will never he *!>:•. J*-.’ Wa-Mnc; S;., I: pecml purpose improving exhibits Ana wade were tin fields where now so*1 reader and party I 1> inis it N. Y : Pure, you him ?" The last came the lover of out-door sports and }• U-ixvkm. A < «•.. lu New ^ ork. Syraen.-c. nervously. portmanteau and as the so the re- ible to recover her lost l. The rribune sj,n;.-.>>t.. our it "as a work d iie winds astir in the tasselled corn. spirits, day begins goes groun t-.s, f:.rk B"U Nt ’.V ■y ■ '!" k county fairs, yet down on the and the pastimes. Mr. Arlo Bates contributes a whole trit'k ft oil! healthy cows in sweet "As much as she docs about most of thundering deck, very mainder. And 1 was a« young as the hills were old. readable says: necessary to make -tic fairs what they the who come here,” Kate gangway was drawn up. There was an sketch of Me an Hnut, in Penobscot .- B1 !;KU** remitting m me; >-r .'.e.-'ring t tut s. o’, foil balanced late ns in And the world was warm with the breath people replied. Probably there will be many doubts express- The growth of Mime Ins been more duly a .ipulis •— must state the are. lint is a work "He a aud interchange of signals between the Cap- bay, the serials “Love—or Name," and “A papers li.-.nce.l, there of preparation uf spring. gave good reference, he pays ed as to the of the and wise heads magic-like and extraordinary than that of any tV i- safety project i’V. i:a-i-riper has been sent, as well r-tall... The more it O'- tain and the a shout or and a Modern are it reip.,i.-ite. diiectly And ihr red and the lilies white his bill route. Frank, shore, two, Tramp," continued, and there are other city iu the Cubed States. At a rtain •v... uni. it U logo. every year tIt is especially designed to I regularly, you may will suggest the need of a protector, or “in Buddt d and bloomed for heart’s as boy made a un- goes t the cat the better. It over my delight. not be fund of him. hut can’t splash the cables were cast off, and a number of illustrated papers, the lirst on period Chicago growth pro iou>ly kept you deny ease what as make the fairs attractive, :ls well as in- And the birds in inv heart to a might happen,*’just probably the exampled. San Fram-i* for a certain t' rm <*f •> s .is. !■ \i :• -Ks NI» 111' iltl'i INS began sing. that he i- a then quiver ran through the boat, and “The Butlalo of the L. A. W.” The Might reduce the nti'k to ti.b degrees. An gentleman.'’ Meeting ▼cars outdid highest rate of ■ ■ t: « stinctive. It the stor k to excursionists will scorn the ami, with perhaps Chicago’s _ 1 *: rti-ing -i in is look well move idea, puhlisi But calm in dv distance the great lulls rose, “Gentleman or not,'' said the quay suddenly to is a < --uru a- ■.111"11 to the cream from rising Harriett, appeared monthly record particularly full, and num- increase. Kansas iaf*T on. tin* state to tii-' and draw first 1 ri/cs. it keep reason, move undaunted on the city. surpassed is necessary that ]>eaf unto raptures and On mb unto pain. and Bertha back in her good supposed of is desirable. Mix “there is something about him that puz- away, dropped ber of are discussed in the best records either >an Francisco or Chicago. it rmt '•••■ vv. -! iiight'* and morning's Since tie \ knew that is the moth r of interesting topics to he ■ should 1 fed for weeks doy w “even tenor of their St. can show a rate -s an to take le-tiee <-t tin oniy zles me. Now don't am chair with a sob hich would not be re- way." Paul ofgrowthou y re- requested to.ik when ready to wm If eream is Gri> !. laugh--I per- editorial department and Outing Club. The i"f. 1 siip aitaehe-i to the paper It before the exhibition. but it must be kept for were and Mr. Rom- The first part of the drive takes in the shady markable than that of the three cities named. to And remembered a life t> brief. serious, aud i have come to you pressed, they olf, -r:i a r- n--\v ise-l. I- -r Instan- o. be want and it butterfly’s fectly Wheelman Co., 1Tb Tremont street, Boston. Hut lias them all. In ip! clean and well carded. 1'he must incorporated, pass road about Swan Minneapolis outstripped ■ pigs And the Min sets onlv to rise was left behind. picturesque Lake, through t riUt til-' fillI »S-T. p! -Tt 1.-'l t-' through ti wire strainer. Heat the milk again. because I want your help." ney-Romney 1850 there was no po; ulatiou here to numerate U date be in good clean rs. or The Mania of the Middle is a j• a ::i♦ 1- mad-', the kept I'uarii they asked Kate, in “l'on’t be frightened,” said Bartlett to Lancing Ages Monroe village to Dixmont. Upon entering In 1S1JO. the United Spites eensils ga\•' lls .'!i ~1 nr 'o degrees. Add will brood, and ana be silent, a* ■My help?" surprise. m r.-< bib will be in no condition to attract atten- your They dream, one of the most w me the ladies he has curious episodes in the history this latter town all the dormant in 1>7»>. ld.oiiU: :n Iv, *''. Ti t»rt» f Bi ■■•l !." I h 11 1-> M-.h I'M AT 1 ithIB •t tig matter and rennet to now. “Vee. I ant you to get his photo- generally. “Perhaps conjure up per- period tion : in laid, animal that is to he enough of tiv. -wells the number to it!'- g>". :i \i;h >UiJh< :: r- in arrears every When the children alive 1 have a that I met on board and gone below. I will of mankind, whole villages, towns, and com- and soul years in It) or go minutes, youngest to-day graph. notion have slipped severing capabilities “possess your of sj.or ottered for exhibition should lie well cared begin coagulation Have growth of more than IT'* per cent. grown to be women and men, grown «t. n anything s-i. -wi beech nuts. raise the And ven those echo to "Mr. Romney-Romney has not got pho- theory, away spoke, up the whole of Europe, communi- web, once enter, it i> no task and next compand*: phi-*- oi Slowly tempera- forgets stay. you easy boom in ■ « exhibited not, the annual fair is a with the in i^l, lsS*d. and S !..'f »m< .1. S. I'.lMuri; A < handier Moulton, in was and looked of the to Minnr-npoiU ture. it the to ps [I/misr Harper’s .Maga- tograph." answered Kate “Mabel through every part cating their frenzy the people wherever they to to an exit- a \\ ... sire- t. gently stirring while, Impossible find laby* 18N». Tow ards the end of the latter tin n M !’. .1' k A s.:n. Main in the direction. There arc zine fur perfect year spur right September. him for one the other and steamer. He was soon convinced that wandered. The of dis- ii'..' T.-mpie. High street. liegteo. Hold it there to the end. asking night, symptoms this strange rlnth of Dlxmonts! Dixmont. without were ample data proving the population to ha\ «• too many farmers who it was on prefix large complain he told her that he had never been their friend not board. At this and the its d a hundred tii *iis:m 1. in of the 1't.nv tin- a- soon as there is the order. mad antics of victims are or is surpass* spip- I". A ■ the labor to their stock whey sufiix. your lir-t encounter; then the Cor required prepare since he was a He point he suddenly remembered the letter dullne— of ls>4 and tie first half of l>s'*, Mtu- i M. ila... i' .i't sign of iicui, or before Cet sufli- photographed hoy. vividly portrayed by J. F. C. Hecker. .>1. I)., for exhibition, and express don ms A in ner and Centre, with hills too numerous to neapolis lias r* reived no fewer than n.R» new be Boarding-House Engagement. said that he had such a his pocket, lie hurriedly broke the ci'-nt rennet action to expel the whey quite seriously from contemporary annals. No. 72 of the inhabitants in the vear and a halt. whether ;t w;il pay: seme will not ex- and read as follows ; mention and surpassing all known hills In nervous horror of taken that lie seal, — f*re the acid ibis Mrs. Williams' was well being “Humboldt of I lie K. aul retiu ns.,, ma r pip.,1.- y. hibit, and other> do so it the urgent develops. prevents Harrington Library Science." J. Fitzger- height and Hast l)ixmont next fa- only tho could not sit." "Dear Bartlett:- 1 was playing tlie tru- abruptness. terday. give the population of that as lll,- Argents for tiie Journal. of committees. Hut farm- phospnale from washing out, and in- known ns one ot the most fashionable ald, Publisher, 393 i’earl St. New York. Price .-ay request every "fiddlesticks. liartlett. ant yesterday, or should have answered yours vors you with more hills which rise before you o'-'T. At lhi- time tin- tribune refrain.' from •X » il< ri/’" t reee'.ic sures a cheese when ejaculated sui-s-dip. er a digestible properly and comfortable in Folk- sooner. sent uncom- lb free. the at in .1, who takes broad view of things sees boarding-houses The" portrait you looks cents, post with Herefrom discussing figure' r.rriv- at onee to estone. it close to the Fees, with monly like our old friend Harris, alias “Rom- boring eity. St. Paul has ma-e magnificent M h A that the advantage tie derived The numbers of The learfi an- to see Kate went on. taken with the Living Age for August by you you about Plymouth, « I.• " \ h V. ker- i.. stir and air the curd, to a at the heck evidently any." of the Southeastern Bank ease. 1 have ; but her o*: >ii '’a'.i'tie'. 11.»«> 1 sta- irmii exhibiting stork is not eontino i to thoroughly get large semi-public garden growth -x a■ a;, kiln r ir-.-e. idea of in a sent the on lo Scotland Yard for furth- loth ami 2*2(1 contain The Klectress and with a drawn of relief you move assessment building iveord. •1; rid of bad odors and develop tlavor. and a of the sea in front. The assisting unraveling mystery picture Sophia, long sigh tistics, tigur-s, -!. M Ha.; tlie amount of s obtained, but glimpse er ami know -1«* a** mad- u: preiuin:: '■-Mabel took a sketch of his head one inquiry, will let you the result, Countess of Nithsdaill, on : but one of an turn of husiness-houv oy him or Put to press tint above ~0 degrees, and house had what be called a (Quarterly; Winifred, the party of inquiring that there are other advnntag's of much might •‘snpe- meanwhile keep your eyes open, and don’t let liradstreet. and a variety of oth. r data, ah in an room evening while he was playing bezique Scottish; The Work of Victor Hugo, by Al- mind, a guldeboard and at once deter- more \ alue. one wlm sells stock place even-tempered curing tior" air. Mrs. Harrington Williams her- Mr. linmney-Uomnev give you the slip. He is espies point as eousi'tently ami harmoniously ?<> a Every with liertha. It's a likeness EE:FAST DIRECTORY. at lib t" fit degrees. Avoid direct self was the widow of a splendid pretty sure to know you. gernon Charles Swinburne, A Swain of Ar- mines to see the other side, for like many of the figure very much less than ill,:; .»> ail similar takes the cheapest and lies' method to country parson of air and turn and of him quite as good as a photograph. She pmt Yours truly, Lae rente Tape ham. cady, by ami Parliamentary boards, it stands tn the direction. She statistics pertaining to Mini y sun -- dtaughts carefully good From she derived Augustus Je-sopp, wrong ,:' \> u -11 \M is- u advertise it when he exhibits it at an family. tin P-.b-uo. Inn* rub it somewhere, and 1 have no doubt i le figures Minneapolis certainly ■ tin cheese. an valuable collection of away "Confound it all! lie ha.- the Manners. Nineteenth Life in Pata- dismounts. t-> tindin cut. black letters in i. Airiv. '.''.in ... fair: is unusually pic- given Century; clearly no as agrienii especially this the 1 couldfiud it.’’ ground for jealousy. liven they stand, --an-ur turn.-. and muttered Bartlett to himself. He a [ vase t la- takes a first There is tures. furniture household effects gen- slip." gonia, Gentleman’s; Eugene Bodiehon; Re- N. K. lbxmont. With a struggle she returns the returns give in r an' of nearly i* !' -:••• r\ ... a \ 1 t "•..!» Im pri/e Eggs from a ot old-fashion- liartlett said he should like to have it ; remembered Mr. Komney-Homney well of LS‘>0, and Samuel Foote, the to the and confides in her over her anxious rival, ami show that in popu- .... M-r-. .. fr-tiu ate .all image oj no slight Europe. erally including quantity publican Eng- carriage, companions, intpor- lation as well as in i'•miner.•* and tur. s «11< 1 now. and as mind rai over inanufa. 1'. a ;i\ Itaii^ .ail Inifrnu’itiatr ed the Williams and. to IPs a littie later in the enough bis lish Bar; who with a shriek rush on. not the tatn 'hat shouhi tiot lie The total oi plate, bearing Harrington delight, Aristophanes, Temple Marlborough, madly with is 1,1 -.1 a overlooked, importation foreign eggs she pre-eminently tin metropolis of the M a rati- an the events of the last few lie be- wlia ! is -be t.inner crest, and pair of massive silver evening Kate took opportunity of days, Macmillan: An Unknown for those had such a •• this .vho makes a Colony, Blackwood; pleasantest thought who northwest. lv : the I'uiteii Slates lor three months, -; tM-r ne au it a. on to him to have a idea that some- a t• r.'h 11-1 11 ij which, occasions, gave handing the gan general A Chinese Ascot, An Actress's pramice of exh.ibitmg '.is stork is a mole special portrait privately. Cornhill; Love- dearth of names when Dixmont was laid upon L have been a resideir of this e ty tiftoen U .M .• i; K- • :.,-Ma. l.-a-M-m. nil .1 m ! to March 81. I—amounted was he was in able \ h-t a air, be- It proved to he a hut very thing wrong, though aai.-l'u: observer, he eiy th-sely examine.' ; dining-room distinguished tough, Letters, and A Maori “Last Day.” St. James’; the map. months, and from wliaf little ..■!•>* v\atioti 1 to see in what direction. The ex in I anilim/ons -about III,lino barrels yond tiie ordinary style of boarding- characteristic likeness of the original; clearly cry good point The stork xvhieli The Poet of Elegy, Spectator; with instalments At this critical time are experienced the have had the growth and change' n ive !>• u anti that same Mr. liartlett first which crossed ■ ■ houses. evening suspicion, however, ■ comes in litinti xxnh ids. and tiiaki s ■;'■ i at S'jo I.."i-i of **A h i. it-. -i -M: > -IT: I. e..iujm t.if'-lip trade in for- House Divided Against Itself." “For- pangs of hunger. so under the friendly shade wonderful. There are huinlreds, ami 1 might -1 the house was it to Mr. with a short his mind, led him to go at once to Kite 1 a; K I!-.. I.- r. I• -11 at hims* 1: familial with the means i Although, however, posted Tapeham, tune's The Great t,.quirt eggs, tie X. 1.. till i-r : ••All Wheel,” IC-inplatz Experi- of some large tree in which the country safely >ay thousands, of buildup' going up a!I -i if luriiiiiir, nrri\r" in ilelfa.-i «ays full, and the guests mostly s atoment of the circumstances which Williams and inquire privately who was ti secure annuals posscs-i'ig i& highest nearly always and abounds the and horse rest and lunch. i, er. m left in of ment,** poetry. party the time, and ranging in value from 1 eggs e.i this ri from of a the business did 1 a.l to his it. charge the Virginia House. n:: .c-. M,l-*t»i,'t> 1 In av <■( of The fact that entry foreign good paying class, sending If:...- points very After an hour's time all arc to resume D. A Co., have a ready dow .. Now I don't want of read* i- ... l*r-, | ink'••r;. V\ inL-r not return a large The What he learned from Kate his Lothrop published timely any your ia- T am: ,ai.- i ! :> own • ;t exhibition p tre know as egg... and protit. expenses Mrs. Willi tins had fell rather annoy ed gave a v If.' « \ "in i.r- j ‘•piekleti" tin1 v|.i if an establishment of this suspicions more definite it little work entitled “Words of Our a journey. to think after reading this that Minneap.ui' ■ t. •teases his n en kind, cspceial- with Mr. himself shape, ap- Hero,” :• :,t : .- a. ui If turi-ii.u m st in stock raising, eked in eases o! dozen each. liartlett for intruding ’> fifty k that Mrs. Williams' Plymouth to with would be a good to to uu 7 •: a: n a _ u M- at when conducted with such peared "James," of extract-made from the letters, Pa.-sing through Newport plaee emigrate ; and otieoui.igt s ban a. ad- sueh means ,e ate liberality at this crisis in Bertha's fortunes; but it compilation 1 ■ pt I lie,ited to seme A i.-: a. it iii*- >'• »• proeess pl'e- as are had out for the its no means lake and •is i-ss.i Mis. Williams high. man-ef-all-work, gone conversations, and of Gen. by insignificant village, have of or a trad-'. "• v- art nei am sinew and necessarily seemed as if his arrival had stim- correspondence they pleiPy money good ail i•< .M at Mali ry tojmpiox. ns to tneii sinpment by which their really Added to this. Mrs. \\ illiams was encum- with him Maria, the on to Corinna where you seek shelter ’m ath Yn. A -U MJ.y .-\ make ti s business a success, d he fanner ulated Mi. attach- day. taking upper Grant. It comes when to Without one or the other 1 would advise tin n: .ieji' atttnee el lieshness is pre Romney-Romney's everything relating I.. a\.• IV-it.t'l v. r;. .la*. :.: I in.. partially bered three the house maid, with whom he was some farmer's roof, well with -x ho s at inane, or x\ uu un by daughters, youngest ment. Dn tile alter Mr. Bartlett's "keeping tin cead hero is for ami read, kindly pleased to stay where they are. fin first live months \ M-ai-la at :;••• n.-\: la;. i-• *l urniiM stay keeps ••e|t eti until the, ai e ifcer eii anti put on day eagerly sought oi whom was now eighteen, and neither company." Mr Komney-Kornuey him- the ride. and the icxt morn- i. ia-: i;t M a.- VV. .im st’ k at t)■ une. is ■! x |m a to lio-n;; t: m ;l k'-t ll' i e. arrival, which was Mr. Romney- and when anything which sheds added day's Bright early 1 was hi re ! worked in three ditlerent plaee> it Sunday. seit light \ I i.'t S -ai'S’.ii •!.!. she nor the ladies had much notion had arranged this, like the rest of breakfast and renew satisfied xxitl, stork >t y oung R >iiiin-\ escorted the ladies to church, his diameter as a man or ing you yourwa\ through from 8- to sg.g'> and on the first s>.-a: -tt* a.t ordinary quality •.til at t-sellt the l.u grst upon public private wages per day I -. ! .r-■ .* a- a: 1 "Jili n! r. thy pi of After o; the excursion, lie had made to iio aii'i- ax ■ economy. three four yea:-, and presents Wot i/orinnu and l>exu*r. the iaiier a 'iuij'iX not i.ning Jiiliis'dt *1 -h ye- hi eags in tins ami the walked home with Miss Williams. citizcu is of value. The second edi- prettily of November, lst*4.. 1 with tin I j country. Mrs all tin* servants in honor of his peculiar began parties N-.m. "t*a!>p--ri, 1-- 1 s«an the to ins therefore. at Virginia Ileus*-. Wil- On were all the engage- its opportunity rempan stock' t> at :.ti egg.- are u both in size Monday they together tion. now contain- In addition sixteen built town, residences giving evidence of am now with at whieli nmoun: I ! :r. < I*.• il.a-t a' •: ]• a Ii- i:if:»Inii- superb ment. and had condescended to as a ready, per day. In i li .ms' position had begun to cause her ask, i> -I I in with others comfort.' nmseil with tht morning upon the beach, watcbing the the and of it.- eiti/en-. A of :*1 oilie! reign pages of additional matter, consisting of per- pride enterprise had during tin winter. After the first " .-t ’.i.v; llllXil. t\ favor, that James and Maria i:- k.aii*i, :■ a tin .t- 1. t- a li- 'I lied tils ,'!ol i, ;- as good .IS Ilia., aniv; I el boat. When, on personal et led. Tie 1* nisi: e ;gs. wiiieh are Bouiogn. viial reminiscence** Gen. large lake lies here with one of the most charm- in iinto ;' and .-"im am it n -i.a if- of Grant, prepared January they larger quart. | ;:, 1:* La v. I'ite Misses Wd.iatns were lisa, good might be allowed to go and visit friends ntm carries of; -... -gv the same Frank liartlett was la >. \ rr;\. a! ?: 1 -n- j-J a., pi less at tries ihau I he f.or- evening. roads, the and on I-* added to at Dover. There remained the cook and expressly for the volume by Jessie Benton Fre- ing dividing pond, running extended their busiiiP" •:'.!! wasgAeii ehai g i. i. :;i'! at u». T11- s tie ho' n-r xx I ii.- a farnn r to looking girls. They immensely the above conversation with p. ■ked itl lilt fa'voi holding for some little distance the woods to •• mont. Airs. through of the moulding and all the Li.a i. im i-A a 1 iIn of and the under housemaid, and. of Fremont enjoyed for years the in- department large lom. rorre-t tdgu,. m .-f tie xante M : attractions Virginia House, Kate Williams in a cornel of the draw- course, ..i V. ! If .[ M ■!. ;m 1 ! i ni> in' Kate timate Gen. Parkman, where again ones control of tongue \va> raisid 1st nil i in .. secured an unfailing of bachelor after added, Wajtere-Mr. Konmey"Rom- personal friendship of Grant, and machinery. My pay May I i.: ’ia,'. arm !au :H Bf- with oihu-s, ■■ •> : ,st in ssjble to di.s- supply ing-room dinner, every lady in the p, mail. this to what and reins is called into p!a\ for roads. most!) Ft for which month I received "T- P>. .i; to xvr.'i ia i or 'lock boarders of a kind. ; •'•m was aware Mr. ney's fact gives sh*1 here says real im- July mmgit- grew .-rs. h• ■1:i Ihii’l is are now peculiarly profitable that Bertha and iv i, 7 in; a-". Im f- -• v being I rocks, are no: conducive to uu good feeling. '■ inij.- < In the course of a season would hav* "All, him I” said Bartlett to and i- amount m- eel, V the .' I 11 el a they -R eiii were tete-a-tete forgot portance interest. The frontispiece arg paid any i. *it a in : •'» |> n e it, Italian grocer to Romney ey sitting t half a dozen do tations himself. "That makes two to reckon It is amusing to note the ;c rsi-tene\ of the in the mill of some hands. .. : :i; train I .I'm vs. lb at the ext n among in the stairs. au excellent of lien. Grant. eighty .it l) of stork at I I It ke tut Tail IU eggs, which promising eonsenatory down Pres- portrait ployec m r» rri •- r. it ii. i.i-i with. And as as not would be informants to ■ | their left hand | ..iv comb'. and but somehow never got be- likely they hate A few words ab< til*' St n t soeietii of the Mate tans has ton. a e- [l e them, they ently walked and down for halt a. -a lilt i!i trail.". j he !■!•' ; jl,; bl IJght IlC'.'e 110111 they up Funk A Wagnails (10-12 De\ Street, New ■ This was a murdered the two women, and arc now their and vice \tr- : but such little mill h to 1. 11 nT o, met of ! yond flirtation. disappoint- an hour in front ten min- right, There are a number of lodgt of M.»s i• -. "... age tiie km in. ol the sea, and eity ii : :i l!" er pari of titc York) have in pro- for issue in a few prcsont ment to Mrs. Williams, who. when she rilling the house at their leisure, while day.-, triiles might iea>. to mi-tale ed .locos, ami a ter tIn m * ■ utes after came in Mrs. \\ dliams though they great tin l uruers. d' thias. Working M< u Hi i'- I ■ -t\ i Lit*- .-I. mpnn i i'.. a re much sniallci they Knights Py ggs j we are on board tlrs confound- “W hat the Temperance < entury has Made Mi- iiiL-i .11 < :n-' ;i.!uii : t’.' -I- '. condescended to start a knew hung up are overlooked and more than of. -:h. tl' l».i; eg_s, and are said to he boarding-house, that her eldest daughter had I laughingly and lots of others that. 1 h i never hoard V C ii<‘\ A f i A 1 ed steamer." Certain.” Re\. Wilbur U. Crafts, which is a xve :. s’. had been influenced the of by uiefs, fact i udei i. t’"l large! tin is,- laid the small by prospect promised to become Mrs. Romney Rom- balanced by the good h* a.rb-dness and ever !>i3: the l.o. O. 1 1 think is ahead of ‘iu’in a by an iile for There was one chance of will give in a ‘ompact and inexpensive form Willie |t; Ti'' 1st e| .. g I oral dmling opening in her girls: just being to >t th tat!-- ..a. a »’• i t : try. I'-a this ney. ready eagerness assist, rest lent- i had the pleasure t»f joining Anthon\ L<> 111 and the was even with Mr. yet. the facts and iosotis of the lirst ce ntury of the e '".i e disappointment specially Romney-liomney. From here, Abbot with it- Lower and 1. t>. ii. last flii' h * 11 e\ed dealer.- that IV break fast-time the next through N... Pb F. Jtnuary. .: in nr- n *r .Mai k- t '■ by egg morning r...! x ■ -l. f keen in the ase of Mis- tin- oili- While ho was looking at the conlliet lust a •> !»,»■>: j • m .. Bertha, regretfully temperance closing (preceded by \ A Mr- a- -a _• t lie a :: ; be oi owned the news was known all over the house, l pper Bridges, and an hour’s picnic lunch by largest lodge :n tin* u<<>u an 1 its state of Kin No. lien ha receiving the congratu- down astern, Bartlett him wayside, quarries. member llldgt iy ampmeiw s not overlooked dower of the dock. bethought made in earlier centuries, b\ Salomon, Hone r. a. ii -i’ ••• f ii- -- 1- T« entirely by. lations of her friends. Miss llorneastle Here one to the ur i 1 S i be Bertha had made one When that the morning steamer from begins truly appreciate grand* irges 01 Sent* ; ...... htics i ii- oxhii. .' it conquest. Boulogne Buddha, Mohammed, Shake-p« .are and others i, Cattle MarKet. came among the first. Bartlett came, sc: «• Brighton was due to start of Maine tn ry. Mountains in ever\ direc- in Id 1-d step w ith tin | Messrs. Filey a wen somewhere about the with a of for the future ii.av'hip k-eping Tl !>l>.\v, A ■i -I I-, 1>- ». I'apelKim profession- and to a symposium suggestions .' If ■!. A. too. managed put fairly good tion u an I 1 time that the boat iron) Folkestone came itii lakes dotting the here f ! be s; \ Tie te :uv iew -ix J wet,, In.a Kit .. in the settlement ot the Rev. land-rape, growth Lodges at Can !•• 1- -i;.r|i engaged lace the from living leaders, including Neal Dow. Dr. '1 i..'..e ceremony. 1 ’7' Mviut 1 ViV; .. 11:»11 mui,- upon in. lie at once made tiis to there nesthd at 111-• base of some til with 'one 1! hi to PJ *0 ne s’ ... Williams' affairs. M-. Frank way the cosily high Minneap-oiis tintt ’arm \\ hen ",uus and •• u It < Hasrir.git.n Messrs. Bresidcnt Jos- :5lll. IJ.I ... .Now that the blow had fallen, Mr. Cuvier, Willard, Seelyc. -■ been of the Louise and in- flirt* or like Lake llebrou in the centre w M. iu r.ilres are e- h;t.i’c. ill : M*«-f niM. p it... t|. !i •• -a '. \:ra Baiiieu, their managing man, bad Captain Dagmar, of the bers. egi 'lematb ! Bart Vtt ;;,d himself undergoing a cer- eph Cook. J. \. Stearns. Dr. Babcock, Dr. J. sin, ten by Miss W ilianis' charms, and terrogated that i•Dicer as to the chance village. ~ "'i'd 1- tliif'l, 7‘i.ii .. iTft.if' tain ;evulsion of feeling toward Mr. (>. l’eek. Dr. Miner. Gen. Fisk. Geo. W. Bain, jt.t.iVf-i s of -<• ■ had c nth on two oi ea«ions. the boat back. From Munson on to the KI ti M i. t. .. mia : spent catching >liir!«-y through HIN>U"N IKK .f i;-_* K"!i .a >. and it was not long (.eo. W. Bungay, Rev. II. W. Conant, Mrs. ■" mmet at House it were m time at It'KV, lel'KNAl XX 1 !.( (»\11; IN III ; ii ,i>■ 1» 'i K i»• u holiday Virginia tney lip Boulogne, longest stn-teh of \V"o.i.-.i land to Dreenvillc, lill tic fore lie found himself t hat \\ hoping there oodbridge. Mis Chapin. Mrs. Bin II. and xx i:s B :t though a g o-.i looking fellow aid a the Captain said, would where at either the F.verleth or ••!.: :i c\v ..I |i> to he.ten you tarry nowlng unfavorable that gentleman scores of others, who arc to .1 ~ m solicitor. was farlrom minutes before the other steamer start- permitted givt 'urn r ;h uirnai *'■ l" '• pn smp Bartlett Lake House, at reasonable rates tor the sp-unleii.v would of his letter to his vry partner. ed. l had without restriction, tin if views of the “third >v. 1 S. I. .- an of been live min- \\. >. \\ i S. i '•■■ft.'1 ■ n,: ■:! being eligible parti in the eyes either iilliekily, they a Montes Aug.J i II-- could n-.t help soring what a grievous night. Tlie Lake House commands good *V". Mi.-.- Williams or her mother. Then utes late in getting off. and had lost part}” movement tor or against ami also of a -•I I'm ( ! aa i- \ x V; >■■■: j'1 it would be o the view of Moo-..-iu-ad Lak" ar.d its many i-hnd-. you e.j.y a oi 'V disappointment family another three minutes a 1 I! .V. In .... i. ere ions reasons for encouraging him through smack other living issues related to temperance. It an ae< ount ol' ig o n: i »n lu !•• on governed i.w!,. if their should not turn out to be and tt is from here yon take the steamer (iov. taining 1 to a certain blit prize- across their out of an < 1 ..mi a«■ t■ sit''. !•>• up the young passing bows, coining will I.C issued 111 paper at .'»b els., and In cloth a I'hr-re wa- a that oxhil itim Ii n ml. lhai *-f k ; trule at B"-r m liavi>._• point, lady all it was taken for. This view struck Coburn for Mt. Kineo. Too much cannot hr the completion of bridge. in- 1*1 'ii. !*.•••, 1 —. the harbor, 'hi the other •! Uc.-oni Iri .1 If «1*•- took goo*! can* that that point was never hand, they at spoil. in xxhmh him all tin more after he had exchanged said in of the beauties of :he L.k'.and procession including men body and had otic of tiie fastest boats on the ser- praise e u i r i n t h < rs missed. a :■ 11 g t •»<.•.*■ t illi, in I', i.riii.its f..r -•,!.• .i, .It,a L>r. W. the trades and didustrm* .»? :1m w* 1 I \Leg.. :ar meet a few words with Kate on the subject of T. Barnard has the lead in the Sep- to he I must be s a il. p ■ a fully appreeia' they .*»ill I i- v« u .■! i. -.»i. 1 m .• in >■ ']!)'• 1:. tie oxeiiemeiit was vice, and good tide under her. W ith ■ I« mould. .>1 ,n-h .1 nf j. ,.i I cmisequent- ;.t-i-1’j(-ii number a-ty prices her sistet s tember Science and After th-’ march a dinner o' 1 \' ... opens to repivserted. pel' .-i. i. ni.cii i• ,t t'. r aivne ;\ -.iiisf the engagement. luck, the told Bartlett, lie “Popular Monthly," Two hours sail brings you the popular "1 tla : i. i .:; ;. .. i. s ; amoim Williamses, when. Captain might having 1 ^ “III' •■!: Fanil "~t n- or two he was ,, m in ng higli at liming the last day had an abb’ ami elaborate di-cussion oil “The Rela- summer resort, Mt. which serv--.1 and then came sp, h iking — do it. Kineo, stands in s Hit- W t, t M* Tli. line in a i..o,ir. 1 tia' .•nd ot August, a letter was » •. .v m. -ii. niforti size. I'lii a rhanee for pi ii.- I 11 Mail, H igh qua found himself a deal in the v h tie or. <. v. md <*tlu r- •% i'll- 'A" ii— ... good society tions of Railway Managers and f >uo hi, Max >,jti’ia :j p' It'* 'ii tho-e '1-0 I 11:. I! received, dated from a first-rate West- After that, there was nothing to he Kmployes." the oentn the lake, rising fee! and « iim last week. \ tin- i.-i- w«*iv of the second Miss Williams. She was a is no art. Hie \ Id- i\ : .1 1. Mil ;" \ CdMihr lie-.-! part done hut to return to the ladies and en- This inte resting branch of the great labor miles The Kim-o with I !• ■ ern! whether accommoda- long. House ample I ;. *\p«.j, l: a i. •. s. p, [j, a i' J-..:, Wiili, inquiring ot the three, amiable best ami of A !! of the ps i I'a e- s IJ •’ .1 vki I *’i v H < a lively. girl—the deavor to the next question, presents many its problems in spr;,\, cmpiiui'nt' in a ana at tin t t III -1 <-1*! I i!. a ra_i tion could be at once for Mr. beguile lioui with aceomniodations for guests is at the ba-e of the apples plate procured most mother's of «.u ibu* .in. ere to ..*. thought—and her Mon'.e-aiio tlmir ent.Ti -ai have n the Stuart and one servant. people small talk. It was as anxious and ex a light especial 1} favorable for critical study. tine, dozen ia' the satin- . .11 in a •' • mountain. While gazing and up.-u «• is tety hall itth- it. n ha\e lieon iii'.niglii mar- Ronmey-Romney, hand in the of the wondering such an \I• n-iv stnmture tlm elexah.l in the was right management an hour as Bartlett had ever The is I>r. \V. (*. > m. ] .iuris In.she! a- in Ii-;:;n : ini. An answer affirmative citing pass- paper very important. the formation of this freak of natu e roadxvax, and dm a -a! that during I lit- nr .i ai busk.-!, i. have | pUhl house. Mr. Bartlett was strange p;s Lam I :,as tpiile surprised I !. -on veiling d •"heel riiere Imen a large f-lipph and a ot ed. And he found himself considers “The Present of dull times such eii: xva- dmiblx seen In-tn. .Mi ir are is promptly dispatched, couple continually Thompson Aspect one Is awe struck and -lands silently drinking Tprise prai-<- mnnerly U iwiled In to find how blind he had hitherto been ■ vacant as lie men The interludes ••etxx n sp. aking urn '•< — later the three Misses Williams, into silence Medical Iv.loc.iti.’ui." and much informa- xvorthy. >• w-n to M-it cl .*f f.inn. '•Ml. from | a ami Lanili- days relapsing gives In the almost awful of the towering \ V'! i. !_ 3' it H rd'ir meet- peiiivlio;. s’i.'i-p ('mg |!., to her giaudeur tilled selections -mg and IV : •’ ..'i il live good qualities. of by played at:1 i im-iioin per lammu at he -laughter from the shelter of a convenient curtain tally timed the stroke the engines, or tion and valuable the fn-in b[ent;-h. I be rule when Mr. many suggestions upon hind and it- dark, deep waters beneath. A : < 'aldxveir- choir no : !.-• I>ra.-- bind. to w h ou Consequently, Romney-Rom- measured the endless distance now -a at an window, beheld Mr. Stuart seemingly The we are in. .-me. ind- bted tor ! In ■- is that while -;/,e is taut, it i.. -Wn-ii 'ii upper “Insect Fertilization of Flowers’* in great I vi I- N" •- in- in,pie Fat Hogs are nesting Imtehor- confided to over tlieir after- subject. the right looms in the distance Ligand Little ney him, -- I lb. w, between the and the French coast. stn of he .i**i• >... .) 1MI- .I'M. ,'V .-Ml „• 11,.' 3 Vtioi -a- eoai.ts bat little if ,*■ iglit Jamleil at the slaughter I drive ship is an r:. I.y any im- Komtiev-Komuey up, accompanied was oi extremely interesting and beautifully il- Mountains with a of snow- Li 'iir Minr*. r \\e dinner cigar, that lie thinking Spencer just s xx ere elos.d three iiiehnleall tin Fat Hogs j a man servant, and When at last the harbor The exeivis. by n-etions. "M by highly respectable Boulogne lustrated article the German \ ■ i ii.. '■ ~a 1 >.' pel ii. inn several railroads for the the Misses Williams and their by botanist Beh- Katahdin in the back Bevoiid for the < ! l d.g :,.y past ! taking came was to capped ground. bridge and Indians county, prop.-- < si an enormous of in lie fain bolt .■ •! :l !i )•*•' I'M- '!'• i rule tbe i .est n uits t--i ex lit bit pile luggage. sight, away t > ion, mother to spend a day at Boulogne, and rens. and is full of nice points on thi- curious Kineo the lake stretches twenty miles, making by (iox. Squire, wbmh was r<-( oiuie.l .ma= <*• \ K from his a < \ i: I Ii Mar-:.i.i; i*o-t, .I..- e.vhiOitM must The new arrival turned out to be a friends, and take up position t hire cheers for he ; xvlimh wi re gix n i.egiu curly. even man in no speak. N 1: 0 invited Bartlett tube oi the party, frank topic. No this country—perhaps a sheet of water -to mile- in I. ngth and it- tin man of or thir- in the bows. From that of with a wh. :. •■■■: -• ■ ! i: |ns urehanl is in the best gentlemanlike thirty-two point vantage _• ; ! gh kept entered into the scheme without man of tills is better than Pro- Generalities. any he descried to his relief the smoke of a age qualified greatest width from Lily Ba\ t ithe 1C ; m A ball xva- gix.-i. in t Im even ing under For to ;.,i n nit a years, with keen, dark eyes, and get very ge ty-three reluctance. of lb- \ d tie forint lian in \x h steamer within the A fessor F. D. Dope to treat of tin “Origin of VI miles. allspices ;■ to to rather a harbor. moment I '•i-.~s.iry begin thill it uiit when is fairly good features, spoilt by man\ of he x ,-iiors m-: w! h to raise the (Irani Memorial ami \ a parln ipat--i proposed was --I see from the time-tables that he learned from one of the crew Mail the other eitebiales.” As state- A sail on the of tin Lake, Rebecca t '- ■.!•• -net not more low across which his hair later Fairy ed a sure. -s. Iliilii than half grown picking oil tin fiiii'i in New York to one million dollars. forehead, [U’oX quite \i. next two or will ment of that 1 ■. •. i,_- V-- .m; Miur'i’iy His manners were at lirst either of the three days that the Louise after one of just how subject stands to-day. his or the little Kimo brings y u at dusk to the poorest specimens, continuing the work brushed lint. Dagniar. The bridge, r lex alt d t 1. Is out A (I rman :MS men. was re- corvette, with suit us," Mr. remarked ; illustrated is invaluable. Dr. M Put- a -w. ■ Romney-Romney the best on was in near- paper (ireenvilie win re t re-t ■ nin- nn- limit is in somewhat distant and reserved. This, passages record, iry .punters nigh!'- t \\ id- Vt r Kill KUi? fully mown, this way lost in a in the lied sea. fourth milt ng, -u < cently cyclone "but will us the i; v n s< \ .. .1'. Ami.i.i »v Lk<.k*n -is however, wore otf on closer Thursday give longest live minutes before her time. uain-.Jacobi concludes her e>-ay. An Fxperi- prepares you for tin homeward journey. Y-v; and pet lee! arc acquaintance, ly feet high, and is on p iri n «.»' 11'iN‘li! M.-'i- L. I M111■ Ml.- tilli'i specimens Yellow fever in districts in time there. 1 shall invite some more supported prevails many and after a few he was unanimous- Bartlett never knew how lie got im nt in 1 Timary Fdueation," in tin present reach home a at least, earl 1* r than II 1;, k. i1 and id M**i -Ui\of a* ii days quite ay, you o Mexico, in Vera Cruz, where it has a into tlm ground by steam pew--!. 1; espeeiallj to join us and we will have on hoard the other still less is n d i.. Few realize how nitteh we owe to voted a decided acquisition to the people steamer, number. It a practice with, her xcursion and all ■ ii .- exhil.itimis for the originality. carriage M .: I i:,.' i: A 11u■ 11• dlie Ma.sonl'- improve- ing, and is »*ui!t ov- r what a l- .l I.\ -(Iov. Kenton of \ow York died maidenly was a auspicious event." this second desertion. All he re- :• j.-,' i. .‘-I and fin lanr.-da. ''Veiling.** -d ments which have been made in the From the first there naturally clearly Sea-shore," Dr. Prelim’s “Siberia without the immediate aid of his at -Jamestown. N. Y.. 20th. while at liis at by Moseley; Lordship, bottom which P overtloxved in tin \x Inlt r lit Aug. as to who Mr. The scheme was further mooted membered was his arrival, and I if fruits and The desk in the First good deal of speculation perspiring and the Fxiles": “How the man! Ml..".- A -.-I.Mill. N t) hM' llSor L.V nitty vegetables. National Bank. breakfast-time on Spelling damages Idle .lourtM eome- I'egu.-.rix iu eight day-, was. It that the following day. breathless, on board the Folkestone boat it. M* i- M*>im •, ..mgs at 7 -nock, in anangiiig of the best of the Romney-Komney happened Mind," F. A. are readable articles; For and given assistance products The of New York will bold their for Mr. by FernaJd, hospitality freely but if delay.! l nr miserable until It I*. n 11 ii), limn -Ire i. Bepublieans there were then at Virginia Cnfortunately Romney-Romney's about halt a minute before she cast off. orchards and side has staying while on me to farmers; < gardens by side, >'ate convention at on £M, that Professor commend the Maine for grand il\ ir -1.a -11»K ( J li> l.l.. Me, ling- ever;. Saratoga September idea of “a big it It was one o’clock when lie by Langley, “Sunlight eome. It hast., reai -. e. o i-l r.p'- .a a that House, two maiden ladies named Horn- regular party," appeared barely p in., in Hie Uapti-t l.inireh parlor-, spur has urged exhibitors to three days before the Democratic convention. and the Karth’s Atmosphere." is a brilliant and mountain and romantic roads taki me in that a large portion ol the company, found himself on shore in scenery new life in'me. ding or .“lopping' in iheeitv who are make the most etf.rtsfor castle, sisters of a prosperous banker jumping again extraordinary on.- of the Northwestern In- of and striking performance. Dr. Lankester makes to the Pine tree state, and for otn < Na o-iii a; ims.-aiinvited lo nUend. Boundmaker, tlie west ol Miss llorneastle, consisting Mr. and Mrs. Boxali Folkestone harbor. In the meantime lie Bay 1 think f xx ritir.g th: ’;- our r tin of new and dian sen- Kugland. p" id \-1 •-1 production improved chiefs associated with Bid. lias been on “'l’he Recent in most soul tilling let me p< «»ffh of a their three children, had already arrang- had his next report Progress Biology"; satisfying, gift- journey liar >or to < K. ii< r\ a am, fr < c and it. has resulted in tenced at to three being not only wealthy, but coming planned operations very ap» • .I seedlings, Winnipeg years’ imprison- 'ind ; ma .'aih, tin we-toni mail will ar securing* ed to to coach on J. G. Frazer “The Primitive Ghost to Mooseln a-1 Lak- where like cur American « » ment. on her mother’s side, was go Canterbury by carefully. The first was to drive to pounds liar > >r up the du halls to tin- ‘lymph.. le.. -r .'!■••. d !! d a. in., and (i.44 the most wonderful as well as the most county family step p.m. The Rev. and his R and M iscart contributes a hard: :■ .i" '-i• I in' v. -p-rn mail J(i a. looked to as rather an on Thursday Septimus Macrory, the and obtain the assist- lations," I have it down \\ tine. ik. arrive.-Ml In. gratifying results. A series of thunder storms passed north of up authority police-station go' pn -p. in.." Leave- >'i H. til. .Mild i ft5 p. 111. with his wife and sister, were going with ance of an and in most interesting article on “The of “None shai: more regretful lr:iv« If Ihe few who are found who be- Hartford. Connecticut, last week, damaging questions of social status. Inspector constable Physiology Suee. ss to the .Journal. \v. xi. yet them, and their on the coach were These waters and these hills than 1 : tobacco crops and orchards to the extent of in consultation with her sister Kmilia. places clothes. I'he three alighted just Colors." V sketch and portrait are given of lieve that agricultural societies and their plain Or. distant, fonder dream how eve 'i n •• ai .. tti'it proportion, and process in Sin .000. of already booked. before came in of tin* celebrated African annual fairs have done no she had discovered the possibility their they sight Virginia explorer. Dr. Gustav «>r daw n is w a\ e and .• di. g ii.. >ar-apariJI;t, are peeuiiar to this good, should painting sky ■ Clippings. ii,, m, in nnkm'U lo oilers. l.e Bussia sent 11 battalions of infantry. Too new connection with a Miss after some House. After sending the constable New York; D. A Co. compelled to eat only such fruits and acquaintance's llorneastle, however, Naehtigal. Appleton Lak. > of the Northland! thy dower nmn. and guns to the first of to the keep eotnnn need t.-'Murn thera.-al* 4• as cavalry lYnjdeh. eet tain of little consented oil behalf of round watch house from the back, cents a number. a The Pres "lit •: I .live t< ?inff wm n 1 am vegetables were grown to the family Derbyshire Romneys. persuasion, Fifty $o }car. «>f still, and while above previous August. The work of Herat i- pro- beauty earnest whet rdoi •! M u n ... in, fortifying Bartlett and the advanced to out’’ in dead gladnes.-; I love to formation of agricultural societies, and Mr. Romney-Romney's answers to a few herself and sister, to honor the party, al- Inspector Thy solemn mould mu s, eakof power. ■ gressing raj (iazette. id n I on -ml. lor makes sweet very idly. < [ jlexter song my such as have been to him on the ways tlm weather and sea were tiie trout door. Contrary to custom, it the Be Ihou the mirror of tod's love." ii.- an v, iiieh we infer that she loves t* introduced in- questions delicately put providing American Issue. since, Ships Leading z. At lh ie. Fa., a beautiful child died from star- tins : and The visitors—Mr. was shut, but Bartlett bad a Boston, l. w. u Her a- igliiiors have not yet been beard from. dependent of their would subject, continued theory when, propitious. last two latch-key 'ldie meeting of the l>e;noeratl.' eomniltfe. influence, they vation while she waited with her parents their The lirst contest in the 41)th Congress will be no doubt have more for the soci- after this, Mrs. Williams reported that Huntley, a middle-aged bachelor of jovial in his pocket, and they effected an en- Waterville omr more demonstrates the fed 4nj hart t-e of IL art Disease vields to the respect turn for relief in the otlice of the Municipal without or upon the eflbrt to force free foreign ships into •hat the iVmocratic party of Maine, never ear. l'!i.(ii:.\VI>'Hi;AKT KKGl LATOR. eties and less for their own • harities Directors. her new guest’s dressing and travelling disposition, and Mr. Octavius Prout, a trance difficulty noise. They j opinions. Temperance Topics. the i’.our' >n wreck. >. a American trade. The involve- I Mi.-eeed under hungry L ha- it.-, If a cure for all forms. (live That our were not lavishly vacuous from the Stock Kxehange, at once became aware of large pile of ship question |-ro\e.i agricultural societies have A mother and three children were killed and paraphernalia only youth Fairfield d-nirnal. l>em. ii the whole issue of protection !<> industry. The The inventor of the Babcock lire extinguish- triad will do a- Well for a-U. £1.00 per some mounted in silver, but emblazoned with at victimized Ma- in the ball, trunks made mistakes, and that are !h- lather and two other children present hopelessly by luggage portmanteaus, ■ ■ < they by is the concentrated exhibit of all the in- er is a >111 1 'd V. K. Ingalls, um- injured ship pauper in lh Franei-eo almshouse, pamphlet the accidental of in a a deerhound's and the bel Williams to the ex- and in- Since war vessels have been despatched to In Mass. yet imperfect, few will deny, hut that explosion gunpowder head, motto, promised join packing-cases being heaped up dustries. There is nothing made from a needle there w id.' brought by hi-ky. silver t’-om New Orleans, it ha- b- en have done a vast small tow n in Louisiana. “1‘risrn the matter was settled cursion as a matter of course. ; so, on seeing this, the to an anchor, from a woolen blanket to a iinen transport they amount of good, ji'hs." discriminately of be made useful \ :t «■ \ iaii mia f-eirists discovered The grand jury Sabine parish. Louisiana, that tin navy might recently and much doubt. 1 lus was the second since Bartlett his of napkin, or from the commonest cutlery to the suggested a •• that are more and The rumored between Tilden and beyond day inspector changed plan operations. now to that ocean The Alliance i- at I d' When Uiey attempted to leave they becoming rupture finest silver ware, that is not needed for the steps up atlirm prohibition has in carrying the mails. was No a from him retired cau- ..■ii- \ii u.,- i.i-TKid by a writhing mas- of big more are facts that there is the Administration i> an interesting topic of Miss llorneastle particularly gra- had written to his partner. answer Upon sign they vastly improved the morals of that anti the Oahuia is going thither. I’he important, modern ship. To admit free foreign ships parish 1 Kastpo’rt n a -n.'ke.- I. a» i-i- eanho! I ,»• too rareful about conversation at the few and made abundant evidence to on this Washington among cious to the new-comer, and in Ids honor awaited him however : and as time went tiously, closing the dour again noiseless- would be to abandon American lessening crime and materially reducing public marines might be kept out of idleness dm refreshments < with them in prove; protective ii'i'.i they arry left at the to their wax while there them t>» account it politicians Capital. the two old ladies even went so far as to on. and lie found himself under the inilu- ly behind them, and took up their posi- tariff. Worthless hulks would be titled up expenditures. pax by setting becomes the duty of every is wealth. Port- street. abroad with luxurious for the catching sardines. IVonomy farmer to become a It is said that about seventy-five companies from time to time various instal- < nee of Kate, more and more interested tion in a narrow side furnishings It is unfortunate for the cause of Prohibition Be D»ur Own Doctor! progressive good, display sake of in the latter free, and sell- land Adv-rtis.-i-. are doing an illicit and surreptitious insurance of their hitherto in of the Williams I were none too soon, getting duty in Ohio, that its leader and standard hearer has iaitbful, member of some ments’ family jewelry, the happiness family, hey .scarcely -even n'-.Jmlf a.* much. I>o not tie working agri- business in Wisconsin. Their collections the ing the hulks for what they would bring Ids but :: were out of when Walters been compelled by poor health to resort to now to form Crant ■ > i• t f*»r and cultural and to do can reserved front the gaze of till select he to devoutly that lie would they sight, as old iron. With a free law there would Tin* idiots trying Itepuh- stain|•- postage, society, what he are estimated at began hope ship ale ami wine as allc\iatives. It militates .. past year $70O,c, Mr. \V. W. (ole. ha> purchased from Air. lint the most was the into the and was soon gling, and our customs *wem would be an political a IV *)r-Jvva' ,V < <* and such as he satisfactory thing, portrait way house, Dr.'s denunciations. [The Current Fact. will do more to the t Boston, suggest imp!ovement-s Janies A. Bailey his interest in Barnu ill’s cir- farce. Let foolish who and actions destroy rc*p« -. with in re- impotent protectionists m iww; think will he for the interest of that from the first Mr. Romney-Romney On the Thursday morning, which busily engaged, the flyman, which tin* feel for his memor\ as mili- may the rus. The price paid is said to he $800,000. Air. cate little about free ships and who like to Then- an m \v questions coming to the front peojde obvious attention to Miss Williams. dawned and and what Bartlett’s commander than his enemies could rw. \ tli- !u-trial o'-eupation- not cnumcral- society and the community where it is Bailey is to retire from the business. paid bright calm, everything moving companion spoke treat the shipping question as one apart from which the comfortably enseonsed official dan1 tary — — Tile wish to a veil In aw and iii** *'*■ i* u x-port- is that ->f orti ■'.sr.-king. It was at once noticed that he the were on of as the As the boxes and the issue n il cl upon these not tackle. The one in our the most do." people drop located. As- generally desirable, Boulogne party “swag.” general protection judgment T.-i- i- a serious omission in lew of the vast uuin [.Mass, i’loughmau. The British ship Haddingtonshire from over his polideal and businc-- contrived to have Bertha for a at tile mote The Louise mounted up, Bartlett be- inevitable consequences of a free ship law. pregnant is prohibition, which, whatever men impenetrable s who tii' ii' whole time to it. toria. Ona, for Liverpool, Eng., has been partner early. Paginal', portmanteaus mistakes, and them as soon as give Mayor Grace has at length, given $r»00--about may say of it who fear to face the music, will forgot possible. wrecked north of San Francisco, and 18 lives lawn-tennis, and that more frequently which was to carry them for their trip, came impatient, hut still the Inspector Times, hem. A (.real Discovery. Fruit one-tenth of what we looked for. [American never succeed until it i> incorporated as «oie of [Calais Crops. lost. The cargo was valued at $100,000. .than not he was at her side when he startl'd at and it was desirable to bo hided his time. >»f !(.:<(), Protectionist. the foundation planks of one or the other of dr. Wm. Thomas, Newton, la., say-: “My a re- KXOOI KAI.1M. OLTI.OOK IX MTV walked with the ladies the Lees of on board in in order to secure At hist Mr. the two it The Calais Tim*** administers “-tinging •' e has been affrrtcd with a cough for K.X(il.AXl). Helen Hunt was one of the most active upon good time, Romney-Romuey appeared great parties. And then will succeed seriously buke” to the Bangor Commercial for abusing venivalive wars, and ltd- spring more severely women in Connecticut during the early years an afternoon or or when music before the at: i\ d of the tidal train on the in a suit of fashion- and the party which first adopts it will eltat The New England Homestead publish- evening, places stops, arrayed The South American Commission. tin* Chairman of the h' uioeratic State Com- ,IM ev er lief: Il'e. Site had used mitnv remedio- of ihe war in for soldiers in and a rather the Federal Government as an inevitable con- preparing supplies was going on in the drawing-room after from London. Consequently there was ably-cut garments, carrying and other hemoorats. It villi" •; relief, and being urged to try hr. king’s ed 2d, from over 1.000 cor- When the issue on this mittee prominent Aug. reports the field. She then lived at New Haven. re- sequence. people join V v Di-'.iv.-n, Mil so, with most re- dinner. And it was certain that rather a over breakfast. which Bartlett The twelve reports of the South American wasn’t that the Times was at- gratifving quite scamper pretty travelling bag, great question, all previous party lines will be very long ago mit- The fir-t bottle relieved her very and in the fruit a hcinoerut of much, respondents growing regions The Oklahoma Boomers have become, con- these attentions met with no Frank Bartlett came in late from Ins cognized as his own. Then, at a given Commissioners, which will bo submitted to broken down, as the real distinctions have al- tacking prominent Washington .-ee..-id hoiia- na- cured her. .>110 has discourage- absolutely it is of the of the avage than any the Com- Trial Bottle.- f ree at. Blchard If. Moody’s drug About a week after Mr. A note for him on the lie and as he was directing the coach- printed pages, including information furnished Delaware and show that ther < Hurts to encroach on Indian Romney-Rom- lay table; just The existing liquor laws in the several states mercial lias to Chairman Brown or any store. Large size one. an I ^ 1 00. England. They territory. 250 or more merchants interviewed. The com- applied arrival, Mr. Frank Bartlett came recognized his handwriting, Put man to drive to ShornclUfe station, by are the exponent of the will of a majority of other Democrat. [Portland Pres-. this is the or non-bear- the ney’s partner’s mission has been constantly since the prominent \ man may have a h* .-o .stuffed with knowl- although “odd,” The Etruria, of the Cuuard Hue, made the to Dover Mr. found employed the in the solemn form pro- down for his annual holiday. Within in Ins burry was obliged slip the envel- side,” Romney-Romney 13th of last when met for people expressed edge that ids hair can’t grow and vet have his feet run from to Sandy Hook in (Clays. Sept., they organiza- vided the Constitutions of We that tin* for trees, there will he no Queenstown been admit- into ids Before with his in the by the several learn, upon inquiry, money ap- knoeked eh ar out from under him by a or ing year apple 1 hour and H minutes mean time, or (* b last few weeks Bartlett had ope pocket unopened. himself, confederate, grasp tion in New York They have travelled 32,000 «jue.-tiou days, states. The executive officers have nothing to propriate!! to pay for tin dockage and care of two from a little midget too small to know an idea on A and came of the law. miles and visited 0 different countries. scarcity of that Trnit. The reason of this hours and .‘>1 minutes, tlie fastest time ted to the linn of Filey Tapeham, lie had finished breakfast, carriages officially do with the enacting of these laws, and they the monitors at the yards of Cramp A Soils, from a gooseberry. Columbia. Nicaragua and Honduras were omit- unusual is that so orchards record. now lie arrived with some of induc- to take them down to the and in An hour or two later the cook and are clothed with no discretionary powers re- Harlan A Hollingsworth, and John Poach A yield many hope harbor; ted because of revolution. Bolivia could not Never (live Ip. from Bertha to share his lot. It the bustle of and the anxi- housemaid came back in a state of con- lating to their enforcement. A majority of the Son respectively, lias been expended ill part. all over the eastern States suffered Ex-Representative Robinson, the twister of ing improved getting away, be visited because her ports were blockaded, If an with low and whose have made these The I wo houses first mimed have been in you suffering depressed the British lion’s tail, his take him to dis- Kate Williams’ cloak siderable excitement. had been be- people representatives paid heavy frosts last year, which caused having completed did not, however, long ety of looking after They and Paraguay and Brazil were passed over laws been to spirits, l'--s oi appetite, general debility, disord4. had a as to long life. during the three months, and it is a worms throughout the section covered. Empress Eugenie. treated friendliness; ladies deck, twenty unpack Romney-Romney's lug- to facilitate the commissioners work. age theory lynched past power He said his last breath, “tell the brave man indeed who will now allow himself to the to the timo of Mr. with people very It is too for the on winter A in South Carolina, un- now, doubtless owing partly inop- minutes starting. gage. early prices tornado Aug. 2oth, * * * * * * James Robinson, the defaulter v ho tied from not to take medicine, and not to be afraid of to hi* eaught in the company of a horse after dark was seen w to he but in roofed one-fourth of the houses in Charleston time of his arrival, he found him- then hisper- of the St. John. N. IF. last, and was afterward a man in the western community. apples established, New portune Romney-Koniney William T. Stead, the editor Bail Mall May cold air or cold water.” When young and other in that and in the to and Aliss Kate is now Airs. but sou discovered in has over to England and New York State .$1.50 to did damage city self received with marked coldness. ing something Bertha, presently Bartlett, Gazette, is about 40 years of age and the of Mexico, been handed he made a vow never to swallow a drug, and he around. For Charleston alone the loss the Cauadtun and will be barrel will be the region It was therefore, that Mr. lie hurried off to the shore. Alias Bertha is still unmarried, though a Congregationullst minister. He began busi- authorities, brought kept it. Mr. (.*. W. editor of $2.50 per probably at natural, to St. John within a Calderwood, recently is estimated $1,000,000. ho from her attitude toward one or two ness life ns a junior clerk in a shipping office, week. The banks have the American to make There is a abundance Bartlett should not take very cordially to “Why, where lias gone?’’ asked gen Prohibitionist, proposes ruling price. great but he soon went Into journalism and rapidly expended $10,000 in bringing him to justice. The Plant improvement company has com- a dozen speeches in Ohio, and in each Some one who professes to be in the confi- Mr. Mrs. Williams. tlomeii boarders, there is no reason to speech of cider apples and many will he fed to Romney-Romney. This, however, rose to his present important position. pleted the railroad from Pemberton’s Kerry, to he promises to give the names of the three dence of Secretary Manning says it is the pur- to Before me some answered that .me is not inconsolable for cat tie. was not due solely jealousy. “To gut flowers,” suppose With 6,000,000 more now than Lakeland, Fla. This completes the all rail Prohibitory leaders who were most prominent pose of the Administration to show that tin* population ho had been hours in Folkestone Bertha. “I told him not to go, but lie the loss of Alt. Romney-Romney. [Lon- The lawn teunls at five the United States consumes r_\- route to Tampa, and extends the fast mail in the bargains made with tbe Democratic lMums, where grown, will Vie a good Bland silver dollar is one of the most expensive many championship Newport years ago, his mind that he had seen there was of time. I do don Truth. was won Mr. Sears ol’ Boston. 700,000 pounds less of tea. system to Havana by the steamer. managers. erop. Pears average about 75 per cent. experiments a civilized nation has ever made. an idea crossed said plenty Oil, by Maine Matters. | AN ELLSWORTH VESSEL W RECKED. THE CAT- A SAD ACCIDENT. Generalities. TAIN AND CREW SAVED. tbe Eascals In, Another "Eeform” Susie Cook, a three old Turning Postmaster. NEWS OF BELFAST AND The New Fair has the NEWS AND GOSSIP FROM ALL OVER THE STATE. year daughter of Mr. REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. VICINITY. England given Boston Capt. Lund, of the steamer Durham City, at George W. Cook on Bartlett Lewis- The The boats a amount of living St., Cbautauquan exercises at Chautauqua. mugwumps keep up their civil service When W. B. Rice, the postmaster at large business. Boston from London, brought Capt. A. ton. was scalded afternoon. New Unity, THE NEW ENGLAND FAIR. Friday fatally Wednesday York, closed, Friday. reform chorus, while the Administration is The present has been a season for BELFAST, SEPTEMBER a man named Grant was dec'dedly poor The Maine Central railroad will all Betts, Mrs. Bell Betts, Wilbert Betts and J. W. Her mother had prepared a pail of boiling hot THURSDAY, 3, 1885. resigned, appointed to grant Patrons the tir>t Helen at mackerel In our bay. But few have been taken. Monday, day of the New England Wakefield, who wTere taken off the wrecked water for floors and left it a moment Hunt Jackson is s*id to have earned busily work turniug the rascals out; or, as the the traveling over the Belfast branen, one fare the and washing place upon recommendation of the State Eastern State Fair opened and the schooner John G. of Maine, in the $3,000 with her Bros, of this round stormy Ferris, Ellsworth, standiug floor. Tbe moment the mother annually pen. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY THE more correctly the New York Mathews city, have received the irlp to attend the at ra< < > put by Tribune, Committee man from Waldo and County Grange Brooks, for that day were Exhibits a from the north-west, 100 bad turned the county other postponed. during strong gale away little girl ran to the pail, The order for the doors for the new Court House build- Sept. 2-M. continued to semi-annual dividends payable in Boston “Turniug the Rascals In.” Says the Tribune: leaders. Grant is a arrive, however, and Tuesday I miles east of Boston Light, on the 27th inst. and either or accident sat down party Democrat and has a iutentionally by in amount to ing at Ellsworth. morning all was in readiness at the I Betts of the wrecked vessel states that he in the September $4,572,234. In Rhode Island a is to Sch. C. J. Willard which has grounds Capt. boiling water. She was terribly scalded Republican Journal Co. Postmastership given clean record, but he did not suit some of his just discharged a anil the show in the three halls was sailed from Publishing a Democrat who has arrested nine Scb. opened. Calais Sunday forenoon with 70,000 and has suffered intensely since the accident. The Iowa nominated Senator been times Helen (j. Moseley built by McDonald & cargo of salt for Swan & will ! he fair :s j Republicans CHARLES A. party aud Crosby Fowler and J. R. Taber called Sibley Bros., pro- bv far the largest exhibition ever ! feet of for Nantucket. She died afternoon at PILSBURY.Editor. in three months for the laws. in plain hemlock, Every- Thursday 2 o’clock. Larrabee for Governor on the first ballot. violating liquor Brown, tills city, will soon arrive here, when a ceed to Turk’s Island in ballast for another given under the of a caucus to select a man better cargo auspices tin* New England thing went all right till Wednesday night, when RUSSELL G. DYER.Local Editor. Turn the rascals in. fitted to repre- ftdl and REGIMENTAL REUNION—27TH MAINE. poop-deck will be put on. for the same parties. Society, the Eastern Maine State Fair ofli- j the wind began to blow strong from the north- Texas cattle fever has broken out in portions In Indiana a place iu the mail service is given sent the Democracy of Unity. Grant’s friends <•< r> The reunion of have made for the west. In a short time the vessel a leak the 27th Maine Regiment was of Pennsylvania and is to a Democrat the Jour- The in this meets at the I)r. W. II. of splendid pioparations sprang spreading rapidly. who, says Indianapolis did not attend the caucus aud Joliu Chautauqua Circle, city, Winslow, Pittsburg, Pa., with a » \ nt the former held at Old Orchard, Seth E. Senator Sherman's A. Vandeets giving society better accom- I and rapidly began to fill forward. “We work- Thursday, Capt. Speech, nal, publicly boasts that he has offered bribes to church Wednes- arrived in of The prediction is made that Mr. Gladstone was Baptist every Friday evening, not party, Belfast on Sunday in the new modations than have ever before had. ! ed on said when we Bryant Keuuebuuk, presiding. E. M. Rand officials. Turn the rascals in. declared the unanimous choice. Chairman they pumps,” he, “till daylight, The city as from I h«- of was elected will return to power with a Radical Cabinet. speech with which Senator John Sher- day evening announced last week. yacht Pilgrim Boston. The Pilgrim will cattle department is simply enormous, saw there was no of the vessel. Portland, secretary pro tern. In Maryland an appointment to the Treasury Browu was notified of this aeliou and said that hope saving ciuise in Maine waters. nothing iike it ever been before seen in The deck load Campaign songs were sung. The man opened the at Mount is to a Democrat whose Teams with wood and having | commenced to wash away, so we following Mr. John \V. Foster, Uuited States Minister Republican campaign Department given rep- if Vandeets was the choice hay congregate on Custom the executive committee was of the he eastern part of the the determined to abandon her. After we set the appointed for the to is utation. the Civil Service Reform Associa- party House Chusch Notes. country Among j Spain, about to return to tbs United States. Gilead (_)., Aug. 20, was worthy of the man and says Square, blocking up the way and endanger Rev. T. It. Gregory will year: II. II. Burbank, S. S. Hurd, J. I. War- tion of should he and he was preach prominent exhibitors are: Maine State Col- distress we lowered the boat in which ; that State, is not that of a man of appoiuled, appoint- 1 siguals of the occasion. There is no discount on the integ- iug travel. The officers to tne at Stockton Sunday afternoon, at :} o’clock. lege Karin, Orono; Samuel we ren, N. Hurd, E. J. Getehell, A. E. N. Frost is reported at N. Y., at ritv and honor. Tuin the ought keep way open Hodgdon, Meri- remained until rescued by the steamer. As Flint, Poughkeepsie, rascals in. ed. The friends of Grant are now on the delh. I E. J. and E. various in or the of the Shermans. for travel. l'he subject of Rev. J. A. Ross’ Vw Hampshire: C. F. Cobb, North we sat in the boat and for Spinney, Moody Flood. Col. J. places Pennsylvania, and iu Staun- courage ability In the In Iowa another Postmastership is given to a Sunday morning praying watching war path and declare that Vandeets must be Leeds. Me.: Orestes some a M. Stone delivered a short address to ton, Va. held or on Democrat who was ! sermon at the North Church, will be “Culture and Peirce, Fast Baldwin: J. ; vessel fishing schooner passed close to previous the forum they are ever found jailed for breaking the pen- Those wish'ng to see a beautiful specimen of the V. Banerott. Worcester, Mass.; John P. Sau- us. Her crew however did not take notice j adjournment for diuner. sion laws. Turn the rascals in. removed, and they base this demaud Culms.” any A single steamer worth of front to the foe and battling for the upon White Bronze monuments should into A. E- I ”' * i!. Last brought $1,000,000 manfully In Colorado an step Concord. N. IL; L. B. Harris. Lyn- of our signals but kept their vessel on her ; THE TOWN OF PARSONSFIELD CELEBRATES. seal skins ageucyship of the National the faets: In Van- from Ounalaska into San Francisco In his at Mount Gilead Senator following April, 1S7II, Clark’s shop in this city. He is for ihe man- K'ke at Rockland. A states that don ( etitn .At.: (ieo. IL Fit teller of course. Soon after another vessel right. speech Labor Bureau is to a Democrat who has agent telegram the Miiltovvn, passed close, The town of York given deets whh arrested and Mass.: ( I11-. Parsonstield, county, cele- Sunday. Sherman discussed and been in the taken before Justice ufacturers. depot of tin- Knox A Lincoln at ltoUiiDon. Barn1 Plains. Mass.; and she paid no attention to our signals. We brated fully frankly the politi- Penitentiary for horse stealing. j buildings railroad, A. G. Aug. 29 the centennial anniversary of its Rich on of I mlerwood. Layette, Me.; A. P. I were about up all of res- The Bankers and Com- Iui n the rascals in. complaint Thomas It. Cook, who The season for Rockland, were burned Tuesday night, Berrv, giving hopes being l One thousand were Merchants’Telegraph cal questions uow before the summar- open partridge and woodcock be- together Gardiner. ( incorporation. people people, In M-.; H. Baldwin. South cued when we saw tin1 steamer Durham pany has sued the Western Union for $2,000,000 Pennsylvania a clerkship in tbe United charged him with a house. with a car load of Hour and corn. .Some Ahing- City present. Instrumental music was furnished ized in words the achievements of the keeping gambling gan Sept. I, and these birds can be shot providing rolling tni: Mil's.; .11*iiii Morrison. East telling States Mint is to a Democrat who sent a C orinth. Me.; coining to our aid. Although it was blowing a Chandler’s alleged damages. given Y fouud stock was G- by band, of Portland, and vocal audeelswas guilty and fined. For non von can get within gun shot of one and are a destroyed. M. Gowall. Orono. IL Boss. ! gale the and crew did not a min- Republican party, and contrasting the bogus letter to Cincinnati last fall to Cambridge, captain delay limbic :t chorus under the direction of L. O. perform- purporting Mass., by The Knights of Labor who have been on a come payment lie was committed to marksman. I he seh. Prescott Ha/.eliim* and hundreds uf other exhibitors. The ute iu us assistance. ix Lin- jg \ asxulboro; A. Bradbury, of St. Louis railroad. tight for from the .1. Libbt y ,»f Oakland; B. Y ed us in the most hospitable manner for which away Republican candidate. Turn the ‘done, and O W. French writes Augusta, discussed at length and with Democratic Stale Committee, was at the coln railroad came tin; on steamer l’euob- Capl. that it w.m lh!'"’i of Marks: ( A. wt to return our great the preservation of the Union and the abolition rascals in. jailer up bay Atkinson of South wish heartfelt thank'. Minister arrived in Washington Thurs- severe Capt. the of the famous old Keiley -< «.u one. His vessel her but N the ability general history In Vermont a is to a time and knows Y'audcets well. "1, Saturday. Nearly ball of the number, wall | dragged mehov.-, orridgewock. Lund of Durham City started a subscrip- town. says he is still min- of slavery. “Now,” in the words of tin- Colleetorship given Subsequently i day. Secretary Bayard speak- loiTuiedelt did not ashore. II. A. tion his crew Democrat who was an active member of the was ti»e Damariseotta off at Belfast and North- j go poultry department Jones of among for tin* assistance of tie ill ister to Austria. “the is the of Vandeets removed from jail on a writ of band, got A j er, question equality the white Muiv ster. Mass., ha" lGJ birds entered. fated mariners and that means st>4 was col- SURE CUKE FOR COBWEBS. eommiitee that endeavored to compass tin- de- the remainder \ by habeas At the port, going to Fort Point. They Mi. H. Lancaster has built several walls near a whether a Southern man in corpus. April term of the S. J. In the horse department can be seen lected and given them. On their arrival in The house, barn and contents to There is prospect that the three candidates man, Mississippi feat of Gen. Garfield by the infamous Morey every port belonging j took the afternoon boaf for Lock land. the site «d tin i American H use and fast .Mix' in Maine. for Governor ot Ohio will discuss letter. Turn the rascals in. Court at iu 1ST!!, he was indicted for begun lav- Bunners i,-om Newport, they'wen* conduct! d to the ollice of the agent Rev. Kinsman Atkinson of Biddeford, were prohibition may, by depriving a majority of the legal vot Belfast, ing brink. He li* win creel a hotel of B. I., are enter.-d F. M. Ware, and lots of of the steamer and at his together in In another is a ! A subscriber at spirit Lake, Iowa, write.- that -ays i_;> b; request the [ resident totally destroyed by tire Thursday morning. public. ers in the State of their to Mississippi Postmastership giv- keeping drinking house, etc., tried, and tlie runners right vote, exercise en to a rooms, ami is to recel .e a--i.-taie from New iiruiDWi. k. Scotia of th!' Boston A Maine railroad fumi-hed the There was no insurance. About live o’clock in Democrat who has been indicted and I that phtre i.- a paradise for sportsmen, but Loo f; r from abroad. In county Kilkenny, Ireland, last 2000 twice a jury disagreed. He was tried week, the of white man in the convicted subsequently * U » lie will a> tb**i'l:iys tlrai gbt horses <,f ;ht* Norman and I crew with to their home in Ellsworth. tlf morning Mr. Atkinson undertook to burn political power for breaking the Civil Rights law. ’or hope mi emeipri-e passage persons attacked officers who were several awa.v Belfasters to enjoy. One week in Jn'y in* P< ivlje!on stock, never seen hi New cobwebs out of the barn. attempting North where the franchise is free and and Turn the rascals in. times with a like result. The ease was England, TUT. MAIM! t’OLl STAKES. The tire spread rap- to open A of make an eviction. In '•aught thirteen hundred pounds of fish. Tne. e a c pariy Boston im-n u me chartered the steam- lb- 1 i'"in;in xhlbi'ors in the horse denarl- and the wood-work of the was New York a Cabinet office is given to a filially idly barn totally equal to all.” And this the and dropped. ( The annual races at the Bark Mugwump of >r tor tie A n I!" IH ar« L. L. N• :» : .ss, Maueht >. Walerville took Mr. It is said that Democrat who i" one of the most plumy prairie chickens, mallard and leal duck-, ambrnige riean cup ra« e.-. In; W. destroyed. Atkinson was badly burned in 10,000 persons perished in the notoriously It is somewhat to find James it. : t place on the 2‘oth uit.. to the Democratic press call the shirt. offensive surprising to reward the number is to 'i'dton. Togus .11. Nelson. Waten i!!**; G. J. according pro- trying to arrest the flames. recent floods in Canton. China. more are waving bloody partisan" and thorough-going machine gunner. MuiUed 100 an 1 the assessment i>$.,0 week. The Many laber, a "haw. Martian I: !!..!. Law r-net gramme printed last attendanee left Yet, as Senator : bosses in the Turn the rascals in. prohibitionist and temperance worker, mall. Fairlieid. JN GENERAL. homeless and starving. Sherman says “The actual re- country. O. l*et- Tne Cambridge wd leave Boston next l'«*r was not huge but tin were sutiieient George Bailey bus taken his horse. Au-.-n L. tin swim- dej-a: um id C. p. reteipts turns advocat iug the to office of a man Mattocks, of the election show that in all the South- The Troy Times observes that a man must appointment •'Saturday evening fur New York and follow it., Portland, to The stakes trotted were for Hon. James G. Blaine has a The Ivania Democrats ( on- lo Bangor where in- will lie entered in the race- at and G. M. (iow*•!I, Orono, make pay expenses. bought building Penns} nominated who has been lot at Bar Harbor. ern States where the are have to be as a indicted for but yachts during tne races. huge exhibits. ; two-year-old', three-year-olds, iour-yeair-olds I rad B. Day for State treasurer. Mr. Cleveland’s negroes in majority, peculiar qualifications approved selling liquor, the New England and Eastern stale fair. An- and The fields were not The next term of the Maiue Medical School 1 are (lane In the live-year-old*. administration was endorsed. are either not to or re- candidate for Postmaster under tb»* Democratic strange thing- in the name 'H I' ■ sheep department iht chief exbibi- large they permitted vote the now-a-days C. is a halt brother of Geo. the Al cl m 1’i«* in will be of O., champion trou. aver,i_ inju rat P’ls a:-.1 p. Mm but of better doubtless, than ever twenty weeks duration, iustead of of lock". Portiaml; Hebron quality, turns are It mentions a case in Ulster temperance. C'apt. Charles Hon. J. lhal died tin month tif \ as The English now drink five limes as much changed.” regime. county, Baker, last year. The Mudgett Brothers, al.-o of ugust \va> ci w h; h wa Luce. Bangor: N. IL Bouteile. •gathered before in Maine. The two-year-old twelve, formerly. degrees, Watervillc: tea as I). 1/itnson and others are '"itr 'lakes At coffee, while the Americans drink The record of the a record where a man was because be had Vandeets; this eiiy, have taken lour lmr.-es to ..nm degrees c let* hail the t\ eraae A w- Browr A Milton. North Anson. were won by Gen. W. S. Tilton's chcst- Maranocook there is to be a band tourna- | eight Republican party, appointed opposing j p,ang.»r ugil.-t it,, I times as much coffee as tea. but a uut filly Harebell 11.22 ment. winch will be on while better be in the races there. V. g. f‘>r t w .—i w. > lu th« agricultural department large exhibits by Harbinger. Time, opened September 8th, which Senator Sherman helped to make, is promised to lease for a Post Office a building appointment might easily Mr. lluut, ol Lliis .-i, i- I*'1' lily ye.u> ami t degree- e..hi. r -le and 2.o."> The other lmr-e was and continue for three made, this is at the it an tIm made by Fr« d Atwood. A. W. only starting days. More than a million horses mu*t be raised worth a perhaps quite up to the of Bangor Fair with Live or ov horses. average ‘or Align.-! last It. wa- Winterport; The reprodueing. It is, in brief, Che preserva- belonging to Democratic boss in the place. In average year. t! ^ "iing A S.ois. Middi'-town Lawrence A Gerald's brown colt Ticonie, absurd yarn telegraphed from Bar Har- In this ''Me-I Springs. \'t.;E. country yearly, simply to keep the stock of those under the .Mr. I m-nns August ill the -i\ fi was bor to the effect tion the Union, the abolition of the another case a man was at the in- present Administration. Sower, of Morrdl, has bought of pas! Wenty year-, I Laminar. Boston: A. which distanced iu the second heat. In that lion. A. R. Conkling, of 50 we now slavery, appointed A. Mit.'heli', Portland: j of millions have. the rerun! the .New York, had an Mr. W II. Tuber, ot a da '■",-ding kept y Mr |.. H Mur«*h I, M ill'd Plow Co., l’.at;ia ia. N. V.: Ames Plow three-year-old class then were two gart- challenged officer of the Constitutional amendments.the Homestead law, stance of a Democratic politician to whom he Cambridge, Spanish k, li. the -am e riti,UMl < ers : Lawrence A Gerald's brown colt Law- navy to a duel is contradicted. An shock was felt the Henry Faxou, leap reformer, which will bt; used for stock i 'II twelve day- Ml tin* month last Boston: Parker A Wood B "ton. tight earthquake throughout a sound National the of owed This is much as it purpost-. Tin- prior pa-l. currency, maintenance money. very Ba>eom ■ rence. Mrs. Ole a 1 ra connnm > by Dr. Franklin, and C. H. Nelson's Bull, the Misses Longfellow and Canary Islands Thursday. No damage was says ill recently published !« ,.» ; paid ws .s.ioo. l'lif animal M* bring immense crowds the credit, the of should \ airivcd last w-'ck and Horace bean, w ,‘io i- mpioy ed at Id:* B coit Dictator bv Dictator. The several other to caused it so far as public refunding the public, procure the appointment of P. Nasby. and the rh\ was fni. of ! bay chief, Cambridge people expect camp by reported. I wish it to be was a it rarted Monday night visitors. j fully understood that I much auention as he was led our I'd’1'1 mi i- at I-.W \f vv< wa* won b\ tin former in thre! heats, on the shores of Moosehead Lake this month. debt at the lowest rate of the The New through are, I.-.-., t y ea r- ago a a- •siirr’:ll M'ains Mom :■!. of Maim- arrived straight 1 interest, security York World iDem.) .-tale" that it has not one of la>t A ni.n part*- Snow fell near Montreal, and frosts year'- “mugwumps." st eels ‘M-Uiu'i the ot hi- I'!.< m. Time. 2.41.*1. 2.47. In the The amount of invested in slate Thui'day wagon mviit r. verlmnling oJ I pa ,,, k at tin mid .vm n ht- during H o. Or > 2.4b,. four-year-old capital quar- of the of naturalized a wise vv ho t ll I \ seek- tv t ot ill I v ot- w Tuesday. B. Boring, of were iu New York rights citizens, and be< u favored with a pile of documents going to and lu-ii h |>< raee in reported Friday morning the of the .J.ek rruvoi with iiie se on a Mile ■ c. II. Nelson's black eolt Col. West, bv ry mg is $4*0.000. The offspring h-. y** rested wri.big nook the name “11 IL. Mass., t b. I >a:»ie| N> dliam. of B -Ion. Piscataquis county I State Cod-forsaken, w!ii-key-oenii'h'< A 1> niorrali- ».earing I. it;- value of New Hampshire and Maine. fruitful system of taxes, the protection of show that a Vermont Democrat, 3- -inert, and chestnut i; In* Ii.. \ on ail the is set down as jii"t appointed he '1" ic>, i- a vain role and is .oming '> u a-1 dot lb a I-"., and in i*. W. B Man. h* sii-r. \. M., tjiiy uy products $172,- party, must ignorant of its past :r> r. hard} animal, n, -1, M I'm- hook proved Moitke. starte 1. I 000. American our laws and at the : The tir-t, tliird and i\»nr;h industry by tarill' thr* Inspector Treasury Department, “is a That is now in e into '.arm n.-e in this >'* the New England Fair, arrived Mon- A revised estimate of los>os by the storm in party power. Put it-own ; quite general viciuif.. h-av* a writing .. -t I.. l,.eM- wn.i, heats were v. n Ill-* (iovernor and to (» -v. Bolije earn.- by the former. Time. 2.7>S_, Council have decided ! Charleston, b. is of wor>e the laic ( Ki will it to obiivion. ( arefu! •'o Ti:‘.‘--i!ay to reinaiu C., $1,6!»0,000. Fourteen lives resumption specie payments, and, indeed, much citizen than apt. id." consign observation At ins 1,1 at- nooi ism. \|. 2.."»4 2.4*1. 2.44 next race two constables lor tj eh Ti’i'KS. .lo-iah 1) ivU, of Sear h,*an u-t through tic week. Tile was the liw- appoint special enforcing the were lost the wreck of a and the 10 w.kpi. by pilot boat. wise law of for a of The \\ o ld wants ibis man’s sent on to e:;perience during past years hav* race law at every Congress period history horse ihi* Id.e “"k to 1!. .1 ■ ■ 1 the * lie :■ with the siart-Ts: < liquor Bath, dames who was shown me e— i ni'iiit, i, who was hut rccenlK Im.-ke,. hfdher .1, t"T,;;.g Tiie-11 a y. by Hon. Geo. >ear-old following Bailey, that it is use to expect vinui or -h-'dmrg II. Nelson's tlire«-vi ar- )l«t Nelson. U. R Nor- urged the will not be The official cen>us of Minnesota shows the more than years. It should he added Mr. Manning. ed trom Mate's i> •JoilU 1.. i.o* k". H. I- •! *-• I n-i- ot o; iii*- N*‘\v Knglaud Ag- by petitioner!*, appointed. twenty reform within the rank- of the Democratic pris. n, again at his o.d ,ii.-k. m eross* Ma ximi!ban and Morrill .V: (til.i/* .John The Augusta division of the Salvation to be a gain over the ri' i'ur ii i• t w -— nil Farming anil Army population 1.118.580, that each and one of these results was I lie cor of the Min- party. Very few of that faith ever eoutribute he took a 1 ’• Forestry every Washington respondent Recently team U-arnging i>- IVm. .1 M* I •" w. I o! [•:, s, oi a three j mil.-r!I"V in Maine. i 1 < Mills. won three straight heat*. Time. opened days* meeting at Lake Marano- United Sta-es census in USO of 32..713. to the cause of i"-ue hder in Ham i:. section with a lo»s of $100,000. A editorially express- 'The (iovernor and Council Saturday morning, W an an is f -i were on v. hi.-o in ci '.' d a- of mi: Ho* KLAND considered the in or at the ballot box. Senator takes in men with bad characters as hi-arrest meie out Friday I*enoti-eot laM'iilv.-. A dm* was i; tyj t!ie agrieui- SHOOTING C ASK. fireman was killed and another field, Congress, choosing es its judgment on sour insfiiutcl at case of the Thurs- badly injured. apple.-; ot 'uial * i,i fg\ I v. .\ ■ Blaney, Kittery murderer. last week. Davis was arres.ed at >• •! S' v\ loigitmd, and * Sherman's of the Administration the one, and that the Lawrence, eai Horn: d -r\ ev “e me,-, .n-s werr A desperate tbu t will be made the n- arraignment present appointments Of all the sour jin' he •• by afternoon hut liual action on the for all rivals a ,i ima * i\ I* • day postponed The early apples, purpose-, on >.u i"tl' !i many •aP-d and of ni’es «.t startling statement is made that about Mass., -aturday i.-h, of k- .-\ c.umf\. Mr. l»ow w I ■ prohibition in Maine and elscw here to matter until S< 21st. we shall in full next week. As to State made there form an almost unbroken suc- our taste and both in nomina->1 dev,e r.e .side*-,ib!e ■'d. ; grow;n. ! r- futau.m «*: the ptember letters addressed to the of print experience join has charge make it hat our laws are I 50,000 Bresideut the gone af. Davis on an old cap ia*. The -i |.-n in1 appear prohibitory ( Charles the Dutchess. It is earlier than the le d j mg mg work iig me autumn and w oter ti it tin- agr cuitu; *»f N* w apt. Doering has secured a sub- United States are at he left those for other cession of blunders. And it is intimated that ting Ft.gland i- on the l«»r the unfortunate in received Washington daily. questions speakers, has been re<‘overed. responsible tragedy of a Astraelian or the and handsomer property months;' id !*>• a' u !es line were n» * t 8150,000 out of proposed $250,<>00 1 Thompson, \\ re given : ! treated to innumerable dissertations Cuba, •o' whoies.a.e ih'siness d-me Mr. Mark Andrews upon the 31 ore than two-thirds of turned and the most needed,—after strawberries. .Such we by A UNO. l* :’*’!*• I'm" » ivs“ ttn- the amount requisite affair is believed to have been a ing his conviction in favor of tax laws, and appointees who have been in Is. 1*0 K v>; -In I n;-.,N. \ Belfast pi-nuheion of Maine Ui' ioUs mllueno S ot law's jai penitentia- in this p.u ; pel eaieuiated to r< to establish a false have found the Dutchess, of our own city is not genera iy known. He is a a- ! .3v: < wliiell liuhimg s>siem already testing. you biting tiiru'shb’g go< ds, Mrs. John II I eriug tin iueidcntsof the or an The mutilated body of the woman found his as have received under t%hiimhv, Mr-. *.,«>. tr- <' by place*. I ; of shirts. sixty women re no. giv* growth /'■'■ stairmen? undertaking to upon the some time ago in the Charles Kiver, Al,i >' K.itim e. Mi-- A m• iie l’.:o Mr. and Mi- s pass The Frederick Boston, The demoralization of the service is Igett. t 'ii- an -p lie p nnat > 1 or ship Billing*, recently Republican Governor, and his name is Foraker. istration, have been pointed out. The whole postal slantly b .shirts. Mr. Andrews j y, perhaps which the court will in has been ideiKitied as that of the euiplo*« making ■ questions due time ju- launched at is fully missing j •I. VV. Frederick, Mr and Mr .r •. A dill i.ii at* The of Roekport. now being ballasted A not confined to this Slate and IJuin; ivut:y. number farms ha< determine, it is weil for of Mrs. Mitchell. Republican Legislature that will give you service is being honey-combed with ex-convicts, section. Tue aas two traveler- mi the road and his wlnuesaie dicially every lover and will soon be lowed to Mr. VV. II ii rea-t -I iii ill- sail' 'ml from 4li.7Uo to ♦ ;4 New York where (j .imhy wilh Mr. and Mrs. VV h. hi law and order to remember that the assailant wise laws as well as wise laws criminals, and men. Then there Boston Journal says; busine.-- is now far in > •; his retail ■ 'he will be loaded with oil temperance up- incompetent irabe. >"■*. M -i than 2. " -o.i ii io for Yokahania, Some of the -on an i of I. p acres have !»**•□ was the rum-seller, a notorious violator of law. New Hampshire veterans who aiighti r, uv-einv, •■(•nth drove The of He also lias a Iloston *# 11 i<-e at ad-led t< the •btpan. 'The oil is put up in eases of mu on other subjects. that will is a large class who are from discharge trained railway clerks and .summer street, improv* d and. l ie \ailieOftlie and that the orr:isi..n of the wrath which gal- I escaped shot and shell during actual war were Republican Judges incapacitated hast ,Jei)ers,m reinridug tin-toliow ins-lam Tm pro- lons each and she will cases. the substitution for them of and where considerable bu f Ini' in*• ased fr-mi carry 100,000 wounded sham battle at the construe the Constitution of the on the various causes. inexperienced ■> >'.34.n;i ,74s in ls30 voked ail which lias j duiiug Fiiday’s State So far the newspapers have .■*.* 1- a lion; the road leading t h rough aii'ray perhaps resuited in There i* a Mormon in ha* incompetent nu n is its natural r' -ult-. 1 miles, a!H2.:;.37.*i2.3. ii, 11)(. yjdut of apostle 3iaiue, who ! Weirs reunion. having "f btst week he lihe.l .\V",f. igih w ii.ilr- de the a wound fatal to the was the side of and order, and a Re- out the most >\v11- id assaulting \ arty, gone to work in earnest to make Mormons of temperance good pointed only flagrant instances of Toe recent mail blockade--occasioned by the >i'ai>mont and VVa-hiimton. Then : m ng-ae oral ina- hiii'Ty and has in- enforcement a law for His business im masrs ii'iim«a! to implement* of which the of washout on 'lothing. 1 people Maine farmer* and their wives and Mr. A. M. was at the state Senator from Ohio to the Senate of Here are a few choice the New York Central -is attribut- I ,-ainei drive in the i- ,>r more v im a..o a- a. lie sail]- — 1 from daughters. Keiley department publican blundering. specimens: 1 iidiv, P- 6'_.2>4.,3o7 to Maim- in their sown haw so re- car, and if it continues to in tin igu capacity He claim- that one man of ha* up his accounts. He has not ed to this eau-e. and ba"'M\:e w* iv grow s-.j 04s.! ]>. The corn r ha- * prominence Friday, settling the United us was Passengers pmtures'pie seeuerv, than ran lie found between »p naturally It and s., c an States. Let place Ohio where she An Ohioan said today that it amazing cently emphatically ndorsed. If in- been as around the break in live he will he one b the -t e • baptised in the Mormon faith. He holds yet resigned United States Minister to Aus- got and forwarder, but the years hug. mp an eiined, ,\. >'pt as an early si uh nt, in which fluential rum-seller has how m:m\ drunkards had been appointed *o I i* ast .J-IT-i-on. Tiie viilagtMs-itiiali d .it may arrogantly and sue- in tria, but will do so. usually stood, in the forefront of Republi- mails were suffered to accumulate. 1 i'1 it has large meeting* school-houses. dealers in Maine, Integrity anb b ..-e -.ition Hie spec: iargeh increased. The wheat crop I d- and even I positions of more or less importance. He appi lead •!' Hamari-coita Bond, a -Irnet of cessfully ty brutally assault the of- The can States, for the for and lovely has d n< y \ hreet'-dd. The mercury averaged forty throughout Union, liberty jus- didn’t know that a could such a to business have securcb for him a tirsi das- line multiplii hay crop ficer* <>f the law. or even those to the second snow party possess water some two Ive miles and from e employed >tatlord county, N. 1L. aud York Me., Friday night storm of the Senator Edmunds has influence long onet"inr ha- asid from 737.ion> in ls.3(f. to 1 .- county, tice to all, without of race, and cent, of men. enough with of customers. render needed assistance, season set in on Mt. respect nativity large per dissipated Congress- .- I tlnm may the State of Washington, and min wide, hemme in on all sides hills. i'»7.7ns tell-, ill Issu. Ill Thursday uighl. In low lauds considerable Saturday man iiy At tin* Js3<>. ;;.4.'Mi.(»40 lui'hel- Maine be to the snow was Anderson, of a western Ohio district, he | the Administration to hi- brother-in-law, very prop* the control morning an inch on the creed.” keep I UK s«. rly relegated was done to deep pi- T*:ot 1 a tt tv. are in head of the a **r •• of does wt r« in IStSO. damage crops. Farmers in Dover stated, men Repairs progress poml little ri empties in. and a a, t j aised; 7,1*05),(i25 bush- of the mob which iis from azza of the Summit House. had had six appointed to places an officer, on gathers inspiration army duty in at e c Iii-' valued th-" iive stock reported Friday morning that the injury is untie** the Washington despite the .hibiiion building in the Trouing and of a mile and on its increased from the and brothels, and the conserva- | present administration and assigned park vine-eighth up, hank, .-land- grog-shops somewhat less was the recent t'-' 7 3.72'.. in is3r>. to shi.T.':i .Tb. in 1**n. j than evpeeled by them. Kev. Ward Beecher has Dunton’s Endorse-. to iu The order returning officers to their by the i’lic the fair all will he in tors of law and order cxcum d from further j Henry accepted the duty Washington. other day lie met regi- ! opens readme-.-, h;ike Hoii-e, k**pt hy Mr. B IV Brown, so long <*o*i number t bor-* increased from 41.721 Thursday evening. invitation of the committee of the one of and ments. to S7.- service. New*. Boston City them asked him why he was not at But then Senator Edmunds would i’he flat roof of the main is o« he nected with the | ["Bridgeton 31 r. W. (r. Beale, Since the return of Chairman Brown to j building replaced VVaverlv House at tin* Camp -4". d in number of oxen decreased, formerly of Winthrop and Council to deliver the Crant iu that work. * Iargeh eulogy have b\ a roof. The lower of HIK W. < T. r. CONVKXTION AT OLl> OH- I a of Bowdoiu. class of has re- he has looked into the naturally influence with the present Ad- sharp part tin* I.eliding ‘’roiiii 1. A small s<*rew steamer, the Bivor Belle, even in this Mat*, which ha- b* oine famous graduate 1S77, city the latter part of October. Washington Centre Ltn- ‘•Oh!’’he replied, “I have been dismissed.’* CHAlll). been admitted to llie law tirm of Isham ministration. will be used, lor the exhibition of agiieuh iral make- tw*ii down the n for its large thrifty, well-shaped *a;tie. Th- cently colnville ease, and finds that he did not endorse “For what?*’ was asked. j pro- trip- pond, about miles, to a A of One of the of ami cows < Lincoln, of which lion. Robert sights Ware. the other i ducts the part f.»r tin- .. have increased from Kw..3.3t> to 1.3>).sT.3. The National Woman's 'tirisiian T< lnperance Chicago, Mass., lull.** upper exclusively -l a Lion on I tie lvo\ ami Lincoln B B., that v i- T. was of Dunton’s application, but he did find “Hotting The number of sin ha- reached at Lincoln late secretary of war is a member. day that Bepj. Eaton, S4 years old, among Samuel .1. Tilden is to : hibiiion of ladies work. The fence p ;3»;.7.1Um and Union convention Uld orchard opened Iuquii > concerning the progress of the other understood he very surrounding t'-rs 'an come from ih-ekland and Im at tin* Like Mr. Beale went to in 1K7S as off* a above the roof of other documents a letter of endorsement the uumber of swine. 74Ah;-*. Tin- \ i. --I *,t but- with ail address lb v. Dr. Bash- Chicago principal “topping chimney his strong five Andersou from that popular among the Maine Democrats. Mr. i the grounds will be ami tlie Saturday, by appointed through repaired track planed Ho use in about two the .-learner ter. of tin- Hyde Bark school of that at domicile with bricks and morler. Tilden is a hours, la*.,ding which hi was ;', I pounds, reached ford of Portland, who advocated a third party high city, from W. M. Rust, upon whom the responsibility district, revealed the fact that two others had farmer, and believes that the har- down ror the the same trolling. The change in the roof ot them almost in ISMi,»s movement time studying law. vest to the sower. at the door, it has become a re- pounds. The piodm-tion of in the interests of national It is said in for this must now rest. As Mr. been diseharc* d for drunkenness. .Just half belongs [Boston Globe. unite probihi- A contract was Washington that the judges of appointment tin; exhibition buihhug dot's twa. with the cheese tell oil' from 2.4.\)m434 lion woman signed in New York. August grand sort for that section of the the hotel pounds to 1,11)7,730 [ and -iitl'rage. He was very radi- the Court of Alabama Claims will the number not able to hold their places be- It is also understood that a Maine State, hav'nig 2N by the American Electric Co. probably Rust took no steps to withdraw his letter it is good many stand which was used to whiles- horse am; eal. and considerable excitemeut liis Manufacturing cause of is race-, b"co cp,w led ii e pounds. followed prepare a defence and make a for the re- dissipating. It said that Anderson is all -'•a-on. The ,ua "inim'dati un- and L. A. Noyes, chaw man of the street light- tight Democrats are sore over the of no is made for Hut these figures alone do not t-1! tin* -torv. remarks. Rev. Mr. Pitblado evideut he did not consider the fact that his client much disheartened and lie will have apportionment I provision spectators. In fu.u.e d'e strongly opposed tention and payment of their very says raih'-r toad.'piule for tin -d ti e the ing committee of Cortland, for employes. the •'ravel, many From farms which have produced these re- Dr. Basbfordb* th:td party views, but indorsed Me., providing* had been convicted of the no more m< n appointed from his district un- harvest. races will toe viewed from the ground. Ho-se unm the of the streets bv defrauding govern- glU'Sls being 'ju.artered during the lni-t- -t sea-'m at sult-, have been tin- means ot liis other remarks. 31 i^s K. ft. lighting of that city elec- Several vessels are overdue at and less he knows of their and reaped support- Tobey. presi- Chicago, habits tituess from are disposed m g-iMiib.V somewhat at this at a cost of ment and sent to was of I change o«* hulls*' -. Mr. Br the instilutions of .h«- towns, counties and dent of the Massachusetts Suite Union, tricity, 825,000 per year. This is from the immeuse amount of floal- jail any consequence, his own lost I" wn will enlarg*' the h" i-e ing deliver- wreckage personal knowledge. He has faith Several of our exchanges contained elaborate A w ith slabs vvi'i beereco-d tor „*i- •>;' •"■* 82,500 per year less than was asked the in the lake hut the result of this on uildiug liu la-, i- I a-m-e Mate schools, libraries, churches and public ed an able temperance address at compar- by gas iug since the recent storms, fears moral obliquitv his in recommendations and indorse- accounts of General Grant's “funeral obse- p-'--ioie. is well kept and companies. ordinary horsemen and horses. buildings are monuments to the thrift and in- ing prohibition in Massachusetts to that in are entertained that oue or more of them is has been to embarrass the Administration ments. Desert Herald. ’'"Tv 11 'll is Hia If i" render the me -I- eomtort- \ who at part quies.” [Mt. leiiigence .if the fanner. The Maiue. in favor of the latter. •Judge lrgm. presided the Blaney AI a deal or fuss and •'i*»ie. Tnei-e highway, village Though great feather is We Imm nivK.nnk.-s. Ii i.s the general • n tint i- ex eilent Uuatiny and lishiny |.»r trial, lias written a letter in a he professes to support and to bring upon the thought the expression incorrect as our *j»iui>• green and the around the fanner’s A praise im-elum was held ai '.i.dU. which he favors made tin* civil-ser- grounds Sunday being by president against never were there so much drunkenness I hose .j. -irtim ii, and the house is v commutation of seuienee t\*r state- Memo *ia! services in honor cf the lute (Jon. chairman of the State Bar Harbor j m.d very pleasant dwelling are adorned with trees and llower*. morning, .Mrs. L. M. \. Stevens, nt Blaney.aud Democratic Committee a vice reform and the double of men in contemporary evidently does, but by presid* Grant playing i la ar all e mim The that if the Governor should a.-k him for an were hold in the hall of Congress in tin iislurbanee in our streets as during last week. I'l’Mied, y tne rooms m-liny a view "t mental activity and enterprise which once of the Maine I nion. Ai lb.JO Miss F. >. Tobcy, good deal of severe, but as now un- liis party about indorsing applicants for office, have seen in an exchange what to be a of M*»;;ico appears, appears the w i:< on the case he should one. City All the The at < i' i- resort- is not ime-li kimu a in to ;b* theoretical farmers, now '>*•- >i Boston, a Bible and founded opinion give He Wednesuay evening. it is not believed here that lie or that «atup meeting N 'rlhport brought t an this belonged gave reading met ited criticism. The is sincere conclusive defence of | w ill be to furnish hi> views. ‘■’uief officials of the federal and citv trickery and treach- “funeral obsequies.” vieinil long- to the j.radical cultivator of the soil, who her remarks on Hebrews iii-(>. At H :‘»b P. M.. probably requested govern- he intends to stand civil-service reform, inruiv eiotnom which was reinforced from inn panies wishing to lake a pleasant The ments were by avail themselves of were Executive Council, divided on present. ery shown in to fasten upon Mr. every di-covery of science ilure devotional exercises led Mrs. although attempting unless driven to it. The farce enacted nnme'MUM coal vessels in There w.-re dau\ drive :'u ! ... sii.ji ,tt :l elean and w< 'I linii-c by the from recently The San Journal, of Telluride. Col- port. kept in the task id nature to the want- and Caroline Buell a no Mrs. G. Hum of Blaney commutation, appearances, The Drown the odium which to in the the Miguel subduing Mary Hyde singing societies of Baltimore met Fri- properly belongs investigating charges against post- lights oil the streets anil arrests were nude will d" \\ e! -irivv to Hast J, tl'-rs an I \v B are opposed to orado. in its night ueeessili' of man. Bark, delivered an address on temperance clemency. day evening and voted to the master at Indianapolis, is considered in says issue of August loth : 'lues- 1 accept proposi- himself is, as we said last week, keep- and Hoodlums went about the tliem n >-"| ireahneiii at the ham>'i M. n.d mu me * **i .Maim in thoroughly day. street-with -peak un-rpri-e l-not eonlni* d to education the public schools. Tin* evening tion to hold a national festival in this citv in ing with the blunders in appointments. day we took dinner at the Bassick mill, in a | characteristic of the editor of the oneea.ed ->H Brow > ", I agricultup H< r manufaetuies a im-eting was held iu the Tabernacle with a and Prog. Age. wapous, seeking whom tIk ;, mig:: o, .ake House occupy very goon as LS8G. arrangements will be made for*the The same lets further iu snow storm. correspondent light In one forenoon two considerable amount of and labor. In attendance. Postmasterships Spoils. musical festival ever It will cost him Uie loss of Mr. men fell oerboard :i eu capital largest held in America. probably Tib Downs. the manufacture of boot- ami shoes upon Cleveland's “pure* Administration, the I'UiKIt (al.i.'j.'j i"> and an meeting Winthrop. Aug. and Federal office-holders, are concerned, the ‘*of- States consul at Montreal, it in the Democratic, or for that "• 1 invested. annual prodmi general Friday, matter any other, umns of minion, to Mr. Cleve- hibitionists. •'i' iid'e- -.Mr. aiei Mrs. Tuner- uv Waldo ei*'e!t d the follow 'dlietT-: /.. was complimentary on his head in "f i. ing decided to the m-iiom ».t Hi a i- 1' >4.00U.0UU are invest* d President, f» nsive to con- taken '' ■ N'«aiiy device is now dis- adopt every safeguaid that he can a to stab one the land's civil service ;r i;.-\ W. •. A Gilbert. Greene; Vice G. partisanship" wholly party fiord in hack, reform, which appear diur- \Y D"v\ in b"r women manulactur* -. Presidents. M. tine the small within the limits of in an in-eii-iol. And -be ha- pox Mont- and on th»* of up ••oudiii.u. \ ,ighi k pl ea with. Gen. Stevenson, the Fir-t Assist- as nally eternally editorial pages the B" "'1 't :;i ti invest* •{ in the iiimber trad*-. (iardiiier, Boek.and, Secre- pensed real. he has in this case, but no doubt his natural ^'t’lar Bap’ Cliureh, Boston. yield- an I among the coal worker- and om- man was wound-'d ’1 ant Posmaster with whom rests the mugwumpian journals, very amusing. the Sou1. M" * 1 r a native o ing an at nua: ot tary and reasiirer. _\. If Pike. General, are Seeing: Liueolnville md Mr-, ,.rodu.-t sT.iCi.bu:,. In thi- Winthrop; instincts too strong to yield even to self-in- mean to a man a tree to look B. F. s of these offices, declares that it is 'The Paris La France, states that high enough up 111' head by a jj. .a,.,j ia-st ise she W as the Inferiors, Briggs. Auburn, J. jilliug fraukly Newspaper, da> after, v a N •i'iii["*ri woman. T..e hii'lutii'l i- elltel'pl pioti* I alld for a Fioyd. terest. over the back fence amt see the real AN OPTICAL INS1KI MEM WHICH II IS CLAIM- jin aBmit F. ( to make aii of each all officers now on have beeu workings doubtless from Brainard. P< ommiitee, impossible investigation Spanish furlough the e.Veet of the blow. A tie o.s :.: a.e long ’ini* '•!■•;. I Jang*,i w a- tor many Mars Winthrop: dig of the -aid ED LAYS BARK SPIRlll/AL EXISTENCES. ." and has neen i-nyuyed in the \. B. Pike. p. rase, and -ays: “It i- to have some ordered to their and that sev- policy. Mr. Cleveland's utterances li111*11. I>. White, Winthrop. necessary rejoin regiments, shops run w ide open and no ell- wt i.s mad. to better mp-u tin- country since he took his residence in the White A Business, ami is m-w a eo||e’anos < !>• ii the reports directors, ereiury iiui trea-urer naturally Representative outstanding Cleveland has as from Iiiueolu, Neb: A most on li-t of lumber invariably been elected it as chaste as of a special despatch w in ( We have not brook, llie prattle little inno- TKMl dUAM t: .1VD •«. U .\e 1 'don. e s 'b-. ere read and show inn tin allaii- of yet risen to that goods. lMlItKNOt.* t f rim uiide Ii ive not lived ib spake 'd til, "tlam-e ,d' -t rv- accepted, undress. remarkable Ini'! happily l"yetlii |*1« of ethics where Democrat, by the votes of disaffected cent child who has been reared in an di.-eovery recently developed in the Association to be in a rous condition. point political the non-partisan Republi- orphan ti md i deliver a few lectures in Waldo ou: t <■ and a mutual I'ri.-u B iti-' tills ..'ll !.'. ah i I.| i! !lig l'oi pro-p. Miner Wendell Holmes Hi- Blaines ali for their uuh.ip is therefore, as a the Saturday celebrated lie is asylum. accents have been raised for pur- this It is of Midi an nature "I Un motion of the Treasurer it was voted to principle ecognized ; rule, cans, and that under the influence of city. astounding tore n tiiul Itiil. 1 ret should bis 7t»th a -..artiiig hi.- winter !«•••; up- ir. II w: \|; I’aBer was ot a ■ -fanning are birthday by family dinner party at. ity in the administration of the and piues.s. jealous lispo-i,j.m amend article \ of tin- eon-titution so that leronimendatioiis cuntint d to Democratic government that the j torn, an ’111:1 *rl:.: ii? *«! tin a tt.e summer for favors rendered correspondent hesitate* to give the cir- two igrieullur*' of bis residence at Farms. Mass. gratitude by an;i-Demo- instant reform of the abuses it is lecture evenings at ( cutie Me; i t ami Mr- 1' a treasurer shall bond- for the Representatives." This is a somewhat Beverly which, alleg- cumstances to the iviMe—Sept. iB.-r, aitli-mau aprued of my >tae -> lien in .**•. r- .- -.‘and th*- owner give faithful per- simply were public on account of being There many callers, and remembrances crats. the ed, have existed ever since tne tii'i l"d at 1 circuitous of that as draws following deductions: democratic par- Motrill one evening—•• ! >wan 'l"i‘iw, wa~ n >l a- ie ■[ ns -m o. 1 *-i formanee of the dutie- of that offm. After way saving regards these barred at from pni should have mi »d ‘it >!mi ,1 nix pr- eted law. In were sent a number present giving names, although by lli'•■• evenings --'pi eiireli, and ay .-ad; ognized, and present. south. People began to the on-titution be -o amend* d that no bull every Democratic Congressman is of Cleveland is and to question sincerity done. However, the I •••ok- -u 'id is. m iloob'. a hr _rer of dropped policy quietly secretly gentleman who ha* made village one evening—-cpt I Hi- u ei.- M". I |B, was at "lie Lime active in its .ply growing in control the of the man with a collar, when, upon the re- af'< r this date -ball be admitted to for patronage, and direct the distri- The of the of his administration, both the it. < W in Nd ’’V i.ii_ ..«!.• I- -1.; I nan lucre was registry captain City Paiatka reports in disintegrate, during discovery requests This di*cloMire n- Mom iib ini: >vvanvii!e wi i e n I eomm* ndafion of Arthur Co-man the astute Ml ; V ;— fee 'ball bution of in hi* district. As a the and M HP m- ..a- Si", whose dam has not a record appointments Fla., that in from Charles- Democratic panics, and sist* in the of a liny Hu: tie, >. mod Jacksonville, coming Republican proving beyond possibility I'roliibitiou as s (. n. and able name yvas ap- enforced Piiremdog p v- tl"- ami left the fliureh ||':~ n ol i-i ot butler Week, ot blib rule, si} .Stevenson, the ton. S. he or form a third of Higgins, given Eugene, doubt means by pastor, wifee Bn "1 i do. ii:g and im tie- !- •-* hand d.g up- ai. ti:■ pounds per pounds Representative’s C., passed 20 30 large vessels, all par!) composed Independents, by seientitic the existence of tin* clerk of the de- ai.d “Man’s P -- recommendation is final. “A of pointed appointment treasury siolog-y” Bopdrcnient* Bed in ttie enure ami me or'aid. 1- it To — per year, uni* both were of that Representative dismasted the recent and that the ocean Reformers. Bolters, office-holders human soul, bare tile secret ot visited pa-t*r in his } too 11:i• •!i y that a ;p gramldams ; by gale, Mugwumps, in laying greatest a district, r>ioi,.rid, t!<> Adum<- partment. Everyone this section knoyvs .onsidered." u Morn av. Hi I capacity. {t fu-'itmrl from Charleston to St. John's bar, Fla., is cov- and other friends and support* rs of his admin- nature and proving the doctrine of < tenia! faith iv ail lie visit,." ;.r *i.-r resideiiee, ai.d tills spon- semis in hi- and the Lord knows it wasn't lie- OF list of names and ered with istration. who be allured the of Eugene, long a- .■ 1 tam »usb and where ad its CONVENTION DEAF METES. places, drift stuff from vessels. may by hope “that the soul of man doth live,” lip di*elo.siir*-* liiI»ttion enforced h\ Phren-d pi nh-t an l»'tw e.'M man all I W lie aid tin .! surroundings ire fore in the country was and the appointments are made from that. If or other from the everybody acquainted and of m.*r*- lewant, considerations, Reg- proofs which wi.l start i«- ami as- •: 1 genial—w:!, mak-. wood in tf-u y*-ar- than Maine deal mutes to the number of 100 met The law the with bis record. John Lee shortly logy.” These ioctures will i'e i in-uate-: II. »ue evel.ill Ml'. I 1 ef W 1. there are any objectionable names we are giving immediate postal delivery ular Democratic and and Carroll wrote the tonish the entire its i iid- 1 la at very Republican ranks; world. 1 is to in tiffeen Walerv ille afternoon and man east 1 1 1 J 1 1 ighl.air likely Saturday organized to towns of four a letter, out skulls, busts, of and pare Ml's. f,p K '... trails} likely to hear of them, and before the system thousand inhabitants, that as founder of the new he will be its president pointing Higgins's untit- brain, I y ar-: 'II.' t it* crop is the mo-i sensitive of an association th* choice of ih*• issuing party, A BODY OF VAPOR. by following vve can based upon the last national is criticis- nes> for the and out his record A- Mr. i.owen is ;n 1 ■' •' I ■ U u' M ■■ commission In an-\ver to census, position laying specimen*. thorough', po-;. llo.VIls and M. I'a er 1II a' a>. mu ui ■ is investigate." leader and nominee for President in isvst j-s best guide in tin >*- "tlicer-: \v Wakelieid. Brownfield. as in George t be ed unfair, inasmuch as towns of four in mess before the 2bu child For tlie sake of the a • inquiry whether this nut hod receive* the many unsavory pound convenience the gentleman sen-mv Phrenology and an a'm I Be Hid tils Ill'll' 'a v u ,s a ;i d 'ii "f a ri- s for each Maine i- M aim-. President: M a j. P Pick mil. S. e re- •••mperi uiipr"Uii- lo*-.uity. Saco, of the President thousand population in lNSO are much of fa e. New.-papers of every shade of a11 tided to will be called Mr. Holland, a in:.:. *»f approval and the Postmaster to-day opin- advocate he -hou id dra w t u: house*. Hewn 11 e f forest try : Albert L. < arlisie. Treasur*-!. The Portland Press presents the following ,d-< -’I *ib 1 leeuse o.vev. r. orote-t heir i legis- Bangor, ; General, Gen. Stevenson said: “I have heard larger, while some have retrograded. ion, not only in Maryland but all over the small stature, a mild eve and thoughtful *oun- lation. I here was a »ociai evening | couumlrums auent the Centre Lincoluvilie leeian at I'itori. like station u Tin-- .av e\ -a.: 1 M D"W n- \.; assistiim- Mr meeting Saiurday nothing to the The ap- Cniied States, demanded Higgins's dismissal tenance; a devout Christian, a pecu- J ill: a contrary.” Washington An immense possessing •'! KACl'.S TP 1 SI,A V. tiid sermon afternoon Prof. .lob Mohammedeu is 'Opt -.‘J. cet, ,-titlltio! d Id- a 1 •' to I'.e’k a 'll" W Sunday Gy of the army promul- : his was and hi- name yvas on the live liar belief that the soul of a man i- a counter- up a-.ii-; !" the emilur correspondent Philadelphia Times, who the pointment “Punton says petition cir- kept standing Williams, of the school gating law of the Koran in Central Africa. a lie- colt race lor principal Hartford for bank of enforced p-u- and Pli •" three years old and under teli graphs these statements, adds : every composing-room in America. He part of the body ilselt;and in this theory of mbogy ,-i,. 1 B1 •'\ t da \ "i peu liny md t In mute-. Much inlcre-t was manifested in significantly One division is near the head waters culated the first of April. On the twenty-fifth aid Dot fib. I,ut an exiid.ition race of the “ waving in the room at the southwest in form which death alone should free, Wednesday to L. party operation* county. He also How could it be then that his was for- vapory ati * xiiibi! Brown. of Flint Institute, and liev. Samuel I petition corner the not i" move ami "liters were then e.i.n-o a i> ion mi:, in 2.b4. in the M lninut*- claim* that these office*, should be held bv their Rhode Island still of treasury. .Shortly after the rum- and that a device tie consideration the subieet an ot j.d/a»5.c- ai.d .state maintains its lead in point by simple microscopic race Ida- k idiot look I.i-t li-’We, Mis-ion ary, wire present and warded to Washington two months before his about a • money. Huicher paitv friends. the short time that he of of pus began Higgins—**Plnebus. yvhat dull of 'he were ■ 1 Hoy During density population of all the States, the sight human'-yes might pem-trat* reunion, Mcmh« r pi K ., sf 1 >. atldt d great'y to the interest and value of tlit and. red third ami Nellie H. fourth*. ha- tilled this arduous defalcation was known. Two mouths before name''—tin* President had scattered far and minutest of the air we breath* and II' ra. -a\ post he has not only dU- number of inhabitants to the mile particle* •- lm aim i’ is eo:iti square being W ddo. Hancock Wa-liumi cm ;u fi'iuie. 2.da. 2.12. 2.4b 2.14,. The eiii’b t-*nlly believed that this wide an announcement lhat it in1 ever found see the sou! take form amt to tlm running plaved executive but has -SO, as 240 in flight boun- It !' .. -Mi- * movement will in extraordinary ability, against Massachusetts, which Duutou's defalcation was known was miu'ii was I.. 1 ...J- Mr. D**u n .*, rat i::d. lx-t two III W a- result great good to the deal nearly that a man interest maidfc-i.-d .\i .-rg.. i three WOU 1 »\ (iohi- his affairs in a had deceived him iu daries of another world. His attention was .. managed manner to win friends still, as ii has done from the foundation of the recommending Mr-. I.l !• u. re-s upon to. nil mutes of Maine and be lollowed a three weeks before Cleveland was ui- ■ en Maxim, of No-, a by perma- inaugu an for the base deceiv- Was fleeted a.- follow-: \ii-Pva i..( mi nr ii •- booth in two heats, on all side*. He is one of the most unworthy person olliee, first attracted to till', lie *ay*. a man (.apt. .ii I in- tin ..f -uii.ui :: -u;, m nent already efti- government, ranks second in the list. by lying .p: a 'rim*-, i.dl and combined action for their hem lit. er e<»u!d no more honors at l! is on a ci< m and popular officers uuuer the new Ad- ed.” get his hands. sofa suffering with a pain in hi' foot, and Belfast, president; .John f. Wnitcomb, Kd-v .u' «i< > \ I. Ml CANADA. ministration." The Bureau of S'alisties that the total an admitted fact that Gorham deceived Grovi r vet there was no foot there to J UK si A 1 1; Ml LIMA. reports suIFt, the leg A W. Fletcher, P.ur .ami, ( a(u Am~« Wa .lolii) \V. a i- number of at the of the in the and it steui tit-u tm nr.. u n*oiii. t urn. f..i, \|, Washburn Baptist minister, of | I not surprising that an official who com- immigrants porl-i It is said of John Roach, the great shipbuild- Higgins matter, would that having been amputated nearly to the hip. “For i lit- militia wen? into camp at Tues- United the B< ast, i■ piv.--> ini; .1 tv. Ni.' p„ Augu-ta Lowell, Mass., lias lied to Canada to ! turns over all the Stales for seven months ended the young Maryland Senator's influence had say* Mr. Holland, “this incident an just escape placently appointments in his July who has been out a 'ears,” '• »• i. Aug. 25. er, driven of business by U M'l'i-' l i' i\i -‘i.i'in.!,, -i ,;’i'h day Wcdne-da} afternoon was devoted was 31, 1885, was 218.178 for out in who urer, K aiiace, Bcn i'i I.iry h prosecution. lie sent from Lowell the control to the Democratic against 270,000 the petered consequence. Anybody through my mind, until at last I resolved w. fi to < by Congressmen should upon Mr-.-r- XVirren and 11- mghtoii. i'i,. -, ;h battalion nil, and a marked Democratic that entire- W \ ■ improvement il'Uiie >«>< to b- educated for he and it i» clear that the corresponding period of last year. Great Britain Administration, “being think? it has can break me. July •js.the an- an i.-, b'atliuvdi, r.■ '-air.ur B"U \> \\ was liotaa.! in the Missionary ie;y J “popular," eulogiuius experiment. mo\cmenls. The dre.-s at contributed o£ Mon i> A. 1 of the ministry Wat* rviife. Me. Then he wa- bestowed upon Gen. Stevenson the Ohio 04,805, Germany 72,035, Sweden a self-made man. he had a for pointment honias, Baltimore, A SIXY inglon county, k. (. M -r.-e, I,Inn" -itv. i.ur ii i- .. iriii d rr-• 11 otb r -our •. r\ >aii-i.iriorv. Iu the- by ly high respect KSSKUI. EXPERIMENT. rhapiaii., parade regiuient- detected in the of a ( and and Poland as an Indian was announced. Then- robbery atholic chureh. i Democratic county convention were deserved. Norway 21,049 13,000. inspector, Nathan A. W "> ai U a! team shooting mate!,, lir>t ‘workmen with brains.’ Sometimes be would “I ured the most 1 .Shaw, Black, .-pi*rl, th*~ regimen! won :u:d He married a Tiie kind of was and is not. a of on file in prot powerful lenses i-hiiM MU igm. 1.. Ii:, mergA man ami Mr- I .. ll expelled. Maine lady and popularity which lie is Lieut. not, scrap paper Thomas b\ a se..|-» of 272 to 245. < winning Michael Mullen or find and an Hanes, lJcl’ast, Osgoo.i, lilm-lii.i, execu- • I -au ... uperai Anderson, was be recently pardoned by pick out live six of his best men and let the interior in the of recom- completed invention of my own, iinif.l tut ••111- criminal art. an a subsequently married in Vermont! II* may understood from the following dispatch President department shape eonipaiiy if ot I'ortlami, iir.-t i• gina ii!, won the Cleveland, after having’served several and when I had m\ iiurht tive e.tiDinilUa The l.'Mowing genllemeli, Ole was sent to prison for bigamy, the i in the Cincinnati : them lake a job into their own bauds, mendations or indorsements of Mr. Thomas. arranged perfectly, a.- duped pris- Enquirer (Dem) months in the for entirely so 1 i l' a I- --I :m tli vr- > h t*: am.i, gold badge eliatnpioii marksman. Thi- eve- county jail violating the could examine the microbes of llieaiv. I o -!a> iV'n! !■['[' on officials bv pretending and secured a ! Congressman Beriah Wilkins arrived But there are several bushels of protests. from each company, were :i"-*• i, historians there were piety here federal election laws last he them for material, etc., and such ning hand com-crt-at the November, has beeu charging was called upon a friend who had lost bin arm and headquar- He then w« nt a third this at S Thomas direction of the tlu-’r O a t• n. l.r. mi,, pardon. West,’married morning o’clock. Immediately after on appointed by respective companv: 1). Bowen, Morn'l, •‘•■'it*vt? I». ll Ii,l n in;, i (< A ii ran’ ters of both regimt iiis, w hich drew reinstated the Cincinnati, O., police force of men often made a handsome that 1 warned him to hi> many spec- wife, induced her to transfer her hank account be called at the gangs profit President at the request of Gorham. His rec- explained put imagin- arrt.ami it n.rv |.. mm -m i, ,-vi l.mrr | breakfasting Post Office De- and was Co. A., Charles Baker, Co. B W. tators. in the yesterday assigned lo hi') former ar\ hand where I directed, lb- Belfast, a Thur.-day, company novelty to him. le r to Lowell and and under John Roach.” ord i- ten times worse than that of laughing!) ai'i'r-i ii vv i- a ii. i- m> bar t >r itir a brought deserted her. partment secured action on a number Higgins. 1 in quite in the Hammond street Kll.-vv < •*. >. \V« .lb n skirmish deli, there was a tie of 41 hits be- position district. accompanied me to my rooms and did a- I MeDonaht, orth, ; H. Per, ii"H Ml i-f. Imi- the vv rr taking all her money. Mrs. Washburn No. 3 of applications for fourth class Postmasters in For fifteen years he has been the most bitter, parti. l,«-':<| aft. tween the Frontier desired. The moment I a w ii h a u ai ram ;--m-U |.. .1 ;l Guards and tin Skowhegan was sent hack to and dishonest Democratic adjusted the glass roe, C> l*.. .James I.. ( -unors. Mil-.\ an, ( I \.|.,in 1: her Western home her bis district. He first saw Mr. who The it is under- The Kennebec Journal’s corre- uncompromising, There was more by Stevenson, Treasury Department has, Winlhrop world of revelation r, -i e x\' u r company. in the bos- in broke upon me. The dual* ■ illegal, t.ilivcrs shooting friends. With his crimes the told him to look over the stood, reached a of a Baltimore, lit* was familiarly known John S. Fuller, '• ■». 1- L k. i an. known, bigamist go papers tiled from satisfactory solution ques- lloekport, ire ii mi for n a companies skirmish match at noon. The Gov- spondent writes to that paper in connection hand lay beneath my glass. I asked him t" Houghton 'lamuge.- ivii -im. the in the Tenth ward of the as 1 bail presumption to apply for the pastorate ! his district, and those already briefed and in- tion in customs regulations which will net the monumental city Uoxluiry. Mas-., ton,.. Tlmma- I. Bia. !. ernor dined with General Brown and stall' at makes letters with Lis He did of the Wort hen Street church of dorsed should he Government or with the recent lire in the woolen mil!: “Jt is •‘(he terror of the men.*’ He was a imaginary linger. Baptist Low- appointed Mr. Wil- about ten twelve millions a garbage !>. o. \\. C.'VP M) Nt ITS. Toe Xi -till : -I ra noon and concluded the review of the command to-day. so, and to his wonder and astonishment I Co. Ik, I*. Calmer, Bellas., !.. .]. Bi.nk, p eil and actually another to his kins found 24 eases It to broker, and INTO he failed. dup'd accept ready for Mr. Stevenson’s year. refers the of safe to that had it not our Liabilities, $-10,000; U| at 2 m. The review was appraisement fancy say been for water < o. K it t.-soteo t!i.»r a f — it NorLhp**rt elo.-ed last s ,;.i i' p. a ver\ In was spelled out the sentences he wrote. That was Searsport, vv reunion of imposing pastoral services. His career was exposed to signature, which he at once carried to and boxes or metallic cases in which some assets, $1-1! 1872 he indicted for election allair and o< one him, goods conclusive to me.” eiipied hour. At its elo-c Major the the works recently put in the greater part of the but es- evidence continued Mr. the regiment he ! e I a: C. fast, on the J ifi «.f aiiemlaitee was .-mail, compare 1 \\ i111 former church, and Washburn lied. ajipouitnvnts aere made without any are imported, and which formerly were duty frauds, by great poli'ical pressuie he ye F. II. Mriekland, aeeom- explanation -‘and you know the rest.” Brigade Inspector, THE SMALL FOX buna made other than he free. business of our the a trial. In IN To he was of an elec- Holland, August : Not ‘.tvt-r a.noil were pi e- lit ’Hi ur-talc ami Vav at 200 they ready ap- good [Chicago Kngland fair placed yards from the pits, and were constant Convention at Worcester: and he saw an Indian a I was The grades, thus doing away with the south inierme- ally going and coming between Mon- pointments. Asked what he of the finally Herald. except wooden cigar sign. The Recently. leading Sunday Globe held this week at four -hots at of imitation thought declares that he doesn’t Bangor probab'v interfered some- given targets men, treal and such points make the introduction of First Assistant Postmaster General’s office Mr. know much about Baltimore American put. it very aptly when it with a great deal of interest and some princi- diale school at the Academy building, ami petition- to The Boston Herald comments on the above: what with the attendance at The suddenly exposed view two and a half sec- the politics any way. said: “The Indian is <»t the when I came across an Northport. regu- disease here an event almost sure to hap- Wilkins said: “I am sorry I did not come here the ward nation. pal, unusually interest- ed the agent to call a meeting of tin- dis- four shots ul the same aud still special lar dwelU-rs on the were onds; running 00 feet, unless a estab- weeks I discover that “True, boiling is best.” Now the We the of Mr. Morris A. ing sketch, set off entitled grounds as nmneriui-as pen, rigid quarantine should be ago. Mr. Stevenson does not suppose appointment by large lettering, that a vote be had on the and two shots at a horse with man mounted. The of small in trict, might question fortnci the lished, which is not likely to be done. In view only aunt to appoint Democratic but present epidemic pox Mon- Herald ought to publish a receipt for “still Thomas, as Indian inspector, is due to his ex- “'The Mule.” which you had copied from the ly, falling off being in the transient-_ G and 1 Postmasters, About were at Companies B, F of lie First is treal is no means an occur- thirty people present the \\ Regiment, of this condition of things it is he douiy so icithout hesitation or nonsense.” by extraordinary tended experience in bossing a ward.” It makes Dyersburg (Tenn.) State Gazette. The more 1 meeting. Item 11. Williams, of Belfast, preached on XX* !• and B. and certainly impor- rence. boiling.” companies A, C, D, E F of the tant to This seems to In 1872 the disease broke out in that me sick at the stomach to see Cleveland read of it the belter I liked it, but somehow it Mr. .J. F. Kieh was elected moderator M>. \V. C. give early attention to the of he a good time to recur to Mr. posing Mm Alhn was Second and the subject and the nine nesday evening-Campmeeling Regiment, Frontier Guard-, vaccination and Cleveland’s sonorous reform city during years following 5,000 as a reformer, and then lake a bird's seemed to leave a taste iu mouth that was moved that the South intermediate re-vaccination, especially of declarations in his truly good j my Thompson present, and sold his lie is compete*!. Company B made 27 hits; Go. G. : school letter to people died of it. The prejudice vacci- has murderers in the view of the and character of the natural. it occurred to me that I autograph pictures, children. Vaccination will prevent small Mr. Curtis: against Chicago only eight jail. eye quality j very Finally, School lie continued as heretofore. Mr. A 1 32; Go. F. 13: Co. A. Go. B. nation aud the indifference of a of 'juitc feeble, lie is in Ids :*l-t year, and this was tin* (Second) 17; (Sec- pox in nearly all cases, and vaccination with “There is a class of Government large part [Ex. men he selects to occupy important positions. had read it before, and in your paper. As this Go. < 1). positions the Brown, of the school committee, addressed the ond) 20; 23; Go. 24; Co. E.41; Go. which are people to its presence with the to and bud and I •'Wist meeting he has attended.The F, pure bovine vaccine virus is not dangerous, if not within the letter of the Civil Ser- consequent The usual quota has been thus lessened by germ began grow blossom. ramp Sea 11. Frontier Guard-, 41 out of a possible 100. vice neglect of measures tumbled to the whole idea. I had meeting stating the action of the committee, and performed by a trustworthy physician. [Bid- statute, hut which are so disconnected with precautionary sufficiently tiually read Bree/.r prints the following li-t *•! mergymeu in nt- Go. 1 (Second) and Frontier Guards shot off! its existence there. and appointment to office under a The Puritan has been selected to with favored consolidation. He said that in deford Journal. the of an Administration that re- explain pardons cope ; it in your paper, and the reasou it seemed so why they the policy the leu lu. at lb. meeting- XV. T. .Jewell, 1. Ii. W. tie, resulting in a victory for Go. E. of; moval Democratic Administration. Thus the rascals ; in the contest natural was that 1 wrote it for and IS7G the committee divided the schools and the therefrom of present incumbents, in the Genesta for the America’s you myself, 1 Skowhegan, by 41 to 37. G. E took THE DEXTER SCHOOL HOUSE CASK. my The Chief of the Bureau of Statistics, in his A. 1 Lockhart, I,. \ (. Gross, (Second) j opinion, should not be made the terms are turned out and in (to one got my pay for it, and spent the money and committee has a right to consolidate them, hut their in team during first statement for the current (of jail) office) by cup and both yachts are undergoing active it 1 A. tiring company -hooting, making The Eastern State says in regard to the for which were monthly fiscal borrowed some more All this can Nauloa, Bliluv, A. A. ! eu is, S. u. Bt-ale, j they appointed, solely on parti- you verify did not to do :>* the a score of 71 out of and with 40 school-house matter year, that the total values of the move. for the races. It is the ! they propose anything contrary I J25; men, LOGO i (the grounds upon which san and for the of in reports exports preparations comiug by looking at The Sunday Globe of 4, XV. M ‘.raw, A. Chinch, 1. II. Beale, W. II. grounds, purpose putting July u- points, or 53 per cent. This is the next the was asked are stated in the of merchandise from the United States wishes of the district. Cpon examination tie highest j injunction their places those who are in political accord during opinion of experts that the American sloop and 1377. There are about a dozen lines in the Biil.-bury, F. M. Fowler, C. I I.. I scon- the twelve Haskell, made in this match. The dress parade at j Maine news, fourth page): The has with the * * * * months ended July 31, 1885. were Gazette’s version that I did not write, blit the mittec found tiiat the two intermediate schools injunction appointing power. If I were At a of the trustees of the United the British cutter are matched, and II in otn, \\ ll \\ J \V. I C. A. 5:30 was almost been so as to $733,378,420. and the twelve meeting ; closely illiams, ay, Man, pronounced perfect. In the granted far prevent the town none but during preceding mule is mine, and brand i* on it, ’Our were not uniform in their manner of work, ami addressing party friends, I should my W. W A. evening Col. Lynch and his staff and iine from the school-house bonds. But the months $742,242,017. a decrease of $8,803,588. Society of Christian Endeavor of the United everybody wants a fair race and no favor and at Marsh, 8. Ladd, C. B. Besse, I*. .1. Bob. j issuing deem it eutirely proper to remind them that George” the end of the tale. The chap who when the two came together in the higher grade the town is not from The imports of merchandise the twelve iiison, !• ),. T. II. F W. officer.-, accompanied by regimental band, enjoined building the school- though the Administration is to be during States held in Portland. Aug. 30. Rev. S. W. to see the best boat win. It is worthy of note put it in the Gazette commences, *‘I sold Clay Brooks, Murphv, Towle, and coming months ended there was a conflict. Tim committee thought I mi- appeared tendered their compliment- to house. In other words, the decision in effect is July 31, 1885, amounted to $571.- Porter some mules last fall.” If < 1* < Democratic, a true regard for the in- was that the Genesta has had her cut he sold Clay Wathen, Cong, church, Oron •: >. H. Fir, Gen. Brown. A people’s and the Adrience, of Lowell, elected Geueral Sec- spars down, ter and more uniform work could be large party of guests and that the vote to build the school-house and terest does not 439.215, during twelve mouths ended Porter mules were mine and I can accomplished permit faithful party work to any they aid, Greenwich, B. I Campmeetiiig John Alien, \ spectators were and the band raise is in July a decrease of thus reducing her sail area so that she will in one school and under one The aver- present, gave money therefor, accordance with the he always rewarded to 31, 1884, $005,842,287, $94,- retary. prove it. There is nothing mean about me. principal. a fine concert by appointment ofiice; 403.072. B. Ward wed, W. W. B V < F. in the law, and the contract made the committee is to have a time allowance of about one minute You send him word that a Ogicr, Wiidins, moonlight. Friday by and say to them that while Democrats may J might you have few age attendance of the two schools was lot; The Governor Rohie to the of force. W B. ( I. W. ll. presented Frontier binding But the method of raising expect all selections from the Puritan. There is little if more illustrated sketches of mine that von Libby, Kldridge, Jr., Mills, Guards the proper consideration, for Hose Terry Cooke wants children to learn any betting school room has a seating capacity for 1G0, and is Hag they won to become their the money is contrary o the letter of the law, not embraced within the Civil will put out under the hen roost, when he Van Crawford, 8. M. Dunlon, s. L. Ilanse.oni, C. A ofiice, Service cooking at the common schools and pioposes on tbe races at Some was the best ventilated school room in the A sav- property. This flag was won twice each and some other must be The frieuds Sullivan vs, present. money steal them the first dark city. by adopted. rules, will be based upon sufficient inquiry as to McCaffrey. that the children take unbooked lunches io night, but that if he Blummer, J. It. Clifford, A. II. Hanseom, Bheniv, Go. G of Dexter, Second Regiment, and the of the school-house seem to feel well over wagered a few weeks ago at odds largely in don't return the mule he sold ( lav Porter ing of $;(()*) in salaries would also be made, hut very fitness, instituted by those charged with that The match between John L. school, and learn of the teachers to cook the N Y .The religious services were well attended, Frontier Guards. But to the the decision. sparring Sullivan this was a owing fact that I rather than favor of the Genesta. But even bets are now there’ll be trouble. Yours, secondary consideration. The first and duty, upon persistent importunity food the noon recess. and were to the Association.. it needed better care than it would if and Dominick did not end in a during satisfactory get kept j OFFICE BROKERAGE AT WASHINGTON. or self-solicited recommendations on behalf of McCaffrey, way George A. Qcjimhy. main question was good school work. Mr. It. F. in Rose is a Cooke. talked of, and it is not unlikely that the odds competition longer be took this course, at j candidates for to the good Me., 27. Uesolutious commendatory of the* labors and ef- It is openly stated that Democrats In Maine are appointment.” satisfactory sporting men. Sullivan got Belfast, August Dunton for the other side of the the same time instructing the of rifle will be in favor of the Puritan before the spoke question. inspector a in hard cash for Now that thousand offices are day forts of Hiram Buggies the Treas. and Supt., and paying premium post-oflioe posi- fifty handed the best of the but stood He said a school room should be to practice to purchase another one for and when fitrht, McCaffrey up The Boston Herald carries a on its large enough competi- tions, a postmaster slips in without per- over to Democratic Congressmen, to be filled six chip of sailing arrives. Certain it is that confidence Bev. V. Chureh, See., were passed by a rising vole. tion in Go. of for rounds. and accommodate the of '8G, G Dexter being credited with ! mission of the Postmaster lie is re- Fish Fishing. George Parsons of largest possible number pu- Brokerage Co., directly upon their and “no shoulder for Cleveland. The that Til- ... .At a on two requisition, ques- Sullivan left the with no demon- report in the Puritan is A meeting of the Association Thursday years shooting on the new This minded at that a remittance is ex- platform growing daily. thoroughly a who might attend, and he the room flag. plan headquarters tions asked,” will any of the strations in his Rockport. Mass., dory fisherman, recently pils thought was to all. In the pected by return of mail. Journal. Independent honor, hut McCaffrey’s friends den is out with the Administration has led to scientific said that the Puri- the foil wing trustees were deeded : Hiram Bug satisfactory Company [Boston of the President inform us in what yachtsman recently too small for the consolidated schools. The south apologists were jubilant, the referee’s caught a sea turtle which weighed 000 pounds. W. B. Novelty Skirmish Match, the prizes, and amounts are It notwithstanding the Herald’s attacking “Tildeu’s cheek.” gles, Stephen Gould, Leander Martin, first, Yes, given. is said for respect this process differs from what adverse tan was simply a wonderful boat for going to intermediate last fall Go while the Battle of they decision, and thev lifted him to their .At Wood’s Holl. Mass., an effort is averaged pupils II. B. picture, Waterloo; second, cash $10, are in the habit of as being Conant, Dunbar and George Brooks. H B. instance that the commission of a in denouncing the “spoils shoulder aud Imre him amid windward, and was sure to tbe Genesta one on common were won by Co. E. and Frontier postmaster the cheers of the give made to take out uaturalizaliou papers, as h the averaged GO,—making both Skowhegan, a on systemAnd what is the of the hint The Nation (Mugwump) says that Hoadley Dunbar, of Bangor, was elected president, Bev. W. thriving village the Kennebec cost him meaning spectators to his come on the Guards respectively. Co. II, Watervillc, shot which the coming. hard work to out ahead her straightest were, for English sole and turbot, so that nearly 1G0. The North primary averaged 10.1, and $300, and that a postmaster in Hancock Philadelphia Times, an Administra The decision was was elected Governor of Ohio tw'o years ago II. Williams, of Belfast, secretary, and Hiram in the Team a score county decidedly unpopular, prob- by they shall grace the American gridiron_Four the South 110, a number than ever Company Match, making for tion efrgan, about “the of point, while in reaching and running she would primary larger of paid $100 his appointment, it would be gives importance ably owing to the doubtful of “the fanatics and the def- vessels arrived at Wellfleet Buggies, of Bangor, treasurer.The debt has 90. The prizes iu this match, a picture of these small understanding temperance liquor fishing Mass., Fri- before. With these to feed the intermediate well for the postmaster-general when he postmasterships in working up the the terms. It was in all probability beat the cutter badly. Public grade, Admiral naval one for gets generally supposed that Sul- ers.” day, with 413 barrels of mackerel. re- been lessened lids vear $1,000.\ seizure was Farragut’s engagement, back from his details of in a if it is They the room would he over If vacation to look into this matter. party operations county” livan was to knock out in six rounds interest in races crowded. there was each regiment, to the Frontier McCaffrey the is unprecedented. port that the fish were close in shore, where made at a barn owned I A. on the go Guards, I he can as not that these offices are to be used for by lvuowlton, Perhaps do much for reform in this partisau in order to win, and himself slated were unable to at ever a time when we needed a division it was now. scoring 08; Co. G, First Regim- nt, 95. General McCaffrey they get them with a seine. Belfast j way as secret circulars to ends? [Boston Journal. after the The San Francisco Weekly Star is road, Wednesday, and about is gallons of Brown awarded the lor rifle in by issuing Congress- match was over that he thought so. publish- They spoke several Gloucester and Portland Mr. Dunton also of the inconvenience to prizes practice \ men spoke beer and No instructing them how to get offices for lie even wanted lo go on to a but that a series of articles John H. Burke on An exchange publishes tbe under with lager whiskey secures I. owner appear the afternoon. The afternoon was devoted to finish, ing by following seiners small fares. which a large number who live in the south part of j their constituents. [Portland Press. was as Sullivan had left the ed, and it was sent to new battalion drill. In the Col. Nathaniel of the impossible, plat- fraudulent assessments in that the head of “Maine Personal’*: the would be in up jail-The arrange- evening, Mitchell, well-known Boston form. city. city put coming to the common. field staff and line headed the Second LIQUOR FINKS IN PENOBSCOT COUNTY. McKay, Newspaper Notes. The last issue ment for collecting the ten cent admission fee yield- by Regi- family of shipbuilders has sailed for Liverpool Rev. Mr. Talmage preached at St. Enoch’s of the would be of the of ment band of their McCaffrey has issued a challenge to Sullivan Many deprived advantages Bangor, paid respects to The amount of business done during the Au- on the Inman steamship City of Chicago. The Sullivan has been paid $5,084.00 as his share Church, in Belfast, Sunday, before a congrega- Ellsworth Americancontaius the of ed an increased revenue. The return check headed Gen. after which the band for $i!,f)00 and the championship of the world valedictory school privileges. It was voted to continue the Brown, gave a con- gust Term of the Supreme Judicial Court held object of his visit is to inspect the of the in the tion numbering fully 4,000*. He afterwards ad- off many who were inclined to at the shipbuilding with bare the to be a finish. It gate mouey recent tight with Mc- Dr. H. C. for the seven the South prevaricate cert iu front of brigade The in Bangor both naval and knuckles, fight dressed an at Vaughn, past years intermediate school as formerly.The. headquarters. last week was very large, and the yards, private, of Frauce and is to take assemblage computed about 4.000, South shore XV. of Belfast, has Frontier Guards. of place in Wyoming or in anv other iu O. gates-J. Finery, Capt. Nutt, East port, left sellers suffered The term lasted and the to me- Caffrey Cincinnati, who could not admittance to the church. editor of that Dr. Vaughn is a genial, school rooms have been put in good condition and liquor greatly. England, investigate wages paid where it will not be interfered aud gain paper. bought the Bolton on 8t_The Augusta at 9 o’clock for home. The total five how live and the place with, courteous and we wish him success cottage Maple only days and there were hut three chanics, they expense of liv- is VVe doubt if Mr. would draw a gentleman in some there has been a rearrangement of seats. numerical of the jury lo be fought within three months after The Talmage 4,000 House will be the week strength brigade on opening but over $3000 were collected for as well as the cost of materials. sign- Lincoln County News says that a Waldo- in whatever enterprise he may engage-The XVaverly open again during trials, liquor ing, ing articles. — When the committee decided on consolidation day, was GO commissioned officers and G15 en- tines. audience in Belfast, Me., but he might iu Bel- Somerset dons its new dress this week. of the Festival 15-17 This amount was sufficient to pay the boro picnic would be without a Reporter Grange September.The listed men. Referee Tate says he has made no decision. incomplete jar Miss Bates, one of the teachers, was dropped. Absentees, two commissioned entire cost of the court fast and as announced the above -Editor Fuller of the Rockland Courier-Ga- Sen juries, officers and all The asserts that He thinks John Sullivan the of sour krout. Ireland, did, by Breeze, Northpori’s seaside paper, closed its and 329 enlisted men. There sarcastically had best of the zette has returned from his tour- Since the action of the district in continuing the officers, was not other expenses incurred at the term and leave Maxwell is so much of an European much attraction to the light as far as it went; but if the Boston cable message. season with its issue on Saturday. The paper has change in members during the muster a handsome balance in hoy Lewiston has a new daily evening The school, Miss Bates lias been offered her old position the County Treasury. people of St. Louis that on when he holds was to out are a paper, which a days knock McCaffrey in six rounds he Dog days failure this year. B. Frauk been successful-Capt. B. II. Coombs, of Belfast, proved great success, officers and the over in a Daily News, Pratt, proprietor.It but has declined as she nan entered the Normal During present year $5,000 liquor reception the auditoriums of the theatres are as the came The Maine militia were mustered at men done their best to that failed, I’ittshurger up smiliug after Augusta is rumored that a Democratic will soon his Beechwood last the first having end. fines have been collected, says the deserted. paper School at Castlne. Miss Liunie Davis, of Belfast, occupied cottage week, Bangor Whig. practically each round. The Bland dollar must last week and the as of go. peppered targets yore. be started in Iloulton. has been engaged in the place of Miss Bates. j time for Lite season. A Belfast kitten has been named Guenn for the N. L. Littlefield, of Prospect, sent to the Boston It was a very quiet campmeeting week. Sandy Point. The schooners Helen Montague Locals. SHIR NEWS. heroine of Miss Howard’s novel. Searsport market a ten months old calf which weighed 200 Mr. E. O. Thorndike of this city, left ou,Wedues- ami Lucy D. have each discharged a load of coal a •J. E. Clinton who T. B. The calf was raised Lane. Ross & Howells wharf-A large three master Sch. Lackawanna has arrived with a cargo o coal. s shot Severance, of Rock- pounds. by Elijah day for Boston. On Saturday he sails for London, PORT OF BELFAST. Hood PURE on BLOOD while the river on ran to Sarsaparilla land, in a recent altercation married a Lincolnville Is where he will remain one for the beating up Friday on the Hattie McG. Buck are com- ARRIVED. W. A. Kimball, making arrangements to give England, year Repairs nearly in a manner to the Combines, peculiar itself, Means health and bud blood woman. purpose of his musical education. Mr. Adams Ledge at high water and remained there Sch. A. \VT. Boston. happiness; means Scrofula, Canker, Blotches, Salt Bheum, Cancer, the pe >plc of this county an opportunity to visit perfecting pleted. Aug.27. Ellis, Ferguson, and reme- best blood-purifying strengthening Black Thorndike is a writer and our readers until next Hood tide-C. F. Black has so far re- Aug. 28. Schs. K. L Warren, Colson, Boston; Pimples, Boils, Ulcers, Tumors, Heads and various oth( r difficulties Aug. .‘JOth Dr. H. H. Johnson took from his the Battle of Gettysburg, Boston, in September. graceful Sch. Brunette has discharged a cargo of corn for dies of the vegetable You will find covered as to be able to Nellie P. Mary Farrow, Coudon, Boston; II. Curtis,-, kingdom. which are the from his his so- walkout_Miss always outgrowth of impure blood. garden, in this city, a bunch of celery thirty, Mr. Kimuall will soon visit the towns in this may expect something pen during Nickerson. Deer Isle. this wonderful remedy effective where other in Stowers left ou Monday to attend a Home School 30. Schs. C. W. Lanie Kev. Theo. Gerrish is Pastor of the Pine Si. Mu. Frank seven inches which had bleached nineteen vicinity wi'.h posters, time table and full informa- journ England. Aug. Lewis,-, Boston; medicines have failed. Try it now. It will Curtis, he well-known hoot ami long Alfred E. Nickerson sent two new milch to for young ladies at Waterford Me—A. B. French cows Cobb, Cobb, New York;Fannie A. Gorham, Welsh, M. E. Church, and author of “The Blue and the shoe dealer in li inches. This he thinks is somewhat remarkable. tion regarding bis great and only excursion of the 11. A. Starrett & Co., Belfast, will offer next Fri- your blood, regulate the digestion, Banger, d trouble with Canker in Boston the week. Bangor purify A member and wife of Boston, Mrs. and daughter of past Gray.” of his family had a severe case Mouth and Stomach. This sour season, which will afford all a chance to reach of Scotch Brussclls six- Piper Sept. 1. Sch. Penobscot, Carter, New York. and new life and vigor to the entire body. caused constant > amer Ralph Ross advertised to take passengers \ day twenty-live pieces give of Canker in Mouth Hyde Park, Mass, are at Capt. H. W. French's.... Farmington has bought a new town clock for and Stomach, tried in various stomach, etc. Mr. Curtis has for Boston at a very low rate. frame carpets, at prices that will defy competition. SAILED. “Hood’s Sarsaparilla did me great good. indigestion, from Belfast to and return on Tuesday for to at last Bangor Mr. aud Mrs. Stephen Gofl'c of Bedford N. II. are $500. When will get hers? ways get relief, bought Brown’s Sarsa" years tried to rid of 1 his and suc- As these will go it will he Searsport Aug. 20. Sell. .Ins. Holmes, Boston. I was tired out from overwork, and it toned get humor, only ii!i '•■•nts. numbers •Spoken Death. Samuel 1). was found goods rapidly, necessary Ryan, and was Tuesday morning early large Sargent visiting at her father's A. Black's. Allen L. Aug. 30. Schs. A. Richardson, Pattershall, Ban- parilla cured. Kev. Mr. Gerrish will eu" ceeded when he be the use of Brown’s Sarsa- to make an early call.I. r. F. E. Waining came on and think I am Ellsworth, agent better health than for years. lie says ture, which will be sold low for cash, or on the in- Sept. 2. Schs. Fannie A. uorhnni, Welsh, PalaL- I I took Hood’s Sarsaparilla tulfills it.-, old. On Thursday afternoon he had a personal en- James N. Fowler, Jr., has opened a cigar and the American and owns a store engagements. Sunday from Somerville Mass, and will return ka ; ii. Curtis,-, Bangor. cured.” Mrs. M. J. Davis, N. Y. Express Co., drug stalment plan. Call and look at their stock — Prof. Brockport, counter with Leslie Bobbins in which stones were confectionery store next door to 0. H. Monroe’s. There was in that town an of his Dozens of the catch penny devices for the New with his family sometime during the week. AMERICAN 1*011X8. acquaintance It. C. Itankin, who has been a Brown’s freely used, and Sargent received a severe blow on teaching dancing Sch. Vestal of Ellsworth whose vocation was that of a sailor. From Sarsaparilla Kurland fair were on the steamer Cambridge, on arrived last week with a Boston, Aug. 20. Arrived sch. Beuj. Carver, the Blood eating school in this will a at Pierce’s Lincolnville. On Sunday morning last the Purifies is a wonderful the head with a stone which made an wound. city, give reception for on Lowell, Port Johnson. 31. Arrived sch. H. J. stilt food he had contracted a bad case of humor medicine for humor. Tin-- lav After the accident and while the steam* ugly cargo of lumber repairs Mrs. Wentworth’s Aug. Parlor Theatre on s. See very sad news came that Capt. Porter E. Drink- Cottrell, Norfolk. W. A. afternoon he of ,i in his Tuesday evening, Sept. Haskell, Hood’s Sarsaparilla is characterized hair came out, face and body covered with Johnson is a clothing dealer on Pickering 1 ".'i- .11 her wharf the of Friday complained pain house. by owners the several advertisement-See advertisement of the Ah' water of this place, captain of the brig Georgia, Baltimore, Aug. 20. Arrived sch. William Fred- back and sickness at the stomach, causing vomiting, erick, three peculiarities : 1st, the combination of blotches. lie took one bottle Square, Bangor. I have had,’’ said Mr Johnson, ;• ■ w cut into business on the wharf, and for (J. Hamilton has a branch store next Patterson, Bangor. struct of the criminal costs-R. F. was dead. The only tiling known in regard to ii Is opened San remedial “a canker or humor about me for a and went to bed. be was ill. At Daggett, Francisco, Aug. 20. Arrived bark Willard agents; 2d, the jjroporfion; 3d, the longtime, r Lh'-re was music in the air. early Saturday door to Monroe’s. It will be in of James N. advertises American Piano and fur- what the N. V. Herald of Aug. 20th says, which charge Mudgctt, Staples, Hong Kong. of which showed itself in stomach mouth noon he some chores for bis mother and sandy Point, process securing the active medicinal ny and performed Jr. Newport News, Aug. 25. Sailed sch. Yale, Brown’s K v Watson who arc the well niture reads like this: “Brig Georgia from Aspinwall Fowler, Hodg- result Sarsaparilla aud I had a which I can best describe as sinking near at 12..’lo went to bed. Later his mother went to the polish. don, Boston. qualities. The is a medicine of unusual feeling l.'Jth for Nueoitus was Old Providence and it him more than he cv.-r had '1 Hr -, in this arc .July at Aug. K. A. Colson Messrs. Have- Perth Amboy, 26. Sailed sch. Carrie cures hitherto helped anything general debility. Have tried many remedies, and factory city, down room and found him At 2.3u i\ m. Pi nawavs. On Thursday last as J. (J. Little- photographed Small, Aug. Spof- strength, effecting unknown. et. 1st. money to the at lie leav> a wife and New York, 24. Cleared sell. Nellie S. Pick- is worth its weight in gold.” 1. Barrington. the horses and started the community large, Aug. lias taken a contract to build a barken tions for moie than an ordinary man, but like too frightened they upon Me 130 Bank .New York family of four who in their sail bereavement have Roseoe Carver, Edward Small and John F. Car- ering, Keen, Mavport. Aug. 20. Cleared brig Street, City. run toward home. Before reached tin: Plnenix A. Cardenas. 29. Arrived I >nn "Us for ( apt. Bonner and Ball!- many others w;e a victim to his >otne they ver left last week for Kent’s Hill to Amy Lane, Carver, Auk. appetite. ( the sy mpalliv of ad. attend the fall j I he wagon m ruble was sell. Daylight, Hodgdon, Baltimore. Aug. 30. Ar- employe | in the >outh are of the opinion that his death was eaused by the righted, everything term at the there. Hood’s Amcrig j l»t'KNHAM. seminary rived sell. Annie L. McKern, Mahoney, Satilla Sarsaparilla thrown out, and made time for about The Villageelub played tin* Twitehell Brown’s good all six for M >i k 1. is already begun on the moulds, blow upon die head. V* impie-t was held. they River. Sold by druggists. $1 ; $5. Mado lour Corner ha.-e hall on the lalter’s Nathaniel I.iLtlelield shipped by steamer last New In sold all Sarsaparilla miles, when they overtook ami collided with etubainaichgameof Bedford, 28. Arrived sch. Edward C. I. HOOD Sc by Druggists fur$\00; 0 bottles tor $6.00. AKA Me. dl b> put up this tail, the vessel to j Aug. only by CO., Lowell, Mass. WARREN, Propr etor, Bangor, Tub ..nt of n sultinj in Wednesday tbc best veal calf ever sent from Waldo Stanley, Lincolnville. (iUANiik'. At the reunion the the team of Preston Prentiss, of Troy, overturning grounds Saturday afternoon, aiietorv | Coombs, lyri JwlK s', -u miner. Capt. Bonner was the ; Ji was six old and 201 lbs. Galveston, Aug. 28. Arrived sch. Rachel & Maud, Patrons of Penob-eof, Hancock and Waldo comi- his His Iror-e cleared himself from the lor the Twitehell Corners Ip. a score of la in 17. The (‘"limy. years weight'd IOO Doses One Dollar. tr t I'.irkentine dad Ti the lust carriage. Dow, Phi lit. lings, ties at Dc the foil were club of two Phi.dp-. Pond, iham, -wing ■ and ran Prentiss struck Liltlclield’s Village had tin advantage picked ( Win. II. West arrived home and Fernandina, 28. Cleared sch. Lizzie Lane, lyr.11 ••!.:!( Mr. Cottrell. arriage | apt. Wednesday Aug. elected oilicrs «>t tin* fur tin* from I'ittslield-Rhineas cb-odwin was Herrick, St. Pierre. association ensuing hor-e* "w r their heads with ids whip about the players j left again Monday 'or Portland to tiring his sehoou > '.da lh .iii-. The directors of the K. H. : h e thrown from a a FOREIGN FORTS. spirit- j year President, (dreg %, Hampden lime tin y struck his arriage. w hidi slackened their carri.'gi iew days ago, breaking a er. the Sallie I’on, lo -warsport w here she will ivn- \ — .m have elected the fol- collar hone and one 25. Cleared \orthport, President-, a. L. smith, Buck-pop, I-aae I;. -i-mewhat. a.. I he from his rib and getting thoroughly Cardenas, Aug. barque Alice, Hyer, speed jumped carriage per. for P C. 11. New York. idem, Uicii,Thorndike, ( ark. Bang.r; secretary, I» M Mil, Bangor. ami wight them. Finding that neither himself nor shaken up. He is now reported as quite comfort- Good Mr. Cyrus True left here one Singapore, July 21. Arrived bark Herbert Black, i, II. (... Berrv, Portland; Treasurer, Committee o Arr angenmnt.-. A II. Whitmore, win- wvti Hide... Daniel wlm has been in feeble Nichols, Newcastle, N. S. VV. hurt he took 1 inleh'iir.-team and sta’ t- Cushman, last week in his Tourist at day yacht one o’clock Callao. In P. rib Hi a K. A. tue w port July 31, ship America, Herriman, tie> >ee*y, Hickey, Buck-port, A. I. •■well, Bmk-port Cent re : Lt ed on at ti-r It is which h -oon overtook ; tak- health for past two \ D now very and hor-e, !’ M., and arrived at Pass Harbor, Ml. Desert, lie- from Cardifl’, disg. 1 'li 'Uing ••ounni'tee- were also war! Partricge, St*» buggy, whi< h lie giving pill factory Buenos Ayres, Aug. 21. Arrived bark Robert ladder and was Fears are enter- ii coal ol which will severely injured. Porter, Portland. Print! g, 11. C Bi-IT; tie* Jilt!: annual reunion and they hud heretofore Benight wdaman I about iitu.-n dollars. Mr. paint greatly improve tin' ap- McGough, tained that ids fatal. Hong Kong. In port, July 10, ships Oneida, Me- h .ill I ill ed ;v .Tae meu.- the have injuries may prove ... |. .rove, Lmmsporl... I .it i' field the .-am- iici .va- it pearance building-The grangers M \ i'n. ki .. <.f whesler, paid thankful Gilvory, for London; Frank Peudleton, Nichols, 1"■ W 1 > is re a tent > (.range. War-a celebrated the p pa rid which will on t lie Mrs. N. Nichols were forwarded and St. Nicholas, line; C. L). Col- 0 ■•ii itui d •. l.i-t for w a- no more..... Thursday a horse ran away large they pilch Jasper goods barque Bryant, To have the LARGEST tenth ;i!nih. ■* :h. fair this week for accommo- cord, and Penobscot, Chipman, line. Aug. loth, ! > Allg Tganizulion of that II *.' Bangor grounds their 1 lies' lay by rail from Itelfast and sue left same •■-ter, get»I, d an-re's store, ea-t lie! a-t, and after throw bark Adam \V. Spies, Field, destination uncertain. iii. mn Jordan has been allowed a gi mgi -,i I-ol A P. spirreti, 1 ■•- :••■ dation-Cyrus pen- night steamer Kalalidiu for Milford Idass., Mi- I'ueker was the. .(augliter j Thursday carriage over the fen. e into the thdd, clear- by July 13. Arrived bark John C. Smith, Foss, New- and most se- alien ■->n, \ st J‘> lucre wa.-a sion of $4 per month with back p ty to ihe amount where she Lakes of a bouse. ell wang. carefully Put hum, wdio were among ; large gather- ed il.-clf and ran home to tlie .-table of Howard charge boarding Rio Janeiro. In Pendle- ol ;iim tanner- ol about port July 27, ship Nancy j.-i lb Cast. Her first husband ing granger- from Knox, Lincoln, Mr-, dame- Coombs child $_uo. The a Mason....-atunlay and 1'nuul reunion and picnic of the Post G. A. ton, Pendleton, for I'nited States or Pacific; barque and eounin-s. lected assortment of v n v w ile Wato Tim ad dress was made by \ \, ami I c. ami Lane's were thrown from a carriage, on the Last -idc. LlHEK' v. Many of the people from this village I{. mentioned last wc( k as coming ofl' Wednesday Carrie K. Long, Park. < siafe \i a-tcr Pi dem k B hie, and was Montevideo, Aug. 2. Arrived bark C. B. Hazel- \. ;:i. i'-a of apt. Avery Wordy Mrs. Coombs’ left leg w its brn ken between tlie knee attended the Advent at Camp meeting Washington or Thursday at Swan Lake lias been postponed on line, Gilkey, Brunswick, Ga. n a of Dorebe- listened a large audience. After d I 1 ker, altelitivel; and ankle. last week. They have a line about six mi:es account of the New Fair as of the grove many MARITIME MISCELLANY. Will offer to their on next the 'k ot a 1 -.-led .f lour son- and one addre.-s tin- company | art' generous fom patrons Friday here. The attendance was ami would L'omrade- are in tlii> good IJangor week. Sell. John G. of was abandon- eollation under t!m shad*- tree.- d a beautiful fnOHNIUKK. A Minda; s'ltool Ooi'ceri was Ferris, Kllsvvorth, .., >ur “I'n have Ween very large on .Sunday had it not been for ed loo miles east of Boston. Crew taken to Bos- si von at the Gross school House last The some thirty >r more members from Waldo Lodge w: meiiim.T i>« r. grove, ami 111.- I'Xepv-es w* r«- enlivened by music Sunday. ton. the rain. There were about boon people on the l.<> <» F., lle'fast, vi>'ted Scars Lodge Monday from the Warren was -ehool is pr'grc'-ihg i'.uvoruni\. Next Saturday d A Granite beacon, surmounted by a pile and bar- BamI. The evening spent w 11 dh V I' i. '• C U be ’i‘ Sl‘11- ground hen the storm began. nmiivds ol teams on IP. is to with Bethel in a near the : evening, and excmplilied their work. The degree rel, (the latter painted red; has been placed the at >■ No. join Lodge picnic the ha!! tie grang* at Warren. Hie end of river ... r to I tinned hack before reaching the ground on account the Saco breakwater, Maine. The bar- -: h .f ^iie-li-Hi. Good Templar’s Hall.Reuben and Freeman : team is co noosed of some of the best workers of I n.emU r- ol the a 11 *' were out ii. tub force, and rel i.-> about 35 feet above mean low water level. 25 1 of Hu- rain....( Robert ot Brook- PIECES : *.. ! ir• •: :ii< the apt- Rorteihield, Liiat and their is road, leaving j have been at their sister’s. Mr-. J. lodge paraphernalia very magnili- Steam-schr. Walker of Rockland, -evc*ral hours were nt in remarks Chase, visiting Armington, put a -p- interesting lyn, .V V. was in town last week. He is a member FURNITURE t'•» til* lOiided indebtedness IMMlt. Into 2$lh with her how stove j >. Pile.--Nate Webb, Everett Chas. Vineyard-Haven port from tie- Map- Va-ter an I member- >f the order Higgins, of been in collision with schr. Bos- N o\v t hat tile 0,000 becomes satisfae.*.ry meeting.Dirigo trade, and has the reputation of In iug a millionaire. from Charleston, reports passing on tin* passage C fair wi' be held at Freedom. Oc.t9th. MoNttoE Work on the new tit the Vil- 2*‘.'h, while on the passage troin ('arditl, John Swee- or dismasted. interest -m tne morl range bridge Capt. R. is a native id Bristol Maine, ami at one twenty thirty vessels, partially were all some and none lage is The stone work will Ik i 1 ney "l lb ifa.-t, died of drop.-y. He was about liny They making headway, iii' o. tin rental could be divided progressing linciy. time lived in North»mout on the place now 1 i:\ in Bkai.;. The following asked for assistance. The ocean from Charleston | finished this week for the iron. The bridge ears of age and bad not been home for several i-st-of -to.-k, vv id' ll would Hu* ready j owned In Cage Hook-Capl. A. ll. Rulsifei and out was covered with wreckage. To be found in this sec- give are tho transfer- in real e.-tate, in Waldo county will cost about lot it) when ■. .Grain is years. Freights. From Snow & Burgess’ Weekly 'm him n un this souree of $ completed. J lamir. ol Brooklyn N V. are spending a lew o.iy.- nearly , for the week en ling Sept. I Albert and Anna II. < ircular, New Y >rk, for the week ending about harvested ami is Mr. John Goodwin iu Freight ti.' sr. lug effected by let good. tow n-Ri v Dr. Shaw of Waterville is at Deo. Mr. F. s. Wormed lias shown us some fruit of is no uildiug A verill, Chicago, to James Frye, Camden. Inhahl- Aug. 2D, we learn that there little or change tion of the State of rai-cd the finest of wheat in town-Mrs. in In the trade there re "tion ai.out -d per cent. in the piece F. H int's. We mentioned last w eek that Mi s. Miaw the lieu Davis variety grown on the same tree last foreign freights. River Plate tants of Belfast, t*i Jo-litia Farrow, Winchester Lula Atwood returned to Minnesota last week- is rather less d >ing, hut rates have undergone no a Tim bonds due in l**hh could was visiting there.... in this year and this year. The fruit is in a slate j Rufus Baker, of to Baker Many people vicinity perfect change. In Brazil of Maine. Winterport, will, Sophia Abhie Atwood, Made! Fletcher and Frank Dolloff important freights nothing Ilf. .Oiled ami the mortgage re- think it would be advisable to hold a town fair at "1 preservation. He informs us that the last years interest has The West India trade A ah same town. James Ii transpired. Burgin, Northporl, arc the Normal school at Castine-Will is some few of M uivvliile the p’dimiion of taxation ! attending this village in October. Messrs Walker & Little fruit was kept by freezing up during the winter generally quiet, though shipments At the low of 62 l-2e. to James J. Ja- kson, same town, l.ydia M. Clark, lumber are from the .'south at about former very price per yard. J •■smith is at home on a A making V- rv w .• ••►tne to tax pavers and conducive i vacation..Twotnbly deld of Elmwood Farm think well of it and will and allowing it to thaw out gradually in a dark to Fernald II. same town. : rates. TlicrP is yet a moderate inquiry for small Palermo, Creely, Mitchell .-tart their machine this week. -gross e d prosperity of onr'-iiy. threshing put in ail the slock from that farm and give the cellar this spring. vessels to load general cargo to windward. Coast- in rt 1. to Staten K. uni-, Colson, scare-port wise lumber are in of Waldo. The the rub- people a chance to see two the freights firmer, consequence ■ nn I'he prae.Lie.eof clearing away imported hulls, M«»vc than destined for the \ Vi.i i« autki’s .Journal re- sarah J. l"*ugla--, I'nily, t" Flora L. While, saun thirty passengers fair the less number » f vessels offering, but the market bish be-ide the roads and the ditches with tinesl in the state. — ."leeriiing the ami tilling at were left the accident to steamer for the material e mtinues depressed. Coal freights N. B. These will last a few making w ( h ’.le-o. Dickey, N*irthport, to Lewis B. Bangor by goods only small stone- and i- to are without improvement, and the same may be •: ladh’s of this of covering with earth getting (treat was mani- hiog city, yej. vi rsniont F. A. Northporl, to Mimitli.b. Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah W. Cross and Cambridge Tuesday, indignation said of other local We notice the fol- Dickey, b« departments. bv quite common in the country, ami adds very fested when were 1; Long Branch letter Clara Luc a. s| ]i, p Langur. K-tate Jonathan Ki- their guests, Mr. H. C. Willey and liis daughter, 1 they informed that the manager lowing local charters: Sell. Fred A. Carle, 43D tons, and cannot much t" lrom be at that H. Iii.'! i:m i, l.-w the looks and income. But the late heavy of the had the Norfolk to I’arbadoes, staves $9.50. Ship days duplicated price iug w-li, N, r! t. to Daniel < T Belfast, Miss Mamie, E. Cross, from have, re- steamship company telegraphed •othaker, j Boston, just Louis Walsh, 9,500 obis Refined from New York to B ii w fmts, m-i ; and Imre is un- have demonstrated the fact, that if the proper here before the accident that tiie rhapsody F-.i-tu- F ".t a ais.. <'liicago, to .fame- Frye, Cam- turned from a pleasant trip of eight days, in the agent steamer London, 2s. 4*ad- Bk. Abbie Carver, 935 tons, "in I .mk It of til. L "’kinged legs j channel is tilled a new one is made and some- not at \\ \\ t*> up, we -tern of the would touch Seursporl. from Boston to Melbourne, general cargo, private a ;girts iu the a-.-.emb.age were garters *1 ; ai'.-r F'y.-. I'nily, Charles II. Kow'cll, j part Mate. They started for the j times in the traveled of the terms. Brig J. II. Lane, 372 tons, from Portland w 1 hat \va- for inek. 1 don’t know how tin M"Ui\i,>.' -. -. '.ivi '. to F. II. pan highway-Camp- Nac Freedom, Rangeley Lakes, stopping at Augusta and visiting Willis Patterson, eight years old, came near be- to Buenos Ayres, lumber, $11. •'.ii o.v .--Ige u t- asi .a lain,*>1 or disseminated but | meeting week proved to be a good one for getting i■ re* I’-tlerui' Jam*-- Haley, Winterport, to the puhlit buildings, also the Soldier- Home at To. ing killed on the elevator at the mill v kinm m a that Cm ela-po! y.-llow elastic j spool Friday A. Starrett & and 11 for H. '1 grain was wi improved in this vicinity t i" •. -1.i'. •;!•.* A. and then continued to As Go., "iig- go. ismk the weai-r. lb. disci‘sure town. Sarah Haskell, gus, their journey Fanning- afternoon. near as we can learn the accident — BELFAST PK1CE CURRENT. ?m- iTaimh unexpe* tedly ill mid season, and tied purpose There will be a meeting for choice can St. Paul. Lo Bud- L. Mudgelt, >to« kton. John | ton, thence to Avon, and climbing to the top of happened in tills wise. Willis with several com- We and will sell a I. ii ti I for yellow elastic far exceeded the of ollieers for Waldo and Brooks fair at Ritchie Corrected Weekly for the Journal. H to Fl.’./.abeth same I he d merchants ordered all oui'i Winterport, will, Haley, “Old ML. Blue,” enjoyed the beauty and grandeur panions was running in and out of the mill and they Grange hail Tuesday evening Sept. Sth. By C. ll. Sakgknt, No. s, Main street. ■ an, .ii: el lots *t white -lock dv* d, hut -ome t.avi HaiioW'dl saving- Bank, to Amanda F. ol the scenery. There was so much to he seen on had been driven away once or twice as Mr. Morrill at as No. 3 Main Street, I3eifast. •or i- have Ii I to go witlmut the fetich Produce .\r t flora* W ■ •am* town. F lling sagawa, etc. They give entertainment ous and from the ti:"-' uad .-ecured ltie right ciasties, were r. Deorge cluded to leave the Lukes to- another visit. Les- machinery especially elevator as dried P th, 4gb Hides tb lt>, bgfi h.'i'h’n d-aiioIimler their ( ■ -11 in the air and have met with one or two have been more l.ainb Salt petticoats. aw re wu Hampden, t.. hark T Tliissell, Cor- evening open lie Daggett arrived home last week from Tan iton, or less injured there be- Brans,pea,Pbn, l.bOgl.fih p tb, success in oi fore. medium, 1.40 a Lbo Lambskins, 4(>gfio inth. ViJicy Y Mar .• II, Belfast, to John Carle, quite good selling.\ party young Mass. He w ill leach school While the workmen were in another ot >■ this fall in Belmont.. part Lbo 1 v Waio ountvl- wed represented yellow-eyes,l.40g Mutton P tS», fi«7 -ami .vi I 'ml v to \ lrgie II. ;11• n is on tin- shore <>t our Hie mili Willi- ran on M.i. camping pond— Nearly .....Samuel \damsof New ILvvcn, Conn., is visit- in, jumped the elevator and Buller P lb, U>a20 Oats P bush, |ug4b i: g r a ■ k by c-' tti/'-n.-ami by exhibits II .1 hi. d oxer, one around the village has gone to Bangor to another started it As Beef p tb. 7gi* Potatoes, ig, Boston Meek. Belfast. Will, iug relatives iu town-Mr. Israel Woodbury re- boy up. it ascended Willis 40g4b SIN in ! WE SUPPLY ri ir»iii'Mii'V<- m.o'ti a few j P Round p :cji the week — -L has men j Barley bush, (»bg7b ilog tb, Ogd Mai t M. in* '.vu. D ube. W Park- fair this Dr. A. Billings at laid down and was out over the to see gap Meek, ceutly sold a idee pair of 7 ft. oxen to A. M Rami looking edge Cheese 7 shoe- Paik was Retail Market. As in New Be r * -1 ;o M Ban k -. Aimer F. .shehhm, shoj repaired intends go the past week visiting relatives. who working up stairs heard him cry any ni ;t.-r A 7ai* Lime P Bund,ol'Thorndike. ■ Mr. B. Beef, eorned, P 3), bid. l.obgl.lO -OF- Wm •.v ; t i: I s a'ldon, -aim* town, making.... Banton .-awed off two of the out, and taking in the situation at a glance, sprang •I- ar ■ ! girt *5 11 iirntu Butter Salt, P box, 20 OaL Meal P tb, bg'.» "\di, fee,, | tiii-' r- ol' hi.- hand while .at work in swanvim.k. Mr. Ivlwin Chapen who did sud and reversed the and released him. ivory Wt.1. nvilh c* J. c. Whitten, Bel right recently machinery lie Corn P hush, IB Onions P tb, .*J‘2g4 England- *-re-i *i i•• r-. >ih‘ gra i- Her- ,* pair hi- mill. dimly while llshing in his boat at Camden last week was insensible. ( racked C«»rn *B P 12 a lb t.i.-l. A .ii.o.i I. M »ds, I'nily, to Louisa I homp picked up Mr. Merrill carried him g bush, Oil,Kerosene gal -. gil t 7 7 i’lclies, \\ 4i)'.''i, moved from Ibis town last He Corn Meal P bush, rs. and were Made P W igh;, Belfast, Isaac Pi.'itsi m i. The folks have re- Hopkins Stephenson Goods, 1 vampmeeting Cheese P Pork P i.m !. s— lb, Oglu It., Sg'.t Ready Clothing, Furnishing >vi.. at la- pot,a Is, pullers ■ about two but while here formed an •1 I' N »r: 11 e .’ t mi ynrs acquaint* summoned, who found the under jaw broken k-oii, W.ili vVil-on, liallowell, ii home from Norlhport, Temple Heights, badly Cotton Seed P cwt, Lbo Plaster P I»1>1, Loo •: 'i.P ’..c iiml entered pn d :i_, an working. a Goods wiil be to M- ol*'* Palermo li. V ik, nee and friendships which will be ever Irish u in l\\" and a severe contusion on the back of Co.lii'h, dry, P tb, 4gb‘a Rye P tb, Albert Vm.u.a and Ca-tine. This week West Searsport places • H c -o c Thor; dike, one pair pulling the hearts of his Cranberries, P qt, t-glo Shorts P cwt, 1 In HORSE BLANKETS. Sc. M linin', t Calvin h Iva w lion, MvauviUo. numerous friends. He was a man tile bead. The broken bones were set but having HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, ROBES, ■■v.d he i-ited l. a day by many of our townsmen. ( lover Seed P It), 12 g l-"* P lb li jiie. air: c i*.c,M--. weight 1-ihi, »*nf. r- Sugar >n always genial, communicative, and one of stru t got out of place next morning Dr. P. P. Nichols Flour P bid, ;i.b0«7.2b Sail. T. P 4o '• tie- b lit of the Ad\entist *eling at I., bush, You eatt tehat teant at t'n ran to •• >cjit. Campm Jind yon you a/foiuf jmy B ■ has two ni ns til-. Bocks, m* ,,mcr (ami >rhige of'tin Los. just price by h-port, He was truly one of noblemen .. was cubed in ami succeeded in H.G.Seedpbu, I.'.Hta2.ou S. Potatoes P tb, ( arim will be-in and will be attended integrity. Cod's fastening it with v by repre- nut' Y S •. .• t"cam Pan-' line h*fl i.M-di :il eleven oYiork Lard p lt>, Oglu Wheat Meal P It., at our store, hi II TOCK is to the trants >•'-n.g eolt- ir o|.j -*a.:!on tiled Young C. JI. Black's new farm were de- due silvi r win- around the dgip, eattiny for adapted sent at i e.- buildings totally passed teeth, and the boo from Pro-p. et, Stockton, Searsport and H oc u a ; c ear "id V" on on To- lav bn Bangor, with pa-.-t ng. r- ami a our are Uhl LOW COM i*Il TI TIO.X. gelddia. tor, stroyed by lire between the hours of n and 12 is as well as could be of alt and jtrircs Frankfort. The larger numbers of campers at Cai- patient doing expected under Boston Market. c ue.uvv ireighi, mlu ling mudi stock for rim New'i;••• T ar ni looking ”oit-. T!m M. last Wednesday. Mr. I*, lost his two tiie circumstances. Mr. Merrill rn- wi'u oe iron. < ', L\et. r, Bangor, buildings says that any boy Boston. A ug. 20. 1 t one. 1* il’.rct sia.d- hand i.igh, an-t weighs A W ago and another ! hereafter in that mill will Bt I’TEK—Firm with tlie demand rattier I .ineooiville and U e-t Wiulerp it. Rev. Win. N. years immediately began building ‘•aught represent a loeo- improv- ftflARK ANDREWS, M Phoenix Row. 1 o Mr. (.raid thinks ue can -lc»w a three- miuiiii's alt* v aid- -iie struck on the reef of roek- line set. Job lots fresh fresh west- poi.i >■■' His cellar was built and graded at an nc-iivc engine when he leaves, for he will have a ing. creamery, 2.‘>g:Jbc; Pile, editor the llerr l of Life, will be there ern creameries in round 21 u .O flu rtli ol M eel’s tie lots, l2cg22.'fancy, ll iiie .w, ti 'High im 'lie i but VIv litite leitge, tween the monu- \pen.sir of more than $1500. in fact the tender behind. and at-o R» F. H. Burbank with no lack of good Imildiugs | 23g2J.':«*; northern, 22g22Lo; June creamery, 10a 1" d ment and P .d r-on hill n the niomi- irivil.g. I'm HH-yca. "Id -Minds liauds, rt. point, from bottom to wa re erected in a dutt'lc 2Ue, new norlliern dairies, 17gl^ Le; selections, 10 FASHIONABLE CLOTHING HOUSE, -olid -peakei—. Tlmie are 12 cottage- on tiic ( ar- top »”*• 11e '.i• sii< w a- u lud d Weigh- town v. He Was sired by running spe* hut the -hock at a cost of Beside the 320c. spondingi mel l'rounds am! were tenters last manner, $27'>0. builiib g- many year, M"n t vii.i.k. Deacon (joweu ot this town—Firmer and higlu*r. Good western in i, when hi "I Black **11 w no*, great and did not cau.-c much commotion Benj. tie e, Mr Blael; l«>.-t 2 le»gs. four r- lb. i.- a good bo;.r dug tent with good and mowing machine, round I<* 1 -, 7 2gSc; northern,7L ySLe; low grades, i.imii. died last Friday night after a illness. ! or on in- w a.- o ... tse t!m-e on hoard, ( apt. Ingraham imniedi- prolonged a Either for GASH Hid hi- ,ui P'.-u His owner 'ays nesses, \ •. Tin- were insured for <:>v. 7e. lots are from 1c to *, higher. • •I" am r fare t'lau i- u.-u'd at .-tich places AH fits.- buildings $l«;«ni, The burial .-ervices look Low Prices are the Result of Competition aoev *.mi place Sunday afternoon at lb,<;s—'There is no in with a fair na- ow urd gr -at net tic hor-es iu lit- la-: tweni v. among hi- pi.--eng.T- n-suring them change prices, i amt leather- nredi and the hay and furniture were insured. Mosl of -pc i.-cd with among the ladies, the x'h »•! h< use near at denum for fresh; cape, strictly fresh, Ise; east- stalments. IIMI NFAIiLI ALL hiNIIS l.'c »''• a a- no .hanger and :ng t u*ir tears. The by-(ieo. Thompson is i AMI VOI WILL 01 V A INTOV pnflTlQ .1 in me .. Id ’.tie eipial of 1 !iis "i.e allay the household which ern. who dv.-s. pi.uidv. There are no lee-at tin* gate. articles, were nearly new, home from i‘!yl7c; norlliern, lbl2 glfi‘2e. sFLLIM. LOW Fit THAN FLSFMTI FliF. I AlV U I 'jrL'UU.’J noai r li. out-ev or o Vet f rward a i Massachusetts on a & ! j- 'i u im .'J'lic and tho ugh it visit_sprowl P< »ta 1 <>Ks—Potatoes are in steady request with imd th tour-y car-old-... were silver ware and ini. h val- all |,o sidled liiis year forcamp.Meeting. burned, including Morse are a idle n.arkei a or two. wa- flood tide it wa- one am' inree-foartiis hours getting quite lot of eggs at present. rather tinner within day Car- ■\ *~ -• I- IIai.-op, ot Belfast, ex iu;i a At' ...UGir -aw 'in-t i- now l»r*»utr».t up the creek uable property belonging t > Mrs. Melinda s. uiack lead stock in hulk has begun to come in, six ears 031 Main Street ;fs. -dm i> i• ‘I- i<> lirr wlmri ( asr. •>I-.. T: .• Normal at ! A....', n< -Mr unr willi y-*1 in n- p School the commence- Inning been sold on ai on norlliern j- buggy ■I,'.. !!),• It. ..! '.| J 'r< > peel I'.»r $1 per eord I •'> Tiiad- who was living with her son. Mr. and Mr -. Black Friday bbgfibc, |* r* -, initing ,.t om- •»'< *• k. ’111.- 'ir.mnr wa- nu ut > : Hi- second and New rose and hehrons. Barrel 'ih .... nil! .-I -e* ., I'a ai rrll M'ti '•! !.M week numbers about loo Hampshire «1< lleiriaiai. a:i*i Howard who have were in Bristol, M friends. 1 lie pupils. in Children’s in Colors. Cummings visiting origin 'io the 'argest since IsTb. Jerseys Jerseys Fancy l*;iyy> -• of lire unknown. Mr. B.’s i.- busin i stock in hulk. el. _f.w Hie ow .Air. and Ml.-. Joslma Little* conrage good, lie s m !i Genera! a iiosnnsv. ,v<-.—m \ iniii i <>i; \ ■ ir siik *■ \Gilii11•• w i- pump- kept M.ii., Hill ami finite mini her of pupil- are yet to come. Mis- A 1*1*1.k> are ph 111v and ;he market i- lieid. • 1 W;ii t.-iicd tneir daughter, Mr-. C. ii. says he will try it again, and will egiu innm li.Ue- Apples | Mi. •■•:.e ea.-v. At bo is all in V V L str.itI ar M-miP'c_Ml'-. \ h -turdiv:.nt, ot the dire-ior-. w.-re >*n board >immon>, with the a.—i.-tama* ..f Mi-- Haskell, lb. al)ont $2 2bg2 good fruit sound ■ ... j V nh at I Or. Onirt. (i nut tiniurtion in .strain I’ ir; ridge, >a! i.r- and paid a vi.-it tlie Grange !}’ the ..lion of more buildings. Among tin? lop can be (HU r.tlr/c I’fij/ir /nr ! •' tem* •'le tmer K it 11* a b'.'ichcr "f the quoted. fgll I'n, iiiug.M r.-iiml Model sellout, is doing the- work ol vn * I I,00*1 tniilirs' i '.h-rtrir <' i i-uhi in t'.e evening. Mr. Littlefield drove from Waldo arrivals in town during the past week are Mr. IIav 1 Stijaw—Hay unchanged and steady. s. rs, ■ •* u as ordered to i.. Be! Miss ( who -.. iM.i-k-p i. nig 1 Ai hi r.'i.iUh prof... ast with all omstoek, is taking a course of -tudy Rve straw is quiet at $20g21, with occasionally a with ran aw a •• James II. Carrie ami Alice j his Inn t iiat in Belfast last week. Lewis, Creeley car at imi i vviUFTt in minus Tim Minimi' to iifmion. ■ 11 a -1 ski 1111' -1 g i htmlim.--. --he elsewhere. Dr. PhilhrooK a-Mists in the fancy $22. 1 1; a >!i:i*.v. j- \\;uterixn an'.-il here at of leaching 'I he', are ad ight, also Hits carrhig1*... .Tlie com- Ma^oij, Lowell, Mass., Misses Lmma ami Mamie “* .• ** k. one ■ > i ami the »'•tm'-ri-’.ge'-- during of each \ exhi .1 w!*Mih framed. passenger- Nickerson period day.. .-hating X.. IT. >I:u*C’A i:TH \ lVI TfU VS 1 Me. e 111■ t la-1 week and appointed \V**dne.-day, ol'Hast Corinth, Me., Mr-. Coriiam, of w*-v hen ran-;i n d to tie Katahdhi ami -arried bilion by tin* Sylvester sisie'v, was given at the SPECIAL NOTICES. >« a.- d Malden, ami James Mas v- J; VI m l,i !•»!!-iwii.y is Ur• ii itting reeonl the .. of the l’ro.-p..ei Grange Fair. Mass., Pomeroy, Chelsea, i- ei-'•: M them. Imwi-ti r. had taken tm rink on Friday evening, a; the close of u uch there To hr llonorabi; .1 u-t I c > > of iht supreme .Imli- a from this town will attend -m lor in. -a-or iust closed : : li ne in the vicinity are inv ited to exhibit -Quite delegation ciat ( oiiri ne\i 10 lie hidden al lirllasi In and for ttle."'i-MMi ti.i.i ■»! Banger. To- pro- was a social dance... .The lievcuue steamer Wood- ambridge a- < ■ tl1 N. L. and Lastern Mate on Wi1 ui.< ■:i lf:l igers. V-• ash premiUlll- I Fair-Mrs. (files of llie founly of Waldo, ihe llilrd Tuesday ol < t*> B e.g'-r w in-re a u ver •'.amine.i her b"t bun here on —FLORIDA.— = lay Friday night, sidling Saturday- October, \. I). 1 ss:>. Nunes mi-! 7. will lie paid, hut a good show w ill b* held, all !. twreuee, Mass., and Mrs. Kelly of Orotio, Maine, ~ * The ■ "r I’ ’sill m '!•'• wi'i g I- !'. >.-ton tor pair-. When the little steamer Ureal Eastern went ashore at \s a1.1.'>\vi:i> r.\ i in 4 \ M K I IIAKIHM,. : I u a. t mil i- t Granger- will exhibit are ivlwin Cre>-ii\ s. V I. 1C. IB. FEU. B. FEB. something. vi-itingat I I -learner stim-k tin-rock-Lapt. 1 ngrahatu anti both Nautilus island during a heavy breeze and tilled, W. 0. BELLAIR. J, H. TAYLOR. W :!•!••. 'i! uv-aid. !■ -I*, i'u id" I- aadiiiv. i\ v\ iii>i,. 17 7 2: 2 T 2s in*- llil- 1 I > .I',! •... ."I! I I" I'.I I Mil ! > \vi r*- lit run AMDt.s. \ was Bnootts. weather to in tin- it to ma- o .,7 ,u:>i pilot pilot house, They say the eiti/.ens meeting held at Me- Catching get grain thereby making necessary overhaul her »|o’\ ar-l, 13 i:5 1 Ol'AU, RKLLKVIKW. Commissioners' -i\th day mi .1 11iiia,-., \ l» !-> u !*,\ t. .• ■ Court, l- L ,:vi!. to. 17 72 21 2i‘ .27' 23 .3IF ; lrmi m \vi iii a tin* er event, but much of it has been secured in which was County was : u I v < point l"-yoml monument gti.-tii-ook low hall >atur«iay g to consider good condition. j chinery, done by Charles Taplev-The law i macri«"i I.AKI.M L L. IlAKl' M il mi.. 2 ... 7 ., 11 :* 27 11 .311 nr. Li. a in ,r TF.ii m tssr>. b. c i; >;■ I m when '> -,tr l'or i.- -even and a In some instances ob- li' V. Mr. of tayloh, U lllL IN'., Kt-V. I -aid •• they away >ear-i>ort, tie* matter of maki a in Mountain very straw has been at the I'ni- 0 improvements heavy Cressey, Bangor, preached ■ W irr-Mi. \ 4 24 .*2.mi .333 rtaae > "tir libel la ,i ia- ".mi in--; a h- r-e!l l.»\\ a ■ i-dit in.ntit- On ’■ < .*1 i2 1 Tim-dav the boat sw ting « •melon < ommitiees were chosen for laincd this season-It is said there is t<> be a le.rian Church last annual fair oi t- ...:r- li. !■’• .204 .23. soliciting Sunday-The tin -aid ( laiviue i. Ilardiiiu » .•lia-te, fait!.’-l 1 j .2>i" 1> >.' > ! : IT 1*; .2 <•••...* m- --rm-r •! lh- a ti t a po-:,t L u\ \. tan i- and to work on the change in the office of here. F. W. the ( a-dm- U will he lie Id at \\ e.-t Ca-line on BEAL ESTATE AGENTS, Maine. allV'-ii.iit.'ilo wit- hill vm i’:tnL -leu superintend ground-. postmaster range Belfast, The following ni*e* originated before Judge hi vV1 ’i i,11. i..... 7 El li. 12 .i» 10 .2 i'■ III -al larcii".- I-., -n ..| >ii' -imiei ",i ~e eight ,..i't a naif hen b Brown i- to >. .:>n-Sell. Il.trdinp |»«•» ar i> •. minute-,w I lii in a laudable en:»-rpi'i-e, suggested Mr. J. take the place of J. H uxford. Capt. >cpi Emma (treen, «>f and from Bangor, 3in3fi Boardman : I M -1!.. 1 17 12 il OCALA, Marion Co.-BELLEVIEW. Sept. 3, a 11 -1 confirmed I -> of in:. \i"ali«»n And ui .-tie sept -id i*-i Moose made 1 commanded ( : M *1. r. '! 17 2 .«»-*-* 2 .0 il point. Presently they IV >vvan, out village undertaker. Mountain Cem- Iluxl'ord has been in this office tor over thirty ; by apt. Wm. smith, of this place, i* We have for sale in Hern Stal* vs. Th.mia-' Andrew ■.r lil» dal.! net In -Iim\\ Hut ; -a- -aid ( L Marien, Sumpter, mdo, •* a whirl. a a dame- F. >11;;• 11 e. : -7 | liar 11 it i... I si tli "it at iia.- F:ir heeling Vi ••:1 buoy -opposed to have been the outer eti n i- a biaatilul spot, ami with its many line years and has been a capable and honest official ! lyuig here bi.nocr laden, awaiting a chance to >;dl ami Orange Counties: Town lot-, I.ike fronts, in.::, v, 4.'".--! x, Charles < tn- bm*y. in cuno nl- .o ni'.dern i\ i« and its ancient he.ul- amt is geni >ur In all ! for New York.\rchibald Wcseoti, son nf ho. *• i.lily respected by people. in and at to suit all I.users. Aril*1.:; lira.'. \i i- -uitabie uiaii.ti-uaii'a I*. An-i ••nc id" ■it‘ in-sie,-:im-r struck Hu- toek-. The officersean *]uantities prices pur ! ! "lie-, n n e wm\ now inaugurated to nis .i rm ol service there has never been a Wc-coit, of No. t has taken the in ! Im23* Arthur tirav. laid furtlicr -llmi Inal I Ilf -aid larcin'" K. Hard- only quires aitspic- aslinc, position Correspondence solieite'l. 1 •- Neihe TalU ixm. ha- -in. e in tin not !' >r tIm -i'i.mi. T i» ran their course make it one of cemeteries in these W. It Witherle’s oc'Utiiied 'V. Address for lull until Oct. 1st, 1885. ili4 Miiinillcd, ini..4". ej-iii.r I the finest parts ion even that a single dollar lias ever been lost store, lately by C. particulars * ’• !,y : .1 itue- Wood. "J a .id'cr-.' w li li\ "i ;rv, \v •: <• to n >e| ii ii' lime, the boat uid liol lllttk. imi di-ianec. -La-l Itev. (.m. A. < raw of tin l. his Hanson’s the is E. John Miku.'U n. \n. i:: lianl -ln>w- ford, F. >unda> negligence. Brown, ineoming man, gen- N"c- J. H. TAYLOR Winterport, Me. lingers. lam i; further I < -•> uii'T wa- ami Charles ti at t! -v Id u an* I v-.-ry heavily loaded, a strong >. Navy, gave a di.-eoiirse at the Melhodi.-t Church erally c.msidered to be a good, hoaest, capable j llaiigl irei li irdir. ;, dlicii; Maries M I nt>.-di.. ... m; h« a -teil\ wind wa- Ido which ! her, u t'-i-ly de-erted -r wing against iiei, at ..'clock r, m. on Mi-sionar; work in Japan and man ami as lie is in sympathy with the admiuistra- MARRIED. Harry Yillcrs. together with tin- Hood tide must have tin Great Wool. *• 1 a impeded hi a. 11 ir. remark- were very interesting and lion of course has tin* inside track_V\ illis Morse I Cry—Little lieorge Falic. liheilaiii i'u nil. -ho. did ha- had by the-..: '“'•a, w a ... er- km w these I (diaries I 'lav. ." I I lard: :i4 a a r- n now alio ruin ••! > fa«-«s, however, were listened to with verv lose attention. Mr. ami of have been SALE! M l! > -ill ,)..!) 1 family Lowell, lately at CLOSING visiting The* all over the eountn ln( d. 1 : .lemae M. i"*rii Vu.u.-t A 1*. I-'", an a- tii*- report telegraphed j outre Lineolnville, Aug. 2‘.*th, by Malliews, (ie«»rge Partridge.— Ilurdiiu, !•'•. V f < .n .. |s is 11 47 .7 .0 0 phots are .mongthe most accurate ttiat Crawl«*rd is now with his famil\ lii f all the old homestead of Mr. Morse. Willis is '• visiting said t> F. t Mr. ('barb1- IE PYrnald, of Lineolnville. ami I Freem hi s. Auspland. b rede:-:- I !I ,r -1:14, •; a Ha) II, \ I». I -7 t. ml 2. 1. from to the effect that lVnsioii Com- 44 Mo' ; h‘ I" 31 7.77 :« oer t ne Chicago 7 .V. :a'ig.i!e waters, aeei h-m is almost um\. er, IP Wm. H. Craw and hut returns have done well in to ! Mi-s duli: M.Wellman, lienj. Hi lev. your lii•ell-: 11; a-k I hat no rare and cu-tod v of 11 I W '. 2 2 ford, family, business and be worth a snug Hope. j irr* si '."11 six 1 dos.- Wall. i i>. -I \ 'i‘he extent, of tin- is not known missioner Black had discovered about hun- In Camden, Aug. 28111, by Rev. A H. Tyler, Mr lill*:X"ii -en mir lioell ml 1111 h. Y. m. *. 23 38 pbtinalm.-. damage this week to >. •1. 1: Ml' lii .- ti ! !'• I. II 11 li n 4 i-. t ha I -lie ! Mi 7 ., *' u-nrt I 20.’ .'ill .MS 1 2011. » d TO fillffl John ( l litis.. ha r.-a-oiia "d .-.iiie to a-cert liu w regular at II “Vaork in and t*> hist March « Her live work ha- been done in the “Miss Ada Sweet must has In Camden, Aug. 25th, Mr. P rank d. Alden and AIM mng. hi- l' -iden. a- 1 a:... Ur -lie anno! a-, r a 111 when C •loon •. In 2 11 .s' 7 3 Boston. and sale of iibo t hree who for another and different side to it which we ; j pression dealing liquors, some months has been on the invalid list. ; very In Roekland, Aug.25th, A vail 11. Lloyd and Lulu I have a FINK ASSOliTMKNT of CAUUIAtiFS 1 >anicl Sullivan... 7.1a 111- re-ldei "e now " ■ here in full in order that her statement of !> 1 .1 *. V-J-.J• ;i m'i ,111 game was pia> ed in places were at once stopped and have not sold Daniel claims to have lived in Brooks than give Pillemes, both of Roekland. in anil that I shall oiler at the Andrew W ils.m. \\ h "cfor. > fill ii" i nd |(|- that the .>nd- JT-.khon \l. longer both styles prices •• Albert Durham, of Boston, is in the ease he seen and at the same time tIn- TwouiM... ■ii tU iinonv hetu ••"ii 'i d -"If il l the ~.d ! < iaron a '* .1 1 may In Wahlohoro, Aug. 17th, PM ward Pi. 1‘hilbrook, Wesley t' !- L\v IWO pi -k. nines railed tin- M ulV- -luce. Two places onlv in the I own have defied other now a I to make < ! any person resident here. He came usual fall •lisenunts. propose ,k> o • Belfast, Vis iiag his id home and friends and is justice and fairness of the attempt to disparage of Damariscotta, and P ronle Pi Sides, of NValdo- 1'atriek Malos.. ( K. Ilardiin mav uunnlU d, 1- tin ,-aai" .1 uld in 1 > ill'. A"' •• .y to tho one j pay lor ;t s:.p.per law, the Bay View House at Camden, and ! here a little and for some time Ihed in a her be at a boro. ia a-onahle an I proper, 'ondu"iv" to doia -tie har- the guest of Samuel Locke ..Mrs. L. M. Wash- hoy iog may judged its true worth. To rep- < >3 .Ml.-. I'n-* M 1-i s < The In John L. Mullen and smM mom and eon.-isiem with the and iicratitv w«*re -’impose-! of tin.* other the arlelon House at 1 lock port. house near what Is now the South Brooks Corner. resentative of th«' New York Tribune she said: j Vinalhaven, Aug. 16th, pence j iiurn, of tliis city, who lias been at Hyde Park, Pimuia P'. both of Vinalhaven. O. .. "t AN.NIK K. IIAKLMMi. 1 y in M. T. R. 11. View for a sa'e and for a ‘The does me a as Douglass, Marsnall, 1 Bay paid $J0 single $100 He has clear two farms in town and has dispatch great injustice, j Work in Out1 hirer. \ Mass., for three returned home last week. helped up In Boston, Aug. 15th, P' d. Gushee and Olive Quick Closiiii Originated before Franklin A. Fmj. Troy, IT, I'M. 1 < months, it me in a false and makes it Ml'. r' K. vv 11 a., is. \. 3. !•. 11ui.sauce at the March and the Carlelou puls light appear j 1 I’tonnell, term, with his own hands laid many rods of wall. On Couch, both of Appleton. of kind State vs. /a nas Harm-..S .Miss Birdie < and if want a carriage any M. Washburn, of Lowell, Mass., as though there was fraud in my office,' said In P’red K. ol' Roek- you ST VTK ob .M \ N la. 1 •' on. *. P Lombard. -J. It. Pendleton an-l G Hons-* also paid $100 under the nuisance act. Since his mother’s side he is a direct descendant of Com- 1 Joncsport, Aug. 15th, Clark, i.ei.rge arver. has been Miss Ada Sweet, of the Pension s visiting in Belfast, the guest, ot Mi.-s Maud Chicago Office, and Leonise of Jonesboro. v\ <*rLh. 1 — .- land, Tapper, Proctor Went Wu.lx ss. AU4. IT, 1 ii .'• i..m I «■ : i-f named were the I then there have been three successful cases of modore He lias battery. Perry. always been a consistent after the which said COME AT ONCE. 41 1 •> Gammons ..G. li. Jennison, dentist, It ton Mon- to-day, reading dispatch dames Wood. j I'nen personal yappi a red the above named Anid." 1 in ;1 r- \l P i. has--, Gua search and seizure at the two of them member of the of 44 1 -aplain, Col* Bay View, society Friends and has been that Commissioner of Pensions Black had dis- I I don’t John Hill. IT. ! and made oat it that the at»ove I'nel .•» for where in* will an while 1 have a l"t for you to choose from. 1 lartlin.4 day Lowell, Mass., open office DIED " lie... Am <;•••• 1 K a liny, Jos. \Vll- being liquor and one Hie dump, ami also one case connected with our town affairs in the covered gross irregularities in the Chicago of- Phillips. ;7 her si4ii('(i is tru and particularly licit part >>t :t prominently care oilier dealers offer to seil I 44 .Mrs. W P. Tin tnpson, of this who has what carriage for, samnel s.irgh nt .. wlii h rebates to the resit lenee 01 tae -ai I Clare.a U'i! < ( city, as a one tice. *lt is the system of offices, Rivers. liarl<- M. raig, Ralph common seller, and for single sale, all of past and with a legal training would have made a pension you | Elizabeth 47 44 William Faueolt.. been in returned home ‘to on In this city, Aug. 24th, Brier, aged d'J b ilardiii4. visiting Lawrence, Mass., know,’ continued Miss Sweet, carry the I 44 •' md The were Col which five cases will come before the Ho has years and 5 months. John Williams. NON A. II l*« >W Hers-y «3--rge Itaiiey. batiery September good lawyer. always been noted for his names entitled Before me, Kli-S this week...... Mr. and Mrs. Harris and roll the of all to draw a Octm cSb '\7Vill 44 :: George persons In this .Samuel D. dames Dalan. 1 d i.-tiee oi IN aft *ni m iler-ey The Mutiers w-»u with a court, the proprietor of the Bay View'now being love of debate. In case city, Aug. 2!)th, Sargent, aged the Ralph nearly every ever tried be- The law that if a 44 laughter, of Boston, are in the of pension. directs person fails about 31 the John Davis. -' Belfast, guests years. more for same money. } .*j •■l of under bonds IPs give you 44 17 to 10. Lombard distinguished himself for appearance there. Officers fore a Justice here in town he has been retained as to claim his for three years the name Mabel I. of Provi- Daniel Welch... 7 Mr. aii 1 Mrs. Mark Mr- pension In this city, Aug. 25th, Ware, sT AT L Ob MAIN K. Andrews— Alonzo Bean, 44 * in I) and have attended to cases shall he so that if a dies or 1 and I'd James in being lie- wrong phe- every time, and failed Montgomery these counsel by one of the parties and dropped, pensioner dence, aged year days. COME AXD SEE. Murphy. j ss. -1 I VI. Ol ■f i- usually managed 44 VVAl.lM* KKMK It I»1« (. KT, 1 r.umlen, visiting friends in Belfast.Hon. his widow and itis we in 28th, wife of Reuben John Jones. 1 "iake iii- nd the allowance of a to he footed formerly Libellant cause an attested eopv tiiere. f, and t Mi-.nlej .The Rockland “Hon. adelphia spoke by re<|iiest in town hall Tuesday ! was in town last week as of Fred i gard pension up In Mrs Hannah York, aged 78 Opinion says. guest Atwood, Monroe, Aug. 2i)th, well-known builders: be Hive J tie supper was served Wednesday evening_ a dead assets, and it is there- from the following lllis Ol der t<> publi-iU'd I weeks Mina --i\el was and among person's 3 months and 4 Originated before Wayland know lion. Fmj. Joseph Farwell ot Unity has been visiting friends evening. Quite a large audience present Mr. Clark is Manager of the New years, days. in tic m Journal, a r.i \\ Tne N- u Herald concludes a notice of the England Depart fore of no interest to the relatives to inform the 64 Kepubli public -p..p"r '*i‘i}p<>r! In Knox, 18th, Ruby C. Woodbury, aged A Bennett A Smart 1 7 ■ in inis and vh all seemed to be interested in the lecture....Dr. G. Aug. H. F* Briggs Co., Bines, Biddle, State vs. John Hill..£ in -aid county, the last It- oily initj. He is iiis incut of the Insurance (Jo. and was for 1 published pub:.ration I!i a.- accompanied by Imperial Of course, I know about and 3 44 1J! ki-in games follow department. nothing years days. Daniel at lea-t u» tti third l n "I >. Stand- ilaggett. twenty day- prior lay -"h, Mr. VV Farwell, who has been ill of a ser- F. Karnes and wife of Boston formerly of this many years connected with the Home,of New York, it unless the name is to Dear Mother, thou art gone to rest. A Co., A. K. Knowles, Yolney Thompson, 44 Kverell. d ’*'.' the Imivs lost the it was one d reported. According Charles October, A. 1> ISSN, that lie m »y then and J: re ap AiiiMiugh game toils and cares are o’er, < last law we the name three and then Thy hi' nit re,.-.hi lo feel ashamed. Dll- ions nervous disease for tne and place were here week for a few days visiting lie Is a veteran adjuster, having made it his exclu- carry years ard tiolden Co., Etc. Joseph Boswell pear and show cause if any In ha.-, why the prayer li't'.v past year, during And sorrow, pain and suflering now Wagon Co., Eagle Buggy it* i..•• it. Commissioner Black * of the Libellant should lad U iht- N. and In* was ail that time has the constant attention of Mr. E. B. Gardner ami on old friends — sive business to settle losses for 35 drop Recently very granted wburyports required calling continuously Shall ne’er distress thee more. be in Belfast lik'd'» ", ltr->t'khtns could fathom. But tw<» properly sent out an officer to iuto the I shall every day (if nothing pre- i? JOHN A. LLTKUS, his lather, lie is somewhat but is U. and wife of are visit- His of over a of a cen- inquire In Thorndike, Aug. 21st, John N. Bryant, aged 21 .• improved now, Hugh Gray years. recollections quarter !.ief .1 u .1 i- wt- uiade off him, both by Patton. The Canibridgeport matter. The man came here in June last and I vents) unit Aug. ’29th. After that until Sept. 7th, sup. nd. 'our: years. term. .7.'• a > — still of his rides in the Total amount of costs this A true of thr Libel and Older ot Court then i" 1 ivis a- a lwi»-ba.ser being a scratch nearly helpless-Capl. Joshua Fessenden, U. ing relatives here for a short time—Mr. Edward tury, losses, Ids stage winter, furnished him with a list of the names of 88 West copy ■ per- In Camden, Aug. 27th, Peleg Decrow, aged I shall be at Grove Ground, fl\ which Maple Camp :iw:.'i A i! •• -1 WILLIAM BITKKY, lerk. (»r>-cu should have taken but of Gen. Hancock’s lias command of often more time to a loss sons 1 A., stall, the Kalish came home from New York Wednesday to spending adjust $1000 who had not drawn their to 3 months and day. o. •' 1 j pensions up years, where can find me. lw3« JOHN M. VI.KlCHI'H, t Tiva- 'ni- igc and lost. The effectiveness of Belle S. 82 Searsport, to camp-meeting, you over Gen. I > than is taken now to are within six months. I he iuto In Camden, Aug. 26th, Leland.aged ji W"j rl. -I a h military guard Grant's tom in Riverside his vacation with his old friends and rela- adjust $100,000 losses, very supposed inquired from the fact that he struck spend and 11 months. this time if are in Belfast and wish to it and found that a large number were dead or years During you men, I\v11 were put out by foul on the park, New York. Capt. F. is a native of Rockland, tives.Mr. 1). E. McFee of the Lake Interesting. He speaksof bis acquaintance with the Edwin 67 Lips Supt. In Camden, Aug. 24lh, Chapin, aged see the call on ihii 'i strike, and lour balls him left 1 had remarried. carriages only pitched by a son of Rev. S. C. late of business men of years them Jeremiah 6 months and 17 days. the Fessenden, Stamford, Mcganlic It. B. was in town Wednesday of last ago, among Miss Sweet then a list which had years. diamond. He pitched with lightning speed, picked up In Aug. 15, Mrs. Lucretia S. Aehorn, l. f. McDonald Brilliants and James Wahlohoro, and in Conn — The There is week in consultation with Hon. Parker in Holmes, Asley, Daniel Williams, Lathley and said: ’itis a E. L. supported good form, considering the ; Bangor Whig says: living Spoflord been drawn up curious coinci- 20 years and 11 months. STiCKHEY, I»\ aged Announces his removal t" the store formerly dri.oislaii'•«'!> McDermott behind the bat, who in at the time a woman named to that road .Melville E. came home Rich, R. A. Rich, Judge llubbard, N. J. Atwood. dence that which has been tiu- In Pills Winfield, infant Palmyra present regard Gray my report, just worth, Aug. 21st, Harry show them to and piHckny played the game out, his hands of A. 8 months who will you quote prices. occupied by although Ruth who will be 111 of next No- from Mass, last and is able to Most of them have passed over the other side. ished, contains the names 540 persons whose son of Henry W. and Mary Cook, aged "ere hruiM'd and Ids Flynn years age Beverly Thursday for their as lingers bleeding from the names are to he from the roils.’” and 4 days. Thanking the public, confidence, Sherburn »><> Mrtin St. Rhine Stones Some Mr. Jesse of Mass, dropped Stevpcr, punishment received. vember. In the town of Scarsraont there lives a walk about town a little. three weeks ago King Taunton, spent Sunday SALES this it will he well to wait a shown in my VERY LARGE season, for 1 to merit with Mr. A .wood. Mr. has Mr. Perhaps enough Thanking the public past favors, hope IK- — Diiworth left Belfast for New- man the name of Cheslev Heald whose is Mr. Gray while working on a cottage at King represented -SET Thursdav, by age Beverly while before crying “fraud” very loudly I remain your obedient servant, a continuance of patronage. For the NEXT on a which had Atwood in Massachusetts for and will iiuiyport, and pitched Ids first game with that 10, Point park, Virthport, resulting in a score of 12 Portland, formerly collector of customs in Belfast, great industry little child this week... .There Isa rumor that the who has a class in DANCING, will give a reception — cided natural Charles Homer while on to b In favor of the Comus’.The Queen Citys was in town on Tuesday T. E. Simonton ami ability....Mr. body of a man washed ashore Indian Point, and BEST CiOODS at reasonable prices. in Pierce’s Parlor Theatre, on Dr. H. C. Lynch of Sturgis, Dakota, was shot, Notice of Foreclosure. were defeated at Bangor, Saturday, by the State wife, of Rockland* have been in Belfast visiting at work at Casson’s Block Factory in Bangor last Buck sport, on Monday is that of George W allace, dead Monday night in his office by Corporal SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FITTING THEKEAS, ANDREW .1. STKVFNS, of Belfast, nine !2 friends and relatives .. Mr. B. P. Palmer, late of Tuesday caught his clothing in the machinery and commonly Known as “Nobby” Wallace of this place WANTED! College to 4.The Commercial says the ltoss Ilolts of A, 25th United States 8th. in the of Waldo, bv liis mortgage who has been missing some three Company Tuesday Evening, Sept. Comity Bangor association has not been able to its the Boston Globe, was in Belfast this week....Mr. was thrown over the shaft twice before his cloth- weeks-George stationed at Fort Mead. The latter deed date*I August 3, 1883, and recorded in Waldo pay Grant has closed up his place of business here for Infantry, Tickets to be had of the SCHOLARS. None sold ami released him. Aside from a se- was a mob. Trusses, Abdominal County Registry of Deeds, Volume l!»s, Page 7b, bills. We thought when Manager Clark was rak- Amos Clement arrived here Monday from Seal ing gave way the presentaud gone to New York. Everybody is lynched Tuesday by Supporters, at the door. to me In mortgage a eertain oared of Vest & rants Makers. vere and a few scratches he came out sorry to have go, and that he will is invited to attend and conveyed ing the universe to pick up a nine to beat the Bel- Harbor Mt. Desert, for a brief visit. He left forty shaking up George a^l hope The public cordially give land situated in said Bel fast, of Lot No. -8 to his ELASTIC HOSE, you up price. playing less; Peculiarly Prompt; Perceptibly Potent; Pro- Sept. ner of Lot No. 7 in the third dixision 01 lota on the the best of the visit of a few weeks....C. R. Lougec and W. once. W M. PRIEST. and then to have to draw upon the book. of this city, lias gone to Boston, to take a further ed this summer. They arc among Permanent and Celebrated Penfield Celluloid Truss ! road from Belli -t to Bangor ; thence nearly pocket 'fainter will spend their vacation at Moosehcad ducing Profit; Precluding Pimples leading ..Base ball has had a and He which we have seen of and as he has re- Pustules; Promoting Purity and Peace. Purchase. xvesl on the line of Lot No. 7 to the margin of the tf84 3 Plicenix Row, Belfast, Me. remarkable run in Belfast course in embalming undertaking. intends many his, Lake_Among the recent arrivals are Mrs. Han- i the most perfect Truss in the market, and the Price, Petty. Pharmacists Patronizing Pierce Pro- After once will never be pond or river, about thirty-seven and one half rods, this season, and some of our enthusiastic lovers of to master ids C. B. Hazel, ceived premiums twice before on his work we ex- nah Nutter, f Brighton, Mass., Miss Hattie Johns- only one adopted by the U. S. Government. using you profession....Messrs. cure thence by the margin of said pond or river on the the ton, of Barre Mass., Mrs. Tufts, of Boston, Mrs. A. Plenty. game are planning for next year. They are W. C. Marshall, R. A. D. Bean and pect he will on one or both of these... .Mr. O. F. east side of B. Kelley’s Paper Mill lot about thirty- tine, Cheuery, JR. Babbidge, of Portland, Miss Clapp, Mr. and PURE For Sale. talking of an association EXTRACTS, ELIXIRS, &c., without the four rods; thence by sa d Paper Mill lot or line to pledging an amount to others from this city are at the Bangor fair .. Mr. Blake while rowing along a cove just around In- Mrs. of Houlton-The Winterport Cor- The President has decided to reappoint Ju- on McElroy, i of our own manufacture and warranted of stand- the road leading from Belfast to Bangor, about The property High street, the There net Band furnished music, for the two Stahel as consul to China. j players. ought to be a Maine league G. A. Beckett, of this city, is visiting his daughter, ! dian Point discovered the body of a man floating moonlight lius general Shanghai, ard strength. rods; thence t ic xvesl line of said road to known as the. LOCKE HOUSE, excursions on the last week- Rev. j thirty by formed. Belfast, Portland ami He took It to the shore and notified Cor- Cambridge Stahel is now in Washington on leave of ab- the of containing six acres, more .suitable for a hotel, business pur- Bangor already at Machias. .Mr. E.J. of Staten Island, along. on care taken In eompoundlng Pre- Americas Piano & Fsrnitnre I place eginning, Cunningham, Mr. Taylor and A. A. Lewis exchanged pulpits AA-Urealest Polish, or tenement house. For have teams, and sence. He has served in the consular service in or less, with the buildings thereon standing; and poses strong Rockland, Augusta, Bath, New who lias been his old home in oner Patterson. From a letter which was found in last. ..The Cong, society wMl give an en- ..rrlpllvn.*, from rest material* In be procured. of York, visiting Sunday China for ten or twelve MANUFACTURED BY whereas the condition li said mortgage is broken, particuiars enquire Biddcford, Watervlile, aud other tertainment at their vestry on evening years. | MARY O. many places can Monlvilie, was in Belfast Tuesday and took the boat one of Ids pockets and from Inquiries made it is Thursday UIVE US A CALL. i noxv, therefore, by reason thereof, I claim a fore- i__MRS. RUSSELL, of this week-The W. R. C. will have an enter- F. R. Mo. At residi ace of tin- late. Mrs. K. O. Fiklp. nines. Bet us have a Maine DAGGETT, Sandy Point, closure of said GEOIWJE IIOLT. the get up good league up river to attend the great fair at He thought to be one Geo. Wallace wiio has been miss- A. R. hall on Use the for "cold in head" and | mortgage. Bangor. tainment at the G. Tuesday evening great specific I 1885.—34tf I Dated this 31st of 1886.—3w 36 Belfast, Aug. 2*. ISt®.—.3w35* season. I KILGORE At WILSON. Aug. 17, day August, another will return to Staten Island from Bangor. ing from Winterport for some two weeks. Sept. 8th. catarrh—Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. A Lady Golden-Rod. Ship May Steer Herself. Take all in All, PROBATE NOTICES. “O pretty Liidy Golden-lioil, A NEW ELKCTHICAL DEVICE FOR THE USE OF —Trie all the Kidney and Liver ITu glad you’ve come to town? SAILORS. At a Probate Court debt at Belfast, within and Boston and Medicines. for the second I saw the the County of Waldo, on Tuesday Bangor you standing by gate. Charles H. Washburn has patented an auto- —Take all the Blood of August, A* D. 1885. Co. All in your yellow gown. purifiers, MteniiiNlii)) matic, widow of (yticura No one was with me, and 1 thought steering apparatus by which the control —Take ail the Dyspepsia and Indigestion pHARLOTTE P. GOULl), TOBIAS Vj GOURD, late of Troy, in said County of Wal- A5P0SITIVE CURE FOR EVERY FORM.OF You might be lonely, too; of the rudder of a vessel can be taken entirely JOHNSON5ANODYNE a that an cures, do, petition And so I took card-case deceased, having presented Summer [BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASE FROM my ThejawM-*I allowance from the es- Arrangement. out of the hands of the man at the wheel at any NSF-CURES B lllllll KITE,“”for —Take all the and bilious may be made her personal And came to visit you. j Diphtheria, IBI IHI HI ■ CURES-Catarrh, Choi Ayne, Fever, tate of r PIMPLES TO;SCROFULA. : Bron- B B era said deceased. moment and assumed on the bridge the Croup, Asthma, BIB B BB BB B IBB H Morbus, Dysentery, by chitis, Neuralgia, Rlieu- B B BBB H BBBB B IBB El Chrome Diarrhoea, Kid- specifics. Ordered, That the said Charlotte give notice “You’re fond of company, I know; officer iu matism, at the B B and to all HI MUIS, Hun.'.dating Erup- charge. Bleeding B Bl B fl Biff B B I IV ney Troubles, Spinal —Take all the Brain and Nerve force persons interested by causing a copy of this or- You smile so at the sun. iu preparing a ship so that it may be steered Lungs, Hoarseness, In- B B fl ^fl B fl fl fl fl ^fl fl Diseases, der to be in the nlSFlGlRINGtions. llehing and Burning ski:; Tortures, I fluenza Hacking Cough, I. S. JOHNSON & CO., published’three’weeks successively And when the winds go this a like W^m IRBiRniR BVI fl revives. .Journal at mav 1.-ei111stm111' Soivs, and every species of Itching, i romping past, by apparatus, cylinder something Whooping Cough. NB Bl UBDUBB ■ M ■ Boston, Mass. Republican printed Belfast,that they You bow to one. at a Probate to Ik* held at >eal\. Pimply, Inherited, Scrofulous, and Conta- i every the cylinder of a steam engine is secured —Take all the Great health restorers. appear Court, Belfast, FOR INTERN A.X, A3STI3 EXTERNAL TJSE. TRADE within and for said on the second irious Diseases of the Blood, skin, and sealp, with How you should ever know them ail, athwart'hips at any convenient place about the County, Tuesday MARK._ In take all the best of all of next, at leu of the clock before noon i.oss of llair, l' infam y to old age, are positive- Fin ure 1 can not tell; deck, in this i«. a with a short, qualities September cylinder piston piston and show cause, if tm- ly cured hy ( tiu ka Resolvent, the New Blood But when I come again. I hope rod attached, which each end these and the—best, any they have, why prayer Coininenciny June loth, projects through PURGATIVE ESS of said petition should not ?»<■* graded.’ Purifier, internally, and Ct Tin k v, the Great '"kin You'll know me as well. the just of cylinder, each end of the rod terminating PARttlN^’ | of all the best medicines in the GE< > E. J< J -h-tiiiers will 1«*:iv• Belfast for C Uoekland Cure, and o r.cntA s<»at an exquisite skin beau- I !MAKE NEW, RICH BLOOD, —Qualities j HINSON, amden, in a hook. The chain leading to starboard nllvUlffu | En[Lj A true copy. Attest:—B. P. Fn.i.o, a:, I Boston, daily, (except Smuln\.>) at about 2 titier, externally. “i love OAP world, and you will find Register. you. Lady Golden-Bod; from the tiller is taken Biliousness, and all LIVER and BOWEL Complaints, MALARIA. S that—//<»/> n'eloc.k i*. or arriwii from through fair-leaders to £Sltt£SP1Z.?JE£JSICK"HE4D'ACHE’ M., upon Bangor. You are so and BLOOD POISON, and Skin Diseases 'ONE PILL A DOSE!. For Female Complaints these Pills * 1 bright line; the book on —Bitters have the best curative and At a Probate Court held at For Si arsporl, Bucks jort, ten the starboard end of the piston have no equal. “I And them a valuable Cathartic and Liver Pill.—Dr. T. M. Palmer. Moutieello, Fia.” qualities Belfast, within and Wiuterport, IIainp You lit v'c 1 have a » ECZEMA crKKD. rumpled frock. “In my I use no — J. PAYS NO the of on the second o| and Bangor every dn\ \< ept Momlny ai rod. and the port chain is taken to the port practice other. Dennison, M.D., DeWitt, Iowa.” Sold everywhere, or sent by powers of all—concentrated In County Waldo, Tuesd.iv (about) Or tangled hair like mine. mail for 26 cts. in stamps. Valuable information FREE. I. S. JOHNSON & CO., BOSTON, MASS. them, A. D. ls>;>. 1,’ej.iek, or arrival «>i .■•teamcr I non lio.-ton. 1 was atllieted with Ee/ema on tlie Scalp, Face, hook. It is obvious that the size of the cylinder August, upon 1 think your mamma comes at —And that will cure when or all ot TO Ears and Neck, which the where I got night. must on the size of the they any L1 Lis HA C. AREY, of a creditor AK late of in your remedies, pronounced it is intended, and that the tiller will be thrown Horse anil Cattle Powder sold in this mini- |B N 19 E Lm E | | m fl E Kfl H §3 m yi singly or—combined. Fail!!!! hit, Wintcrport. Fr nil Boston, cverv day except Miudav, at *>r.M. that had come uml< r his notice. He advi-ed me to And dresses you in green and gold. try is worthless; that Sheridan's Condition *9 C'»unty of Waldo, deceased, having presei.led a pe- at from one side to the other, according as the BlM glfl I B | | £3 r-jf —A thorough trial will of Fr; try your Remedies, days’ day. is moved in the To absolutely pure very |BfE| gn £3fl ply t? But per.-on may appointed ab- ui m touching at Camden. of were piston cylinder. operate Nothing: on Karth will make hens BBB ffiJB 9 h *M H original compound, wiili the of >aid d<- use, my scalp ami part my face entirely jj§ fej this. administrator will annexed, From Bang r, touching at il oupden, Winterp« rl, “How tall you are. dear Go!den-Bod! the piston air is admitted on one ! lay like Sheridan's Condition BB B M cured, and 1 in another we*!, to hav my ears, compressed ™jfw If Hta ra ceased’s estate. Bind;- o'eio. k A. M. hope ■ ■ ™ ■ ■ B vmm ■ ■ uB B B made from the port and at 11 side or the other as wanted means of a ro- dcr. Dose, one teaspoonful to each pint of GE39 9 Q PUREST Searsport daily, neck, and the other pari of niv face cured. You’re taller ’most than 1: by Ordered, That the said Arey give notice to e >unda\ s. food. It will also positively prevent and cure Hog Cholera. Ac. Sold everywhere, nr sent by mail fnr?.v. in xe.-pt HERMAN sLADE, 1 can not so fast. tary valve of construction. This valve all persons interested by a rop\ ->f tin Hereafter all will i-e eollecteil on grow very peculiar stamps. Furnished in large cans, price $l.on-. bv mail. .fl. Hardened Liver, cau.-hig* Haight l>ilU CM enA and is cold the ue. P2u E. 4th St.. New York. STOCK, order to be three L- in >• is worked oti < Although 1 try and try. by the piston rod of a small cylinder VnlvIVbll ! Circulars true. I- b. JOHNSON & CO., Boston, Maas. by published -ueecv-ively ;n«-wharf deti\ery 1*. r rder -f t.en ^ 1/nULBRA, Five l broke with the ;■•■! at that tin Oh. here's mamma, dear Gu!dcn-Hou! operated by compressed air much as the one years ago down kidney Republican.Journal pri' Belfast, real Manager. big 1 at a Probate to be hehl at B. I SCABS AM) SOKES. is hut its valve is and closed means yr42 makers and dealers nearer the and liver complaint and rheumatism. may appear Court, I’ll ask her please to stop: opened by ~* I*. L.WK, \gent.... .Belfast. then t fast, within and for said County, on ttie I have heei nllle t- d -ii last March with a skin And •‘lie shall which one of us of an electric current Since have been unable to be about at t Lt!\ W sTI>, w,. id.Riisinti. say running through magnets. Tuesday of September r,e\t, at ten of the oi*..-. d. disease the doef'r- call. 1 Iv'/.t run. M' face was This electric current is in turn controlled cost of than all. My liver became hard like wood; limb* JAMFS LliTLKFIfcLB, ht n*i Boston. Conies highest at the top.” by production any my fore no«.n, and show eause it any they have, w 1 supl com red with scabs and and the and were and tilled with water. IHMIH! II. IliLL, Jr ton. Man,,.. Boston. sores, itching the movements of an attachment to the mari- putted up Lh. praver of said petition snould not be gram* d. wa* almost unbearable. Cr- The Golden-Bod! in All the best burning Seeing your lovely Lady ner's compass iu the wheel house. This com- other Laundry Soap the physicians agreed that nothing GKo. I.. .JOIINsmn, .ft, T’.elfa -(. t ime lo, f ss;, rl uel ka Remedies so con- highly recommended, She understood. is of could cure me. 1 resolved to Bitter**; A true Attest —B. I*. KiKU». K'-m-ter < surely pass composed the bowf, try Hop copy. cluded to give them a trial,* using the ithci ka ordinary sup- F-»r when wet Margie turned around, in the usual and the market. S hat this l have used st-ven bottles; the hardness ha** all and Ct it* ika MiAi’ externally, ml Kksoia knt ported manner, containing you get j >he bent down all she could. from liver, the from At a Excursions internally, for foui months. 1 call myself cured, | usual balanced card. Above tlie card is sup- j gone my swelling my Probate Court, in•l at Belfast, witld .mi f•<,, ,, miracle in case; tlie of >*n Tu -da. .u in gratitude for whi- li 1 aki tills public s ale- fluffy y.-.Jlow porl- d rocking bar properly insulated and Soap, accept any of my County Waldo, the^econd -F iOM- a level cam* otherwise 1 would have been now A ugu.-t, A. If. Lssa. nient. Mils CLARA A FREDERICK, Upon having an arm extending perpendicularly j in mygravt And said : numerous .1. W. ■ Broad Brook, Conn. Margie's mother, smiling, through ii. Two contact plates are secured to the imitations that Motil.v, Buffalo, Oct. 1, lss|. JOHN CAREY, .Yuan isirntor of t .:«• -1« W islesboro, Gaslme & Brooksviiie, “Your heights are iust the same!" each side of the supporting frame. When the »EL II \>K ELI., la It of M Mi itl.\ ,n Ct tku ka Remedies arc- sold < verywnere. W. for more County of WaMo, decease*I, having sente I a l'OH lii ;li As I’. [Carrie Bronson. In St. Nicholas Sep- ship leaves the course on which she has been the grocer money pi. p Price (. r t u rka, : Ri>« n i, $lmO'; s,, vp, !puy tition for license to s**|| so niucii of tin vai 1 -fan tember. and for which this bar is ad- Prepared the P«*ttek I>::tand I hkmi- ! headed, rocking and of said deceased at private -ale as will ,ue* ti by the to recommend. The word Poverty Suffering. pr cal Co., Boston, Mass. justed. card indicates the variation, and a | sum ..f one hundre and iifiy d>. iars. il ROUND TRIPJa PER WEFK. «> “1 was down with and silt- connection is formed between the bar and the i dragged debt, poverty That tin* said ( a Send for “How to ure Skill Dlfua*r*.'' Ordered, trey giv. Gems of ing for years, caused lw n sick family ami large 1 Thought. contact plates, and a current of electricity is i WELCOME and the Clasped to all persons interested by e.aii>ibg'a eop'. >.f n.S I aa l; m ;. m vK skill Rloniim an bills for doctoring. _ STEAMER FLORENCE,, transmitted from a convenient to the on hr to be published three week.- -tnv.s -i,. 1; 1 m II urn -*c ncrnA ,ad. battery ( I was until one ago, ttarnitiSL U*»ckpr, I Iwl Baby rs, (I The soul of the world U God. and it* parti- valve of ! are on completely discouraged, year Republican .Journal, printed at Belfast, tie*;, Cap*. the auxiliary cylinder, and thus the Hands every bar. the .advice ot I commenced are true divinities. by my pastor, using may appear at a Probate* ourt, to h* held at L* MUMMY Will 1 "nvi I’.rooksviiu- at in \. M., [Varro. valve <.f tie is its is ami in one month we were all well, i> TIIE BACK,*' -die, ii ?hi big cylinder opened, piston j Hop Billers, fa.-i, within and for said County, on the second ( a.-lim !•• •:>' A. M.. I... By r' I mc, 12 M “CHICK side, cramps, « thrown to the side, the rudder i* thrown iteowzb and none f us have seen a sick since, and I n. ■ shooting and sharp pain-, r! lunatic, neuralgi If the power to do hard work is not talent, it proper j day Tuesday of September next, at ten of p,, ri from Bar H u want to n> all <-.ti, and sciatic ami external i> the best substitute for it. over, and the vessel resumes her course. say poor men, you keep y«.»ur fore tioon, and slow cause, if have, l'• r. 1 iv -l s irtr day at M. pains, every possible [Garfield. -- any they wh; families w d ;i oar w iih Hop tiitters for i* than pa-n and rehc -m.-thed and expo led in addition to the compass control, an inter- | 1 the praver of said petition should ind lie n-.nt* TI'K'I'A Y -Wid i.-avi Ity tierc at \ M, “Castoria is so well to children that Cast or! a One doctor's visit will cost. 1 know it.” < with wonderful <•>•! rlty that new, No Is to the standing system is so as to the adapted cures Colic, Constipation. «.E() E. -JOHNS,)N, .iudgc. a-tiie 15. f. r t‘eifa-1 direel. Will leave Belfast by pleasure comparable locking arranged operate Sour Eructation, llll.’H —A WOUKIMIMAN. e! gant and lv antidote t<» l recommend it as to Stomach, Diarrhoea, A true Attest —1C P. Fit u>. -a; a- la*, m 2 Me \ M. original, spee upon the vantage ground of truth. [Francis magnets by the movement of the wheel in the superior any prescription di- copy. legist.r. Kills gives sleep, and promotes WLDNHMY Will leave B-le-hep.. IHu'- pain and inil.-t:u mathm, the ClTlCtRA Bacon. or known to me." II. A. M. I Worms, pilot house by the hand device upon the Archer, D., 7 5m Wan. the of gestion, At a Probate Ourt held at witton and : > Hi ‘1, at \t., Bm;«t’- a-. I fur Plaster. nted perfection It is so Belfast, bridge. arranged that when the auto- Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. I Without medication. le t;t-1 Heave- B- m-t same at 2 In \t and G l* the fountain both of the injurious a of ureen the (..'mints'of Waldo,, n the on Tm-da. *i uay elegant external ivimdiiv-, vastly super Knowledge only matic device 4Hi»/“N«>ne K‘'nuiii' without, hunch Mops five no is in operation the circuit connec A. I>. 1 s.<>. for same }•!.»■•- as ■ "V. all other plash rs. At druggists, -J.V.; i«*r$i j iove and the of human liberty. Tub Centaur 1S2 Fulton N. Y. on the white Inhei. Mr.mi :il! the vile, poisonous August, principles Company, Street, ... e ... PoTTEK 1>KI < AM* CHEMICAL Co., ing the hand device does not act, and when the I HUi'H.n Wi, I-;. Pi.-r- i; Mailed free. | stuff with “Ho.p” ,»r "Mops’ in their name. \ BELIJ-.: PA< KAUD, u. v ,.f it >M \ ; [Webster. wheel is in the circuit is | Boston. operation compass P \t 111 >. n t f •’■! < ...; 1 K A Jr., 1 -tonr-port, Be 1 » broken. When the lever on the is lift- Heave- -aa:** la. at 2 t\ M, Angling may be said to be so iik»• the math- bridge ty of Waldo, deceased. basing pr< Idea .1 :■ 1111 •!. KK’li>.\ A W i 1 -,I-Bol e It V. M., < .1 a ne ■ ed matie* that it can never be learned, botii the other devices are inoperative, but fm- an from the \h r— i..-i c-lai- *f -a. fully THE SCIENCE Of UFE. ONLY $1, B. for Belfast .pet. Hea\. ieifa.-i -ame when the device in lay Great jlzaak Walton. dropped again previously at :.50 r. m -a 1 1-a t I Dangers will resume BY MAIL POST-PAID. Ordered, That the s •. operation automatically. The’ ad- ATTIH* \ > I leave IMe-lmro, KvM-r’s notice to o a menace the traveller at What can that man fear who take* care to all persons intere-lol enu-dng >•«*i■ •• Three great dangers every vantages of this system, if successful, are ob- ly.'ilnriv, ; M ( 15, fi»r B.elfast olfeet 1 ,. Of this order to he thlee weeks sii.v. ami u -ter. To please a Being that is able to crush all his ad- vious to men. a or publish'd Belfast sam-' day u In v m. ( .>ni-.i lin. \\;ti turn. They are climate, food guard J seafaring During stormy in tlie it He. versaries. sivetv Republican .louvnal, printed s I for Ilecr I»l«% *en iiNt.Ki: i- a d-.diei.'us combination would, are to the blame Will Reopen Monday, Sept. Decline in mat.. Kit-ts of V jti:. always ready impute direct result is attained, without the disadvan- ty, Prematun certain lnsirn mcni :■> .« ;i < n«*iee Aromatics, ami French com- purporting Maine Central R. t.i ger, rontSE OF STt'DY isthnromh, iron R. so THF. indiscre- Imported thereof unto the heavens, as to excuse their found in the use and the untold niisori resulting ss ill and test a me m of' .JOB (. I'M 1 .M A N, I :• > f Ai. extract of ever tages of steam-steering appa- are fitted for the duties and Hrandy, and tin finest ginger own • plc te and practical. Pupils tions or excesses. A t»o..!< for every man, young, follies. FIRE!!! in said of Wald.*, dec."*-. ! s s [Edmund Spenser. such as rill, RJ5 'A in the of medieim Ask for ratus, condensation, noise, heat and I work of every day life. Cowidy P? m*T' .ft r* compounded history desire closing out my entire stock of Cloths, and old. It contains id • s * ri in • ir% ti v .• Mr. THE FAdLTY embraces a list of twenty middle-aged prescription.- presented -aid ssiii for Probate complicated machinery. Washburn says lints. Moods, and chronic each one of which Labor; a man coins himself into his labor; On account of t ie damage to my goods by the late nothing, Caps, Furnishing Carpets. teachers and assistants, elected with special reference to for nil acute liscn.-c.-. Ordered, That the said King- any. .:*.•• u ; e he lias taken into consideration. <1 the months of On un«i utur Montlti), Jiinr 2‘.». hv.t :•.- turns his his his everything Oil Cloths and Window Shades tiring r.r<-i';. in ich is invaluable. So found by the author, whose ex- to al' interested eausRiir a -t SANFORD'S GINGER. day, strength, affection into 1 shall offer entire stock of iency department. persons by copy m-etitm at :rU tar-my n ••i.- !'••!■ Ban- He he knows to the fraction a Hie, my Augu-t and and in order to do ,-o know of both for --'I i- -u -h ns never be- Btiriiiiaoi some says of pound >epivndK*r, Till! STf 1>M\TS are young people perience years j»r«'*«.ilily tliis ■ ad. rlo three WeeK -iie.a*--iS ei\ product which remains a* the visible sign pi.i.'isi.ed yr. B i’.t ivi m! B.estor,. util its < diarrhoea, dysen- the force which the waves that I must oiler extraordinary inducement:'. After sexes, full of dii: jenc* and zeal. fore fell to the lot of .‘ion pages, Watervile, Cholera morbus, ramps, pains, will to the any physician, in tlie -Journal. o al B dad, tha. > of his and to to secure oppose Republican print' ,\ e !* n >• m < ir\ B i: power; protect that, that whether to sell :.t auction or I am THAI DIM''ilMjIiVUteof the highest order and f. 11 I.e i.-t ev- rudder anil the resistance to be overcome deliberating not, bound in beautiful French muslin, embossed cov- at a Probate ourt, to In in la at ryf UnWgi stior. ohls, chills, simple fevers, to nim. to secure his self to his future by ip- udes va liable business lessons. they may appear •i 5, Wal l" 5", Br<•>>;<- 7 K ne\ 7 27. 1 ma i■ iike past self, of the Hint the can i»e sold over the 1 p. be a finer work in -••• the of opinion goods ers, full gill, guarantee every Belfa.-t. w itliin and for said on the om or ot whether kicking the wheel. The air Tin: FATUOUAbi: IS the c-f any ('mints. I nit i. » p ssir.o n at hauslion, nervousness loss p, is the of all compressed counters in the way much more satisfac- largest and 7 in, y Leonard'* 12, iiur object government. [Emerson. WOOLENS! regular in the w- d. sense—mechanical, literary professional—than of next, at ten of the do. k In used deprives the waves of their destructive ('ommrreinl S'rhoel Tuesday sephin.icr Br nth m at 25 \. m. limit, water, unhealthy torily to the purchaser. of anv other work sold in this country for$- on, or the caused by unripe impure A man is not bound with the chains of habit Til A: ItHFI TATIOHi this scho.-l fororigi- lore noon, and -ie>ss cause, 't any they has* vt < '2 power, because it a elastic so Leave lie I Inst at .'.n5 i*. m., ity Point 2 Waldo provides highly At this time, when much advertising i- done u:i I and as the Standard lm»ti- money will be refunded in every instance. Pi in* nmlaria, or at once, but the threads are AT LESS Til AX COST. nality Icudtrship the same should not proved, approved an lab '• I climate, unwholesome foo'l, epiilemic Lilliputian slowly cushion for them to exert their force who have no of living to is «; | 2 27, Bp-uks 2 15. K 1 hurtidike 2 •. nif. upon. by parties thought up tut ion of its kind ‘gene-ally ackti.-wh-dgeii. only $1.00 by mail post paid. Illustrative sample | lowed. t, h< >. K. .It Hi Vm .Judge. 1 about 'N. : I.- "ii.i! I's ( t i. arri\ i:in a’ Burn'e-.m diseases that be-ei the tra vcller or house- wound and wound about, and because The exhaust from the what through their advertisements, 1 Tin: SClSOOIi I?I I l,I>lAb is centrally loca- Semi-now. Cold medal awarded tlu* author 5", r-iy contagious cylinder supplies pure they promise cents. A ini-.* copy. A tie.- -B. P Ft i-1 *. are so arc disdained. The sober All those in want of a suit of know what manv will this i> an ted and purposely .■ •n-trni n-d. I at \ 2< P. M. hold at this M*ason, ran have no serious inllneneo they slight they air for the tire-room and’ ventilation Clothes, Overcoat, say, “Well, only bv ttie National Medical Association, to tin- Presi through- Sl'Fd IA li COUitSE, Short Hand, Typewrit- lit t'UN 1NiI,i'V, e Bun Innii at v 15 M Been Use of i?ANFoKlVS man becomes a drunkard not all at once. He other to draw trade.” To till 1 will come of Hon. P. A. and associate on those v a timelv out the No of the re- or the for the will never dodge say, omit nee be a dent which,the Hissed, At a Probate (:ourt held at Belfa-t, svu id;* an Fu- protected ship. portion machinery Pants, goods same, ing, Campon lion and C\rrn>j uiay taken as apt’- < :•<•-- 11 .'7. I nit'. •' Fit Tim ilk. :• j". Ki»o\ | in and I will convince you that reader is re- CjI.NiJKR. plays with the tiger’s cup at first. It is small ci u se. officers of the Board the re.-pcetfuliy ( tile Counts' of W 011 11 *• -ee-1 d I quires much attention except the have a like special a;do, a P.p.ok- Iti.o.i. Wald., H) 15. < Punt in ar- cold w sv\ eet- compressor, opportunity to get a good arti- ity v > a summer drink, wit !i hot or atcr, and but its fascination binds him as it S1TI AltOA'* i»5 Itusiuess Houses furo- ferred. A*. I>. lss.a. playful, which, in the room, is August, il'. ill- at Be Hast at In. 1" \ M or a : ied to ;■•(* water, being engine continually j ishedits Is toe varied inducements to This book should be road the for in- I ened, or hot "r coi l milk, grows, until at last the beast is his master. cle lor a little money. pup compl'ies by voting under the eye of the on The I Mean attend I I//IK A. llATt II. \ it ni la a\ e Burnham at I ,‘>5 I* 'i I. 1,J < r --ii lemonade.«lTerve-eent draughts, or mineral waters engineer duty. | Business, this school. struction, and by the afiiicted for relief. It will j [Dr. Edward I’. Ingersoll. is furnished an automatic Onnn-iaff* \u.: 2-Bh.tbc Principal may beseen dail* lj of .JA.MK.-s I II \T( li. la;.* of Isl* -l*.n i. *7. 1 ait-. 5 on, Thorndike 5 15, Kn«'\ a.21. Bp.<>k- >anf«iki»’s (.iN' loruis a refreshing and invig- compressor speed And the goods must he sold. Sale to commence at j benefit nil.—London Lancet. from {ill o'clock, at the School 608 said Counts of deceased, having 5 f W a hi" 5 5u, t i Buntt 15, arri\inrr at i^-lfa- in ami and combined, so that a uni- once and continue until further notice. i i'.ui,ding, There is no member of to whom this book i Wald*., ,• beverage, simplicity we pressure governor Anything society ■ orating unequalled If a«k Daniel was Washing:- ncuit. I‘••.spin: us. containing full inform- a .-.*!1 ai. -t n* ai 2" M. A little you why preserved Behold the Prices! j petition for a licen-e to lln* n*a. while tree from alcoholic reaction. J form pressure i> maintained in the and everything will he sold at from of terms, free ! will not be useful, whether youth, parent, guardian, | purity, from lions, why he was endued with such m- always sup- ] ftion, concerning study, etc., post said deceased at or prisale sale. PM SON TITKHH hen'l Manager. h'i t. d t ev.-rv glass e.f water drunk. If instructor or clergyman.—Argonaut. public sie add he ply reservoir. any accident should occur so lo to 40 Per Cent. Less Than llegular Prices, ! -F me noeency of life, he was admitted into the WILL MAKE fiw32 > \V Ordered. Thai tin-said Administratrix give li-JIast. 2'.'. l"'i 1 Do not be upon. Insist upon having why that air TO OUDEli AS FOLLOWS: A dress the Peabody Medical Institute, or I r. imposed the pressure should fall below the in less than the lire i.» all interested n. a « secrets of the Divine economy, why he was bringing the goods many eases j II. Parker, No. t Hultineh Street, Boston, Mas-., person.-, •-ausing *>|\ amount a low ■ d sve.*k» -tn *•-- of “the man required, pressure valve with an original cost. on all diseases Ihi- order to be puoit&ftcd three styled by way eminence greatly All Wool ( asslmere former who may be consulted requiring alarm bell attachment warns the Suits, $13, price, $20. is in the Re an .l**urnai. printed at B- ; SANFORD'S GINGER, beloved." ami why the man of God was glori- immediately Arnold 7S Main St. skill ami experience. Chronic and obstinate di< Hy public « of the fact. There is also an Harris, that they may appear at a Probate (murl, t*» oelieid Sold Druggists and Grocers* fied hi* a ngineer alarm Stylish Plaid Suits, $25 eases that have ba filed the skill "f :,li by by promotion in heathen court, the $15, LJ A >.v bell in the Belfast, Me., July JO, 1Ss;>.—MtoOct l | at Belfast, witliin ana for said County ,■ *n the answer to a Captain’s cabin which will sound an other physicians .1 specialty. M CiML all K: “He kneeled three times Worsted .■let I'm -day of s. pi mber next, at t ?, : .d .ok alarm if. from any cause whatever, the vessel Stylish Suits, $1S, $2*. treated successfully with- 11 I day and prayed, and gave thanks before his p before no.m, and show cause, if any im its.-, should deviate from her course. Y. Sun. out an instance ot failure. I n I 4JfaiLr God.’* [Bishop Horne. [X. Worsted Suits, $20 A $22, former price, $30 A $32. svhv the prayer "f said peiuion sn* ip not lx granted. l.Ki) I. •)* )1IN>« >\. ?u i_* All Mrs. Wool Cassimcre Pants, $3. former price, $5. STEAM HEATING A jAk^LLcf-x Grant lm* decided to remain a guest of PATENTS. trui eopy. Attest B. P Fiku», R gi Mr. Joseph W. Drexel. at Mt. un- 44 25o Matters. McGregor, $4, $7. -AND- Maine til Oct. 1. What she will do after that has not At a Probate ( »uirt hold at lit-1:*»-1. w tiuin :• : 44 44 been determined further Fancy Worsted Pauls, $5, $s. in llie of W aldo, on tin second lae- ;.m >1 NEWS AND GOSSIP FROM ALL OVKR TI1K STATK. upon than that she (hTCurcs prompt R. H. Count} Ventilating! EDDY, A. I>. I will tent or disposeof the house on Sixty-sixth \uirust, relieves No. 7tf Stalest., Kilby St., Boston, street. New Y ork, aud take a smaller dwelling. j8i»*(Jotne early and make your selection he fore Diarrka, action, opposite \l*M 1’ THOMPSON,liuai'iian of KK1/.ABKTH THE GREAT n of SMUGGLING c»X ISLE At IIAI'T. the desirable lots are sold. Sale to commence on ail VIOLENT PAIN, Secures Patents in the ITiited >tates; also in unly "f W aldo, having pris.ided p-ifon tm Iii a charming account of this beautiful The first comptroller of the has this date. liEM EM LEU THE PLACi:: Belfast. treasury GEO. T. READ, of the claims of any Patent furnished nv remitting tin -all' of aii the real estate of said wru !, <•.-n-l-i island, on tlit Maim- coast, in for ruled '.hat the names of 24 are borne on Outing Sep- persons one dollar. A--ignments recorded at Wa-hingt-m. in.u "I a o ill la acres, at public ,>r German tember. Arlo Hates, the the roil* of the court of commissioners of is to put into dwelling houses, stores, BOWEL COMPLAINTS ■ said i.unrdiau _i\. u > by following pa-sage Ala- prepared No Ag'W'y in the United States p ssesses mperi Ordered, I’liat the Remedy. bama l. occurs: There have been time* when the smug- claims without warrant of law. Among NO 3 PHCENIX ROW. etc., steam heating apparatus, of the best qual- facilities for obtaining Patents or ascertaining tin lice to all persons interested rausinn e.,p\ which on our tIm.m affected this invent ions. •>f lid- onu-r to i>e thiv. week- ,, gling goe- constantly along sea- by decision are Walker and CM-ia / \ fey Lhulera te patentability of published ity workmanship. People contemplat- ii.hnlum, *5* solicitor of in the iibie an d..lined, i«- die-, i. TROTHS m THE SICK. board has been -o lively about Isle au Haut a- Maine, of Maine. W. M. PlilliST. It. H. F.DDY, Patent?, ively pej pri- iit steam should j that ar at a Probate ( ■>uii ... a. n: to take on of that ing putting beating Ckilera-Murlius, been cured the} may app. 1'or those death’.-- i-:. iU.-: i.i delicate something pict uniqueness .• s. .. lss'».—3»tf by TEST I.MOST A LS. at Bel last, within and for said couru}, , him si call. d v,> all which every story-n ader knows to it give .• Elli.-U3 i, belong* USf- I'ue-dri\ of >. pi* mil. r next, at ten ..i i.• tp'd’s I is a It is estimated that hotels in New York ^ ‘T regard Mr. Eddy as 011c of the most capabh I on s: : :’ii.' r::a rbor.l lR30 by right. here certain spot near the forty frarr’ps, 1 tore noon, and s11<»w cause, if any ;i.e\ mie, wie pend 'Vrri, entertained and with whom 1 have had it will core SL'i.riiUit Litters. wharf where, soon after the war of JS12. a city nearly nine thousand extra Machine Parts 4c./ Q successful practitioners the ol said should not i.r _rane •<: Bittei:-', Mowing oflicial intercourse.’* fllAS. MAsON, praver petition revenue ollicer. whose name tradition various- guests brought to tie city to witness the obse- l.H< ». I- dollN-ON. .) 7<>u- on hand, and machines Commissioner of Patents. of General and the over constantly repsdivd. -IT B 1'lKI.t*. lb m ly preserver as Lazarus and Lazaro, was .-hot quies Grani, gain their 50c/VyA-^\•.. .IT.. Miracles. ot all kinds ami steamboat supplies on baud. at nt < the ounlv aldo, contraband goods, and upon the occasion in 7/&?/SU(MMEE \TA early and favoraide consideration tin* Halt >f □ever: .1' a Mr. > W. of for N EDMCND HI AudK, A. I». 1-v. qu -tioii a of merchandise had been Henerman, Philadelphia, Pa., COMPLAINTS. tice.” HKK, Operative v. In >arc quantity uni < :u> tsk/ **• < ;. identified with the wholesale hardware CHEAPER THAN Gun Curtrhlycs, Etc,. Late Commissioner of Patents. / 111A KI. K W It INKY, ■ ' ;i ■! 1 i. C‘• 1 in di-covered the revenue officer-. Lazaro be- SCIENTISTS AS Supplies, \®^ closely by hi -in* had rheumatism in a in im i- his arm, and mu id mil iu stock. V A-; l-.ldd''. person uiis'uud tl'.O r.i'.Is a: iv. a'. lvi:--n You see detailed to stand o\< r / KOS., BcstiinA. ing guard the •lur- In.-- "r < < •< good- undress, hut with tin- most excruciating Host in, r pc, l-c in -aid *on 1} o! W'aee •. iv in- pf dior-: OnO, w*H 1U i aperilles be- !• ing the night. Tradition has it that the He used >t. Jacobs N •• -d eeri-dd \\ < fb smug- pain. Oil, and the result, he PRACTICALLY m Repairing ot ail kinds neatly and prompt- Ivrl I7w23 II. II. EDDY, Esc^.—Dear sir ti.M tor iteer.sci t- al ) V X pi ;;*>] inc La: uurhtho t.aa glers came to recover the -.i wo wonderful it not miraculous. .-I' in -aid lieu a-i. at •. ■■ possession during done. me, in isyo, my first patent >imv tiicn you ha\e ward, ;:at( ,. i: lent e\<. rc: a.: ij I ly tain ir I of r hours i>t darkiie-s. and that acted for and advised me in a-e.-, and a’lwhoan '. •-••J fir V: I Lazaro, hearing a -tr<«l ?V preri. iicr in has been im ■ them, his musket. !.\ Glasgow just June III, l-s'.,-JJtf many patent.-, rei--;pc-ami ext.-n-i-m-. I ! Ol d.-red. Tied tin- ~"i Cum tia, .1 -muggier- Heating religion young la* growing im New A P his out into tin disfavor even in < arryiug body Thoroughfare Scotland. AWAKISMD dO!,l) MEDAL First Prize) at 1 B- a .• PURE BLOODED give you almost tm who;, of im lm-ine.->. b > 1 liepuolieai. .lourn.a!. Jinn!' 1 ne\ >ank it. At low water the if xt da\ his EXPOSITION OVER Send for NEW ORLEANS line, ’ami a P ise others to cmpRv \'■ »' > IT" ,'i LIT.’ lilT TlUtS I'»|{ <>M»S, c'in*I l'. .. IiitoNcnms and Over 500 powder-horn floated, and. Ic ing still attached ALL COMPETITOR*. Yours ir i.F.OUOE DlPVPF'.ll, I,isi, \yiiliih and t .--ai I * .- •" ... > aviil < are Liver t ■ 'oiv I hroai, use Dr. Thomas’ Kclectrie (til, and ;!y, r its cord, led to the of the get Price List & iss.o.— p. rJ i' e-d I. of ■inner next, il i. oft;., t- .: 1- I -i’t •* !: n> di-covery body, the genuine. Beautiful Stock ! ); mtains no injurious ingro- ! Boston .January 1, --.•pi nr Is a rent’ V:- Imported it ae- ! Iia\ o f >ve and show vri.lcurc one narrator grave)) add- that he remembers Circulars. 1 noon, L O fci.'Li IT I? Jn 1,- |i.,oiu-uj;cd;i’- ! It no deleterious sub. the .a of the iiti"i. sin-uid no; i. the blood -tain- which for more than a -core ol When a tramp sees a woman with a pistol .«r a Designs. pr.d p* te is, and y. will “—— s'lmc-s m tin* bread as all WALDO SS. -Supreme Judicial l oan. April Term, c.IH >. I IOiIS'oN, .J,i — ■ n di lid hands he on without pure nut he tr olio it l. j ears remained upon the rocks on the I. aeli, goes right winking, Cream of Tartar and I ss5. hut urrij A true \ 11. -1 P- If, 11 iiumi r~mn— jnr—-on the alike of rains and tide*. let her appear on the scene with a dipper of hot S KLMWOOl) FAIOI. Alum Powders do. copy resisting walking Hank rs Hubert * a";: < >t in later are kangaroo. [will smuggling )ears tliere » equall) J. Bl Known a- the Gen. Ayer farm, MONTV iUiJLj.E highly important constituenta l.lisha Hopkins. S'.-In ( P- P> y : '• you minute if less tales. It i- related Mltat -" < bloody hov\ Is the l>e! ! iu tho bran of the n *\v 1 'Ugge.-t’on to the ••tin that K >it U*Al.hOlast,, oil the Id. y one captain long pursued tlie unlawful of worthies- Wheat. V\T>EU1 '• AMES, me ot the I K K1 A KoWl.l- d. \ m tw> calling buying medicine.-, and -pending SUSSEX JERSEY BULL, !’ make-; a better and BULL, lighter of oi fm wa- mu WKKB. I di-lingui-hed money ijiiack only gull bi sen it than any other Baking <2j? .7 H r'o- P>r.. m* *: him tin I- !:1.1 tiii- state, ami itd t mint, agent, or atp-rec. Maviui: i■ >> through all the count!) around, on one pubii ii Puerto buy reliable medicine “Sissr.x BOV." j “DAN15V.” Powder. County, deceased, u.. w^Vi.a»i ^ \vithin the that hi- goods «»r estate t.avi i»r! .... / occasion hi- to hk" Hiiicr-i think -o, a- cured me same, e* Min t of administration actually scuttling schooner pre- sulphf-r they from tic >•■■■. of Id ill.l'.ls.ii A : < .! iteeentlv bought attaelu d in this action, that he ha- h td m> 11 1.■■• d .trv'ii after *u fieri three /'. martin kalbfleiscips sons. .tine. :■ to A. !\ "r!« S vent capture by the revenue cutter. One lated r.g years.—/.'. Clark, \u >1>W Kid., it v- Scmltv.-.. said suit and it i- Ordered, that noli.-,, ■■ v ■? Manchester. altaelimcnt, < >rdered, That noti ner- <• an ■ ■ an: -•. ol however, the bold w a- s« i/.. d and The si SSKX stock is fa-t int 1 \ a Established 1829. NEW VOIUL fancj day. captain *onung of tin- pendency Ot this suit be given to the d I snivel in t lulled to the mainland for trial and \ T-xa- n man the best combination tor bet f ami milk. \ they ,.t cards free. for punish- judge has lined for calling him a Defendant, nv publishing an attested copy printed in Bedfast, in said ment. !i ii* in court Texas rn is are of size stud hand- nm build, they make for Sale All LEADING GEOCEES. with an ab.-tract of the Plaintiff's 1 w-1J irkmanshlp deteriorating. MANUFACTI RFD by large By Order, together utem-ted. ilia} attend at a I t'B t Several a would the best of oxen. Tin-ir color a, handsome Cherry in tlu -■ They give him *ix months in jail,” the year- ago judge never have lined kmi I writ, three weeks successively Hcpiibliean helil at lb ;mst, on the -e« mm I •; -p a man MONUMENTAL BRONZE COMPANY, lied. for that offense. Journal, a printed if Ledfa-t. in the it an narrator of this event said.— “>ix long, weary BRIDGEPORT. CONN. newspaper next, aieI show e.ause, TKKMS op SKliVICE: of the last !<• he n<>: ;••■-- THE REASONS WHY month- in jail. An* ihci.** he added relh-etive- County Waldo, publication s lid account should not he ill"\\ l Scott's Emulsion of Pure than thirty before the m xt term of this Court, i,K« ». K I* >11 N-i >\. .Hi !„•• \ out over SUSSEX BOY, $3.DANDY, $2. day- ly. looking the blue waters the suiug- at hr 1 •••mi' l’<»d Liter Oil, with t.o be iiolden Belfa-t, within oel the A true Attest B. P I J .. !. gler's keel Hypophosphiifs, For the at time of lirst service. Clement & copy / had plowed. ••an* tliet spiled his A. E. CLARK & season, payable Adams, of Waldo, on the third uesda\ f < tetober, iss.*,t that 2 In Consumption and General CO., reputation: an’ it seemed to hi.- Debility, WAI.KKdi A LITTLEFIELD. said Defendant then and there an 1 an- : b i ju-t spile prin- Near Phoenix House. may appeal AKIM) S'. lu mr; Pi Dr. D. D. High St., F. 22tf -••• \l* ; iple too.” McDonald, Petitcodiac, N. B., says: A. BUNK Eli, Supt. swer t-* said suit, if In -hall .-au-e \ > ! a>| .on t :. -...'ll I I "I have Attest -WILLIAM BEKIJY, Clerk. illAMKI. M C Kit A ^ Kxi 1NSURANCK S 1 A TISTICS. been prescribing Scott’s Emulsion during >1 ANrFACTORi:US AND DEALERS IN & Goods, 1IIO.M As -A 'N 'i KB. late ■ t i\ ■• the with Dry Fancy past year good results, and general satis- of Writ Every Jar Made Extra C’. L. M. writes to the Boston Journal: Sinep Abstract I'tff's dic-a.-e !, iiavinu pv-ent«‘d b >• c the Journal faction. It is useful in >ns with •..III t of --.Id esfati fm il u« published the table showing the especially pers Marble Monuments, Tablets, 3603. Action to obtain possession u lor a mortgagi ot of :vlmi islrntioii annual Thackarnbau, changes in the amount of insurance tendencies.” GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. real estate said Robert C. Arne- t-> tin & Warranted consumptive given by I" Heavy business in Maine Common Headstones &. dated November third, A 1' !"!. F■’ Ordered, 1 i.nt notice ! In*l f s: I.. it.rce done during the past twelve Marble Shelves. plaiutitr, • “Ma, this there are 3!)50 bands of m-mthsfr-m week- -neressiv. |y. in Bn- Kept; -i. mrvi: several re- paper says Room & one thousand dollars payable in -i\ >ears, have been received Foaled 1876. •• inquiries Horse. June, dm to Seal. uii rev in this country.' What is a hand of mercy?” AGENTS MONUMENTAL BKONZK ( 0. and Bay Papers Curtains, the of the date of said deed bargain am: in Beifa-t. in -aid onr.iy the amount of business Designs day landed garding proportionate "An association lor charitable child.” can be seen at onr all who call, l!' sale ,and of and inter- ** on -an. -inn at interest' I, may attend at a Pr"l .'• done in purposes, samples shop by sired by Uideon, 11.5. By Rysdyk?- LARGKST STOCK OF mortgage, the State by the companies of toreiirn "Oh! 1 it meant a lb n tin- -i; I'm Glass Covers—No Con- thought brass hand that didn't not convenient to call drop us a* line and we will zgiJn Hamhlctonian, lo. First Dam by Ding", the rate --t six per centum per annum, pa> d ael tat lfs-t,. countries and American show it m. m companies organized practice evenings.” come and see you. ti l7 11-5. The winner of the 2.4<‘stalli«>n ra,->* semi-annuallv In advance. next, and cause, any under W O OLEIVS should not lm abow.-.i the laws of other States. Considerable Belfast, April Hi, 1SS5. at Maine state Fair in a Returnable to April term, Hs;». -aid account, tact with Burklen’s Arnica Salve. 1SS4, obtaining puhii > Metal. have been taken to hundred dollar-. i. Id 1. d< >ll.N-i V pains ascertain the fig- record of 2.41. Has shown trial" over half-mile Iu Waldo Co. Made up in the LATEST style Ad-dammnn tifteen The A Attest :—B. P. I- 11 s •. I> ures, an< 1 the result shows that from 1*73 to Best Salve in the world for Guts, Bruises, track in 2 31 carries no his shoo W. T. mr stable Spiirs|>ort, Copv HAS FOUND SUCH FAVOR WITH per aggregate and H fast. m the sec u. I 1'. -I.. I Eruptions, positively cures Piles, or no pay Book on NORTH PORT AVENUE. All of writ. Attest —WII.Ll AM RFRRY, Clerk. Glassware and Sundries. amount of for and i persons having unsettled nee.nmts of long ban d MOTHERS OF FAMILIES : gists' premiums paid insurance, required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac- Binding! l-AP.KI.HI PA' KABIK A are n to settle. 23 cent, of the losses occur- or subscriber lias taken of the Book TERMS$25 to Insure; Season, $15; $10 standing quested tale of .JyjslAII PA( K A Bl>, dr., b i! v-T-tuilinu rtlVii in ii' Iciiii-- rctmv;- The Jar is safe paid per aggregate tion, money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. charge I*- Smalley for in down at time of Hrst service. tit -• m. ring during the same period. During eleven For sale by Richard H. Moody. THEBindery in Belfast and vicinity and clubs. Notice of Foreciosure. in said Count} deceased, having pre-.-ni. WI'I'ill- ■! a!! I ill-1- l'p'1.1 Id- -I- ■ -t .1 !" Belfast only I. A. IIOIVKS <( there were Hood and for mares from a and final a* count .d administration f I', \\, v' i! 'Inn .i'l.ii'l. in. n by years but three, 1876. 1878 and 1**4. pasturage stabling 1IK UK AS, T. I*. SHI I F. of Fr -peet, l.v hi- \V | for allowance. < f 'Mil 1 \ 1' I 1 I ". lOli tl:i 1 Vi"' H till CO. that the balance of business showed a loss from Motto of the beginner at bicycle riding: ‘‘For distance, at reasonable rates. All accidents and V? mortgage dee-1 date.I Feb. IS ;.nd recur-: or That uofn-e thereof ui' Oil -I il,-. il i- -lerri- »i I • ti It-'- P il II' "I the wheel woe.” Motto of the bicycle: ‘‘I’ll a Old Books & Music escapes at owners’ risk. of D* c I-. v-d. p ig< Ordered, but these losses were more put ed in the Waldo Region 1st, 1 preceding years, Magazines, week- -u>-c. In tin- •!• » .•iiiMri'ii a- 11 i* in- -i m vi f* »: > ‘header* on you.” to U. I). HARRIMAN, 'ale of J’ro- — -»*. A. C. pect aforesaid, in the ( ount\ of Wald--, de< -M-ed, printed 'juive SMALLEY, shown over previous years. Ur in other words, The motto of the proprietors of Dr. Henry Bax- Belfast, March 30, 1885.—tf 14 iiitei'e-tc attend at • P'"l a. >• i.rt. Tv '. rurn ini il- «■ iii■ p w-.i'S a certain parcel of land situate in -aid Pr<>-pce;,« may the aggregate increase of business over ter’s Mandrake Bitters, is, “thegreatest good to the Prescription and Scrap Books held at Belfast, >»n the -econo Hm-mix ; If- vf. rt hnrinli,--m Km.* in W■" t«' • PRINCIPAL OFFICE & SALESROOMS, pre- LEAD PIPE and SHEET LEAD. and hounded as follow-: Beginning m a mapi.- vious was and tin* greatest number,” and so sell a large bottle of a nor next, and show i-au.-.e, :. an in* } n.i\i, w -titiiti'in "i* lIn -main-t •)iiM. I years $167,269.75, aggregate made to order. tree on the hank of the IVnoh-eot rl\er, then-■ -■ losses from valuable remedy for the small price of 25 cents, and The Norman Our manufactures are fully warranted, and are the said aeeount should not be allowed. #t»- \ l."\ in Mu- li"!W wii •• mail1 a > I• 128 HANOVER STREET. previous years $170.2*8.16. The Cray north, degrees west, .'52 D rods to i: ut warrant every bottle to give satisfaction or of all kinds done with neatness by any in the market. lyr.’ll seventy j l.K< >. K. .lolINsi IN .li, m vi.-ii li'l !>• \l !! Mould it.-:fa-! I’ri- ■ table will show the amount of busi- money Repairing \ make the season of 1885 at unsurpassed road; thence hv said road rod- to fifth following refunded. f) Will Lowest for of 2S*4 post !'•. P. na B. .i-i OFFICE AND and dispatch. market price- goods equal quality. 1 A true eopv. Atte-t i>, BRANCH WAREROOMS, ness done in Maine by the companies of foreigu j in grave yard fence; thenee north, titty-tour d< countries: Taber < > ss. -In ( n l'i ii i- Sts*, CALL.^i SALEM LEAD COMPANY, ing house; thenee west, by said iioii-c and i t-» \\' and does wonders when to old sores. on tin* -tvon I l a-' iv A For Years. Premiums. Losses. Balance. ing, applied BRIDGE STREET, BELFAST. west end of stonewall, said wall being about lift r\ last, Deranged Liver, \11 m i i.; -11.11 1 -i ii- -Ml BOSTON, MASS. 1873.. .. 73 F S LIB11Y. V. A. Brown, Treas. HUEK, -AM1KI. DIN BA Ii, $122,824 $79,680 37 $43,144 36 III IN' K A TUIIS stallion is a from Montreal. feet from west end of shed, thenee south w.-terH A common cold should not be Downs’ thoroughbred of II MILLS \V \UI)U I LL, I '■! >!. Ki Constipation. Dyspep- 1874.. .. neglected. 133,391 55 63.546 39 16 Felt. was six rods; thence northwo.-torly nine rod*; thenee A IN NEW 69,845 L His sire from France. Dam an -.■ FACTORIES JERSEY. Elixir will cure it. Belfast, 28,1SS1.—otf imported I said » onntv, i. Iiawny |• r«• i.;. I hi- lir.-i * * Sick 1875.. .. 148.282 58 37.287 28 30 rods to the line f n-.-; theme sia, Headache, 110,995 English mare. NORM AN' GUAY stands sixteen southwesterly, said » .-lair i-•: .o >' July 9,18S5.—12vv2S* I account of administration of v 1876-... 80 turns out bottles a This and a half hands 1500 north, seventy degrees west lit rod- a eetlar Loss of and all disor- 148,194 84,901 65 63,293 15 Pittsburg 85,000,000 year. high and weighs pounds. anee. Appet.te, thenee b\ Fdwin s. Blanchard' * to be located so stake; northerly, < an im- 1877.. 168,068 56 74.011 06 94,075 50 explains why Kentucky happened Terms to Insure $10. Mares at risk of owners. Ordered, That notice thereof U lie and 1^°% ders arising from near to Cool house lot UK rods to the l>o\v lot; there.■ south, 187*.... 171.320 93 62 Pittsburg. Lemonade, in ii lb ti•:i -ai b-.e * 127,894 43,426 31 l-s in week- stieo-ssively, ;• TABER & HARRISON. degrees east bv said Dow lot, rods 1 state of the Blood, seventy in said 'ouni tint :>! |"-i ycu pure 1879.--- 195.770 5S 141.657 57 54,113 01 June 1885.—20tf to first printed in Belfast, KNOW THYSELF, by reading the “Science Belfast, 25, bank of said river; thence by -aid river < interested attend at a I’r-'bate >*i i. t• will ex- Jtfvno has a better BILIOUSNESS. 1880- 198.367 *2 119,654 68 76,713 14 of Life,” the best medical work ever published, for mentioned bounds, containing lifty-live acres, more may Remedy ICE CREAM & CAKE, In-id at Bell'a.-t! on the -e.a.nd T;.r-da <■! Bilious 1881.. 230.935 75 139.347 *1 91,587 94 young and middle-aged men. Iy20 or less; also one halt of the main dwelling h<>u*o record than the true symptoms invariably her next, and show enu-c, it any they i.ave, perience a'©““V 1*82281.690 s<; 175,731 26 105,959 60 —and— and the shed connected thereto. Am! where.-, arise from such as A i; man committed suicide rather ! the said aee.-unt should not be allowed. indigestion, 1883 45 Oregon recently UNDERTAKING Albert llarriman, executor of the last will and mostgratify- tH L.F. Atwood’* Bitters, 332,741 220,778 68 111,962 77 than bis deceased wife’s sister. A man must l,Kt). K. JOHN>oN. 'o-iae marry 1N(i in tliis line ami testament of *aid 11. D. llarriman, for a valuable furred 1884 11 YEAST BREAD promptly thorough- L. _! run tongue, vomitingof bile, 336,467 96 296,441 40,025 95 get tired of the same mother-in-law FRESH r^VKRYTlI A true eoj y. \tL-l Ii. I'. FlLi.D, It you feel all | very having fj ly attended t«>. Night or Sunday calls answer consideration paid b\ the undersigned, assign--! ing change two or three times in succession. giddiness, sick headache, ir- -AT- cm at R. II. on or at said mortgage and the date thereby secured t>» her a j COOMBS’, Northport Avenue, ! li. Jf. COOMBS, Me. \1TAL1M>?—-. Ill t )!irt of h I il lie. fewTSST '7 down, languid 67 48 19 Belfast, ol 1). and said Probate, frequently Totals..$2,466,074 $1,560,932 $905,142 .1. L. at foot of on the 14th November, A. I*>2, ■ bowels. The liver se- Notes ! SLEEPER’S, Square. day -"ii iv "t A ■_ -- regular »> last, on the-- l Tue.--! are suffi and weak, hard- one-fourth of the receiv- CASKETS of all grades and all sizes constantly on | April 30, iss.*).—2i;ieo\vlS assignment is recorded in said Waldo Registry of doses cretes Allowing premiums Not the but about WELCOME .b\MK> B. WILLIAMS Ouardian t 1 1 III. \ jiVS the bile and acts like a ed for promissory, facts Frost’s Lunch hand. A large assortment of UOBES AND HI Ki ll. Deeds. Yul. 204, Page 147, and wheretis the eomli- expenses and it appears that the total an article that does not contain one Room, 1)0 t;E, minor heir of J AM LS cient to knowing SOAP, particle HABITS of all kinds and tion of said mortgage on- been broken, now there- entirely-®*ly filter or sieve, to cleanse amount of piotits carried out of this State of the adulterations used to reduce the cost of Every day until further notice. Also prices. fop CHOLERA, 1-lcsboro, m sai-t County, -lee. .-e t, ha\tm pr> impu- by ; Cut Flow ers and Floral of fore, by reason of tin- breach *d the condition relieve all what is the of countries for the "Pure but does the full value of Designs every descrip- II I 1C sen ted hi- final account of admini.-t rat .< n «»i -at unpleasant rities of the blood. companies foreign past j Goods,” possess on short notice and at low thereof', 1 claim a foreclosure of sai-i mortgage. By irregu- tionjprocured very prices. estate twelve years lias only been $288,623.53 legitimate Washing Qualities, the demand lor Cholera Morbus, ROSE HARRIMAN. for allowanee. You are trouble with against j always guarantee perfect satisfaction in notice thereof i•.■ aivcti, three feelings. in its action or a total of which proves the advantage gained by the use of A Meal for 25 Cents. Ordered, That larity suspen- $1,033,403.49 carried out of the State Square everything in this line. Belfast. Aug. 21, l>s.r».—:>w:>.'» 1 the the over of doubtful character. None Iyr7 weeks successively, in tin liept.i i-a.i. Joined. cautioned against a^Ssw/yr-u. try sions of its the bile all genuine Soaps EDWIN FROST. Dysentery, functions, by companies. even R. II. COOMBS & SON. 70 Main St., Belfast. DEMcnv in .-aid tnal ai! y -"ih I ! should be deceived by Red and Yellow Wrap- H IT Bwl r 11 ■ an‘l al1 f°rnis of Pain printed Belfast,*in County, base and worthless irnit F, is liable to overfiov/ into the IMPORTANT INJUNCTION CASK. per*, or any of the imitations of the Welcome, as Belfast, June 23,1885.—tf8 llaulllilr B and Intlaimnation. interested, nmv attend at l*roh H as been tested Notice. Tuesd iv «d a pair of clasped hands is stamped on every bar. held aL Belfast, on the second >epiem j tion in the same ta w bitters Lueilius A. heard a ease in the last of non put up blood, Judge Emery Made Davis thousands of families during follow ing list of tuxes on real estate Per next, and show cause, if any ih nave, why causingjaundice,sallow by Curtis &Co. is rpiIE chambers in a courtof at Farms for Sale. Thirty Years, and without an equal 1 resident owners in the town of Stockton for not be allowed. A bottle. Take equity Bangor recently Notice of Sale. the said account should shaped ^ complexion, bil- for the cure of above corn plaints. For sale yellow eyes, that involves a constitutional of im- Three members of the famous Peel family in situated at French's the year 1881, in bills committed to F. It DAG- t.Lolil.L K. JOHNSON, J iid.- question T)URSUANT to a license from the Hon. Judge of Pleasantly by Druggists everywhere, and wholesale 5.rr-. a-ra?^ only the true ‘‘L.F.” V ious a Dexter i<. in debt more than five England have committed suicide within the last six Farm of 17 GETT, Collector of said town, on the 7th day oi A true AttestB. 1*. f lkt.l>, Kc^i-b t. diarrhea, languid, portance. I Prohate for the County of Waldo, l shall sell Beach. Lincolnvilie. by II. II. Hay «fc Son, Portland. copy. \ L.iV’ cent, the months. This is a remarkable taking off of Peel. and land extends to »June, 1884, has been returned by him l>' me as re- V and other per of last valuation of property of at public auction, on Saturday, (lie tilth day of acres, orchard, (>m24 ^ Trademark, weary feeling many and a half on the et n .inly appointed distressing notwithstanding this debt, to build a school Honey Cough undivided half of the house, ell, lot, if the -aid taxes Cw34 tion for Rummer resort or boarders. Also farm of and notice is hereby given that the trust of Lxeeutor oi lyric ness house borrow for l.cais & situated on the corner of the inter- and taken upon himself may be pr operly termed and $12,000 that purpose. Glenn’s Sulphur* oa;: beautifies, 35a northwesterly the late situated 2C miles from Maine Benefit Association, and interest and charges are not paid in the treas- section of Court and Pearl streets in Belfast, to- David P. Andrews, the last will of an The building committee have made a coutract GermanCortillcmo cr kills Corns & Bunions Reach. Said farm contains 200 divided into ury of said town within eighteen months from the affection of the liver, and with the widow’s dower therein, the same acres, (IIARTKRKD MARCH 5. t SS5. JOHN HALLY, late of tt, with a builder to that come gether date of commitment of said bills, ><> much of the Wiutcrp- r effect. Now cer- Hill’s and 50c. of tillage, pastures and woodland. Story and a half Hair and Whisker Dye—Black Brown, being the property of the late Rossel G. Lewis, the JOHNSON & can be cured by the tain and for an to hoti.-w, two saw real estate taxed as wiil he >u!lieiei.t t<> pay in the County of Waldo, dma-a-ed, by i-iuL JJENRY, LORD, thoroughly tax-payers apply injunction in 1 said Belfast. JOHN G. BROOKS, House, ell, carriage barns, mill, Pike’s Toothache Drops cure Minute,25c all in amount dm therefor,including interest and charges, as the law he t.hercl'on reqiie-t- at! p< Jutriiuyton, yt.9 Proprietors o? the liver restrain the officials from borrowing said A estate of ltossel G. Lewis. stave mill, cooper shop, good repair. Enquire Home Office—Goff Auffiirn Me, directs; of grand regulator dim*, Block, he sold at auc- to dc-va.-rd’s e-lat- i- the Dean’s Rheumatic Pills are a sure cure, Wo, at the Andrews farm for terms of either place. will without further notice, public sons who are indebted said money, upon ground that such action i* in Belfast, Me., 18,1885. v. and BURDOCK Aug. ROBERT l>. Mc.’COBR. A UK NT FOR WALDO COl'MV : tion at the Selectmen’s Olli -e m sai l tow n, on the make immediate payment, and lho-e n Ua biliary organs, violation of the 22d amendment to the Maine 1 lvr7 12th day of December, 188b. at 2 o’clock r. m. demands thereon,to exhibit the same i-m nt BLOOD Act The other half of said will he sold by Lincolnvilie, June 24,1885.—27tf BITTERS. upon the Constitution, which says that no city or town property ./. O. JOHXSOX. Me. Griffin, William. House ell, barn and lot, to him. J A MK> H A I.I-A auction at the same time and Liberty, shall hereafter create any debt or which public place. situated on the west side of Church street. stomach, bowels and liver, liability Anno lS.-T. —Mtrz Value, M. A. EDMUNDS. 9, 1«- singly or in aggregate, shall exceed five per Farm for Sale. $7<>0; total tax, $1-'! subscriber her. nv iri\e- pu m-ti-a t- ail bile and By R. F. DlJNTON, her Atty. 3w34 W. barn and situated fpilL making healthy pure cent, of the last valuation of said city or town. Nickerson, d. House, lot, 1 concerned, that -In- has aj-p Ph asantly situated in Belfast, two both sides of road from old mad 1>\ and the culverts also desire an enmity leading and taken tipOn herself the trust --t Lxeeutrix <»i blood, opens Complainants injunction against from the city on the road lead- E. M. d. F. to town line. the contractor to restrain him also from itfijmiles HALL, Karnes, northerly Prospect the last will of and for the outlet pro- froni Belfast to Lincolnville. total sluiceways Paint -DEALER IN- Value, $750; tax, $15.72. ceeding under the coutract. Judge Emery is Shop. 11 !a One hundred acres of land, good Roberts, Lron.LCS. House, barn and lot. -dil- A BN Lit F. sHLLDON. late ot Brlla-t, of disease. Sold the stock and fixtures of C. H. old 120 everywhere preparing an opinion. bought ,.r.V-;* yM lmildings, good orchard, ated between old ari l new county roads. Value, in the Cminty of Waldo, deeea-ed, b\ i>i\ ;ng Ix-ml HOWARD, carriage I am now pre- &£*2P||HB!IhP young trees just beginning t<> bear, to cure. ADDING INSULT TO INJURY. HAVING painter, and $525; total tax, $9.>7. as the law direct-, she thereto,-, reque.-: .di pri- and guaranteed to and varnish and sleighs in of cuts 35 tons of ; Dry Fancy Goods, pared paint carriages plenty wood, good pasture, hay Ira W. House, ham and 22 acres land, ale ilid-’ Ii I I" .-aid deeea-edV- e-t.afe to For Itheieniatism, • Staples, sons who Neuralgia, Ijr22 years the of a vessel the best and I work will sell and stork with farm if desired. The BOOKS, STATIONERY, PERIODICALS, ETC. Twenty-five ago launching possible manner, hope by good crops situated on north side of Main street. The Enoch make immediate pa; nent, ami those who have any in the Tree State an To and attention to business to merit a fair share farm is known as the Frohoek farm. Hack ache, Pine was ordinary event. Y close Agent lor the REPUBLICAN JOURNAL. Single Staples place, so-called. Value, $57o, total tax, demands thereon, to xhit»it the same for sett leim-iit Cramps, Sprains, ^■*>4 R. It. day it is a novelty The advent of the Republican of your patronage. Extra inducements to Livery RICHARDSON. copies for sale. $10.72. to her. Rt'l’.Ii: I. MiLLDON. Hants and and the decline of Maine’s men. on Washington street. 12, 1885.—tf3 j Sciatica, Scalds, AUCTION. party great industry Shop Belfast, Aug. WINTERPORT, MAINE Warren, William. House and lot, situated on were simultaneous. Globe. GEORGE J. BROWN. Frosted Feet if Cars, lITILIi be sold at public auction, on the farm of [Boston west side of western mad from Stockton village to L subscriber hereby irives public notice (■> all Hruiscs, Belfast, Aug. 21, 1885. of one barn and rpil V? GEO. VV. CIIOATK, known as the DANIEI. This is noble talk to come from a state that shore, also on east side same road, 1 concerned, that he has been duly appointed l’ains and Aches. nuGHem: A FOR and all other BARTLETT farm, in Montville, on kfS two acres land. Value, $290;' total Lax, including and taken him-elt the trust of Administra launches about one vessel to Maine’s ten. 'Phis Belfast, Aug. 21,1885. upon highway tax, $7 59 5w5t tor of the estate of A sure, and effectual SEPT. is noble from the organ of an admin- Absolntely^^^^^r ! safe, TUESDAY, 15, 1885, language tree front Opiates, tine lies anil J*oisons. Having sold out to Mr. GEO. J. BROWN, I take \V. F. GRIFFIN, Treasurer of Mockton. FEVER, HENRY M. COLBY, late of Liberty, Strains. the farm stock and farming tools, as follows : One istration which i< to day engaged in the un- this opportunity of thanking the public for their rkfHAY CATARRH, remedy for flails, In the and recommend a continuance yoko oxen, 1 horse, 2 cows, 1 heifer, 1 yoke steers, American business of breaking down the patronage past SiH! I in the County of Waldo, deceased, bv giving bmel on Horses. ship safe, [jvHY Scratches. ,(t., PROMPTt sure 1 AND THROAT TROUBLES. Sores, 25 sheej), 1 calf, and hemlock lumber, lot of interests of the and of the same to Mr. Brown, as any work intrusted LIVERY COMPANY can he made selling :is the law directs; lie therefore all |■< r- pine building country driving Cur© lor CougliN, Cold*, and other Throat BELFAST announces | request-* cedar 1 double horse 1 ox 1 to him will he done in a workmanlike manner. rpiIE Icee.-tsed’s e-t;ite to will > its merits. shingles, wagon, ert, American vessels from the ocean. That Maine’s and Affection*. 1 that it has purchased new horse* and is again good, useful, everyday I sons who are indebted to said One trial proi Lung 4w35* II. HOWARD. _ CURE NEURALGIA. NERVOUS- books that set double horse sleds, i set ox sleds, 1 mowing At J>««’o {.a.,!o,"":k- \ 1M. FI.KIt < NESS, HEADACHE AND i. The Peo- Its are instantaneous. machine, 1 horse rake, plows, chains, harrows, and O.. I’lilllmoro, flnrylaml, f. R. A. O. G. White’s store, and teams are at the Mid-hell want, e., demands thereon, toexidl'it I lie same for sett ieim-nt effects true, thanks to the ruinous free ship of TO SLEEPLESSNESS. ples’ CYCLOP KHIA all farming utensils and household goods, 25 tons policy and Pote stables. GIVE I S a CALL. to him. OTIS l>. Wli.soV 50c. Sold stage a Box at or Mall. j Price 25c. and everywhere. hay, 10 cords wood, IHLed for stove, &e., A*-. If the Democracy. If that party is to continue Price 50c. Druggists by (210,000 Vols. sold). BELFAST LIVERY CO. Send alt stormy next fair GEO. VV. CHOATE. iu and out its wholesale of Itn84 for Pamphlet. RIDpath’s United states History iboo.oon \ c L subscriber heicliy gives public. notice i" day. power carry system Belfa st, July 29, 1885.—31 rpil 2 D. vVr. Bennett, Auctioneer. 4w33* destruction of the; building and sail- SHIP’S PUMPS! | ALLEN COCAINE MFG. CO., 1254 Broadway, N. Y. sold). Gaskkli.’s Compendii m of Forms (215,- 1 concerned, that he has been duly appointed lyreow ship ship taken himself the trust of Executor ol ing interests of tlie nation, launchings in Maine undersigned is the agent of the CATARACT j 000 Vols. sold). The People's Atlas (soon to he and upon PUMP for this The is made in Treasury of Thoihht; Mother, Home the last will of as well as in Massachusetts, will not only be- THE vicinity. Pump Issued). Rockland and gives excellent satisfaction. I can and Heaven The World,—Historical BENJAMIN F. MATHEWS, late of Lineolnville, Thombs & come a but be unheard of (New). Osborne, : novelty, absolutely also sell the celebrated KBIHON PUMP. The and Actual Active Salesmen want- price Dr. FJP. (about ready). in the County of Waldo, deceased, by givimr bond j and unknown. [Biddeford Journal. of the Cataract Pump is $25, and the Edison $‘2H. Finishers Wanted Nichols, ed. MARTIN GARRISON & CO Rooms! as the law directs; he therefore request- all per- Sail New the P. Boston. Plural Vessel owners in want of new Pumps will do well ly51 79 Milk street, opposite ()., Makers, sons who are indebted to said deceased’s estate by calling on me. GEO. E. WIGHT, and those who have ANI» DKA I.KItN IN The amount cf silver coin in circulation dur- to make immediate payment, Shipsmith in Carter’s Yard, Belfast. Surgeon same for sett ie- EDWARD N. WIGHT Dentist, anv demands therem to exhibit the ■ 18 !u ill:. I'tijur Stork, I roll tV Mrtnls, ing the next four months will undoubtedly be April 27,1885.—tf ment to H. HQBBs. now located over the store of F. B. KNOWL- Office at residence of W. G. Nichols him._JOSIAH Capt. notiee t" all Swan A Sibley Bros’. Wharf, Belfast, Me. IS TON, High St., and would be pleased to meet largely augmented, aud the issue of silver dol- rpiiE subscriber her by gives public I e has been and all who favor him with a call. APPLY AS ABOVE. tfl5 32tf ijilYcnllocnkt«.m l concerned, that duly appointed may Maine. e-ish for old raus, lars will be unprecedentedly large, as the Secre- A MORE Searnport, taken himself the trust of Administrator of Highest price paid junk, metals, Belfast, June 10, 1885.—3m24 FEW GIRLS upon hones, «&e. :ltt tary of the Treasury has suspended for four rixx ^nufor 'TUG : the estate of for cash in RPAJS months the issue of one and two dollar notes, Can find employment at the WANTED! For Sale! one year $1.50 X lllJ ULliillU CAROLINE B. VOSE, late of Belfast, after in all such bills in the hands of Cure* advance. Send for a copy mmmmmmmHmmmmmtm calling of Wa hv bond P. I Rnrkarbr,RHEUijlm^.^JRALGIA, II tartar whether at home or abroad should read i'M* in the County do, deceased, giving ST CATH^W?,^AL1'* C. Hr, Toolbar!**, LOMBARD, Sub-Treasurers. They will be retained in the Brooks Pants ONE HORSE HAY io therefore ail Spraln«,Brnl«(>a and other Factory, PRESS, OXFORD COUNTY A DVERTIHR as the law directs; requests per- DIOCESAN SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. Treasury until after the meeting of sons who are indehte i to said deceased’s estate to The Ut. Uev. H. A. M.KI.V. 1>. I>., Congress, J Pains and Aches. to tend machines Lots 2 Good Coat Makers onCnistomWorlc. in order. For further call on and keep posted on events occurring there. President., Outs. At sewing running by power. good particulars to determine the amount of silver which can ___ Fifty DniKglatH ami Dealers. is of make Immediate and those who have ISth vear 24th. Terms, a DENTIST, THE of work to be out to be made. Call on or ad- copies per week the sworn statement payment, any opens Sept- $250 year. WABLEm A. VOUELEK tt>., Baltlaore, Maryland, T. 8. A. put A. E. Me. or address F. R. DAGGETT. IQ01 to exhibit the same for Curier of Church and Spring Sts., Belfast. be carried in general circulation. The order dress tf32 EEHNALD, Winterport, IgZ I the Advertiser’s circulation for the five j demands thereon settlement For circulars address the Ke>. Wm. It. Martin, M.A. GKO. tfl provokes bitter complaints. I lyrl2 JOHN H. GORDON, Brooks, Me. I Aug. 6,1885.—traa Sandy Point, Aug. 17, 1885.—34tf months ending Sept. 11,1884. Iy4 I to him. E. WALLACE. Prin. 10w*2t)