
Inside: l Holocaust survivor praises Metropolitan Sheptytsky – page 3 l In the press: Ukraine at home and abroad – page 7 l Artist Andrei Kushnir, conductor Kirill Karabits – page 10

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXI No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 $1/$2 in Ukraine Pianist from Ukraine wins Heavy Russian ties of Ukraine’s prestigious Cliburn competition top state officials drawing concern by Zenon Zawada KYIV – When Ihor Sorkin was nominated to become chair of the National Bank of Ukraine in early January, media reports con- firmed his father is the assistant director of the department of investment and construc- tion, a high position at Gazprom, the Russian Federation’s powerful state natural gas monopoly. Such a link between Ukraine’s central bank and its chief energy supplier, which stands accused of using its gas prices as an instrument to undermine Ukraine’s econo- my, didn’t concern President Viktor Yanukovych or the parliamentary majority, which approved Mr. Sorkin’s nomination. Indeed, nearly a dozen high-ranking Ukrainian government officials have inti- dusia.telekritika.ua mate ties to Russia and its officials. Some Russian citizen Igor Shuvalov, an advi- key advisors are even Russian citizens. sor to President Viktor Yanukovych, While Russophile Ukrainians view that posi- directs information policies at Inter tele- tively, Western-oriented Ukrainians view vision, Ukraine’s most widely watched The Cliburn/Ralph Lauer their heavy presence as a threat to national TV network. At the Cliburn Competition (from left) are: Sean Chen of the United States (crystal sovereignty. award), Beatrice Rana of Italy (silver medal) and Vadym Kholodenko of Ukraine Regions and its leadership.” “There are people who still have family in (gold medal). Perhaps most disturbing is that those Russia and travel there on the weekends. with close ties to Russia occupy some of the PARSIPPANY, N.J. – Twenty-six-year-old gious competitions for the world’s pianists. They return on Monday to hold meetings in most influential and sensitive positions in Vadym Kholodenko of Ukraine won the According to the biography posted on a Ukrainian ministry,” said Ihor Losiev, an the government, relating to defense and 14th Van Cliburn International Piano the website of the Cliburn Competition, Mr. assistant professor at the National national security. Competition held in Fort Worth, Texas. The Kholodenko, a native of Kyiv, has worked University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy. competition started on May 24 with 30 with Yuri Bashmet, Vladimir Spivakov and “It’s a very serious problem that’s related In the view of Mr. Losiev, that reflects competitors, and the winners were other distinguished conductors, and has to the course of this government, which is President Yanukovych’s view of government announced on June 9. performed across the globe in Austria, the most pro-Russian for all of Ukraine’s as an instrument to serve his own personal Beatrice Rana, 20, of Italy placed second, China, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, years of independence. Some have said interests rather than those of the nation and and Sean Chen, 24, of the United States Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Europe is not waiting for us and doesn’t the common good. Officials with Russian placed third in the quadrennial event, need us. But it’s not just individuals, but the which is viewed as one of the most presti- (Continued on page 10) general political course of the Party of (Continued on page 8)

Columbia conference examines censorship in Ukraine’s media

This is the first part of a two-part series for more freedom of expression than tradi- a pretext to interfere in media processes. “And they have legal means for this too. about a landmark conference on censorship tional media in Ukraine, Prof. Cooper noted. Due to scandalous stories in some cases, As long as there is no law that can prevent in Ukraine’s media, titled “‘Braking’ News: Today, according to the Committee to this regret seems to urge the creation of a an official from owning, effectively control- Censorship, Media and Ukraine,” held at Protect Journalists, one-third of all journal- regulatory body to deem its approval for ling mass media during their term of office, Columbia University on February 21-22. The ists killed to date have been Internet jour- mass media,” Mr. Kulykov stated. there is no guarantee at all that mass media conference was organized by Mark nalists, and nearly half of the journalists in The “Stop Censorship” campaign came won’t be used as an instrument for squash- Andryczyk of Columbia University and prison at the end of 2012 were online jour- about in Ukraine to combat the regime’s ing freedom of speech as a means against Marta Dyczok of the University of Western nalists. deliberate insult to human intelligence and democracy,” he continued. Ontario. This week’s story features the key- Prof. Cooper then introduced Andriy an attempt by the authorities to avoid “However, I think that the call for such a note address and the first panel discussion. Kulykov, host of the “Svoboda Slova” responsibility through media censorship, law – and it should also apply to those vying (Freedom of Speech) talk show on ICTV Mr. Kulykov said. for vacant MP seats – will be difficult to NEW YORK – During the “’Braking’ Ukraine, who delivered the keynote He noted: “Remember that most of enforce, but the step must be taken in Ukraine. News” conference hosted by the Harriman address on “Ukrainian Media: Old Ukraine’s leaders today, for years and years It is extremely difficult to enforce any law in Institute at Columbia University, Prof. Ann Pressures, New Challenges.” during Soviet times, had joined groups of Ukraine, and especially for those with money Cooper of Columbia’s Graduate School of “Censorship is like death,” said Mr. society that promoted unanimity and intru- and power. We must do something. Dangers Journalism noted that, 12 years ago, Kulykov. It is a legacy of the Soviet system sion of the ruling party, and restriction on are present in politicians’ shares of Inter Heorhiy Gongadze became the first and stifles freedoms. Although the majority the mass media and freedom of speech. media channel,” Mr. Kulykov said. Internet investigative journalist killed, add- of youth are against censorship, editorial This concerns most the powers that be and It is not direct interference, he clarified, ing that the courts in Ukraine have stalled policies are less understood and therefore those that want to replace them. However, but the ownership of media outlets that is on punishing those responsible. cannot effectively combat official censor- those that rule Ukraine now have much most dangerous. This has been experienced The Internet news in Ukraine during the ship. “No one would use the term ‘imposi- more money and power, it is they who early 2000s provided a forum that allowed tive connotation’ but this has been used as exert major pressure on media.” (Continued on page 16) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24


Russian consul general to Crimea Roads are number one challenge Analyst: no protests in summer KYIV – Ukrainian President Viktor KYIV – Mass protests are not expected in resigns following offensive comments Yanukovych has called the construction Ukraine in the summer because both those and repair of roads the government’s main who can lead them and the possible partici- by Idil P. Izmirli criminal; as well as the Organization for objective for the next two years. Speaking pants will be away on holidays. Also, people Eurasia Daily Monitor Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) during a meeting of the Committee on need to be presented a concept of change, Parliamentary Assembly’s resolution, adopt- Economic Reforms, he said: “This year and which the likely organizers do not have Following a week of protests over his ed on July 3, 2009, in Vilnius, which equated next, Mykola Yanovych (Azarov), this is the today, commented the director of the Ilko offensive and defamatory statements about Stalinism with Nazism for having committed number one job. The way roads suffered Kucheriv Democratic Initiatives the May 18, 1944, deportation of Crimean genocide and crimes against humanity, and this year, in the past winter of 2012-2013 - Foundation, Iryna Bekeshkina. Speaking on Tatars, Vladimir Andreev, the Russian con- called for the international condemnation of this never happened before.” Taking into June 11 at a press conference at Ukrinform, sul general in Symferopol, Crimea, Ukraine, these totalitarian regimes (www.oscepa.org/ account the damage to the roads, the gov- she said, “To predict the developments in resigned from his post on May 25. members/member.../ 261-vilnius-declara- ernment should pay special attention to the fall means to predict the events, and we These events were provoked by Mr. tion-english). this issue, the president said, according to do not know what the events will be.” Andreev’s response to the first film ever Mr. Chubarov called on his fellow parlia- June 11 news reports. (Ukrinform) According to the sociologist, mass demon- made by a Crimean Tatar filmmaker, Ahtem mentarians to join the protests in front of strations are possible “when the population Seidablaev titled “Haytarma” (Return), the Russian Consulate on May 23 to pres- Relations with Russia a priority gets tired of the government.” At the same which premiered in Symferopol on May 17 sure Moscow to remove Consul General time, she noted that right now she does not (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v= Andreev from his position (http://qha. KYIV – Relations with Russia are a priori- ty in Ukraine’s foreign policy, President see any serious tiredness. “After all, the 4wlH3rclkmA). “Haytarma” depicts the life com.ua/piketirovat-genkonsulstvo-budut- population of the south and east believes of Amet Han Sultan, a well-known World zavtra-v-11-00-126587.html). He also stat- Viktor Yanukovych said in his annual address to the Verkhovna Rada, which was this power to be theirs – in spite of every- War II-era Soviet pilot and twice the hero of ed that he was going to write to the thing that happens, there the protest move- Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), and the published on the president’s website on the Soviet Union, against the background of ment is minimal, especially when it comes representatives of the Ukrainian president June 6, though not presented in person the mass deportation of Tatars from Crimea. to political things,” she said. Ms. Bekeshkina in Crimea to make sure that they under- before the Rada. “Russia is a strategic part- Many distinguished guests attended the noted a direct relationship between the film’s premier. A delegation of World War II stand the severity of this event (http://an. ner for Ukraine, and we are deepening coop- state of the economy and the temperature officers from Russia also came to Crimea to crimea.ua/page/articles/40021/). eration with it in all spheres of international of dissent, but pointed out that “a lot of fac- view the film’s showing, but Mr. Andreev After Mr. Chubarov’s speech in the life. Relations with Russia are a priority in tors are needed for protest sentiments to advised them not to attend because, in his Parliament, Mr. Andreev responded the foreign policy of the Ukrainian state,” Mr. escalate into protests.” Most important, in words, “The film did not reflect the mass through another interview, in which he Yanukovych said. He added that Ukraine her view, is that “people should see a con- betrayal of the Crimean Tatar people dur- stated: “You have to remember that during understands the importance of the Russian crete result of a particular protest.” ing the Great Patriotic War” (http://an. World War II, the Soviet Army stopped fas- factor for its domestic political situation and According to a study conducted in Ukraine crimea.ua/news/articles/materiali/gen- cism and saved the world from this ill ide- foreign policy, as well as the absence of in May by the Ilko Kucheriv Democratic konsul-andreev--krimskie-tatari/). ology. But, betrayal is betrayal. We cannot alternatives to broad cooperation with Initiatives Foundation along with the Eventually, all but one of these veterans say that Crimean Tatars did not betray the Russia, which is determined by the critical Razumkov Center’s sociological service, ended up abstaining. Soviet Union during World War II. Crimean dependence of the Ukrainian economy on 25.5 percent of Ukrainians believe that On May 21 Mr. Andreev was interviewed Tatars betrayed the Soviet Army, the Soviet Russian energy, significant volumes of trade mass protests could be held in their village on the TV program “Gravitatsia” people and the Soviet Union en masse. and traditional markets for Ukrainian goods, (Gravitation), which airs on the Crimean Betrayal cannot be denied. Then, of course, the two countries’ common cultural and or town in the near future if there is a dete- channel ATR. He told the reporter that he they were deported. We cannot change or information space, and humanitarian ties rioration of lifestyle or for the sake of the did not have time to watch Mr. Seidablaev’s reject this fact; we cannot teach our chil- and other factors. “It is in Ukraine’s interests people’s rights and freedoms. At the same film, but declared his certainty that Crimean dren a falsified history” (http://an.crimea. to actively develop strategic Ukrainian- time, 39 percent believe this is unlikely, and Tatars falsified the history to cover up their ua/page/articles/40021/). Russian relations under conditions of mutu- 26 percent believe that there will be no mass betrayal. He added, “The Russian dele- He further added that films about World al respect and consideration of the interests protests in the near future. Mass demon- gation could not have been present at this War II are important, but should be pro- of both countries, their mutual ability to strations are most expected in the central premiere [of ‘Haytarma’], which distorts the duced in Russia in order to be truly objec- reach compromise and mutual support, tak- region (35 percent) and much less in the truth about the Great Patriotic War” tive, and he suggested that some of these ing into account the interests of third coun- southern (17 percent) and eastern (17 per- (http://www.inosmi.ru/sngbal- movies should also be produced to specifi- tries – our partners,” reads the address. Mr. cent) regions. (Ukrinform) tia/20130524/209311975.html). cally point out the Crimean Tatars’ “cooper- Yanukovych also said that Ukraine and Parties to merge with Batkivshchyna He further stated that Mr. Seidablaev’s ation with the Nazi occupiers.” Mr. Andreev Russia are independent subjects of interna- film invited a cover-up of “the historical also repeated, “I did not watch tional law and the leading post-Soviet states, KYIV – The Front for Change and the truth, justifying and forgiving the betrayal [Seidablaev’s] film, but I know it is based on and that stability not only in the region, but Reforms and Order Party will disband in of Crimean Tatars during World War II” falsified history because it was produced by also on the continent as a whole depends on order to team up with Batkivshchyna. This (http://www.novayagazeta.ru/com- Crimean Tatars; and therefore, I advised our mutual understanding and partnership ments/58295.html). When the reporter veterans not to go and watch [‘Haytarma’].” between them. (Ukrinform) (Continued on page 12) rebuked Mr. Andreev for humiliating the These statements further angered national dignity of Crimean Tatars on tele- Crimean Tatars, who continued to peace- vision, the Russian diplomat blurted out: fully protest in front of the Russian “Did I say something new, something that Consulate on May 23 and 24, carrying ban- FOUNDED 1933 people already did not know? Everything I ners: “Descendants of NKVD! Get out of our The Ukrainian Weekly said today is the official truth. This truth country.” They also left bags of eggs in front needs to be known. The topic of this film of the gate, saying that Mr. Andreev should An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., should not have been the Great Patriotic a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. be grateful they were not thrown in his face Yearly subscription rate: $65; for UNA members — $55. War; it is the theme of betrayal” (http://an. (http://glavred.info/politika/krymskie- crimea.ua/page/articles/40021/). tatary-potrebovali-deportirovat-genkon- Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. (ISSN — 0273-9348) The next day, a large group of Crimean sula-rossii-250535.html). For 24 hours, the Tatars started picketing in front of the picketers shouted, “Luggage, train station, The Weekly: UNA: Russian Consulate in Symferopol, demand- Moscow!” and “Amet Han – hero! Andreev – Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 ing that Mr. Andreev resign from his post coward!” (http://www.youtube.com/ and leave Crimea as soon as possible. watch?v=1cxsK7CCoOA). Postmaster, send address changes to: Meanwhile, the head of the Kurultai-Rukh On May 24, Ukraine’s Foreign Affairs The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz faction in the Crimean Parliament and the Ministry asked the Russian authorities to 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas first deputy of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, evaluate Mr. Andreev’s statements. They P.O. Box 280 Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] Refat Chubarov, spoke in front of the also talked to the senior advisor of the Crimean Parliament and suggested that Mr. Russian Embassy in Ukraine, Vladimir The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: www.ukrweekly.com Andreev needed to refresh his memory by Likhachev, who acknowledged that Mr. reviewing the historical facts regarding the Andreev’s speech was incorrect and with- illegality of the Crimean Tatar deportation out proper sensitivity to the issue of depor- The Ukrainian Weekly, June 16, 2013, No. 24, Vol. LXXXI in May 1944 (http://an.crimea.ua/page/ tation (http://zn.ua/POLITICS/oskor- Copyright © 2013 The Ukrainian Weekly articles/40021/). bivshiy-krymskih-tatar-genkonsul-rossii- In particular, Mr. Chubarov listed the obyavil-o-svoey-otstavke-122807_.html). Supreme Soviet Presidium’s 1967 decree No. The following day, Mr. Andreev officially ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA 493, which withdrew the charges of treason resigned from his post. Yet, he declared he (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 against the whole Crimean Tatar population; meant every word of his proclamation Walter Honcharyk, administrator and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 the November 1989 commission of the about the Crimean Tatars, noting that his e-mail: [email protected] Soviet Union under Genadii Yanaev, which resignation was not based on Crimean Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3042 acknowledged the forced deportations of the e-mail: [email protected] Crimean Tatars as repressive, illegal and (Continued on page 18) No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 3 Holocaust survivor praises Sheptytsky in Hartford lecture

by Alexander Kuzma wheelchair bound. It was the last time he would ever see his father. HARTFORD, Conn. – Dr. Leon Chameides, a retired phy- The boy was given the name “Levko Cheminsky” and sician and Holocaust survivor, shared his wartime experi- smuggled through various underground networks until he ences before a rapt audience at St. Michael the Archangel reached the Univ Monastery, where he spent two years in Ukrainian Catholic Church in Hartford, Conn., on Sunday, hiding, mixed in with other Jewish and Christian boys. June 2. Soft-spoken in his delivery, Dr. Chameides described the As the son of one of the leading rabbis of Lviv, Dr. monastery as a supportive, self-sufficient farming commu- Chameides was sheltered at the Univ Monastery near Lviv nity where the boys learned to tend the cattle and to care under the direction of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky for various crops alongside the monks. and his brother, Blessed Abbott Klymentii Sheptytsky. Dr. Parishioner Tania Osadca asked Dr. Chameides whether Chameides singled out the compassion and heroism of the he was aware of the dangers he faced as a child. “Yes,” he Sheptytsky brothers and other Catholic clergymen who replied. “One morning the other boys teased me about talk- protected him from the Nazis. ing in my sleep, and I was terrified that I might say some- While most of his family perished during the Holocaust, thing that would give me away as a Jew. So each night, Dr. Chameides was spared their fate through the foresight when I prayed my ‘Otche Nash’ and ‘Bohorodytse Divo’ of his father and a network of Catholic clergy and activists. with the others, I asked God to spare me and not let me Dr. Chameides described how his family had fled from betray my identity in my sleep.” Katowice in Poland to Lviv in 1939. Following the Nazi As he concluded his remarks, Dr. Chameides pointed out invasion of Ukraine in 1941, his father thought at first that that Abbott Klymentii had been beatified by Pope John Paul the Germans might limit their atrocities and assassinations II and that his other saviors, Father Marko Stec and Brother to select members of the Jewish community. But as the Daniel, had been honored as Righteous Among Gentiles at Nazi killing spree intensified and became more systematic Yad Vashem in Jerusalem, but Metropolitan Sheptytsky’s in 1942, his father brought young Leon to St. George heroism has yet to be recognized either by the Vatican or Cathedral, where he remembered meeting Metropolitan Yad Vashem. “Why is this?” he asked. Sheptytsky, then crippled by rheumatoid arthritis and The most often cited reason is a letter Metropolitan Sheptytsky wrote welcoming the Nazis upon their arrival in Lviv. But as Dr. Chameides pointed out, any Church leader or Dr. Leon Chameides head of state would have welcomed any army that had lib- erated their people from the horrors the Soviets had inflict- understanding between the Ukrainian and Jewish commu- ed on the Ukrainian people between 1939 and 1941. What nities. is more conclusive was the way Sheptytsky denounced the Quoting the Talmud, Dr. Chameides reminded his audi- Nazis once their true intentions became clear. ence: “if you have saved one life, you have saved the world.” Dr. Chameides cited Sheptytsky’s famous letter to the The number of Jewish children saved by Sheptytsky may head of the SS, Heinrich Himmler, denouncing Nazi atroci- never be known, although some historians have estimated ties. He also pointed out that the Soviet government had it in the hundreds. Dr. Chameides mentioned just a few of worked to smear Metropolitan Sheptytsky’s reputation in the eminent world citizens Sheptytsky saved as children: its attempts to destroy the Ukrainian Catholic Church and among these is Nobel laureate Dr. Rouald Hoffman of to drive it into the underground. As a Ukrainian patriot and Cornell University and Polish Foreign Minister Adam defender of Ukrainian nationhood, Sheptytsky was singled Rothfeld. “These young lives – these ‘worlds’ Sheptytsky out for vilification. saved – are quite remarkable.” “When we look at Sheptytsky’s track record, we see that Dr. Chameides recently published his memoirs in a book the Soviet smear campaign against him was utter non- called “Strangers in Many Lands,” which can be purchased sense,” said Dr. Chameides. on Amazon. The memoirs pay tribute to many of the physi- Dr. Chameides has become an outspoken advocate of cian’s relatives who died in the Holocaust. His writings also honoring Metropolitan Sheptytsky as Righteous Among pay tribute to Sheptytsky’s heroism and lament the lack of Gentiles. Last April, along with Chief Rabbi Yaakov Bleich of recognition the metropolitan has received. Kyiv, Patriarch Sviatoslav Shevchuk and other witnesses, he The June 2 event in Hartford was co-sponsored by St. testified in hearings before the Canadian Parliament about Michael Parish and the Ukrainian Catholic Education Sheptytsky’s legacy. The House of Commons voted unani- Foundation, which is organizing similar presentations by mously to honor Sheptytsky for his heroic conduct during Dr. Chameides in the months to come. Anyone interested in World War II. Dr. Chameides remains active in the hosting such a presentation at their church or community Ukrainian Jewish Encounter, an effort launched by is urged to contact Alexander Kuzma at 773-355-1910 or The cover of Dr. Leon Chameidis’ memoirs. Canadian business leader James Temerty to help build Matthew Matuszak at 773-235-8462. OSCE conference in Kyiv calls for stronger anti-trafficking action

OSCE the need for strong action. “All forms of exploitation should dehumanizing crime, but the fact is airline, hotel and trans- be reflected in our commitments, and all victims deserve portation professionals are in a unique position to identify KYIV – Ways to strengthen the response of the partici- unconditional protection and assistance. Every available potential victims to get them help they need. I have no pating states of the Organization for Security and method should be used to identify victims and prosecute doubt that if airline and other transportation personnel Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to human trafficking in offenders,” he said. were appropriately trained, hundreds, maybe thousands, terms of the prevention of the crime, prosecution of offend- Ukraine’s Minister of Social Policy Natalia Korolevska more lives could be saved.” ers and protection of victims were the focus of a high-level stressed that, in view of new tendencies and forms of human conference that started in Kyiv on June 10. trafficking, the common should be to appropriately the director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions The conference is organized by the Ukrainian chairman- and in a timely fashion address these challenges by adopt- andAddressing Human Rights the participants, (ODIHR), said: Ambassador “ODIHR has Janez been Lenarčič, work- ship of the OSCE, which has put combating trafficking in ing concrete decisions and undertaking necessary actions. ing in the area of combating trafficking in human beings for human beings high on its agenda for the year. Viktor Dubovyk, first vice-minister of internal affairs of more than a decade. Together with the Office of the Special At the opening of the conference the OSCE chairperson- Ukraine, underlined that the comprehensive approach to Coordinator, the participating states and non-state actors, in-office, Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Leonid security makes the OSCE an important and unique plat- we have come a long way. But there is still a lot more to do Kozhara read out the address by President Viktor form for enhanced cooperation mechanisms in fighting to finally eradicate this scourge.” Yanukovych of Ukraine to the participants of the OSCE con- human trafficking. Joy Smith, member of Parliament of Canada and special ference. The president called for efficient implementation OSCE Special Representative and Coordinator for representative of the Canadian prime minister, reaffirmed by all participating states of their commitments to eradi- Combating Trafficking in Human Beings Maria Grazia her country’s commitment to fight against trafficking in cate this modern-day slavery. Giammarinaro in her address stated: “It is time to acknowl- human beings, including through the implementation of its In his opening address, Minister Kozhara underlined the edge that trafficking in human beings has developed since national plan. urgency of strengthening cooperation within the OSCE to the international community and states first started to Many other renowned national and international address the problem of human trafficking: “There are far too understand and address it. It is time to reaffirm the OSCE experts on human trafficking were also schedule to speak many underlying factors enabling human trafficking to flour- Action Plan and to look back and forward at the same time: at the event, which was being held at the Diplomatic ish, while global action to stop it remains inadequate, despite to see where our anti-trafficking action has worked and Academy of the Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Ministry. the variety of measures and commitments. By working where we have failed, where our efforts need to be adjust- The two-day conference brought together leading together we can create a better future for coming generations ed, updated and enhanced.” experts and officials from across the OSCE region. They and eliminate safe havens for criminals, as well as social Christopher Smith, special representative of the OSCE were to discuss ways to update the OSCE Action Plan to indifference toward victims of trafficking in human beings.” Parliamentary Assembly on human trafficking issues, was Combat Trafficking in Human Beings adopted in 2003 and OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier supported quoted as saying: “We are all responsible for ending this revised in 2005. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24

The Ukrainian National Association Forum

nal organizations, it is crucial that the UNA stay ahead of the curve and continue to develop a professional sales force that will work together with its branch secretaries. UNA Organizing Report for 2012 In the state of Connecticut, for example, only profession- ally licensed agents sell life insurance and annuities. In order to comply with these regulations, the UNA was fortu- sales or its support have been a part of this centuries-old by Christine E. Kozak nate to recruit and contract with Sofia Dumansky as an tradition. UNA National Secretary independent field agent. Ms. Dumansky is working with In this very competitive, fast-paced and quickly chang- Connecticut branch secretaries and the community, attend- The Ukrainian National Association is a fraternal orga- ing environment, it is truly wonderful that with so many ing festivals, church picnics and representing the UNA at nization established in 1894. As a fraternal organization, huge financial institutions failing since the crash of 2008, various functions. The UNA welcomes and congratulates the UNA is based on a branch/lodge system with members the UNA continues to bring protection and peace of mind Ms. Dumansky, and wishes her all the best in her endeav- and provides benefits to its members. Some of these UNA to its members. ors. benefits are made available not only to members, but the UNA General Assembly members, branch secretaries, Connecticut branch secretaries continue to work on a entire Ukrainian American/Ukrainian Canadian communi- organizers, field agents, UNA professional agents and the referral system. For each referral made by a branch secre- ties, chief among them the newspapers Svoboda and The UNA Home Office staff are key to insurance sales and tary that closes in a sale, a referral fee is paid to the branch Ukrainian Weekly, and the Ukrainian Heritage Center at member assistance. This is a job that requires patience, secretary. The branch secretary also obtains a new mem- Soyuzivka. Member benefits are supported solely through persistence, specialized product knowledge, and knowl- ber for his or her branch. The UNA has always encouraged the sale of life insurance, endowments and annuities. edge of laws and regulations. Despite challenging and branch secretaries to obtain their professional licenses For more than a century, the UNA has been uniting, uncertain economic times, the UNA continues to maintain and will continue to do so. building, supporting, organizing, informing, teaching, and the course and to achieve overall goals and projections. Another example is the state of Pennsylvania. reaching out to the Ukrainian American community all The UNA has two members of the General Assembly Pennsylvania allows for the fraternal to operate under the over the United States and beyond. who are outstanding producers. Eugene Oscislawski, UNA “limited lines producer” – in other words, the branch sec- In 1894 the sale of life insurance was a vastly different second vice-president, and Lubov Streletsky, UNA advisor, retary must be licensed as a “fraternal agent” in order to process than it is today, but the concept remains the same. continue on their path of excellence year after year. sell life insurance in the state. Still, other states have vary- Thousands of new immigrants, coming from Ukraine, find- Mr. Oscislawski and Mrs. Streletsky continue to be rec- ing limits as to the total amount of life insurance that can ing work in the coal mines of Pennsylvania, did not have ognized in the UNA’s traditional organizing campaigns for be sold on an annual basis by branch secretaries and/or money to bury those who perished in the coal mines. The most members enrolled during the calendar year. But each limits on the number of individuals to whom they can sell UNA’s beginnings lie deep within the coal mines of also stands at the top of the branch secretary leader board life insurance. When working within those limits the Pennsylvania. The idea of collecting “premiums” in order for the most annual premium amounts collected. For 2012, branch secretary is exempt from agent licensing and to pay for the burial of those who perished and to provide Mr. Oscislawski collected $122,972 in life insurance and appointment requirements. income for the widows and their children left behind is an annuity premiums combined. Mrs. Streletsky, whose main The state of New York presents yet another set of regu- idea that is still valid today. concentration is life insurance, collected $17,309 in annual latory challenges and capital requirements, and therefore The Mission Statement of the UNA continues to validate premiums for 2012. The UNA congratulates both Mrs. the UNA and other fraternals voluntarily withdrew from and honor the concepts born so long ago and remains as Streletsky and Mr. Oscislawski for their accomplishments doing business there. It is within this difficult structure strong a need as it was in 1894. And, just as in 1894, the and wishes them much success in 2013. that the UNA is constantly striving to strike a balance vehicle to provide broad benefits to members is still the As of the end of 2012, the total amount of CWA (Cash between the fraternal structure and regulatory require- sale of life insurance. with Application) for life insurance and annuities was ments. And so the UNA continues to follow in the footsteps of $10,370,190. This amount does not reflect the renewal The UNA sales force is broken down into three groups; its founding fathers, carrying on their mission “to provide premiums and additional annuity premium deposits made the time-honored and traditional branch secretary/orga- high-quality, solid, secure and straightforward life insur- during the year, which totaled approximately $19 million nizer; the professional field agent; and the Home Office ance and annuity products to its members; to preserve the for 2012. The UNA continues to treat short-term annuities branch representative and/or Home Office professional principles of fraternalism through branch affiliations, conservatively by limiting the maximum deposit and is sales agent. Each group has its own niche and a share of the market in which they specialize. Each group comple- which allows members to support each other and people concentrating on the five-, seven- and nine-year annuities, ments the others, giving the UNA a presence in a variety of in their communities in time of need; and to preserve the which are higher-profit-yielding products. The concerted markets and a wider audience. American, Canadian and Ukrainian heritage and culture.” effort to adjust and realign the annuity products and to UNA branch secretaries concentrate on the sale of life With those words in mind, the UNA would like to con- focus on longer-term annuities is meeting with success. insurance, and for the year ending December 31, 2012, gratulate and sincerely thank all of the members of the The UNA continues a multi-pronged sales approach and sold $1,610,000 in life insurance for annual premiums of UNA General Assembly, UNA districts, UNA branches, the development of a professional agency that comple- $39,000. An additional $154,000 was sold in annuity pre- branch secretaries, UNA field agents, UNA Home Office ments the traditional UNA branch secretary. As regulations insurance and sales staff, and all those who through either are eroding the more traditional aspect of sales for frater- (Continued on page 5) No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 5

NEW BUSINESS RECAP REPORT (CWA ONLY) Congratulations January 1, 2012 - December 31, 2012 BRANCH SECRETARIES to the UNA’s Name Life Face Amt Annul Prem Sgl Prem Life Total Annuity Prem Life & Annuity best producers! **Oscislawski, Eugene 15 369,999 5,053.20 5,053.20 2 117,919.76 122,972.96 Misc 7 225,000 3,944.50 3,944.50 4 27,981.96 31,926.46 *Streletsky, Lubov 23 480,000 11,999.20 5,310.00 17,309.20 17,309.20 2012 Club Shumylo, Lubov 5 130,000 2,633.60 2,633.60 2,633.60 Hawrylciw, Peter 1 10,000 1,930.00 1,930.00 1,930.00 of UNA Builders Krywyj, Vira 3 15,000 1,120.00 1,120.00 1,120.00 Romanyshyn, Basil 2 15,000 205.00 600.00 805.00 805.00 Diakiwsky, Nicholas 7 70,000 1,958.55 1,958.55 1,958.55 Fedorijczuk, George 3 15,000 605.00 605.00 605.00 Hrycyk, Michael 1 10,000 520.00 520.00 520.00 Platosz, Adam 1 10,000 440.00 440.00 440.00 Slovik, William J 2 55,000 904.80 904.80 2 8,208.92 9,113.72 Maruszczak, Olga 2 15,000 242.50 242.50 242.50 Doboczak, Bohdan 1 5,000 208.05 208.05 208.05 Kuzio, Myron 1 15,000 195.00 195.00 195.00 ^Serba, Eugene 1 5,000 176.20 176.20 176.20 *Horbaty, Gloria 3 35,000 449.50 449.50 449.50 Olenchuk, Alice 4 25,000 151.85 151.85 151.85 Serafyn, Alexander 1 25,000 255.00 255.00 255.00 Palaschenko, Olga 1 25,000 121.25 121.25 121.25 Lawrin,Alexandra 1 50,000 86.50 86.50 86.50 Sub Total 85 1,604,999 31,269.70 7,840.00 39,109.70 8 154,110.64 193,220.34

Name Life Face Amt Annul Prem Sgl Prem Life Total Annuity Prem Life & Annuity Lubov Streletsky Home Office 60 1,768,738 54,605.90 54,605.90 17 910,273.70 964,879.60 UNA Advisor, Fraternal Agent (Branch 10 Secretary) Field Agents 23 828,889 20,079.94 20,079.94 272 9,192,010.99 9,212,090.93 23 new members $480,000 of insurance Canada Dolnycky, Alexandra 3 15,000 541.30 541.30 541.30 Total Canada 3 15,000 541.30 541.30

Grand Total 171 4,217,626 106,496.84 7,840.00 114,336.84 297 10,256,395.33 10,370,190.87

* Advisor UNA General Assembly ** Executive Committee-UNA General Assembly ^ Auditing Committee

secretary of Branch 254, as an alderman of New Britain, UNA Organizing... Conn., was instrumental in the passage of a resolution call- ing for permanently displaying the Ukrainian flag in the (Continued from page 4) city’s Common Council Chambers; the UNA sponsored the miums by the UNA’s professionally licensed branch secre- flag that is now on display. UNA Auditor Eugene Serba taries. This resulted in a total of $194,220 in life insurance worked tirelessly and was successful in securing the per- and annuity premiums CWA for UNA branch secretaries manent display of the Ukrainian flag in Wildwood, N.J. UNA during 2012. Advisor and Branch 414 Secretary Gloria Horbaty has been Professional field agents continue to dominate in annui- organizing Easter egg hunts for the past 10 years and con- ty sales, selling $9,192,000 in annuities as of December 31, tinues to participate as a UNA representative in many local 2012. For the same time period, life insurance saw an events in Connecticut. increase of $20,000 in annual premiums for $800,000 of To enhance and complement the sales efforts in the insurance. The UNA continues to recruit professional UNA’s districts and branches, and to encourage UNA activi- agents, building a sales force in different states where the ties on the local level, a new position was created. Yuriy Eugene Oscislawski UNA is licensed to do business. Symczyk of Union, N.J., has been with the UNA as a profes- The UNA Home Office sold $900,000 in annuities and sional sales agent. He has taken on additional responsibili- UNA Second Vice-President, Licensed Agent $1,769,000 in life insurance for a total of $55,000 in annual ty as the fraternal coordinator for the UNA. Mr. Symczyk (Branch 234 Secretary) premiums. will be working closely with districts and branches to 17 new members $195,776 of insurance For the year ending December 31, 2012, the total make the UNA much more visible in their communities. We amount of life insurance sold was $4,223,000 with annual wish him much success and anticipate a greater UNA pres- premiums of $114,336.00. ence at a variety of venues. In support of the entire UNA sales force, including UNA Once again, thank you and congratulations to all of the 2012 Club branch secretaries, the UNA has been publishing a series of UNA’s producers. The UNA especially acknowledges and articles in The Ukrainian Weekly titled “Insurance thanks you, the members of the UNA, for your loyalty and of Dedicated Matters.” These articles are posted on UNA’s web-site and support – without you the UNA could not fulfill its mission on the UNA’s Facebook page. A new marketing campaign and provide the quality products and benefits of Svoboda, initiated in 2013 is running simultaneously in local and The Ukrainian Weekly and the Ukrainian Heritage Center UNA’ers national publications. A variety of flyers and brochures are at Soyuzivka. available, and the UNA is looking forward to a very busy As we go forward, the UNA must continue in its tradi- 2013 summer festival season. tional role, while at the same time embracing the new reg- We must also keep in mind there are many people ulatory environment, and the fast-paced digital and multi- Nick Diakiwsky working behind the scenes who may not be selling life media explosion. The UNA will continue its evolution to District Chairman, Pittsburgh; insurance or annuities, but are nonetheless dedicated and remain relevant so that our children and our children’s Fraternal Agent (Branch 161 Secretary) believe in the UNA and its mission. Organizing UNA tables children will know and understand the historical value of at festivals and picnics, for example, keeps the UNA in the this organization that was so instrumental in building the 5 new members $40,000 of insurance public eye, as does printing branch ads in church bulletins Ukrainian American community. The UNA and the and placing flyers in Ukrainian businesses. Adam Platosz, Community: Partners for Life! 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24

FOR THE RECORD The Ukrainian Weekly Kyiv’s latest misstep CUPP alumni stand up The Yanukovych administration sure is making it hard for the European Union to approve an Association Agreement with Ukraine. That’s what’s supposed to happen in November, during the Eastern Partnership Summit that will be held in Vilnius, for democracy in Ukraine Lithuania. Below is the text of a letter sent on June convinced that Ukraine cannot enter into Though President Viktor Yanukovych continues to express his support for 11 to Canada’s Minister of Foreign Affairs such an agreement without the fulfillment Ukraine’s integration with Europe, his actions don’t match his words. His chief politi- John Baird by alumni of the Canada- of the key precondition for its signing: cal opponent, Yulia Tymoshenko, is imprisoned and remains a target, subject to Ukraine Parliamentary Program (CUPP). respect for human rights and fundamental what practically the entire world believes is selective prosecution. Democracy is in a freedoms. Human rights cannot be traded state of regression. Corruption is rampant. (If you read this paper religiously, we Dear Minister Baird: or negotiated. All political prisoners must needn’t go on…) Let us again express our thanks for be released and rehabilitated, first and And, to make matters worse, on May 31, Kyiv signed a deal to become an observer Canada’s continuing support for the devel- foremost Yulia Tymoshenko. in the Russia-led Customs Union that also includes Belarus and Kazakhstan. Prime opment of the rule of law, democracy, The people of Ukraine are struggling Minister Mykola Azarov, who signed the memorandum in Minsk, Belarus, under- human rights protection and freedom of against the regression of democracy, wors- scored that “The Customs Union is our largest trade partner and cooperation with speech in Ukraine. ening human rights violations and flagrant its members is extremely important to us.” To be sure, Russia had wanted Ukraine to We, the Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary corruption in various other ways – includ- become a full member of the body, pressuring Kyiv to sign on with promises that it Program Alumni hereby highlight the ing demonstrations to protect the right to would review what Ukraine sees as an onerous gas supply deal concluded in 2009. ongoing deterioration of democracy and freedom of speech, the right to education However, it is not clear what exactly “observer” status entails, other than “special human rights violations and corruption in and fair elections. But effective interna- relations in areas of mutual interest,” as the president said in his annual address to Ukraine. tional guidance is the elusive ingredient in the Verkhovna Rada (which was issued as a written statement rather than delivered Please see attached our Calls to Action the success of every Ukrainian citizen in in person). Furthermore, in the memorandum signed in Minsk, Kyiv declared its dated April 21, 2013, and May 1, 2013, and his way on the road to democracy for our intention to adhere to the principles enshrined in the legal documents of the the published letter to the editor in the country, Ukraine. Customs Union and to refrain from any actions and statements directed against the Winnipeg Free Press dated November 12, Customs Union and the Single Economic Space. A troublesome declaration indeed, For this reason the CUPP Alumni share 2012, with analysis and recommendations and one that has the potential of changing Ukraine’s foreign policy course. the concern raised by Vitali Klitschko from on the worsening political situation in President Yanukovych argues that the deal with the Customs Union will not jeop- the opposition party of Ukraine UDAR Ukraine. ardize Ukraine’s prospects for an Association Agreement with the EU. But the (Punch) that the Western democratic gov- House of Commons of the Parliament of European Union doesn’t quite share that view; it intends to examine the documents ernments of the world – including Canada, Canada internships taught us that respect signed between Ukraine and the Customs Union. the U.S.A. and the EU – should immediately for strict deadlines and timely concrete Speaking in Kyiv on May 31 at the opening of a Lithuanian visa center, that coun- list the names and impose personal sanc- actions constitute the foundation for effec- try’s foreign affairs minister, Linas Linkevicius, underscored, “We should thoroughly tions against the Ukrainian government check whether there are contradictions to the European integration process.” tive democratic world operation. However, officials who contribute to the violations of According to a story filed by Interfax-Ukraine, he explained that the EU has to under- some of the intellectual elite publicly state human rights in Ukraine. Human rights stand whether cooperation between Ukraine and the Customs Union could be at that at least several decades are needed to violators in Ukraine must be held fully and variance with the creation of a free trade area between Ukraine and the EU. “In the achieve real changes in Ukraine. In the immediately accountable. This would simplest terms, if they cross the line in trade with the Customs Union, then they can- short term, however, President Viktor immediately send a strong stimulus to not sign an agreement with the EU – they have to make a choice,” he said. “They Yanukovych’s regime has capitalized on development of a democratic civil society want to be here and there simultaneously, but sometimes that doesn’t work out.” this for its own corrupt advantages, with in Ukraine on the basis of the individual Still, on June 13, while attending the plenary session of the 18th Central Europe irresponsible gamesmanship regarding accountability and rule of law. Summit of Heads of State in Bratislava, Slovakia, Mr. Yanukovych emphasized that recent overtures to the Russia-led Customs The CUPP Alumni, the Ukrainian oppo- “Signing the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU is interesting for Union, with the Ukrainian people’s future sition and the people of Ukraine are both parties. …Signing this historical document is beneficial for both parties.” He precariously hanging in the balance. expressing aloud what needs to be done went on to express hope that the agreement would be signed in November and Young and older Ukrainians are mark- immediately. Politically selective justice described it as, not just a declaration on initiating a qualitatively new level of bilater- edly disillusioned and have stopped attrib- must end now (highlighted as a precondi- al relations, but a detailed program of transformations in all spheres of life under uting change in the functioning of tion for the signing of the EU Association European standards, a road map of rapprochement with the EU, a tool for consolida- Ukrainian civil society to their own indi- Agreement by the opposition party of tion of European values. Fine words, once again… vidual timely efforts or responsibilities, Ukraine Batkivshchyna and Polish Foreign But the European Union cares not a bit about fine words. It wants to see progress instead deferring to some obscure future Affairs Minister Radoslaw Sikorski on June on outstanding issues, not platitudes; it wants to see a concrete commitment to involving their grandchildren or others’ 5, 2013). European values buttressed by action, not empty promises. At this point, it should efforts. Instead of entering the work force All political prisoners must be released surprise no one if, come November, the European Union balks. in Ukraine, creating a family and striving immediately. for the future of their children and parents Yulia Tymoshenko must be set free, on a daily basis, over the last 20 years given appropriate medical treatment, and massive numbers (hundreds of thousands allowed political participation without annually) of the brightest educated hindrance. June Turning the pages back... Ukrainians have simply lost hope and emi- Are the Western democratic govern- grate for meager low-paying jobs as clean- ments (including Canada, the U.S.A. and Last year, on June 19, 2012, Ukrainian soccer legend Andriy ers and field workers, resulting in one of the EU) listening? We sincerely hope so. 19 “Sheva” Shevchenko announced his retirement from the sport fol- the world’s most catastrophic demograph- Slava Ukrayini! lowing Ukraine’s elimination from the Euro 2012 tournament ic situations, the shrinking of the Let democracy rule! 2012 that same day. Ukraine lost 0-1 against England in Donetsk after Ukrainian population. There remains vir- an equalizing shot by Marko Devic for Ukraine was disallowed tually no hope for these people, particular- Canada-Ukraine Parliamentary when officials had ruled that the ball had not crossed the goal line. ly students and youth, to ever come back Program Alumni The match was Sheva’s 111th international appearance, and the 35-year-old striker said home again or contribute to developing that he intended to play in a specially arranged friendly match as a final international exit. Ukraine or its civil society. EDITOR’S NOTE: Copies of this letter Sheva told reporters that Ukraine deserved a better fate than its elimination by England With the recently approved revised were sent also to: President Viktor when Devic’s shot was hooked out of the goal by defender John Terry after it appeared to EU-Ukraine visa facilitation agreement, Yanukovych of Ukraine, European Union have crossed the line. (FIFA, the world soccer governing body, has since instituted goal- what is clear on closer inspection and has Commissioner for Enlargement and line review technology to avoid human-error discrepancies in officiating.) “We deserved been underreported is that the ruling European Neighborhood Policy Štefan Füle, more today,” he told BBC Sports on June 19, 2012. “We played well, created chances and, of Yanukovych regime’s government officials, Ukrainian opposition leaders Vitali course, scored a goal.” including MPs, judges and prosecutors Klitschko, Oleh Tiahnybok, Arseniy As Ukraine’s national team captain and a top player for more than a decade, he has (members who are actively involved in Yatsenyuk, Prime Minister Stephen Harper scored a record 48 goals for the national team. Sheva notched his first international goal in human rights violations) have regrettably of Canada, U.S. Secretary of State John F. 1996 against Turkey, in a friendly match, and he scored his last two international goals become the main beneficiaries entitled to Kerry, Canada’s Minister of Citizenship, against Sweden in Ukraine’s 2-1 come-from-behind win in Kyiv during Ukraine’s opening long-term five-year visas to enter the Immigration and Multiculturalism Jason match during the Euro Cup. European Union, while students, journal- Kenney, Minister of International Other milestones to his credit include his winning the Ballon d’Or in 2004, winning the ists and other groups are only eligible to Cooperation Julian Fantino, Sen. Raynell UEFA Champions League Cup in 2003 with AC Milan, scoring the winning goal in the penal- apply for much shorter visa terms. Andreychuk, Members of Parliament Ted ty shoot-out against another Italian club, Juventus. Sheva is ranked as the third-highest goal Most importantly, time is of the essence Opitz and James Bezan, Canada’s scorer in the Champions League history with 59 goals and the third top goal scorer in all in this situation when the Association Ambassador to Ukraine Troy Lulashnyk, European competitions, with 67 goals. Also to his credit, Sheva had scored 175 goals for AC Agreement between the European Union Paul Grod of the Ukrainian Canadian Milan, and is considered the second most prolific player in the club’s history. Other soccer and Ukraine is being negotiated and its Congress, Eugene Czolij of the Ukrainian clubs that Sheva has played for included England’s Chelsea and Ukraine’s Dynamo Kyiv. signing is being scheduled for November World Congress and the Canada-Ukraine (Continued on page 18) 28-29, 2013, in Vilnius. CUPP Alumni are Parliamentary Friendship Group. No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 7

IN THE PRESS IN MEMORIAM Ukraine at home and abroad Sen. Frank Lautenberg, 1924-2013 “Ukraine leader urges EU trade deal, concerns when making policy decisions, doesn’t budge on Tymoshenko,” by insufficient NATO cooperation with Richard Balmforth, Reuters, June 6: Moscow in pursuit of common interests, “President Viktor Yanukovich [sic] and needless NATO distrust of Russia. … pressed the European Union on Thursday “The head of the Presidential [June 6] to conclude a milestone political Administration, Sergei Ivanov, complained and trade deal with Ukraine this year but he that some Western countries use ‘double gave no ground on a key EU demand that he standards’ to judge international terrorism, free jailed opponent Yulia Tymoshenko. such as their support for armed militants “Yanukovich made his call in a state-of- fighting the government of Syria. Ivanov also the-nation address issued in text form only, believed that Russia and NATO could coop- stirring the anger of pro-Tymoshenko law- erate more effectively in Afghanistan if the makers who demanded he appear in per- North Atlantic Alliance would collaborate son to deliver it. directly with the Collective Security Treaty “Kiev [sic] would like to sign agreements Organization (CSTO), a bloc of Moscow- with the EU on political association and leaning Eurasian countries that, in addition free trade at a summit with other east to Russia, includes Armenia, Belarus, European states in November in the Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. … Lithuanian capital Vilnius. “A key theme of the Russian presenta- In the U.S. Senate Dining Room in the fall of 2012 (from left) are: Christina Sawicky “But the 27-member bloc first wants tions at the conference was their funda- Mazurkevich, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, Ulana Mazurkevich and Dorian Mazurkevich. more tangible proof of Ukraine’s commit- mental dissatisfaction with how today’s ment to democratic reforms, including the NATO-dominated European security struc- by Ulana Baluch Mazurkevich and genius of its people.” In this respect, he release of Tymoshenko, a former prime ture does not accord Russia sufficient influ- wished for a Ukraine free of Russia imperi- minister and Yanukovich’s fiercest oppo- ence given Moscow’s great power status Sen. Frank Lautenberg of New Jersey, a alism with a future in Europe. In an opin- nent, from a seven-year jail sentence. …” and its large stake in Eurasian security longtime friend of the Ukrainian American ion piece, he wrote: developments. …” community, and my personal friend, passed “A moss-covered obelisk at the edge of a “Georgia’s democracy is in peril,” edi- away on June 3. For over 30 years, Sen. curving mountain road marks the geograph- torial, The Washington Post, May 31: “Ukraine’s uninspired opposition Lautenberg worked closely with the ic center of Europe. This significant marker “For much of the last decade, Georgia preferable to Regionnaire domination,” Ukrainian Human Rights Committee of in the heart of Europe is not located in any of and Ukraine stood out among post-Soviet by Alexander Motyl, posted on May 17 Philadelphia to advance the cause of human the European nations that capture most nations for their pursuit of liberal democra- on his blog, “Ukraine’s Orange Blues,” on rights in Ukraine. Americans’ imaginations. It is found in the cy and integration with the West following the Foreign Affairs journal website: The senator brought attention to impor- Carpathian Mountains of Ukraine. ...Ukraine popular uprisings against authoritarian “What ails Ukraine’s democratic opposi- tant causes, such as the Ukrainian is a counterweight to Russia, a link between governments. The United States and the tion? Why do most Ukrainians, and espe- Holodomor and the Chornobyl accident. He East and West and, through its own ethnic European Union devoted considerable cially those who detest the Yanukovych worked with the Ukrainian Human Rights tolerance, helps keep the peace in a still resources and diplomacy to encouraging regime, continually gripe about the opposi- Committee to help secure funding for potentially volatile region. ...Ukraine is their sometimes-halting progress and to tion’s fecklessness, weakness, and all- reprinting the report of the U.S. Commission already withstanding pressure from fending off attempts by Russia to under- round lousiness?... on the Ukraine Famine. He also co-authored Moscow to reintegrate into a union between mine it. Sadly, all that work is close to being “First, the opposition has to unite. a Senate resolution commemorating the Russia and Belarus, which could be the first anniversary of the Chornobyl tragedy. undone. Since winning power in a demo- Second, the opposition has to join the peo- steppingstone in resurrecting a new Russian One of the senator’s greatest achieve- cratic election in 2010, Ukrainian President ple. And third, the opposition must develop empire. ....Ukraine, however, still needs the ments in the area of human rights was the Viktor Yanukovych has overseen the prose- a clear, simple, and realistic program. … the West’s support in its difficult transition from Lautenberg Amendment for refugees. A cution and imprisonment of his chief oppo- opposition has to be honest about what it communism to democracy. …Ukraine, at the watershed moment for those who faced reli- nent, prompting the European Union to put is, what it wants, and how it behaves, when heart of Europe, must be a part of the vision gious persecution under the regime of the an association agreement on hold. it’s in power and out of power. … [for a whole and free Europe].” Soviet Union, this legislation enabled the reli- “Now Georgia’s new prime minister, who However, “The best is the enemy of the I last saw Sen. Lautenberg this past giously persecuted, such as Ukrainians of the autumn, when he graciously invited my defeated the leaders of the 2003 Rose good enough. If you agree, then democrati- Catholic, Orthodox and Evangelical faiths, son, Dorian, and his wife, Christina, for Revolution in a democratic election last cally inclined Ukrainians have no choice to seek safe refuge in the United States. lunch at the U.S. Senate Dining Room. He October, has taken a similar step. Last but to support the democratic opposition, Following Ukraine’s independence, Sen. was in wonderful spirits and looked to be week, the longtime interior minister and however ‘un-best’ it is. In turn, the demo- Lautenberg met with the first president of in excellent health. When our discussion prime minister of the post-revolutionary cratic opposition has to make itself worthy Ukraine, Leonid Kravchuk, during his visit moved to the current situation in Ukraine, government, Vano Merabishvili, was jailed of ‘fanatical’ support. When you consider to Washington. The senator and I dis- he expressed in frank terms his concerns without bail pending trial on charges of the alternative — indefinite rule by cussed this landmark meeting soon after, about the recent path chosen by Ukraine Regionnaire thugs and Ukraine’s complete misusing government funds. A serving pro- and he expressed his deep support for and the negative image the country was transformation into Zimbabwe — the good vincial governor who was labor minister in Ukraine in its ongoing struggle. On numer- receiving. As always, he candidly expressed enough is a no-brainer.” the former government also was charged. ous occasions, we spoke about the need for his views on the country’s situation and its Like Mr. Yanukovych before him, Bidzina “Europe should take tougher stance a more favorable distribution of foreign aid struggles. Sadly, it was but a few months Ivanishvili, the new prime minister, assured funds to Ukraine. later that Sen. Lautenberg’s health declined. his countrymen that these political prose- on selective justice,” editorial, Financial Times, May 1: Sen. Lautenberg advocated for the coun- Sen. Frank Lautenberg, an exceptional cutions would not harm relations with the try’s transition “to a modern state that friend of principle and an uncompromising “The EU has for months wavered West. Unfortunately, neither the Obama unleashes the entrepreneurial creativity stance will forever be missed. administration nor Brussels has clearly between carrot and stick in its dealings contradicted him. …” with Viktor Yanukovich [sic], Ukraine’s authoritarian president. The ruling from LETTER TO THE EDITOR “Moscow conference ponders Eurasian the European Court of Human Rights that security Challenges,” by Richard Weitz, the pre-trial detention of Yulia and wood frames with their droppings. The Eurasia Daily Monitor, May 31: Tymoshenko, his fiercest political oppo- frames are then often bargained down to “The May 23 Moscow conference on nent, was unlawful should give Brussels the Art imitates life small change and the inserted pictures of ‘Military and Political Aspects of European courage to pick up a bigger stick. … Shevchenko or others are torn out and Security,’ hosted by the Russian Ministry of “It is far better that Ukraine is firmly in in this part of the world tossed into trash bins. Defense, saw an interesting admixture of the Western camp than under Moscow’s Disheveled heaps and piles of Ukrainian old and new thinking on seminal Eurasian influence. In fairness, Brussels has tried to Dear Editor: embroidery and “servetky” (embroidered security questions. … exert pressure on Mr. Yanukovich, who In Orysia Paszczak Tracz’s column “ ritual cloths) lie on damp basement floors. “The Russian officials who spoke at the insists he wants a deal. Agreement has ‘Scandalous’ exhibit at Honchar Museum Old, but classic, Ukrainian-language books conference generally expressed pessimistic been suspended pending progress on elec- (May 19), she documents various reactions and periodicals are haphazardly arranged and familiar views regarding the United toral and economic reform, and in particu- to Petro Honchar’s latest art exhibit in Kyiv. on floors like steppingstones leading public States’ ballistic missile defense (BMD) sys- lar on the elimination of ‘selective justice’ – In my area of the world, we also have such traffic from room to room in now-unoccu- tem, NATO’s membership enlargement and code for the pursuit of Ms. Tymoshenko. … art. There are many of these exhibitions pied houses. Sometimes I’ve encountered military presence in former Soviet bloc “The EU should also warn that the time that I’ve already visited. But they’re not displays of families’ ancestral Ukrainian countries, the civil war in Syria, the may be approaching for targeted sanctions hosted in museums. In fact, here, we call documents and photo albums in trash/ Conventional Armed Forces in Europe against Mr. Yanukovich and his inner circle. them “garage sales” or “estate sales.” recycle bins. (CFE) Treaty, the Organization for Security Fears that this will push Kiev [sic] into Often, framed portrait-copies of Taras Scandalous and a shame? Probably, yet no and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), and the Moscow’s ambit are exaggerated. Ukraine Shevchenko (bard of Ukraine) or other one seems to care. But, indeed, art imitates prerequisites for strategic and tactical has little reason to increase its reliance on framed and prominent Ukrainian historical life here in my area of the world as well. nuclear arms control (see EDM, May 28). Russia, which already controls energy sup- scenes lie upside down and strewn about They repeatedly complained about the alli- plies. Europe has more leverage than it garage floors or are propped up against Nancy Melnyk ance’s failure to take into account Russian realizes. It should use it.” trees where birds have decorated the glass Rochester, N.Y. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24

Presidential Administration was headed by ladder in Kryvyi Rih before becoming the Heavy Russian ties... Viktor Medvedchuk. He was hired in 2010 deputy chair of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast as an advisor to the Presidential State Administration in 2010. (Continued from page 1) Administration and enjoys close relations Security Service of Ukraine with its chair, Serhiy Lyovochkin. backgrounds would sooner intrigue him Oleksandr Yakymenko, rather than concern him, he said. Former Inter television network owner appointed January 2013 “Yanukovych hardly perceives Russia as a Valerii Khoroshkovskyi told telekritika.ua Born in Estonia, Mr. Yakymenko, 48, threat,” he said. “His entourage suits him this year he hired Mr. Shuvalov to work on his network’s information policies. In doing completed two military aviation academies just fine. What’s most important is his per- so, Mr. Khoroshkovskyi acknowledged in based in Russia in 1986 and 1997. sonal safety and prospects. It’s a feudal the same interview that by hiring Mr. Between 1991 and 1998 Mr. Yakymenko approach, in which knights were loyal not to Shuvalov, he was essentially handing con- served in the Black Sea Fleet Air Force, a state, but to individual sovereigns. trol of the news coverage of the nation’s which was under Russian control and Yanukovych looks for personal devotion, largest TV network to the Presidential based in Sevastopol. Upon leaving, he not for people who have a greater vision.” Administration. (Messrs. Khoroshkovskyi began an eight-year stint in the Security It’s worth noting that certain political and Lyovochkin reportedly have close ties.) Service of Ukraine in Donetsk, which is experts – such as Volodymyr Fesenko, board Vladimir Gontar/UNIAN where he became familiar with the chairman of the Penta Center for Applied National Bank of Ukraine Chair Yanukovych family. National Bank of Ukraine Chair Ihor Ihor Sorkin, Political Research in Kyiv – believe that the Eventually Mr. Yakymenko “directed the influence of officials with Russian ties is Sorkin is the son of a high-ranking execu- appointed January 2013 tive at Gazprom, the Russian state natu- security of the business of the president’s overstated by critics. Born in Donetsk, Mr. Sorkin, 46, is report- older son [Oleksander],” Kyiv political The large number of officials with ral gas monopoly that has enormous eco- nomic influence on Ukraine and is build- ed to have spent some part of his youth in insider Volodymyr Fesenko told The Russian ties is a result of the Party of ing pipelines circumventing Ukraine. Russia, taking courses at a Kursk financial Weekly. While serving in the Donetsk SBU, Regions drawing its members from institute and even reportedly serving as an he initiated the construction of a chapel Ukraine’s southeastern regions, where Although never stating it publicly, Mr. officer in the Russian army, tyzhden.ua dedicated to Aleksandr Nevsky, the 13th many citizens were born in Russia, studied Azarov is widely believed by Ukrainian reported. He began working for the National century Russian monarch distinguished for there or worked there. That alone doesn’t political experts to support integration into Bank of Ukraine in Donetsk in 1996, begin- his hostility to the West and Catholicism, make someone a threat to Ukraine’s nation- Russian supranational structures. In late ning a 16-year career during which he reported glavcom.ua, a news site. Its open- al interests, he commented. May he signed the memorandum on worked closely with Serhii Arbuzov, the first ing was attended by Liudmyla Yanukovych, “After the Kharkiv agreements [April Ukraine’s deeper cooperation with the vice prime minister and close confidante to the president’s wife. 2010], Yanukovych didn’t make any signifi- Eurasian Economic Commission, the execu- Oleksander Yanukovych. Mr. Sorkin’s wife, Presidential Personal Security Chief cant concession to Russia and that deeply tive arm of the Moscow-led Customs Union. Anzhela, serves as the deputy board chair- annoys the Kremlin,” Mr. Fesenko said. Viacheslav Zanevskyi, Vice Prime Minister Yurii Boiko, man of UkrBiznesBank, which is owned by “Assumptions about Yanukovych’s trans- appointed summer 2008 appointed March 2010 Oleksander Yanukovych and where Mr. formation into a marionette absolutely Arbuzov served as the director. Perhaps the most egregious example of don’t reflect reality. Yanukovych and his gov- Born in the city of Horlivka, Donetsk Mr. Sorkin’s father, Viacheslav, is a high- putting national interests at risk is the ernment have many big shortcomings and Oblast, Mr. Boiko, 54, graduated from the ranking Gazprom executive in Moscow, appointment of Mr. Zanevskyi, a Moscow mistakes – authoritarianism, corruption, chemical-technological institute in Moscow credited with being among the founders of native and Russian citizen who has led the selective justice and so forth – which aren’t in 1981. He enjoyed a successful career in the South Stream pipeline aimed at bypass- personal security detail of Viktor the result of a direct staffing reliance on Ukraine’s energy sector, becoming a mega- ing Ukraine for European markets, as Yanukovych since 2008. As the head of the Russia. There are certain Russian influences millionaire. In the 2006 parliamentary elec- reported by tyzhden.ua. “Gazprom puts the president’s security detail, Mr. Shuvalov is on the Ukrainian government, and particu- tion, he launched the Republican Party of biggest economic pressure on Ukraine and exposed on a daily basis to the most inti- larly on Ukrainian society, but there is not a Ukraine that joined the Ne Tak! pro-Russian the National Bank of Ukraine has to settle mate conversations of Mr. Yanukovych. He staffing dependency.” bloc of parties organized by Viktor accounts with it,” said Yuriy Syrotiuk of the also has access to all of Mr. Yanukovych’s Yet, the politicians of the Svoboda nation- Medvedchuk, widely viewed as the repre- Svoboda party. “Of course it’s not acceptable offices, where there are confidential docu- alist party disagree and believe that the sentative of Russian President Vladimir to have officials with close relations to ments. Never a state employee, Mr. Kremlin has gained staffing quotas in the Putin in Ukraine. He’s been accused of lob- opposing structures. Today’s wars are not Zanevskyi must receive a private salary Ukrainian government from the bying the interests of Russian oil companies. fought with tanks and rifles, but with from Mr. Yanukovych, which has raised Yanukovych administration, particularly in Indeed, Mr. Boiko is closely linked to money and information.” questions of where such funds would have the humanitarian and defense spheres. Russian business interests, identified as a come from. “There are ministers who are not only business partner in RosUkrEnergo, the nat- Education and Science Minister “Yanukovych is supposed to understand Dmytro Tabachnyk, approved by the Kremlin, but can’t be ural gas intermediary in which Gazprom that Zanevskyi is a citizen of a foreign appointed March 2010 removed without the Kremlin’s approval,” had a significant stake. He also reportedly country and there can always be a leak of asserted Yurii Syrotiuk, a Svoboda national had relations with Semion Mogilevich, the Born in Kyiv, Mr. Tabachnyk, 49, has lived information,” Oleksander Skripalskyi, a deputy. “How else can you explain someone Moscow-based mobster who was on the in Ukraine all his life and has no known rel- former deputy head of the SBU, said in a so widely disliked as Dmytro Tabachnyk FBI’s most wanted list. Mr. Boiko has been atives in the Russian government. Yet he’s 2010 interview. “A citizen of Russia, remaining as education minister?” actively involved in the discussions to form been identified by observers as a high-rank- according to its Constitution, is required to Critics believe that criminal charges a consortium to manage Ukraine’s natural ing Ukrainian official who is most openly serve his state and his special forces. could be filed against the president for hir- gas transit system with Gazprom. In 2004 loyal to the Kremlin. Mr. Tabachnyk has Knowing the nuances of the Russian intel- ing Russian citizens or officials with close he was awarded Ukraine’s highest honor, adopted a radical Russification policy in ligence agency’s work, I think they will ties with Russian state officials, who are the Hero of Ukraine award, for settling all of Ukrainian education that he openly coordi- have to take advantage of the possibility of easy targets for recruitment by the Russian Ukraine’s gas debt owed to Russia. nates with the Russian state education gaining secret information from first-hand Security Service (FSB). Defense Minister Pavlo Lebedev, organs. His ministry has taken Russian sug- sources. Every intelligence agency dreams appointed December 2012 gestions and models to produce similar cur- of having its own person beside the presi- Prime Minister Mykola Azarov, dent of a neighboring state. And here is appointed March 2010 riculum formats, structures of education Born in a Kuban village in the Krasnodar and subjects for learning. such a gift.” No one from Russia has more direct region of Russia, Mr. Lebedev, 50, graduated Critics widely believe that President Incidentally, Mr. Zanevskyi wasn’t a suc- influence on the Ukrainian government from the Higher Military-Financial Academy Viktor Yanukovych gave the Russians con- cessful security director in his own home- than Mr. Azarov, 65, who spent more than in Yaroslavl, Russia. Upon graduation, he trol of Ukraine’s education system – land. In 2002, the National Association of half his life in Russia before arriving in was dispatched to serve in the Soviet Army through Mr. Tabachnyk – as an early gesture Bodyguards of Russia evicted and blacklist- Ukraine in 1984 at age 37. He was elected to in Chernivtsi, becoming a Ukrainian citizen to gain other concessions in return. They ed him, citing his unprofessional conduct in parliament three years after independence after independence. He enjoyed success in haven’t come in the form of geopolitics, but training courses. Mr. Zanevskyi voiced his and led the State Tax Administration business, gaining wealth estimated at $57 in ways like contracts to produce and pur- criticism of pro-Western Ukrainians in between 1996 and 2002, using it to perse- million in 2011, according to Korrespondent chase textbooks, for instance. “Yanukovych comments posted on an Internet forum for cute the political opponents of former magazine. and his team surrendered these spheres bodyguards in March 2010, after Mr. President Leonid Kuchma. In 2007 Mr. He’s also a crafty politician, earning his immediately because history, spirituality Yanukovych became president. He defend- Azarov was awarded the Russian govern- latest promotion as a reward for lobbying and national identity are abstract things ed himself against criticism from fellow ment’s Order of Friendship for his large con- the business interests of the Yanukovych that hold no value for him,” said Ihor Losiev Russians that he had become the head of tribution to developing Russian-Ukrainian family in Crimea, where he served as the of the National University of Kyiv Mohyla personal security of a hostile country. trade, friendship and cooperation. Sevastopol State Administration chair in Academy. “They are trifles for which they He wrote: “This hasn’t made me less of a Becoming prime minister in March 2010. can gain significant financial rewards. They patriot of Russia, but I’ve become an even 2010, he has served longer in that key post Presidential Advisor Igor Shuvalov, don’t understand spirituality and identity.” bigger patriot of Ukraine, much more than than any of his predecessors, with the Party appointed 2010 many Ukrainians. And that’s also an issue of Regions indicating he will serve until at Minister of Regional Development, of honor and conscience, it simply can’t be least 2015. During his term, Mr. Azarov has Little is known about his background, Construction, Utilities and Maintenance any other way here! At the present day, I Hennadii Temnyk, demonstrated he has little respect for but Mr. Shuvalov, a Russian citizen, has been don’t view Ukraine as a country where an appointed December 2012 Western values such as rule of law, equality involved in Ukrainian politics since 1998, army of a likely opponent is stationed. And before the law and individual rights. In including the 1999 presidential campaign to Born in a Kirovohrad Oblast village, Mr. not because this army practically doesn’t December 2012 he received a second re-elect Leonid Kuchma. He was part of the Temnyk, 43, graduated from the Higher exist, but because NO ONE NEEDS THIS Russian state award, the Order of Honor, team of Russian political technologists that Military Aviation Engineering Academy in because the Ukrainian people are fed up for his large contribution to developing and developed the use of “temnyky” to censor Voronezh, Russia, in 1992. He immediately with nationalism and SIMPLY WANT TO strengthening Russian-Ukrainian relations. Ukrainian journalists in 2004 when the returned to Ukraine, climbing the career LIVE!” No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 9 Concert raises funds for fire-damaged Woonsocket church

by Ihor Slabicky drinking wife abuses her husband and, when he dies, she piously follows him to WOONSOCKET, R.I. – Just before the graveyard and then dances all the way Thanksgiving 2012, on the Feast Day of St. to the tavern. “Kohda Chas Prykhodyt, Michael the Archangel according to the Treba Pomiraty” followed, with the singer Julian calendar, a fire started inside St. sonorously urging all listeners to be pious Michael Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). and to repent in preparation for judgment By the time the fire was contained, a large day. This first part of the benefit concert portion of the interior of this church located ended with “To Ne Syvaya Zozulia in Woonsocket, R.I., was severely damaged. Zakuvala,” in which the sister, alone in a far- Miraculously, the large icon of St. Michael on away land, writes to her brother for help. the ceiling, where damage was extensive, During the intermission, audience mem- was untouched; the damage came right up bers, some of whom traveled from as far as to the image and then stopped. Hartford, Conn., Boston, and Aquidneck In a small community like Woonsocket, Island, R.I., had a chance to meet friends where the church really is the focus of com- and to be generous in their donations to munity life, the blaze was a tremendous this worthy cause. blow. Consequently, parishioners from St. While in the first set of the concert Mr. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church (UCC), Kytasty concentrated on the 17th and 18th and from St. John the Baptist UCC in Fall century songs of the steppes, in the second River, Mass., rolled up their sleeves and put set he presented works by the great ban- on a benefit concert to raise funds for the durists of the 20th century. Playing the fire-damaged Orthodox church. Ihor Slabicky “Nymphadora,” a Kyiv-style bandura, he The concert was organized by Cornel Julian Kytasty performs at the Benefit Concert to Assist St. Michael’s Ukrainian opened with “Rose on the Water,” a poi- Osadsa of St. Michael UCC, John Tkach from Orthodox Church in Woonsocket on Sunday, May 19, at the Blackstone River gnant arrangement by Peter Kytasty of a Open MRI of New England, with assistance Theater in Cumberland, R.I. girl’s song about being separated from from Russell Gusetti, the director of the home and family. Peter Kytasty learned it in Blackstone River Theater, the Rev. Roman solo and ensemble styles from the great nervous energy of the pacing horse as he 1943 from older men from the Poltava Golemba, pastor of St. Michael UCC, and the bandurists in his family, Petro, Ivan and anticipates the adventure to come. In “Oy u region while at a forced labor camp in Rev. Anthony Perkins, the pastor St. Hryhory Kytasty. He has played in places Poli Na Mohyli” his bandura solos offered a Germany, and Julian Kytasty learned it from Michael UOC. The sold-out event took place ranging from the front steps of a small contemplative insight of our own mortality him. The bright “Dance Medley,” arranged on Sunday, May 19, at the Blackstone River Ukrainian church in Brazil to Carnegie Hall. so that we, unlike the Kozak in the song, will by Peter Kytasty, followed. Next was the Theater in Cumberland, R.I., with more Mr. Kytasty opened the just over two- not be left all alone on the steppe. classic “Nahaday Meni Banduro,” music than 100 people, Ukrainians and non- hour-long concert with a Chumak song Switching to his Kobzarska bandura, Mr. composed in 1946 by the performer’s great Ukrainians, attending. played on his sopilka. The intimate and Kytasty sang “Zhytiye Moye, Vsehda uncle Hryhory Kytasty to a poem written Mr. Osadsa, who asked the audience to acoustically delightful venue allowed him to Horkoye” about the final judgment day. by Nina Kaliuzha in which she expresses be generous in their giving, introduced paint a picture of the salt traders returning That segued into the lively Kozachok-based her longing for sunlit groves and the steppe Julian Kytasty as a master bandura player home with laden wagons. Next, in “Oy, u Poli “Oy Ya v Bidy Nochuvav,” in which the sing- in bloom, the wheat bent over heavy with and an expert in the repertoire of the Dva Dubka,” he sang of the one horse that er has known so much misfortune that he golden grain. “kobzari” and bandurists. He noted that Mr. does not want to eat the fresh green grass. offers to seat Misfortune on a goat and Kytasty learned to sing and play in both His Kharkiv-style bandura expressed the send her off to the devil. In “Savradym” the (Continued on page 18) 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24 Andrei Kushnir exhibits “River Visions” in Washington WASHINGTON – Andrei Kushnir, an American painter of Ukrainian descent, recently exhibited his works at the American Painting Fine Art gallery in Washington. Titled “River Visions,” the exhibit ran from April 1 to June 1, and comprised 40 oil paintings of the Potomac River painted over a period of 18 years. Some of the paintings were accompanied by poems written by Michele Martin Taylor. The exhibit’s opening reception was attended by Ukraine’s Ambassador to the United States Olexander Motsyk, who thanked the artist for his contribution to the development of Ukrainian American relations in the field

“Last Day of Summer” (oil on panel, 2002) by Andrei Kushnir. of culture and art. This was not an idle compliment, as the Salon Show of Traditional Oils at the Crooked Tree Arts Embassy of Ukraine has often displayed Mr. Kushnir’s Center in Potoskey, Mich.; the exhibit will run from June 21 works. to August 31. He has also been selected for a single artist Mr. Kushnir is a well-known natural painter who works exhibit by the Clinical Center Art Program at the National en plein air, meaning that he works outdoors rather than in Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md. That exhibit is sched- a studio. A true plein-air painter, he carries no camera or uled to run from November 8 to January 4, 2014. drawing equipment but captures with his paintbrush Mr. Kushnir is also working on a book, titled “Oh, exactly what is happening at that place and time. Shenandoah: Mise-en-Scene Paintings of the Valley and the Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Olexander Motsyk Mr. Kushnir’s painting “Azaleas at the Arboretum” has River,” which is due to be published in 2014 by George F. (left) with artist Andrei Kushnir during his exhibit at American Painting Fine Art gallery. been accepted into the 2013 first Oil Painters of America Thompson Publishing. Royal Philharmonic Society presents Conductor Award to Kirill Karabits

LONDON – The Royal Philharmonic Society guest engagements with the Royal presented Kirill Karabits with its prestigious Philharmonic and BBC Symphony orchestras, Conductor Award at its annual ceremony in and the London Philharmonic Orchestra at London on May 14. Glyndebourne Festival Opera. The RPS writes: “The award goes to a musi- Mr. Karabits’ fellow nominees for the award cian whose charisma, imagination, scholarly were the City of Birmingham Symphony intelligence and vivid communication have Orchestra’s conductor Andris Nelsons and touched audiences wherever he performs… Opera North’s conductor Richard Farnes. Kirill Karabits’ determination to explore and Mr. Karabits conducted the Bournemouth to excel enriches the British music world.” Symphony Orchestra’s 120th anniversary gala The RPS Awards are the highest recogni- concert on May 18. Later in the summer, he tion for live music-making in the United conducts the San Francisco Symphony, Kingdom. Claudio Abbado was the recipient of Philadelphia, Cleveland and Berlin last year’s prize, with Ivan Fischer, Valery Konzerthaus orchestras, before touring Gergiev, Vladimir Jurowski and Oliver Europe with the I, CULTURE Orchestra of Knussen also among recent winners in the Poland and returning to the BBC Proms con- category. cert series. Given for performances in the U.K. during Next season he returns to the Bolshoi 2012, the award recognized Mr. Karabits’ Opera for performances of ”La Bohème” and work as principal conductor of the Sussie Ahlburg conducts ”Der Fliegende Holländer” in a new Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra, as well as Kirill Karabits production at the Wagner Festival in Geneva.

Competition, grand prix (2004). after Van Cliburn, an American, won the first International Pianist from Ukraine... Mr. Kholodenko credited his mother for his victory. The Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow. According to RFE/ Associated Press reported: “Playing the piano at age 5 cer- RL, his victory helped ease tensions between the United (Continued from page 1) tainly wasn’t Vadym Kholodenko’s idea, but after his moth- States and the Soviet Union. Mr. Cliburn died on February er took him to a music school, he quickly grew to love it 27 in Fort Worth, Texas. Poland, Romania, Russia, Switzerland and the United while growing up in Kyiv, Ukraine.” The AP quoted him as A Cliburn Competition news release noted that during a States. He now lives in Moscow, where he attends the saying: “She thought I had potential in music, but she never Tchaikovsky Conservatory in Moscow and is also an assis- demanding three-week schedule, all competitors perform pushed me, which is very important in childhood.” two 45-minute solo recitals in the Preliminary Round. tant teacher there. At the Cliburn Competition, Mr. Kholodenko wowed the Then 12 semifinalists are selected to perform a 60-minute He has released recordings of Liszt, Rachmaninoff and audience with his last performance, Mozart’s Piano solo recital, including the commissioned work by Medtner on Russia’s TV Culture label in 2009. An avid Concerto No. 21 in C Major; he also won awards for best chamber musician as well, he performed and recorded a performances of a new work and chamber music. American composer Christopher Theofanidis, and a piano CD with violinist Alena Baeva, and formed a piano duo People around the globe were able to watch the compe- quintet with the world-renowned Brentano String Quartet. with Andrey Gugnin which they dubbed “iDuo.” tition performances online, and the webcast was reported The six finalists then performed two piano concerti with He has won a number of awards, including the to have had 500,000 pages views. the Fort Worth Symphony Orchestra under the baton of International Schubert Competition, first prize (2012), The winner of the Cliburn Competition receives Maestro Leonard Slatkin. Sendai International Music Competition, first prize (2010), $50,000, a live recording of his competition performances, Mr. Kholodenko is the first pianist from Ukraine to win Gina Bachauer International Artists Piano Competition, a studio recording and performance attire. the Cliburn. In 2001 Alexey Koltakov of Ukraine was a third prize (2006) and Maria Callas International Music The competition was established in 1962, four years finalist in the competition. No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 11

Masters of ceremonies: Yarko Dobriansky, Anya Tomko and Alexandra Zawadiwsky 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24

for continued treatment. A group of seat assigned to guests. The podium not look at those politicians who currently NEWSBRIEFS German physicians led by the head of remained blocked on June 7. Opposition prevent people from living in the country. Berlin’s Charite-University Hospital, Karl lawmakers are demanding that President This concerns everyone,” he said. Mr. (Continued from page 2) Max Einhaupl, examined Ms. Tymoshenko Viktor Yanukovych fulfill the constitutional Yanukovych said the best way to address information was confirmed in a live in a clinic in Kharkiv on June 10. Dr. requirement to appear before the the issue is to hold the talks, but if the prob- broadcast on June 10 by Batkivshchyna Einhaupl told journalists that Ms. Verkhovna Rada to deliver his annual lem is not resolved, bold political decisions National Deputy Serhiy Sobolev, a corre- Tymoshenko’s back problems should be address. The opposition says President should be taken. (Ukrinform, Interfax- spondent of Ukrinform reported. “The deci- treated at a hospital rather than in prison. Yanukovych has been ignoring the require- Ukraine) sions to be taken this Saturday will concern Ms. Tymoshenko was sentenced in October ment for years and his office has merely John Paul II Mobile Museum to tour the merger of at least three parties – 2011 to seven years in prison for abuse of distributed the texts of his annual address- Batkivshchyna, Front for Change, and office related to a 2009 natural-gas deal es. Opposition factions have already LVIV – As part of the “Nights of Reforms and Order. I am convinced that it with Russia. She has been treated at the blocked the Parliament’s podium twice this Churches,” a traveling exhibit on the life will provide an opportunity to form a team clinic for back pain since May 2012. Ms. year to increase pressure for the adoption and papacy of Pope John Paul II will tour of Batkivshchyna... No doubt, it will be a Tymoshenko is also due to be tried on tax- of several laws, including a law requesting Ukraine. The museum is situated in an merger of the parties under the law,” Mr. evasion and embezzlement charges and is the physical presence of lawmakers during 18-meter-long truck, which weighs 18 tons. Sobolev commented. The national deputy being investigated in the Yevhen Shcherban voting. (RFE/RL, based on reporting by The exhibition area is 62 square feet. The also expressed the hope that independent murder case. She denies all the charges, UNIAN and Interfax Mobile Museum of John Paul II is a new saying they are politically motivated. (RFE/ members of Parliament and representa- Opposition names conditions project by the Pope John Paul II Cultural tives of other political forces will join in RL, based on reporting by UNIAN and Center “Do not be afraid!” in Krakow. The Saturday’s congress. On June 15, Kyiv will Interfax) KYIV – Batkivshchyna faction leader goal is to promote the thoughts and teach- host a unification congress of the Arseniy Yatsenyuk said if the president ings of the holy father. The exhibit presents Opposition again blocks Rada podium Batkivshchyna party. The event is to be presents a personal report in the the personal artifacts of the late pontiff, his held on St. Michael’s Square. (Ukrinform) KYIV – Members of the opposition Verkhovna Rada he will thus help unblock little-known photographs and films about Batkivshchyna party have again blocked the work of Parliament. “We clearly said his life. The personal belongings and mem- German MDs examine Tymoshenko access to the podium in the Ukrainian that the president must fulfill his constitu- orabilia that one can see in the museum KYIV – German doctors say Ukraine’s Parliament, it was reported on June 7. tional duty. We addressed the president were donated by Cardinal Stanislaw jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Rybak had with an open statement that there will be Dziwisz, archbishop of Krakow, the Tymoshenko should remain hospitalized to run the evening session on June 6 from a no obstruction in Parliament and offered Archdiocesan Museum of Cardinal Karol the following format: the president pres- Wojtyla in Krakow and the Archive of the ents his address to the Verkhovna Rada of Metropolitan Curia in Krakow. The exhibit Ukraine, and then he must listen to public includes the breviary that the pope used speeches by the leaders of factions. If this during daily prayer, his pen, rosary, shoes, format is agreed on, it will be the first step skis, pectoral cross, cassock, headwear, and TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 towards public dialogue between the oppo- a clock from his personal residence at or e-mail [email protected] sition and the government. Of course, it will Castel Gandolfo. The museum started its be necessary to unblock Parliament for tour in Lviv with a grand opening on June 7 this,” Mr. Yatsenyuk said on June 7. Svoboda on the main square in front of the City Hall. SERVICES PROFESSIONALS faction leader Oleh Tiahnybok added that The museum was in Lviv on June 7-9. the opposition would be ready to unblock Afterwards the mobile museum will visit the Parliament to pass the law on the proc- Khmelnytsky, Vinnytsia, Berdychiv, urator’s office, which “is extremely impor- Zhytomyr and Kyiv, the Catholic magazine tant to us in terms of European integra- Credo reported on June 5. (Religious tion.” Mr. Tiahnybok also said that the Information Service of Ukraine) opposition would definitely join a possible extraordinary meeting of the Verkhovna PRU to pass vital bills outside Rada Rada and an offsite meeting if it is held. “If KYIV – The Party of Regions of Ukraine they [the parliamentary majority] think (PRU) may adopt laws necessary to the that opposition deputies will not come, parliamentary majority outside the they’re wrong. We will come. If they hide Verkhovna Rada session hall and without somewhere in burrows like bratty cats, we the participation of the opposition in the will find them there, and let them know offsite meeting, PRU faction member Olena how it all could end,” he stated. (Ukrinform) Bondarenko said in a live broadcast on Yanukovych ready to meet… June 10. “We will adopt the bills that are necessary to us and the people; we will KYIV – Ukrainian President Viktor adopt them on our own, if necessary – Yanukovych has agreed to meet with the somewhere not in the Verkhovna Rada hall, leaders of parliamentary factions to resolve but on some other premises. No problem! the issue of the Parliament’s work. This We will be forced to do so,” Ms. was discussed at a meeting of the president Bondarenko said. The politician assured with Verkhovna Rada Speaker Volodymyr that the PRU is willing to work, while the Rybak, on June 10. “Yanukovych said that opposition has already “packed up” for the he is ready to make changes to his work holidays. “In one day of the Verkhovna schedule for this week, given the impor- Rada’s standstill, 20 to 40 bills come to the tance of the meeting proposed by Rybak,” hall and accumulate,” the national deputy the parliamentary press service reported. said. (Ukrinform) (Ukrinform) Ukraine prepares for floods …wants extraordinary Rada meeting HELP WANTED KYIV – The floods currently raging in KYIV – Ukrainian President Viktor Hungary and Romania have already We are seeking a babysitter Yanukovych has said he believes that if reached Ukraine, as water levels in the for our 3 year old son in Bayside, NY. opposition factions continue to block the Ukrainian section of the Danube River rose Must speak Ukrainian fluently. Preferably work of the Parliament, which cannot con- by eight centimeters, the director of the owns a car. Two days per week - Wednes- sider government bills, particularly those Ukrainian Hydro-Meteorological Center, day and Thursday. No. of days to increase concerning the payment of compensation Mykola Kulbida, said. “The flood wave is in December. Tel. 646-763-0045. to the depositors of the former Soviet now in Hungary and partly in Romania. Sberbank, it will be necessary to take a This wave has already reached Ukraine, OPPORTUNITIES political decision on holding an extraordi- and water levels in the Ukrainian section of nary meeting. Speaking at a meeting of the the Danube have risen by five to eight cen- Committee on Economic Reforms on June timeters in the past two days. There are Earn extra income! 11, he said, “Our position is a matter of two reservoirs on the Danube, which partly The Ukrainian Weekly is looking principle – if the blocking of the Parliament regulate the height of the flood wave. These for advertising sales agents. continues, an unscheduled sitting has to be reservoirs are currently prepared to accept For additional information contact called to make decisions. We are doing this high water,” he said at a briefing on June 10. Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, for the sake of people and in this situation Mr. Kulbida added that maximum water The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040. one should not stop and seek excuses levels on the Danube River are expected in about whether it is proper or not.” the third week of June. “The largest According to the president, other economic increase in water levels, according to the Run your advertisement here, laws, which were developed by the govern- current figures, will be reported near the in The Ukrainian Weekly’s CLASSIFIEDS section. ment and on which the state budget town of Reni, and it will reach 1.7 meters,” depends, should also be taken. “We should he added. (Ukrinform) No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 13

“But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint!” (Isaiah 40:31)

In the hope of the Resurrection we are saddened to inform you that May 31, 2013 in the desert north of Phoenix, Arizona, an aviation accident took the life of a beloved son, brother, grandson, cousin, relative and friend: Basil (Vasyl) Volodymyr Onuferko Pilot and flight instructor Born October 29, 1986 in Chicago, Illinois

The deceased is mourned by his: Services, memorials and funeral: Parents: Very Rev. Dr. Andrew and Maria (Stecyszyn) Onuferko In Arizona: Brother and sister: Thomas and Anna (Hanusia) June 6 (Thursday): Panakhyda at Hansen Desert Hills Mortuary Grandmothers: Luba Onuferko and Zenovia Stecyszyn June 7 (Friday): Memorial Service at Transpac Aviation Academy Uncles, aunts and first-cousins: (Deer Valley Airport, Phoenix, AZ), also for the late Paul Martha (Onuferko) DeBleiu with husband Ken and daughter Marijka; Brownell Nila (Onuferko) Schoenfeld with husband Norman, In Ottawa: Olena (Stecyszyn) Snow with husband Fred and son John; June 13 (Thursday), 7:30 p.m.: Panakhyda (Prayer Service) at Vera (Stecyszyn) Szyjan with husband Rev. Mykhailo and children Tania McEvoy-Shields Funeral Home and Luke; June 14 (Friday), 7:00 p.m.: Parastas (Memorial Prayer Service) and Tania (Stecyczyn) Hryhorczuk, Roman Hryhorczuk and their children June 15 (Saturday), 10:00 a.m.: Funeral at St. John the Baptist Justine and Maxym Numerous family members and friends Ukrainian Catholic Shrine Burial at Pinecrest Cemetery on Baseline Rd

Donations in lieu of flowers: Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute Foundation / Holy Spirit Ukrainian Catholic Seminary or www.basilonuferkomemorialscholarship.com (for aspiring aviators) MEMORY EVERLASTING! --- ВІЧНАЯ ЙОМУ ПАМ’ЯТЬ!

Dr. ANATOL LYSYJ Ukrainian Community Activist and Philanthropist

Dr. Anatol Lysyj, physician, writer, phi- Oakdale Obstetrics & Gynecology at North Metropolitan Council, where he served the lanthropist, a leader in the Ukrainian and Memorial Medical Center in1961. His Church for 30 years. In 1994 Metropolitan American communities, beloved husband, unique experiences in obstetrics included Constantine appointed Dr. Lysyj as the UOC father and grandfather, passed away peace- overcoming a massive, debilitating bliz- of the USA’s Liaison with the various fully at home June 5, 2013. He was 87. zard, where he hitched a ride on a snow- Churches in Ukraine, a position he held Dr. Lysyj was a passionate champion of mobile to North Memorial Hospital and until 2004. Ukrainian independence. He helped helped bring 31 babies into the world in Dr. Lysyj was a devoted husband, father, unshackle and establish a free, contempo- one snowbound weekend. He also volun- grandfather and active community mem- rary, independent Ukraine as a leader and teered time at LBJ Tropical Medical Center ber. He dedicated this life to Ukrainian developer of various cultural and political in American Samoa, where tradition organizations at the local and national organizations. His energy, humor, ethics, encourages naming babies after their doc- level, including the Association of leadership, great intellect and devotion to tors, hence a spike in “Anatol” and “Lysyj” American Youth of Ukrainian Descent perpetuating Ukrainian arts, language and Samoan baby names in 1981. He retired (ODUM), St. Michael’s and St. Georges culture in the Diaspora is evident in his from medicine in 1992. Ukrainian Orthodox Church, and URDP/ work with Ukrainian schools, churches and After the collapse of the Soviet Union UDRP and The Ivan Bahriany Foundation youth groups and their impact on countless and the subsequent independence of which he helped establish in 1975. He Memorials preferred to: North American youth of Ukrainian descent. Ukraine in 1991, Dr. Lysyj joined others in served as Captain in the US Army, as a Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute He was a skilled and beloved physician, medical relief projects there, at one point member of the Golden Valley Rotary Club, (HURI) partner at Oakdale Obstetrics & Gynecology, identifying an opportunity in the closing of and was Professor Emeritus at the in memory of Dr Anatol Lysyj with 32 years of service at Fairview Hospital a local hospital in Minnesota, and coordi- University of Minnesota. 34 Kirkland Street and North Memorial Medical Center. nating the shipment of its entire inventory He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Cambridge MA 02138 Anatol Lysyj was born December 5, 1925 of beds and equipment to Ukraine. He also Daria (nee Antochy), and children Bohdan Please specify “The Michael and in Pidlypne, a village near Konotop, in the provided leadership and support to the (Lesya), Natalia (Mark), and Sonia Alexandra Lysyj Fund”, a component of the Sumy region of Ukraine, to parents Michael Children of Chernobyl Fund, enabling relief (Andrew), and seven adored grandchildren Ukrainian Studies Fund (501c3). The and Alexandra. He had one brother, Walter to an irradiated populous and helping alle- – Sasha, Kalyna, Mykola, Tatiana, Emiliya, Michael and Alexandra Lysyj Fund was Lysyj. A family of educators, they fled viate the lasting impacts of nuclear disaster. Lev and Nika; his cousins Ihor and Halyna, established in 1993, where only its income Stalinist oppression during the Second On the political front in Ukraine, he and family in Ukraine. may be used by the Ukrainian Research World War, scattering and travelling west helped enable previously censored The family thanks Natalia Shovdra, Institute for its scholarly programs, and for only to be put to work in labor camps, final- Ukrainian dissident writers the ability to Jonathan Fleece, Courage Center, North the support of Visiting Scholars interested ly reuniting in post-war Displaced Persons publish their literature, served as an elec- Memorial Medical Center and Allina hos- in Ukrainian foreign affairs, with preference camps. He attended Ludwig Maximilians tion monitor, and facilitated democratic pice employees for their care and kindness given to individuals from Ukraine engaged University in Munich, receiving his Doctor discourse amongst a population now free over the years. in diplomacy. of Medicine Degree before arriving in the to discuss alternatives. Funeral services were held Monday June or United States in 1951. Dr. Lysyj achieved the highest honor 10, 2013 at St. Michael’s and St. George’s Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA He served his internship at Swedish attributable to a layperson in the Ukrainian Ukrainian Orthodox Church in In memory of Anatol Lysyj Hospital in Minneapolis, his residency at Orthodox Church of the USA when Minneapolis, MN. Metropolitan Antony of P.O. Box 495; General Hospital, and then joined Dr. Metropolitan Mstyslav (later Patriarch the UOC of USA officiated, assisted by South Bound Brook, NJ 08880 Milton Baker and Dr. Samuel Solhaug at Mstyslav) appointed him to the Father Evhen Kumka. Memory Eternal! 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24 No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 15

tain leads by example, is always prepared Ponikarovsky Salvador new Devils captain and doesn’t get too high or too low. management select- a Devil once more Patrik Elias was beginning his 16th sea- the NHL. Growing up in the small city of ed the right man for the job. In an odd reflection of the unpredictabil- son with the club, Ilya Kovalchuk had a Brandon, Manitoba, he played some house ity of player movement in pro sports, the 13-year deal, and Travis Zajac had just hockey until age 9, when, luckily, he was Zajac re-signs Devils’ Alexei Ponikarovsky, looking across inked an eight-year extension, but none of recruited by the . for eight years the ice on February 24, saw members of those long-term Devils was named team The Salvador family had no hockey back- the Winnipeg Jets who were as recently as When the NHL lockout ended in mid- captain heading into the abridged 2013 ground. two weeks ago his teammates. Eleven days January, long-term security and peace of NHL campaign. The man named as the Father Eugene, of African and Brazilian prior he had been reacquired by Devils GM mind began for Ukrainian Travis Zajac. 10th captain in New Jersey Devils history descent, relocated to Manitoba to pursue Lou Lamoriello after playing a dozen games was Ukrainian (on his mother’s side) Bryce educational opportunities. His sport of The 27-year-old center was locked up for for the Jets. Salvador. choice was soccer, but he pushed Bryce to eight years with a contract worth $46 mil- New Jersey had first acquired the “It’s a tremendous honor. I think just a hockey, volleyball and track. Mother lion. Ukrainian winger from the Carolina huge compliment an organization like New Collyne is Ukrainian, born and raised in “He’s one of our core leaders and he Hurricanes last season, only to allow him to Jersey with the success and the history that Manitoba. The family is active in social has been since day one,” Devils General leave as a free agent when he signed with they have, for them to select me as the next work, assisting mentally deprived chil- Manager Lou Lamoriello said in a mid- Winnipeg for a one-year, $1.8 million con- captain is just an honor and sometimes it’s dren. January interview with ESPN New York. tract last July. tough to put words to,” an obviously excit- Young Bryce played hockey like all “I want to be here,” Zajac said in the “It’s crazy,” Ponikarovsky said in an ed Salvador said after a mid-January prac- young boys do growing up in Canada. same interview. “I believe in this organi- interview with The New York Times on tice. There was an outdoor rink a block away zation. I think it is a first-class organiza- February 24. “It just tells you that anything Salvador was traded to the Devils by the from his house in Brandon. Youngsters tion. It’s the environment I want to sur- could happen at any time. You have to be St. Louis Blues in 2008 for forward Cam would spend the entire day skating round myself on and off the ice, and my ready and stay positive.” Janssen. Salvador saw action in only eight against players of all ages. Somehow he family loves New Jersey. We like the peo- The trade in which the Devils sent their games that year before becoming a top- got a tryout with Lethbridge and was ple here. We like living here. With all that seventh-round draft choice this year with four defenseman for the team, missing a good enough to make the team. and the players and coaching staff, I think their fourth-round pick next year to mere nine games in the following two sea- He grew up admiring the likes of we have a great chance here to always be Winnipeg for Ponikarovsky, 32, provided sons. A cochlear (inner ear) concussion Winnipeg Jets forwards Dale Hawerchuk successful.” the latest reminder to him how fleeting forced him to sit out the entire 2010-2011 and Teemu Selanne, defensemen Randy Zajac’s deal includes a no-trade clause allegiances can be. Since early 2010 he has season. Carlyle and Dave Ellett playing in the old and reflects the new rules on contract worn six different NHL jerseys, twice wear- He returned healthy in 2011-2012, play- Winnipeg Arena. Visiting cousins two limits agreed upon in the new collective ing the New Jersey sweater. ing in all 82 regular season games, scoring hours away in Winnipeg meant summer bargaining agreement by the NHL and Ponikarovsky was eager to re-sign with nine points (all assists). He became more vacations and an occasional NHL game. NHLPA last January. The new rules permit New Jersey last summer after contributing offensive in the playoffs, notching four After an unspectacular junior stint with teams to re-sign their own players to to the team’s run to the Stanley Cup finals. goals and 10 assists in 24 games as the Lethbridge, Salvador was drafted in 1994 eight-year deals, while limiting all other The Devils had made retaining free agent Devils lost to the Kings in the Stanley Cup by the (sixth round, long-term contracts to a maximum of finals. His fine effort was rewarded with a their priority, putting all other 138th overall), but not signed. He played seven years. business on hold. By the time Parise signed new three-year, $9.5 million contract this another year in juniors before seriously Zajac’s deal pays him $3.5 million in past off-season, along with his first-ever a 13-year deal with Minnesota, contemplating an academic future at 2013 and $5 million in the second year Ponikarovsky had accepted Winnipeg’s captaincy. McGill University. The NHL came knocking with a $1 million bonus each year. In sea- one-year deal. It seemed like a natural fit for Salvador on his door in 1996 when the St. Louis sons three through six he will earn $6.5 New Jersey’s interest in Ponikarovsky to wear the “C” for the Devils after the Blues signed him as a free agent. million, getting $5.75 million in each of was rekindled when Dainius Zubrus went departure of Zach Parise to Minnesota. All Following three years of paying his dues the last two seasons. on injured reserve with a wrist injury. agree the gritty defenseman is called upon in the AHL, he cracked the big time, break- After missing the majority of the 2011- Ponikarovsky became the 23rd player reac- to play the tough minutes on the ice and to ing in as future Hall of Famer Al MacInnis’ 2012 regular season recovering from an quired by the Devils in the franchise’s his- give tough speeches in the dressing room defense partner in St. Louis. Achilles injury (two goals, four assists, six tory. at the appropriate times. As the lockout- A great skater and strong defender, he points in 15 games), he turned it on dur- “Poni” hopes to remain with the Devils. shortened 2013 season came to a close, established himself as a solid contributor ing the Stanley Cup playoffs, scoring The constant relocation has been difficult there was no doubt Salvador was the prop- on the Blues’ defense corps for almost seven goals and seven assists in 24 games for his family – wife, Inna, and children er choice for the official role of team leader. seven seasons. New Jersey acquired him en route to the team’s finals appearance. Jessica (10), Alexander (8) and Max (4). His His work ethic on the ice leads by example in a February 2008 trade in exchange for One of the club’s top forwards, Zajac family is currently living in Miami. They all – he’s a battler who can be vocal in the winger . He has been a stal- became a vital piece of its line-up after hope to make New Jersey their permanent room and has earned all of his teammates’ wart on the Devils’ blueline ever since. the departure of former captain Zach home. respect. On a team with stars and proven veter- Parise, who signed as a free agent with Ihor Stelmach may be reached at iman@ ans like Patrik Elias, Ilya Kovalchuk, Travis Minnesota last July. Bryce’s mother Zajac and David Clarkson, it was Salvador sfgsports.com a Ukrainian Canadian who was chosen to wear the “C”. His team- It would probably be a surprise to learn mates supported the decision from the Bryce Salvador never dreamed he’d play in day of the announcement. The new cap- Ukraine shocks Montenegro 4-0 in World Cup qualifier PARSIPPANY, N.J. – In a thrilling soccer scored in the 85th minute, and Roman match-up that was do-or-die, Ukraine Bezus, who was put in the game off a shocked Montenegro with a 4-0 win on substitution in the 91st minute, put the June 7 at Podgorica City Stadium, in final nail in he coffin during the second- Podgorica, Montenegro, for a third-place half stoppage time in the 92nd minute. spot in the Group H World Cup qualifier Ukraine is in third place in Group H standings. standings after six matches played, with Ukraine had to dig deep after Roman 10 goals for, four against and 11 points. Zozulia was sent off during stoppage Montenegro leads Group H after seven time of the scoreless first half. The matches played, with 14 goals for, seven Montenegrans had two of its players, against and 14 points. England is in sec- Vladimir Volkov (66th minute) and Savo ond place, with six matches played, has 21 Pavicevic (79th minute), sent off the field goals for and three against for 12 points. during the second half. Ukraine’s next Group H qualifier Ukraine opened the scoring during matches will be on September 6 against the second half with a shot by Denys San Marino (in sixth place) and on Garmash in the 52nd minute, followed September 10 against England. Other by a second goal for Ukraine by Yevehn teams in Group H include Poland, cur- Konoplyanka from 12 yards out. Then, as rently in fourth place, and Moldova, in the minutes passed, Artem Fedetskiy fifth place. 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Ukrainian Catholic parish featured in town’s centennial publication HILLSIDE, N.J. – In celebration of its 100th anniversary Ukrainian National Association. His grave in Hillside was (1913-2013), the township of Hillside in Union County, unmarked (and essentially unknown) for 60 years until N.J., commissioned a centennial publication that was Immaculate Conception Parish led efforts to erect a mailed to 10,000 households and businesses during May. gravesite monument honoring Father Dmytriw in 1985. Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, locat- The parish was incorporated in 1957, and the Rev. ed at Liberty Avenue and Bloy Street, was featured promi- Myron Sozanski was named its first pastor. In the early nently within this publication. 1960s, the basement of the church was completed. Local Recipients were introduced to information about the residents called the Hillside church the “underground Ukrainian Catholic Church, the Millennium of Christianity Church” since liturgies were held in the basement prior to in Ukraine, Kyivan Rus’, the “underground Church” in the completion of the upstairs sanctuary. Ironically, the Ukraine, “Koliady” and “Hahilky.” Undoubtedly, this was entire Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine was known at the first time the vast majority of those 10,000 house- that time as the “underground Church” because it was holds and businesses became familiar with those terms. banned by the Soviet government. Although the beginnings of the parish occurred in The centennial publication noted: “The parish has 1946, when a group of parishioners living in Union focused heavily on supporting various charitable causes, County who belonged to St. John the Baptist Ukrainian including orphanages in Ukraine and South America, Catholic Church in Newark, N.J., met with Father Vladimir disaster relief, Appalachian causes, children’s charities, Krayewsky to express their desire for their own parish, Catholic school support and local charitable agencies.” the Ukrainian presence in Hillside dates much farther Special attention was also given to the parish’s very back. strong children’s programs. Immaculate Conception has a The Ukrainian American community has been active in very effective religious education program that is Hillside throughout the township’s 100 years and has had designed for children age 3 to 18. The children also partic- its own Ukrainian Club facility. Ukrainian Americans ipate in hahilky and koliady, charitable programs, St. served in numerous Hillside community roles, including Nicholas programs and religious pilgrimages. mayor (William Gural), Police leadership (George Helock), It was noted that the anniversaries of the Township of municipal employees (Theodore Shatynski, Harry Hillside and Christianity in Ukraine (Kyivan Rus’) are Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic Church, Szpyhulsky) and community organization leaders, and located at the intersection of Liberty Avenue and Bloy linked forever. During 1988, as Ukrainians celebrated the many owned local businesses (for example, Kyzyma Street in Hillside, N.J., was incorporated in 1957. Millennium of Christianity, the township of Hillside cele- Hardware, Mike Bubniak’s barber shop, and law and med- brated its 75th anniversary. ical offices). Some Ukrainian families have lived on the brate a Ukrainian Catholic liturgy in Canada (1897) and is Immaculate Conception Parish is led by the Rev. Joseph same street in Hillside for over 85 years. considered a great pioneer of Ukrainians in western Szupa (pastor) and Rev. Vasyl Vladyka (parochial vicar). The Rev. Nestor Dmytriw, who was buried at Evergreen Canada. He was also an author, an editor at the newspaper Further information can be found on the parish’s website Cemetery in Hillside in 1925, was the first priest to cele- Svoboda and supreme secretary and auditor of the www.byzcath.org/ImmaculateConception.

duced in Ukraine, indicates that through this kind of con- were to be classified politically, he said he would identify Columbia conference... trol, Ukrainians know more about Russia, and the Kremlin- himself as a socialist. His role is to provide a show for a free spun version, than they do about their own country. exchange of ideas. We need less journalism, especially tele- (Continued from page 1) Inter is a model for censorship, he said, but the picture vision programs, but more quality. Radio is the unused for- under Serhiy Lyovochkin, the current head of Inter, and is similar all over Ukraine. One channel like Inter is too mat in Ukraine and resources should be used to develop Viktor Pinchuk, who is connected to several business much for Ukraine. There is no talk radio in Ukraine and political programs for radio. structures “close to the Yanukovych family” that own ICTV therefore this format is not used to provide an outlet for Ukraine’s chairmanship of the Organization for Security Ukraine. Mr. Lyovochkin’s role in the Yanukovych clan was public opinion, which is not available on television. and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) this year will be used to also mentioned. Blogging in some cases is not a replacement for traditional distract attention from the fact that Ukraine is making very Mr. Kulykov reflected on former Inter owner Valerii professional journalists, and there are cases of theft of little progress on integration with Europe, Mr. Kulykov Khoroshkovsky, how the company has changed over the intellectual property that degrades the integrity of blog- noted. The greatest danger for Ukraine is that Europe falls years and the policies of each owner. He also mentioned gers in general. for the distraction. Mr. Kulykov said: “International attention is welcome, Petro Poroshenko, who also owns Channel 5 TV and is a In the global context but doesn’t it distract from the notion that freedom either national deputy in Parliament. exists or doesn’t?” The first panel discussion of the conference, “The Media, Kharkiv, the second-largest city in Ukraine, has nearly Journalistic solidarity, he said, is very important in the Market and Democracy: Ukraine in a Global Context,” no media competition, with the majority of control held by Ukraine. Journalists are prepared to take responsibility for was kicked off with a presentation by Dr. Marta Dyczok, Hennadiy Kernes, the city’s mayor, together with Mykhailo their actions or inactions, but as soon as we shift responsi- professor of history and political science at the University Dobkin, the local governor – both of whom are members of bility on circumstances or to those they “cannot” fight, of Western Ontario, who spoke on “Ukraine’s Media in the the Party of Regions of Ukraine – Mr. Kulykov stated. freedom vanishes. “This is why the high and mighty try to Context of Global Cultural Convergence.” Responsibility also lies with media professionals, he break the journalistic community along political, language, Dr. Dyczok commented on how the media in Ukraine, in added. Some of the negative trends seen today in Ukraine geographic and economic lines,” he said. the global context, is a reflection of how Ukrainians see were present before the rise of the Party of Regions, “It is high time we stop bickering and present a united themselves and their identity, who they are and how they including an approved pool of journalists that is allowed to front against common-front threats we are forced to interact with the rest of the world. Since Ukraine regained travel with the president of Ukraine – a practice that was share,” Mr. Kulykov underscored. its independence in 1991, the state has been focused on complacently allowed under Presidents Viktor Yushchenko Professional standards – completeness of information, nation-building and no clear policy came from above about and Viktor Yanukovych. unbiased presentation, accuracy, promptness – are also what being Ukrainian is. “Authorities are curtailing freedom, not just media free- things that must be maintained to combat censorship. Media in Ukraine has grown as well, and is mostly pri- dom, in Ukraine,” Mr. Kulykov said. “A security guard tears During Soviet times, the spin was valued more than the vately owned and dominated by corporate interests, she the placards and inflicts bodily harm on two well-known accuracy of substance. Low-quality output plays into the continued. A handful of producers control all of Ukrainian journalists, in an auditorium full of cameras and live video hands of those who want to curtail freedoms, the speaker media. Dr. Dyczok pointed to three different visions for cameras. And after months of investigation, the official ver- said. Ukrainian identity: cosmopolitan (globalization), residual dict was that no one can be officially identified for the When the general public in Ukraine is able to place high- Soviet (culturally closer to Russia), new-old identity crime,” he added, in commenting on the photos used for er trust in officials, we will have done our job, Mr. Kulykov (Ukrainian-centric, drawing identity from cultural and his- the conference posters. said. He also cautioned that change will only come from torical patterns, but with a Ukrainian flavor). Mr. Kulykov noted: “This is a deliberate insult to common within regardless of international monitoring. Scholars have posited that people are becoming mem- sense and an overt attack on freedom of speech, or a clumsy bers of “audience societies,” passively being informed of Q and A session attempt to avoid responsibility. Or a warning, no matter political developments without taking actions, simply how many people see it. It is journalists who are being pun- Responding to questions from the audience, Mr. Kulykov being informed, Dr. Dyczok noted. And the questions of ished, by unlawful means. Or was this the ultimate recogni- offered more insights. Ukrainian identity are also a legacy of the Soviet system – tion of the state machine’s failure to serve and protect?” One of the Ukrainian radio programs he recommended the USSR never created a Soviet person, it lacked a com- The authorities’ agenda is directed toward reducing was “Pora Roku Radio FM.” pletely homogenized Soviet identity. freedoms and controlling information. In 25 years we have Ukraine is a land of mind-swap, a distorted world – you During glasnost, media ownership shifted from state seen things that we only dreamed of during the Soviet era, accept it as given, regardless of the distortions, he ownership. Ukraine’s first president after the country commented Mr. Kuylkov. Why is there so much pressure explained. The problem is that eventually you accept the regained independence, Leonid Kravchuk, did not impose from politicians and people with money and power? Party world, even with all of its distortions. The future will have a vision on what Ukrainians should be. There was a vague lines direct all kinds of censorship, noted Mr. Kulykov. “In Ukrainian television programs in Ukrainian, Russian, notion of the state imposing national identity through the Soviet era it was only one party, now we have many.” Crimean Tatar and even Hungarian, he said. media. The dominance of Russian programming on Ukrainian Mr. Kulykov noted his neutral stance in his presentation, television, and the fact that even Russian programs are pro- and said his job at ICTV requires his neutrality. But if he (Continued on page 18) No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 17 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24

Now, data shows that in 2010-2011 there there are institutions that promote corrup- as a business; up to 80 percent of stories Columbia... was a shift toward the residual Soviet identi- tion and subvert the formal institutions. were tainted by jeensa, and payment sur- ty. As late as 2012, political talk shows were Interest groups of oligarchic (business) passed advertising revenues. Politicians, (Continued from page 16) very popular in Ukraine. However, infotain- clans seek political power through control both pro-government and those in the After independence, private ownership ment, talent shows (Western formats) and of the media. Oligarchs need close relations opposition, complained that they can’t was slow to grow. Most watched the Russian serials were most popular. to politics to get tax exemptions, preferen- appear on the news unless they bribe jour- Russian channel Ostankino. Alexandr Ukraine’s identity today is in a competi- tial treatment during privatization and nalists. The role of journalists and journal- Tkachenko, a cosmopolitan Ukrainian, tion between the residual Soviet and cosmo- favorable judicial outcomes, she explained. ism has become an industry tainted by cor- introduced the first analytical political politan promoted visions by media. The most popular channels are owned by ruption and fueled by money, Prof. show. Then came a rebirth of Ukraine’s his- The situation described is not isolated to oligarchic clans, Prof. Ryabinska said, and Ryabinska concluded. torical identity, state-owned outlets provid- Ukraine, but the picture across the globe, the state plays a secondary role in the pres- Following the panel, a question and ed their own programs and Western pro- Dr. Dyczok concluded. sure placed on media freedoms. Ministers answer session focused on such topics as grams, including Latin telenovellas, and Anastasiia Grynko, who holds a Ph.D. in and MPs are oligarchs or close allies. media profits, audience literacy and the later more mainstream Western-format journalism and teaches at the National Judiciary, executive and legislative bodies Internet. programming. University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, pre- are manipulated by these same media hold- Dr. Dyczok underscored that media own- By the mid-1990s President Leonid sented “Speechless and Manipulated: How ers. There is rampant harassment of com- ers are interested in profits, not democracy; Kuchma set up the regulatory network and Journalists Interpret Their Role in Ukraine.” petitors in business and media outlets. this is the case not only in Ukraine, but all took control of the broadcast space of Dr. Grynko teaches ethics, which doesn’t A system of carrots and sticks is used by over the world. As for promoting a demo- Ukraine to regulate Russian broadcasting. exist in Ukraine, she noted. It is a compli- the state to control media freedom. cratic agenda through media – problems Russian programming was not banned in cated situation in Ukraine to present in the Authorities use law enforcement personnel are global and part of a larger trend, and Ukraine, but was not on the main three classroom the ideal versus the reality. and tax officials to exert pressure, and there should be viewed comparatively. national channels, and was shifted to Rules do not work in Ukraine, bribery is a failure to protect journalistic rights and Dr. Grynko noted that there is no media and bias are rampant, she added. Media regional channels. There was no single freedoms. literacy among audiences in Ukraine. No transparency is not followed through all its vision of Ukrainian identity from the Among the obstacles to the media, Prof. one asks critical questions about sources of stages. Thirty-five percent of print media authorities. Ryabinska cited the dominance of politi- information; there is no force to promote and 25 percent on the Internet are biased, Serious privatization began under cized ownership. Other conditions that an improvement of the situation. The according to independent studies. At least President Kuchma, through non-transpar- shape the poor condition of the Ukrainian Internet offers a lot of information, but its 73 percent of journalists in Ukraine know ent means, and broadcasts were trans- media market include publishers and pro- quality is questionable. ferred to government-connected friends, about the profession’s code of ethics, but don’t follow it. Informal censorship, as ducers with no media experience, and low Dr. Dyczok added that the Internet has 1+1 and Inter, who present two new differ- advertising budgets that do not promote exposed a lot of news to a global audience. ent visions of what Ukrainians are. opposed to government-sponsored “tem- sustainable media independent of oligarch Ukrainians are not stupid, and audiences will The 1+1 network is owned by three peo- nyky” or “jeensa” (bribed journalism), is in support. respond to political theater, she added. It is ple, two shady Ukrainian businessmen and line with the concerns from the owner or a Westerner, providing hip, modern shows. its business representatives. The four major media groups headed by important to understand that, because of Inter, during the Kuchma era, was owned Under President Viktor Yanukovych, oligarchs pursue an accumulation of politi- media convergence, all of the content is going by the Kyiv business clan, a state-property government news and restrictions of free- cal influence, she noted. And, after Mr. through this one vehicle, and whoever con- fund and Russian television station ORT that dom of speech became more alarming. Yanukovych became president, news chan- trols the Internet controls the information. pushed the residual Soviet identity. Vremya Fifty-five percent of the public believe that nels became homogenized in their pro- Dr. Grynko also made the point that the was its top news program until 2001. political censorship exists in the country. gramming and offered very little dissent, as training of journalists and promotion of The second period of the Kuchma era There is a generation growing up in the owners built political influence. ethical practices via NGOs is not enough – was the worst of both worlds, as the Soviet Ukraine that is using only the Internet for The reorganization of media companies the change has to come from within. legacy merged with a Western cosmopoli- news and entertainment, and to critically and programming was determined by audi- Positive trends will help spur change; how- tan vision, individualism and corruption. comment on these Internet programs. ence measurements. This led to de-politici- ever, it is important to foster these positive Shows like “Who Wants to be a The Orange Revolution put the spotlight zation, tabloidization and infotainment. For incremental steps. Millionaire,” were aired on 1+1, and info- on Ukraine’s media freedoms, and generat- example, the program “Shuster Live,” with Dr. Dyczok summarized the situation: tainment – based on political censorship or ed a lot of hopes, but many dreams were its fistfights and mud-slinging, is a favorite There is a lot going on in the Ukrainian audience interest – dominated program- dashed, Dr. Grynko stated. Focus groups among the political talk shows and demon- media, and it is mostly entertainment. It’s ming, she noted. With technological from Ukraine’s media circles have cited strates the commercialization of this format. all about image. All is fine as long as the advancement, the Internet became a major indirect censorship, varying from gifts and The bribed journalism practice known authorities are not criticized. Most people player on the media scene. Attention to val- bribes to shifting responsibility for unethi- as “jeensa” became popular after the see the media as entertainment, and the ues promoted by people on the “maidan” cal behavior to external forces. Orange Revolution and treated journalism government doesn’t worry about that. led to a mix of cosmopolitan Ukrainian Nataliya Riabynska, a professor at the identity and concern about the freedom of Polish Academy of Sciences in Poland, pre- speech experienced after the Orange sented “Ukrainian Media Between Capture Tkacz and set to music by Julian Kytasty. Revolution. Mr. Yushchenko was the first and Commercialization.” She said the media Concert raises... The set ended with the brisk Kozachok president to impose a Ukrainian vision of in Ukraine is under the influence of political (Continued from page 9) of “Dance 5.” The audience responded by society. He was not effective in his policies and market pressures, as well as the post- giving Mr. Kytasty a long and well-deserved and the regulatory framework still exists. Communist countries of the former Soviet The intricately woven melody of standing ovation. He acknowledged this New political talk shows appeared, and Union. Problems of media freedom are not “Vyklyk” by Mykhailo Teliha came from a grateful outpouring by playing “Esperanca,” there was a shift toward infotainment – real- new for Ukraine, or many of the other post- recording in 1936; it is one of the first com- composed when he was performing at ity and talent shows – and politicians began Communist countries and newer EU mem- positions for the Kharkivska bandura. Next Colonia Esperanca, a Ukrainian farming to use the media for image rehabilitation, bers, she added. played was the sprightly “Natalka’s Polka,” settlement in southern Brazil. Translated with programs like “Dancing with the Stars.” For many of these transitional countries, written by Julian Kytasty for a student at from the Portuguese, the title means the bandura camp in Emlenton, Pa. He fol- “Hope.” In playing this selection, Mr. lowed that with his arrangement of the Kytasty expressed the hope that St. Michael with some suggesting that he may come to Kozak song “Turetskiy Brat,” which tells of Church is soon restored to its former state. Turning... the U.S. to play in its Major League Soccer a woman sold at a Turkish slave market. Even though this benefit event was very league, but he never did. Instead, he The unknowing buyer turns out to be her successful – some $2,300 was raised and (Continued from page 6) announced on July 28, 2012, his intention brother, who had long ago left his home for parishioners’ morale was boosted – St. to join the political arena, but the “Ukraine Ukraine had a chance for a revenge this foreign land. Michael UOC is still in need of funds to – Forward!” political party did not qualify Mr. Kytasty next played his improvisation- rebuild. Donations can be made by clicking match on September 11, 2012, against for seats in Parliament. There continue to al tone poem “Raven Music,” which he com- the “Donate” button in the upper right cor- England at Wembley Stadium as part of the be rumors of him coming out of retirement, posed for the Yara Arts Group work “Raven,” ner of the www.stmichaeluoc.org website World Cup qualifiers for Group H, but the but nothing has been confirmed. and “Flying South,” a love poem by Attila or by mailing them to: St. Michael UOC, 77 score ended tied at 1-1. This year, Ukraine Mohilny that was translated by Virlana Harris Ave., Woonsocket, RI 02895. gets another shot at England on September Source: “Ukraine at Euro 2012: Another 10 in the second leg of their qualifier. near miss and Sheva’s next move,” by Ihor N. There was speculation as to what Sheva Stelmach, The Ukrainian Weekly, July1-8, would do after his retirement from soccer, 2012. Crimea is Sergei Tsekov, who simultane- Russian consul... ously holds regional government positions as chairman of the Permanent Commission (Continued from page 2) TO ALL MEMBERS OF UNA BRANCH 171 on Culture of the Crimean Supreme Tatar protests but on his principles and on Council, deputy of the Crimean Parliament, As of June 1, 2013 the secretary’s duties of Branch 171, were assumed by the disgraceful comments of the Russian and vice-president of the Crimean republi- Foreign Affairs Ministry, which was unsup- can branch of the political party Russian Mr. Steven Woch portive of his position (http://khpg.org/ Unity. In other words, even though Mr. index.php?id=1369433996). Andreev is making his plans to leave, cer- While putting his affairs in order before tain local groups and political actors that We ask all members of this Branch to direct all correspondence regarding share his deep-rooted animosity against membership and insurance to the address listed below: his departure from Crimea, on May 26, Mr. Andreev was awarded the title of the Crimean Tatars still reign in Symferopol. Mr. Steven Woch “Honorary Member of the Russian 69 School Ave. Community of Crimea” (http://lb.ua/ The article above is reprinted from East Hanover, NJ 07936 news/2013/05/26/201573_skandalno- Eurasia Daily Monitor with permission from 201-572-5287 mu_genkonsulu_rf_krimu.html). The chair- its publisher, the Jamestown Foundation, person of the Russian Community of www.jamestown.org. No. 24 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 19

June 20 Conference, “US-UA Working Group Yearly Summit I: July 12 Pub night, Club Dibrova, Ukrainian American Youth Washington Providing Ukraine with an Annual Report Card,” Ellenville, NY Association camp, 845-647-7230 Center for U.S.-Ukrainian Relations, University Club of Washington, 917-476-1221 or [email protected] July 13 Golf tournament, Blackledge Golf Course, Hebron, CT Ukrainian National Home of Hartford, 860-228-0250 or June 21 Shrimp Feast, Baltimore Ukrainian Festival Committee, [email protected] Perry Hall, MD Columbus Gardens Hall, 410-591-7566 or [email protected] July 14-21 Ukrainian Heritage Camp, Organization for the Rebirth June 21-September 1 Summer art exhibit, Ukrainian Institute of America, Lehighton, PA of Ukraine, 570-708-1992 or [email protected] New York 212-288-8660 July 16 Golf tournament, St. Joseph Ukrainian Catholic Church, June 22 Golf tournament, St. Vladimir Ukrainian Orthodox Oakville, ON Piper’s Heath Golf Club, www.golftserkva.ca or Hamilton, ON Cathedral, Chedoke Martin Golf Course, 905-561-3642 [email protected] June 22 Golf tournament, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Ukrainian Welland, ON Catholic Church. Ukrainian Black Sea Hall, Sparrow Lakes July 19-21 Seafood Night Friday, dance on Saturday, Ukrainian Golf Club, 289-434-4250 or [email protected] Ellenville, NY American Youth Association camp, 845-647-7230 June 23 Ukrainian Music Night, Ukrainian Congress Committee of July 24-28 Convention, Ukrainian Orthodox League, St. Vladimir East Meadow, NY America, Harry Chapin Lakeside Theater – Eisenhower Parma, OH Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, Embassy Suites Hotel, Park, 516-557-3003 www.stvladimirs.org

June 25 Golf tournament, Buduchnist Credit Union Foundation, July 26 10th anniversary parish dance and silent auction, featuring Flamborough ON Dragon’s Fire Golf Club, [email protected] Ottawa music by Zirka, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin or 416-763-7027 Ukrainian Orthodox Cathedral, [email protected] June 25 Film screening, “A Kingdom Reborn: Treasures from Ottawa Ukrainian Galicia,” Ukrainian National Federation – July 27 Golf tournament, Ukrainian American Youth Association Ottawa-Gatineau branch, Ukrainian Community Center, Accord, NY camp in Ellenville, Roundout Golf Club, 860-729-5181 613-596-8188 or [email protected] July 27 Genealogy workshop with Mike Buryk, “Uncover Your June 30-July 6 International Ukrainian Soccer Tournament (IUFT), Ellenville, NY Roots in the Lemko Region of Southeast Poland,” Kingston and Ukrainian Sports Federation of the U.S.A. and Canada, Ukrainian American Youth Association camp, Ellenville, NY www.iuft.net [email protected] July 4-6 “Nadiya Ye!” festival, Ukrainian American Youth Ellenville, NY Association camp, www.cym.org/us-ellenville Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events July 6 Golf tournament, Ukrainian Golf Association of Canada, advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Caledon, ON Osprey Valley Resorts Golf Club, 519-927-9034 or from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors www.ospreyvalley.com and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected]. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 16, 2013 No. 24


Friday, July 12-Sunday, July 14 Two well-known choirs will perform in concert: the Dumka Chorus of New York KERHONKSON, N.Y.: The seventh and the male chorus Dzvin of annual Ukrainian Cultural Festival at the Philadelphia. Others who will grace the Soyuzivka Heritage Center promises Soyuzivka stage are bandurist Alla guests more than five concerts over three Kutsevych and singer Ludmyla days, featuring headliner Vika Vasilevych, Hrabovska, appearing as a duo; among a singer/songwriter from Ukraine; violin the young performers appearing will be virtuoso Vasyl Popadiuk and his Papa singer Xenia Kaczurak. In the evenings, Duke Band; the Dunai dancers from there will be dances to the music of the Canada; and the Roma Pryma popular Hrim band. For information log Bohachevsky Ukrainian Dance Workshop. on to www.soyuzivka.com.

PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. Items should be no more than 100 words long; longer submissions are subject to editing. Items not written in Preview format or submitted without all required information will not be published. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of publication. No information will be taken over the phone. Items will be published only once, unless otherwise indicated. Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in which the item is to be published. Also, senders are asked to include the phone number of a person who may be contacted by The Weekly during daytime hours, as well as their complete mailing address. Information should be sent to: [email protected] or Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054; fax, 973-644- 9510. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the text into the body of the e-mail message.

Check out the websites of the UNA, its newspapers and Soyuzivka! l www.ukrainiannationalassociation.org l l www.svoboda-news.com l www.ukrweekly.com l l www.soyuzivka.com l

Tennis Camp Tabir Ptashat June 23-July 4 Session 1: June 23-29 2013 Summer Camp Kicks off the summer with 12 Session 2: June 30-July 6 days of intensive tennis instruction and competitive play, for boys and Ukrainian Plast tabir (camp) for children Information girls age 10-18. Attendance will be age 4-6 accompanied by their parents. Registration forms will also be appearing limited to 45 students. Room, board, in the Svoboda and The Ukrainian Weekly 24-hour supervision, expert lessons in March and April. For further information, and loads of fun are included. Camp please contact Neonila Sochan is under the direction of George at 973-984-7456. Sawchak.

Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Ukrainian Heritage Ukrainian Dance Academy Day Camp Workshop Session 1: July 14-19 June 30- July 13 Session 2: July 21-26 Vigorous 2-week dance training A returning favorite, in the form of a day for more intermediate and advanced camp. Children age 4-7 will be exposed to dancers age 16 and up under the Ukrainian heritage through daily activities direction of the Roma Pryma Boha- such as dance, song, crafts and games. chev sky Ukrainian Dance Children will walk away with an expanded Foundation, culminating with perfor- knowledge of Ukrainian folk culture and mances on stage during the language, as well as new and lasting Ukrainian Cultural Festival weekend. friendships with other children of Ukrainian Additional information http://www. heritage. Price includes kid’s lunch and syzokryli.com/ T-shirt and, unless noted, is based on in- house occupancy of parent/guardian. Discovery Camp July 14-20 Chornomorska Sitch Sports School Roma Pryma Bohachevsky Calling all nature lovers age 8-15 Session 1: July 21-27 • Session 2: July 28-August 3 Ukrainian Dance Camp for this sleep-over program filled with 44th annual sports camp run by the Ukrainian Athletic-Educational Association Session 1: July 21-August 3 outdoor crafts, hiking, swimming, Chornomorska Sitch for children ages 6-17. This camp will focus on soccer, tennis, volleyball organized sports and games, bon- and swimming, and is perfect for any sports enthusiast. Registration can be completed on- Session 2: August 4-August 17 fires, songs and much more. Room, line by clicking on the link found at Soyuzivka’s camp website - http://soyuzivka.com/Camps. Directed by Ania Bohachevsky-Lonkevych board, 24-hour supervision and a Requests for additional information and your questions or concerns should be emailed to (daughter of Roma Pryma Bohachevsky), this lifetime of memories are included. [email protected], or contact Roman Hirniak at (908) 625-3714. camp is for aspiring dancers age 8 -16, offering expert instruction for beginning, intermediate and advanced students. Room, board, 24-hour For applications or more info please call Soyuzivka, 845-626-5641, supervision, expert lessons and plenty of fun are included. Each camp ends with a grand recital. or check our website at www.soyuzivka.com Attendance will be limited to 60 students.