February 3rd, 2020 Thank you for choosing Dynasty Marine!

Please continue to direct all correspondence to [email protected].

Best Regards, Ben, Frank , Bucky and the Dynasty Team 10602 7TH Avenue Gulf Marathon, FL 33050 USA Ph# 305.743.2247 Fax# 305.743.9063 Email: [email protected] URL: www.dynastymarine.net Sennet 1 Barracuda (15-24") VERY COOL BASSES 10 Royal Gramma 1 Common Octopus, Octopus vulgaris Spotcheek 3 Harlequin Tobacco 1 Torpedo Ray, Torpedo andersoni Chalk 1 Lantern 4 Spotted Soapfish 15 Black Clingfish, Arcos rubiginosus Sand Perch Belted Sandfish 6 CAPTIVE BORN Bonnet head pups, Sphyrna tiburo Greater Soapfish 12 Blackcap Orangeback SEA OF CORTEZ Swissguard 12 Creole 1 JUMBO (12"+) Passer Angel, Passer Angel, BLENNIES Holocanthus passer Molly Miller 2 Saddled 1 Eyelash Spineyhead 1 Rosey IN STOCK DESCRIPTION PRICE # 1 Rhino Teleost & Elasmobranch 1 Triplefin ANGELFISH 2 Scorpion 4 Pygmy 1 Redlip 5 Sm - Rock Beauty Salifin 12 Md - Rock Beauty Pike 1 Sm - Black BOXFISHES 1 Md - Black S/M Green Trunkfish 2 Lg - Black Scrawled Cowfish Sm - Blue Honeycomb Cowfish Md - Blue BUTTERFLIES 3 Lg - Blue 8 Foureye 1 Sm - French 4 Reef Md - French 2 Spotfin Lg - French Banded 1 Sm - Queen Longnose 3 Md - Queen 4 Lg - Queen CARDINAL FISH GOBIES (cont'd) Flame Cardinal Saddle Stargazer Barred Cardinal 5 Peppermint Two-Spot Cardinal Sharknose Asst. Cardinals 5 Yellowline DAMSELFISH Orange Spotted 4 Bicolor White-Eye 4 Beaugregory Banner 2 Cocoa Seminole Dusky/Scarletback Blue 1 Orange/Threespot Spottfin 15 Green Chromis GOATFISH 35 Blue Chromis Spotted Goatfish 6 Jewel Yellow Purple (Season is open from May to December) 25 Sunshine 1 Graysby Lightning Rockhind 1 S/M Sgt Major Redhind 10 M/L Sgt Major Coney DRUMS Lg Red (20" +) 25 High-Hat Black (24" +) Jack Knife Fish GRUNTS Md/Lg Spotted Drum White EELS 45 Cottonwick Chainlink 15 French 1 Viper Moray 15 Smallmouth 1 Goldentail 12 Tomtate 2 Purplemouth 20 Bluestripe Spotted Moray Caesar Garden Eel 5 Sm - Porkfish (1.5-3") Garden Eel, 12 lot 40 M & L - Porkfish (3-8") Sm Green Moray Striped Grunt Md Green Moray Sailor's Choice 1 Lg Green Moray Sm/Md Spanish Lg Spanish Slender Black Margate Fringed HAMLETS Orange Spotted 2 Butter Planehead 1 Barred Unicorn 1 Blue 1 Orange 1 Black Scrawled Copper White Spotted 1 Indigo GOBIES Yellowtail 25 Masked Shy Crested Mutton Hamlet Bridled HOGFISH Tiger 2 S/M - Neon 2 M/L - Spanish Hogfish 1 Goldspot S/M - Cuban Hogfish 1 Rusty M/L - Cuban Hogfish Dash Rooster Hogfish JACKS SEAHORSES/PIPEFISH Atlantic Bumper 4 Asst. Pipefish 12 Pygmy Seahorse 1 Jack Crevalle Giant Seahorse Blue Runner - For full list, please refer to 2021 price list 50 Lookdown - Quarantined 6 Bonnethead pup 8 Bonnethead 1 Horse-Eye Jack Blacknose JAWFISH SNAPPERS 6 Pearly Yellowheaded Grey Dusky 1 Lane Yellowheaded Yellowtail Banded 1 Vermillion 1 Mottled Schoolmaster PARROTFISH Mahogany 6 Asst. Juveniles Mutton Bucktooth SQUIRRELFISH & SOLDIER FISH 1 Md - Striped 6 Dusky 1 Lg - Striped 10 Reef Md - Princess 8 Longspine 1 Lg - Princess Longjaw 2 Redband S/M - Blackbar 2 Redtail M/L - Blackbar 2 Md- Rainbow Glasseye Snapper 3 Lg - Rainbow STING RAYS & GUITARFISH 2 Md - Stoplight 5 Yellow 1 Lg - F Stoplight Cownose (Captive born) Md - Queen Cownose - Quarantined Lg - Queen Atlantic - Quarantined Md - Blue S Southern (Captive born 1 Lg - Blue Southern (12-18") Md - Midnight Guitarfish pups (Captive) Lg - Midnight 2 Guitarfish PUFFERFISH SURGEONFISH 2 Sharpnose 2 S - Doctorfish (1.5-3") Bandtail 5 M & L - Doctorfish (3-8") 5 Striped Burrfish 2 S - Surgeon (1.5-3") S/M - Balloonfish 8 M & L - Ocean Surgeon (3-8") 2 M/L - Balloonfish 10 S - Blue Tang (1.5-3") Checkered 12 M & L - Blue Tang (3-8") Web Burrfish TRIGGERFISH Bridled Burrfish Grey Trigger Lg - Porcupine Trigger XL - Porcupine M/L - Black Durgeon Lg - Spotted Burrfish Queen Trigger XL - Spotted Burrfish SCORPION FISH 10 Asst. Juveniles 1 Reef Scorpionfish 6 Bluehead S/M - Lionfish 2 Clown 2 M/L - Lionfish 2 Slippery Dick 4 XL - Lionfish 6 Yellowhead 1 Spotted Scorpion 1 Green Razor WRASSE (cont'd) SEA OF CORTEZ Blackear Giant Damsel 1 Rainbow Longnose Hawk S/M - Creole 4 Paddlefin Wrasse M/L - Creole 2 Razor Surgeonfish Lightning 1 Mexican Hogfish 2 S/M - Puddingwife 2 Barber Butterfly XL - Puddingwife 2 Goldspot Moray MISCELLANEOUS FISH 1 Zebra Moray Redspotted Hawk Sm - Cortez 5 Glassy Sweeper 2 Md - Cortez 50 Spadefish 2 Lg - Cortez Md - Gulf Toadfish 3 Sm - Passer Lg - Gulf Toadfish 5 Md - Passer Chub 1 Lg - Passer Needle Fish 1 Black Puffer 20 White Mullet Gold Puffer Sand Tilefish INVERTEBRATES Sea Robin ANEMONES Polka-dot Batfish 5 Curlique Anemone Trumpetfish 20 Rock Anemone 1 Asst. Porgies Condy Anemone Saucereye Porgies Carpet Anemone S/M - Flounder CORALLIMORPHS/ZOANTHIDS M/L - Flounder 5 Orange Ricordea Flying Gunard 12 Blue Ricordea SPECIALTY SPECIES 20 Green Ricordea DEEPWATER COLLECTIONS 5 Warty Corallimorph Tattler Bass Mushroom Corallimorph Wrasse Bass Cup Corallimorph 2 Cave Bass Sun Zoanthoid 4 Candy Bass 3 Seamat Clump 2 Bluntnose Basslet CRABS Bank Butterfly 500 Blue-Leg Hermit 2 S Red Barbier 50 Scarlet Reef Hermit 2 Bicolor Basslet 100 Red-Leg Hermit 3 Banded Basslet 100 Emerald 2 Martinique Bass Fiddler 3 Spanish Flag Sally Light Foot 1 French Butterfly 10 Porcelain SCHOOLING FISH () 5 Arrow False Pilchard 3 Decorator Arrow Pilchard, 100 Lot 8 Decorator Sponge Pilchard, 500 Lot 12 Calico Pilchard, 1000 Lot 4 Spider Threadfin Herring 5 Sm - Hermit Threadfin Herring, 100 lo 5 Md - Hermit Threadfin Herring, 500 lo L - Hermit Round Scad XL - Hermit Round Scad, 100 Lot 50 Sm - Horseshoe Round Scad, 500 Lot Md - Horseshoe Goggle Eye 4 Lg/XL - Horseshoe GORGONIANS SNAILS (cont'd) 6 Spiny Sea Rod Tulip Snail 6 Knobby Sea Rod Cowrie 6 Slitpore Sea Rod Thorny Oyster 6 Purple Sea Plume 1 Sm - Horse Conch 6 Purple Candelabra 1 Md - Horse Conch 6 Corky Sea Finger Lg - Horse Conch 6 Purple Sea Whip XL - Horse Conch 6 Yellow Sea Whip Triton's Trumpet 25 Yellow Sea Rod 1 Milk Conch 25 Red Sea Rod Whelk Conch LOBSTER 1 Lion Paw Scallop 3 Spanish SPONGES 6 Slipper 2 Red Clump 2 Spiny 2 Yellow Ball 1 XL (3 lb. +) Spiny 8 Red Tree MARINE PLANTS/ STARFISH 12 Shaving Brush 20 12 Halimeda 20 Serpent Star 20 Mangrove Pods 5 Common Star 1-2 Lbs Caulerpa Basket Star 5 Lbs Caulerpa Bahama Star OCTOPUS URCHINS Pygmy Octopus 20 Rock Urchin 1 Caribbean Reef Octopus 20 Pin Cushion Urchin Two spot Octopus 20 Pencil Urchin 1 Common Octopus MISCELLANEOUS INVERTS 500 Plant Live Rock (Per lb.) 25 Sand-Sifting Brown Coralline Live Rock 50 Peppermint 10 Lettuce Nudibranch 6 Pistol Spotted Sea Hare 1 Banded 10 Sand Dollar 1 Gold Banded 2 Sea Biscuit Squat 50 Cassiopea Jellyfish Bumblebee 20 Sea Cucumber Two-Claw Feather Duster 4 Spotted Anemone Deepsea Isopod 8 Pederson Anemone Size Specifications Many species are grouped into sizes, so that we are better able to collect Scarlet Cleaner specifically what you need. Although there are a few exceptions, typical sizes Red Lima are as follows: SM/MD- approx. 1.5"-5" MD/LG - approx 5-8" XL - approx. 8- Mantis 10" XXL - approx. 10"+. These size ranges reflect, approximately, juvenile (SM/MD) through sub-adult and adult (MD/LG) maturation phases. SNAILS Guarantee of Live Arrival 500 Cerith Snail DMA does guarantee live arrival on all species except for : Bonnethead pups, Yellow Rays & Octopus. The wave of guarantee on the above species Cerith, 100 Lot reflects consistent sensitivities in shipping. All claims must be made within 300 Nassarius Snail 24 hours of receipt of shipment. Shipping Costs Nassarius , 100 Lot 500 Turbo Snail Turbo Snail, 100 Lot Flame Scallop 20 Apple Murex Flamingo Tongue Fighting Conch