Panchayat Department

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Panchayat Department ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF THE PANCHAYAT DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR 1977-78 The G-overnmeno t of Kerala 1979 X.OCAL ADMINISTJ^ATION AND SOCIAL WELFARE (J ) DEPARTMENT G.O. MS. 1I1/79/LA & SWD-, dated, Tnvandrum, llthjune 1979. Abstract.—Administration Report of the Panchayat Department for the year 1977-78—Reviewed. Read.—tetter No. B5/20942/78, dated 8th February 1979 from the Director of Panchayats. ORDER 1. Recorded. 2.'' set up.—Sri M. Subbayyan continued to be the Director of Fanchayats during the year imder review. Sri K. Gopi- natha Mcnon continued as joint Director of Panchayats. Sri A. K. Thomas, Deputy Director of Panchayats, Quilon who was Jpromoted and appointed as Special Officsr in the cadre of Joint Director of Panchayats for Panchayat General Elections, in the Directorate assumed charge on 3i-d October 1977 and continued as Special Officer. 3. Receipts and Expenditure.—The total receipts of the Department under various items of receipts such as recoveries of Election expenses from Panchayats, Publication of Panchayat Raj Journal, taxes on incomcj profession, tr?des and entertainment ajid vital statistics, etc., were Rs. 3,28,099-14. The expenditure towards Administration, Publication •''•^chayat Raj Journal, implementation of P.P. Scheme to panchayat e?, grants given lo Panchayats, Registration of vital statistics, •ked out to Rs. 2,56,21,551. Grouping of r —As at the end of the financial year, lere were 99;. pj-nciiayats in the State, grouped into 3 grades Grade Panchayats. 464 I Grade Panchayats, 312 II ayats and 42 III Grade Panchayats). nisation of Panchayats.—During the year under review no ' 7^ conducted. Election of presIdents/Vice presidents -d, in 23 panchayats. During ciie year no-confidence ii motion was passed against tlie president, Kottangal panchayat in AUeppey District. Two preiidents resigned under section 30 of Kerala Pancjia)..'!t Act, i960. 16 Patichi}ats ivere dissolved/superseded. One panchayat functioned under administrative commictee during the year under report. Two pan<hayats changed their Headquarters. 6. Revenue of Pamhiyats.—Total revenue of panchayats (excluding grants) during the year 1977-78 came to Rs. 12 08,28,-;3^-9'i as against Rs. 11,18,06,790 62 during the previous year. On behalf of Government the panchayats collected Rs. 15,32,US'72 by way of 8urchar>;c on profession tax, Addition?,l tax on entertainment tax an^l .ihow tax. The Panchayats had collected 935 ]>cr cent of the dcinand. 7. Gavanmtnl Grants.—An iimount of Rs. S,14,86,850-\7 had bren given as gi'ant and an amount ol Rs. 5,97,850*00 as loim to the various panchayats during the year under review. G. Activities of the Panchayats.—Timing the year under review 20 panchayats constructed new office building. 795 bridges, 926 cu'.vciis, 393 tanks, 649 wcUs, \li market places, 76-urinal-cum-latrine3j 21 bus stands, -t7 caiiJe pounds and 1285 otlter items of co.'istruction works were undertaken by the panchayats during the year. Maintenance of 2'-i7l.364 kms. of black ib,oped/metalled roads, lt^72.553 kms. of gravelled and 43695.340 kms. of carthern roads was attended to hy the panchayats. 14345 wells, 758 piped ^\-ater supply schemes owned by P.H.E, Department and 174 pipid water supply schemes owned by panchayats Were m;'.hiiained by panc'iayals to pio\'ide good drinking water iii panchayat areas. Saniiary arrangements like scavenging, street cleafl^ ing destruction of str?.y dogs, maintenance of burning and burial grounds and prevention of fo^d adulteration were some of the important 'lem'^ to which the pancha>ats bestowed thci'r attention. 9. Street U^htin^.—The panchayats provided street lights in public places/roads. *<!04371 electric lights, 108 petromax or other lights and ? ?/)5 kerosene h'yiiC'i were m?m(ained by the panchayats. 10. Social aivl Cultural Aclit^ities.—The panchayats promoted social and cviUur?,l activities of voluntary organizations such as Sports cl<'^^' Art clubs, Athletic clubs p.nd PhysiCt'-f iTducatton centres in pau 114 par'.;;;, 35 gardens and 163 r^creaijon club) were maintl the p?nchayats. Further, the pr.nchayats celebrated day; iiijj import?,ncc r.lso, 11. Education.—Thtrt were 15 High Schools, 27 t'. Schools, 66 L P. S>-hooIs and 51 Nursery Schools, under ' vacnt ot Panchiyats during the 3-ear under report. S2. Community Listening Centr-s.—^During the year d 6188 listening set;, ai-.d 804 Radio Kiosks were under opel panchayats. iii i 13. Plan Schemes.—As in the previous ye?.r there were ihree plan Schemes implemented by the dep^rtrrent during the year under report also, namely loans to pancht'.yats for creation of remunerative commun'ty assets, publication of Panchayat Raj/Journal and Training Institute for Local Administration. 14. Rfgisiration of BiUhs and Deaths and Marriages.—The D.P. continued to be the Chief Registrar of Births ?.nd Deaths and the Deputy Chief Registrar continued to assist the Director of Panchayats, The District Panchayat OiHcers continued as District Registrars. There were 1082 Registration units in the stats during the year under review. Various measures were taken throughout the State to make the public aware of the importance of registration of vital events. 15. Administrative Vigilance.—The Joint Director of Panchayats, Directorate of Panchayats continued as Vigila.nce Officer during the period under review. 252 AdmiidstratLve Vigilance cases were registered in the department during 1977-78. Of these 47 cases were dropped after preliminary enquiry and 36 persons were awarded various punishments. 169 cases were pending; di.-posal as on 1st April 1978. 16. Publication.—Panctiayat Raj Journal is a departmental monthly publication. IMOOO copies of the journal were printed and published during the year. 17. Audit.—The Examiner of Local Fund Accounts continued to function as the auditor of the accounts of the panchayats. 18. General.—There was considerable progress in the general standard of the working of the panchayats. The Director of Panchayats and the Departmental Officers rendered maximum assistance, co­ operation and guidance to the panchayats for their efficient and proper functioning. The relation between the panchayats and the Department was quite cordial. (By order of the Governor) S. KRISHNA KUMAR, Secretary to Government. ADMINISTRATION REPORT OF THE PANCHA* DEPARTMENT FOR THE YEAR 1977-78 INTRODUCTION The year under ccport started with the iatroductlon. of the Common service to the Panchayat employees in the State. TJie employees of Panchayats in the State were clamouring for the consti­ tution of common service for the last 20 years. Common service to panchayat employees for each district was consiiiuied with effect from 1st April 1977 as per G.O. Ms. 84/77/L.A. and S.W.D., dated 23rd March 1977. 2. Tlie ba'iic tax grant under section 67 of the Kerala Panchayat Act, 1960 came into force with effect from Jst January 1978. According to this the Government shall pay annually to each Panchayat in the State a grant, which shall be equal as near aa may be to three-fourth of the amount of basic tax collected hy the Government in last pre­ ceding year from that Panchayat area. The balance amount will be paid in such proportion as may be fixed by the Government having rega'd to the area, population, available resources and the needs of development of the Panchayats and the cost of tlie Panchayat administration. 3. The activities of the Panchayats in the State in the various fieldi especially in the sphere of Public Health, Agriculture, Family Welfare Scheme, Social Welfare and the National Savings Programme were commandable. The various development activities of the Pancliayats received recognition from all quarters. The Panchayat could construct 88 Rural Dispensary buildings during the period under report. 4. The commendable performance of the Panchayat and tlieir dedicated service to the rural masses contribute much for the pro­ gress of our country. The panchayats engaged in the task of giving a new orientation to development programmes. 5. At the beginning of the year under repon there were 993 Panchayats in the State. ;the effective follow up work of the department the total re\' luic of Panchayats excluding grants during the report year came to Rs. !2,08,28,232-95 while in the previous year it was only Rs. 11,18,06,790-62. Thus there was a remarkable increase of Rs. 90,21,442-33 in 1977-78. The average income of the Panchayat was Rs. 1,21,925-56 as against Rs. 1,14,909-34 . in the previous year. 2 .i. 6. ^ (^'ut otthe 994 Pancli;?Vats, 68B Panchayats could collect 100 per cent of the demand diiring the year. Thus 69 per cent of the Panchayats could achieve 100 per cent collection. This is a good record when it is compared to other States in India. Out of the total demand of Rs. I4,34,.52,455-68, the Panchayats in the State could collect Rs. 13,41,78,028-96. Thus the Panchayats in the State had collected 93-.5 per cent of the demand. 7. The Panchayats spent a total amount of Rs. 3,19,51,668-.'i2 on public works diu-ing the year 1977-78. The Panchayats had to incur huge amount for street lighting. They had spent Rs. 1,03,29,506-27 for burning 204,371 electric lights and other hghfs during 1977-78. 8. Consequent on the implementation of the registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969 and rules framed thereunder registration of Births and Deaths has beconie one of the main function of Local bodies- The public were made aware of the importance of the regi­ stration of Births and Deaths 376,0^0 Nos.
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