02/12/2019 Gmail - District Governor’s Monday Message – 02 December 2019

Rotary Jaco Stander

District Governor’s Monday Message – 02 December 2019

Jaco Stander Mon, Dec 2, 2019 at 7:29 AM Reply-To: Jaco Stander To: Jaco Stander

Dear Fellow Rotarians

Last week we spend an amazing week visiting our South Coast Rotary Clubs. We were hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Hibiscus Coast, , Shelly Beach, Port Shepstone and . These clubs did a great job of showing us their projects, hosting us with great fellowship and allowing us to experience what the South Coast is all about. Thank you to all the presidents, members and AGs that made our week special and memorable. Over the weekend we were able to visit four projects with our clubs. We started with Scottburgh’s Coffee Den on Saturday morning followed by Art in the Shade in Mtunzini. Sunday we joined the Rotary Club of Clairwood Park at Greyville Race Course for their fundraiser for The Rotary Foundation and participated in the car draw with the Rotary Club of Chatsworth. Our clubs are vibrant and doing amazing work in raising funds for their community projects and our Foundation.

Last month we focused on The Rotary Foundation and again I would like to thank every club and individual that donated to The Rotary Foundation. This is our charity of choice to do amazing work in our communities in the six areas of focus. This week the world is celebrating “Giving Tuesday” on the 3rd of December. Let’s take this opportunity to donate to our charity of choice – log on to Rotary Club Central and donate to our Rotary Foundation.

December is Disease Prevention and Treatment Month. We started this with World Aids Day on December the 1st and thank all our clubs that are participating in projects that assist their communities in improving their health. Be this through participation in our Rotary Family Heath Days or any other projects that focus on improving the health of our people. While driving and listening to our Ted Talks, we listened to Dr Dixon Chibanda, one of 12 psychiatrists in Zimbabwe, on how he trained grandmothers to assist in treating depression in the communities. https://www.ted. com/talks/dixon_chibanda_why_i_train_grandmothers_to_treat_depression?language=en We found this an amazing strategy that could assist so many people in that are far from professional help in a time of need.

This week we continue with our visits to clubs in the area and look forward to seeing their projects and share fellowship with the members. Many of our clubs are preparing for the festive season recess with year-end functions. Enjoy this time of celebration knowing that we are doing good in the world. At the end of this week’s club visits, Lisa and I will take a break from club visits and spend time with our family. Thank you again to all the clubs and members that have made this year a memorable time as District Governor.

Our Discon is getting closer and we still have a few cabins available. Please book as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. We are going to celebrate a year of connections and make even more connections while sharing fellowship on the MSC Orchestra. Please book your cabin with Arlene Jacobs by emailing her at [email protected]

In closing, I would like to again remind our clubs to select their club president for 2020-2021 and update Club Runner with this detail.

Yours in Rotary

Jaco Stander Rotary Club of Klerksdorp District Governor D9370 2019-2020 +27 83 379 6977 [email protected]

“Together, we see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.”

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