IN USA TODAY: Puerto Rico’s health system ‘on life support’ C1 Sumter Opera House exhibit opens today Public invited to reception SERVING SOUTH CAROLINA SINCE OCTOBER 15, 1894 celebrating local treasure A2 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2017 75 CENTS Want to be superintendent? Teambuilder, visionary among characteristics school board seeks BY BRUCE MILLS Daryl McGhaney discussed the Directly after the work ses- Ghaney did later share the the individual should have an
[email protected] various qualifications and per- sion began at 5 p.m., the board consensus qualifications and expectation of excellence in sonal characteris- went into executive session be- characteristics that all board the school district. Sumter School District’s tics that all the hind closed doors for more members agreed upon. As far as personal charac- Board of Trustees is looking trustees agreed than two hours to allow each Those qualifications include teristics, board members for a teambuilder and vision- were important trustee to share those charac- an earned doctorate degree agreed they’re looking for a ary in its next superintendent, in the upcoming teristics that he/she believes preferred, but not mandatory; teambuilder, visionary and a and someone preferably with search for a new, are critical in the next district and superintendent experience proven leader, McGhaney an earned doctorate degree full-time superin- superintendent. preferred, but not mandatory. said. Other characteristics de- and previous superintendent MCGHANEY tendent following After the board returned to McGhaney said the trustees sired by the trustees include experience, among other cri- a work session open session about 7:20 p.m., also agreed school district-lev- teria.