Sturbridge 7-27-07
Mailed free to requesting homes in Sturbridge, Brimfield, Holland and Wales Vol. 3, No. 26 COMPLIMENTARY HOME DELIVERY ONLINE: WWW.STURBRIDGEVILLAGER.NET ‘To know a truth well, one must have fought it out.’ Friday, June 26, 2009 Recalculating Burgess cost STATE BUDGET COMPLICATES REIMBURSEMENT BY CHRISTOPHER TANGUAY submittal to MSBA,” Blanchard VILLAGER STAFF WRITER explained. STURBRIDGE — Previous cost While the physical features of the estimates have gone out the window proposed renovation/construction on the Burgess Elementary School plan have been determined, the building project. final schematic design and cost esti- At a public information session mate are not yet complete. last week, hosted by the Building Once the schematic is complete, it Committee, Vice Chairman, and for- will be submitted to MSBA for a mer Sturbridge Selectmen, Charles project funding offer, in which a cer- Blanchard explained that with tain percentage of cost reimburse- unrest among lawmakers in finaliz- ment will be offered by the state. ing the Massachusetts budget, Previous figures that were tossed comes uncertainty from the around, speculated the reimburse- Massachusetts School Building ment may be as high as 51 percent, Association (MSBA). but Blanchard cautioned that peo- “All the information were getting together now … is getting ready for Turn To SCHOOL, page A9 Charles Blanchard Gus Steeves photos Above, during the team lap, one participant marches as a ribbon representing cancer survival in general and gastrointestinal, pancreatic, testicular and thy- Police roid cancer specifically. Below, Honorary Survivor Robert Briere of Sturbridge doesn’t let the muddy conditions stop him. rifle program Slightly soggy suspended Relay shines CANCER FUNDRAISER NETS $176K NEED DEFENDED AS PATRICK BY GUS STEEVES $230,000, but she was pretty NEWS STAFF WRITER happy with the total, given the ORDERS REVIEW SOUTHBRIDGE — Despite a economy.
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