13 Spring Creek
Marlboroughtown Marshlands Rapaura Ravenscliff Spring Creek Tuamarina Waikakaho Wairau Bar Wairau Pa Marlboroughtown (1878- 1923) Spring Creek (1923-) Pre 1878 1873 4th June 1873 Marlborough Provincial Council meeting included: This morning petitions were presented by Mr Dodson in favour of a vote for. Marlboroughtown School; from 15 ratepayers, against the annexation of a portion of the County of Wairau to the Borough of Blenheim another vote of £100 for a Library and Public Room in Havelock was carried. Mr Dodson moved for a vote of £50 for the School in Marlboroughtown, but a vigorous discussion arose upon it regarding Educational finance, in which Mr Seymour announced that Government would not consent to the various items for school buildings, and upon the particular subject being put to the vote it was lost. 11th June 1873 The following petition, signed by fourteen persons, was presented .to the Provincial Council by Mr George Dodson; To his Honor the Superintendent and Provincial Council of Marlborough, in Council assembled We, the undersigned residents of Spring Creek and Marlboroughtown, do humbly beg that your Honorable Council will take into consideration this our humble petition. That we have for some years felt the necessity of establishing a school in our district, and having done so we now find a great difficulty in providing the necessary funds for its maintenance, and we do humbly pray that your Honorable Council will grant such assistance as will enable us to carry on the school successfully, as without your assistance the school must lapse, We have a Teacher engaged at a salary of Fifty (50) Pounds per annum, and since the commencement of the school the attendance has been steadily increasing showing at the present time a daily average of twenty (20) children.
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