Dragon Naturallyspeaking for Dummies, 3Rd Edition
Index dictating into other, 107–119 • A • Full Text Control, 115–116 accent, 28 knowing capabilities you have in, 112–113 accessibility, 13 listing all, 222–223 accuracy NaturallySpeaking in Different, 109–110 how this book is organized, 5 starting, 220–222 improvement, 33–34 switching between, 226–227 NaturallySpeaking, 9 troubleshooting, 318 troubleshooting, 319 application-specifi c commands, 284 version 12 enhancements, 14 appointment, Outlook, 170–171 Accuracy Center. See also training Ask the Dictator (Hill), 311–312 adjusting acoustics, 260–263 Asterisk command, 61 fi nding commands, 263–266 At Sign command, 60 personalizing vocabulary, 248–259 Audacity sound editor, 194–196 sections, 247–248 audio input setting options and formatting, 259–260 ensuring quiet environment, 273–274 training commands, 263–266 troubleshooting, 267–273 acoustics, adjusting in Accuracy Center Audio menu (DragonBar), 39 by checking microphone, 261 Audio Setup Wizard launching accuracy tuning, 262–263 mistake, 333 methods, 261 troubleshooting audio input, 268–269 text, reading to train your voice, 263 when to use, 48–49 acronym, 71 Audio tool, 49–50 activating NaturallySpeaking, 25 auto-formatting Add command, 135 setting options and formatting, 259–260 Address box, 184 version 12 enhancements, 14 address, e-mail, 166 automatic spaces, 64–65 Adobe Reader, 197–198 automatic spell checking, 327 aliases, 253 AutoRun feature (Windows), 22 alignment, 88–90 All Cap command, 62 • B • All Cap That command,COPYRIGHTED 62 MATERIAL Ampersand command, 60 background
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