Abbott, Mrs., 197 Abernethy, Thomas P., the South in the New Nation, 1789-1819, Rev., 353~355 Abington, Pa., 127, 131 Abington M
INDEX Abbott, Mrs., 197 Alman, Miriam, A Guide to Manuscripts Re- Abernethy, Thomas P., The South in the New lating to America in Great Britain and Nation, 1789-1819, rev., 353~355 Ireland, ed. by Crick and Alman, rev., Abington, Pa., 127, 131 507-508 Abington Monthly Meeting, 127, 128 Alverthorpe, countryseat, 70-71, 181, 183, Academy of Fine Arts. See Pennsylvania 192-193, 194, 342 Academy of the Fine Arts Ambler, Mary, 33m Academy of Music, Phila.: described, 344, Ambler, Pa., 127, 331 n 345, 348; opening of, 342; operas at (1857), Amelia Sophia Eleanora, Princess, 430 344, 345; scenery in, 345, 347~348 America: John Dickinson on, 274-275; the Academy of Philadelphia. See under Univer- "invention" of, rev., 91-92 sity of Pennsylvania American Ethnographical Survey, 301, 30 m "An Account of Goods at Pennsbury Manor, American-German Review, 314 1687," by Hubertis M. Cummings, 397-416 American Historical Association, 307 Achillesy steam collier, 173, 177 The American Musical Stage Before 1800, by Act of Settlement, 420 Mates, rev., 488-489 Adair, Douglass, Peter Oliver's Origin & American Philosophical Society, 132, 47in; Progress of the American Rebellion: A Tory catalogue of portraits in, rev., 109-110; View, ed. by Adair and Schutz, rev., coal displayed by, 161 216-218 American Railroads, by Stover, rev., 106 Adams, John, 132, 241 American Red Cross, 312 Adams, John Quincy, 42; funeral procession, American Revolution: John Dickinson and, in Phila., 75 243; Hope Lodge during, 116, 133-136; Adams, Peter, 130 intelligence service, 134, 136; lawyers and, Adams, Samuel, 241 241-242; the Negro in, rev., 487-488; Admiralty courts, and Stamp Act enforce- Peter Oliver's account of, rev., 216-218; ment, 36n, 39 Pa.
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